Bilibili 旧播放页


Fra og med 14.08.2022. Se den nyeste version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bilibili 旧播放页
// @namespace    MotooriKashin
// @version      9.0.7
// @description  恢复Bilibili旧版页面,为了那些念旧的人。
// @author       MotooriKashin, wly5556
// @homepage
// @supportURL
// @icon
// @match        *://**
// @connect      *
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @grant        GM_getResourceURL
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM.cookie
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      MIT
// @resource     bilibiliPlayer.js
// ==/UserScript==

const modules =`
"use strict";
(() => {
  var __create = Object.create;
  var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
  var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
  var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
  var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
  var __commonJS = (cb, mod2) => function __require() {
    return mod2 || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod2 = { exports: {} }).exports, mod2), mod2.exports;
  var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
    if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
      for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
        if (!, key) && key !== except)
          __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
    return to;
  var __toESM = (mod2, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod2)) : {}, __copyProps(
    isNodeMode || !mod2 || !mod2.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod2, enumerable: true }) : target,
  var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
    __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
    return value;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/aspromise/index.js
  var require_aspromise = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/aspromise/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = asPromise;
      function asPromise(fn, ctx) {
        var params = new Array(arguments.length - 1), offset2 = 0, index = 2, pending = true;
        while (index < arguments.length)
          params[offset2++] = arguments[index++];
        return new Promise(function executor(resolve, reject) {
          params[offset2] = function callback(err) {
            if (pending) {
              pending = false;
              if (err)
              else {
                var params2 = new Array(arguments.length - 1), offset3 = 0;
                while (offset3 < params2.length)
                  params2[offset3++] = arguments[offset3];
                resolve.apply(null, params2);
          try {
            fn.apply(ctx || null, params);
          } catch (err) {
            if (pending) {
              pending = false;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/base64/index.js
  var require_base64 = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/base64/index.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var base64 = exports2;
      base64.length = function length(string) {
        var p = string.length;
        if (!p)
          return 0;
        var n = 0;
        while (--p % 4 > 1 && string.charAt(p) === "=")
        return Math.ceil(string.length * 3) / 4 - n;
      var b64 = new Array(64);
      var s64 = new Array(123);
      for (i = 0; i < 64; )
        s64[b64[i] = i < 26 ? i + 65 : i < 52 ? i + 71 : i < 62 ? i - 4 : i - 59 | 43] = i++;
      var i;
      base64.encode = function encode(buffer2, start, end) {
        var parts = null, chunk = [];
        var i2 = 0, j = 0, t;
        while (start < end) {
          var b = buffer2[start++];
          switch (j) {
            case 0:
              chunk[i2++] = b64[b >> 2];
              t = (b & 3) << 4;
              j = 1;
            case 1:
              chunk[i2++] = b64[t | b >> 4];
              t = (b & 15) << 2;
              j = 2;
            case 2:
              chunk[i2++] = b64[t | b >> 6];
              chunk[i2++] = b64[b & 63];
              j = 0;
          if (i2 > 8191) {
            (parts || (parts = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk));
            i2 = 0;
        if (j) {
          chunk[i2++] = b64[t];
          chunk[i2++] = 61;
          if (j === 1)
            chunk[i2++] = 61;
        if (parts) {
          if (i2)
            parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i2)));
          return parts.join("");
        return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i2));
      var invalidEncoding = "invalid encoding";
      base64.decode = function decode(string, buffer2, offset2) {
        var start = offset2;
        var j = 0, t;
        for (var i2 = 0; i2 < string.length; ) {
          var c = string.charCodeAt(i2++);
          if (c === 61 && j > 1)
          if ((c = s64[c]) === void 0)
            throw Error(invalidEncoding);
          switch (j) {
            case 0:
              t = c;
              j = 1;
            case 1:
              buffer2[offset2++] = t << 2 | (c & 48) >> 4;
              t = c;
              j = 2;
            case 2:
              buffer2[offset2++] = (t & 15) << 4 | (c & 60) >> 2;
              t = c;
              j = 3;
            case 3:
              buffer2[offset2++] = (t & 3) << 6 | c;
              j = 0;
        if (j === 1)
          throw Error(invalidEncoding);
        return offset2 - start;
      base64.test = function test(string) {
        return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?\$/.test(string);

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/eventemitter/index.js
  var require_eventemitter = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/eventemitter/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = EventEmitter;
      function EventEmitter() {
        this._listeners = {};
      EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(evt, fn, ctx) {
        (this._listeners[evt] || (this._listeners[evt] = [])).push({
          ctx: ctx || this
        return this;
      }; = function off(evt, fn) {
        if (evt === void 0)
          this._listeners = {};
        else {
          if (fn === void 0)
            this._listeners[evt] = [];
          else {
            var listeners = this._listeners[evt];
            for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; )
              if (listeners[i].fn === fn)
                listeners.splice(i, 1);
        return this;
      EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(evt) {
        var listeners = this._listeners[evt];
        if (listeners) {
          var args = [], i = 1;
          for (; i < arguments.length; )
          for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; )
            listeners[i].fn.apply(listeners[i++].ctx, args);
        return this;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/float/index.js
  var require_float = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/float/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = factory(factory);
      function factory(exports3) {
        if (typeof Float32Array !== "undefined")
          (function() {
            var f32 = new Float32Array([-0]), f8b = new Uint8Array(f32.buffer), le = f8b[3] === 128;
            function writeFloat_f32_cpy(val, buf, pos) {
              f32[0] = val;
              buf[pos] = f8b[0];
              buf[pos + 1] = f8b[1];
              buf[pos + 2] = f8b[2];
              buf[pos + 3] = f8b[3];
            function writeFloat_f32_rev(val, buf, pos) {
              f32[0] = val;
              buf[pos] = f8b[3];
              buf[pos + 1] = f8b[2];
              buf[pos + 2] = f8b[1];
              buf[pos + 3] = f8b[0];
            exports3.writeFloatLE = le ? writeFloat_f32_cpy : writeFloat_f32_rev;
            exports3.writeFloatBE = le ? writeFloat_f32_rev : writeFloat_f32_cpy;
            function readFloat_f32_cpy(buf, pos) {
              f8b[0] = buf[pos];
              f8b[1] = buf[pos + 1];
              f8b[2] = buf[pos + 2];
              f8b[3] = buf[pos + 3];
              return f32[0];
            function readFloat_f32_rev(buf, pos) {
              f8b[3] = buf[pos];
              f8b[2] = buf[pos + 1];
              f8b[1] = buf[pos + 2];
              f8b[0] = buf[pos + 3];
              return f32[0];
            exports3.readFloatLE = le ? readFloat_f32_cpy : readFloat_f32_rev;
            exports3.readFloatBE = le ? readFloat_f32_rev : readFloat_f32_cpy;
          (function() {
            function writeFloat_ieee754(writeUint, val, buf, pos) {
              var sign = val < 0 ? 1 : 0;
              if (sign)
                val = -val;
              if (val === 0)
                writeUint(1 / val > 0 ? 0 : 2147483648, buf, pos);
              else if (isNaN(val))
                writeUint(2143289344, buf, pos);
              else if (val > 34028234663852886e22)
                writeUint((sign << 31 | 2139095040) >>> 0, buf, pos);
              else if (val < 11754943508222875e-54)
                writeUint((sign << 31 | Math.round(val / 1401298464324817e-60)) >>> 0, buf, pos);
              else {
                var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN2), mantissa = Math.round(val * Math.pow(2, -exponent) * 8388608) & 8388607;
                writeUint((sign << 31 | exponent + 127 << 23 | mantissa) >>> 0, buf, pos);
            exports3.writeFloatLE = writeFloat_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintLE);
            exports3.writeFloatBE = writeFloat_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintBE);
            function readFloat_ieee754(readUint, buf, pos) {
              var uint = readUint(buf, pos), sign = (uint >> 31) * 2 + 1, exponent = uint >>> 23 & 255, mantissa = uint & 8388607;
              return exponent === 255 ? mantissa ? NaN : sign * Infinity : exponent === 0 ? sign * 1401298464324817e-60 * mantissa : sign * Math.pow(2, exponent - 150) * (mantissa + 8388608);
            exports3.readFloatLE = readFloat_ieee754.bind(null, readUintLE);
            exports3.readFloatBE = readFloat_ieee754.bind(null, readUintBE);
        if (typeof Float64Array !== "undefined")
          (function() {
            var f64 = new Float64Array([-0]), f8b = new Uint8Array(f64.buffer), le = f8b[7] === 128;
            function writeDouble_f64_cpy(val, buf, pos) {
              f64[0] = val;
              buf[pos] = f8b[0];
              buf[pos + 1] = f8b[1];
              buf[pos + 2] = f8b[2];
              buf[pos + 3] = f8b[3];
              buf[pos + 4] = f8b[4];
              buf[pos + 5] = f8b[5];
              buf[pos + 6] = f8b[6];
              buf[pos + 7] = f8b[7];
            function writeDouble_f64_rev(val, buf, pos) {
              f64[0] = val;
              buf[pos] = f8b[7];
              buf[pos + 1] = f8b[6];
              buf[pos + 2] = f8b[5];
              buf[pos + 3] = f8b[4];
              buf[pos + 4] = f8b[3];
              buf[pos + 5] = f8b[2];
              buf[pos + 6] = f8b[1];
              buf[pos + 7] = f8b[0];
            exports3.writeDoubleLE = le ? writeDouble_f64_cpy : writeDouble_f64_rev;
            exports3.writeDoubleBE = le ? writeDouble_f64_rev : writeDouble_f64_cpy;
            function readDouble_f64_cpy(buf, pos) {
              f8b[0] = buf[pos];
              f8b[1] = buf[pos + 1];
              f8b[2] = buf[pos + 2];
              f8b[3] = buf[pos + 3];
              f8b[4] = buf[pos + 4];
              f8b[5] = buf[pos + 5];
              f8b[6] = buf[pos + 6];
              f8b[7] = buf[pos + 7];
              return f64[0];
            function readDouble_f64_rev(buf, pos) {
              f8b[7] = buf[pos];
              f8b[6] = buf[pos + 1];
              f8b[5] = buf[pos + 2];
              f8b[4] = buf[pos + 3];
              f8b[3] = buf[pos + 4];
              f8b[2] = buf[pos + 5];
              f8b[1] = buf[pos + 6];
              f8b[0] = buf[pos + 7];
              return f64[0];
            exports3.readDoubleLE = le ? readDouble_f64_cpy : readDouble_f64_rev;
            exports3.readDoubleBE = le ? readDouble_f64_rev : readDouble_f64_cpy;
          (function() {
            function writeDouble_ieee754(writeUint, off0, off1, val, buf, pos) {
              var sign = val < 0 ? 1 : 0;
              if (sign)
                val = -val;
              if (val === 0) {
                writeUint(0, buf, pos + off0);
                writeUint(1 / val > 0 ? 0 : 2147483648, buf, pos + off1);
              } else if (isNaN(val)) {
                writeUint(0, buf, pos + off0);
                writeUint(2146959360, buf, pos + off1);
              } else if (val > 17976931348623157e292) {
                writeUint(0, buf, pos + off0);
                writeUint((sign << 31 | 2146435072) >>> 0, buf, pos + off1);
              } else {
                var mantissa;
                if (val < 22250738585072014e-324) {
                  mantissa = val / 5e-324;
                  writeUint(mantissa >>> 0, buf, pos + off0);
                  writeUint((sign << 31 | mantissa / 4294967296) >>> 0, buf, pos + off1);
                } else {
                  var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN2);
                  if (exponent === 1024)
                    exponent = 1023;
                  mantissa = val * Math.pow(2, -exponent);
                  writeUint(mantissa * 4503599627370496 >>> 0, buf, pos + off0);
                  writeUint((sign << 31 | exponent + 1023 << 20 | mantissa * 1048576 & 1048575) >>> 0, buf, pos + off1);
            exports3.writeDoubleLE = writeDouble_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintLE, 0, 4);
            exports3.writeDoubleBE = writeDouble_ieee754.bind(null, writeUintBE, 4, 0);
            function readDouble_ieee754(readUint, off0, off1, buf, pos) {
              var lo = readUint(buf, pos + off0), hi = readUint(buf, pos + off1);
              var sign = (hi >> 31) * 2 + 1, exponent = hi >>> 20 & 2047, mantissa = 4294967296 * (hi & 1048575) + lo;
              return exponent === 2047 ? mantissa ? NaN : sign * Infinity : exponent === 0 ? sign * 5e-324 * mantissa : sign * Math.pow(2, exponent - 1075) * (mantissa + 4503599627370496);
            exports3.readDoubleLE = readDouble_ieee754.bind(null, readUintLE, 0, 4);
            exports3.readDoubleBE = readDouble_ieee754.bind(null, readUintBE, 4, 0);
        return exports3;
      function writeUintLE(val, buf, pos) {
        buf[pos] = val & 255;
        buf[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
        buf[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
        buf[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
      function writeUintBE(val, buf, pos) {
        buf[pos] = val >>> 24;
        buf[pos + 1] = val >>> 16 & 255;
        buf[pos + 2] = val >>> 8 & 255;
        buf[pos + 3] = val & 255;
      function readUintLE(buf, pos) {
        return (buf[pos] | buf[pos + 1] << 8 | buf[pos + 2] << 16 | buf[pos + 3] << 24) >>> 0;
      function readUintBE(buf, pos) {
        return (buf[pos] << 24 | buf[pos + 1] << 16 | buf[pos + 2] << 8 | buf[pos + 3]) >>> 0;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js
  var require_inquire = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js"(exports, module) {
      "use strict";
      module.exports = inquire;
      function inquire(moduleName) {
        try {
          var mod = eval("quire".replace(/^/, "re"))(moduleName);
          if (mod && (mod.length || Object.keys(mod).length))
            return mod;
        } catch (e) {
        return null;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/utf8/index.js
  var require_utf8 = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/utf8/index.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var utf8 = exports2;
      utf8.length = function utf8_length(string) {
        var len = 0, c = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
          c = string.charCodeAt(i);
          if (c < 128)
            len += 1;
          else if (c < 2048)
            len += 2;
          else if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && (string.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 64512) === 56320) {
            len += 4;
          } else
            len += 3;
        return len;
      }; = function utf8_read(buffer2, start, end) {
        var len = end - start;
        if (len < 1)
          return "";
        var parts = null, chunk = [], i = 0, t;
        while (start < end) {
          t = buffer2[start++];
          if (t < 128)
            chunk[i++] = t;
          else if (t > 191 && t < 224)
            chunk[i++] = (t & 31) << 6 | buffer2[start++] & 63;
          else if (t > 239 && t < 365) {
            t = ((t & 7) << 18 | (buffer2[start++] & 63) << 12 | (buffer2[start++] & 63) << 6 | buffer2[start++] & 63) - 65536;
            chunk[i++] = 55296 + (t >> 10);
            chunk[i++] = 56320 + (t & 1023);
          } else
            chunk[i++] = (t & 15) << 12 | (buffer2[start++] & 63) << 6 | buffer2[start++] & 63;
          if (i > 8191) {
            (parts || (parts = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk));
            i = 0;
        if (parts) {
          if (i)
            parts.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i)));
          return parts.join("");
        return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, chunk.slice(0, i));
      utf8.write = function utf8_write(string, buffer2, offset2) {
        var start = offset2, c1, c2;
        for (var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
          c1 = string.charCodeAt(i);
          if (c1 < 128) {
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1;
          } else if (c1 < 2048) {
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 >> 6 | 192;
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
          } else if ((c1 & 64512) === 55296 && ((c2 = string.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 64512) === 56320) {
            c1 = 65536 + ((c1 & 1023) << 10) + (c2 & 1023);
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 >> 18 | 240;
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 >> 12 & 63 | 128;
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 >> 6 & 63 | 128;
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
          } else {
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 >> 12 | 224;
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 >> 6 & 63 | 128;
            buffer2[offset2++] = c1 & 63 | 128;
        return offset2 - start;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/pool/index.js
  var require_pool = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/pool/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = pool;
      function pool(alloc, slice, size) {
        var SIZE = size || 8192;
        var MAX = SIZE >>> 1;
        var slab = null;
        var offset2 = SIZE;
        return function pool_alloc(size2) {
          if (size2 < 1 || size2 > MAX)
            return alloc(size2);
          if (offset2 + size2 > SIZE) {
            slab = alloc(SIZE);
            offset2 = 0;
          var buf =, offset2, offset2 += size2);
          if (offset2 & 7)
            offset2 = (offset2 | 7) + 1;
          return buf;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js
  var require_longbits = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/longbits.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = LongBits;
      var util = require_minimal();
      function LongBits(lo, hi) {
        this.lo = lo >>> 0;
        this.hi = hi >>> 0;
      var zero = = new LongBits(0, 0);
      zero.toNumber = function() {
        return 0;
      zero.zzEncode = zero.zzDecode = function() {
        return this;
      zero.length = function() {
        return 1;
      var zeroHash = LongBits.zeroHash = "\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0\\0";
      LongBits.fromNumber = function fromNumber(value) {
        if (value === 0)
          return zero;
        var sign = value < 0;
        if (sign)
          value = -value;
        var lo = value >>> 0, hi = (value - lo) / 4294967296 >>> 0;
        if (sign) {
          hi = ~hi >>> 0;
          lo = ~lo >>> 0;
          if (++lo > 4294967295) {
            lo = 0;
            if (++hi > 4294967295)
              hi = 0;
        return new LongBits(lo, hi);
      LongBits.from = function from(value) {
        if (typeof value === "number")
          return LongBits.fromNumber(value);
        if (util.isString(value)) {
          if (util.Long)
            value = util.Long.fromString(value);
            return LongBits.fromNumber(parseInt(value, 10));
        return value.low || value.high ? new LongBits(value.low >>> 0, value.high >>> 0) : zero;
      LongBits.prototype.toNumber = function toNumber(unsigned) {
        if (!unsigned && this.hi >>> 31) {
          var lo = ~this.lo + 1 >>> 0, hi = ~this.hi >>> 0;
          if (!lo)
            hi = hi + 1 >>> 0;
          return -(lo + hi * 4294967296);
        return this.lo + this.hi * 4294967296;
      LongBits.prototype.toLong = function toLong(unsigned) {
        return util.Long ? new util.Long(this.lo | 0, this.hi | 0, Boolean(unsigned)) : { low: this.lo | 0, high: this.hi | 0, unsigned: Boolean(unsigned) };
      var charCodeAt = String.prototype.charCodeAt;
      LongBits.fromHash = function fromHash(hash) {
        if (hash === zeroHash)
          return zero;
        return new LongBits(
          (, 0) |, 1) << 8 |, 2) << 16 |, 3) << 24) >>> 0,
          (, 4) |, 5) << 8 |, 6) << 16 |, 7) << 24) >>> 0
      LongBits.prototype.toHash = function toHash() {
        return String.fromCharCode(
          this.lo & 255,
          this.lo >>> 8 & 255,
          this.lo >>> 16 & 255,
          this.lo >>> 24,
          this.hi & 255,
          this.hi >>> 8 & 255,
          this.hi >>> 16 & 255,
          this.hi >>> 24
      LongBits.prototype.zzEncode = function zzEncode() {
        var mask = this.hi >> 31;
        this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
        this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
        return this;
      LongBits.prototype.zzDecode = function zzDecode() {
        var mask = -(this.lo & 1);
        this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ mask) >>> 0;
        this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ mask) >>> 0;
        return this;
      LongBits.prototype.length = function length() {
        var part0 = this.lo, part1 = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0, part2 = this.hi >>> 24;
        return part2 === 0 ? part1 === 0 ? part0 < 16384 ? part0 < 128 ? 1 : 2 : part0 < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : part1 < 16384 ? part1 < 128 ? 5 : 6 : part1 < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : part2 < 128 ? 9 : 10;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js
  var require_minimal = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/util/minimal.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var util = exports2;
      util.asPromise = require_aspromise();
      util.base64 = require_base64();
      util.EventEmitter = require_eventemitter();
      util.float = require_float();
      util.inquire = require_inquire();
      util.utf8 = require_utf8();
      util.pool = require_pool();
      util.LongBits = require_longbits();
      util.isNode = Boolean(typeof global !== "undefined" && global && global.process && global.process.versions && global.process.versions.node); = util.isNode && global || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof self !== "undefined" && self || exports2;
      util.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [];
      util.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {};
      util.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function isInteger(value) {
        return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
      util.isString = function isString(value) {
        return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String;
      util.isObject = function isObject2(value) {
        return value && typeof value === "object";
      util.isset = util.isSet = function isSet(obj, prop) {
        var value = obj[prop];
        if (value != null && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop))
          return typeof value !== "object" || (Array.isArray(value) ? value.length : Object.keys(value).length) > 0;
        return false;
      util.Buffer = function() {
        try {
          var Buffer2 = util.inquire("buffer").Buffer;
          return Buffer2.prototype.utf8Write ? Buffer2 : null;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      util._Buffer_from = null;
      util._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
      util.newBuffer = function newBuffer(sizeOrArray) {
        return typeof sizeOrArray === "number" ? util.Buffer ? util._Buffer_allocUnsafe(sizeOrArray) : new util.Array(sizeOrArray) : util.Buffer ? util._Buffer_from(sizeOrArray) : typeof Uint8Array === "undefined" ? sizeOrArray : new Uint8Array(sizeOrArray);
      util.Array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? Uint8Array : Array;
      util.Long = && || || util.inquire("long");
      util.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1\$/;
      util.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)\$/;
      util.key64Re = /^(?:[\\\\x00-\\\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))\$/;
      util.longToHash = function longToHash(value) {
        return value ? util.LongBits.from(value).toHash() : util.LongBits.zeroHash;
      util.longFromHash = function longFromHash(hash, unsigned) {
        var bits = util.LongBits.fromHash(hash);
        if (util.Long)
          return util.Long.fromBits(bits.lo, bits.hi, unsigned);
        return bits.toNumber(Boolean(unsigned));
      function merge(dst, src, ifNotSet) {
        for (var keys = Object.keys(src), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
          if (dst[keys[i]] === void 0 || !ifNotSet)
            dst[keys[i]] = src[keys[i]];
        return dst;
      util.merge = merge;
      util.lcFirst = function lcFirst(str) {
        return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
      function newError(name) {
        function CustomError(message2, properties) {
          if (!(this instanceof CustomError))
            return new CustomError(message2, properties);
          Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { get: function() {
            return message2;
          } });
          if (Error.captureStackTrace)
            Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomError);
            Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" });
          if (properties)
            merge(this, properties);
        (CustomError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = CustomError;
        Object.defineProperty(CustomError.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
          return name;
        } });
        CustomError.prototype.toString = function toString() {
          return + ": " + this.message;
        return CustomError;
      util.newError = newError;
      util.ProtocolError = newError("ProtocolError");
      util.oneOfGetter = function getOneOf(fieldNames) {
        var fieldMap = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
          fieldMap[fieldNames[i]] = 1;
        return function() {
          for (var keys = Object.keys(this), i2 = keys.length - 1; i2 > -1; --i2)
            if (fieldMap[keys[i2]] === 1 && this[keys[i2]] !== void 0 && this[keys[i2]] !== null)
              return keys[i2];
      util.oneOfSetter = function setOneOf(fieldNames) {
        return function(name) {
          for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; ++i)
            if (fieldNames[i] !== name)
              delete this[fieldNames[i]];
      util.toJSONOptions = {
        longs: String,
        enums: String,
        bytes: String,
        json: true
      util._configure = function() {
        var Buffer2 = util.Buffer;
        if (!Buffer2) {
          util._Buffer_from = util._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null;
        util._Buffer_from = Buffer2.from !== Uint8Array.from && Buffer2.from || function Buffer_from(value, encoding) {
          return new Buffer2(value, encoding);
        util._Buffer_allocUnsafe = Buffer2.allocUnsafe || function Buffer_allocUnsafe(size) {
          return new Buffer2(size);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js
  var require_writer = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Writer;
      var util = require_minimal();
      var BufferWriter;
      var LongBits = util.LongBits;
      var base64 = util.base64;
      var utf8 = util.utf8;
      function Op(fn, len, val) {
        this.fn = fn;
        this.len = len; = void 0;
        this.val = val;
      function noop() {
      function State(writer) {
        this.head = writer.head;
        this.tail = writer.tail;
        this.len = writer.len; = writer.states;
      function Writer() {
        this.len = 0;
        this.head = new Op(noop, 0, 0);
        this.tail = this.head;
        this.states = null;
      var create = function create2() {
        return util.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup() {
          return (Writer.create = function create_buffer() {
            return new BufferWriter();
        } : function create_array() {
          return new Writer();
      Writer.create = create();
      Writer.alloc = function alloc(size) {
        return new util.Array(size);
      if (util.Array !== Array)
        Writer.alloc = util.pool(Writer.alloc, util.Array.prototype.subarray);
      Writer.prototype._push = function push(fn, len, val) {
        this.tail = = new Op(fn, len, val);
        this.len += len;
        return this;
      function writeByte(val, buf, pos) {
        buf[pos] = val & 255;
      function writeVarint32(val, buf, pos) {
        while (val > 127) {
          buf[pos++] = val & 127 | 128;
          val >>>= 7;
        buf[pos] = val;
      function VarintOp(len, val) {
        this.len = len; = void 0;
        this.val = val;
      VarintOp.prototype = Object.create(Op.prototype);
      VarintOp.prototype.fn = writeVarint32;
      Writer.prototype.uint32 = function write_uint32(value) {
        this.len += (this.tail = = new VarintOp(
          (value = value >>> 0) < 128 ? 1 : value < 16384 ? 2 : value < 2097152 ? 3 : value < 268435456 ? 4 : 5,
        return this;
      Writer.prototype.int32 = function write_int32(value) {
        return value < 0 ? this._push(writeVarint64, 10, LongBits.fromNumber(value)) : this.uint32(value);
      Writer.prototype.sint32 = function write_sint32(value) {
        return this.uint32((value << 1 ^ value >> 31) >>> 0);
      function writeVarint64(val, buf, pos) {
        while (val.hi) {
          buf[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
          val.lo = (val.lo >>> 7 | val.hi << 25) >>> 0;
          val.hi >>>= 7;
        while (val.lo > 127) {
          buf[pos++] = val.lo & 127 | 128;
          val.lo = val.lo >>> 7;
        buf[pos++] = val.lo;
      Writer.prototype.uint64 = function write_uint64(value) {
        var bits = LongBits.from(value);
        return this._push(writeVarint64, bits.length(), bits);
      Writer.prototype.int64 = Writer.prototype.uint64;
      Writer.prototype.sint64 = function write_sint64(value) {
        var bits = LongBits.from(value).zzEncode();
        return this._push(writeVarint64, bits.length(), bits);
      Writer.prototype.bool = function write_bool(value) {
        return this._push(writeByte, 1, value ? 1 : 0);
      function writeFixed32(val, buf, pos) {
        buf[pos] = val & 255;
        buf[pos + 1] = val >>> 8 & 255;
        buf[pos + 2] = val >>> 16 & 255;
        buf[pos + 3] = val >>> 24;
      Writer.prototype.fixed32 = function write_fixed32(value) {
        return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, value >>> 0);
      Writer.prototype.sfixed32 = Writer.prototype.fixed32;
      Writer.prototype.fixed64 = function write_fixed64(value) {
        var bits = LongBits.from(value);
        return this._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits.lo)._push(writeFixed32, 4, bits.hi);
      Writer.prototype.sfixed64 = Writer.prototype.fixed64;
      Writer.prototype.float = function write_float(value) {
        return this._push(util.float.writeFloatLE, 4, value);
      Writer.prototype.double = function write_double(value) {
        return this._push(util.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, value);
      var writeBytes = util.Array.prototype.set ? function writeBytes_set(val, buf, pos) {
        buf.set(val, pos);
      } : function writeBytes_for(val, buf, pos) {
        for (var i = 0; i < val.length; ++i)
          buf[pos + i] = val[i];
      Writer.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes(value) {
        var len = value.length >>> 0;
        if (!len)
          return this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
        if (util.isString(value)) {
          var buf = Writer.alloc(len = base64.length(value));
          base64.decode(value, buf, 0);
          value = buf;
        return this.uint32(len)._push(writeBytes, len, value);
      Writer.prototype.string = function write_string(value) {
        var len = utf8.length(value);
        return len ? this.uint32(len)._push(utf8.write, len, value) : this._push(writeByte, 1, 0);
      Writer.prototype.fork = function fork() {
        this.states = new State(this);
        this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop, 0, 0);
        this.len = 0;
        return this;
      Writer.prototype.reset = function reset() {
        if (this.states) {
          this.head = this.states.head;
          this.tail = this.states.tail;
          this.len = this.states.len;
          this.states =;
        } else {
          this.head = this.tail = new Op(noop, 0, 0);
          this.len = 0;
        return this;
      Writer.prototype.ldelim = function ldelim() {
        var head = this.head, tail = this.tail, len = this.len;
        if (len) {
          this.tail = tail;
          this.len += len;
        return this;
      Writer.prototype.finish = function finish() {
        var head =, buf = this.constructor.alloc(this.len), pos = 0;
        while (head) {
          head.fn(head.val, buf, pos);
          pos += head.len;
          head =;
        return buf;
      Writer._configure = function(BufferWriter_) {
        BufferWriter = BufferWriter_;
        Writer.create = create();

