Greasy Fork is available in English.

Twitter Media Downloader

Save Video/Photo by One-Click.

< Σχολιασμός για τον κώδικα Twitter Media Downloader

Αναφορά: Εντάξει - ο κώδικας λειτουργεί αλλά έχει σφάλματα

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023

Fixed version:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Twitter Media Downloader
// @name:ja     Twitter Media Downloader
// @name:zh-cn  Twitter 媒体下载
// @name:zh-tw  Twitter 媒體下載
// @description    Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
// @description:ja ワンクリックで動画・画像を保存する。
// @description:zh-cn 一键保存视频/图片
// @description:zh-tw 一鍵保存視頻/圖片
// @version     1.06
// @author      AMANE
// @namespace   none
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_download
// @compatible  Chrome
// @compatible  Firefox
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 8 */

const filename = 'twitter_{user-name}(@{user-id})_{date-time}_{status-id}_{file-type}';
const makeGraphQlVars = (tweetId) => ({
  focalTweetId: tweetId,
  with_rux_injections: false,
  includePromotedContent: false,
  withCommunity: false,
  withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields: false,
  withBirdwatchNotes: false,
  withVoice: false,
  withV2Timeline: true,

const graphQlFeatures = {
  blue_business_profile_image_shape_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled: false,
  verified_phone_label_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled: false,
  tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled: false,
  vibe_api_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled: false,
  graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled: false,
  view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled: false,
  longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled: false,
  tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled: false,
  freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled: false,
  standardized_nudges_misinfo: false,
  tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled: false,
  interactive_text_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_text_conversations_enabled: false,
  longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled: false,

