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DuckDuckGo - Multi-Columns - UserCSS (userstyle) v.37

DuckDuckGo Less scrolling with a multi columns interface

Fra og med 27.04.2023. Se den nyeste version.

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This Userstyle fill the windows in a multi-column page (based on window size) .

You can use too the enable options of DuckDuckGo to format the result page:
Many options are provided and you can save your preferences too.

My userstyle provide 3 columns of results.

If you want less or more columns, you can play with the width variable of :
#links .result
Now that's different, read:
DuckDuckGo change its code since a long time now and i forgot to change my example for the 2 columns...
Now you need to play with:
.serp__results.js-serp-results .results--main .results .nrn-react-div article:not([id="r1-0"]),
.nrn-react-div article:not([id="r1-0"])

(find it in my userstyles and play )
By example to have 2 columns:

/* (new33) .nrn-react-div - TOP - ALL */
.serp__results.js-serp-results .results--main .results .nrn-react-div article:not([id="r1-0"]),
.nrn-react-div article:not([id="r1-0"]) {
float: left !important;
clear: none !important;
min-height : 155px ! important;
max-height : 155px ! important;
min-width : 45% ! important;
max-width : 45% ! important;
margin-right: 4px ! important;
padding: 1px 1px 1px 35px ! important;
border: 1px solid gray ! important;

Screenshot 2 columns):

Also to see the left side panel colored (with the checkmark to show if the result was or not visited before),
use the Dark/Gray Light or the Dark theme and enable the (option "show when visited".
See the screenshot here:
Looks even better than the screenshot with the left side panel colored.

Adaptation for GM:

- SearchPreview

- Linkify Plus Plus [ GreasyFork ] in use:

Mark text links "Linkifyed" by GM "Linkify Plus Plus"

test link :
ShowAllGroups - by vispillo chez DuckDuckGo

CHANGES in v.8...v.37 :

- Corrections for specials (first load and change after at refresh etc... ?) loading pages results:
Old One:

Last one (2004.04):
.super-wide ol.react-results--main li
I see it only one time and don't know why it is serve like that.
At refresh it return to its normal state.
So it's just a quick fix for it.
An idea?)

- Top infos (visible on hover)
- Corrections for specials (?) loading pages results: cf [data-nrn="result"]
- Adaptation for DuckDuckGo changes about results under Top results
- Right Infos Panel (Map view)
- Set the height of results items (with overflow things...)

- Support the HTLM (Mobile?) version:
- Adaptation for Top "News", Test links :

Support for the Top Info Sidebar (Expand on Hover).
Test Links:

Others Correction for:
Videos , columns, Auto load, Map Search, Carousel news....