Manga Loader

Loads entire chapter into the page in a long strip format

Fra og med 22.05.2014. Se den nyeste version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name       Manga Loader
// @namespace
// @version    1.0.4
// @description  Loads entire chapter into the page in a long strip format
// @copyright  2014+, fuzetsu
// @match*
// @match*/*/*
// @match*/*/*/*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*/read*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*/*/*
// @match*/*
// ==/UserScript==

// set to true for manga load without prompt
var BM_MODE = false;

var scriptName = 'Manga Loader';

Sample Implementation:
    match: "*" // the url to react to for manga loading
  , img: '#image' // css selector to get the page's manga image
  , next: '#next_page' // css selector to get the link to the next page
  , numpages: '#page_select' // css selector to get the number of pages. elements like (select, span, etc)
  , curpage: '#page_select' // css selector to get the current page. usually the same as numPages if it's a select element
  , nextchap: '#next_chap' // css selector to get the link to the next chapter
  , prevchap: '#prev_chap' // same as above except for previous
  , wait: 3000 // how many ms to wait before auto loading (to wait for elements to load)

  Any of the CSS selectors can be functions instead that return the desired value.

var implementations = [
    { // Batoto
        match: "*"
      , img: '#comic_page'
      , next: '#full_image + div > a'
      , numpages: '#page_select'
      , curpage: '#page_select'
      , nextchap: 'select[name=chapter_select]'
      , prevchap: 'select[name=chapter_select]'
      , invchap: true
  , { // MangaPanda
        match: "*/[0-9]*"
      , img: '#img'
      , next: '.next a'
      , numpages: '#pageMenu'
      , curpage: '#pageMenu'
      , nextchap: 'td.c5 + td a'
      , prevchap: 'table.c6 tr:last-child td:last-child a'
  , { // MangaFox
        match: "*/.*/.*"
      , img: '#image'
      , next: '.next_page'
      , numpages: 'select.m'
      , curpage: 'select.m'
      , nextchap: '#chnav p + p a'
      , prevchap: '#chnav a'
  , { // MangaStream
        match: "*/.*/.*/.*"
      , img: '#manga-page'
      , next: '.next a'
      , numpages: function() {
        var lastPage = getEl('.subnav-wrapper .controls .btn-group:last-child ul li:last-child');
        return parseInt(lastPage.textContent.match(/[0-9]/g).join(''), 10);
  , { // MangaReader
        match: "*/.*"
      , img:'#img'
      , next: '.next a'
      , numpages: '#pageMenu'
      , curpage: '#pageMenu'
      , nextchap: 'td.c5 + td a'
      , prevchap: 'table.c6 tr:last-child td:last-child a'
  , { // MangaCow
        match: "^http://mngacow\.com/.*/[0-9]*"
      , img: '.prw > a > img'
      , next: '.prw > a'
      , numpages: 'select.cbo_wpm_pag'
      , curpage: 'select.cbo_wpm_pag'
      , nextchap: function(prev) {
          var chapSel = getEl('select.cbo_wpm_chp');
          var nextChap = chapSel.options[chapSel.selectedIndex + (prev ?  1 : -1)];
          if(nextChap) {
              return '' + window.location.pathname.slice(1, window.location.pathname.slice(1).indexOf('/') + 2) + nextChap.value; 
      , prevchap: function() {
          return this.nextchap(true);
  , { // MangaHere
        match: "^*/.*"
      , img: '#viewer img'
      , next: '.next_page'
      , numpages: 'select.wid60'
      , curpage: 'select.wid60'
      , nextchap: '#top_chapter_list'
      , prevchap: '#top_chapter_list'
      , wait: 2000
  , { // MangaDeer
        match: "^http://mangadeer\.com/manga/.*"
      , img: '.img-link > img'
      , next: '.page > span:last-child > a'
      , numpages: '#sel_page_1'
      , curpage: '#sel_page_1'
      , nextchap: function(prev) {
          var ddl = getEl('#sel_book_1');
          var index = ddl.selectedIndex + (prev ? -1 : 1);
          if(index >= ddl.options.length) return;
          var mangaName = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('manga/') + 6);
          mangaName = mangaName.slice(0, mangaName.indexOf('/'));
          return '' + mangaName + ddl.options[index].value + '/1';
      , prevchap: function() {
          return this.nextchap(true);
  , { // GEH/EXH
        match: "http://(g.e-hentai|exhentai).org/s/.*/.*"
      , img: '.sni > a > img, #img'
      , next: '.sni > a, #i3 a'
  , { // Fakku (doesn' work...)
        match: "^*/.*/read#page=[0-9]*"
      , img: '.current-page'
      , next: '#image a'
      , numpages: '.drop'
      , curpage: '.drop'

var log = function(msg, type) {
  type = type || 'log';
  if(type === 'exit') {
    throw scriptName + ' exit: ' + msg;
  } else {
    console[type](scriptName + ' ' + type + ': ', msg);

var getEl = function(q, c) {
  if(!q) return;
  return (c || document).querySelector(q);

var storeGet = function(key) {
  if(typeof GM_getValue === "undefined") {
    return localStorage.getItem(key);
  return GM_getValue(key);

var storeSet = function(key, value) {
  if(typeof GM_setValue === "undefined") {
    return localStorage.setItem(key, value);
  return GM_setValue(key, value);

var storeDel = function(key) {
  if(typeof GM_deleteValue === "undefined") {
    return localStorage.removeItem(key);
  return GM_deleteValue(key);