const TMD = (function () {
  let lang, host, history, show_sensitive, is_tweetdeck;
  return {
    init: async function () {
      GM_registerMenuCommand((this.language[navigator.language] || this.language.en).settings, this.settings);
      document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>' + this.css + '</style>');
      lang = this.language[document.querySelector('html').lang] || this.language.en;
      host = location.hostname;
      is_tweetdeck = host.indexOf('tweetdeck') >= 0;
      history = this.storage_obsolete();
      if (history.length) {;
      } else history = await;
      show_sensitive = GM_getValue('show_sensitive', false);
    inject: function (article) {
      let media_selector = [
        'a[href="/settings/content_you_see"]', //hidden content
        '', // for tweetdeck
        '', // for tweetdeck
        'div[aria-labelledby]>div:first-child>div[role="button"][tabindex="0"]' //for audio (experimental)
      let media = article.querySelector(media_selector.join(','));
      if (media) {
        let status_id = article.querySelector('a[href*="/status/"]').href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').shift();
        let btn_group = article.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type, ul.tweet-actions, ul.tweet-detail-actions');
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div, li.tweet-action-item>a, li.tweet-detail-action-item>a')).pop().parentNode;
        let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
        if (is_tweetdeck) {
          btn_down.firstElementChild.innerHTML = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="width: 18px; height: 18px;">' + this.svg + '</svg>';
          btn_down.classList.replace("pull-left", "pull-right");
        } else {
          btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = this.svg;
        let is_exist = history.indexOf(status_id) >= 0;
        this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-down');
        this.status(btn_down, is_exist ? 'completed' : 'download', is_exist ? lang.completed :;
        btn_group.insertBefore(btn_down, btn_share.nextSibling);
        btn_down.onclick = () =>, status_id, is_exist);
        article.dataset.injected = 'true';
        if (show_sensitive) {
          let btn_show = article.querySelector('div[aria-labelledby] div[role="button"][tabindex="0"]:not([data-testid]) > div[dir] > span > span');
          if (btn_show);
      let imgs = article.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/photo/"]');
      if (imgs.length > 1) {
        let status_id = article.querySelector('a[href*="/status/"]').href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').shift();
        let btn_group = article.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type');
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div')).pop().parentNode;
        imgs.forEach(img => {
          let index = img.href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').pop();
          let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
          btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = this.svg;
          let is_exist = history.indexOf(status_id) >= 0;
          this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-down');
          this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-img');
          this.status(btn_down, 'download',;
          btn_down.onclick = () =>, status_id, is_exist, index);
    click: async function (btn, status_id, is_exist, index) {
      if (btn.classList.contains('loading')) return;
      this.status(btn, 'loading');
      let out = (await GM_getValue('filename', filename)).split('\n').join('');
      let save_history = await GM_getValue('save_history', true);
      let json = await this.fetchJson(status_id);
      let tweet = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.legacy ||
      let user = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.core.user_results.result.legacy;
      let invalid_chars = {'\\': '\', '\/': '/', '\|': '|', '<': '<', '>': '>', ':': ':', '*': '*', '?': '?', '"': '"', '\u200b': '', '\u200c': '', '\u200d': '', '\u2060': '', '\ufeff': '', '🔞': ''};
      let datetime = out.match(/{date-time(-local)?:[^{}]+}/) ? out.match(/{date-time(?:-local)?:([^{}]+)}/)[1].replace(/[\\/|<>*?:"]/g, v => invalid_chars[v]) : 'YYYYMMDD-hhmmss';
      let info = {};
      info['status-id'] = status_id;
      info['user-name'] =[\\/|*?:"]|[\u200b-\u200d\u2060\ufeff]|🔞)/g, v => invalid_chars[v]);
      info['user-id'] = user.screen_name;
      info['date-time'] = this.formatDate(tweet.created_at, datetime);
      info['date-time-local'] = this.formatDate(tweet.created_at, datetime, true);
      info['full-text'] = tweet.full_text.split('\n').join(' ').replace(/\s*https:\/\/t\.co\/\w+/g, '').replace(/[\\/|<>*?:"]|[\u200b-\u200d\u2060\ufeff]/g, v => invalid_chars[v]);
      let medias = tweet.extended_entities &&;
      if (index) medias = [medias[index - 1]];
      if (medias.length > 0) {
        let tasks = medias.length;
        let tasks_result = [];
        medias.forEach((media, i) => {
          info.url = media.type == 'photo' ? media.media_url_https + ':orig' : media.video_info.variants.filter(n => n.content_type == 'video/mp4').sort((a, b) => b.bitrate - a.bitrate)[0].url;
          info.file = info.url.split('/').pop().split(/[:?]/).shift();
          info['file-name'] = info.file.split('.').shift();
          info['file-ext'] = info.file.split('.').pop();
          info['file-type'] = media.type.replace('animated_', '');
          info.out = (out.replace(/\.?{file-ext}/, '') + ((medias.length > 1 || index) && !out.match('{file-name}') ? '-' + (index ? index - 1 : i) : '') + '.{file-ext}').replace(/{([^{}:]+)(:[^{}]+)?}/g, (match, name) => info[name]);
            url: info.url,
            name: info.out,
            onload: () => {
              tasks -= 1;
              tasks_result.push(((medias.length > 1 || index) ? (index ? index : i + 1) + ': ' : '') + lang.completed);
              this.status(btn, null, tasks_result.sort().join('\n'));
              if (tasks === 0) {
                this.status(btn, 'completed', lang.completed);
                if (save_history && !is_exist) {
            onerror: result => {
              tasks = -1;
              tasks_result.push((medias.length > 1 ? i + 1 + ': ' : '') + result.details.current);
              this.status(btn, 'failed', tasks_result.sort().join('\n'));
      } else {
        this.status(btn, 'failed', 'MEDIA_NOT_FOUND');
    status: function (btn, css, title, style) {
      if (css) {
        btn.classList.remove('download', 'completed', 'loading', 'failed');
      if (title) btn.title = title;
      if (style) = style;
    settings: async function () {
      const $element = (parent, tag, style, content, css) => {
        let el = document.createElement(tag);
        if (style) = style;
        if (typeof content !== 'undefined') {
          if (tag == 'input') {
            if (content == 'checkbox') el.type = content;
            else el.value = content;
          } else el.innerHTML = content;
        if (css) css.split(' ').forEach(c => el.classList.add(c));
        return el;
      let wapper = $element(document.body, 'div', 'position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #0009; z-index: 10;');
      let wapper_close;
      wapper.onmousedown = e => {
        wapper_close = == wapper;
      wapper.onmouseup = e => {
        if (wapper_close && == wapper) wapper.remove();
      let dialog = $element(wapper, 'div', 'position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; background-color: #f3f3f3; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 10px; color: black;');
      let title = $element(dialog, 'h3', 'margin: 10px 20px;', lang.dialog.title);
      let options = $element(dialog, 'div', 'margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;');
      let save_history_label = $element(options, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px;', lang.dialog.save_history);
      let save_history_input = $element(save_history_label, 'input', 'float: left;', 'checkbox');
      save_history_input.checked = await GM_getValue('save_history', true);
      save_history_input.onchange = () => {
        GM_setValue('save_history', save_history_input.checked);
      let clear_history = $element(save_history_label, 'label', 'display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; color: blue;', lang.dialog.clear_history);
      clear_history.onclick = () => {
        if (confirm(lang.dialog.clear_confirm)) {
          history = [];
          GM_setValue('download_history', []);
      let show_sensitive_label = $element(options, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px;', lang.dialog.show_sensitive);
      let show_sensitive_input = $element(show_sensitive_label, 'input', 'float: left;', 'checkbox');
      show_sensitive_input.checked = await GM_getValue('show_sensitive', false);
      show_sensitive_input.onchange = () => {
        show_sensitive = show_sensitive_input.checked;
        GM_setValue('show_sensitive', show_sensitive);
      let filename_div = $element(dialog, 'div', 'margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;');
      let filename_label = $element(filename_div, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px 15px;', lang.dialog.pattern);
      let filename_input = $element(filename_label, 'textarea', 'display: block; min-width: 500px; max-width: 500px; min-height: 100px; font-size: inherit; background: white; color: black;', await GM_getValue('filename', filename));
      let filename_tags = $element(filename_div, 'label', 'display: table; margin: 10px;', `
<span class="tmd-tag" title="user name">{user-name}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="The user name after @ sign.">{user-id}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="example: 1234567890987654321">{status-id}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="{date-time} : Posted time in UTC.\n{date-time-local} : Your local time zone.\n\nDefault:\nYYYYMMDD-hhmmss => 20201231-235959\n\nExample of custom:\n{date-time:DD-MMM-YY} => 31-DEC-21 23.59">{date-time}</span><br>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Text content in tweet.">{full-text}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Type of &#34;video&#34; or &#34;photo&#34; or &#34;gif&#34;.">{file-type}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Original filename from URL.">{file-name}</span>
      filename_input.selectionStart = filename_input.value.length;
      filename_tags.querySelectorAll('.tmd-tag').forEach(tag => {
        tag.onclick = () => {
          let ss = filename_input.selectionStart;
          let se = filename_input.selectionEnd;
          filename_input.value = filename_input.value.substring(0, ss) + tag.innerText + filename_input.value.substring(se);
          filename_input.selectionStart = ss + tag.innerText.length;
          filename_input.selectionEnd = ss + tag.innerText.length;
      let btn_save = $element(title, 'label', 'float: right;',, 'tmd-btn');
      btn_save.onclick = async () => {
        await GM_setValue('filename', filename_input.value);
    fetchJson: async function (status_id) {
      const endpoint = new URL('');
      endpoint.searchParams.append('variables', JSON.stringify(makeGraphQlVars(status_id)));
      endpoint.searchParams.append('features', JSON.stringify(graphQlFeatures));
      let cookies = this.getCookie();
      let headers = {
        'authorization': 'Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA',
        'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes',
        'x-twitter-client-language': cookies.lang,
        'x-csrf-token': cookies.ct0
      if (cookies.ct0.length == 32) headers['x-guest-token'] =;
      const res = await fetch(endpoint.href, {headers: headers}).then(res => res.json());
      const entry =
        .filter((i) => i.type === 'TimelineAddEntries')[0]
        .entries.filter((e) => e.entryId.includes(status_id))[0];
      return entry;
    getCookie: function (name) {
      let cookies = {};
      document.cookie.split(';').filter(n => n.indexOf('=') > 0).forEach(n => {
        n.replace(/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/, (match, name, value) => {
          cookies[name.trim()] = value.trim();
      return name ? cookies[name] : cookies;
    storage: async function (value) {
      let data = await GM_getValue('download_history', []);
      let data_length = data.length;
      if (value) {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) data = data.concat(value);
        else if (data.indexOf(value) < 0) data.push(value);
      } else return data;
      if (data.length > data_length) GM_setValue('download_history', data);
    storage_obsolete: function (is_remove) {
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('history') || '[]');
      if (is_remove) localStorage.removeItem('history');
      else return data;
    formatDate: function (i, o, tz) {
      let d = new Date(i);
      if (tz) d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - d.getTimezoneOffset());
      let m = ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'];
      let v = {
        YYYY: d.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
        YY: d.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
        MM: d.getUTCMonth() + 1,
        MMM: m[d.getUTCMonth()],
        DD: d.getUTCDate(),
        hh: d.getUTCHours(),
        mm: d.getUTCMinutes(),
        ss: d.getUTCSeconds(),
        h2: d.getUTCHours() % 12,
        ap: d.getUTCHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'
      return o.replace(/(YY(YY)?|MMM?|DD|hh|mm|ss|h2|ap)/g, n => ('0' + v[n]).substr(-n.length));
    downloader: (function () {
      let tasks = [], thread = 0, max_thread = 2, retry = 0, max_retry = 2, failed = 0, notifier, has_failed = false;
      return {
        add: function (task) {
          if (thread < max_thread) {
            thread += 1;
          } else this.update();
        next: async function () {
          let task = tasks.shift();
          await this.start(task);
          if (tasks.length > 0 && thread <= max_thread);
          else thread -= 1;
        start: function (task) {
          return new Promise(resolve => {
              url: task.url,
              onload: result => {
              onerror: result => {
                this.retry(task, result);
              ontimeout: result => {
                this.retry(task, result);
        retry: function (task, result) {
          retry += 1;
          if (retry == 3) max_thread = 1;
          if (task.retry && task.retry >= max_retry ||
              result.details && result.details.current == 'USER_CANCELED') {
            failed += 1;
          } else {
            if (max_thread == 1) task.retry = (task.retry || 0) + 1;
        update: function() {
          if (!notifier) {
            notifier = document.createElement('div');
            notifier.title = 'Twitter Media Downloader';
            notifier.innerHTML = '<label>0</label>|<label>0</label>';
          if (failed > 0 && !has_failed) {
            has_failed = true;
            notifier.innerHTML += '|';
            let clear = document.createElement('label');
            clear.onclick = () => {
              notifier.innerHTML = '<label>0</label>|<label>0</label>';
              failed = 0;
              has_failed = false;
          notifier.firstChild.innerText = thread;
          notifier.firstChild.nextElementSibling.innerText = tasks.length;
          if (failed > 0) notifier.lastChild.innerText = failed;
          if (thread > 0 || tasks.length > 0 || failed > 0) notifier.classList.add('running');
          else notifier.classList.remove('running');
    language: {
      en: {download: 'Download', completed: 'Download Completed', settings: 'Settings', dialog: {title: 'Download Settings', save: 'Save', save_history: 'Remember download history', clear_history: '(Clear)', clear_confirm: 'Clear download history?', show_sensitive: 'Always show sensitive content', pattern: 'File Name Pattern'}},
      ja: {download: 'ダウンロード', completed: 'ダウンロード完了', settings: '設定', dialog: {title: 'ダウンロード設定', save: '保存', save_history: 'ダウンロード履歴を保存する', clear_history: '(クリア)', clear_confirm: 'ダウンロード履歴を削除する?', show_sensitive: 'センシティブな内容を常に表示する', pattern: 'ファイル名パターン'}},
      zh: {download: '下载', completed: '下载完成', settings: '设置', dialog: {title: '下载设置', save: '保存', save_history: '保存下载记录', clear_history: '(清除)', clear_confirm: '确认要清除下载记录?', show_sensitive: '自动显示敏感的内容', pattern: '文件名格式'}},
      'zh-Hant': {download: '下載', completed: '下載完成', settings: '設置', dialog: {title: '下載設置', save: '保存', save_history: '保存下載記錄', clear_history: '(清除)', clear_confirm: '確認要清除下載記錄?', show_sensitive: '自動顯示敏感的内容', pattern: '文件名規則'}}
    css: `
.tmd-down > div > div > div:nth-child(2) {display: none}
.tmd-down:hover > div > div > div {color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 1.0);}
.tmd-down:hover > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.1);}
.tmd-down:active > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.2);}
.tmd-down g {display: none;}, .tmd-down.completed g.completed, .tmd-down.loading g.loading,.tmd-down.failed g.failed {display: unset;}
.tmd-down.loading svg {animation: spin 1s linear infinite;}
@keyframes spin {0% {transform: rotate(0deg);} 100% {transform: rotate(360deg);}}
.tmd-btn {display: inline-block; background-color: #1DA1F2; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 0 20px; border-radius: 99px;}
.tmd-tag {display: inline-block; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #1DA1F2; padding: 0 10px; border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid #1DA1F2;  font-weight: bold; margin: 5px;}
.tmd-btn:hover {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.9);}
.tmd-tag:hover {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.1);}
.tmd-notifier {display: none; position: fixed; left: 16px; bottom: 16px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 8px; padding: 4px;}
.tmd-notifier.running {display: flex; align-items: center;}
.tmd-notifier label {display: inline-flex; align-items: center; margin: 0 8px;}
.tmd-notifier label:before {content: " "; width: 32px; height: 16px; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat;}
.tmd-notifier label:nth-child(1):before {background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns=%22 width=%2216%22 height=%2216%22 viewBox=%220 0 24 24%22><path d=%22M3,14 v5 q0,2 2,2 h14 q2,0 2,-2 v-5 M7,10 l4,4 q1,1 2,0 l4,-4 M12,3 v11%22 fill=%22none%22 stroke=%22%23666%22 stroke-width=%222%22 stroke-linecap=%22round%22 /></svg>");}
.tmd-notifier label:nth-child(2):before {background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns=%22 width=%2216%22 height=%2216%22 viewBox=%220 0 24 24%22><path d=%22M12,2 a1,1 0 0 1 0,20 a1,1 0 0 1 0,-20 M12,5 v7 h6%22 fill=%22none%22 stroke=%22%23999%22 stroke-width=%222%22 stroke-linejoin=%22round%22 stroke-linecap=%22round%22 /></svg>");}
.tmd-notifier label:nth-child(3):before {background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns=%22 width=%2216%22 height=%2216%22 viewBox=%220 0 24 24%22><path d=%22M12,0 a2,2 0 0 0 0,24 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-24%22 fill=%22%23f66%22 stroke=%22none%22 /><path d=%22M14.5,5 a1,1 0 0 0 -5,0 l0.5,9 a1,1 0 0 0 4,0 z M12,17 a2,2 0 0 0 0,5 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-5%22 fill=%22%23fff%22 stroke=%22none%22 /></svg>");}
.tmd-down.tmd-img {position: absolute; right: .75em; bottom: .75em; display: none !important;}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img, .tmd-img.loading, .tmd-img.completed, .tmd-img.failed {display: block !important;}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img > div > div > div {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.6);}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img:hover > div > div > div {color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 1.0);}
.tweet-detail-action-item {width: 20% !important;}
    svg: `
<g class="download"><path d="M3,14 v5 q0,2 2,2 h14 q2,0 2,-2 v-5 M7,10 l4,4 q1,1 2,0 l4,-4 M12,3 v11" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
<g class="completed"><path d="M3,14 v5 q0,2 2,2 h14 q2,0 2,-2 v-5 M7,10 l3,4 q1,1 2,0 l8,-11" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
<g class="loading"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="4" opacity="0.4" /><path d="M12,2 a10,10 0 0 1 10,10" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
<g class="failed"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="11" fill="#f33" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" opacity="0.8" /><path d="M14,5 a1,1 0 0 0 -4,0 l0.5,9.5 a1.5,1.5 0 0 0 3,0 z M12,17 a2,2 0 0 0 0,4 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-4" fill="#fff" stroke="none" /></g>

