Dette script bør ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek, som andre scripts kan inkludere med metadirektivet // @require
Simple library created to store log messages, basic errors and JSON while using a crawler.
It adds a View log button to the script menu in TM that prints the stored messages to the console.
Basic usage
Import the library using @require as stated above the script description
Grant the following permissions to your script:
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
and then:
// Create a LateLog instance:
let late = new LateLog();
// Then just log using LateLog:
late.log('This will be stored');
Extended Example
You have access to 5 methods, so you can later view the messages in a similar way as when using console.log
late.log('Text saved as log');`Date: ${new Date()}, as info`);
late.debug('Text saved as debug');
late.warn('Text saved as warning');
late.error('Text saved as error');
// Log a JSON stringifyable object
late.debug({ name: 'object log example' })
// Log an error using any level
try {
let failme = something.that.fails;
} catch (err) {
You can override some basic options when instantiating
let late = new LateLog({
level: 5, // max level to store (from 1-log to 5-error)
maxLines: 200, // max number of lines to store
addTimestamp: true, // adds YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss to the log
printWhileLogging: false // prints new saved messages to console when storing