Eza's Pixiv Fixiv

Loads all manga pages at once in a simplified vertical layout

< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα Eza's Pixiv Fixiv

Αναφορά: Καλός - ο κώδικας λειτουργεί

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 01/11/2024

Hi, I'd like to suggest added features to Eza's Pixiv Fixiv 2.12

* added 3 buttons on the top of the page - Go to pixiv (homepage), go to artist page, go to illustration (to the illustration page with the #&dnr addition to observe tags, recommended etc.) without being redirected to the script full view. Like the asked for Restore button.
* Added name of the artist currently viewing to the right of the new top buttons
* increased thumbnail size
* Fixed thumbnail link offset for chromium based viewers (required +1 on chromium, no changes on firefox)

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