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linkedIn learning video download

Allows to download learning videos you see on LinkedIn. Must be logged in.

< Rückmeldungen auf linkedIn learning video download


Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2016


Can you please help me with the right way to use download LinkedIn Learning videos? I'm a 'non-tech' guy, so please forgive the 'novice-ness' of my question.

Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2016


You need to
1. Have browser extension that enables you to use userscripts ( )
2. Install my userscript by clicking "Install this script" ( ) and following the prompts relative to what browser/extension you use.
3. Enable the script from your browser extension (if it's not auto-enabled on install)

After these steps, when you navigate to any URL that begins with "", the script will add a Download button as shown in the screenshot. Clicking that button will download whichever video you have previously selected to play.

Note: I have only tested this in chrome. Not sure how many browsers will honor the "download" html attribute. If they don't, the download button will open up the video in a browser window, in which case you could right click and save it to the disk.

Best regards,

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