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js
  var require_writer_buffer = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/writer_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = BufferWriter;
      var Writer = require_writer();
      (BufferWriter.prototype = Object.create(Writer.prototype)).constructor = BufferWriter;
      var util = require_minimal();
      function BufferWriter() {;
      BufferWriter._configure = function() {
        BufferWriter.alloc = util._Buffer_allocUnsafe;
        BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer = util.Buffer && util.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && === "set" ? function writeBytesBuffer_set(val, buf, pos) {
          buf.set(val, pos);
        } : function writeBytesBuffer_copy(val, buf, pos) {
          if (val.copy)
            val.copy(buf, pos, 0, val.length);
            for (var i = 0; i < val.length; )
              buf[pos++] = val[i++];
      BufferWriter.prototype.bytes = function write_bytes_buffer(value) {
        if (util.isString(value))
          value = util._Buffer_from(value, "base64");
        var len = value.length >>> 0;
        if (len)
          this._push(BufferWriter.writeBytesBuffer, len, value);
        return this;
      function writeStringBuffer(val, buf, pos) {
        if (val.length < 40)
          util.utf8.write(val, buf, pos);
        else if (buf.utf8Write)
          buf.utf8Write(val, pos);
          buf.write(val, pos);
      BufferWriter.prototype.string = function write_string_buffer(value) {
        var len = util.Buffer.byteLength(value);
        if (len)
          this._push(writeStringBuffer, len, value);
        return this;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js
  var require_reader = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Reader;
      var util = require_minimal();
      var BufferReader;
      var LongBits = util.LongBits;
      var utf8 = util.utf8;
      function indexOutOfRange(reader, writeLength) {
        return RangeError("index out of range: " + reader.pos + " + " + (writeLength || 1) + " > " + reader.len);
      function Reader(buffer2) {
        this.buf = buffer2;
        this.pos = 0;
        this.len = buffer2.length;
      var create_array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? function create_typed_array(buffer2) {
        if (buffer2 instanceof Uint8Array || Array.isArray(buffer2))
          return new Reader(buffer2);
        throw Error("illegal buffer");
      } : function create_array2(buffer2) {
        if (Array.isArray(buffer2))
          return new Reader(buffer2);
        throw Error("illegal buffer");
      var create = function create2() {
        return util.Buffer ? function create_buffer_setup(buffer2) {
          return (Reader.create = function create_buffer(buffer3) {
            return util.Buffer.isBuffer(buffer3) ? new BufferReader(buffer3) : create_array(buffer3);
        } : create_array;
      Reader.create = create();
      Reader.prototype._slice = util.Array.prototype.subarray || util.Array.prototype.slice;
      Reader.prototype.uint32 = function read_uint32_setup() {
        var value = 4294967295;
        return function read_uint32() {
          value = (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return value;
          value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 7) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return value;
          value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 14) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return value;
          value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 21) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return value;
          value = (value | (this.buf[this.pos] & 15) << 28) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return value;
          if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len) {
            this.pos = this.len;
            throw indexOutOfRange(this, 10);
          return value;
      Reader.prototype.int32 = function read_int32() {
        return this.uint32() | 0;
      Reader.prototype.sint32 = function read_sint32() {
        var value = this.uint32();
        return value >>> 1 ^ -(value & 1) | 0;
      function readLongVarint() {
        var bits = new LongBits(0, 0);
        var i = 0;
        if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
          for (; i < 4; ++i) {
            bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
            if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
              return bits;
          bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << 28) >>> 0;
          bits.hi = (bits.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) >> 4) >>> 0;
          if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
            return bits;
          i = 0;
        } else {
          for (; i < 3; ++i) {
            if (this.pos >= this.len)
              throw indexOutOfRange(this);
            bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
            if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
              return bits;
          bits.lo = (bits.lo | (this.buf[this.pos++] & 127) << i * 7) >>> 0;
          return bits;
        if (this.len - this.pos > 4) {
          for (; i < 5; ++i) {
            bits.hi = (bits.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
            if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
              return bits;
        } else {
          for (; i < 5; ++i) {
            if (this.pos >= this.len)
              throw indexOutOfRange(this);
            bits.hi = (bits.hi | (this.buf[this.pos] & 127) << i * 7 + 3) >>> 0;
            if (this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)
              return bits;
        throw Error("invalid varint encoding");
      Reader.prototype.bool = function read_bool() {
        return this.uint32() !== 0;
      function readFixed32_end(buf, end) {
        return (buf[end - 4] | buf[end - 3] << 8 | buf[end - 2] << 16 | buf[end - 1] << 24) >>> 0;
      Reader.prototype.fixed32 = function read_fixed32() {
        if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
        return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4);
      Reader.prototype.sfixed32 = function read_sfixed32() {
        if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
        return readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4) | 0;
      function readFixed64() {
        if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, 8);
        return new LongBits(readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4), readFixed32_end(this.buf, this.pos += 4));
      Reader.prototype.float = function read_float() {
        if (this.pos + 4 > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
        var value = util.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos);
        this.pos += 4;
        return value;
      Reader.prototype.double = function read_double() {
        if (this.pos + 8 > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, 4);
        var value = util.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos);
        this.pos += 8;
        return value;
      Reader.prototype.bytes = function read_bytes() {
        var length = this.uint32(), start = this.pos, end = this.pos + length;
        if (end > this.len)
          throw indexOutOfRange(this, length);
        this.pos += length;
        if (Array.isArray(this.buf))
          return this.buf.slice(start, end);
        return start === end ? new this.buf.constructor(0) :, start, end);
      Reader.prototype.string = function read_string() {
        var bytes = this.bytes();
        return, 0, bytes.length);
      Reader.prototype.skip = function skip(length) {
        if (typeof length === "number") {
          if (this.pos + length > this.len)
            throw indexOutOfRange(this, length);
          this.pos += length;
        } else {
          do {
            if (this.pos >= this.len)
              throw indexOutOfRange(this);
          } while (this.buf[this.pos++] & 128);
        return this;
      Reader.prototype.skipType = function(wireType) {
        switch (wireType) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
          case 2:
          case 3:
            while ((wireType = this.uint32() & 7) !== 4) {
          case 5:
            throw Error("invalid wire type " + wireType + " at offset " + this.pos);
        return this;
      Reader._configure = function(BufferReader_) {
        BufferReader = BufferReader_;
        Reader.create = create();
        var fn = util.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber";
        util.merge(Reader.prototype, {
          int64: function read_int64() {
          uint64: function read_uint64() {
          sint64: function read_sint64() {
          fixed64: function read_fixed64() {
          sfixed64: function read_sfixed64() {

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js
  var require_reader_buffer = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/reader_buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = BufferReader;
      var Reader = require_reader();
      (BufferReader.prototype = Object.create(Reader.prototype)).constructor = BufferReader;
      var util = require_minimal();
      function BufferReader(buffer2) {, buffer2);
      BufferReader._configure = function() {
        if (util.Buffer)
          BufferReader.prototype._slice = util.Buffer.prototype.slice;
      BufferReader.prototype.string = function read_string_buffer() {
        var len = this.uint32();
        return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + len, this.len));

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc/service.js
  var require_service = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc/service.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Service;
      var util = require_minimal();
      (Service.prototype = Object.create(util.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = Service;
      function Service(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited) {
        if (typeof rpcImpl !== "function")
          throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");;
        this.rpcImpl = rpcImpl;
        this.requestDelimited = Boolean(requestDelimited);
        this.responseDelimited = Boolean(responseDelimited);
      Service.prototype.rpcCall = function rpcCall(method, requestCtor, responseCtor, request, callback) {
        if (!request)
          throw TypeError("request must be specified");
        var self2 = this;
        if (!callback)
          return util.asPromise(rpcCall, self2, method, requestCtor, responseCtor, request);
        if (!self2.rpcImpl) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            callback(Error("already ended"));
          }, 0);
          return void 0;
        try {
          return self2.rpcImpl(
            requestCtor[self2.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](request).finish(),
            function rpcCallback(err, response) {
              if (err) {
                self2.emit("error", err, method);
                return callback(err);
              if (response === null) {
                return void 0;
              if (!(response instanceof responseCtor)) {
                try {
                  response = responseCtor[self2.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](response);
                } catch (err2) {
                  self2.emit("error", err2, method);
                  return callback(err2);
              self2.emit("data", response, method);
              return callback(null, response);
        } catch (err) {
          self2.emit("error", err, method);
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 0);
          return void 0;
      Service.prototype.end = function end(endedByRPC) {
        if (this.rpcImpl) {
          if (!endedByRPC)
            this.rpcImpl(null, null, null);
          this.rpcImpl = null;
        return this;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc.js
  var require_rpc = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/rpc.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var rpc = exports2;
      rpc.Service = require_service();

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/roots.js
  var require_roots = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/roots.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = {};

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-minimal.js
  var require_index_minimal = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-minimal.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var protobuf3 = exports2; = "minimal";
      protobuf3.Writer = require_writer();
      protobuf3.BufferWriter = require_writer_buffer();
      protobuf3.Reader = require_reader();
      protobuf3.BufferReader = require_reader_buffer();
      protobuf3.util = require_minimal();
      protobuf3.rpc = require_rpc();
      protobuf3.roots = require_roots();
      protobuf3.configure = configure;
      function configure() {

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/codegen/index.js
  var require_codegen = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/codegen/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = codegen;
      function codegen(functionParams, functionName) {
        if (typeof functionParams === "string") {
          functionName = functionParams;
          functionParams = void 0;
        var body = [];
        function Codegen(formatStringOrScope) {
          if (typeof formatStringOrScope !== "string") {
            var source = toString();
            if (codegen.verbose)
              console.log("codegen: " + source);
            source = "return " + source;
            if (formatStringOrScope) {
              var scopeKeys = Object.keys(formatStringOrScope), scopeParams = new Array(scopeKeys.length + 1), scopeValues = new Array(scopeKeys.length), scopeOffset = 0;
              while (scopeOffset < scopeKeys.length) {
                scopeParams[scopeOffset] = scopeKeys[scopeOffset];
                scopeValues[scopeOffset] = formatStringOrScope[scopeKeys[scopeOffset++]];
              scopeParams[scopeOffset] = source;
              return Function.apply(null, scopeParams).apply(null, scopeValues);
            return Function(source)();
          var formatParams = new Array(arguments.length - 1), formatOffset = 0;
          while (formatOffset < formatParams.length)
            formatParams[formatOffset] = arguments[++formatOffset];
          formatOffset = 0;
          formatStringOrScope = formatStringOrScope.replace(/%([%dfijs])/g, function replace(\$0, \$1) {
            var value = formatParams[formatOffset++];
            switch (\$1) {
              case "d":
              case "f":
                return String(Number(value));
              case "i":
                return String(Math.floor(value));
              case "j":
                return JSON.stringify(value);
              case "s":
                return String(value);
            return "%";
          if (formatOffset !== formatParams.length)
            throw Error("parameter count mismatch");
          return Codegen;
        function toString(functionNameOverride) {
          return "function " + (functionNameOverride || functionName || "") + "(" + (functionParams && functionParams.join(",") || "") + "){\\n  " + body.join("\\n  ") + "\\n}";
        Codegen.toString = toString;
        return Codegen;
      codegen.verbose = false;

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/fetch/index.js
  var require_fetch = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/fetch/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = fetch2;
      var asPromise = require_aspromise();
      var inquire2 = require_inquire();
      var fs = inquire2("fs");
      function fetch2(filename, options, callback) {
        if (typeof options === "function") {
          callback = options;
          options = {};
        } else if (!options)
          options = {};
        if (!callback)
          return asPromise(fetch2, this, filename, options);
        if (!options.xhr && fs && fs.readFile)
          return fs.readFile(filename, function fetchReadFileCallback(err, contents) {
            return err && typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined" ? fetch2.xhr(filename, options, callback) : err ? callback(err) : callback(null, options.binary ? contents : contents.toString("utf8"));
        return fetch2.xhr(filename, options, callback);
      fetch2.xhr = function fetch_xhr(filename, options, callback) {
        var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr2.onreadystatechange = function fetchOnReadyStateChange() {
          if (xhr2.readyState !== 4)
            return void 0;
          if (xhr2.status !== 0 && xhr2.status !== 200)
            return callback(Error("status " + xhr2.status));
          if (options.binary) {
            var buffer2 = xhr2.response;
            if (!buffer2) {
              buffer2 = [];
              for (var i = 0; i < xhr2.responseText.length; ++i)
                buffer2.push(xhr2.responseText.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
            return callback(null, typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(buffer2) : buffer2);
          return callback(null, xhr2.responseText);
        if (options.binary) {
          if ("overrideMimeType" in xhr2)
            xhr2.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
          xhr2.responseType = "arraybuffer";
        }"GET", filename);

  // node_modules/@protobufjs/path/index.js
  var require_path = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/@protobufjs/path/index.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var path2 = exports2;
      var isAbsolute = path2.isAbsolute = function isAbsolute2(path3) {
        return /^(?:\\/|\\w+:)/.test(path3);
      var normalize = path2.normalize = function normalize2(path3) {
        path3 = path3.replace(/\\\\/g, "/").replace(/\\/{2,}/g, "/");
        var parts = path3.split("/"), absolute = isAbsolute(path3), prefix = "";
        if (absolute)
          prefix = parts.shift() + "/";
        for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ) {
          if (parts[i] === "..") {
            if (i > 0 && parts[i - 1] !== "..")
              parts.splice(--i, 2);
            else if (absolute)
              parts.splice(i, 1);
          } else if (parts[i] === ".")
            parts.splice(i, 1);
        return prefix + parts.join("/");
      path2.resolve = function resolve(originPath, includePath, alreadyNormalized) {
        if (!alreadyNormalized)
          includePath = normalize(includePath);
        if (isAbsolute(includePath))
          return includePath;
        if (!alreadyNormalized)
          originPath = normalize(originPath);
        return (originPath = originPath.replace(/(?:\\/|^)[^/]+\$/, "")).length ? normalize(originPath + "/" + includePath) : includePath;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/types.js
  var require_types = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/types.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var types = exports2;
      var util = require_util();
      var s = [
      function bake(values, offset2) {
        var i = 0, o = {};
        offset2 |= 0;
        while (i < values.length)
          o[s[i + offset2]] = values[i++];
        return o;
      types.basic = bake([
      types.defaults = bake([
      types.long = bake([
      ], 7);
      types.mapKey = bake([
      ], 2);
      types.packed = bake([

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/field.js
  var require_field = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/field.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Field;
      var ReflectionObject = require_object();
      ((Field.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Field).className = "Field";
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var types = require_types();
      var util = require_util();
      var Type;
      var ruleRe = /^required|optional|repeated\$/;
      Field.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        return new Field(name,, json.type, json.rule, json.extend, json.options, json.comment);
      function Field(name, id, type, rule, extend, options, comment) {
        if (util.isObject(rule)) {
          comment = extend;
          options = rule;
          rule = extend = void 0;
        } else if (util.isObject(extend)) {
          comment = options;
          options = extend;
          extend = void 0;
        }, name, options);
        if (!util.isInteger(id) || id < 0)
          throw TypeError("id must be a non-negative integer");
        if (!util.isString(type))
          throw TypeError("type must be a string");
        if (rule !== void 0 && !ruleRe.test(rule = rule.toString().toLowerCase()))
          throw TypeError("rule must be a string rule");
        if (extend !== void 0 && !util.isString(extend))
          throw TypeError("extend must be a string");
        if (rule === "proto3_optional") {
          rule = "optional";
        this.rule = rule && rule !== "optional" ? rule : void 0;
        this.type = type; = id;
        this.extend = extend || void 0;
        this.required = rule === "required";
        this.optional = !this.required;
        this.repeated = rule === "repeated"; = false;
        this.message = null;
        this.partOf = null;
        this.typeDefault = null;
        this.defaultValue = null;
        this.long = util.Long ? types.long[type] !== void 0 : false;
        this.bytes = type === "bytes";
        this.resolvedType = null;
        this.extensionField = null;
        this.declaringField = null;
        this._packed = null;
        this.comment = comment;
      Object.defineProperty(Field.prototype, "packed", {
        get: function() {
          if (this._packed === null)
            this._packed = this.getOption("packed") !== false;
          return this._packed;
      Field.prototype.setOption = function setOption(name, value, ifNotSet) {
        if (name === "packed")
          this._packed = null;
        return, name, value, ifNotSet);
      Field.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          this.rule !== "optional" && this.rule || void 0,
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
      Field.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
        if (this.resolved)
          return this;
        if ((this.typeDefault = types.defaults[this.type]) === void 0) {
          this.resolvedType = (this.declaringField ? this.declaringField.parent : this.parent).lookupTypeOrEnum(this.type);
          if (this.resolvedType instanceof Type)
            this.typeDefault = null;
            this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[Object.keys(this.resolvedType.values)[0]];
        if (this.options && this.options["default"] != null) {
          this.typeDefault = this.options["default"];
          if (this.resolvedType instanceof Enum && typeof this.typeDefault === "string")
            this.typeDefault = this.resolvedType.values[this.typeDefault];
        if (this.options) {
          if (this.options.packed === true || this.options.packed !== void 0 && this.resolvedType && !(this.resolvedType instanceof Enum))
            delete this.options.packed;
          if (!Object.keys(this.options).length)
            this.options = void 0;
        if (this.long) {
          this.typeDefault = util.Long.fromNumber(this.typeDefault, this.type.charAt(0) === "u");
          if (Object.freeze)
        } else if (this.bytes && typeof this.typeDefault === "string") {
          var buf;
          if (util.base64.test(this.typeDefault))
            util.base64.decode(this.typeDefault, buf = util.newBuffer(util.base64.length(this.typeDefault)), 0);
            util.utf8.write(this.typeDefault, buf = util.newBuffer(util.utf8.length(this.typeDefault)), 0);
          this.typeDefault = buf;
        if (
          this.defaultValue = util.emptyObject;
        else if (this.repeated)
          this.defaultValue = util.emptyArray;
          this.defaultValue = this.typeDefault;
        if (this.parent instanceof Type)
          this.parent.ctor.prototype[] = this.defaultValue;
      Field.d = function decorateField(fieldId, fieldType, fieldRule, defaultValue) {
        if (typeof fieldType === "function")
          fieldType = util.decorateType(fieldType).name;
        else if (fieldType && typeof fieldType === "object")
          fieldType = util.decorateEnum(fieldType).name;
        return function fieldDecorator(prototype, fieldName) {
          util.decorateType(prototype.constructor).add(new Field(fieldName, fieldId, fieldType, fieldRule, { "default": defaultValue }));
      Field._configure = function configure(Type_) {
        Type = Type_;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/oneof.js
  var require_oneof = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/oneof.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = OneOf;
      var ReflectionObject = require_object();
      ((OneOf.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = OneOf).className = "OneOf";
      var Field = require_field();
      var util = require_util();
      function OneOf(name, fieldNames, options, comment) {
        if (!Array.isArray(fieldNames)) {
          options = fieldNames;
          fieldNames = void 0;
        }, name, options);
        if (!(fieldNames === void 0 || Array.isArray(fieldNames)))
          throw TypeError("fieldNames must be an Array");
        this.oneof = fieldNames || [];
        this.fieldsArray = [];
        this.comment = comment;
      OneOf.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        return new OneOf(name, json.oneof, json.options, json.comment);
      OneOf.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
      function addFieldsToParent(oneof) {
        if (oneof.parent) {
          for (var i = 0; i < oneof.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
            if (!oneof.fieldsArray[i].parent)
      OneOf.prototype.add = function add(field) {
        if (!(field instanceof Field))
          throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
        if (field.parent && field.parent !== this.parent)
        field.partOf = this;
        return this;
      OneOf.prototype.remove = function remove(field) {
        if (!(field instanceof Field))
          throw TypeError("field must be a Field");
        var index = this.fieldsArray.indexOf(field);
        if (index < 0)
          throw Error(field + " is not a member of " + this);
        this.fieldsArray.splice(index, 1);
        index = this.oneof.indexOf(;
        if (index > -1)
          this.oneof.splice(index, 1);
        field.partOf = null;
        return this;
      OneOf.prototype.onAdd = function onAdd(parent) {, parent);
        var self2 = this;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.oneof.length; ++i) {
          var field = parent.get(this.oneof[i]);
          if (field && !field.partOf) {
            field.partOf = self2;
      OneOf.prototype.onRemove = function onRemove(parent) {
        for (var i = 0, field; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
          if ((field = this.fieldsArray[i]).parent)
            field.parent.remove(field);, parent);
      OneOf.d = function decorateOneOf() {
        var fieldNames = new Array(arguments.length), index = 0;
        while (index < arguments.length)
          fieldNames[index] = arguments[index++];
        return function oneOfDecorator(prototype, oneofName) {
          util.decorateType(prototype.constructor).add(new OneOf(oneofName, fieldNames));
          Object.defineProperty(prototype, oneofName, {
            get: util.oneOfGetter(fieldNames),
            set: util.oneOfSetter(fieldNames)

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/namespace.js
  var require_namespace = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/namespace.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Namespace;
      var ReflectionObject = require_object();
      ((Namespace.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Namespace).className = "Namespace";
      var Field = require_field();
      var OneOf = require_oneof();
      var util = require_util();
      var Type;
      var Service;
      var Enum;
      Namespace.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        return new Namespace(name, json.options).addJSON(json.nested);
      function arrayToJSON(array, toJSONOptions) {
        if (!(array && array.length))
          return void 0;
        var obj = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
          obj[array[i].name] = array[i].toJSON(toJSONOptions);
        return obj;
      Namespace.arrayToJSON = arrayToJSON;
      Namespace.isReservedId = function isReservedId(reserved, id) {
        if (reserved) {
          for (var i = 0; i < reserved.length; ++i)
            if (typeof reserved[i] !== "string" && reserved[i][0] <= id && reserved[i][1] > id)
              return true;
        return false;
      Namespace.isReservedName = function isReservedName(reserved, name) {
        if (reserved) {
          for (var i = 0; i < reserved.length; ++i)
            if (reserved[i] === name)
              return true;
        return false;
      function Namespace(name, options) {, name, options);
        this.nested = void 0;
        this._nestedArray = null;
      function clearCache(namespace) {
        namespace._nestedArray = null;
        return namespace;
      Object.defineProperty(Namespace.prototype, "nestedArray", {
        get: function() {
          return this._nestedArray || (this._nestedArray = util.toArray(this.nested));
      Namespace.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        return util.toObject([
          arrayToJSON(this.nestedArray, toJSONOptions)
      Namespace.prototype.addJSON = function addJSON(nestedJson) {
        var ns = this;
        if (nestedJson) {
          for (var names = Object.keys(nestedJson), i = 0, nested; i < names.length; ++i) {
            nested = nestedJson[names[i]];
              (nested.fields !== void 0 ? Type.fromJSON : nested.values !== void 0 ? Enum.fromJSON : nested.methods !== void 0 ? Service.fromJSON : !== void 0 ? Field.fromJSON : Namespace.fromJSON)(names[i], nested)
        return this;
      Namespace.prototype.get = function get3(name) {
        return this.nested && this.nested[name] || null;
      Namespace.prototype.getEnum = function getEnum(name) {
        if (this.nested && this.nested[name] instanceof Enum)
          return this.nested[name].values;
        throw Error("no such enum: " + name);
      Namespace.prototype.add = function add(object) {
        if (!(object instanceof Field && object.extend !== void 0 || object instanceof Type || object instanceof Enum || object instanceof Service || object instanceof Namespace || object instanceof OneOf))
          throw TypeError("object must be a valid nested object");
        if (!this.nested)
          this.nested = {};
        else {
          var prev = this.get(;
          if (prev) {
            if (prev instanceof Namespace && object instanceof Namespace && !(prev instanceof Type || prev instanceof Service)) {
              var nested = prev.nestedArray;
              for (var i = 0; i < nested.length; ++i)
              if (!this.nested)
                this.nested = {};
              object.setOptions(prev.options, true);
            } else
              throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
        this.nested[] = object;
        return clearCache(this);
      Namespace.prototype.remove = function remove(object) {
        if (!(object instanceof ReflectionObject))
          throw TypeError("object must be a ReflectionObject");
        if (object.parent !== this)
          throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
        delete this.nested[];
        if (!Object.keys(this.nested).length)
          this.nested = void 0;
        return clearCache(this);
      Namespace.prototype.define = function define(path2, json) {
        if (util.isString(path2))
          path2 = path2.split(".");
        else if (!Array.isArray(path2))
          throw TypeError("illegal path");
        if (path2 && path2.length && path2[0] === "")
          throw Error("path must be relative");
        var ptr = this;
        while (path2.length > 0) {
          var part = path2.shift();
          if (ptr.nested && ptr.nested[part]) {
            ptr = ptr.nested[part];
            if (!(ptr instanceof Namespace))
              throw Error("path conflicts with non-namespace objects");
          } else
            ptr.add(ptr = new Namespace(part));
        if (json)
        return ptr;
      Namespace.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
        var nested = this.nestedArray, i = 0;
        while (i < nested.length)
          if (nested[i] instanceof Namespace)
        return this.resolve();
      Namespace.prototype.lookup = function lookup(path2, filterTypes, parentAlreadyChecked) {
        if (typeof filterTypes === "boolean") {
          parentAlreadyChecked = filterTypes;
          filterTypes = void 0;
        } else if (filterTypes && !Array.isArray(filterTypes))
          filterTypes = [filterTypes];
        if (util.isString(path2) && path2.length) {
          if (path2 === ".")
            return this.root;
          path2 = path2.split(".");
        } else if (!path2.length)
          return this;
        if (path2[0] === "")
          return this.root.lookup(path2.slice(1), filterTypes);
        var found = this.get(path2[0]);
        if (found) {
          if (path2.length === 1) {
            if (!filterTypes || filterTypes.indexOf(found.constructor) > -1)
              return found;
          } else if (found instanceof Namespace && (found = found.lookup(path2.slice(1), filterTypes, true)))
            return found;
        } else
          for (var i = 0; i < this.nestedArray.length; ++i)
            if (this._nestedArray[i] instanceof Namespace && (found = this._nestedArray[i].lookup(path2, filterTypes, true)))
              return found;
        if (this.parent === null || parentAlreadyChecked)
          return null;
        return this.parent.lookup(path2, filterTypes);
      Namespace.prototype.lookupType = function lookupType(path2) {
        var found = this.lookup(path2, [Type]);
        if (!found)
          throw Error("no such type: " + path2);
        return found;
      Namespace.prototype.lookupEnum = function lookupEnum(path2) {
        var found = this.lookup(path2, [Enum]);
        if (!found)
          throw Error("no such Enum '" + path2 + "' in " + this);
        return found;
      Namespace.prototype.lookupTypeOrEnum = function lookupTypeOrEnum(path2) {
        var found = this.lookup(path2, [Type, Enum]);
        if (!found)
          throw Error("no such Type or Enum '" + path2 + "' in " + this);
        return found;
      Namespace.prototype.lookupService = function lookupService(path2) {
        var found = this.lookup(path2, [Service]);
        if (!found)
          throw Error("no such Service '" + path2 + "' in " + this);
        return found;
      Namespace._configure = function(Type_, Service_, Enum_) {
        Type = Type_;
        Service = Service_;
        Enum = Enum_;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/mapfield.js
  var require_mapfield = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/mapfield.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = MapField;
      var Field = require_field();
      ((MapField.prototype = Object.create(Field.prototype)).constructor = MapField).className = "MapField";
      var types = require_types();
      var util = require_util();
      function MapField(name, id, keyType, type, options, comment) {, name, id, type, void 0, void 0, options, comment);
        if (!util.isString(keyType))
          throw TypeError("keyType must be a string");
        this.keyType = keyType;
        this.resolvedKeyType = null; = true;
      MapField.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        return new MapField(name,, json.keyType, json.type, json.options, json.comment);
      MapField.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
      MapField.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
        if (this.resolved)
          return this;
        if (types.mapKey[this.keyType] === void 0)
          throw Error("invalid key type: " + this.keyType);
      MapField.d = function decorateMapField(fieldId, fieldKeyType, fieldValueType) {
        if (typeof fieldValueType === "function")
          fieldValueType = util.decorateType(fieldValueType).name;
        else if (fieldValueType && typeof fieldValueType === "object")
          fieldValueType = util.decorateEnum(fieldValueType).name;
        return function mapFieldDecorator(prototype, fieldName) {
          util.decorateType(prototype.constructor).add(new MapField(fieldName, fieldId, fieldKeyType, fieldValueType));