var extractInfo = function(selector, mod, context) {
  selector = this[selector];
  if(typeof selector === 'function') {
  var elem = getEl(selector, context)
    , option;
  mod = mod || {};
  if(elem) {
    switch (elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
      case 'img':
        return elem.getAttribute('src');
      case 'a':
        return elem.getAttribute('href');
      case 'ul':
        return elem.children.length;
      case 'select':
        switch(mod.type) {
          case 'index':
            return elem.options.selectedIndex;
          case 'value':
            option = elem.options[elem.options.selectedIndex + (mod.val || 0)] || {};
            return option.value;
            return elem.options.length;
        return elem.textContent;

var toStyleStr = function(obj) {
  var stack = []
    , key;
  for(key in obj) {
    if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      stack.push(key + ':' + obj[key]);
  return stack.join(';');

var createButton = function(text, action, styleStr) {
  var button = document.createElement('button');
  button.textContent = text;
  button.onclick = action;
  button.setAttribute('style', styleStr || '');
  return button;

var getViewer = function(prevChapter, nextChapter) {
  var viewerCss = toStyleStr({
        'background-color': 'black'
      , 'text-align': 'center'
      , 'font': '.9em sans-serif'
  	, imagesCss = toStyleStr({
        'margin': '5px 0'
    , navCss = toStyleStr({
        'text-decoration': 'none'
      , 'color': 'black'
      , 'background': 'linear-gradient(white, #ccc)'
      , 'padding': '3px 10px'
      , 'border': '1px solid #ccc'
      , 'border-radius': '5px'
  // clear all styles and scripts
  document.head.innerHTML = '';
  // and navigation
  var nav = (prevChapter ? '<a href="' + prevChapter + '" style="' + navCss + '" class="ml-chap-nav">Prev Chapter</a> ' : '') +
    (storeGet('mAutoload') ? '' : '<a href="" style="' + navCss + '">Exit</a> ') +
    (nextChapter ? '<a href="' + nextChapter + '" style="' + navCss + '" class="ml-chap-nav">Next Chapter</a>' : '');
  document.body.innerHTML = nav + '<div id="images" style="' + imagesCss + '"></div>' + nav;
  // set the viewer css
  document.body.setAttribute('style', viewerCss);
  // set up listeners for chapter navigation
  document.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
    if('ml-chap-nav') !== -1) {
      log('next chapter will autoload');
      storeSet('autoload', 'yes');
  }, false);
  return getEl('#images');

var imageCss = toStyleStr({
      'max-width': '100%'
    , 'display': 'block'
    , 'margin': '3px auto'

var addImage = function(src, loc, callback) {
  var image = new Image();
  image.onerror = function() {
    log('failed to load ' + src);
  image.onload = callback;
  image.src = src;
  image.setAttribute('style', imageCss);

var loadManga = function(imp) {
  var ex = extractInfo.bind(imp)
    , url = ex('img')
    , nextUrl = ex('next')
    , numPages = ex('numpages')
    , curPage = ex('curpage', {type:'index'}) || 1
    , nextChapter = ex('nextchap', {type:'value', val: (imp.invchap && -1) || 1})
    , prevChapter = ex('prevchap', {type:'value', val: (imp.invchap && 1) || -1})
    , xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
    , domParser = new DOMParser()
    , getPageInfo = function() {
      var page = domParser.parseFromString(xhr.response, 'text/html');
      try {
        // find image and append
        addImage(ex('img', null, page), loc);
        // find next link and load it
        loadNextPage(ex('next', null, page));
      } catch(e) {
        log('error getting details from next page, assuming end of chapter.');
    , loadNextPage = function(url) {
      if(++curPage > numPages) {
        log('reached "numPages" ' + numPages + ', assuming end of chapter');
      if(lastUrl === url) {
        log('last url is the same as current, assuming end of chapter');
      lastUrl = url;'get', url);
      xhr.onload = getPageInfo;
      xhr.onerror = function() {
        log('failed to load page, aborting', 'error');
    , lastUrl, loc

  if(!url || !nextUrl) {
    log('failed to retrieve ' + (!url ? 'image url' : 'next page url'), 'exit');

  loc = getViewer(prevChapter, nextChapter);

  addImage(url, loc);


var pageUrl = window.location.href
  , btnLoadCss = toStyleStr({
      'position': 'fixed'
    , 'bottom': 0
    , 'right': 0
    , 'padding': '5px'
    , 'margin': '0 10px 10px 0'
    , 'z-index': '1000'
  , btnLoad

// used when switching chapters
var autoload = storeGet('autoload');
// manually set by user in menu
var mAutoload = storeGet('mAutoload') || false;

// register menu command
typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === 'function' && GM_registerMenuCommand((mAutoload ? 'Disable' : 'Enable') + ' manga autoload', function() {
    storeSet('mAutoload', !mAutoload);
// clear autoload


var success = implementations.some(function(imp) {
  if(imp.match && (new RegExp(imp.match, 'i')).test(pageUrl)) {
    if(BM_MODE || mAutoload || autoload) {
      setTimeout(loadManga.bind(null, imp),imp.wait || 0);
      return true;
    // append button to dom that will trigger the page load
    btnLoad = createButton('Load Manga', function(evt) {
    }, btnLoadCss);
    return true;

if(!success) {
  log('no implementation for ' + pageUrl, 'error');