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Παράκαμψη όλων των τοποθεσιών σύντομων συνδέσμων Παρακάμπτει αυτόματα τα ενοχλητικά προγράμματα συντόμευσης συνδέσμων, απευθείας στον προορισμό σας
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i don't understand how the site works , i test it just got alert Timer Paused
When you click view a new window open. Don't close that window until the timer on the first tab reached 0.
i do , but timer not running
In the first tab you see the counter.
i do , but timer not running
look like crash with Always active Window extension,
not easy to make it auto, because timer have different count, and the page not reloading or refreshing after viewing ads finished,
Can you put timewall clicks in the script: