Greasy Fork is available in English.

WME Validator Virginia Localization

This script localizes WME Validator for United States. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.

Fra og med 23.01.2015. Se den nyeste version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name                WME Validator Virginia Localization
// @version             0.1.0
// @description         This script localizes WME Validator for United States. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
// @match     *editor/*
// @match     *editor/*
// @grant               none
// @run-at              document-start
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

 * 0.1.0 - New State Standards for SR < (600 && 785 && 985) and VA > 600 &!(785|895)

  See Settings->About->Available checks for complete list of checks and their params.


  Enable #170 "Lowercase street name" but allow lowercase "exit" and "to":
    "170.enabled": true,
    "170.params": {
        "regexp": "/^((exit|to) )?[a-z]/",

  Enable #130 "Custom check" to find a dot in street names, but allow dots at Ramps:
    "130.enabled": true,
    "130.params": {
        "titleEN": "Street name with a dot",
        "problemEN": "There is a dot in the street name (excluding Ramps)",
        "solutionEN": "Expand the abbreviation or remove the dot",
        "template": "${type}:${street}",
        "regexp": "D/^[^4][0-9]?:.*\\./",
    *Note: use D at the beginning of RegExp to enable debugging on JS console.
    *Note: do not forget to escape backslashes in strings, i.e. use "\\" instead of "\".

