VK and Telegram.org: Make the 'Go up' clickable area narrower JS - Makes the clickable area of the 'Go up' feature on the left side of pages on VK and Telegram.org narrower (fitting the width of the highlighted section) rather than covering the entire left half of the page. It can be very annoying when you accidentally click anywhere to the left of page content and are suddenly taken to the top of the page.
Prnt.sc: Add 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons JS - Adds 'Next screenshot' and 'Previous screenshot' buttons to screenshots uploaded to https://prnt.sc/ (Lightshot) so the user can cycle through the screenshots uploaded to the website.
Stack Overflow: Dark theme fixes JS - Includes some temporary fixes for some bugs in the beta Stack Overflow dark theme (found in https://stackoverflow.com/users/preferences/), before they get fixed. Suggest new fixes if you find them; I might add them.
Reverso Context: Remove blur from bottom results JS - Removes the blur and registration notice from the bottom results on context.reverso.net. Note: it does not give access to more results than are on the page.