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/method.js
  var require_method = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/method.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Method;
      var ReflectionObject = require_object();
      ((Method.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Method).className = "Method";
      var util = require_util();
      function Method(name, type, requestType, responseType, requestStream, responseStream, options, comment, parsedOptions) {
        if (util.isObject(requestStream)) {
          options = requestStream;
          requestStream = responseStream = void 0;
        } else if (util.isObject(responseStream)) {
          options = responseStream;
          responseStream = void 0;
        if (!(type === void 0 || util.isString(type)))
          throw TypeError("type must be a string");
        if (!util.isString(requestType))
          throw TypeError("requestType must be a string");
        if (!util.isString(responseType))
          throw TypeError("responseType must be a string");, name, options);
        this.type = type || "rpc";
        this.requestType = requestType;
        this.requestStream = requestStream ? true : void 0;
        this.responseType = responseType;
        this.responseStream = responseStream ? true : void 0;
        this.resolvedRequestType = null;
        this.resolvedResponseType = null;
        this.comment = comment;
        this.parsedOptions = parsedOptions;
      Method.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        return new Method(name, json.type, json.requestType, json.responseType, json.requestStream, json.responseStream, json.options, json.comment, json.parsedOptions);
      Method.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          this.type !== "rpc" && this.type || void 0,
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0,
      Method.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
        if (this.resolved)
          return this;
        this.resolvedRequestType = this.parent.lookupType(this.requestType);
        this.resolvedResponseType = this.parent.lookupType(this.responseType);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/service.js
  var require_service2 = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/service.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Service;
      var Namespace = require_namespace();
      ((Service.prototype = Object.create(Namespace.prototype)).constructor = Service).className = "Service";
      var Method = require_method();
      var util = require_util();
      var rpc = require_rpc();
      function Service(name, options) {, name, options);
        this.methods = {};
        this._methodsArray = null;
      Service.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        var service = new Service(name, json.options);
        if (json.methods)
          for (var names = Object.keys(json.methods), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
            service.add(Method.fromJSON(names[i], json.methods[names[i]]));
        if (json.nested)
        service.comment = json.comment;
        return service;
      Service.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var inherited =, toJSONOptions);
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          inherited && inherited.options || void 0,
          Namespace.arrayToJSON(this.methodsArray, toJSONOptions) || {},
          inherited && inherited.nested || void 0,
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
      Object.defineProperty(Service.prototype, "methodsArray", {
        get: function() {
          return this._methodsArray || (this._methodsArray = util.toArray(this.methods));
      function clearCache(service) {
        service._methodsArray = null;
        return service;
      Service.prototype.get = function get3(name) {
        return this.methods[name] ||, name);
      Service.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
        var methods = this.methodsArray;
        for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i)
      Service.prototype.add = function add(object) {
        if (this.get(
          throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
        if (object instanceof Method) {
          this.methods[] = object;
          object.parent = this;
          return clearCache(this);
        return, object);
      Service.prototype.remove = function remove(object) {
        if (object instanceof Method) {
          if (this.methods[] !== object)
            throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
          delete this.methods[];
          object.parent = null;
          return clearCache(this);
        return, object);
      Service.prototype.create = function create(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited) {
        var rpcService = new rpc.Service(rpcImpl, requestDelimited, responseDelimited);
        for (var i = 0, method; i < this.methodsArray.length; ++i) {
          var methodName = util.lcFirst((method = this._methodsArray[i]).resolve().name).replace(/[^\$\\w_]/g, "");
          rpcService[methodName] = util.codegen(["r", "c"], util.isReserved(methodName) ? methodName + "_" : methodName)("return this.rpcCall(m,q,s,r,c)")({
            m: method,
            q: method.resolvedRequestType.ctor,
            s: method.resolvedResponseType.ctor
        return rpcService;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/message.js
  var require_message = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/message.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Message;
      var util = require_minimal();
      function Message(properties) {
        if (properties)
          for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
            this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
      Message.create = function create(properties) {
        return this.\$type.create(properties);
      Message.encode = function encode(message2, writer) {
        return this.\$type.encode(message2, writer);
      Message.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message2, writer) {
        return this.\$type.encodeDelimited(message2, writer);
      Message.decode = function decode(reader) {
        return this.\$type.decode(reader);
      Message.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
        return this.\$type.decodeDelimited(reader);
      Message.verify = function verify(message2) {
        return this.\$type.verify(message2);
      Message.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
        return this.\$type.fromObject(object);
      Message.toObject = function toObject(message2, options) {
        return this.\$type.toObject(message2, options);
      Message.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
        return this.\$type.toObject(this, util.toJSONOptions);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/decoder.js
  var require_decoder = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/decoder.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = decoder;
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var types = require_types();
      var util = require_util();
      function missing(field) {
        return "missing required '" + + "'";
      function decoder(mtype) {
        var gen = util.codegen(["r", "l"], + "\$decode")("if(!(r instanceof Reader))")("r=Reader.create(r)")("var c=l===undefined?r.len:r.pos+l,m=new this.ctor" + (mtype.fieldsArray.filter(function(field2) {
        }).length ? ",k,value" : ""))("while(r.pos<c){")("var t=r.uint32()");
        if (
        var i = 0;
        for (; i < mtype.fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
          var field = mtype._fieldsArray[i].resolve(), type = field.resolvedType instanceof Enum ? "int32" : field.type, ref = "m" + util.safeProp(;
          gen("case %i:",;
          if ( {
            gen("if(%s===util.emptyObject)", ref)("%s={}", ref)("var c2 = r.uint32()+r.pos");
            if (types.defaults[field.keyType] !== void 0)
              gen("k=%j", types.defaults[field.keyType]);
            if (types.defaults[type] !== void 0)
              gen("value=%j", types.defaults[type]);
            gen("while(r.pos<c2){")("var tag2=r.uint32()")("switch(tag2>>>3){")("case 1: k=r.%s(); break", field.keyType)("case 2:");
            if (types.basic[type] === void 0)
              gen("value=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())", i);
              gen("value=r.%s()", type);
            if (types.long[field.keyType] !== void 0)
              gen('%s[typeof k==="object"?util.longToHash(k):k]=value', ref);
              gen("%s[k]=value", ref);
          } else if (field.repeated) {
            gen("if(!(%s&&%s.length))", ref, ref)("%s=[]", ref);
            if (types.packed[type] !== void 0)
              gen("if((t&7)===2){")("var c2=r.uint32()+r.pos")("while(r.pos<c2)")("%s.push(r.%s())", ref, type)("}else");
            if (types.basic[type] === void 0)
              gen( ? "%s.push(types[%i].decode(r))" : "%s.push(types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32()))", ref, i);
              gen("%s.push(r.%s())", ref, type);
          } else if (types.basic[type] === void 0)
            gen( ? "%s=types[%i].decode(r)" : "%s=types[%i].decode(r,r.uint32())", ref, i);
            gen("%s=r.%s()", ref, type);
        for (i = 0; i < mtype._fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
          var rfield = mtype._fieldsArray[i];
          if (rfield.required)
            gen("if(!m.hasOwnProperty(%j))","throw util.ProtocolError(%j,{instance:m})", missing(rfield));
        return gen("return m");

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/verifier.js
  var require_verifier = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/verifier.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = verifier;
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var util = require_util();
      function invalid(field, expected) {
        return + ": " + expected + (field.repeated && expected !== "array" ? "[]" : && expected !== "object" ? "{k:" + field.keyType + "}" : "") + " expected";
      function genVerifyValue(gen, field, fieldIndex, ref) {
        if (field.resolvedType) {
          if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum) {
            gen("switch(%s){", ref)("default:")("return%j", invalid(field, "enum value"));
            for (var keys = Object.keys(field.resolvedType.values), j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j)
              gen("case %i:", field.resolvedType.values[keys[j]]);
          } else {
            gen("{")("var e=types[%i].verify(%s);", fieldIndex, ref)("if(e)")("return%j+e", + ".")("}");
        } else {
          switch (field.type) {
            case "int32":
            case "uint32":
            case "sint32":
            case "fixed32":
            case "sfixed32":
              gen("if(!util.isInteger(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer"));
            case "int64":
            case "uint64":
            case "sint64":
            case "fixed64":
            case "sfixed64":
              gen("if(!util.isInteger(%s)&&!(%s&&util.isInteger(%s.low)&&util.isInteger(%s.high)))", ref, ref, ref, ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer|Long"));
            case "float":
            case "double":
              gen('if(typeof %s!=="number")', ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "number"));
            case "bool":
              gen('if(typeof %s!=="boolean")', ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "boolean"));
            case "string":
              gen("if(!util.isString(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "string"));
            case "bytes":
              gen('if(!(%s&&typeof %s.length==="number"||util.isString(%s)))', ref, ref, ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "buffer"));
        return gen;
      function genVerifyKey(gen, field, ref) {
        switch (field.keyType) {
          case "int32":
          case "uint32":
          case "sint32":
          case "fixed32":
          case "sfixed32":
            gen("if(!util.key32Re.test(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer key"));
          case "int64":
          case "uint64":
          case "sint64":
          case "fixed64":
          case "sfixed64":
            gen("if(!util.key64Re.test(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "integer|Long key"));
          case "bool":
            gen("if(!util.key2Re.test(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "boolean key"));
        return gen;
      function verifier(mtype) {
        var gen = util.codegen(["m"], + "\$verify")('if(typeof m!=="object"||m===null)')("return%j", "object expected");
        var oneofs = mtype.oneofsArray, seenFirstField = {};
        if (oneofs.length)
          gen("var p={}");
        for (var i = 0; i < mtype.fieldsArray.length; ++i) {
          var field = mtype._fieldsArray[i].resolve(), ref = "m" + util.safeProp(;
          if (field.optional)
            gen("if(%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", ref,;
          if ( {
            gen("if(!util.isObject(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "object"))("var k=Object.keys(%s)", ref)("for(var i=0;i<k.length;++i){");
            genVerifyKey(gen, field, "k[i]");
            genVerifyValue(gen, field, i, ref + "[k[i]]")("}");
          } else if (field.repeated) {
            gen("if(!Array.isArray(%s))", ref)("return%j", invalid(field, "array"))("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i){", ref);
            genVerifyValue(gen, field, i, ref + "[i]")("}");
          } else {
            if (field.partOf) {
              var oneofProp = util.safeProp(;
              if (seenFirstField[] === 1)
                gen("if(p%s===1)", oneofProp)("return%j", + ": multiple values");
              seenFirstField[] = 1;
              gen("p%s=1", oneofProp);
            genVerifyValue(gen, field, i, ref);
          if (field.optional)
        return gen("return null");

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/converter.js
  var require_converter = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/converter.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var converter = exports2;
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var util = require_util();
      function genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, fieldIndex, prop) {
        if (field.resolvedType) {
          if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum) {
            gen("switch(d%s){", prop);
            for (var values = field.resolvedType.values, keys = Object.keys(values), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
              if (field.repeated && values[keys[i]] === field.typeDefault)
              gen("case%j:", keys[i])("case %i:", values[keys[i]])("m%s=%j", prop, values[keys[i]])("break");
          } else
            gen('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', prop)("throw TypeError(%j)", field.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s=types[%i].fromObject(d%s)", prop, fieldIndex, prop);
        } else {
          var isUnsigned = false;
          switch (field.type) {
            case "double":
            case "float":
              gen("m%s=Number(d%s)", prop, prop);
            case "uint32":
            case "fixed32":
              gen("m%s=d%s>>>0", prop, prop);
            case "int32":
            case "sint32":
            case "sfixed32":
              gen("m%s=d%s|0", prop, prop);
            case "uint64":
              isUnsigned = true;
            case "int64":
            case "sint64":
            case "fixed64":
            case "sfixed64":
              gen("if(util.Long)")("(m%s=util.Long.fromValue(d%s)).unsigned=%j", prop, prop, isUnsigned)('else if(typeof d%s==="string")', prop)("m%s=parseInt(d%s,10)", prop, prop)('else if(typeof d%s==="number")', prop)("m%s=d%s", prop, prop)('else if(typeof d%s==="object")', prop)("m%s=new util.LongBits(d%s.low>>>0,d%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s)", prop, prop, prop, isUnsigned ? "true" : "");
            case "bytes":
              gen('if(typeof d%s==="string")', prop)("util.base64.decode(d%s,m%s=util.newBuffer(util.base64.length(d%s)),0)", prop, prop, prop)("else if(d%s.length)", prop)("m%s=d%s", prop, prop);
            case "string":
              gen("m%s=String(d%s)", prop, prop);
            case "bool":
              gen("m%s=Boolean(d%s)", prop, prop);
        return gen;
      converter.fromObject = function fromObject(mtype) {
        var fields = mtype.fieldsArray;
        var gen = util.codegen(["d"], + "\$fromObject")("if(d instanceof this.ctor)")("return d");
        if (!fields.length)
          return gen("return new this.ctor");
        gen("var m=new this.ctor");
        for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
          var field = fields[i].resolve(), prop = util.safeProp(;
          if ( {
            gen("if(d%s){", prop)('if(typeof d%s!=="object")', prop)("throw TypeError(%j)", field.fullName + ": object expected")("m%s={}", prop)("for(var ks=Object.keys(d%s),i=0;i<ks.length;++i){", prop);
            genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, i, prop + "[ks[i]]")("}")("}");
          } else if (field.repeated) {
            gen("if(d%s){", prop)("if(!Array.isArray(d%s))", prop)("throw TypeError(%j)", field.fullName + ": array expected")("m%s=[]", prop)("for(var i=0;i<d%s.length;++i){", prop);
            genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, i, prop + "[i]")("}")("}");
          } else {
            if (!(field.resolvedType instanceof Enum))
              gen("if(d%s!=null){", prop);
            genValuePartial_fromObject(gen, field, i, prop);
            if (!(field.resolvedType instanceof Enum))
        return gen("return m");
      function genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, fieldIndex, prop) {
        if (field.resolvedType) {
          if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum)
            gen("d%s=o.enums===String?types[%i].values[m%s]:m%s", prop, fieldIndex, prop, prop);
            gen("d%s=types[%i].toObject(m%s,o)", prop, fieldIndex, prop);
        } else {
          var isUnsigned = false;
          switch (field.type) {
            case "double":
            case "float":
              gen("d%s=o.json&&!isFinite(m%s)?String(m%s):m%s", prop, prop, prop, prop);
            case "uint64":
              isUnsigned = true;
            case "int64":
            case "sint64":
            case "fixed64":
            case "sfixed64":
              gen('if(typeof m%s==="number")', prop)("d%s=o.longs===String?String(m%s):m%s", prop, prop, prop)("else")("d%s=o.longs===String? util.LongBits(m%s.low>>>0,m%s.high>>>0).toNumber(%s):m%s", prop, prop, prop, prop, isUnsigned ? "true" : "", prop);
            case "bytes":
              gen("d%s=o.bytes===String?util.base64.encode(m%s,0,m%s.length):o.bytes===Array?", prop, prop, prop, prop, prop);
              gen("d%s=m%s", prop, prop);
        return gen;
      converter.toObject = function toObject(mtype) {
        var fields = mtype.fieldsArray.slice().sort(util.compareFieldsById);
        if (!fields.length)
          return util.codegen()("return {}");
        var gen = util.codegen(["m", "o"], + "\$toObject")("if(!o)")("o={}")("var d={}");
        var repeatedFields = [], mapFields = [], normalFields = [], i = 0;
        for (; i < fields.length; ++i)
          if (!fields[i].partOf)
            (fields[i].resolve().repeated ? repeatedFields : fields[i].map ? mapFields : normalFields).push(fields[i]);
        if (repeatedFields.length) {
          for (i = 0; i < repeatedFields.length; ++i)
            gen("d%s=[]", util.safeProp(repeatedFields[i].name));
        if (mapFields.length) {
          for (i = 0; i < mapFields.length; ++i)
            gen("d%s={}", util.safeProp(mapFields[i].name));
        if (normalFields.length) {
          for (i = 0; i < normalFields.length; ++i) {
            var field = normalFields[i], prop = util.safeProp(;
            if (field.resolvedType instanceof Enum)
              gen("d%s=o.enums===String?%j:%j", prop, field.resolvedType.valuesById[field.typeDefault], field.typeDefault);
            else if (field.long)
              gen("if(util.Long){")("var n=new util.Long(%i,%i,%j)", field.typeDefault.low, field.typeDefault.high, field.typeDefault.unsigned)("d%s=o.longs===String?n.toString():o.longs===Number?n.toNumber():n", prop)("}else")("d%s=o.longs===String?%j:%i", prop, field.typeDefault.toString(), field.typeDefault.toNumber());
            else if (field.bytes) {
              var arrayDefault = "[" +",") + "]";
              gen("if(o.bytes===String)d%s=%j", prop, String.fromCharCode.apply(String, field.typeDefault))("else{")("d%s=%s", prop, arrayDefault)("if(o.bytes!==Array)d%s=util.newBuffer(d%s)", prop, prop)("}");
            } else
              gen("d%s=%j", prop, field.typeDefault);
        var hasKs2 = false;
        for (i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
          var field = fields[i], index = mtype._fieldsArray.indexOf(field), prop = util.safeProp(;
          if ( {
            if (!hasKs2) {
              hasKs2 = true;
              gen("var ks2");
            gen("if(m%s&&(ks2=Object.keys(m%s)).length){", prop, prop)("d%s={}", prop)("for(var j=0;j<ks2.length;++j){");
            genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, index, prop + "[ks2[j]]")("}");
          } else if (field.repeated) {
            gen("if(m%s&&m%s.length){", prop, prop)("d%s=[]", prop)("for(var j=0;j<m%s.length;++j){", prop);
            genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, index, prop + "[j]")("}");
          } else {
            gen("if(m%s!=null&&m.hasOwnProperty(%j)){", prop,;
            genValuePartial_toObject(gen, field, index, prop);
            if (field.partOf)
              gen("if(o.oneofs)")("d%s=%j", util.safeProp(,;
        return gen("return d");

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/wrappers.js
  var require_wrappers = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/wrappers.js"(exports2) {
      "use strict";
      var wrappers = exports2;
      var Message = require_message();
      wrappers[".google.protobuf.Any"] = {
        fromObject: function(object) {
          if (object && object["@type"]) {
            var name = object["@type"].substring(object["@type"].lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            var type = this.lookup(name);
            if (type) {
              var type_url = object["@type"].charAt(0) === "." ? object["@type"].substr(1) : object["@type"];
              if (type_url.indexOf("/") === -1) {
                type_url = "/" + type_url;
              return this.create({
                value: type.encode(type.fromObject(object)).finish()
          return this.fromObject(object);
        toObject: function(message2, options) {
          var googleApi = "";
          var prefix = "";
          var name = "";
          if (options && options.json && message2.type_url && message2.value) {
            name = message2.type_url.substring(message2.type_url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            prefix = message2.type_url.substring(0, message2.type_url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            var type = this.lookup(name);
            if (type)
              message2 = type.decode(message2.value);
          if (!(message2 instanceof this.ctor) && message2 instanceof Message) {
            var object = message2.\$type.toObject(message2, options);
            var messageName = message2.\$type.fullName[0] === "." ? message2.\$type.fullName.substr(1) : message2.\$type.fullName;
            if (prefix === "") {
              prefix = googleApi;
            name = prefix + messageName;
            object["@type"] = name;
            return object;
          return this.toObject(message2, options);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/type.js
  var require_type = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/type.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Type;
      var Namespace = require_namespace();
      ((Type.prototype = Object.create(Namespace.prototype)).constructor = Type).className = "Type";
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var OneOf = require_oneof();
      var Field = require_field();
      var MapField = require_mapfield();
      var Service = require_service2();
      var Message = require_message();
      var Reader = require_reader();
      var Writer = require_writer();
      var util = require_util();
      var encoder2 = require_encoder();
      var decoder = require_decoder();
      var verifier = require_verifier();
      var converter = require_converter();
      var wrappers = require_wrappers();
      function Type(name, options) {, name, options);
        this.fields = {};
        this.oneofs = void 0;
        this.extensions = void 0;
        this.reserved = void 0; = void 0;
        this._fieldsById = null;
        this._fieldsArray = null;
        this._oneofsArray = null;
        this._ctor = null;
      Object.defineProperties(Type.prototype, {
        fieldsById: {
          get: function() {
            if (this._fieldsById)
              return this._fieldsById;
            this._fieldsById = {};
            for (var names = Object.keys(this.fields), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
              var field = this.fields[names[i]], id =;
              if (this._fieldsById[id])
                throw Error("duplicate id " + id + " in " + this);
              this._fieldsById[id] = field;
            return this._fieldsById;
        fieldsArray: {
          get: function() {
            return this._fieldsArray || (this._fieldsArray = util.toArray(this.fields));
        oneofsArray: {
          get: function() {
            return this._oneofsArray || (this._oneofsArray = util.toArray(this.oneofs));
        ctor: {
          get: function() {
            return this._ctor || (this.ctor = Type.generateConstructor(this)());
          set: function(ctor) {
            var prototype = ctor.prototype;
            if (!(prototype instanceof Message)) {
              (ctor.prototype = new Message()).constructor = ctor;
              util.merge(ctor.prototype, prototype);
            ctor.\$type = ctor.prototype.\$type = this;
            util.merge(ctor, Message, true);
            this._ctor = ctor;
            var i = 0;
            for (; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
            var ctorProperties = {};
            for (i = 0; i < this.oneofsArray.length; ++i)
              ctorProperties[this._oneofsArray[i].resolve().name] = {
                get: util.oneOfGetter(this._oneofsArray[i].oneof),
                set: util.oneOfSetter(this._oneofsArray[i].oneof)
            if (i)
              Object.defineProperties(ctor.prototype, ctorProperties);
      Type.generateConstructor = function generateConstructor(mtype) {
        var gen = util.codegen(["p"],;
        for (var i = 0, field; i < mtype.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
          if ((field = mtype._fieldsArray[i]).map)
            gen("this%s={}", util.safeProp(;
          else if (field.repeated)
            gen("this%s=[]", util.safeProp(;
        return gen("if(p)for(var ks=Object.keys(p),i=0;i<ks.length;++i)if(p[ks[i]]!=null)")("this[ks[i]]=p[ks[i]]");
      function clearCache(type) {
        type._fieldsById = type._fieldsArray = type._oneofsArray = null;
        delete type.encode;
        delete type.decode;
        delete type.verify;
        return type;
      Type.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        var type = new Type(name, json.options);
        type.extensions = json.extensions;
        type.reserved = json.reserved;
        var names = Object.keys(json.fields), i = 0;
        for (; i < names.length; ++i)
            (typeof json.fields[names[i]].keyType !== "undefined" ? MapField.fromJSON : Field.fromJSON)(names[i], json.fields[names[i]])
        if (json.oneofs)
          for (names = Object.keys(json.oneofs), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
            type.add(OneOf.fromJSON(names[i], json.oneofs[names[i]]));
        if (json.nested)
          for (names = Object.keys(json.nested), i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
            var nested = json.nested[names[i]];
              ( !== void 0 ? Field.fromJSON : nested.fields !== void 0 ? Type.fromJSON : nested.values !== void 0 ? Enum.fromJSON : nested.methods !== void 0 ? Service.fromJSON : Namespace.fromJSON)(names[i], nested)
        if (json.extensions && json.extensions.length)
          type.extensions = json.extensions;
        if (json.reserved && json.reserved.length)
          type.reserved = json.reserved;
        if (
 = true;
        if (json.comment)
          type.comment = json.comment;
        return type;
      Type.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var inherited =, toJSONOptions);
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          inherited && inherited.options || void 0,
          Namespace.arrayToJSON(this.oneofsArray, toJSONOptions),
          Namespace.arrayToJSON(this.fieldsArray.filter(function(obj) {
            return !obj.declaringField;
          }), toJSONOptions) || {},
          this.extensions && this.extensions.length ? this.extensions : void 0,
          this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : void 0,
 || void 0,
          inherited && inherited.nested || void 0,
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0
      Type.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
        var fields = this.fieldsArray, i = 0;
        while (i < fields.length)
        var oneofs = this.oneofsArray;
        i = 0;
        while (i < oneofs.length)
      Type.prototype.get = function get3(name) {
        return this.fields[name] || this.oneofs && this.oneofs[name] || this.nested && this.nested[name] || null;
      Type.prototype.add = function add(object) {
        if (this.get(
          throw Error("duplicate name '" + + "' in " + this);
        if (object instanceof Field && object.extend === void 0) {
          if (this._fieldsById ? this._fieldsById[] : this.fieldsById[])
            throw Error("duplicate id " + + " in " + this);
          if (this.isReservedId(
            throw Error("id " + + " is reserved in " + this);
          if (this.isReservedName(
            throw Error("name '" + + "' is reserved in " + this);
          if (object.parent)
          this.fields[] = object;
          object.message = this;
          return clearCache(this);
        if (object instanceof OneOf) {
          if (!this.oneofs)
            this.oneofs = {};
          this.oneofs[] = object;
          return clearCache(this);
        return, object);
      Type.prototype.remove = function remove(object) {
        if (object instanceof Field && object.extend === void 0) {
          if (!this.fields || this.fields[] !== object)
            throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
          delete this.fields[];
          object.parent = null;
          return clearCache(this);
        if (object instanceof OneOf) {
          if (!this.oneofs || this.oneofs[] !== object)
            throw Error(object + " is not a member of " + this);
          delete this.oneofs[];
          object.parent = null;
          return clearCache(this);
        return, object);
      Type.prototype.isReservedId = function isReservedId(id) {
        return Namespace.isReservedId(this.reserved, id);
      Type.prototype.isReservedName = function isReservedName(name) {
        return Namespace.isReservedName(this.reserved, name);
      Type.prototype.create = function create(properties) {
        return new this.ctor(properties);
      Type.prototype.setup = function setup() {
        var fullName = this.fullName, types = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)
        this.encode = encoder2(this)({
        this.decode = decoder(this)({
        this.verify = verifier(this)({
        this.fromObject = converter.fromObject(this)({
        this.toObject = converter.toObject(this)({
        var wrapper = wrappers[fullName];
        if (wrapper) {
          var originalThis = Object.create(this);
          originalThis.fromObject = this.fromObject;
          this.fromObject = wrapper.fromObject.bind(originalThis);
          originalThis.toObject = this.toObject;
          this.toObject = wrapper.toObject.bind(originalThis);
        return this;
      Type.prototype.encode = function encode_setup(message2, writer) {
        return this.setup().encode(message2, writer);
      Type.prototype.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message2, writer) {
        return this.encode(message2, writer && writer.len ? writer.fork() : writer).ldelim();
      Type.prototype.decode = function decode_setup(reader, length) {
        return this.setup().decode(reader, length);
      Type.prototype.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
        if (!(reader instanceof Reader))
          reader = Reader.create(reader);
        return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
      Type.prototype.verify = function verify_setup(message2) {
        return this.setup().verify(message2);
      Type.prototype.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
        return this.setup().fromObject(object);
      Type.prototype.toObject = function toObject(message2, options) {
        return this.setup().toObject(message2, options);
      Type.d = function decorateType(typeName) {
        return function typeDecorator(target) {
          util.decorateType(target, typeName);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/root.js
  var require_root = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/root.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Root;
      var Namespace = require_namespace();
      ((Root.prototype = Object.create(Namespace.prototype)).constructor = Root).className = "Root";
      var Field = require_field();
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var OneOf = require_oneof();
      var util = require_util();
      var Type;
      var parse;
      var common;
      function Root(options) {, "", options);
        this.deferred = [];
        this.files = [];
      Root.fromJSON = function fromJSON(json, root3) {
        if (!root3)
          root3 = new Root();
        if (json.options)
        return root3.addJSON(json.nested);
      Root.prototype.resolvePath = util.path.resolve;
      Root.prototype.fetch = util.fetch;
      function SYNC() {
      Root.prototype.load = function load3(filename, options, callback) {
        if (typeof options === "function") {
          callback = options;
          options = void 0;
        var self2 = this;
        if (!callback)
          return util.asPromise(load3, self2, filename, options);
        var sync = callback === SYNC;
        function finish(err, root3) {
          if (!callback)
          var cb = callback;
          callback = null;
          if (sync)
            throw err;
          cb(err, root3);
        function getBundledFileName(filename2) {
          var idx = filename2.lastIndexOf("google/protobuf/");
          if (idx > -1) {
            var altname = filename2.substring(idx);
            if (altname in common)
              return altname;
          return null;
        function process(filename2, source) {
          try {
            if (util.isString(source) && source.charAt(0) === "{")
              source = JSON.parse(source);
            if (!util.isString(source))
            else {
              parse.filename = filename2;
              var parsed = parse(source, self2, options), resolved2, i2 = 0;
              if (parsed.imports) {
                for (; i2 < parsed.imports.length; ++i2)
                  if (resolved2 = getBundledFileName(parsed.imports[i2]) || self2.resolvePath(filename2, parsed.imports[i2]))
              if (parsed.weakImports) {
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < parsed.weakImports.length; ++i2)
                  if (resolved2 = getBundledFileName(parsed.weakImports[i2]) || self2.resolvePath(filename2, parsed.weakImports[i2]))
                    fetch2(resolved2, true);
          } catch (err) {
          if (!sync && !queued)
            finish(null, self2);
        function fetch2(filename2, weak) {
          if (self2.files.indexOf(filename2) > -1)
          if (filename2 in common) {
            if (sync)
              process(filename2, common[filename2]);
            else {
              setTimeout(function() {
                process(filename2, common[filename2]);
          if (sync) {
            var source;
            try {
              source = util.fs.readFileSync(filename2).toString("utf8");
            } catch (err) {
              if (!weak)
            process(filename2, source);
          } else {
            self2.fetch(filename2, function(err, source2) {
              if (!callback)
              if (err) {
                if (!weak)
                else if (!queued)
                  finish(null, self2);
              process(filename2, source2);
        var queued = 0;
        if (util.isString(filename))
          filename = [filename];
        for (var i = 0, resolved; i < filename.length; ++i)
          if (resolved = self2.resolvePath("", filename[i]))
        if (sync)
          return self2;
        if (!queued)
          finish(null, self2);
        return void 0;
      Root.prototype.loadSync = function loadSync(filename, options) {
        if (!util.isNode)
          throw Error("not supported");
        return this.load(filename, options, SYNC);
      Root.prototype.resolveAll = function resolveAll() {
        if (this.deferred.length)
          throw Error("unresolvable extensions: " + {
            return "'extend " + field.extend + "' in " + field.parent.fullName;
          }).join(", "));
      var exposeRe = /^[A-Z]/;
      function tryHandleExtension(root3, field) {
        var extendedType = field.parent.lookup(field.extend);
        if (extendedType) {
          var sisterField = new Field(field.fullName,, field.type, field.rule, void 0, field.options);
          sisterField.declaringField = field;
          field.extensionField = sisterField;
          return true;
        return false;
      Root.prototype._handleAdd = function _handleAdd(object) {
        if (object instanceof Field) {
          if (object.extend !== void 0 && !object.extensionField) {
            if (!tryHandleExtension(this, object))
        } else if (object instanceof Enum) {
          if (exposeRe.test(
            object.parent[] = object.values;
        } else if (!(object instanceof OneOf)) {
          if (object instanceof Type)
            for (var i = 0; i < this.deferred.length; )
              if (tryHandleExtension(this, this.deferred[i]))
                this.deferred.splice(i, 1);
          for (var j = 0; j < object.nestedArray.length; ++j)
          if (exposeRe.test(
            object.parent[] = object;
      Root.prototype._handleRemove = function _handleRemove(object) {
        if (object instanceof Field) {
          if (object.extend !== void 0) {
            if (object.extensionField) {
              object.extensionField = null;
            } else {
              var index = this.deferred.indexOf(object);
              if (index > -1)
                this.deferred.splice(index, 1);
        } else if (object instanceof Enum) {
          if (exposeRe.test(
            delete object.parent[];
        } else if (object instanceof Namespace) {
          for (var i = 0; i < object.nestedArray.length; ++i)
          if (exposeRe.test(
            delete object.parent[];
      Root._configure = function(Type_, parse_, common_) {
        Type = Type_;
        parse = parse_;
        common = common_;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/util.js
  var require_util = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/util.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      var util = module2.exports = require_minimal();
      var roots = require_roots();
      var Type;
      var Enum;
      util.codegen = require_codegen();
      util.fetch = require_fetch();
      util.path = require_path();
      util.fs = util.inquire("fs");
      util.toArray = function toArray(object) {
        if (object) {
          var keys = Object.keys(object), array = new Array(keys.length), index = 0;
          while (index < keys.length)
            array[index] = object[keys[index++]];
          return array;
        return [];
      util.toObject = function toObject(array) {
        var object = {}, index = 0;
        while (index < array.length) {
          var key = array[index++], val = array[index++];
          if (val !== void 0)
            object[key] = val;
        return object;
      var safePropBackslashRe = /\\\\/g;
      var safePropQuoteRe = /"/g;
      util.isReserved = function isReserved(name) {
        return /^(?:do|if|in|for|let|new|try|var|case|else|enum|eval|false|null|this|true|void|with|break|catch|class|const|super|throw|while|yield|delete|export|import|public|return|static|switch|typeof|default|extends|finally|package|private|continue|debugger|function|arguments|interface|protected|implements|instanceof)\$/.test(name);
      util.safeProp = function safeProp(prop) {
        if (!/^[\$\\w_]+\$/.test(prop) || util.isReserved(prop))
          return '["' + prop.replace(safePropBackslashRe, "\\\\\\\\").replace(safePropQuoteRe, '\\\\"') + '"]';
        return "." + prop;
      util.ucFirst = function ucFirst(str) {
        return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
      var camelCaseRe = /_([a-z])/g;
      util.camelCase = function camelCase(str) {
        return str.substring(0, 1) + str.substring(1).replace(camelCaseRe, function(\$0, \$1) {
          return \$1.toUpperCase();
      util.compareFieldsById = function compareFieldsById(a, b) {
        return -;
      util.decorateType = function decorateType(ctor, typeName) {
        if (ctor.\$type) {
          if (typeName && ctor.\$ !== typeName) {
            ctor.\$ = typeName;
          return ctor.\$type;
        if (!Type)
          Type = require_type();
        var type = new Type(typeName ||;
        type.ctor = ctor;
        Object.defineProperty(ctor, "\$type", { value: type, enumerable: false });
        Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, "\$type", { value: type, enumerable: false });
        return type;
      var decorateEnumIndex = 0;
      util.decorateEnum = function decorateEnum(object) {
        if (object.\$type)
          return object.\$type;
        if (!Enum)
          Enum = require_enum();
        var enm = new Enum("Enum" + decorateEnumIndex++, object);
        Object.defineProperty(object, "\$type", { value: enm, enumerable: false });
        return enm;
      util.setProperty = function setProperty(dst, path2, value) {
        function setProp(dst2, path3, value2) {
          var part = path3.shift();
          if (part === "__proto__") {
            return dst2;
          if (path3.length > 0) {
            dst2[part] = setProp(dst2[part] || {}, path3, value2);
          } else {
            var prevValue = dst2[part];
            if (prevValue)
              value2 = [].concat(prevValue).concat(value2);
            dst2[part] = value2;
          return dst2;
        if (typeof dst !== "object")
          throw TypeError("dst must be an object");
        if (!path2)
          throw TypeError("path must be specified");
        path2 = path2.split(".");
        return setProp(dst, path2, value);
      Object.defineProperty(util, "decorateRoot", {
        get: function() {
          return roots["decorated"] || (roots["decorated"] = new (require_root())());

