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MetaFilter Recent Activity border o' rainbows

Shows rainbows atop tiny clouds around your own comments in Recent Activity (for logged-in members)

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2016-08-21: Now also available as a user style for the Stylus extension (I plan to move this to mefiscripts github):

[This script was originally hosted at]

Quick note: This script works fine with the MeFi Modern Theme. Will try to add screenshots when I next have a chance.

Example with the border o' rainbows script in action [this and the following image are mockups, not actual comments]:

Example showing the MetaFilter Recent Activity border o' rainbows

Example without the border o' rainbows script:

Example showing the MetaFilter Recent Activity default border

Change log:

  • Version 3.0: 2020-01-11 - Replaced GM_addStyle (deprecated in Greasemonkey 4.0). (Thanks to Tehhund for reporting the issue) Tampermonkey should still work with version 2.1 of this userscript (so if you use Tampermonkey, you don't have to update unless you want to)
  • Version 2.1: 2014-05-23 - Replaced @namespace with script home page.
  • Version 2.0: 2014-05-23 - Changed script URLs to point to since hasn't been stable recently.
  • Version 1.1: 2013-11-01 - Added support for automatic script updates (had to upload to first to get the URLs).
  • Version 1.0: 2013-11-01 - Grand opening.

What this script does:

If you're logged into MetaFilter and you've authored any comments that are recent enough to appear in the "Recent Activity" section, normally your comments have a solid border around them. This script replaces that line border with lots of little rainbows (atop puffy clouds, no less). Works for both the "Recent Activity on My Posts & Comments" and/or "Recent Activity on My Favorite Posts" pages.

This script was inspired by a MetaTalk comment from phunniemee. I didn't have a chance to work on it then, but since no one else has posted anything similar yet, here it is.

(Here's some further info from pb about the border around a member's own comments in Recent Activity.)

Like the rainbows? Consider donating to help support MetaFilter.


This script works with the MeFi Modern, Classic, and Plain themes.

Browser compatibility: Version 3.0 has been tested as still working in Firefox 72.0.1/Linux Mint. It should work in Tampermonkey/Chrome as well. No guarantees that this script will work anywhere else or with other MeFi-related scripts (e.g. it has not been tested in Opera).

If you'd like to modify the script, please feel free. Disclaimer: I am not a programmer, but if you have suggestions for improving it, I'd be interested in learning about them.



The original rainbow cloud graphic is from an Art Explosion clip art library I got over 15 years ago. (I tried to find other pony/rainbow/heart images (re: phunniemee's original comment) that would work okay in a border context while scaled down small without being too distracting; ended up going with this simple graphic to create the border.)


More rainbows/animals/cuteness for your MeFi experience:

If you like this script, you might also want to check out these other scripts I posted: an update to Rhomboid's MetaFilter unicorn and narwhal buttons and laser kitty (with more rainbows), MetaFilter hedgehog comment pointer, and MetaFilter inline video fishy icon.