window.WME_Validator_United_States = {
  ".country": "United States",
  ".codeISO": "US",
  ".author": "SuperMedic",
  ".updated": "2014-12-02",
  ".link": "",
// Ramp name too long
  "112.enabled": false,
  "112.params": {
  "n": 55,
// Custom Check
  "130.enabled": true,
  "130.params": {
    "titleEN": "Potential Incorrect Abbreviation",
    "problemEN": "Name abbreviation may be incorrect. Alternative routes should be labeled ALT and abbreviations ALT, BUS, BYP, CONN, LOOP, SCN, SPUR, or TRUCK should be in ALL CAPS",
    "solutionEN": "Change abbreviation to ALT, BUS, BYP, CONN, LOOP, SCN, SPUR, or TRUCK in ALL CAPS",
    "template": "${street}##${altStreet[0]}##${altStreet[1]}##${altStreet[2]}##${altStreet[3]}##${altStreet[4]}##${altStreet[5]}##${altStreet[6]}##${altStreet[7]}##${altStreet[8]}##${altStreet[9]}",
    "regexp": "/!?[0-9].+(Alt|Business|Bus|Byp|Conn|Loop|Scn|Spur|Truck)\\b/"
// Custom Check
  "131.enabled": true,
  "131.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong name on US Highway",
    "problemEN": "All US highways should be named US-###",
    "solutionEN": "Change name to US-###",
    "template": "${street}##${altStreet[0]}##${altStreet[1]}##${altStreet[2]}##${altStreet[3]}##${altStreet[4]}##${altStreet[5]}##${altStreet[6]}##${altStreet[7]}##${altStreet[8]}##${altStreet[9]}",
    "regexp": ".*\\b(?:US Highway |US Hwy Route |US Hwy Rte |US Hwy |US Rte |US- |US )[0-9]{1,3}\\b/i"
  "131.solutionLink": "W:Virginia#Roads",
// Custom Check
  "132.enabled": true,
  "132.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong road type (Major)",
    "problemEN": "All US Highways should be at least Major Highway (except BUS, SPUR, LOOP)",
    "solutionEN": "Change the road type to Major Highway",
    "template": "${typeRank}#${street}@#${altStreet[0]}@#${altStreet[1]}@#${altStreet[2]}@#${altStreet[3]}@#${altStreet[4]}@#${altStreet[5]}@#${altStreet[6]}@#${altStreet[7]}@#${altStreet[8]}@#${altStreet[9]}@",
    "regexp": "/^[1-9](?![245]).*#(?:US Hwy |US-)[0-9]+(?: ALT| BYP| CONN| TRUCK| SCN| Scenic| [NSWE])*@/i"
  "132.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Major_Highway",
// Custom Check
  "133.enabled": true,
  "133.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong road type (Minor)",
    "problemEN": "All US BUS, SPUR, LOOP Highways and all State Highways (except BUS, SPUR, LOOP) should be at least Minor Highway type",
    "solutionEN": "Change the road type to Minor Highway",
    "template": "${typeRank}#${street}@#${altStreet[0]}@#${altStreet[1]}@#${altStreet[2]}@#${altStreet[3]}@#${altStreet[4]}@#${altStreet[5]}@#${altStreet[6]}@#${altStreet[7]}@#${altStreet[8]}@#${altStreet[9]}@",
    "regexp": "/^[1-9](?![2-5]).*#(?:(?:State Hwy |SH-|K-|LA-|M-|MA-|MS-|NC-|SC-)[0-9]+(?:| ALT| BYP| CONN| TRUCK| SCN| Scenic| [NSWE])*|(?:US Hwy |US-)[0-9]+(?: BUS| LOOP| SPUR)+(?: [NSWE])?)@/i"
  "133.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Minor_Highway",
// Custom Check
  "134.enabled": true,
  "134.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong road type (Primary)",
    "problemEN": "All State BUS, SPUR, LOOP Highways should be at least Primary Street type",
    "solutionEN": "Change the road type to Primary Street",
    "template": "${typeRank}#${street}@#${altStreet[0]}@#${altStreet[1]}@#${altStreet[2]}@#${altStreet[3]}@#${altStreet[4]}@#${altStreet[5]}@#${altStreet[6]}@#${altStreet[7]}@#${altStreet[8]}@#${altStreet[9]}@",
    "regexp": "/^[1-9](?![1-5]).*#(?:State Hwy |SH-|K-|LA-|M-|MA-|MS-|NC-|SC-)[0-9]+(?: BUS| LOOP| SPUR)+(?: [NSWE])?@/i"
  "134.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Primary_Street",
// Custom Check - State Name = Virginia
  "135.enabled": true,
  "135.params": {
    "titleEN": "Not VA State",
    "problemEN": "Incorrect State Name - State name should be Virginia (are you in Virginia?)",
    "solutionEN": "Verify correct state name on segment.",
    "template": "${state}",
    //"regexp": "/^(Maryland|North Carolina|West Virginia|District of Columbia)$/"
    "regexp": "!/^Virginia$/"
  "135.solutionLink": "W:Virginia",
  // Custom Check
  "136.enabled": true,
  "136.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong name on Virginia Primary Route",
    "problemEN": "All primary routes numberd < 600 and 785 and 895 named SR-### in Virginia",
    "solutionEN": "Change name to SR-###",
    "template": "${state}:##${street}##${altStreet[0]}##${altStreet[1]}##${altStreet[2]}##${altStreet[3]}##${altStreet[4]}##${altStreet[5]}##${altStreet[6]}##${altStreet[7]}##${altStreet[8]}##${altStreet[9]}",
    "regexp": "/^Virginia:.*(?:State Hwy |State Rd |State Rte |VA |VA- |VA Hwy |VA-Hwy |V A |SH-)(?:[1-5][1-9][1-9])/i"
  "136.solutionLink": "W:Virginia#Roads",
// Custom Check
  "137.enabled": true,
  "137.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong name on Virginia Secondary Route",
    "problemEN": "All primary routes numberd > 600 NOT 785 and 895 named VA-### in Virginia",
    "solutionEN": "Change name to VA-###",
    "template": "${state}:##${street}##${altStreet[0]}##${altStreet[1]}##${altStreet[2]}##${altStreet[3]}##${altStreet[4]}##${altStreet[5]}##${altStreet[6]}##${altStreet[7]}##${altStreet[8]}##${altStreet[9]}",
    "regexp": "/^Virginia:.*(?:State Hwy |State Rd |State Rte |SR |SR- |VA Hwy |VA-Hwy |V A |SH-)(?:[1-5][1-9][1-9])/i"
  "137.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Service_Road",
// Custom Check
  "138.enabled": true,
  "138.params": {
    "titleEN": "Service Road",
    "problemEN": "Incorrect Function Class - Do not use Service Road Function Class",
    "solutionEN": "Change Function Class to Street",
    "template": "${typeRank}",
    "regexp": "/^9$/"
  "138.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Service_Road",
// Custom Check
  "139.enabled": true,
  "139.params": {
    "titleEN": "Bad Street Name",
    "problemEN": "Street Name has been identified as mass entered name that is incorrect. (dfa, nul, or null)",
    "solutionEN": "Correct the street name to remove dfa, nul, or null",
    "template": "${street}##${altStreet[0]}##${altStreet[1]}##${altStreet[2]}##${altStreet[3]}##${altStreet[4]}##${altStreet[5]}##${altStreet[6]}##${altStreet[7]}##${altStreet[8]}##${altStreet[9]}",
    "regexp": ".*\\b(dfa|nul|null)\\b/i"
  "139.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Primary_Street",
  //No lock on freeway
  "150.enabled": true,
  "150.params": {
// {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 5,
//No lock on major highway
  "151.enabled": true,
  "151.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 3,
//No lock on minor highway
  "152.enabled": true,
  "152.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 2,
//No lock on ramp
  "153.enabled": true,
  "153.params": {
    // {number} minimum lock level
    "n": 4,
//No lock on primary street
  "154.enabled": false,
  "154.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 1,
//No State name selected
  "106.enabled": true,