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/object.js
  var require_object = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/object.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = ReflectionObject;
      ReflectionObject.className = "ReflectionObject";
      var util = require_util();
      var Root;
      function ReflectionObject(name, options) {
        if (!util.isString(name))
          throw TypeError("name must be a string");
        if (options && !util.isObject(options))
          throw TypeError("options must be an object");
        this.options = options;
        this.parsedOptions = null; = name;
        this.parent = null;
        this.resolved = false;
        this.comment = null;
        this.filename = null;
      Object.defineProperties(ReflectionObject.prototype, {
        root: {
          get: function() {
            var ptr = this;
            while (ptr.parent !== null)
              ptr = ptr.parent;
            return ptr;
        fullName: {
          get: function() {
            var path2 = [], ptr = this.parent;
            while (ptr) {
              ptr = ptr.parent;
            return path2.join(".");
      ReflectionObject.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
        throw Error();
      ReflectionObject.prototype.onAdd = function onAdd(parent) {
        if (this.parent && this.parent !== parent)
        this.parent = parent;
        this.resolved = false;
        var root3 = parent.root;
        if (root3 instanceof Root)
      ReflectionObject.prototype.onRemove = function onRemove(parent) {
        var root3 = parent.root;
        if (root3 instanceof Root)
        this.parent = null;
        this.resolved = false;
      ReflectionObject.prototype.resolve = function resolve() {
        if (this.resolved)
          return this;
        if (this.root instanceof Root)
          this.resolved = true;
        return this;
      ReflectionObject.prototype.getOption = function getOption(name) {
        if (this.options)
          return this.options[name];
        return void 0;
      ReflectionObject.prototype.setOption = function setOption(name, value, ifNotSet) {
        if (!ifNotSet || !this.options || this.options[name] === void 0)
          (this.options || (this.options = {}))[name] = value;
        return this;
      ReflectionObject.prototype.setParsedOption = function setParsedOption(name, value, propName) {
        if (!this.parsedOptions) {
          this.parsedOptions = [];
        var parsedOptions = this.parsedOptions;
        if (propName) {
          var opt = parsedOptions.find(function(opt2) {
            return, name);
          if (opt) {
            var newValue = opt[name];
            util.setProperty(newValue, propName, value);
          } else {
            opt = {};
            opt[name] = util.setProperty({}, propName, value);
        } else {
          var newOpt = {};
          newOpt[name] = value;
        return this;
      ReflectionObject.prototype.setOptions = function setOptions(options, ifNotSet) {
        if (options)
          for (var keys = Object.keys(options), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
            this.setOption(keys[i], options[keys[i]], ifNotSet);
        return this;
      ReflectionObject.prototype.toString = function toString() {
        var className = this.constructor.className, fullName = this.fullName;
        if (fullName.length)
          return className + " " + fullName;
        return className;
      ReflectionObject._configure = function(Root_) {
        Root = Root_;

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/enum.js
  var require_enum = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/enum.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = Enum;
      var ReflectionObject = require_object();
      ((Enum.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = Enum).className = "Enum";
      var Namespace = require_namespace();
      var util = require_util();
      function Enum(name, values, options, comment, comments) {, name, options);
        if (values && typeof values !== "object")
          throw TypeError("values must be an object");
        this.valuesById = {};
        this.values = Object.create(this.valuesById);
        this.comment = comment;
        this.comments = comments || {};
        this.reserved = void 0;
        if (values) {
          for (var keys = Object.keys(values), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
            if (typeof values[keys[i]] === "number")
              this.valuesById[this.values[keys[i]] = values[keys[i]]] = keys[i];
      Enum.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {
        var enm = new Enum(name, json.values, json.options, json.comment, json.comments);
        enm.reserved = json.reserved;
        return enm;
      Enum.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {
        var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;
        return util.toObject([
          this.reserved && this.reserved.length ? this.reserved : void 0,
          keepComments ? this.comment : void 0,
          keepComments ? this.comments : void 0
      Enum.prototype.add = function add(name, id, comment) {
        if (!util.isString(name))
          throw TypeError("name must be a string");
        if (!util.isInteger(id))
          throw TypeError("id must be an integer");
        if (this.values[name] !== void 0)
          throw Error("duplicate name '" + name + "' in " + this);
        if (this.isReservedId(id))
          throw Error("id " + id + " is reserved in " + this);
        if (this.isReservedName(name))
          throw Error("name '" + name + "' is reserved in " + this);
        if (this.valuesById[id] !== void 0) {
          if (!(this.options && this.options.allow_alias))
            throw Error("duplicate id " + id + " in " + this);
          this.values[name] = id;
        } else
          this.valuesById[this.values[name] = id] = name;
        this.comments[name] = comment || null;
        return this;
      Enum.prototype.remove = function remove(name) {
        if (!util.isString(name))
          throw TypeError("name must be a string");
        var val = this.values[name];
        if (val == null)
          throw Error("name '" + name + "' does not exist in " + this);
        delete this.valuesById[val];
        delete this.values[name];
        delete this.comments[name];
        return this;
      Enum.prototype.isReservedId = function isReservedId(id) {
        return Namespace.isReservedId(this.reserved, id);
      Enum.prototype.isReservedName = function isReservedName(name) {
        return Namespace.isReservedName(this.reserved, name);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/encoder.js
  var require_encoder = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/encoder.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = encoder2;
      var Enum = require_enum();
      var types = require_types();
      var util = require_util();
      function genTypePartial(gen, field, fieldIndex, ref) {
        return ? gen("types[%i].encode(%s,w.uint32(%i)).uint32(%i)", fieldIndex, ref, ( << 3 | 3) >>> 0, ( << 3 | 4) >>> 0) : gen("types[%i].encode(%s,w.uint32(%i).fork()).ldelim()", fieldIndex, ref, ( << 3 | 2) >>> 0);
      function encoder2(mtype) {
        var gen = util.codegen(["m", "w"], + "\$encode")("if(!w)")("w=Writer.create()");
        var i, ref;
        var fields = mtype.fieldsArray.slice().sort(util.compareFieldsById);
        for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
          var field = fields[i].resolve(), index = mtype._fieldsArray.indexOf(field), type = field.resolvedType instanceof Enum ? "int32" : field.type, wireType = types.basic[type];
          ref = "m" + util.safeProp(;
          if ( {
            gen("if(%s!=null&&,%j)){", ref,"for(var ks=Object.keys(%s),i=0;i<ks.length;++i){", ref)("w.uint32(%i).fork().uint32(%i).%s(ks[i])", ( << 3 | 2) >>> 0, 8 | types.mapKey[field.keyType], field.keyType);
            if (wireType === void 0)
              gen("types[%i].encode(%s[ks[i]],w.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim().ldelim()", index, ref);
              gen(".uint32(%i).%s(%s[ks[i]]).ldelim()", 16 | wireType, type, ref);
          } else if (field.repeated) {
            gen("if(%s!=null&&%s.length){", ref, ref);
            if (field.packed && types.packed[type] !== void 0) {
              gen("w.uint32(%i).fork()", ( << 3 | 2) >>> 0)("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", ref)("w.%s(%s[i])", type, ref)("w.ldelim()");
            } else {
              gen("for(var i=0;i<%s.length;++i)", ref);
              if (wireType === void 0)
                genTypePartial(gen, field, index, ref + "[i]");
                gen("w.uint32(%i).%s(%s[i])", ( << 3 | wireType) >>> 0, type, ref);
          } else {
            if (field.optional)
              gen("if(%s!=null&&,%j))", ref,;
            if (wireType === void 0)
              genTypePartial(gen, field, index, ref);
              gen("w.uint32(%i).%s(%s)", ( << 3 | wireType) >>> 0, type, ref);
        return gen("return w");

  // node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-light.js
  var require_index_light = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/src/index-light.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      var protobuf3 = module2.exports = require_index_minimal(); = "light";
      function load3(filename, root3, callback) {
        if (typeof root3 === "function") {
          callback = root3;
          root3 = new protobuf3.Root();
        } else if (!root3)
          root3 = new protobuf3.Root();
        return root3.load(filename, callback);
      protobuf3.load = load3;
      function loadSync(filename, root3) {
        if (!root3)
          root3 = new protobuf3.Root();
        return root3.loadSync(filename);
      protobuf3.loadSync = loadSync;
      protobuf3.encoder = require_encoder();
      protobuf3.decoder = require_decoder();
      protobuf3.verifier = require_verifier();
      protobuf3.converter = require_converter();
      protobuf3.ReflectionObject = require_object();
      protobuf3.Namespace = require_namespace();
      protobuf3.Root = require_root();
      protobuf3.Enum = require_enum();
      protobuf3.Type = require_type();
      protobuf3.Field = require_field();
      protobuf3.OneOf = require_oneof();
      protobuf3.MapField = require_mapfield();
      protobuf3.Service = require_service2();
      protobuf3.Method = require_method();
      protobuf3.Message = require_message();
      protobuf3.wrappers = require_wrappers();
      protobuf3.types = require_types();
      protobuf3.util = require_util();
      protobuf3.Namespace._configure(protobuf3.Type, protobuf3.Service, protobuf3.Enum);

  // node_modules/protobufjs/light.js
  var require_light = __commonJS({
    "node_modules/protobufjs/light.js"(exports2, module2) {
      "use strict";
      module2.exports = require_index_light();

  // src/tampermonkey/polyfill/chrome.ts || Reflect.defineProperty(self, "chrome", { value: {} });

  // src/tampermonkey/polyfill/replace_children.ts
  if (typeof Element.prototype.replaceChildren === "undefined") {
    Reflect.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "replaceChildren", {
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: false,
      value: function() {
        while (this.lastChild)
          this.removeChild(this.lastChild);, ...arguments);

  // src/runtime/element/create_element.ts
  function createSVG(element) {
    const node4 = document.createElementNS("", element.tagName);
    element.props && Object.entries(element.props).forEach((d) => {
      node4.setAttribute(d[0], d[1]);
    element.children && element.children.forEach((d) => {
    return node4;
  function createElement(element) {
    if (element.tagName === "text") {
      return document.createTextNode(element.text);
    if (element.tagName === "svg") {
      return createSVG(element);
    const node4 = document.createElement(element.tagName);
    element.props && Object.entries(element.props).forEach((d) => {
      node4.setAttribute(d[0], d[1]);
    element.text && node4.appendChild(document.createTextNode(element.text));
    element.event && Object.entries(element.event).forEach((d) => {
    element.children && element.children.forEach((d) => {
    return node4;
  function createElements(elements) {
    const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    elements.forEach((d) => {
    return fragment;

  // src/runtime/element/html_vnode.ts
  var Vnode = class {
    props = {};
    children = [];
    constructor(tagName) {
      this.tagName = tagName;
  var Scanner = class {
    pos = 0;
    vnode = [];
    tagNames = [];
    targets = [];
    text = "";
    quote = "";
    constructor(html) {
      this.html = html;
      this.targets.push({ children: this.vnode });
      while (this.html) {
    organizeTag() {
      if (!this.quote && this.html[0] === "<") {
        if (this.html.startsWith(\`</\${this.tagNames.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0)}\`)) {
          this.html = this.html.replace(new RegExp(\`^</\${this.tagNames.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0)}>\`), "");
        } else {
          if (this.html.startsWith("!-- ")) {
            this.html = this.html.replace(/^!--[\\S\\s]+?-->/, "");
          if (/^[a-zA-Z]/.test(this.html)) {
            const func = [];
            let stop = false;
            for (this.pos = 0; this.pos < this.html.length; this.pos++) {
              if (stop) {
              switch (this.html[this.pos]) {
                case " ":
                case "\\r":
                case "\\n":
                  func.push(() => this.organizeProp());
                  stop = true;
                case ">":
                  this.html[this.pos - 1] === "/" ? func.push(() => this.popNode()) : func.push(() => this.tagSingle());
                  stop = true;
            const tagName = this.html.substring(0, this.pos);
            const tag = new Vnode(tagName);
            this.targets.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0).children.push(tag);
            this.removeScanned(this.pos + 1);
            func.forEach((d) => d());
      } else {
        switch (this.html[0]) {
          case "'":
            !this.quote ? this.quote = "'" : this.quote === "'" && (this.quote = "");
          case '"':
            !this.quote ? this.quote = '"' : this.quote === '"' && (this.quote = "");
          case "\`":
            !this.quote ? this.quote = "\`" : this.quote === "\`" && (this.quote = "");
        this.text += this.html[0];
    organizeProp() {
      let value = false;
      let stop = false;
      let start = 0;
      let popd = false;
      for (this.pos = 0; this.pos < this.html.length; this.pos++) {
        if (stop)
        switch (this.html[this.pos]) {
          case '"':
            value = !value;
          case " ":
            if (!value) {
              const str = this.html.substring(start, this.pos).replace(/\\r|\\n|"/g, "").replace(/^ +/, "");
              const prop = str.split("=");
              const key = prop.shift();
              key && key !== "/" && (this.targets.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0).props[key] = prop.join("=") || key);
              start = this.pos;
          case ">":
            if (!value) {
              stop = true;
              const str = this.html.substring(start, this.pos).replace(/\\r|\\n|"/g, "").replace(/^ +/, "");
              const prop = str.split("=");
              const key = prop.shift();
              key && key !== "/" && (this.targets.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0).props[key] = prop.join("=") || key);
              if (this.html[this.pos - 1] === "/") {
                popd = true;
      if (!popd)
    tagSingle() {
      switch (this.tagNames.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0)) {
        case "area":
        case "base":
        case "br":
        case "col":
        case "colgroup":
        case "command":
        case "embed":
        case "hr":
        case "img":
        case "input":
        case "keygen":
        case "link":
        case "meta":
        case "param":
        case "path":
        case "source":
        case "track":
        case "wbr":
    popNode() {
      this.tagNames.splice(this.tagNames.length - 1, 1);
      this.targets.splice(this.targets.length - 1, 1);
      this.text = "";
    removeScanned(length = 1) {
      this.html = this.html.slice(length);
    textContent() {
      const text = this.text.replace(/\\r|\\n| /g, "");
      if (text) {
        const tag = new Vnode("text");
        tag.text = this.text;
        this.targets.reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0).children.push(tag);
      this.text = "";
  function htmlVnode(html) {
    return new Scanner(html).vnode;

  // src/runtime/format/integer.ts
  function integerFormat(num, byte = 2) {
    return num < 10 ** byte ? (Array(byte).join("0") + num).slice(-1 * byte) : num;

  // src/runtime/format/time.ts
  function timeFormat(time = new Date().getTime(), type) {
    const date = new Date(time);
    const arr2 = date.toLocaleString().split(" ");
    const day = arr2[0].split("/");
    day[1] = integerFormat(day[1], 2);
    day[2] = integerFormat(day[2], 2);
    return type ? day.join("-") + " " + arr2[1] : arr2[1];

  // src/runtime/debug.ts
  var group = {
    i: 0,
    call: []
  function debug( {, \`%c[\${timeFormat()}]\`, "color: blue;", ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.assert = function(condition, {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.clear = function() {
    group.i = 0; = [];
    return debug;
  debug.debug = function( {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.error = function( {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  }; = function( {
    group.i++;, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
    return debug;
  debug.groupCollapsed = function( {
    group.i++;, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
    return debug;
  debug.groupEnd = function() {
    if (group.i) {
      !group.i && ( => = []), => setTimeout(d)));
    return debug;
  }; = function( {, \`%c[\${timeFormat()}]\`, "color: blue;", ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.log = function( {, \`%c[\${timeFormat()}]\`, "color: blue;", ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.table = function(tabularData, properties) {, ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.time = function(label) {
    return debug;
  debug.timeEnd = function(label) {
    return debug;
  debug.timeLog = function(label, {
    console.timeLog(label, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`,;
    return debug;
  debug.trace = function( {, ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;
  debug.warn = function( {, \`[\${timeFormat()}]\`, ...arguments));
    !group.i && setTimeout(;
    return debug;

  // src/runtime/format/url.ts
  var URLEs = class extends URL {
    constructor(url, base) {
      if (!base && typeof url === "string" && !/^[a-z]+:/.test(url)) {
        if (url.includes("=") && !url.includes("?") || !/^[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(url)) {
          base = location.origin;
        } else {
          const str = url.startsWith("//") ? "" : "//";
          url = location.protocol + str + url;
      super(url, base);
  function objUrl(url, obj) {
    const res = new URLEs(url);
    Object.entries(obj).forEach((d) => {
      if (d[1] || d[1] === "") {
        res.searchParams.set(d[0], d[1]);
    return res.toJSON();
  function urlObj(url) {
    const res = new URLEs(url);
    const result = {};
    res.searchParams.forEach((v, k) => {
      result[k] = v;
    return result;

  // src/runtime/hook/node.ts
  var appendChildHead = HTMLHeadElement.prototype.appendChild;
  var appendChildBody = HTMLBodyElement.prototype.appendChild;
  var insertBeforeHead = HTMLHeadElement.prototype.insertBefore;
  var insertBeforeBody = HTMLBodyElement.prototype.insertBefore;
  var jsonp = [];
  HTMLHeadElement.prototype.appendChild = function(newChild) {
    newChild.nodeName == "SCRIPT" && newChild.src && jsonp.forEach((d) => {
      d[0].every((d2) => newChild.src.includes(d2)) && d[1].call(newChild);
    return, newChild);
  HTMLBodyElement.prototype.appendChild = function(newChild) {
    newChild.nodeName == "SCRIPT" && newChild.src && jsonp.forEach((d) => {
      d[0].every((d2) => newChild.src.includes(d2)) && d[1].call(newChild);
    return, newChild);
  HTMLHeadElement.prototype.insertBefore = function(newChild, refChild) {
    newChild.nodeName == "SCRIPT" && newChild.src && jsonp.forEach((d) => {
      d[0].every((d2) => newChild.src.includes(d2)) && d[1].call(newChild);
    return, newChild, refChild);
  HTMLBodyElement.prototype.insertBefore = function(newChild, refChild) {
    newChild.nodeName == "SCRIPT" && newChild.src && jsonp.forEach((d) => {
      d[0].every((d2) => newChild.src.includes(d2)) && d[1].call(newChild);
    return, newChild, refChild);
  function jsonphook(url, redirect, modifyResponse, once = true) {
    let id;
    const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
    const two = function() {
      once && id && delete jsonp[id - 1];
      if (redirect)
        try {
          this.src = redirect(this.src) || this.src;
        } catch (e) {
          debug.error("redirect of jsonphook", one, e);
      if (modifyResponse) {
        const obj = urlObj(this.src);
        if (obj) {
          const callback = obj.callback;
          const call = window[callback];
          const url2 = this.src;
          if (call) {
            window[callback] = function(v) {
              try {
                v = modifyResponse(v, url2, call) || v;
              } catch (e) {
                debug.error("modifyResponse of jsonphook", one, e);
              return v !== true && call(v);
    return id = jsonp.push([one, two]);
  function jsonphookasync(url, condition, modifyResponse, once = true) {
    let id;
    const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
    const two = function() {
      try {
        once && id && delete jsonp[id - 1];
        if (!condition || condition(this.src)) {
          const obj = urlObj(this.src);
          if (obj) {
            const callback = obj.callback;
            const call = window[callback];
            if (call) {
              modifyResponse && modifyResponse(this.src).then((d) => {
                this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
              }).catch((e) => {
                this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("error"));
                debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhookasync", one, e);
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("jsonphook", one, e);
    return id = jsonp.push([one, two]);

  // src/runtime/lib/typeof.ts
  var isArray = Array.isArray;
  var isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";

  // src/tampermonkey/check.ts
  var isUserScript = false;
  try {
    isUserScript = true;
  } catch {

  // src/runtime/variable/mutex.ts
  var mutex = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);

  // src/runtime/gm.ts
  var xhrGM = [];
  var getValue = [];
  var cookiesEs = [];
  window.addEventListener("message", (ev) => {
    if (isUserScript)
    if (typeof === "object" && === mutex) {
      switch (\$type) {
        case "xhrGMResponse":
          if (xhrGM[]) {
            Reflect.has(, "resolve") && xhrGM[][0](;
            Reflect.has(, "reject") && xhrGM[][1](;
            delete xhrGM[];
        case "getValueResponse":
          if (getValue[]) {
            Reflect.has(, "resolve") && getValue[][0](;
            Reflect.has(, "reject") && getValue[][1](;
            delete getValue[];
        case "cookiesResponse":
          if (cookiesEs[]) {
            Reflect.has(, "resolve") && cookiesEs[][0](;
            Reflect.has(, "reject") && cookiesEs[][1](;
            delete cookiesEs[];
  var GM = {
    xhr(details) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        details.method = details.method || "GET";
        details.onload = details.onload || ((xhr2) => {
        details.onerror = details.onerror || ((xhr2) => {
    xmlHttpRequest(input, init2) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          \$type: "xhrGM",
          data: {
            index: xhrGM.push([resolve, reject]) - 1,
            init: init2,
            flag: mutex
    getValue(key, def) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          \$type: "getValue",
          data: {
            index: getValue.push([resolve, reject]) - 1,
            flag: mutex
    setValue(key, value) {
      if (isUserScript) {
        GM_setValue(key, value);
      } else {
        const obj = {};
        obj[key] = value;
          \$type: "setValue",
          data: obj
    deleteValue(...key) {
      if (isUserScript) {
        key.forEach((d) => GM_deleteValue(d));
      } else {
          \$type: "setValue",
          data: key
    cookie() {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const host =;
        const arr2 = host.split(".");
        arr2.length > 2 && arr2.shift();
          \$type: "getCookies",
          data: {
            url: arr2.join("."),
            index: cookiesEs.push([resolve, reject]) - 1,
            flag: mutex

  // src/runtime/lib/md5.ts
  var ERROR = "input is invalid type";
  var ARRAY_BUFFER = true;
  var HEX_CHARS = "0123456789abcdef".split("");
  var EXTRA = [128, 32768, 8388608, -2147483648];
  var SHIFT = [0, 8, 16, 24];
  var OUTPUT_TYPES = ["hex", "array", "digest", "buffer", "arrayBuffer", "base64"];
  var BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split("");
  var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(68);
  var blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer);
  var buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
  var createOutputMethod = function(outputType) {
    return function(message2) {
      return new Md5(true).update(message2)[outputType]();
  var createMethod = function() {
    let method = createOutputMethod("hex");
    method.create = function() {
      return new Md5();
    method.update = function(message2) {
      return method.create().update(message2);
    for (let i = 0; i < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i) {
      let type = OUTPUT_TYPES[i];
      method[type] = createOutputMethod(type);
    return method;
  var Md5 = class {
    buffer8 = new Uint8Array();
    h0 = 0;
    h1 = 0;
    h2 = 0;
    h3 = 0;
    start = 0;
    bytes = 0;
    hBytes = 0;
    finalized = false;
    hashed = false;
    first = true;
    lastByteIndex = 0;
    constructor(sharedMemory) {
      if (sharedMemory) {
        blocks[0] = blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] = blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] = blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] = blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0;
        this.blocks = blocks;
        this.buffer8 = buffer8;
      } else {
        if (ARRAY_BUFFER) {
          let buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(68);
          this.buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
          this.blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer2);
        } else {
          this.blocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
      this.toString = this.hex;
      this.array = this.digest;
      this.buffer = this.arrayBuffer;
    update(message2) {
      if (this.finalized) {
      message2 = typeof message2 === "number" ? message2 + "" : message2;
      let notString, type = typeof message2;
      if (type !== "string") {
        if (type === "object") {
          if (message2 === null) {
            throw ERROR;
          } else if (ARRAY_BUFFER && message2.constructor === ArrayBuffer) {
            message2 = new Uint8Array(message2);
          } else if (!Array.isArray(message2)) {
            if (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(message2)) {
              throw ERROR;
        } else {
          throw ERROR;
        notString = true;
      let code, index = 0, i, length = message2.length, blocks2 = this.blocks;
      let buffer82 = this.buffer8;
      while (index < length) {
        if (this.hashed) {
          this.hashed = false;
          blocks2[0] = blocks2[16];
          blocks2[16] = blocks2[1] = blocks2[2] = blocks2[3] = blocks2[4] = blocks2[5] = blocks2[6] = blocks2[7] = blocks2[8] = blocks2[9] = blocks2[10] = blocks2[11] = blocks2[12] = blocks2[13] = blocks2[14] = blocks2[15] = 0;
        if (notString) {
          if (ARRAY_BUFFER) {
            for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
              buffer82[i++] = message2[index];
          } else {
            for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
              blocks2[i >> 2] |= message2[index] << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
        } else {
          if (ARRAY_BUFFER) {
            for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
              code = message2.charCodeAt(index);
              if (code < 128) {
                buffer82[i++] = code;
              } else if (code < 2048) {
                buffer82[i++] = 192 | code >> 6;
                buffer82[i++] = 128 | code & 63;
              } else if (code < 55296 || code >= 57344) {
                buffer82[i++] = 224 | code >> 12;
                buffer82[i++] = 128 | code >> 6 & 63;
                buffer82[i++] = 128 | code & 63;
              } else {
                code = 65536 + ((code & 1023) << 10 | message2.charCodeAt(++index) & 1023);
                buffer82[i++] = 240 | code >> 18;
                buffer82[i++] = 128 | code >> 12 & 63;
                buffer82[i++] = 128 | code >> 6 & 63;
                buffer82[i++] = 128 | code & 63;
          } else {
            for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
              code = message2.charCodeAt(index);
              if (code < 128) {
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= code << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
              } else if (code < 2048) {
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (192 | code >> 6) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (128 | code & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
              } else if (code < 55296 || code >= 57344) {
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (224 | code >> 12) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (128 | code >> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (128 | code & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
              } else {
                code = 65536 + ((code & 1023) << 10 | message2.charCodeAt(++index) & 1023);
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (240 | code >> 18) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (128 | code >> 12 & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (128 | code >> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
                blocks2[i >> 2] |= (128 | code & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
        this.lastByteIndex = i;
        this.bytes += i - this.start;
        if (i >= 64) {
          this.start = i - 64;
          this.hashed = true;
        } else {
          this.start = i;
      if (this.bytes > 4294967295) {
        this.hBytes += this.bytes / 4294967296 << 0;
        this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296;
      return this;
    finalize() {
      if (this.finalized) {
      this.finalized = true;
      let blocks2 = this.blocks, i = this.lastByteIndex;
      blocks2[i >> 2] |= EXTRA[i & 3];
      if (i >= 56) {
        if (!this.hashed) {
        blocks2[0] = blocks2[16];
        blocks2[16] = blocks2[1] = blocks2[2] = blocks2[3] = blocks2[4] = blocks2[5] = blocks2[6] = blocks2[7] = blocks2[8] = blocks2[9] = blocks2[10] = blocks2[11] = blocks2[12] = blocks2[13] = blocks2[14] = blocks2[15] = 0;
      blocks2[14] = this.bytes << 3;
      blocks2[15] = this.hBytes << 3 | this.bytes >>> 29;
    hash() {
      let a, b, c, d, bc, da, blocks2 = this.blocks;
      if (this.first) {
        a = blocks2[0] - 680876937;
        a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) - 271733879 << 0;
        d = (-1732584194 ^ a & 2004318071) + blocks2[1] - 117830708;
        d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
        c = (-271733879 ^ d & (a ^ -271733879)) + blocks2[2] - 1126478375;
        c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
        b = (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[3] - 1316259209;
        b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
      } else {
        a = this.h0;
        b = this.h1;
        c = this.h2;
        d = this.h3;
        a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[0] - 680876936;
        a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
        d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[1] - 389564586;
        d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
        c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[2] + 606105819;
        c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
        b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[3] - 1044525330;
        b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
      a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[4] - 176418897;
      a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
      d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[5] + 1200080426;
      d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
      c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[6] - 1473231341;
      c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
      b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[7] - 45705983;
      b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
      a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[8] + 1770035416;
      a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
      d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[9] - 1958414417;
      d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
      c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[10] - 42063;
      c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
      b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[11] - 1990404162;
      b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
      a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[12] + 1804603682;
      a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
      d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[13] - 40341101;
      d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
      c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[14] - 1502002290;
      c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
      b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[15] + 1236535329;
      b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[1] - 165796510;
      a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[6] - 1069501632;
      d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[11] + 643717713;
      c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[0] - 373897302;
      b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[5] - 701558691;
      a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[10] + 38016083;
      d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[15] - 660478335;
      c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[4] - 405537848;
      b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[9] + 568446438;
      a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[14] - 1019803690;
      d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[3] - 187363961;
      c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[8] + 1163531501;
      b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[13] - 1444681467;
      a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[2] - 51403784;
      d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[7] + 1735328473;
      c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[12] - 1926607734;
      b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
      bc = b ^ c;
      a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[5] - 378558;
      a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
      d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[8] - 2022574463;
      d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
      da = d ^ a;
      c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[11] + 1839030562;
      c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
      b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[14] - 35309556;
      b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
      bc = b ^ c;
      a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[1] - 1530992060;
      a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
      d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[4] + 1272893353;
      d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
      da = d ^ a;
      c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[7] - 155497632;
      c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
      b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[10] - 1094730640;
      b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
      bc = b ^ c;
      a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[13] + 681279174;
      a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
      d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[0] - 358537222;
      d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
      da = d ^ a;
      c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[3] - 722521979;
      c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
      b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[6] + 76029189;
      b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
      bc = b ^ c;
      a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[9] - 640364487;
      a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
      d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[12] - 421815835;
      d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
      da = d ^ a;
      c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[15] + 530742520;
      c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
      b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[2] - 995338651;
      b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[0] - 198630844;
      a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[7] + 1126891415;
      d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[14] - 1416354905;
      c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[5] - 57434055;
      b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[12] + 1700485571;
      a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[3] - 1894986606;
      d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[10] - 1051523;
      c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[1] - 2054922799;
      b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[8] + 1873313359;
      a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[15] - 30611744;
      d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[6] - 1560198380;
      c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[13] + 1309151649;
      b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
      a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[4] - 145523070;
      a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
      d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[11] - 1120210379;
      d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
      c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[2] + 718787259;
      c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
      b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[9] - 343485551;
      b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
      if (this.first) {
        this.h0 = a + 1732584193 << 0;
        this.h1 = b - 271733879 << 0;
        this.h2 = c - 1732584194 << 0;
        this.h3 = d + 271733878 << 0;
        this.first = false;
      } else {
        this.h0 = this.h0 + a << 0;
        this.h1 = this.h1 + b << 0;
        this.h2 = this.h2 + c << 0;
        this.h3 = this.h3 + d << 0;
    hex() {
      let h0 = this.h0, h1 = this.h1, h2 = this.h2, h3 = this.h3;
      return HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >> 24 & 15];
    digest() {
      let h0 = this.h0, h1 = this.h1, h2 = this.h2, h3 = this.h3;
      return [
        h0 & 255,
        h0 >> 8 & 255,
        h0 >> 16 & 255,
        h0 >> 24 & 255,
        h1 & 255,
        h1 >> 8 & 255,
        h1 >> 16 & 255,
        h1 >> 24 & 255,
        h2 & 255,
        h2 >> 8 & 255,
        h2 >> 16 & 255,
        h2 >> 24 & 255,
        h3 & 255,
        h3 >> 8 & 255,
        h3 >> 16 & 255,
        h3 >> 24 & 255
    arrayBuffer() {
      let buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(16);
      let blocks2 = new Uint32Array(buffer2);
      blocks2[0] = this.h0;
      blocks2[1] = this.h1;
      blocks2[2] = this.h2;
      blocks2[3] = this.h3;
      return buffer2;
    base64() {
      let i, v1, v2, v3, base64Str = "", bytes = this.array();
      for (i = 0; i < 15; ) {
        v1 = bytes[i++];
        v2 = bytes[i++];
        v3 = bytes[i++];
        base64Str += BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v1 >>> 2] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[(v1 << 4 | v2 >>> 4) & 63] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[(v2 << 2 | v3 >>> 6) & 63] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v3 & 63];
      v1 = bytes[i];
      base64Str += BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v1 >>> 2] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v1 << 4 & 63] + "==";
      return base64Str;
  var md5 = createMethod();

