HIFINI 音乐磁场 增强


// ==UserScript==
// @name         HIFINI 音乐磁场 增强
// @namespace    https://github.com/ewigl/hifini-enhanced
// @version      0.3.8
// @description  自动回帖,汇总网盘链接,自动填充网盘提取码。
// @author       Licht
// @license      MIT
// @homepage     https://github.com/ewigl/hifini-enhanced
// @match        http*://www.hifini.com/thread-*.htm
// @match        http*://*.lanzn.com/*
// @icon         https://www.hifini.com/favicon.ico
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

;(function () {
    'use strict'

    // 常量
    const constants = {
        ASIDE_CLASS: 'aside',

        QUICK_REPLY_BUTTON_ID: 'hus_quick_reply_button',
        QUICK_REPLY_FORM_ID: 'quick_reply_form',
        QUICK_REPLY_INPUT_ID: 'message',
        QUICK_REPLY_SUBMIT_ID: 'submit',

        NON_REPLY_CLASS: 'alert-warning',
        REPLIED_CLASS: 'alert-success',

        DOWNLOAD_LINKS_PANEL_ID: 'hus_download_links_panel',

        BAIDU_HOST: 'pan.baidu.com',
        LANZOU_HOST: 'lanzn.com',
        QUARK_HOST: 'pan.quark.cn',

        URL_PARAMS_PWD: 'pwd',
        LANZOU_PWD_INPUT_ID: 'pwd',

        USER_LOGIN_URL: '/user-login.htm',

    const NET_DISK_TYPES = {
        [constants.BAIDU_HOST]: '百度',
        [constants.LANZOU_HOST]: '蓝奏',
        [constants.QUARK_HOST]: '夸克',

    // 自定义样式
    const styleCSS = `
    #${constants.QUICK_REPLY_BUTTON_ID} {
        position: sticky;
        top: 16px;

    #${constants.DOWNLOAD_LINKS_PANEL_ID} {
        position: sticky;
        top: 60px;

    // 应用自定义样式

    // 默认配置
    const config = {
        // 回复内容
        replies: ['666', 'Good', 'Nice', 'Thanks', '给力', '谢谢', '谢谢分享', '谢谢大佬', '感谢', '感谢分享', '感谢大佬'],

    // 工具
    const utils = {
        // 获取随机回复
        getRandomReply() {
            return config.replies[Math.floor(Math.random() * config.replies.length)]
        // 判断当前帖是否已回复
        isReplied() {
            return $(`.${constants.REPLIED_CLASS}`).length > 0
        getNetDiskType(url) {
            for (let key in NET_DISK_TYPES) {
                if (url.includes(key)) {
                    return NET_DISK_TYPES[key]

            return '未知'
        isInLanzouSite() {
            return location.host.includes(constants.LANZOU_HOST)
        // “解密”提取码
        getHiddenPwd(element) {
            // 若无子元素,则无“加密”
            if ($(element).children().length === 0) {
                return $(element).text().trim().replace('提取码', '').replace(':', '').replace(':', '')

            // 若有子元素,则有“加密”
            let pwd = ''

                .each((_index, innerElement) => {
                    if (!($(innerElement).css('display') === 'none')) {
                        pwd += $(innerElement).text()

            return pwd
        getQuarkLinks() {
            return $(`a[href*="${constants.QUARK_HOST}"]`)
                .map((element) => {
                    return element.href
        // 获取页面内所有(a 标签)网盘链接(百度、蓝奏)
        getAllNetDiskLinks() {
            return $(`a[href*="${constants.BAIDU_HOST}"], a[href*="${constants.LANZOU_HOST}"]`)
                .map((element) => {
                    return element.href
        // 获取页面内所有提取码(alert-success)
        getAllPwds() {
            let pwdElements = $(`.${constants.REPLIED_CLASS}`)

            let pwdArray = []

            pwdElements.each((_index, element) => {
                utils.getHiddenPwd(element) && pwdArray.push(utils.getHiddenPwd(element))

            return pwdArray
        getLinkItems() {
            // 获取所有网盘链接
            let quarkLinks = utils.getQuarkLinks()
            let netDiskLinks = utils.getAllNetDiskLinks()
            let pwds = utils.getAllPwds()

            // 若链接与密码数量不等,则抛错(暂定)
            if (netDiskLinks.length !== pwds.length) {
                throw new Error('HIFINI Enhanced: netDiskLinks.length !== pwds.length')

            let netDiskLinksObj = netDiskLinks.map((link, index) => {
                return {
                    // split 以兼容不规范 url
                    link: link.split('?')[0] + '?pwd=' + pwds[index],
                    pwd: pwds[index],
                    type: utils.getNetDiskType(link),

            let quarkLinksObj = quarkLinks.map((link) => {
                return {
                    link: link,
                    pwd: '',
                    type: utils.getNetDiskType(link),

            return [...netDiskLinksObj, ...quarkLinksObj]

    const operation = {
        // 快速回复当前帖,模拟点击操作方式。
        quickReply() {
            const replyInputDom = $(`#${constants.QUICK_REPLY_INPUT_ID}`)
            const submitButtonDom = $(`#${constants.QUICK_REPLY_SUBMIT_ID}`)

            if (replyInputDom.length) {


                //   or
                //   $("#quick_reply_form").submit();
            } else {
                console.log('Need to Login.')
                window.location.href = constants.USER_LOGIN_URL

            // 可选, Ajax 方式
            // To do, or not to do, that is the question.

    const initAction = {
        addQuickReplyButton() {
            const quickReplyButtonDom = `<a id="${constants.QUICK_REPLY_BUTTON_ID}" class="btn btn-light btn-block mb-3"> 自动回复 </a>`

            $(document).on('click', `#${constants.QUICK_REPLY_BUTTON_ID}`, operation.quickReply)
        addNetDiskLinksPanel() {
            let linkItems = utils.getLinkItems()

            let linksDom = ''

            linkItems.forEach((item) => {
                linksDom += `
                <a class="btn btn-light btn-block" href="${item.link}" target="_blank"> ${item.type} / ${item.pwd} </a>`

            const downloadPanelDom = `
            <div id="${constants.DOWNLOAD_LINKS_PANEL_ID}" class="card">
                <div class="m-3 text-center">

        autoFillLanzouPwd() {
            const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)

            if (urlParams.has(constants.URL_PARAMS_PWD)) {
                let pwd = urlParams.get(constants.URL_PARAMS_PWD)


    // Main
    const main = {
        init() {
            if (utils.isInLanzouSite()) {
                // 自动填充蓝奏网盘提取码
            } else {
                utils.isReplied() && initAction.addNetDiskLinksPanel()

            console.log('HIFINI Enhanced is ready.')