(function () {
  new MutationObserver(ms => ms.forEach(m => m.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
    let article = node.tagName == 'ARTICLE' && node || node.tagName == 'DIV' && (node.querySelector('article') || node.closest('article'));
    if (article && !article.dataset.injected) TMD.inject(article);
  }))).observe(document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true});
Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023

It works!You are so awesome!

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


我原本也想這樣做的 沒想到有人先幹出來了

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023
Επεξεργάστηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023
Επεξεργάστηκε: 05/07/2023



Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023

Fantastic work! Much appreciated.

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 05/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

How can this script be run?? Will chrome extension be updated?

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

How can this script be run?? Will chrome extension be updated?


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

Thank you, and how does it run once made as script? I go to a page, and when I see at top, is green, but nothing is showing as scraped.

How can this script be run?? Will chrome extension be updated?


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

youre savior

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

Doesn't seem to work. Tried with tampermonkey. No luck.

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023


Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

Doesn't seem to work. Tried with tampermonkey. No luck.

anyway,look here:

when you installed tampermonkey.

you can watch:

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

Thank you very much. Do you know if this code for tampermonkey works only for picture and video and not for text? Will it download also tweets that don’t have picture/video?

Doesn't seem to work. Tried with tampermonkey. No luck.

anyway,look here:

when you installed tampermonkey.

you can watch:

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 06/07/2023

Thank you very much. Do you know if this code for tampermonkey works only for picture and video and not for text? Will it download also tweets that don’t have picture/video?

Doesn't seem to work. Tried with tampermonkey. No luck.

anyway,look here:

when you installed tampermonkey.

you can watch:

yep, only pic&video, not text!

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07/07/2023


The api sometimes makes you wait up to 8 minutes every 50 tweets, its very frustrating.