  // src/runtime/lib/sign.ts
  var Sign = class {
    static sign(url, obj = {}, id = 0) {
      this.keySecret = this.decode(id);
      const urlobj = new URLEs(url);
      const params = url ? urlobj.searchParams : new URLSearchParams();
      Object.entries(obj).forEach((d) => {
        if (d[1] || d[1] === "") {
          params.set(d[0], d[1]);
      params.set("appkey", this.keySecret[0]);
      params.set("sign", md5((id === 3 && params.has("api") ? \`api=\${decodeURIComponent(params.get("api"))}\` : params.toString()) + this.keySecret[1]));
      return urlobj ? urlobj.toString() : params.toString();
    static decode(id) {
      if (typeof id === "number") {
        id = id < this.table.length ? id : 0;
        return this.table[id].split("").reverse().reduce((s, d) => {
          s = s + String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(0) + 2);
          return s;
        }, "").split(":");
      } else {
        return [id, this.list()[id]];
    static encode(key, secret) {
      return (key + ":" + secret).split("").reverse().reduce((s, d) => {
        s = s + String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(0) - 2);
        return s;
      }, "");
    static list() {
      return this.table.reduce((s, d, i) => {
        let keySecret = this.decode(i);
        s[keySecret[0]] = keySecret[1];
        return s;
      }, {});
  __publicField(Sign, "table", [
  __publicField(Sign, "keySecret");
  var urlsign = (url, obj = {}, id = 0) => Sign.sign(url, obj, id);
  urlsign.getKeyById = (id) => Sign.decode(id);
  urlsign.encode = (key, secret) => Sign.encode(key, secret);
  urlsign.list = () => Sign.list();

  // src/runtime/lib/abv.ts
  var Abv = class {
    base58Table = "fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF";
    digitMap = [11, 10, 3, 8, 4, 6];
    xor = 177451812;
    add = 8728348608;
    bvidTemplate = ["B", "V", 1, "", "", 4, "", 1, "", 7, "", ""];
    table = {};
    constructor() {
      for (let i = 0; i < 58; i++)
        this.table[this.base58Table[i]] = i;
    check(input) {
      if (/^[aA][vV][0-9]+\$/.test(String(input)) || /^\\d+\$/.test(String(input)))
        return this.avToBv(Number(/[0-9]+/.exec(String(input))[0]));
      if (/^1[fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{9}\$/.test(String(input)))
        return this.bvToAv("BV" + input);
      if (/^[bB][vV]1[fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{9}\$/.test(String(input)))
        return this.bvToAv(String(input));
      throw input;
    bvToAv(BV) {
      let r = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        r += this.table[BV[this.digitMap[i]]] * 58 ** i;
      return r - this.add ^ this.xor;
    avToBv(av) {
      let bv = Array.from(this.bvidTemplate);
      av = (av ^ this.xor) + this.add;
      for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        bv[this.digitMap[i]] = this.base58Table[parseInt(String(av / 58 ** i)) % 58];
      return bv.join("");
  function abv(input) {
    return new Abv().check(input);

  // src/runtime/do_while.ts
  function doWhile(check2, callback, delay = 100, stop = 180) {
    let timer2 = setInterval(() => {
      const d = check2();
      if (d) {
    }, delay);
    stop && setTimeout(() => clearInterval(timer2), stop * 1e3);

  // src/runtime/element/add_element.ts
  function addElement(tag, attribute, parrent, innerHTML, top, replaced) {
    let element = document.createElement(tag);
    attribute && Object.entries(attribute).forEach((d) => element.setAttribute(d[0], d[1]));
    parrent = parrent || document.body;
    innerHTML && (element.innerHTML = innerHTML);
    replaced ? replaced.replaceWith(element) : top ? parrent.insertBefore(element, parrent.firstChild) : parrent.appendChild(element);
    return element;
  async function addCss(txt, id, parrent) {
    if (!parrent && !document.head) {
      await new Promise((r) => doWhile(() => document.body, r));
    parrent = parrent || document.head;
    const style = document.createElement("style");
    style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
    id && !parrent.querySelector(\`#\${id}\`) && style.setAttribute("id", id);
  function loadScript(src, onload) {
    return new Promise((r, j) => {
      const script = document.createElement("script");
      script.type = "text/javascript";
      script.src = src;
      script.addEventListener("load", () => {
        onload && onload();
      script.addEventListener("error", () => {
      (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement || document).appendChild(script);

  // src/runtime/unit.ts
  function jsonCheck(data) {
    let result = typeof data === "string" ? JSON.parse(data) : data;
    if ("code" in result && result.code !== 0) {
      let msg = result.msg || result.message || "";
      throw [result.code, msg];
    return result;
  function getTotalTop(node4) {
    var sum = 0;
    do {
      sum += node4.offsetTop;
      node4 = node4.offsetParent;
    } while (node4);
    return sum;
  function biliQuickLogin() {
    window.biliQuickLogin ? window.biliQuickLogin() : loadScript("//", () => biliQuickLogin());
  function getUrlValue(name) {
    const reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|\$)", "i");
    const r =;
    if (r != null)
      return decodeURIComponent(r[2]);
    return null;
  function statusCheck(status) {
    return status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304;

  // src/runtime/xhr.ts
  var Record = {
    default: {},
    arraybuffer: {},
    blob: {},
    document: {},
    json: {},
    text: {}
  function xhr(details, cache = false) {
    details.method == "POST" && (details.headers = details.headers || {}, !details.headers["Content-Type"] && Reflect.set(details.headers, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
    if (details.async === false) {
      if (cache && Record[details.responseType || "default"][details.url])
        return Record[details.responseType || "default"][details.url];
      let xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); || "GET", details.url, false);
      details.responseType && (xhr2.responseType = details.responseType);
      details.credentials && (xhr2.withCredentials = true);
      details.headers && Object.entries(details.headers).forEach((d) => xhr2.setRequestHeader(d[0], d[1]));
      details.timeout && (xhr2.timeout = details.timeout);
      Promise.resolve().then(() => Record[details.responseType || "default"][details.url] = xhr2.response);
      return xhr2.response;
    } else
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (cache && Record[details.responseType || "default"][details.url])
          return resolve(Record[details.responseType || "default"][details.url]);
        let xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); || "GET", details.url);
        details.responseType && (xhr2.responseType = details.responseType);
        details.headers && Object.entries(details.headers).forEach((d) => xhr2.setRequestHeader(d[0], d[1]));
        details.credentials && (xhr2.withCredentials = true);
        details.timeout && (xhr2.timeout = details.timeout);
        xhr2.onabort = details.onabort || reject;
        xhr2.onerror = details.onerror || reject;
        details.onloadstart && (xhr2.onloadstart = details.onloadstart);
        details.onprogress && (xhr2.onprogress = details.onprogress);
        details.onreadystatechange && (xhr2.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange);
        xhr2.ontimeout = details.ontimeout || reject;
        xhr2.onload = details.onload || (() => resolve(xhr2.response));
        xhr2.addEventListener("load", () => {
          Promise.resolve().then(() => Record[details.responseType || "default"][details.url] = xhr2.response);
  function get(url, details = {}, cache = false) {
    !Reflect.has(details, "credentials") && (details.credentials = true);
    return xhr({ url, ...details }, cache);
  xhr.get = get;
  function post(url, data, contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", details = {}, cache = false) {
    !Reflect.has(details, "credentials") && (details.credentials = true);
    details.headers = { "Content-Type": contentType, ...details.headers };
    return xhr({ url, method: "POST", data, ...details }, cache);
  xhr.port = post;

  // src/runtime/url_param.ts
  var catchs = { aid: {}, ssid: {}, epid: {} };
  async function urlParam(url = location.href, redirect = true) {
    url && !url.includes("?") && (url = "?" + url);
    const obj = urlObj(url);
    let { aid, cid, ssid, epid, p } = obj;
    let pgc = false;
    !aid && (aid = obj.avid);
    !aid && url.replace(/[aA][vV]\\d+/, (d) => aid = d.substring(2));
    !aid && url.replace(/[bB][vV]1[fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF]{9}/, (d) => aid = abv(d));
    !aid && obj.bvid && (aid = abv(obj.bvid));
    aid && !Number(aid) && (aid = abv(aid));
    p = p || 1;
    !ssid && (ssid = obj.seasonId);
    !ssid && (ssid = obj.season_id);
    !ssid && url.replace(/[sS][sS]\\d+/, (d) => ssid = d.substring(2));
    !epid && (epid = obj.episodeId);
    !epid && (epid = obj.ep_id);
    !epid && url.replace(/[eE][pP]\\d+/, (d) => epid = d.substring(2));
    if (!ssid && !epid && aid) {
      if (catchs.aid[aid])
        return catchs.aid[aid][p - 1] || catchs.aid[aid][0];
      if (!cid) {
        try {
          let data = jsonCheck(await xhr({ url: objUrl("", { "aid": aid }) }, true)).data;
          if (data.redirect_url)
            return urlParam(objUrl(data.redirect_url, { aid, cid, ssid, epid, p }));
          catchs.aid[aid] = data.pages;
          catchs.aid[aid].forEach((d) => d.aid = aid);
          return catchs.aid[aid][p - 1] || catchs.aid[aid][0];
        } catch (e) {
          debug.error("view", e);
          try {
            catchs.aid[aid] = jsonCheck(await xhr({ url: objUrl("", { "aid": aid }) }, true)).data;
            catchs.aid[aid].forEach((d) => d.aid = aid);
            return catchs.aid[aid][p - 1] || catchs.aid[aid][0];
          } catch (e2) {
            debug.error("pagelist", e2);
            try {
              catchs.aid[aid] = jsonCheck(await xhr({ url: \`//\${aid}&type=json\` }, true)).list;
              catchs.aid[aid].forEach((d) => d.aid = aid);
              return catchs.aid[aid][p - 1] || catchs.aid[aid][0];
            } catch (e3) {
              debug.error("appkey", e3);
              try {
                let data = jsonCheck(await xhr({ url: objUrl("", { "id": aid }) }, true));
                catchs.aid[aid] = data.list || data.v2_app_api && data.v2_app_api.pages;
                catchs.aid[aid].forEach((d) => d.aid = aid);
                if (redirect && data.v2_app_api && data.v2_app_api.redirect_url)
                  return urlParam(objUrl(data.v2_app_api.redirect_url, { aid, cid, ssid, epid, p }));
                return catchs.aid[aid][p - 1] || catchs.aid[aid][0];
              } catch (e4) {
                debug.error("biliplus", e4);
    if (ssid || epid) {
      if (ssid && catchs.ssid[ssid])
        return catchs.ssid[ssid][p - 1] || catchs.ssid[ssid][0];
      if (epid && catchs.epid[epid])
        return catchs.epid[epid];
      pgc = true;
      const param2 = { ep_id: epid, season_id: ssid };
      let data = jsonCheck(await xhr({ url: objUrl("", param2) }, true)).result;
      ssid = data.season_id;
      catchs.ssid[ssid] = [];
      data.episodes.forEach((d) => {
        Object.assign(d, { ssid, pgc, epid: d.ep_id });
        catchs.aid[d.aid] = catchs.aid[d.aid] || [];
        catchs.ssid[ssid].push(catchs.epid[d.ep_id] = d);
      if (epid)
        return catchs.epid[epid];
      return catchs.ssid[ssid][p - 1] || catchs.ssid[ssid][0];
    return { aid, cid, ssid, epid, p, pgc };

  // src/runtime/chrome/setting.json
  var setting_default = {
    logReport: false,
    toast: {
      status: true,
      rtl: false,
      position: "top-right",
      delay: 4,
      type: "warning"
    av: true,
    videoLimit: {
      switch: false,
      server: "内置",
      cn: "",
      hk: "",
      tw: "",
      th: ""
    protobufDanmaku: true,
    section: true,
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    enlike: false,
    upList: false,
    commandDm: false,
    bangumi: true,
    watchlater: true,
    player: true,
    index: true,
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    read: true,
    playlist: true,
    automate: {
      danmakuFirst: false,
      showBofqi: false,
      screenWide: false,
      noDanmaku: false,
      autoPlay: false,
      webFullScreen: false,
      videospeed: false,
      electric: false
    heartbeat: false,
    bangumiEplist: false,
    history: false,
    searchHistory: false,
    liveP2p: true,
    sleepCheck: true,
    errands: true,
    album: false,
    jointime: false,
    restore: false,
    codecType: "AVC",
    collection: true,
    search: true,
    liveRecord: false,
    closedCaption: true,
    segProgress: false,
    videoDisableAA: false,
    commentLinkDetail: false,
    downlaodType: [
    TVresource: false,
    downloadQn: 127,
    downloadOther: false,
    danmakuSaveType: "xml",
    downloadMethod: "默认",
    userAgent: "Bilibili Freedoooooom/MarkII",
    referer: "",
    filepath: "",
    aria2: {
      token: "",
      server: "http://localhost",
      port: 6800
    animatedBanner: false,
    accessKey: {
      key: "",
      date: ""
    timeline: false,
    privateRecommend: false,
    episodeData: false,
    comment: false,
    lostVideo: false,
    uposReplace: {
      nor: "不替换",
      gat: "不替换",
      th: "ks3(金山)",
      dl: "不替换"
    danmakuContact: false,
    allDanmaku: 3,
    IDM: {
      wait: false,
      silence: false
    development: false,
    settingEntryType: false,
    downloadBtn: true,
    windowStop: false

  // src/runtime/lib/proxy_handler.ts
  function get2(t, p, r) {
    try {
      return Reflect.get(t, p, r);
    } catch (e) {
      return t[p];
  var ProxyHandler = class {
    constructor(callback) {
      return {
        deleteProperty: (target, key) => {
          Promise.resolve().then(() => callback());
          return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key);
        get: (target, key, receiver) => {
          const res = get2(target, key, receiver);
          const targetIsArray = isArray(res);
          if (isObject(res) || targetIsArray) {
            return new Proxy(res, new ProxyHandler(callback));
          return res;
        set: (target, key, value, receiver) => {
          value !== get2(target, key, receiver) && Promise.resolve().then(() => callback());
          return Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver);

  // src/runtime/storage.ts
  var LocalStorage = class {
    clear() {
    getItem(key) {
      let str = self.localStorage.getItem(key);
      try {
        str = JSON.parse(str);
      } catch (e) {
      return str;
    keys() {
      return Object.keys(self.localStorage);
    removeItem(key) {
    setItem(key, value) {
      switch (typeof value) {
        case "object":
          self.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
        case "function":
          console.warn("函数类型并不适合这样存储!", key, value);
          self.localStorage.setItem(key, String(value));
    get length() {
      return self.localStorage.length;
  var SessionStorage = class {
    clear() {
    getItem(key) {
      let str = self.sessionStorage.getItem(key);
      try {
        str = JSON.parse(str);
      } catch (e) {
      return str;
    keys() {
      return Object.keys(self.sessionStorage);
    removeItem(key) {
    setItem(key, value) {
      switch (typeof value) {
        case "object":
          self.sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
        case "function":
          console.warn("函数类型并不适合这样存储!", key, value);
          self.sessionStorage.setItem(key, String(value));
    get length() {
      return self.sessionStorage.length;
  var localStorage = new LocalStorage();
  var sessionStorage2 = new SessionStorage();

  // src/runtime/setting.ts
  var setting = setting_default;
  var newSetting;
  function getSetting() {
    if (isUserScript) {
      newSetting = GM_getValue("config", setting_default);
      setting = new Proxy(newSetting, new ProxyHandler(saveConfig));
    } else {
      newSetting = sessionStorage2.getItem("setting");
      newSetting ? setting = new Proxy(newSetting, new ProxyHandler(saveConfig)) : setTimeout(getSetting);
  function saveConfig() {
    if (newSetting) {
      if (isUserScript) {
        GM_setValue("config", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSetting)));
      } else {
        GM.setValue("setting", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSetting)));
        sessionStorage2.setItem("setting", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newSetting)));

  // src/runtime/variable/variable.ts
  var API = {
    get aid() {
      return window.aid;
    set aid(v) {
      window.aid = v;
    get cid() {
      return window.cid;
    set cid(v) {
      window.cid = v;
    get ssid() {
      return window.ssid;
    set ssid(v) {
      window.ssid = v;
    get epid() {
      return window.epid;
    set epid(v) {
      window.epid = v;
    get __INITIAL_STATE__() {
      return window.__INITIAL_STATE__;
    set __INITIAL_STATE__(v) {
      window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = v;
    __playinfo__: void 0,
    limit: void 0,
    bkg_cover: void 0,
    cover: void 0,
    title: void 0,
    th: void 0,
    pgc: void 0,
    playerParam: void 0,
    rewrite: false,
  setting.development && Reflect.set(window, "API", API);

  // src/runtime/hook/webpack_jsonp.ts
  var hook;
  var arr = [];
  var param = [];
  var webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp;
  Reflect.defineProperty(window, "webpackJsonp", {
    set: (v) => hook = v,
    get: () => {
      if (hook) {
        if (isArray(hook)) {
          if (API.rewrite && hook.length > 1)
          return hook;
        return (chunkIds, moreModules, executeModules) => {
          if (arr[moreModules.length]) {
            const obj = arr[moreModules.length];
            const pam = param[moreModules.length];
            Object.entries(obj).forEach((d) => {
              let code = moreModules[d[0]];
              if (code) {
                code = code.toString();
                d[1].forEach((e) => code = e(code));
                moreModules[d[0]] = new Function(pam[0], pam[1], pam[2], \`(\${code})(\${pam[0]},\${pam[1]},\${pam[2]})\`);
          return hook(chunkIds, moreModules, executeModules);
    configurable: true
  window.webpackJsonp = webpackJsonp;
  function webpackhook(len, pos, rpc, params = ["t", "e", "i"]) {
    if (!arr[len]) {
      arr[len] = {};
      param[len] = params;
    arr[len][pos] = arr[len][pos] || [];
    arr[len][pos].push((code) => rpc(code));

  // src/runtime/lib/crc32.ts
  var Midcrc = class {
    CRCPOLYNOMIAL = 3988292384;
    crctable = new Array(256);
    index = new Array(4);
    constructor() {
    run(input) {
      let ht = parseInt("0x" + input) ^ 4294967295, snum, i, lastindex, deepCheckData;
      for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
        this.index[3 - i] = this.getcrcindex(ht >>> i * 8);
        snum = this.crctable[this.index[3 - i]];
        ht ^= snum >>> (3 - i) * 8;
      for (i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
        lastindex = this.crc32lastindex(i);
        if (lastindex == this.index[3]) {
          deepCheckData = this.deepCheck(i, this.index);
          if (deepCheckData[0])
      if (i == 1e7)
        return -1;
      return Number(i + "" + deepCheckData[1]);
    create_table() {
      let crcreg, i, j;
      for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
        crcreg = i;
        for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
          if ((crcreg & 1) !== 0) {
            crcreg = this.CRCPOLYNOMIAL ^ crcreg >>> 1;
          } else {
            crcreg >>>= 1;
        this.crctable[i] = crcreg;
    crc32(input) {
      if (typeof input != "string")
        input = input.toString();
      let crcstart = 4294967295, len = input.length, index;
      for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        index = (crcstart ^ input.charCodeAt(i)) & 255;
        crcstart = crcstart >>> 8 ^ this.crctable[index];
      return crcstart;
    crc32lastindex(input) {
      if (typeof input != "string")
        input = input.toString();
      let crcstart = 4294967295, len = input.length, index;
      for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        index = (crcstart ^ input.charCodeAt(i)) & 255;
        crcstart = crcstart >>> 8 ^ this.crctable[index];
      return index;
    getcrcindex(t) {
      for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        if (this.crctable[i] >>> 24 == t)
          return i;
      return -1;
    deepCheck(i, index) {
      let tc = 0, str = "", hash = this.crc32(i);
      tc = hash & 255 ^ index[2];
      if (!(tc <= 57 && tc >= 48))
        return [0];
      str += tc - 48;
      hash = this.crctable[index[2]] ^ hash >>> 8;
      tc = hash & 255 ^ index[1];
      if (!(tc <= 57 && tc >= 48))
        return [0];
      str += tc - 48;
      hash = this.crctable[index[1]] ^ hash >>> 8;
      tc = hash & 255 ^ index[0];
      if (!(tc <= 57 && tc >= 48))
        return [0];
      str += tc - 48;
      hash = this.crctable[index[0]] ^ hash >>> 8;
      return [1, str];
  var crc = new Midcrc();
  function midcrc(input) {
  function crc32(input) {
    return ((crc.crc32(input) + 1) * -1 >>> 0).toString(16);

  // src/images/svg/fork.svg
  var fork_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"><path d="M2 2 L98 98 M 98 2 L2 98Z" stroke-width="10px" stroke="#212121" stroke-linecap="round"></path></svg>';

  // src/runtime/toast/toast.html
  var toast_default = '<div id="toast-container"></div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .toast-close-button>svg {\\r\\n        width: 12px;\\r\\n        height: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast {\\r\\n        transition: height 1s ease 0s, padding 1s ease 0s;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container {\\r\\n        font: 12px Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Microsoft Yahei, Hiragino Sans GB, Heiti SC, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, sans-serif;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    /*\\r\\n     * Note that this is toastr v2.1.3, the "latest" version in url has no more maintenance,\\r\\n     * please go to and pick a certain version you want to use,\\r\\n     * make sure you copy the url from the website since the url may change between versions.\\r\\n     */\\r\\n    .toast-title {\\r\\n        font-weight: bold;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-message {\\r\\n        -ms-word-wrap: break-word;\\r\\n        word-wrap: break-word;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-message a,\\r\\n    .toast-message label {\\r\\n        color: #FFFFFF;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-message a:hover {\\r\\n        color: #CCCCCC;\\r\\n        text-decoration: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-close-button {\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        right: -0.3em;\\r\\n        top: -0.3em;\\r\\n        float: right;\\r\\n        font-size: 20px;\\r\\n        font-weight: bold;\\r\\n        color: #FFFFFF;\\r\\n        -webkit-text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ffffff;\\r\\n        text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ffffff;\\r\\n        opacity: 0.8;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=80);\\r\\n        line-height: 1;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-close-button:hover,\\r\\n    .toast-close-button:focus {\\r\\n        color: #000000;\\r\\n        text-decoration: none;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        opacity: 0.4;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=40);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .rtl .toast-close-button {\\r\\n        left: -0.3em;\\r\\n        float: left;\\r\\n        right: 0.3em;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    /*Additional properties for button version\\r\\n     iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag.\\r\\n     If you want the anchor version, it requires \`href="#"\`.*/\\r\\n    button.toast-close-button {\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        background: transparent;\\r\\n        border: 0;\\r\\n        -webkit-appearance: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-top-center {\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-bottom-center {\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-top-full-width {\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-bottom-full-width {\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-top-left {\\r\\n        top: 12px;\\r\\n        left: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-top-right {\\r\\n        top: 12px;\\r\\n        right: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-bottom-right {\\r\\n        right: 12px;\\r\\n        bottom: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-bottom-left {\\r\\n        bottom: 12px;\\r\\n        left: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container {\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        z-index: 999999;\\r\\n        pointer-events: none;\\r\\n        /*overrides*/\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container * {\\r\\n        -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>div {\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        pointer-events: auto;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        margin: 0 0 6px;\\r\\n        padding: 15px 15px 15px 50px;\\r\\n        width: 300px;\\r\\n        -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;\\r\\n        -webkit-border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;\\r\\n        border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;\\r\\n        background-position: 15px center;\\r\\n        background-repeat: no-repeat;\\r\\n        -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #999999;\\r\\n        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #999999;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 12px #999999;\\r\\n        color: #FFFFFF;\\r\\n        opacity: 0.8;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=80);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n        direction: rtl;\\r\\n        padding: 15px 50px 15px 15px;\\r\\n        background-position: right 15px center;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>div:hover {\\r\\n        -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #000000;\\r\\n        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #000000;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 12px #000000;\\r\\n        opacity: 1;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=100);\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-info {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-error {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-success {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container>.toast-warning {\\r\\n        background-image: url("") !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-top-center>div,\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-bottom-center>div {\\r\\n        width: 300px;\\r\\n        margin-left: auto;\\r\\n        margin-right: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-top-full-width>div,\\r\\n    #toast-container.toast-bottom-full-width>div {\\r\\n        width: 96%;\\r\\n        margin-left: auto;\\r\\n        margin-right: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast {\\r\\n        background-color: #030303;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-success {\\r\\n        background-color: #51A351;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-error {\\r\\n        background-color: #BD362F;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-info {\\r\\n        background-color: #2F96B4;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-warning {\\r\\n        background-color: #F89406;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .toast-progress {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        left: 0;\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        height: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #000000;\\r\\n        opacity: 0.4;\\r\\n        -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40);\\r\\n        filter: alpha(opacity=40);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    /*Responsive Design*/\\r\\n    @media all and (max-width: 240px) {\\r\\n        #toast-container>div {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 8px 8px 50px;\\r\\n            width: 11em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 50px 8px 8px;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            right: -0.2em;\\r\\n            top: -0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .rtl .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            left: -0.2em;\\r\\n            right: 0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    @media all and (min-width: 241px) and (max-width: 480px) {\\r\\n        #toast-container>div {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 8px 8px 50px;\\r\\n            width: 18em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n            padding: 8px 50px 8px 8px;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            right: -0.2em;\\r\\n            top: -0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container .rtl .toast-close-button {\\r\\n            left: -0.2em;\\r\\n            right: 0.2em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    @media all and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 768px) {\\r\\n        #toast-container>div {\\r\\n            padding: 15px 15px 15px 50px;\\r\\n            width: 25em;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        #toast-container>div.rtl {\\r\\n            padding: 15px 50px 15px 15px;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/toast/toast.ts
  var ToastContainer = class extends HTMLElement {
    positionList = ["top-right", "top-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-left"];
    typeList = ["success", "error", "info", "warning", ""];
    status = true;
    rtl = false;
    position = "top-right";
    delay = 4;
    constructor() {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      this.container = root3.children[0];
      Object.defineProperties(this, {
        status: {
          get: () => setting.toast.status,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === setting.toast.status)
            setting.toast.status = v;
        rtl: {
          get: () => setting.toast.rtl,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === setting.toast.rtl)
            setting.toast.rtl = v;
            v ? this.container.childNodes.forEach((d) => {
            }) : this.container.childNodes.forEach((d) => {
        position: {
          get: () => setting.toast.position,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === setting.toast.position)
            if (!this.positionList.includes(v))
            setting.toast.position = v;
            this.container.className = \`toast-\${v}\`;
        delay: {
          get: () => setting.toast.delay,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === setting.toast.delay)
            setting.toast.delay = v;
    toast(delay, type, {
      if (!this.status)
      document.body.contains(this) || document.body.appendChild(this);
      this.container.className = \`toast-\${this.position}\`;
      let html = \`<div class="toast\${type ? " toast-" + type : ""}\${this.rtl ? " rtl" : ""}" aria-live="assertive" style="padding-top: 0px;padding-bottom: 0px;height: 0px;"><div class="toast-message">\`;
      !delay && (html += \`<div class="toast-close-button">\${fork_default}</div>\`);
      data.forEach((d, i) => {
        if (isObject(d)) {
          try {
            d = JSON.stringify(d, void 0, "<br>");
          } catch (e) {
        html += i ? \`<br>\${d}\` : \`<label>\${d}</label>\`;
      html += "</div></div>";
      const node4 = createElements(htmlVnode(html));
      const toast2 = node4.children[0];
      this.container.insertBefore(node4, this.container.firstChild);
      toast2.setAttribute("style", \`height: \${toast2.scrollHeight + 30}px;\`);
      let hovering = false;
      toast2.addEventListener("mouseover", () => hovering = true);
      toast2.addEventListener("mouseout", () => hovering = false);
      Object.defineProperties(toast2, {
        "type": {
          get: () => type,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === type)
            if (!this.typeList.includes(v))
            type && toast2.classList.remove(\`toast-\${type}\`);
            v && toast2.classList.add(\`toast-\${v}\`);
            type = v;
        "data": {
          get: () => new Proxy(data, new ProxyHandler(ToastContainer.organizeDate.bind(ToastContainer, toast2))),
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === data)
            data = v;
        "delay": {
          get: () => delay,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === delay)
            if (isNaN(v))
            if (delay === 0)
              delay = v, ToastContainer.countDown(toast2);
            delay = v;
            if (v === 0) {
              hovering ? toast2.addEventListener("mouseout", () => ToastContainer.remove(toast2)) : ToastContainer.remove(toast2);
      !delay ? toast2.children[0].children[0].addEventListener("click", () => ToastContainer.remove(toast2)) : ToastContainer.countDown(toast2);
      return toast2;
    static countDown(node4) {
      node4.delay && setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1e3);
    static remove(node4) {
      node4.setAttribute("style", "padding-top: 0px;padding-bottom: 0px;height: 0px;");
      setTimeout(() => node4.remove(), 1e3);
    static organizeDate(node4) {
      let html = !node4.delay ? \`<div class="toast-close-button">\${fork_default}</div>\` : "";, i) => {
        if (isObject(d)) {
          try {
            d = JSON.stringify(d, void 0, "<br>");
          } catch (e) {
        html += i ? \`<br>\${d}\` : \`<label>\${d}</label>\`;
      node4.setAttribute("style", \`height: \${node4.firstChild.clientHeight + 30}px;\`);
      !node4.delay && node4.children[0].children[0].addEventListener("click", () => ToastContainer.remove(node4));
  customElements.get(\`toast-container\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`toast-container\${mutex}\`, ToastContainer);
  var node = customElements ? new ToastContainer() : { toast: () => {
  } };
  function Toast(type, {
    return node.toast(node.delay, type,;
  function toast( {
    return Toast.bind(node, "")(;
  toast.success = Toast.bind(node, "success");
  toast.error = Toast.bind(node, "error"); = Toast.bind(node, "info");
  toast.warning = Toast.bind(node, "warning");
  toast.custom = node.toast.bind(node);

  // src/runtime/danmaku/danmaku_hash_id.css
  var danmaku_hash_id_default = "/* 反查弹幕发送者相关样式 */\\r\\,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold {\\r\\n    font-family: Microsoft YaHei, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\\r\\n    font-size: 0;\\r\\n    zoom: 1;\\r\\n    min-height: 100px;\\r\\n    background: #fff;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list {\\r\\n    padding-top: 20px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ *,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold * {\\r\\n    box-sizing: content-box;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-face,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-face {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n    margin-right: 10px;\\r\\n    vertical-align: top;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-face img,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-face img {\\r\\n    width: 24px;\\r\\n    height: 24px;\\r\\n    border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-con,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-con {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    width: calc(100% - 34px);\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user {\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    font-weight: 700;\\r\\n    line-height: 18px;\\r\\n    padding-bottom: 4px;\\r\\n    display: block;\\r\\n    word-wrap: break-word;\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-con .user .name,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .reply-con .user .name {\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n    top: -1px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .level,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .reply-box .reply-item .level {\\r\\n    margin: 0 15px 0 8px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l0,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l0 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -28px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l1,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l1 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -92px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l2,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l2 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -156px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l3,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l3 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -220px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l4,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l4 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -284px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l5,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l5 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -348px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l6,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l6 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -412px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l7,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l7 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -476px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l8,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l8 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -540px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l9,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level.l9 {\\r\\n    background-position: -23px -604px\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ .comment-list .list-item .user .level,\\r\\n.comment-bilibili-fold .comment-list .list-item .user .level {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    width: 19px;\\r\\n    height: 9px;\\r\\n    vertical-align: middle;\\r\\n    margin: 0 8px;\\r\\n    background: url() no-repeat;\\r\\n}";

  // src/runtime/danmaku/danmaku_hash_id.ts
  function danmakuHashId() {
    addCss(danmaku_hash_id_default, "danmaku-hash-id");
    class DanmakuHashId {
      static count = 0;
      static catch = {};
      count = 0;
      constructor(crc2) {
        DanmakuHashId.count = DanmakuHashId.count ? DanmakuHashId.count + 1 : 1;
        this.count = DanmakuHashId.count;
        DanmakuHashId.catch = DanmakuHashId.catch || {};
        this.hash = crc2;
        this.mid = midcrc(this.hash);
      async getInfo() {
        try {
          this.node = document.querySelector("");
          if (!this.node)
            return setTimeout(() => {
            }, 100);
          this.node = this.node.children[0];
          let j = 0;
          for (let i = this.node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (this.node.children[i].textContent.includes("mid")) {
     = this.node.children[i];
              if (this.count === j)
          if (!
            return setTimeout(() => {
            }, 100);
          if ( != "LI")
          DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid] = DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid] || jsonCheck(await xhr({ url: objUrl("", { mid: this.mid }) }, true));
 = '<div style="min-height:0px;z-index:-5;background-color: unset;" class="bb-comment"><div style="padding-top: 0;" class="comment-list"><div class="list-item"><div class="reply-box"><div style="padding:0px" class="reply-item reply-wrap"><div style="margin-left: 15px;vertical-align: middle;" data-usercard-mid="' + this.mid + '" class="reply-face"><img src="' + DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid].data.card.face + '@52w_52h.webp" alt=""></div><div class="reply-con"><div class="user" style="padding-bottom: 0;top: 3px;"><a style="display:initial;padding: 0px;" data-usercard-mid="' + this.mid + '" href="//' + this.mid + '" target="_blank" class="' + (DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid] > 1 ? "name vip-red-name" : "name") + '">' + DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid] + "</a> " + DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid] + '<a style="display:initial;padding: 0px;" href="//" target="_blank"><i class="level l' + (DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid].data.card.is_senior_member ? 7 : DanmakuHashId.catch[this.mid].data.card.level_info.current_level) + '"></i></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>';
        } catch (e) {
          toast.error("反差弹幕发送者信息失败 ಥ_ಥ");
    window.danmakuHashId = (crc2) => {
      try {
        const check2 = new DanmakuHashId(crc2);
        return \`hash: \${check2.hash} mid: \${check2.mid}\`;
      } catch (e) {

  // src/runtime/lib/file.ts
  function readAs(file, type = "string", encoding = "utf-8") {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const reader = new FileReader();
      switch (type) {
        case "ArrayBuffer":
        case "DataURL":
        case "string":
          reader.readAsText(file, encoding);
      reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
      reader.onerror = (e) => reject(e);
  async function saveAs(content, fileName, contentType = "text/plain") {
    const a = document.createElement("a");
    const file = new Blob([content], { type: contentType });
    a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file); = fileName;
    a.addEventListener("load", () => URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href));;
  function fileRead(accept, multiple) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const input = document.createElement("input");
      input.type = "file";
      accept && (input.accept = accept);
      multiple && (input.multiple = multiple); = "0";
      input.addEventListener("change", () => resolve(input.files));

  // src/runtime/variable/fnval.ts
  var Fnval = class {
    MP4 = 1;
    DASH_H265 = 16;
    HDR = 64;
    DASH_4K = 128;
    DOLBYAUDIO = 256;
    DOLBYVIDEO = 512;
    DASH_8K = 1024;
    DASH_AV1 = 2048;
  var _ = new Fnval();
  var fnval = Reflect.ownKeys(_).reduce((s, d) => {
    s += _[d];
    return s;
  }, -1);

  // src/runtime/lib/url.ts
  var UrlPack = class {
    get ts() {
      return new Date().getTime();
    access_key = setting.accessKey?.key || void 0;
    jsonUrlDefault = {
      "": { qn: 127, otype: "json", fourk: 1 },
      "": { qn: 127, otype: "json", fourk: 1 },
      "": { appkey: 9, otype: "json", quality: 127, type: "" },
      "": { appkey: 9, module: "bangumi", otype: "json", quality: 127, type: "" },
      "": { access_key: this.access_key, appkey: 1, build: "2040100", device: "android", expire: "0", mid: "0", mobi_app: "android_i", module: "bangumi", otype: "json", platform: "android_i", qn: 127, ts: this.ts },
      "": { access_key: this.access_key, appkey: 1, build: "2040100", device: "android", expire: "0", mid: "0", mobi_app: "android_i", otype: "json", platform: "android_i", qn: 127, ts: this.ts },
      "": { appkey: 6, qn: 127, fourk: 1, otype: "json", platform: "android", mobi_app: "android_tv_yst", build: 102801 },
      "": { appkey: 6, qn: 127, fourk: 1, otype: "json", platform: "android", mobi_app: "android_tv_yst", build: 102801 },
      "": { access_key: this.access_key, mobi_app: "android_i", fnver: 0, fnval, qn: 127, platform: "android", fourk: 1, build: 2100110, appkey: 0, otype: "json", ts: this.ts },
      "": { access_key: this.access_key, mobi_app: "android_i", fnver: 0, fnval, qn: 127, platform: "android", fourk: 1, build: 2100110, appkey: 0, otype: "json", ts: this.ts },
      "": { type: "json", appkey: "8e9fc618fbd41e28" },
      "": { build: "6042000", channel: "master", mobi_app: "android", platform: "android", prev: "0", ps: "20" },
      "": { appkey: 1, build: 303e4, c_locale: "zh_CN", channel: "master", fnval, fnver: 0, force_host: 0, fourk: 1, https_url_req: 0, mobi_app: "android_i", offset: 0, platform: "android", player_net: 1, qn: 32, s_locale: "zh_CN", tab_id: 0, tab_module_id: 0, ts: this.ts },
      "": { appkey: 1, build: 303e4, c_locale: "zh_CN", channel: "master", fnval, fnver: 0, force_host: 0, fourk: 1, https_url_req: 0, mobi_app: "android_i", platform: "android", player_net: 1, qn: 32, s_locale: "zh_CN", ts: this.ts },
      "": { appkey: 2, build: "2040100", platform: "android" }
    getJson(url, detail, gm) {
      const str = objUrl(url, { ...this.jsonUrlDefault[url], ...detail });
      return gm ? isUserScript ? GM.xhr({ url: this.jsonUrlDefault[url].appkey > 0 ? urlsign(str, void 0, this.jsonUrlDefault[url].appkey) : str, responseType: "json" }) : GM.xmlHttpRequest(this.jsonUrlDefault[url].appkey > 0 ? urlsign(str, void 0, this.jsonUrlDefault[url].appkey) : str, { credentials: "include" }).then((d) => JSON.parse(d)) : xhr({
        url: this.jsonUrlDefault[url].appkey > 0 ? urlsign(str, void 0, this.jsonUrlDefault[url].appkey) : str,
        responseType: "json",
        credentials: true
  var urlPack = new UrlPack();

  // src/runtime/player/upos_replace.ts
  var UPOS = {
    "ks3(金山)": "",
    "ks3b(金山)": "",
    "ks3c(金山)": "",
    "ks32(金山)": "",
    "kodo(七牛)": "",
    "kodob(七牛)": "",
    "cos(腾讯)": "",
    "cosb(腾讯)": "",
    "coso1(腾讯)": "",
    "coso2(腾讯)": "",
    "bos(腾讯)": "",
    "hw(华为)": "",
    "hwb(华为)": "",
    "uphw(华为)": "",
    "js(华为)": "",
    "hk(香港)": "",
    "akamai(海外)": ""
  var dis = false;
  var timer = 0;
  function uposReplace(str, uposName) {
    if (uposName === "不替换")
      return str;
    !dis && toast.custom(10, "warning", "已替换UPOS服务器,卡加载时请到设置中更换服务器或者禁用!", \`CDN:\${uposName}\`, \`UPOS:\${UPOS[uposName]}\`);
    dis = true;
    timer = setTimeout(() => dis = false, 1e3);
    return str.replace(/:\\\\?\\/\\\\?\\/[^\\/]+\\\\?\\//g, () => \`://\${UPOS[uposName]}/\`);

  // src/runtime/node_observer.ts
  var nodelist = [];
  function observerAddedNodes(callback) {
    try {
      if (typeof callback === "function")
      return nodelist.length - 1;
    } catch (e) {
  var observe = new MutationObserver((d) => d.forEach((d2) => {
    d2.addedNodes[0] && nodelist.forEach(async (f) => {
      try {
      } catch (e) {
  observe.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });

  // src/runtime/switch_video.ts
  var switchlist = [];
  function switchVideo(callback) {
    try {
      if (typeof callback === "function")
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("switchVideo.js", e);
  observerAddedNodes((node4) => {
    if (/bilibili-player-area video-state-pause/.test(node4.className)) {
      switchlist.forEach(async (d) => {
        try {
        } catch (e) {

  // src/runtime/element/popupbox/popupbox.html
  var popupbox_default = '<div class="box">\\r\\n    <div class="contain"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="fork"></div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .box {\\r\\n        top: 50%;\\r\\n        left: 50%;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\\r\\n        transition: 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.22, 0.61, 0.36, 1);\\r\\n        padding: 12px;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        color: black;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 4px 12px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 5%);\\r\\n        border: 1px solid rgba(136, 136, 136, 0.13333);\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        font-size: 13px;\\r\\n        z-index: 11115;\\r\\n        line-height: 14px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain {\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .fork {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        transform: scale(0.8);\\r\\n        right: 10px;\\r\\n        top: 10px;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        pointer-events: visible;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .fork:hover {\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/popupbox/popupbox.ts
  var ClickRemove = class {
    constructor(node4) {
      node4.addEventListener("click", (e) => e.stopPropagation());
      function remove() {
        document.removeEventListener("click", remove);
      this.cancel = () => document.removeEventListener("click", remove);
      this.observe = () => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          document.addEventListener("click", remove);
        }, 100);
  var PopupBox = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(obj) {
      const { children, style, fork } = obj;
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      root3.appendChild(createElements(htmlVnode(popupbox_default.replace('<div class="fork"></div>', \`<div class="fork">\${fork_default}</div>\`))));
      this.__contain = root3.children[0].children[0];
      this.__fork = root3.children[0].children[1];
      this._observe = new ClickRemove(this);
      Object.defineProperties(obj, {
        children: {
          get: () => this._children,
          set: (v) => {
            if (this._children === v)
            this._children = v;
        style: {
          get: () => this._style,
          set: (v) => {
            if (this._style === v)
            this._style = v;
        fork: {
          get: () => this._fork,
          set: (v) => {
            if (this._fork === v)
            this._fork = v;
      this._children = obj.children = children || document.createDocumentFragment();
      this._style = = style || "";
      this._fork = obj.fork = fork || false;
      this.__fork.addEventListener("click", () => this.remove());
    timer = 0;
    \$children() {
      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 250);
    \$style() {
      this.__contain.setAttribute("style", this._style);
    \$fork() {
      if (this._fork) {
        this._observe.cancel(); = "";
      } else {
        this._observe.observe(); = "none";
  customElements.get(\`popup-box\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`popup-box\${mutex}\`, PopupBox);

  // src/runtime/download/download_ui.html
  var download_ui_default = '<div class="table"></div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .table {\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        z-index: 11113;\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        min-height: 50px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        background: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgba(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        transition: transform 0.3s ease-in;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        align-content: center;\\r\\n        justify-content: center;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .cell {\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        color: #000 !important;\\r\\n        border: #ccc 1px solid;\\r\\n        border-radius: 3px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        margin: 3px;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        align-content: center;\\r\\n        justify-content: center;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        flex-direction: row;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type {\\r\\n        color: #000 !important;\\r\\n        display: table-cell;\\r\\n        min-width: 1.5em;\\r\\n        text-align: center;\\r\\n        vertical-align: middle;\\r\\n        padding: 10px 3px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.mp4 {\\r\\n        background-color: #e0e;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.av1 {\\r\\n        background-color: #feb;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.avc {\\r\\n        background-color: #07e;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.hev {\\r\\n        background-color: #7ba;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.aac {\\r\\n        background-color: #0d0;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .type.flv {\\r\\n        background-color: #0dd;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item {\\r\\n        display: table-cell;\\r\\n        text-decoration: none;\\r\\n        padding: 3px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        color: #1184B4;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item:hover {\\r\\n        color: #FE3676;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up {\\r\\n        color: #fff !important;\\r\\n        text-align: center;\\r\\n        padding: 1px 3px;\\r\\n        background-color: #777;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.yellow {\\r\\n        background-color: #ffe42b;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffe42b, #dfb200);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #ffafc9;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffafc9, #dfada7);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.purple {\\r\\n        background-color: #c0f;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #c0f, #90f);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #f00;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f00, #c00);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #f90;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f90, #d70);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #00d;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #00d, #00b);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n {\\r\\n        background-color: #0d0;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #0d0, #0b0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv9 {\\r\\n        background-color: #151515;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #151515, #030303);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv8 {\\r\\n        background-color: #841cf9;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #841cf9, #620ad7);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv7 {\\r\\n        background-color: #e52fec;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #e52fec, #c30dca);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv6 {\\r\\n        background-color: #ff0000;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ff0000, #dd0000);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv5 {\\r\\n        background-color: #ff6c00;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ff6c00, #dd4a00);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv4 {\\r\\n        background-color: #ffb37c;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffb37c, #dd915a);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv3 {\\r\\n        background-color: #92d1e5;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #92d1e5, #70b0c3);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv2 {\\r\\n        background-color: #95ddb2;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #95ddb2, #73bb90);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .up.lv1 {\\r\\n        background-color: #bfbfbf;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #bfbfbf, #9d9d9d);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .down {\\r\\n        font-size: 90%;\\r\\n        margin-top: 2px;\\r\\n        text-align: center;\\r\\n        padding: 1px 3px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/download/download_ui.ts
  var BiliOldDownload = class extends HTMLElement {
    observer = new ClickRemove(this);
    constructor(obj) {
      const { data } = obj;
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      this._table = root3.children[0];
      this.obj = obj;
      Reflect.defineProperty(obj, "data", {
        configurable: true,
        get: () => new Proxy(this._data, new ProxyHandler(() => this.\$data())),
        set: (v) => {
          if (v === this._data)
          this._data = v;
      this._data = = data;
    \$data() {
      const vdoms = Object.entries(this._data).reduce((s, d) => {
        const vdom = {
          tagName: "div",
          props: { class: "cell" },
          children: [
              tagName: "div",
              props: { class: \`type \${d[0]}\` },
              children: [
                  tagName: "text",
                  text: d[0]
        d[1].forEach((d2) => {
          const a = { class: "item", target: "_blank" };
          d2.href && (a.href = d2.href);
          d2.fileName && ( = d2.fileName);
            tagName: "a",
            props: a,
            children: [
                tagName: "div",
                props: { class: \`up\${d2.color ? \` \${d2.color}\` : ""}\` },
                children: [
                    tagName: "text",
                    text: d2.up
                tagName: "div",
                props: { class: \`down\` },
                children: [
                    tagName: "text",
                    text: d2.down
            event: {
              click: () => {
                d2.onclick && d2.onclick();
        return s;
      }, []);
      vdoms.length || vdoms.push({
        tagName: "div",
        children: [
            tagName: "text",
            text: "正在获取下载数据~"
    show() {
      if (!document.body.contains(this)) {
  customElements.get(\`biliold-download\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`biliold-download\${mutex}\`, BiliOldDownload);
  var downloadUI = new BiliOldDownload({ data: {} });

  // src/runtime/format/size.ts
  function sizeFormat(size = 0) {
    let unit = ["B", "K", "M", "G"], i = unit.length - 1, dex = 1024 ** i, vor = 1e3 ** i;
    while (dex > 1) {
      if (size >= vor) {
        size = Number((size / dex).toFixed(2));
      dex = dex / 1024;
      vor = vor / 1e3;
    return size ? size + unit[i] : "N/A";

  // src/runtime/format/sub_array.ts
  function subArray(res, num = 1) {
    const arr2 = [...res];
    const out = [];
    num = num || 1;
    num = num < arr2.length ? num : arr2.length;
    while (out.length < num) {
      var temp2 = Math.random() * arr2.length >> 0;
      out.push(arr2.splice(temp2, 1)[0]);
    return num === 1 ? out[0] : out;

  // src/runtime/lib/base64.ts
  var Base64 = class {
    static encode(str) {
      return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1) {
        return String.fromCharCode("0x" + p1);
    static decode(str) {
      return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split("").map(function(c) {
        return "%" + ("00" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);

  // src/runtime/download/aria2.ts
  var Aria2 = class {
    setting = {};
    constructor() {
      if (!setting)
      setting.userAgent && (this.setting.userAgent = setting.userAgent);
      setting.referer && (this.setting.referer = setting.referer);
      setting.filepath && ( = setting.filepath);
      setting.aria2.token && (this.setting.token = setting.aria2.token);
    shell(obj) {
      return new Promise((r, j) => {
        let result = "aria2c";
        obj = { ...this.setting, ...obj };
        obj.urls.forEach((d) => result += \` "\${d}"\`);
        obj.out && (result += \` --out="\${obj.out}"\`);
        obj.userAgent && (result += \` --user-agent="\${obj.userAgent}"\`);
        obj.referer && (result += \` --referer="\${obj.referer}"\`); && (result += \` --dir="\${}"\`);
        obj.split && (result += \` --split="\${obj.split}"\`);
        obj.header && Object.entries(obj.header).forEach((d) => result += \` --header="\${d[0]}: \${d[1]}"\`);
        navigator.clipboard.writeText(result).then(r, (e) => j(e));
    rpc(obj) {
      obj = { ...this.setting, ...obj };
      const options = {};
      obj.out && (options.out = obj.out);
      obj.userAgent && (options["user-agent"] = obj.userAgent);
      obj.referer && (options["referer"] = obj.referer); && (options["dir"] =;
      obj.split && (options["split"] = obj.split);
      obj.header && (options["header"] = obj.header);
      return this.postMessage("aria2.addUri", || new Date().getTime(), [obj.urls, options]);
    postMessage(method, id, params = []) {
      const url = \`\${setting.aria2.server}:\${setting.aria2.port}/jsonrpc\`;
      setting.aria2.token && params.unshift(\`token:\${setting.aria2.token}\`);
      return new Promise((r, j) => {
          method: "POST",
          responseType: "json",
          data: JSON.stringify({ method, id, params })
        }).then((d) => {
          d.error && j(d.error);
          d.result && r(d.result);
        }).catch((e) => {
            url: objUrl(url, { method, id, params: Base64.encode(JSON.stringify(params)) }),
            method: "GET",
            responseType: "json"
          }).then((d) => {
            d.error && j(d.error);
            d.result && r(d.result);
          }).catch(() => j(e));
    getVersion() {
      return this.postMessage("aria2.getVersion", new Date().getTime());
  var aria2 = new Aria2();

  // src/runtime/download/ef2.ts
  var Ef2 = class {
    setting = {};
    constructor() {
      if (!setting)
      setting.IDM.wait && (this.setting.sendToList = setting.IDM.wait);
      setting.IDM.silence && (this.setting.toastDisabled = setting.IDM.silence);
      setting.userAgent && (this.setting.userAgent = setting.userAgent);
      setting.referer && (this.setting.referer = setting.referer);
      setting.filepath && ( = setting.filepath);
    sendLinkToIDM(data) {
      data = { ...this.setting, };
      const a = document.createElement("a");
      a.href = this.encode(data);;
    encode(data) {
      let result = "";
      Object.keys(data).forEach((d) => {
        switch (d) {
          case "cookies":
            result += \` -c "\${data.cookies}"\`;
          case "directory":
   =\\//, "\\\\");
   &&[ - 1] == "\\\\" && ( =, - 1));
            result += \` -o "\${}"\`;
          case "out":
            result += \` -s "\${data.out}"\`;
          case "password":
            result += \` -P "\${data.password}"\`;
          case "postDate":
            result += \` -d "\${data.postDate}"\`;
          case "referer":
            result += \` -r "\${data.referer}"\`;
          case "sendToList":
            result += \` -q\`;
          case "toastDisabled":
            result += \` -f\`;
          case "url":
            data.url.startsWith("//") && (data.url = "https:" + data.url);
            result += \` -u "\${data.url}"\`;
          case "userAgent":
            result += \` -a "\${data.userAgent}"\`;
          case "userName":
            result += \` -U "\${data.userName}"\`;
      result && result.startsWith(" ") && (result = result.substr(1, result.length));
      return "ef2://" + Base64.encode(result);
    decode(ef2ptl) {
      ef2ptl = ef2ptl.replace("ef2://", "");
      ef2ptl = Base64.decode(ef2ptl) + " ";
      const key = ef2ptl.match(/-\\w /g);
      const value = ef2ptl.split(/-\\w /);
      return Array.from(key).reduce((s, d, i) => {
        value[i] && value[i].endsWith(" ") && (value[i] = value[i].substr(0, value[i].length - 1));
        value[i] && value[i].endsWith('"') && (value[i] = value[i].substr(1, value[i].length - 2));
        switch (d) {
          case "-c ":
            s.cookies = value[i];
          case "-o ":
   = value[i];
          case "-s ":
            s.out = value[i];
          case "-P ":
            s.password = value[i];
          case "-d ":
            s.postDate = value[i];
          case "-r ":
            s.referer = value[i];
          case "-q ":
            s.sendToList = true;
          case "-f ":
            s.toastDisabled = true;
          case "-u ":
            s.url = value[i];
          case "-a ":
            s.userAgent = value[i];
          case "-U ":
            s.userName = value[i];
        return s;
      }, {});
  var ef2 = new Ef2();