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07/07/2023


// ==UserScript==
// @name        Twitter Media Downloader
// @name:ja     Twitter Media Downloader
// @name:zh-cn  Twitter 媒体下载
// @name:zh-tw  Twitter 媒體下載
// @description    Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
// @description:ja ワンクリックで動画・画像を保存する。
// @description:zh-cn 一键保存视频/图片
// @description:zh-tw 一鍵保存視頻/圖片
// @version     1.06
// @author      AMANE
// @namespace   none
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_download
// @compatible  Chrome
// @compatible  Firefox
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 8 */

const filename = 'twitter_{user-name}(@{user-id})_{date-time}_{status-id}_{file-type}';
const makeGraphQlVars = (tweetId) => ({
  focalTweetId: tweetId,
  with_rux_injections: false,
  includePromotedContent: false,
  withCommunity: false,
  withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields: false,
  withBirdwatchNotes: false,
  withVoice: false,
  withV2Timeline: true,

const graphQlFeatures = {
  blue_business_profile_image_shape_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled: false,
  verified_phone_label_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled: false,
  tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled: false,
  vibe_api_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled: false,
  graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled: false,
  view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled: false,
  longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled: false,
  tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled: false,
  freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled: false,
  standardized_nudges_misinfo: false,
  tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled: false,
  interactive_text_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_text_conversations_enabled: false,
  longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled: false,

const TMD = (function () {
  let lang, host, history, show_sensitive, is_tweetdeck;
  return {
    init: async function () {
      GM_registerMenuCommand((this.language[navigator.language] || this.language.en).settings, this.settings);
      document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>' + this.css + '</style>');
      lang = this.language[document.querySelector('html').lang] || this.language.en;
      host = location.hostname;
      is_tweetdeck = host.indexOf('tweetdeck') >= 0;
      history = this.storage_obsolete();
      if (history.length) {;
      } else history = await;
      show_sensitive = GM_getValue('show_sensitive', false);
    inject: function (article) {
      let media_selector = [
        'a[href="/settings/content_you_see"]', //hidden content
        '', // for tweetdeck
        '', // for tweetdeck
        'div[aria-labelledby]>div:first-child>div[role="button"][tabindex="0"]' //for audio (experimental)
      let media = article.querySelector(media_selector.join(','));
      if (media) {
        let status_id = article.querySelector('a[href*="/status/"]').href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').shift();
        let btn_group = article.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type, ul.tweet-actions, ul.tweet-detail-actions');
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div, li.tweet-action-item>a, li.tweet-detail-action-item>a')).pop().parentNode;
        let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
        if (is_tweetdeck) {
          btn_down.firstElementChild.innerHTML = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="width: 18px; height: 18px;">' + this.svg + '</svg>';
          btn_down.classList.replace("pull-left", "pull-right");
        } else {
          btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = this.svg;
        let is_exist = history.indexOf(status_id) >= 0;
        this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-down');
        this.status(btn_down, is_exist ? 'completed' : 'download', is_exist ? lang.completed :;
        btn_group.insertBefore(btn_down, btn_share.nextSibling);
        btn_down.onclick = () =>, status_id, is_exist);
        article.dataset.injected = 'true';
        if (show_sensitive) {
          let btn_show = article.querySelector('div[aria-labelledby] div[role="button"][tabindex="0"]:not([data-testid]) > div[dir] > span > span');
          if (btn_show);
      let imgs = article.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/photo/"]');
      if (imgs.length > 1) {
        let status_id = article.querySelector('a[href*="/status/"]').href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').shift();
        let btn_group = article.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type');
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div')).pop().parentNode;
        imgs.forEach(img => {
          let index = img.href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').pop();
          let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
          btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = this.svg;
          let is_exist = history.indexOf(status_id) >= 0;
          this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-down');
          this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-img');
          this.status(btn_down, 'download',;
          btn_down.onclick = () =>, status_id, is_exist, index);
    click: async function (btn, status_id, is_exist, index) {
      if (btn.classList.contains('loading')) return;
      this.status(btn, 'loading');
      let out = (await GM_getValue('filename', filename)).split('\n').join('');
      let save_history = await GM_getValue('save_history', true);
      let json = await this.fetchJson(status_id);
      let tweet = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.legacy ||
      // 修复推文为禁止回复时无法下载的问题
      let typename = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.__typename
        if (typename == "TweetWithVisibilityResults" ) {
            var user = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.tweet.core.user_results.result.legacy;
            //console.log("in tweet", user);
            var user = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result?.core.user_results.result.legacy;
            //console.log("in core", user);

      let invalid_chars = {'\\': '\', '\/': '/', '\|': '|', '<': '<', '>': '>', ':': ':', '*': '*', '?': '?', '"': '"', '\u200b': '', '\u200c': '', '\u200d': '', '\u2060': '', '\ufeff': '', '🔞': ''};
      let datetime = out.match(/{date-time(-local)?:[^{}]+}/) ? out.match(/{date-time(?:-local)?:([^{}]+)}/)[1].replace(/[\\/|<>*?:"]/g, v => invalid_chars[v]) : 'YYYYMMDD-hhmmss';
      let info = {};
      info['status-id'] = status_id;
      info['user-name'] =[\\/|*?:"]|[\u200b-\u200d\u2060\ufeff]|🔞)/g, v => invalid_chars[v]);
      info['user-id'] = user.screen_name;
      info['date-time'] = this.formatDate(tweet.created_at, datetime);
      info['date-time-local'] = this.formatDate(tweet.created_at, datetime, true);
      info['full-text'] = tweet.full_text.split('\n').join(' ').replace(/\s*https:\/\/t\.co\/\w+/g, '').replace(/[\\/|<>*?:"]|[\u200b-\u200d\u2060\ufeff]/g, v => invalid_chars[v]);
      let medias = tweet.extended_entities &&;
      if (index) medias = [medias[index - 1]];
      if (medias.length > 0) {
        let tasks = medias.length;
        let tasks_result = [];
        medias.forEach((media, i) => {
          info.url = media.type == 'photo' ? media.media_url_https + ':orig' : media.video_info.variants.filter(n => n.content_type == 'video/mp4').sort((a, b) => b.bitrate - a.bitrate)[0].url;
          info.file = info.url.split('/').pop().split(/[:?]/).shift();
          info['file-name'] = info.file.split('.').shift();
          info['file-ext'] = info.file.split('.').pop();
          info['file-type'] = media.type.replace('animated_', '');
          info.out = (out.replace(/\.?{file-ext}/, '') + ((medias.length > 1 || index) && !out.match('{file-name}') ? '-' + (index ? index - 1 : i) : '') + '.{file-ext}').replace(/{([^{}:]+)(:[^{}]+)?}/g, (match, name) => info[name]);
            url: info.url,
            name: info.out,
            onload: () => {
              tasks -= 1;
              tasks_result.push(((medias.length > 1 || index) ? (index ? index : i + 1) + ': ' : '') + lang.completed);
              this.status(btn, null, tasks_result.sort().join('\n'));
              if (tasks === 0) {
                this.status(btn, 'completed', lang.completed);
                if (save_history && !is_exist) {
            onerror: result => {
              tasks = -1;
              tasks_result.push((medias.length > 1 ? i + 1 + ': ' : '') + result.details.current);
              this.status(btn, 'failed', tasks_result.sort().join('\n'));
      } else {
        this.status(btn, 'failed', 'MEDIA_NOT_FOUND');
    status: function (btn, css, title, style) {
      if (css) {
        btn.classList.remove('download', 'completed', 'loading', 'failed');
      if (title) btn.title = title;
      if (style) = style;
    settings: async function () {
      const $element = (parent, tag, style, content, css) => {
        let el = document.createElement(tag);
        if (style) = style;
        if (typeof content !== 'undefined') {
          if (tag == 'input') {
            if (content == 'checkbox') el.type = content;
            else el.value = content;
          } else el.innerHTML = content;
        if (css) css.split(' ').forEach(c => el.classList.add(c));
        return el;
      let wapper = $element(document.body, 'div', 'position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #0009; z-index: 10;');
      let wapper_close;
      wapper.onmousedown = e => {
        wapper_close = == wapper;
      wapper.onmouseup = e => {
        if (wapper_close && == wapper) wapper.remove();
      let dialog = $element(wapper, 'div', 'position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; background-color: #f3f3f3; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 10px; color: black;');
      let title = $element(dialog, 'h3', 'margin: 10px 20px;', lang.dialog.title);
      let options = $element(dialog, 'div', 'margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;');
      let save_history_label = $element(options, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px;', lang.dialog.save_history);
      let save_history_input = $element(save_history_label, 'input', 'float: left;', 'checkbox');
      save_history_input.checked = await GM_getValue('save_history', true);
      save_history_input.onchange = () => {
        GM_setValue('save_history', save_history_input.checked);
      let clear_history = $element(save_history_label, 'label', 'display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; color: blue;', lang.dialog.clear_history);
      clear_history.onclick = () => {
        if (confirm(lang.dialog.clear_confirm)) {
          history = [];
          GM_setValue('download_history', []);
      let show_sensitive_label = $element(options, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px;', lang.dialog.show_sensitive);
      let show_sensitive_input = $element(show_sensitive_label, 'input', 'float: left;', 'checkbox');
      show_sensitive_input.checked = await GM_getValue('show_sensitive', false);
      show_sensitive_input.onchange = () => {
        show_sensitive = show_sensitive_input.checked;
        GM_setValue('show_sensitive', show_sensitive);
      let filename_div = $element(dialog, 'div', 'margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;');
      let filename_label = $element(filename_div, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px 15px;', lang.dialog.pattern);
      let filename_input = $element(filename_label, 'textarea', 'display: block; min-width: 500px; max-width: 500px; min-height: 100px; font-size: inherit; background: white; color: black;', await GM_getValue('filename', filename));
      let filename_tags = $element(filename_div, 'label', 'display: table; margin: 10px;', `
<span class="tmd-tag" title="user name">{user-name}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="The user name after @ sign.">{user-id}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="example: 1234567890987654321">{status-id}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="{date-time} : Posted time in UTC.\n{date-time-local} : Your local time zone.\n\nDefault:\nYYYYMMDD-hhmmss => 20201231-235959\n\nExample of custom:\n{date-time:DD-MMM-YY} => 31-DEC-21 23.59">{date-time}</span><br>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Text content in tweet.">{full-text}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Type of &#34;video&#34; or &#34;photo&#34; or &#34;gif&#34;.">{file-type}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Original filename from URL.">{file-name}</span>
      filename_input.selectionStart = filename_input.value.length;
      filename_tags.querySelectorAll('.tmd-tag').forEach(tag => {
        tag.onclick = () => {
          let ss = filename_input.selectionStart;
          let se = filename_input.selectionEnd;
          filename_input.value = filename_input.value.substring(0, ss) + tag.innerText + filename_input.value.substring(se);
          filename_input.selectionStart = ss + tag.innerText.length;
          filename_input.selectionEnd = ss + tag.innerText.length;
      let btn_save = $element(title, 'label', 'float: right;',, 'tmd-btn');
      btn_save.onclick = async () => {
        await GM_setValue('filename', filename_input.value);
    fetchJson: async function (status_id) {
      const endpoint = new URL('');
      endpoint.searchParams.append('variables', JSON.stringify(makeGraphQlVars(status_id)));
      endpoint.searchParams.append('features', JSON.stringify(graphQlFeatures));
      let cookies = this.getCookie();
      let headers = {
        'authorization': 'Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA',
        'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes',
        'x-twitter-client-language': cookies.lang,
        'x-csrf-token': cookies.ct0
      if (cookies.ct0.length == 32) headers['x-guest-token'] =;
      const res = await fetch(endpoint.href, {headers: headers}).then(res => res.json());
      const entry =
        .filter((i) => i.type === 'TimelineAddEntries')[0]
        .entries.filter((e) => e.entryId.includes(status_id))[0];
      return entry;
    getCookie: function (name) {
      let cookies = {};
      document.cookie.split(';').filter(n => n.indexOf('=') > 0).forEach(n => {
        n.replace(/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/, (match, name, value) => {
          cookies[name.trim()] = value.trim();
      return name ? cookies[name] : cookies;
    storage: async function (value) {
      let data = await GM_getValue('download_history', []);
      let data_length = data.length;
      if (value) {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) data = data.concat(value);
        else if (data.indexOf(value) < 0) data.push(value);
      } else return data;
      if (data.length > data_length) GM_setValue('download_history', data);
    storage_obsolete: function (is_remove) {
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('history') || '[]');
      if (is_remove) localStorage.removeItem('history');
      else return data;
    formatDate: function (i, o, tz) {
      let d = new Date(i);
      if (tz) d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - d.getTimezoneOffset());
      let m = ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'];
      let v = {
        YYYY: d.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
        YY: d.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
        MM: d.getUTCMonth() + 1,
        MMM: m[d.getUTCMonth()],
        DD: d.getUTCDate(),
        hh: d.getUTCHours(),
        mm: d.getUTCMinutes(),
        ss: d.getUTCSeconds(),
        h2: d.getUTCHours() % 12,
        ap: d.getUTCHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'
      return o.replace(/(YY(YY)?|MMM?|DD|hh|mm|ss|h2|ap)/g, n => ('0' + v[n]).substr(-n.length));
    downloader: (function () {
      let tasks = [], thread = 0, max_thread = 2, retry = 0, max_retry = 2, failed = 0, notifier, has_failed = false;
      return {
        add: function (task) {
          if (thread < max_thread) {
            thread += 1;
          } else this.update();
        next: async function () {
          let task = tasks.shift();
          await this.start(task);
          if (tasks.length > 0 && thread <= max_thread);
          else thread -= 1;
        start: function (task) {
          return new Promise(resolve => {
              url: task.url,
              onload: result => {
              onerror: result => {
                this.retry(task, result);
              ontimeout: result => {
                this.retry(task, result);
        retry: function (task, result) {
          retry += 1;
          if (retry == 3) max_thread = 1;
          if (task.retry && task.retry >= max_retry ||
              result.details && result.details.current == 'USER_CANCELED') {
            failed += 1;
          } else {
            if (max_thread == 1) task.retry = (task.retry || 0) + 1;
        update: function() {
          if (!notifier) {
            notifier = document.createElement('div');
            notifier.title = 'Twitter Media Downloader';
            notifier.innerHTML = '<label>0</label>|<label>0</label>';
          if (failed > 0 && !has_failed) {
            has_failed = true;
            notifier.innerHTML += '|';
            let clear = document.createElement('label');
            clear.onclick = () => {
              notifier.innerHTML = '<label>0</label>|<label>0</label>';
              failed = 0;
              has_failed = false;
          notifier.firstChild.innerText = thread;
          notifier.firstChild.nextElementSibling.innerText = tasks.length;
          if (failed > 0) notifier.lastChild.innerText = failed;
          if (thread > 0 || tasks.length > 0 || failed > 0) notifier.classList.add('running');
          else notifier.classList.remove('running');
    language: {
      en: {download: 'Download', completed: 'Download Completed', settings: 'Settings', dialog: {title: 'Download Settings', save: 'Save', save_history: 'Remember download history', clear_history: '(Clear)', clear_confirm: 'Clear download history?', show_sensitive: 'Always show sensitive content', pattern: 'File Name Pattern'}},
      ja: {download: 'ダウンロード', completed: 'ダウンロード完了', settings: '設定', dialog: {title: 'ダウンロード設定', save: '保存', save_history: 'ダウンロード履歴を保存する', clear_history: '(クリア)', clear_confirm: 'ダウンロード履歴を削除する?', show_sensitive: 'センシティブな内容を常に表示する', pattern: 'ファイル名パターン'}},
      zh: {download: '下载', completed: '下载完成', settings: '设置', dialog: {title: '下载设置', save: '保存', save_history: '保存下载记录', clear_history: '(清除)', clear_confirm: '确认要清除下载记录?', show_sensitive: '自动显示敏感的内容', pattern: '文件名格式'}},
      'zh-Hant': {download: '下載', completed: '下載完成', settings: '設置', dialog: {title: '下載設置', save: '保存', save_history: '保存下載記錄', clear_history: '(清除)', clear_confirm: '確認要清除下載記錄?', show_sensitive: '自動顯示敏感的内容', pattern: '文件名規則'}}
    css: `
.tmd-down > div > div > div:nth-child(3) {display: none}
.tmd-down:hover > div > div > div {color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 1.0);}
.tmd-down:hover > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.1);}
.tmd-down:active > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.2);}
.tmd-down g {display: none;}, .tmd-down.completed g.completed, .tmd-down.loading g.loading,.tmd-down.failed g.failed {display: unset;}
.tmd-down.loading svg {animation: spin 1s linear infinite;}
@keyframes spin {0% {transform: rotate(0deg);} 100% {transform: rotate(360deg);}}
.tmd-btn {display: inline-block; background-color: #1DA1F2; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 0 20px; border-radius: 99px;}
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.tmd-btn:hover {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.9);}
.tmd-tag:hover {background-color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 0.1);}
.tmd-notifier {display: none; position: fixed; left: 16px; bottom: 16px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 8px; padding: 4px;}
.tmd-notifier.running {display: flex; align-items: center;}
.tmd-notifier label {display: inline-flex; align-items: center; margin: 0 8px;}
.tmd-notifier label:before {content: " "; width: 32px; height: 16px; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat;}
.tmd-notifier label:nth-child(1):before {background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns=%22 width=%2216%22 height=%2216%22 viewBox=%220 0 24 24%22><path d=%22M3,14 v5 q0,2 2,2 h14 q2,0 2,-2 v-5 M7,10 l4,4 q1,1 2,0 l4,-4 M12,3 v11%22 fill=%22none%22 stroke=%22%23666%22 stroke-width=%222%22 stroke-linecap=%22round%22 /></svg>");}
.tmd-notifier label:nth-child(2):before {background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns=%22 width=%2216%22 height=%2216%22 viewBox=%220 0 24 24%22><path d=%22M12,2 a1,1 0 0 1 0,20 a1,1 0 0 1 0,-20 M12,5 v7 h6%22 fill=%22none%22 stroke=%22%23999%22 stroke-width=%222%22 stroke-linejoin=%22round%22 stroke-linecap=%22round%22 /></svg>");}
.tmd-notifier label:nth-child(3):before {background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns=%22 width=%2216%22 height=%2216%22 viewBox=%220 0 24 24%22><path d=%22M12,0 a2,2 0 0 0 0,24 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-24%22 fill=%22%23f66%22 stroke=%22none%22 /><path d=%22M14.5,5 a1,1 0 0 0 -5,0 l0.5,9 a1,1 0 0 0 4,0 z M12,17 a2,2 0 0 0 0,5 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-5%22 fill=%22%23fff%22 stroke=%22none%22 /></svg>");}
.tmd-down.tmd-img {position: absolute; right: .75em; bottom: .75em; display: none !important;}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img, .tmd-img.loading, .tmd-img.completed, .tmd-img.failed {display: block !important;}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img > div > div > div {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img > div > div > div > div > div {background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.6);}
:hover > .tmd-down.tmd-img:hover > div > div > div {color: rgba(29, 161, 242, 1.0);}
.tweet-detail-action-item {width: 20% !important;}
    svg: `
<g class="download"><path d="M3,14 v5 q0,2 2,2 h14 q2,0 2,-2 v-5 M7,10 l4,4 q1,1 2,0 l4,-4 M12,3 v11" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
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<g class="loading"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="4" opacity="0.4" /><path d="M12,2 a10,10 0 0 1 10,10" fill="none" stroke="#1DA1F2" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /></g>
<g class="failed"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="11" fill="#f33" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" opacity="0.8" /><path d="M14,5 a1,1 0 0 0 -4,0 l0.5,9.5 a1.5,1.5 0 0 0 3,0 z M12,17 a2,2 0 0 0 0,4 a2,2 0 0 0 0,-4" fill="#fff" stroke="none" /></g>