  // src/runtime/download/playinfo_filter.ts
  var PlayinfoFiter = class {
    quality = {
      100032: "8K",
      100029: "4K",
      100028: "1080P60",
      100027: "1080P+",
      100026: "1080P",
      100024: "720P",
      100023: "480P",
      100022: "360P",
      30280: "320Kbps",
      30260: "320Kbps",
      30259: "128Kbps",
      30257: "64Kbps",
      30255: "AUDIO",
      30251: "FLAC",
      30250: "ATMOS",
      30232: "128Kbps",
      30216: "64Kbps",
      30127: "8K",
      30126: "Dolby",
      30125: "HDR",
      30121: "4K",
      30120: "4K",
      30116: "1080P60",
      30112: "1080P+",
      30106: "1080P60",
      30102: "1080P+",
      30080: "1080P",
      30077: "1080P",
      30076: "720P",
      30074: "720P",
      30066: "720P",
      30064: "720P",
      30048: "720P",
      30033: "480P",
      30032: "480P",
      30016: "360P",
      30015: "360P",
      30011: "360P",
      464: "预览",
      336: "1080P",
      320: "720P",
      288: "480P",
      272: "360P",
      208: "1080P",
      192: "720P",
      160: "480P",
      127: "8K",
      126: "Dolby",
      125: "HDR",
      120: "4K",
      116: "1080P60",
      112: "1080P+",
      80: "1080P",
      74: "720P60",
      64: "720P",
      48: "720P",
      32: "480P",
      16: "360P",
      15: "360P",
      6: "240P",
      5: "144P"
    codec = {
      hev: [30127, 30126, 30125, 30121, 30106, 30102, 30077, 30066, 30033, 30011],
      avc: [30120, 30112, 30080, 30064, 30032, 30016],
      av1: [100029, 100028, 100027, 100026, 100024, 100023, 100022]
    color = {
      "8K": "yellow",
      "Dolby": "pink",
      "FLAC": "pink",
      "ATMOS": "pink",
      "AUDIO": "pink",
      "HDR": "purple",
      "4K": "purple",
      "1080P60": "red",
      "1080P+": "red",
      "1080P": "red",
      "720P60": "orange",
      "720P": "orange",
      "480P": "blue",
      "360P": "green",
      "320Kbps": "red",
      "128Kbps": "blue",
      "64Kbps": "green"
    record = [];
    constructor(fileName) {
      this.fileName = fileName;
    filter(playinfo) {
      if (playinfo) { && this.filter(;
        playinfo.result && this.filter(playinfo.result);
        playinfo.durl && this.durl(playinfo.durl);
        playinfo.dash && this.dash(playinfo.dash);
      return this.record;
    durl(durl) {
      let index = 0;
      durl.forEach((d) => {
        const url = d.backupUrl || d.backup_url || [];
        const qua = this.getQuality(url[0],;
        const link = {
          type: "",
          quality: qua,
          size: sizeFormat(d.size),
          color: this.color[qua] || ""
        switch (d.url.includes("mp4?")) {
          case true:
            link.type = "mp4";
          case false:
            link.type = "flv";
            link.flv = index;
        this.fileName && (link.fileName = \`\${this.fileName}\${qua}.\${link.type}\`);
    dash(dash) { && this.dashVideo(, dash.duration); && this.dashAudio(, dash.duration);
      dash.dolby && && Array.isArray( && this.dashAudio(, dash.duration);
      dash.flac && && this.dashAudio([], dash.duration, ".flac");
    dashVideo(video, duration) {
      video.forEach((d) => {
        const url = d.backupUrl || d.backup_url || [];
        (d.baseUrl || d.base_url) && url.unshift(d.baseUrl || d.base_url);
        if (!url.length)
        let type = "";
        if (d.codecs) {
          type = d.codecs.includes("avc") ? "avc" : d.codecs.includes("av01") ? "av1" : "hev";
        } else {
          const id = this.getID(url[0]);
          type = this.codec.hev.find((d2) => d2 === id) ? "hev" : "avc";
        const qua = this.getQuality(url[0],;
          quality: qua,
          size: sizeFormat(d.bandwidth * duration / 8),
          color: this.color[qua] || "",
          fileName: \`\${this.fileName}\${qua}.m4v\`
    dashAudio(audio, duration, fmt = ".m4a") {
      audio.forEach((d) => {
        const url = d.backupUrl || d.backup_url || [];
        (d.baseUrl || d.base_url) && url.unshift(d.baseUrl || d.base_url);
        const qua = this.getQuality(url[0],;
        url.length && this.record.push({
          type: "aac",
          quality: qua,
          size: sizeFormat(d.bandwidth * duration / 8),
          color: this.color[qua] || "",
          fileName: \`\${this.fileName}\${qua}.\${fmt}\`
    getQuality(url, id) {
      return this.quality[this.getID(url)] || id && this.quality[id] || "N/A";
    getID(url) {
      let id = 0;
      url.replace(/\\d+\\.((flv)|(mp4)|(m4s))/, (d) => id = Number(d.split(".")[0]));
      return id;
  function playinfoFiter(playinfo, prev = {}, fileName = API.title) {
    return new PlayinfoFiter(fileName).filter(playinfo).reduce((s, d) => {
      s[d.type] || (s[d.type] = []);
      const obj = {
        up: Reflect.has(d, "flv") ? \`\${d.quality}*\${d.flv}\` : d.quality,
        down: d.size,
        href: subArray(d.url),
        color: d.color
      if (setting.downloadMethod !== "默认") {
        delete obj.href;
        obj.onclick = () => {
      return s;
    }, prev);
  function postData(data) {
    switch (setting.downloadMethod) {
      case "IDM+ef2":
        ef2.sendLinkToIDM({ url: data.url[0], out: data.fileName });
      case "aria2":{ urls: data.url, out: data.fileName }).then(() => toast.success(\`已复制aria2命令行到剪切板,在cmd等shell中使用即可下载~\`)).catch((e) => {
          debug.error(\`复制aria2命令行失败!\`, e);
      case "aria2+rpc":
        aria2.rpc({ urls: data.url, out: data.fileName }).then((GID) => toast.success(\`已添加下载任务到aria2 RPC主机,任务GID:\${GID}\`)).catch((e) => {
          toast.error(\`添加下载任务到aria2 RPC主机出错!\`);
          debug.error(\`添加下载任务到aria2 RPC主机出错!\`, e);

  // src/runtime/download/download.ts
  var Record2 = {};
  var downloading = false;
  var isCover = false;
  switchVideo(() => {
    isCover = false;
    Object.keys(Record2).forEach((d) => delete Record2[d]);
  function pushDownload(obj) {
    Reflect.has(Record2, || (Record2[] = []);
    const data = { up: obj.up, down: obj.down };
    obj.color && (data.color = obj.color);
    obj.fileName && (data.fileName = obj.fileName);
    if (obj.url) {
      data.href = obj.url;
    } else {
      data.onclick = () => {
        if (obj.callback) {
          return obj.callback();
        isObject( ? saveAs(JSON.stringify(, obj.fileName || "") : saveAs(, obj.fileName || "");
  function contactDownloadDate(target, source) {
    Object.entries(source).forEach((d) => {
      Reflect.has(target, d[0]) || (target[d[0]] = []);
      target[d[0]] = target[d[0]].concat(d[1]);
  function getCover() {
    if (!setting.downloadOther || isCover)
    isCover = true;
    const cover = API.cover, bkg_cover = API.bkg_cover, title = API.title;
    cover && pushDownload({
      group: "封面",
      url: cover,
      up: "封面",
      down: "N/A",
      fileName: \`\${title || \`av\${API.aid}\`}.\${cover.split(".").reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0) || "jpg"}\`
    bkg_cover && pushDownload({
      group: "封面",
      url: bkg_cover,
      up: "封面",
      down: "N/A",
      fileName: \`\${title || \`av\${API.aid}\`}.\${bkg_cover.split(".").reduce((s, d) => s = d, void 0) || "jpg"}\`
  async function downloadDefault() {
    if (downloading)
    downloading = true;
    if (!API.cid)
      return toast.warning("请在视频页使用本功能~");
    if (
      toast.warning("泰区视频!", "请将【referer】置空,【UserAgent】设为默认值,并选用【默认】以外的方式进行下载~");
    const data = playinfoFiter(API.__playinfo__);
    const request = [];
    const type = setting.downlaodType.join(" ").toLowerCase(); = data;;
    /mp4/g.test(type) && request.push(getContent("mp4"));
    data.flv || /flv/g.test(type) && request.push(getContent("flv"));
    data.aac || /dash/g.test(type) && request.push(getContent("dash"));
    (await Promise.all(request)).forEach((d) => {
    contactDownloadDate(, Record2);;
    downloading = false;
  async function getContent(d) {
    d = d.toLowerCase();
    let result;
    const pgc = API.pgc;
    try {
      switch (d) {
        case "dash":
          result = pgc ? await urlPack.getJson(setting.TVresource ? "" : "", { avid: API.aid, cid: API.cid, fnver: 0, fnval }) : await urlPack.getJson(setting.TVresource ? "" : "", { avid: API.aid, cid: API.cid, fnver: 0, fnval });
        case "flv":
          result = pgc ? await urlPack.getJson(setting.TVresource ? "" : "", { avid: API.aid, cid: API.cid, qn: setting.downloadQn }) : await urlPack.getJson(setting.TVresource ? "" : "", { avid: API.aid, cid: API.cid, qn: setting.downloadQn });
        case "mp4":
          result = pgc ? await urlPack.getJson("", { cid: API.cid }) : await urlPack.getJson("", { cid: API.cid });
    } catch (e) {
    return JSON.parse(uposReplace(JSON.stringify(result), setting.uposReplace.dl));
  window.addEventListener("message", (ev) => {
    if (isUserScript)
    if (typeof === "object") {
      if (\$type == "downloadDefault") {

  // src/runtime/danmaku/danmaku.ts
  var import_light = __toESM(require_light());

  // src/runtime/cookies.ts
  function getCookies() {
    return document.cookie.split("; ").reduce((s, d) => {
      let key = d.split("=")[0];
      let val = d.split("=")[1];
      s[key] = unescape(val);
      return s;
    }, {});

  // src/runtime/variable/uid.ts
  var uid = Number(getCookies().DedeUserID);

  // src/runtime/danmaku/bilibili_danmaku.json
  var bilibili_danmaku_default = {
    nested: {
      bilibili: {
        nested: {
          DmWebViewReply: {
            fields: {
              state: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 1
              text: {
                type: "string",
                id: 2
              textSide: {
                type: "string",
                id: 3
              dmSge: {
                type: "DmSegConfig",
                id: 4
              flag: {
                type: "DanmakuFlagConfig",
                id: 5
              specialDms: {
                rule: "repeated",
                type: "string",
                id: 6
              checkBox: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 7
              count: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 8
              commandDms: {
                rule: "repeated",
                type: "CommandDm",
                id: 9
              dmSetting: {
                type: "DanmuWebPlayerConfig",
                id: 10
          CommandDm: {
            fields: {
              id: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 1
              oid: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 2
              mid: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 3
              command: {
                type: "string",
                id: 4
              content: {
                type: "string",
                id: 5
              progress: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 6
              ctime: {
                type: "string",
                id: 7
              mtime: {
                type: "string",
                id: 8
              extra: {
                type: "string",
                id: 9
              idStr: {
                type: "string",
                id: 10
          DmSegConfig: {
            fields: {
              pageSize: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 1
              total: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 2
          DanmakuFlagConfig: {
            fields: {
              recFlag: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 1
              recText: {
                type: "string",
                id: 2
              recSwitch: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 3
          DmSegMobileReply: {
            fields: {
              elems: {
                rule: "repeated",
                type: "DanmakuElem",
                id: 1
          DanmakuElem: {
            fields: {
              id: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 1
              progress: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 2
              mode: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 3
              fontsize: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 4
              color: {
                type: "uint32",
                id: 5
              midHash: {
                type: "string",
                id: 6
              content: {
                type: "string",
                id: 7
              ctime: {
                type: "int64",
                id: 8
              weight: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 9
              action: {
                type: "string",
                id: 10
              pool: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 11
              idStr: {
                type: "string",
                id: 12
              attr: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 13
          DanmuWebPlayerConfig: {
            fields: {
              dmSwitch: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 1
              aiSwitch: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 2
              aiLevel: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 3
              blocktop: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 4
              blockscroll: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 5
              blockbottom: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 6
              blockcolor: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 7
              blockspecial: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 8
              preventshade: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 9
              dmask: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 10
              opacity: {
                type: "float",
                id: 11
              dmarea: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 12
              speedplus: {
                type: "float",
                id: 13
              fontsize: {
                type: "float",
                id: 14
              screensync: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 15
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                type: "bool",
                id: 16
              fontfamily: {
                type: "string",
                id: 17
              bold: {
                type: "bool",
                id: 18
              fontborder: {
                type: "int32",
                id: 19
              drawType: {
                type: "string",
                id: 20

  // src/runtime/danmaku/command_dm.css
  var command_dm_default = '.commandDm-popup {\\r\\n    border-radius: 1rem;\\r\\n    background-color: #f5f5f5;\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    cursor: default;\\r\\n    opacity: 0;\\r\\n    transition: opacity 0.2s;\\r\\n    padding: 0.8rem 1rem;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.commandDm-popup.on {\\r\\n    opacity: 1;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    overflow: hidden;\\r\\n    display: flex;\\r\\n    flex-direction: column;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    display: flex;\\r\\n    justify-content: space-between;\\r\\n    width: 100%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\,\\r\\n.grade-title {\\r\\n    font-weight: bolder;\\r\\n    margin-bottom: 0.5rem;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    display: flex;\\r\\n    flex-direction: column;\\r\\n    width: 100%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    text-align: center;\\r\\n    min-width: 85px;\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    padding: 0.3rem 2rem;\\r\\n    border: 1px solid #00a1d6;\\r\\n    border-radius: 5px;\\r\\n    margin: 0.2rem 0;\\r\\n    background-color: #fff;\\r\\n    cursor: pointer;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    background-color: #1baada;\\r\\n    color: #f5f5f5;\\r\\n    transition: all 0.15s ease-out;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    padding: 0 1.8rem;\\r\\n    left: 0;\\r\\n    content: attr(idx);\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    border-radius: 5px;\\r\\n    min-width: 85px;\\r\\n    margin: 0.2rem 0;\\r\\n    border: 1px solid #1a1a1a6b;\\r\\n    background-color: white;\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    transition: width 0.3s, background-color 0.2s;\\r\\n    animation: opacity-animation 0.5s;\\r\\n    overflow: hidden;\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;\\r\\n    background-color: #d3d3d3;\\r\\n    text-align: left;\\r\\n    overflow: visible;\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    background-color: #9fdef3;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    margin: 0.3rem 0.8rem;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n@keyframes opacity-animation {\\r\\n    from {\\r\\n        opacity: 0;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    to {\\r\\n        opacity: 1;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    right: 0.8rem;\\r\\n    top: 0.3rem;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    content: "票";\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bilibili-player-video-popup {\\r\\n    z-index: 100;\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    top: 0;\\r\\n    left: 0;\\r\\n    width: 100%;\\r\\n    height: 100%;\\r\\n    pointer-events: none;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.bilibili-player-video-popup>* {\\r\\n    pointer-events: all;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    animation: opacity-animation 0.2s;\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    left: 40%;\\r\\n    top: 20%;\\r\\n    background-color: #f5f5f5;\\r\\n    padding: 0.4rem 1rem;\\r\\n    border-radius: 0.6rem;\\r\\n    font-size: large;\\r\\n    box-shadow: #888888c7 0px 0px 6px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\ {\\r\\n    color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n    cursor: pointer;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\>* {\\r\\n    vertical-align: middle;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\>img {\\r\\n    transform: scale(0.7) translateY(-1px);\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.danmaku-up-icon::before {\\r\\n    content: "UP主";\\r\\n    background-color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n    border-radius: 5px;\\r\\n    font-size: 0.8em;\\r\\n    padding: 0.1em;\\r\\n    transform: translateY(-0.1em);\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    box-shadow: #888888c7 0px 0px 6px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area>div {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n    width: 41px;\\r\\n    transition: width 0.3s;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area.pointer {\\r\\n    cursor: pointer;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area>div:last-child {\\r\\n    width: 20px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area .score-button {\\r\\n    filter: grayscale(1);\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area .highlight .score-button {\\r\\n    filter: none;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area .bg {\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    left: 0;\\r\\n    filter: blur(9px);\\r\\n    visibility: hidden;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-area .highlight .bg {\\r\\n    visibility: visible;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.grade-score-info {\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    right: 1rem;\\r\\n    bottom: 0.6rem;\\r\\n    opacity: 0;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n@keyframes grade-score-showup {\\r\\n    0% {\\r\\n        opacity: 0;\\r\\n        transform: translateY(5px);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    100% {\\r\\n        opacity: 1;\\r\\n        transform: translateY(0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n@keyframes grade-score-hit {\\r\\n    0% {\\r\\n        filter: brightness(1);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    30% {\\r\\n        filter: brightness(1.5);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    100% {\\r\\n        filter: brightness(1);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n}';

  // src/runtime/danmaku/command_dm.ts
  var player;
  var widgetContainer;
  var playing = false;
  var visible = true;
  var commandDm = {
    visible: [],
    hidden: []
  function init(cdm) {
    if (window.player) {
      if (widgetContainer === void 0)
        widgetContainer = initContainer();
      player = window.player;
    } else
      throw "获取window.player失败";
  function load(commandDmRaw) {
    commandDm.hidden = parseDm(commandDmRaw);
  function initContainer() {
    let videoWrap = document.getElementsByClassName("bilibili-player-video-wrap")[0];
    if (!videoWrap)
      throw "未能获取播放器div";
    let widgetContainer2 = document.createElement("div");
    widgetContainer2.className = "bilibili-player-video-popup";
    return widgetContainer2;
  function bindEvents() {
    const EVENT = {
      VIDEO_MEDIA_PLAYING: "video_media_playing",
      VIDEO_MEDIA_PAUSE: "video_media_pause",
      VIDEO_MEDIA_SEEK: "video_media_seek",
      VIDEO_MEDIA_SEEKED: "video_media_seeked",
      VIDEO_MEDIA_ENDED: "video_media_ended",
      VIDEO_RESIZE: "video_resize",
      VIDEO_PLAYER_RESIZE: "video_player_resize",
      VIDEO_DESTROY: "video_destroy"
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_MEDIA_PLAYING, play);
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_MEDIA_PAUSE, pause);
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_MEDIA_SEEK, pause);
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_MEDIA_SEEKED, play);
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_MEDIA_ENDED, pause);
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_PLAYER_RESIZE, resize);
    player.addEventListener(EVENT.VIDEO_DESTROY, destroy);
    document.querySelector("div.bilibili-player-video-control > div.bilibili-player-video-btn.bilibili-player-video-btn-danmaku").addEventListener(
      (event) => {
        let option ="name");
        if (option == "ctlbar_danmuku_close") {
          visible = false;
 = "none";
        } else if (option == "ctlbar_danmuku_on") {
          visible = true;
 = "";
  function parseDm(commandDmRaw) {
    let popupWindow = [];
    for (let i = 0, cdm, extra, from; i < commandDmRaw.length; i++) {
      cdm = commandDmRaw[i];
      extra = JSON.parse(cdm.extra);
      from = cdm.progress / 1e3;
      switch (cdm.command) {
        case "#ATTENTION#":
        case "#ACTORFOLLOW#":
        case "#MANAGERFOLLOW#":
          debug.warn("未被支持的互动弹幕类型:" + cdm.command);
        case "#VOTE#":
          popupWindow.push(new Vote(cdm, extra, from));
        case "#GRADE#":
          popupWindow.push(new Grade(cdm, extra, from));
        case "#LINK#":
          popupWindow.push(new Link(cdm, extra, from));
        case "#RESERVE#":
        case "#ACTOR#":
        case "#ACTIVITYCOMBO#":
          debug.warn("未被支持的互动弹幕类型:" + cdm.command);
    return popupWindow;
  function play() {
    if (visible) {
      playing = true;
  function pause() {
    playing = false;
  function resize() {
    let scaleX = widgetContainer.clientWidth / 680;
    let scaleY = widgetContainer.clientHeight / 504;
    for (let i = 0; i < commandDm.visible.length; i++) {
      commandDm.visible[i].resize(scaleX, scaleY, widgetContainer.clientWidth, widgetContainer.clientHeight);
    for (let i = 0; i < commandDm.hidden.length; i++) {
      commandDm.hidden[i].resize(scaleX, scaleY, widgetContainer.clientWidth, widgetContainer.clientHeight);
  function loop() {
    let time = player.getCurrentTime();
    if (playing) {
    for (let i = 0, cdm; i < commandDm.hidden.length; i++) {
      cdm = commandDm.hidden[i];
      if (cdm.from < time && > time) {
        commandDm.hidden.splice(i, 1);;
    for (let i = 0, cdm; i < commandDm.visible.length; i++) {
      cdm = commandDm.visible[i];
      if ( < time || cdm.from > time) {
        commandDm.visible.splice(i, 1);
  function destroy() {
    playing = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < commandDm.visible.length; i++) {
    for (let i = 0; i < commandDm.hidden.length; i++) {
    commandDm.visible.splice(0, commandDm.visible.length);
    commandDm.hidden.splice(0, commandDm.hidden.length);
  function divClass(className) {
    let div = document.createElement("div");
    div.className = className;
    return div;
  function isLoggedin() {
    if (uid)
      return true;
  function post2(url, data, contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8") {
    data.csrf = getCookies().bili_jct;
    return xhr({
      data: objUrl("", data),
      headers: { "Content-Type": contentType },
      method: "POST",
      credentials: true
  var PopupWindow = class {
    constructor(cdm, extra, from) {
      this.duration = extra.duration / 1e3 || 5;
      this.from = from || 0; = from + (extra.duration / 1e3 || 5);
      this.pos_x = extra.posX || 200;
      this.pos_y = extra.posY || 200;
      this.popup = divClass("commandDm-popup"); = "none";
    show() { = "";
      requestAnimationFrame(() => this.popup.className = "commandDm-popup on");
    hide() {
      this.popup.className = "commandDm-popup";
      setTimeout(() => = "none", 200);
    destroy() {
    resize(scaleX, scaleY, containerWidth, containerHeight) { = "translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(" + Math.min((scaleX + scaleY) / 2, 1.5) + ")";
      let left = this.pos_x * scaleX;
      let top = this.pos_y * scaleY;
      left = Math.max(left, this.popup.clientWidth / 2);
      top = Math.max(top, this.popup.clientHeight / 2);
      left = Math.min(left, containerWidth - this.popup.clientWidth / 2);
      top = Math.min(top, containerHeight - this.popup.clientHeight / 2); = left + "px"; = top + "px";
  var Vote = class extends PopupWindow {
    constructor(cdm, extra, from) {
      super(cdm, extra, from); = "150px"; = extra.cnt;
      this.voteId = extra.vote_id;
      this.options = extra.options;
      this.question = extra.question;
      this.myVote = extra.my_vote;
      let dialog = divClass("vote-dialog");
      let panel = divClass("vote-panel");
      let title = divClass("vote-title");
      title.innerHTML = this.question;
      let optionDiv = divClass("vote-option");
      let button = [];
      for (let i = 0, btn, opt; i < this.options.length; i++) {
        opt = this.options[i];
        btn = divClass("vote-button");
        btn.innerHTML = opt.desc;
        btn.setAttribute("idx", opt.idx);
        btn.onclick = () => this.goVote(opt.idx, i);
        button[i] = btn;
      this.dialog = dialog;
      this.button = button;
      this.progress = [];
      if (this.myVote !== 0) {
        this.progress[this.myVote - 1].className = "vote-progress vote-progress-blue";
    goVote(idx, i) {
      if (isLoggedin()) { += 1;
        this.options[i].cnt += 1;
        let url = "//";
        post2(url, {
          aid: API.aid,
          cid: API.cid,
          progress: Math.max(Math.round(1e3 * player.getCurrentTime()), 1),
          vote: idx,
          vote_id: this.voteId
        }).then((resp) => {
          resp = JSON.parse(resp);
          biliAPI.verify(resp, "投票");
          this.progress[i].className = "vote-progress vote-progress-blue";
        this.myVote = idx;
        this.showResult(); += 5;
    showResult() {
      this.count = [];
      for (let i = 0, progress, desc; i < this.button.length; i++) {
        this.button[i].onclick = null;
        this.button[i].innerHTML = "";
        this.button[i].className = "vote-progress-bg";
        progress = divClass("vote-progress");
        desc = divClass("vote-progress-desc");
        desc.innerHTML = this.options[i].desc;
        this.progress[i] = progress;
        let cnt = divClass("vote-count");
        cnt.innerHTML = this.options[i].cnt;
        this.count[i] = cnt;
    resultAnimation() {
      for (let i = 0; i < this.progress.length; i++) {
        this.progress[i].style.width = "0";
        requestAnimationFrame(() => this.progress[i].style.width = this.options[i].cnt / * 100 + "%");
      let start =;
      let frame = (t) => {
        let percentage = (t - start) * 125e-5;
        if (percentage < 1)
          percentage = 1;
        for (let i = 0; i < this.count.length; i++) {
          this.count[i].innerHTML = Math.floor(this.options[i].cnt * percentage);
    show() {;
      if (this.myVote !== 0) {
    hide() {
      super.hide(); = this.from + this.duration;
  var Grade = class extends PopupWindow {
    constructor(cdm, info, from) {
      super(cdm, info, from); = "184px";
      this.gradeInfo = info;
      this.popup.innerHTML = \`
            <div style="display:block" class="grade-title">\${info.msg}</div>
            <div class="grade-score-area pointer"></div>
            <div class="grade-score-info" style="display:none">
                <div style="color:#6f6f6f;display:inline-block;">平均</div><span style="color:\${info.skin_font_color};font-size:27px" class="grade-avg-score">\${info.avg_score}</span>
            <span style="position:absolute;right:1rem;top:0.8rem;font-size:12px;color:#6f6f6f" class="grade-score-count">\${info.count}人参与</span>
      this.scoreInfo = this.popup.getElementsByClassName("grade-score-info")[0];
      let scoreArea = this.popup.getElementsByClassName("grade-score-area")[0];
      let scoreButton = [];
      function highlightScores(i) {
        for (let m = 0; m < 5; m++) {
          if (m <= i && !scoreButton[m].highlight) {
            scoreButton[m].highlight = true;
            scoreButton[m].className = "highlight";
          } else if (m > i && scoreButton[m].highlight) {
            scoreButton[m].highlight = false;
            scoreButton[m].className = "";
      for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        let score = document.createElement("div");
        scoreButton[i] = score;
        score.innerHTML = \`
                <img width=20 hegiht=20 src="\${info.skin_selected}" class="bg"></img>
                <img width=20 hegiht=20 src="\${info.skin_selected}" class="score-button"></img>\`;
        if (info.mid_score === 0) {
          score.onmouseenter = () => highlightScores(i);
          score.onclick = () => {
            if (isLoggedin()) {
              this.gradeInfo.avg_score = (this.gradeInfo.count * this.gradeInfo.avg_score + (i + 1) * 2) / (this.gradeInfo.count + 1);
              this.gradeInfo.avg_score = this.gradeInfo.avg_score.toPrecision(2);
              this.gradeInfo.count += 1;
              this.popup.getElementsByClassName("grade-avg-score")[0].innerHTML = this.gradeInfo.avg_score;
              this.popup.getElementsByClassName("grade-score-count")[0].innerHTML = this.gradeInfo.count + "人参与";
              for (let index = 0; index < 5; index++) {
                if (index <= i) {
                  scoreButton[index].style.animation = "grade-score-hit 0.7s ease forwards";
                  setTimeout(() => scoreButton[index].style.animation = "", 1e3);
                scoreButton[index].onclick = null;
                scoreButton[index].onmouseenter = null;
              scoreArea.onmouseleave = null;
              this.goGrade((i + 1) * 2);
      if (info.mid_score === 0)
        scoreArea.onmouseleave = () => highlightScores(-1);
      this.scoreButton = scoreButton;
      if (info.mid_score != 0) {
        highlightScores(info.mid_score / 2 - 1);
    goGrade(score) {
      post2("", {
        aid: API.aid,
        cid: API.cid,
        progress: parseInt(player.getCurrentTime()) * 1e3,
        grade_id: this.gradeInfo.grade_id,
        grade_score: score
      }); += 3;
    showResult() { = ""; = "grade-score-showup 0.3s ease 0.2s forwards";
      for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        setTimeout(() => this.scoreButton[i].style.width = "24px", i * 50);
    hide() {
      super.hide(); = this.from + this.duration;
  var favList = class {
    static get() {
      if (this.list.length > 0)
        return Promise.resolve(this.list);
      return xhr({
        url: objUrl("//", {
          type: 2,
          rid: API.aid,
          up_mid: uid
        credentials: true
      }).then((resp) => {
        resp = JSON.parse(resp);
        biliAPI.verify(resp, "获取收藏列表");
        this.list =;
        this.list.forEach((v) => v.attr === 1 && (this.defaultFolderId =;
        return this.list;
    static getDefaultFolder() {
      if (this.defaultFolderId !== 0)
        return Promise.resolve(this.defaultFolderId);
      return this.get().then(() => {
        return this.defaultFolderId;
  __publicField(favList, "list", []);
  __publicField(favList, "defaultFolderId", 0);
  var biliAPI = class {
    static verify(resp, msg) {
      if (resp.code !== 0) {
        toast.error(msg + "失败", resp.code, resp.message);
        throw msg + "失败";
      return resp;
    static like(bool) {
      bool = bool ? 1 : 2;
      return post2("//", {
        aid: API.aid,
        like: bool
      }, "application/json; charset=utf-8").then((resp) => biliAPI.verify(resp, "点赞"));
    static follow() {
      return post2("//", {
        aid: API.aid,
        fid: window.getAuthorInfo().mid,
        act: 1,
        re_src: 14
      }).then((resp) => {
        resp = JSON.parse(resp);
        return biliAPI.verify(resp, "关注");
    static coin() {
    static fav() {
      return post2("//", {
        rid: API.aid,
        type: 2,
        add_media_ids: favList.defaultFolderId
      }).then((resp) => {
        resp = JSON.parse(resp);
        return biliAPI.verify(resp, "收藏");
    static triple() {
      return post2("//", {
        aid: API.aid
      }, "application/json; charset=utf-8").then((resp) => {
        biliAPI.verify(resp, "三连");
        let d =;
        if (d.coin && && d.fav)
        if (!d.coin)
        if (!
        if (!d.fav)
        return d;
  var Link = class {
    constructor(cdm, extra, from) {
      this.content = cdm.content;
      this.aid = extra.aid;
      this.from = from || 0; = from + 5;
      this.pos_x = extra.posX || 200;
      this.pos_y = extra.posY || 200;
      let button = divClass("link-button");
      let img = document.createElement("img");
      img.src = "";
      let span = document.createElement("span");
      span.innerHTML = this.content;
      button.appendChild(span); = "none";
      button.onclick = () => {
        player.pause();"" + this.aid);
      this.button = button;
    show() { = "block";
    hide() { = "none";
    resize(scaleX, scaleY) { = this.pos_x * scaleX + "px"; = this.pos_y * scaleY + "px"; = "translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(" + Math.min(1.5, (scaleX + scaleY) / 2) + ")";
    destroy() {
  async function loadCommandDm(cdm, aid, cid) {
    try {
      addCss(command_dm_default, "command-dm");
      if (aid != aid || cid != cid || widgetContainer !== void 0 && document.getElementById("bilibiliPlayer").contains(widgetContainer)) {
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("互动弹幕组件出错~", e);

  // src/runtime/player/video_float.ts
  function videoFloat(data, hint, callback, time = 5) {
    const node4 = document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-video-toast-wrp");
    if (node4 && data) {
      const flt = node4.appendChild(createElement(htmlVnode(
        \`<div class="bilibili-player-video-toast-bottom">
                    <div class="bilibili-player-video-toast-item bilibili-player-video-toast-pay">
                        <span class="video-float-hint-text">\${data}</span>
                        \${hint ? \`<span class="video-float-hint-btn\${callback ? " hint-red" : ""}">\${hint}</span>\` : ""}
      if (callback && hint) {
        flt.children[0].children[1].addEventListener("click", callback);
      if (time && !isNaN(time)) {
        setTimeout(() => flt.remove(), time * 1e3);