(function () {
  new MutationObserver(ms => ms.forEach(m => m.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
    let article = node.tagName == 'ARTICLE' && node || node.tagName == 'DIV' && (node.querySelector('article') || node.closest('article'));
    if (article && !article.dataset.injected) TMD.inject(article);
  }))).observe(document.body, {childList: true, subtree: true});
Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07/07/2023

Thank you

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 07/07/2023

Thank you

Mainly because your work is too important

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 08/07/2023


// ==UserScript==
// @name        Twitter Media Downloader
// @name:ja     Twitter Media Downloader
// @name:zh-cn  Twitter 媒体下载
// @name:zh-tw  Twitter 媒體下載
// @description    Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
// @description:ja ワンクリックで動画・画像を保存する。
// @description:zh-cn 一键保存视频/图片
// @description:zh-tw 一鍵保存視頻/圖片
// @version     1.06
// @author      AMANE
// @namespace   none
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_download
// @compatible  Chrome
// @compatible  Firefox
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 8 */

const filename = 'twitter_{user-name}(@{user-id})_{date-time}_{status-id}_{file-type}';
const makeGraphQlVars = (tweetId) => ({
  focalTweetId: tweetId,
  with_rux_injections: false,
  includePromotedContent: false,
  withCommunity: false,
  withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields: false,
  withBirdwatchNotes: false,
  withVoice: false,
  withV2Timeline: true,

const graphQlFeatures = {
  blue_business_profile_image_shape_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled: false,
  verified_phone_label_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled: false,
  tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled: false,
  vibe_api_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled: false,
  graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled: false,
  view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled: false,
  longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled: false,
  tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled: false,
  freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled: false,
  standardized_nudges_misinfo: false,
  tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled: false,
  interactive_text_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_text_conversations_enabled: false,
  longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled: false,
  responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled: false,

const TMD = (function () {
  let lang, host, history, show_sensitive, is_tweetdeck;
  return {
    init: async function () {
      GM_registerMenuCommand((this.language[navigator.language] || this.language.en).settings, this.settings);
      document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>' + this.css + '</style>');
      lang = this.language[document.querySelector('html').lang] || this.language.en;
      host = location.hostname;
      is_tweetdeck = host.indexOf('tweetdeck') >= 0;
      history = this.storage_obsolete();
      if (history.length) {;
      } else history = await;
      show_sensitive = GM_getValue('show_sensitive', false);
    inject: function (article) {
      let media_selector = [
        'a[href="/settings/content_you_see"]', //hidden content
        '', // for tweetdeck
        '', // for tweetdeck
        'div[aria-labelledby]>div:first-child>div[role="button"][tabindex="0"]' //for audio (experimental)
      let media = article.querySelector(media_selector.join(','));
      if (media) {
        let status_id = article.querySelector('a[href*="/status/"]').href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').shift();
        let btn_group = article.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type, ul.tweet-actions, ul.tweet-detail-actions');
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div, li.tweet-action-item>a, li.tweet-detail-action-item>a')).pop().parentNode;
        let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
        if (is_tweetdeck) {
          btn_down.firstElementChild.innerHTML = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="width: 18px; height: 18px;">' + this.svg + '</svg>';
          btn_down.classList.replace("pull-left", "pull-right");
        } else {
          btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = this.svg;
        let is_exist = history.indexOf(status_id) >= 0;
        this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-down');
        this.status(btn_down, is_exist ? 'completed' : 'download', is_exist ? lang.completed :;
        btn_group.insertBefore(btn_down, btn_share.nextSibling);
        btn_down.onclick = () =>, status_id, is_exist);
        article.dataset.injected = 'true';
        if (show_sensitive) {
          let btn_show = article.querySelector('div[aria-labelledby] div[role="button"][tabindex="0"]:not([data-testid]) > div[dir] > span > span');
          if (btn_show);
      let imgs = article.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/photo/"]');
      if (imgs.length > 1) {
        let status_id = article.querySelector('a[href*="/status/"]').href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').shift();
        let btn_group = article.querySelector('div[role="group"]:last-of-type');
        let btn_share = Array.from(btn_group.querySelectorAll(':scope>div>div')).pop().parentNode;
        imgs.forEach(img => {
          let index = img.href.split('/status/').pop().split('/').pop();
          let btn_down = btn_share.cloneNode(true);
          btn_down.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = this.svg;
          let is_exist = history.indexOf(status_id) >= 0;
          this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-down');
          this.status(btn_down, 'tmd-img');
          this.status(btn_down, 'download',;
          btn_down.onclick = () =>, status_id, is_exist, index);
    click: async function (btn, status_id, is_exist, index) {
      if (btn.classList.contains('loading')) return;
      this.status(btn, 'loading');
      let out = (await GM_getValue('filename', filename)).split('\n').join('');
      let save_history = await GM_getValue('save_history', true);
      let json = await this.fetchJson(status_id);
      let tweet = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.legacy ||
      // 修复推文为禁止回复时无法下载的问题
      let typename = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.__typename
        if (typename == "TweetWithVisibilityResults" ) {
            var user = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.tweet.core.user_results.result.legacy;
            //console.log("in tweet", user);
            var user = json.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result?.core.user_results.result.legacy;
            //console.log("in core", user);

      let invalid_chars = {'\\': '\', '\/': '/', '\|': '|', '<': '<', '>': '>', ':': ':', '*': '*', '?': '?', '"': '"', '\u200b': '', '\u200c': '', '\u200d': '', '\u2060': '', '\ufeff': '', '🔞': ''};
      let datetime = out.match(/{date-time(-local)?:[^{}]+}/) ? out.match(/{date-time(?:-local)?:([^{}]+)}/)[1].replace(/[\\/|<>*?:"]/g, v => invalid_chars[v]) : 'YYYYMMDD-hhmmss';
      let info = {};
      info['status-id'] = status_id;
      info['user-name'] =[\\/|*?:"]|[\u200b-\u200d\u2060\ufeff]|🔞)/g, v => invalid_chars[v]);
      info['user-id'] = user.screen_name;
      info['date-time'] = this.formatDate(tweet.created_at, datetime);
      info['date-time-local'] = this.formatDate(tweet.created_at, datetime, true);
      info['full-text'] = tweet.full_text.split('\n').join(' ').replace(/\s*https:\/\/t\.co\/\w+/g, '').replace(/[\\/|<>*?:"]|[\u200b-\u200d\u2060\ufeff]/g, v => invalid_chars[v]);
      let medias = tweet.extended_entities &&;
      if (index) medias = [medias[index - 1]];
      if (medias.length > 0) {
        let tasks = medias.length;
        let tasks_result = [];
        medias.forEach((media, i) => {
          info.url = media.type == 'photo' ? media.media_url_https + ':orig' : media.video_info.variants.filter(n => n.content_type == 'video/mp4').sort((a, b) => b.bitrate - a.bitrate)[0].url;
          info.file = info.url.split('/').pop().split(/[:?]/).shift();
          info['file-name'] = info.file.split('.').shift();
          info['file-ext'] = info.file.split('.').pop();
          info['file-type'] = media.type.replace('animated_', '');
          info.out = (out.replace(/\.?{file-ext}/, '') + ((medias.length > 1 || index) && !out.match('{file-name}') ? '-' + (index ? index - 1 : i) : '') + '.{file-ext}').replace(/{([^{}:]+)(:[^{}]+)?}/g, (match, name) => info[name]);
            url: info.url,
            name: info.out,
            onload: () => {
              tasks -= 1;
              tasks_result.push(((medias.length > 1 || index) ? (index ? index : i + 1) + ': ' : '') + lang.completed);
              this.status(btn, null, tasks_result.sort().join('\n'));
              if (tasks === 0) {
                this.status(btn, 'completed', lang.completed);
                if (save_history && !is_exist) {
            onerror: result => {
              tasks = -1;
              tasks_result.push((medias.length > 1 ? i + 1 + ': ' : '') + result.details.current);
              this.status(btn, 'failed', tasks_result.sort().join('\n'));
      } else {
        this.status(btn, 'failed', 'MEDIA_NOT_FOUND');
    status: function (btn, css, title, style) {
      if (css) {
        btn.classList.remove('download', 'completed', 'loading', 'failed');
      if (title) btn.title = title;
      if (style) = style;
    settings: async function () {
      const $element = (parent, tag, style, content, css) => {
        let el = document.createElement(tag);
        if (style) = style;
        if (typeof content !== 'undefined') {
          if (tag == 'input') {
            if (content == 'checkbox') el.type = content;
            else el.value = content;
          } else el.innerHTML = content;
        if (css) css.split(' ').forEach(c => el.classList.add(c));
        return el;
      let wapper = $element(document.body, 'div', 'position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #0009; z-index: 10;');
      let wapper_close;
      wapper.onmousedown = e => {
        wapper_close = == wapper;
      wapper.onmouseup = e => {
        if (wapper_close && == wapper) wapper.remove();
      let dialog = $element(wapper, 'div', 'position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%); width: fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; background-color: #f3f3f3; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 10px; color: black;');
      let title = $element(dialog, 'h3', 'margin: 10px 20px;', lang.dialog.title);
      let options = $element(dialog, 'div', 'margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;');
      let save_history_label = $element(options, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px;', lang.dialog.save_history);
      let save_history_input = $element(save_history_label, 'input', 'float: left;', 'checkbox');
      save_history_input.checked = await GM_getValue('save_history', true);
      save_history_input.onchange = () => {
        GM_setValue('save_history', save_history_input.checked);
      let clear_history = $element(save_history_label, 'label', 'display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; color: blue;', lang.dialog.clear_history);
      clear_history.onclick = () => {
        if (confirm(lang.dialog.clear_confirm)) {
          history = [];
          GM_setValue('download_history', []);
      let show_sensitive_label = $element(options, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px;', lang.dialog.show_sensitive);
      let show_sensitive_input = $element(show_sensitive_label, 'input', 'float: left;', 'checkbox');
      show_sensitive_input.checked = await GM_getValue('show_sensitive', false);
      show_sensitive_input.onchange = () => {
        show_sensitive = show_sensitive_input.checked;
        GM_setValue('show_sensitive', show_sensitive);
      let filename_div = $element(dialog, 'div', 'margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px;');
      let filename_label = $element(filename_div, 'label', 'display: block; margin: 10px 15px;', lang.dialog.pattern);
      let filename_input = $element(filename_label, 'textarea', 'display: block; min-width: 500px; max-width: 500px; min-height: 100px; font-size: inherit; background: white; color: black;', await GM_getValue('filename', filename));
      let filename_tags = $element(filename_div, 'label', 'display: table; margin: 10px;', `
<span class="tmd-tag" title="user name">{user-name}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="The user name after @ sign.">{user-id}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="example: 1234567890987654321">{status-id}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="{date-time} : Posted time in UTC.\n{date-time-local} : Your local time zone.\n\nDefault:\nYYYYMMDD-hhmmss => 20201231-235959\n\nExample of custom:\n{date-time:DD-MMM-YY} => 31-DEC-21 23.59">{date-time}</span><br>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Text content in tweet.">{full-text}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Type of &#34;video&#34; or &#34;photo&#34; or &#34;gif&#34;.">{file-type}</span>
<span class="tmd-tag" title="Original filename from URL.">{file-name}</span>
      filename_input.selectionStart = filename_input.value.length;
      filename_tags.querySelectorAll('.tmd-tag').forEach(tag => {
        tag.onclick = () => {
          let ss = filename_input.selectionStart;
          let se = filename_input.selectionEnd;
          filename_input.value = filename_input.value.substring(0, ss) + tag.innerText + filename_input.value.substring(se);
          filename_input.selectionStart = ss + tag.innerText.length;
          filename_input.selectionEnd = ss + tag.innerText.length;
      let btn_save = $element(title, 'label', 'float: right;',, 'tmd-btn');
      btn_save.onclick = async () => {
        await GM_setValue('filename', filename_input.value);
    fetchJson: async function (status_id) {
      const endpoint = new URL('');
      endpoint.searchParams.append('variables', JSON.stringify(makeGraphQlVars(status_id)));
      endpoint.searchParams.append('features', JSON.stringify(graphQlFeatures));
      let cookies = this.getCookie();
      let headers = {
        'authorization': 'Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA',
        'x-twitter-active-user': 'yes',
        'x-twitter-client-language': cookies.lang,
        'x-csrf-token': cookies.ct0
      if (cookies.ct0.length == 32) headers['x-guest-token'] =;
      const res = await fetch(endpoint.href, {headers: headers}).then(res => res.json());
      const entry =
        .filter((i) => i.type === 'TimelineAddEntries')[0]
        .entries.filter((e) => e.entryId.includes(status_id))[0];
      return entry;
    getCookie: function (name) {
      let cookies = {};
      document.cookie.split(';').filter(n => n.indexOf('=') > 0).forEach(n => {
        n.replace(/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/, (match, name, value) => {
          cookies[name.trim()] = value.trim();
      return name ? cookies[name] : cookies;
    storage: async function (value) {
      let data = await GM_getValue('download_history', []);
      let data_length = data.length;
      if (value) {
        if (Array.isArray(value)) data = data.concat(value);
        else if (data.indexOf(value) < 0) data.push(value);
      } else return data;
      if (data.length > data_length) GM_setValue('download_history', data);
    storage_obsolete: function (is_remove) {
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('history') || '[]');
      if (is_remove) localStorage.removeItem('history');
      else return data;
    formatDate: function (i, o, tz) {
      let d = new Date(i);
      if (tz) d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - d.getTimezoneOffset());
      let m = ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'];
      let v = {
        YYYY: d.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
        YY: d.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
        MM: d.getUTCMonth() + 1,
        MMM: m[d.getUTCMonth()],
        DD: d.getUTCDate(),
        hh: d.getUTCHours(),
        mm: d.getUTCMinutes(),
        ss: d.getUTCSeconds(),
        h2: d.getUTCHours() % 12,
        ap: d.getUTCHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'
      return o.replace(/(YY(YY)?|MMM?|DD|hh|mm|ss|h2|ap)/g, n => ('0' + v[n]).substr(-n.length));
    downloader: (function () {
      let tasks = [], thread = 0, max_thread = 2, retry = 0, max_retry = 2, failed = 0, notifier, has_failed = false;
      return {
        add: function (task) {
          if (thread < max_thread) {
            thread += 1;
          } else this.update();
        next: async function () {
          let task = tasks.shift();
          await this.start(task);
          if (tasks.length > 0 && thread <= max_thread);
          else thread -= 1;
        start: function (task) {
          return new Promise(resolve => {
              url: task.url,
              onload: result => {
              onerror: result => {
                this.retry(task, result);
              ontimeout: result => {
                this.retry(task, result);
        retry: function (task, result) {
          retry += 1;
          if (retry == 3) max_thread = 1;
          if (task.retry && task.retry >= max_retry ||
              result.details && result.details.current == 'USER_CANCELED') {
            failed += 1;
          } else {
            if (max_thread == 1) task.retry = (task.retry || 0) + 1;
        update: function() {
          if (!notifier) {
            notifier = document.createElement('div');
            notifier.title = 'Twitter Media Downloader';
            notifier.innerHTML = '<label>0</label>|<label>0</label>';
          if (failed > 0 && !has_failed) {
            has_failed = true;
            notifier.innerHTML += '|';
            let clear = document.createElement('label');
            clear.onclick = () => {
              notifier.innerHTML = '<label>0</label>|<label>0</label>';
              failed = 0;
              has_failed = false;
          notifier.firstChild.innerText = thread;
          notifier.firstChild.nextElementSibling.innerText = tasks.length;
          if (failed > 0) notifier.lastChild.innerText = failed;
          if (thread > 0 || tasks.length > 0 || failed > 0) notifier.classList.add('running');
          else notifier.classList.remove('running');
    language: {
      en: {download: 'Download', completed: 'Download Completed', settings: 'Settings', dialog: {title: 'Download Settings', save: 'Save', save_history: 'Remember download history', clear_history: '(Clear)', clear_confirm: 'Clear download history?', show_sensitive: 'Always show sensitive content', pattern: 'File Name Pattern'}},
      ja: {download: 'ダウンロード', completed: 'ダウンロード完了', settings: '設定', dialog: {title: 'ダウンロード設定', save: '保存', save_history: 'ダウンロード履歴を保存する', clear_history: '(クリア)', clear_confirm: 'ダウンロード履歴を削除する?', show_sensitive: 'センシティブな内容を常に表示する', pattern: 'ファイル名パターン'}},
      zh: {download: '下载', completed: '下载完成', settings: '设置', dialog: {title: '下载设置', save: '保存', save_history: '保存下载记录', clear_history: '(清除)', clear_confirm: '确认要清除下载记录?', show_sensitive: '自动显示敏感的内容', pattern: '文件名格式'}},
      'zh-Hant': {download: '下載', completed: '下載完成', settings: '設置', dialog: {title: '下載設置', save: '保存', save_history: '保存下載記錄', clear_history: '(清除)', clear_confirm: '確認要清除下載記錄?', show_sensitive: '自動顯示敏感的内容', pattern: '文件名規則'}}
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Δημοσιεύτηκε: 09/07/2023

Ok, is there anything that can download text tweets? Maybe another way too.

Thank you very much. Do you know if this code for tampermonkey works only for picture and video and not for text? Will it download also tweets that don’t have picture/video?

Doesn't seem to work. Tried with tampermonkey. No luck.

anyway,look here:

when you installed tampermonkey.

you can watch:

yep, only pic&video, not text!

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