  // src/runtime/danmaku/local_danmaku.ts
  var LocalMedia = class {
    data = { xml: [], json: [], mp4: [] };
    offset = 0;
    keyboard = false;
    constructor(files) {
    change(files) {
      if (!window.player) {
        return toast.warning("请在播放页使用本功能 →_→");
      const file = files;
      if (file.length === 0) {
        return toast.warning("请选择本地视频或弹幕文件!", "视频:.mp4(且符合浏览器支持的编码)", "弹幕:.xml, .json");
      } = { xml: [], json: [], mp4: [] }; = Array.from(file).reduce((d, i) => {
        /\\.xml\$/.test( && d.xml.push(i);
        /\\.json\$/.test( && d.json.push(i);
        /\\.mp4\$/.test( && d.mp4.push(i);
        return d;
      if (![0] && ![0] && ![0]) {
        return toast.warning("未能识别到任何有效文件信息 →_→");
    async danmaku() {
      if (!danmaku.loadLocalDm) {
        return toast.error("载入本地弹幕失败:本地弹幕组件丢失!", "本功能只能在旧版播放器使用~");
      if (![0] && ![0])
        return; (d, i) => {
        let data = await readAs(d);
        toast("本地弹幕:" +, "载入模式:" + (i || setting.danmakuContact ? "与当前弹幕合并" : "替换当前弹幕"));
        danmaku.loadLocalDm(data, Boolean(i) || setting.danmakuContact);
      }); (d, i) => {
        let data = JSON.parse(await readAs(d)) || [];
        toast("本地弹幕:" +, "载入模式:" + ([0] || i || setting.danmakuContact ? "与当前弹幕合并" : "替换当前弹幕"));
        window.player?.setDanmaku(data,[0] || Boolean(i) || setting.danmakuContact);
      this.offset = 0;
      if (!window.player?.offsetDanmaku)
        return toast.error("绑定键盘事件失败:弹幕偏移组件丢失!");
      else {
        toast("已绑定键盘事件", "可以通过键盘 , 和 . 两个键(即上标为 < 和 > 的两个键)提前或延后弹幕偏移,频度1秒/次");
        if (!this.keyboard) {
          this.keyboard = true;
          document.addEventListener("keydown", (ev) => {
            switch (ev.key) {
              case ",":
                videoFloat("弹幕偏移:", \`\${this.offset} 秒\`);
              case ".":
                videoFloat("弹幕偏移:", \`\${this.offset} 秒\`);
    video() {
      if ([0]) {
        toast.warning("载入本地视频中...", "请无视控制台大量报错!");
        let video = document.querySelector("#bilibiliPlayer > > div.bilibili-player-video-wrap > div.bilibili-player-video > video");
        video.src = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
        toast.success("本地视频:" +[0].name);
        document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-video-time-total").textContent = this.time(video.duration);
    time(time) {
      time = Number(time) || 0;
      let s = time % 60;
      let m = (time - s) / 60;
      s = (Array(2).join("0") + s).slice(-2);
      m = m < 10 ? (Array(2).join("0") + m).slice(-2) : m;
      return \`\${m}:\${s}\`;

  // src/runtime/format/unit.ts
  function unitFormat(num = 0) {
    num = 1 * num || 0;
    let unit = ["", "万", "亿"], i = unit.length - 1, dex = 1e4 ** i;
    while (dex > 1) {
      if (num >= dex) {
        num = Number((num / dex).toFixed(1));
      dex = dex / 1e4;
    return num + unit[i];

  // src/runtime/danmaku/all_danmaku.ts
  var AllDanmaku = class {
    danmaku = [];
    constructor() {
      this.note = toast.custom(0, "info", "冷却延时请尽量调大,以免短时间内大量请求被临时封端口!");
      this.float = toast.custom(0, "info", "正在尝试获取全部弹幕请耐心等待。。。");
        url: \`\${API.aid}\`,
        responseType: "json",
        credentials: true
      }, true).then((d) => {
        this.pubdate =;
        this.pubdate = timeFormat(this.pubdate * 1e3, true).split(" ")[0]; = timeFormat(void 0, true).split(" ")[0];
        this.time =;
        this.arrP = this.pubdate.split("-");
        this.danmaku = [];
        if (this.pubdate) {
          this.arrT = this.time.split("-");
        } else {
          return Promise.reject("获取视频上传日期数据失败,已停止~");
      }).catch((e) => {
        this.floatChange("error", ["获取全弹幕失败,已停止~"], 3);
        this.noteChange("error", ["ಥ_ಥ"], 3);
        debug.error("全弹幕装填", e);
      this.pubdate = new Date(2009, 0);
    floatChange(type, data, delay) {
      if (this.float) {
        this.float.type = type; = data;
        delay !== void 0 && (this.float.delay = delay);
      switch (type) {
        case "error":
        case "success":
        case "info":
        case "warning":
    noteChange(type, data, delay) {
      if (this.note) {
        this.note.type = type;
        data.forEach((d) => {
          if ( >= 20)
        delay !== void 0 && (this.note.delay = delay);
      switch (type) {
        case "error":
        case "success":
        case "info":
        case "warning":
    async init() {
      try {
        this.arrT = this.time.split("-");
        if (this.arrT[0] < this.arrP[0])
          return this.done(1);
        if (this.arrT[0] == this.arrP[0] && this.arrT[1] < this.arrP[1])
          return this.done(1);
        if (this.arrT[0] == this.arrP[0] && this.arrT[1] == this.arrP[1] && this.arrT[2] < this.arrP[2])
          return this.done(1);
        this.noteChange("info", ["正在获取 " + this.time + " 日的弹幕。。。"]);
        let Dm = await danmaku.getHistoryDanmaku(this.time);
        danmaku.sortDmById(Dm, "idStr");
        this.time = timeFormat(Dm[Dm.length - 1].ctime * 1e3, true).split(" ")[0];
        this.danmaku = this.danmaku.concat(Dm);
        this.floatChange("success", ["数据返回!已获取弹幕数:" + unitFormat(this.danmaku.length)]);
        this.arrT = this.time.split("-");
        if (this.pubdate !=
          return this.check();
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("全弹幕装填", e);
        if (this.danmaku[0]) {
          this.floatChange("warning", ["弹幕获取出错!", "保留并载入已获取的弹幕"]);
        } else {
          this.floatChange("error", ["弹幕获取出错!", "已退出!"], 3);
          this.noteChange("error", ["ಥ_ಥ"], 3);
    async check() {
      try {
        if (this.arrT[0] < this.arrP[0])
          return this.done(1);
        if (this.arrT[0] == this.arrP[0] && this.arrT[1] < this.arrP[1])
          return this.done(1);
        if (this.arrT[0] == this.arrP[0] && this.arrT[1] == this.arrP[1] && this.arrT[2] < this.arrP[2])
          return this.done(1);
        let data = await xhr({
          url: objUrl("", {
            type: 1,
            oid: API.cid,
            month: this.arrT.slice(0, 2).join("-")
          credentials: true
        data = jsonCheck(data).data;
        if (data && data[0]) {
          for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            let date = data[i].split("-");
            if (date[2] < this.arrT[2]) {
              this.timeT = data[i];
          if (this.timeT) {
            this.time = this.timeT;
            this.timeT = void 0;
            this.noteChange("info", [\`技能冷却中。。。请稍待 \${setting.allDanmaku} 秒钟\`]);
            return setTimeout(() => this.init(), setting.allDanmaku * 1e3);
          } else {
            if (this.arrT[1] > 1) {
              this.arrT[1] = integerFormat(this.arrT[1], 2);
            } else
              this.arrT = [this.arrT[0] - 1, 12, 31];
            this.noteChange("info", [\`获取前一个月数据 \${this.arrT.slice(0, 2).join("-")} 请稍待 \${setting.allDanmaku} 秒钟\`]);
            return setTimeout(() => this.check(), setting.allDanmaku * 1e3);
        } else {
          if (this.arrT[1] > 1) {
            if (this.arrT[1] < 10)
              this.arrT[1] = integerFormat(this.arrT[1], 2);
          } else
            this.arrT = [this.arrT[0] - 1, 12, 31];
          this.noteChange("info", [\`获取前一个月数据 \${this.arrT.slice(0, 2).join("-")} 请稍待 \${setting.allDanmaku} 秒钟\`]);
          return setTimeout(() => this.check(), setting.allDanmaku * 1e3);
      } catch (e) {
        e = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e];
        debug.error("全弹幕装填", e);
        if (this.danmaku[0]) {
          this.floatChange("warning", ["弹幕获取出错!", "保留并载入已获取的弹幕"]);
        } else {
          this.floatChange("error", ["弹幕获取出错!", "已退出!"]);
          this.noteChange("error", ["ಥ_ಥ"], 3);
    async done(boolean) {
      try {
        this.noteChange("info", ["正在获取BAS/代码弹幕专包。。。"]);
        this.danmaku = this.danmaku.concat(await danmaku.specialDms());
      } catch (e) {
      let Dm = danmaku.danmakuFormat(this.danmaku);
      if (boolean) {
        this.floatChange("success", ["全弹幕获取成功,正在装填。。。", "总弹幕量:" + unitFormat(this.danmaku.length), "同时推送至下载面板,可右键保存 π_π"], 3);
      this.noteChange("info", ["执行结束~"], 3);
      setting.downloadOther && pushDownload({
        group: "弹幕",
        data: Dm,
        up: "全弹幕",
        down: \`N/A\`,
        callback: () => danmaku.saveDanmaku(Dm, \`[全弹幕]\${API.title || API.cid}\`)
  function allDanmaku() {
    if (!uid)
      return toast.warning("请登录后使用 ಥ_ಥ");
    if (!window.player)
      return toast.warning("请在播放页面使用本功能 →_→");
    if (!window.player.setDanmaku)
      return toast.warning("内部组件丢失!", "请检查【托管原生脚本】功能是否开启!");
    new AllDanmaku();

  // src/runtime/danmaku/danmaku.ts
  var root = import_light.default.Root.fromJSON(bilibili_danmaku_default);
  var danmakuType = new Proxy({}, {
    get: (t, p, r) => {
      if (!t[p]) {
        t[p] = root.lookupType(\`bilibili.\${p}\`);
      return t[p];
    set: (t, p, v, r) => true
  var loadProgress = {
    get root() {
      return document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-danmaku-load-status");
    _pos: 0,
    _total: 0,
    _error: 0,
    set total(v) {
      this._total = v;
      this.root && (this.root.innerHTML = \`载入弹幕数据(\${this._pos || "--"}\${this._error ? this._error : ""}/\${parseInt(this._total) || "--"})\`);
    get total() {
      return this._total;
    set pos(v) {
      this._pos = v;
      this.root && (this.root.innerHTML = \`载入弹幕数据(\${this._pos || "--"}\${this._error ? this._error : ""}/\${parseInt(this._total) || "--"})\`);
    get pos() {
      return this._pos;
    set error(v) {
      this._error = v;
      this.root && (this.root.innerHTML = \`载入弹幕数据(\${this._pos || "--"}\${this._error ? this._error : ""}/\${parseInt(this._total) || "--"})\`);
    get error() {
      return this._error;
    clear() {
      if (this._error) {
        toast.warning("部分弹幕包丢失~", \`\${this._error}/\${parseInt(this._total)}\`);
        debug.error(\`弹幕分包:\${parseInt(this._total)}\`, \`成功:\${this._pos}\`, \`失败:\${this._error}\`);
      } else
        debug("加载弹幕成功~", \`分包总数:\${parseInt(this._total)}\`);
      this._pos = 0;
      this._total = 0;
      this._error = 0;
  var Danmaku = class {
    dmView = {};
    toXml(danmaku2) {
      let DM = Reflect.has(danmaku2[0], "idStr") ? this.danmakuFormat(danmaku2) : danmaku2;
      this.sortDmById(DM, "dmid");
      let xml = DM.reduce((s, d) => {
        s += \`<d p="\${d.stime},\${d.mode},\${d.size},\${d.color},\${},\${d.class},\${d.uid},\${d.dmid}">\${d.text.replace(/[<">'&]/g, (a) => {
          return { "<": "&lt;", '"': "&quot;", ">": "&gt;", "'": "&#39;", "&": "&amp;" }[a];
        }).replace(/(\\n|\\r\\n)/g, "/n")}</d>\\r
        return s;
      }, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><i><chatserver></chatserver><chatid>' + API.cid + "</chatid><mission>0</mission><maxlimit>99999</maxlimit><state>0</state><real_name>0</real_name><source>e-r</source>\\r\\n");
      xml += "</i>";
      var regex = /((?:[\\0-\\x08\\x0B\\f\\x0E-\\x1F\\uFFFD\\uFFFE\\uFFFF]|[\\uD800-\\uDBFF](?![\\uDC00-\\uDFFF])|(?:[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|^)[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]))/g;
      return xml.replace(regex, "");
    sortDmById(danmaku2, key) {
      let egx = /^\\d+\$/;
      for (let i = 0, d; i < danmaku2.length; i++) {
        d = danmaku2[i];
        if (!egx.test(d[key]))
          throw "请输入数字字符串";
        if (typeof d[key] !== "string")
          d[key] = String(d[key]);
        d[key] = d[key].replace(/^0+/, "");
      danmaku2.sort((a, b) => this.bigInt(a[key], b[key]) ? 1 : -1);
    danmakuFormat(dm) {
      if (!dm)
        return [];
      let danmaku2 = {
        let result = {
          class: v.pool,
          color: v.color,
          date: v.ctime,
          dmid: v.idStr,
          mode: v.mode,
          size: v.fontsize,
          stime: v.progress / 1e3,
          text: v.mode != 8 && v.mode != 9 ? v.content.replace(/(\\/n|\\\\n|\\n|\\r\\n)/g, "\\n") : v.content,
          uid: v.midHash,
          weight: v.weight
        if (v.action && v.action.startsWith("picture:"))
          result.html = \`<img src="//\${v.action.split(":")[1]}" style="width:auto;height:56.25px;">\`;
        if (v.styleClass !== void 0)
          result.AH = v.styleClass;
        return result;
      this.sortDmById(danmaku2, "dmid");
      return danmaku2;
    bigInt(num1, num2) {
      if (num1.length > num2.length)
        return true;
      else if (num1.length < num2.length)
        return false;
      else {
        for (let i = 0; i < num1.length; i++) {
          if (num1[i] > num2[i])
            return true;
          if (num1[i] < num2[i])
            return false;
        return false;
    segDmDecode(response) {
      return danmakuType.DmSegMobileReply.decode(new Uint8Array(response)).elems;
    async getSegDanmaku(aid = API.aid, cid = API.cid) {
      try {
        if (!aid || !cid)
          throw \`无法获取弹幕 aid:\${aid} cid:\${cid}\`;
        const dmMeta = await this.dmWebView(aid, cid);
        const pageSize = dmMeta.dmSge.pageSize ? dmMeta.dmSge.pageSize / 1e3 : 360; = window.player && window.player.getDuration && window.player.getDuration() / pageSize + 1 ||;
        if (aid && aid != API.aid)
        let result = [];
        const req = [];
        for (let index = 1; index <=; index++) {
          req.push(this.dmWebSeg(index, aid, cid));
        (await Promise.all(req)).forEach((d) => result = result.concat(d));
        result = result.concat(await this.specialDms(aid, cid, dmMeta));
        dmMeta.commandDms.length > 0 && (result = result.concat(this.upHighlightDm(dmMeta.commandDms)));
        setting.commandDm && dmMeta.commandDms && Promise.resolve().then(() => {
          loadCommandDm(dmMeta.commandDms, aid, cid);
        return result;
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("加载弹幕出错~", e);
    async dmWebView(aid = API.aid, cid = API.cid) {
      try {
        if (this.dmView[cid])
          return this.dmView[cid];
        const data = await xhr({
          url: objUrl("", {
            type: 1,
            oid: cid,
            pid: aid
          credentials: true,
          responseType: "arraybuffer"
        }, true);
        return this.dmView[cid] = danmakuType.DmWebViewReply.decode(new Uint8Array(data));
      } catch (e) {
        throw e;
    async dmWebSeg(i, aid = API.aid, cid = API.cid) {
      try {
        const data = await xhr({
          url: objUrl("", {
            type: 1,
            oid: cid,
            pid: aid,
            segment_index: i
          credentials: true,
          responseType: "arraybuffer"
        return this.segDmDecode(data);
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error(\`加载弹幕分包 \${i} 出错\`);
        return [];
    async specialDms(aid = API.aid, cid = API.cid, config) {
      let result = [];
      try {
        config = config || await this.dmWebView(aid, cid);
        if (config.specialDms.length > 0) {
 += config.specialDms.length;
          const data = await Promise.all(config.specialDms.reduce((s, d) => {
            s.push(this.dmSpSeg(d.replace("http:", "https:")));
            return s;
          }, []));
          data.forEach((d) => result = result.concat(d));
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("获取特殊弹幕出错~", e);
      return result;
    async dmSpSeg(url) {
      try {
        const data = await xhr({
          responseType: "arraybuffer"
        return this.segDmDecode(data);
      } catch (e) {
        debug("获取特殊弹幕出错~", url, e);
        return [];
    upHighlightDm(dms) {
      try {
        return dms.reduce((s, d) => {
          if (d.command == "#UP#") {
            d.styleClass = "danmaku-up-icon";
            d.color = 16777215;
            d.pool = 0;
            d.fontsize = 25;
            d.ctime = new Date(d.mtime).getTime() / 1e3;
            d.mode = 1;
            d.midHash = crc32(d.mid);
          return s;
        }, []);
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("UP主高亮弹幕", e);
        return [];
    loadLocalDm(xml, append) {
      let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "application/xml");
      let dm = doc.querySelectorAll("d");
      if (dm.length == 0) {
      let danmaku2 = [];
      let attr, v, mode;
      for (let i = 0; i < dm.length; i++) {
        v = dm[i];
        attr = v.getAttribute("p").split(",");
        mode = parseInt(attr[1]);
        danmaku2[i] = {
          class: parseInt(attr[5]),
          color: parseInt(attr[3]),
          date: parseInt(attr[4]),
          dmid: attr[7],
          size: parseInt(attr[2]),
          stime: parseFloat(attr[0]),
          text: mode != 8 && mode != 9 ? v.textContent.replace(/(\\/n|\\\\n|\\n|\\r\\n)/g, "\\n") : v.textContent,
          uid: attr[6]
      this.sortDmById(danmaku2, "dmid");
      if (!window.player?.setDanmaku)
        return toast.error("刷新弹幕列表失败:播放器内部调用丢失!");
      window.player?.setDanmaku(danmaku2, append);
    async getHistoryDanmaku(date, cid = API.cid) {
      if (!date || !uid)
      let dm = await xhr({
        url: objUrl("", {
          type: String(1),
          oid: String(cid),
        responseType: "arraybuffer",
        credentials: true
      return this.segDmDecode(dm);
    saveDanmaku(dm, fileName) {
      let data = setting.danmakuSaveType === "xml" ? this.toXml(dm) : JSON.stringify(dm, void 0, "	");
      saveAs(data, \`\${fileName || API.title || API.cid}\${setting.danmakuSaveType === "xml" ? ".xml" : ".json"}\`);
  var danmaku = new Danmaku();
  window.addEventListener("message", async (ev) => {
    if (isUserScript)
    if (typeof === "object") {
      if (\$type == "onlineDanmaku") {
        if (!window.player)
          return toast.warning("请在播放页面使用本功能 →_→");
        if (!window.player.setDanmaku)
          return toast.warning("内部组件丢失!", "请检查【托管原生脚本】功能是否开启!");
        if (!
          return toast.warning("请输入视频链接或参数~");\`正在解析url:\${}\`);
        try {
          const d = await urlParam(, false);
          if (d.aid && d.cid) {
  "参数解析成功,正在获取弹幕数据~", d);
            debug(, d);
            let dm = await danmaku.getSegDanmaku(d.aid, d.cid);
            if (dm) {
              const dat = danmaku.danmakuFormat(dm);
              window.player?.setDanmaku(dat, setting.danmakuContact);
              setting.downloadOther && pushDownload({
                group: "弹幕",
                data: dat,
                up: "在线",
                down: \`N/A\`,
                callback: () => danmaku.saveDanmaku(dat,
            } else {
          } else {
        } catch (e) {
          toast.error("在线弹幕", e);
          debug.error("在线弹幕", e);
      if (typeof === "object") {
        if (\$type == "localMedia") {
          fileRead(".mp4,.json", true).then((d) => {
            d && new LocalMedia(d);
      if (\$type == "allDanmaku") {

  // src/runtime/hook/xhr.ts
  var rules = [];
  var open =; = function( {
    const args = [];
    args[1] && rules.forEach((d) => {
      d && d[0].every((d2) => args[1].includes(d2)) && d[1].call(this, args);
    return, ...args);
  function xhrhook(url, modifyOpen, modifyResponse, once = true) {
    let id;
    const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
    const two = function(args) {
      once && id && delete rules[id - 1];
      if (modifyOpen)
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          debug.error("modifyOpen of xhrhook", one, e);
      if (modifyResponse)
        try {
          this.addEventListener("readystatechange", () => {
            try {
              if (this.readyState === 4) {
                const response = { response: this.response, responseType: this.responseType, status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText };
                (this.responseType === "" || this.responseType === "text") && (response.responseText = this.responseText);
                (this.responseType === "" || this.responseType === "document") && (response.responseXML = this.responseXML);
                Reflect.defineProperty(this, "response", { configurable: true, value: response.response });
                response.responseText && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { configurable: true, value: response.responseText });
                response.responseXML && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseXML", { configurable: true, value: response.responseXML });
            } catch (e) {
              debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhook", one, e);
        } catch (e) {
          debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhook", one, e);
    return id = rules.push([one, two]);
  function xhrhookAsync(url, condition, modifyResponse, once = true) {
    let id, temp2;
    const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
    const two = function(args) {
      try {
        if (!condition || condition(args)) {
          this.xhrhookTimes = this.xhrhookTimes ? this.xhrhookTimes++ : 1;
          id && (temp2 = rules[id - 1]);
          delete rules[id - 1];
          this.send = () => true;
          (!args[2] || args[2] === true) && (this.timeout = 0);
          const et = setInterval(() => {
            this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("progress"));
          }, 50);
          Reflect.defineProperty(this, "status", { configurable: true, value: 200 });
          Reflect.defineProperty(this, "readyState", { configurable: true, value: 2 });
          this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("readystatechange"));
          modifyResponse ? modifyResponse(args, this.responseType).then((d) => {
            if (d) {
              Reflect.defineProperty(this, "response", { configurable: true, value: d.response });
              d.responseType && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseType", { configurable: true, value: d.responseType });
              d.responseText && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { configurable: true, value: d.responseText });
              d.responseXML && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseXML", { configurable: true, value: d.responseXML });
              !this.responseURL && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseURL", { configurable: true, value: args[1] });
              Reflect.defineProperty(this, "readyState", { configurable: true, value: 4 });
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("readystatechange"));
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
              this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadend"));
          }).catch((d) => {
            if (this.xhrhookTimes === 1) {
              if (d && d.response) {
                Reflect.defineProperty(this, "response", { configurable: true, value: d.response });
                d.responseType && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseType", { configurable: true, value: d.responseType });
                d.responseText && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseText", { configurable: true, value: d.responseText });
                d.responseXML && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseXML", { configurable: true, value: d.responseXML });
                !this.responseURL && Reflect.defineProperty(this, "responseURL", { configurable: true, value: args[1] });
                Reflect.defineProperty(this, "readyState", { configurable: true, value: 4 });
                this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("readystatechange"));
                this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));
                this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("loadend"));
              } else {
                this.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("error"));
            } else {
            debug.error("modifyResponse of xhrhookasync", one, d);
          }).finally(() => {
            !once && (id = rules.push(temp2));
          }) : (this.abort(), !once && (id = rules.push(temp2)));
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("condition of xhrhook", one, e);
    return id = rules.push([one, two]);
  function removeXhrhook(id) {
    id >= 0 && delete rules[id - 1];
  function xhrhookUltra(url, modify) {
    const one = Array.isArray(url) ? url : [url];
    const two = function(args) {
      try {, this, args);
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("xhrhook modify", one, modify, e);
    return rules.push([one, two]);

  // src/runtime/danmaku/history_danmaku.ts
  function historyDanmaku() {
    const id = xhrhookAsync("history?type=", (args) => {
      const param2 = urlObj(args[1]);
      if (!window.player?.setDanmaku) {
        return false;
      } else if (!
        return false;
        url: \`\${API.cid}&date=\${}\`,
        responseType: "arraybuffer",
        credentials: true
      }).then((seg) => {
        let dm = danmaku.danmakuFormat(danmaku.segDmDecode(seg));
        setting.downloadOther && pushDownload({
          group: "弹幕",
          data: dm,
          up: "历史",
          down: \`N/A\`,
          callback: () => danmaku.saveDanmaku(dm, \`\${API.title || API.cid}\`)
      }).catch((e) => {
        toast.error("载入历史弹幕失败", "请尝试刷新页面");
      return true;
    }, void 0, false);

  // src/runtime/danmaku/bilibili_broadcast.json
  var bilibili_broadcast_default = {
    nested: {
      bilibili: {
        nested: {
          broadcast: {
            nested: {
              v1: {
                nested: {
                  AuthReq: {
                    fields: {
                      guid: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 1
                      connId: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 2
                      lastMsgId: {
                        type: "int64",
                        id: 3
                  AuthResp: {
                    fields: {}
                  HeartbeatReq: {
                    fields: {}
                  HeartbeatResp: {
                    fields: {}
                  TargetPath: {
                    fields: {
                      targetPaths: {
                        rule: "repeated",
                        type: "string",
                        id: 1
                  MessageAckReq: {
                    fields: {
                      ackId: {
                        type: "int64",
                        id: 1
                      ackOrigin: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 2
                      targetPath: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 3
                  Subscribe: {
                    fields: {
                      type: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 1
                      targetPaths: {
                        rule: "repeated",
                        type: "string",
                        id: 2
                  Status: {
                    fields: {
                      code: {
                        type: "int32",
                        id: 1
                      message: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 2
                      details: {
                        rule: "repeated",
                        type: "google.protobuf.Any",
                        id: 3
                  FrameOption: {
                    fields: {
                      messageId: {
                        type: "int64",
                        id: 1
                      sequence: {
                        type: "int64",
                        id: 2
                      isAck: {
                        type: "bool",
                        id: 3
                      status: {
                        type: "Status",
                        id: 4
                      ackOrigin: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 5
                  BroadcastFrame: {
                    fields: {
                      options: {
                        type: "FrameOption",
                        id: 1
                      targetPath: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 2
                      body: {
                        type: "google.protobuf.Any",
                        id: 3
                  RoomJoinEvent: {
                    fields: {}
                  RoomLeaveEvent: {
                    fields: {}
                  RoomOnlineEvent: {
                    fields: {
                      online: {
                        type: "int32",
                        id: 1
                      allOnline: {
                        type: "int32",
                        id: 2
                  RoomMessageEvent: {
                    fields: {
                      targetPath: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 1
                      body: {
                        type: "google.protobuf.Any",
                        id: 2
                  RoomErrorEvent: {
                    fields: {
                      status: {
                        type: "Status",
                        id: 1
                  RoomReq: {
                    oneofs: {
                      event: {
                        oneof: [
                    fields: {
                      id: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 1
                      join: {
                        type: "RoomJoinEvent",
                        id: 2
                      leave: {
                        type: "RoomLeaveEvent",
                        id: 3
                      online: {
                        type: "RoomOnlineEvent",
                        id: 4
                      msg: {
                        type: "RoomMessageEvent",
                        id: 5
                  RoomResp: {
                    oneofs: {
                      event: {
                        oneof: [
                    fields: {
                      id: {
                        type: "string",
                        id: 1
                      join: {
                        type: "RoomJoinEvent",
                        id: 2
                      leave: {
                        type: "RoomLeaveEvent",
                        id: 3
                      online: {
                        type: "RoomOnlineEvent",
                        id: 4
                      msg: {
                        type: "RoomMessageEvent",
                        id: 5
                      err: {
                        type: "RoomErrorEvent",
                        id: 6
      google: {
        nested: {
          protobuf: {
            nested: {
              Any: {
                fields: {
                  type_url: {
                    type: "string",
                    id: 1
                  value: {
                    type: "bytes",
                    id: 2
              Empty: {
                fields: {}

  // src/runtime/danmaku/bilibili_broadcast_danmaku.json
  var bilibili_broadcast_danmaku_default = {
    nested: {
      bilibili: {
        nested: {
          broadcast: {
            nested: {
              message: {
                nested: {
                  main: {
                    nested: {
                      DanmakuElem: {
                        fields: {
                          id: {
                            type: "int64",
                            id: 1
                          progress: {
                            type: "int32",
                            id: 2
                          mode: {
                            type: "int32",
                            id: 3
                          fontsize: {
                            type: "int32",
                            id: 4
                          color: {
                            type: "uint32",
                            id: 5
                          midHash: {
                            type: "string",
                            id: 6
                          content: {
                            type: "string",
                            id: 7
                          ctime: {
                            type: "int64",
                            id: 8
                          action: {
                            type: "string",
                            id: 9
                          pool: {
                            type: "int32",
                            id: 10
                          idStr: {
                            type: "string",
                            id: 11
                      DanmukuEvent: {
                        fields: {
                          elems: {
                            rule: "repeated",
                            type: "DanmakuElem",
                            id: 1

  // src/runtime/danmaku/live_danmaku.ts
  var import_light2 = __toESM(require_light());
  var root2 = import_light2.default.Root.fromJSON(bilibili_broadcast_default);
  var danmakuElem = import_light2.default.Root.fromJSON(bilibili_broadcast_danmaku_default).lookupType("bilibili.broadcast.message.main.DanmukuEvent");
  var sequence = 1;
  var message = {
    msgType: root2.lookupType("BroadcastFrame"),
    targetPathType: root2.lookupType("TargetPath"),
    beatReqType: root2.lookupType("HeartbeatReq"),
    ackReqType: root2.lookupType("MessageAckReq"),
    anyType: root2.lookupType("google.protobuf.Any"),
    roomRequest: root2.lookupType("RoomReq"),
    roomResp: root2.lookupType("RoomResp"),
    roomEvents: {
      join: root2.lookupType("RoomJoinEvent"),
      leave: root2.lookupType("RoomLeaveEvent"),
      online: root2.lookupType("RoomOnlineEvent")
  var targetPath = {
    "AUTH": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.Broadcast/Auth",
    "HEARTBEAT": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.Broadcast/Heartbeat",
    "SUBSCRIBE": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.Broadcast/Subscribe",
    "UNSUBSCRIBE": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.Broadcast/Unsubscribe",
    "MSG_ACK": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.Broadcast/MessageAck",
    "ENTER": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.BroadcastRoom/Enter",
    "ROOMREQ": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.RoomReq",
    "ROOMRES": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.RoomResp",
    "AUTHREQ": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.AuthReq",
    "TARGETPATH": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.TargetPath",
    "HEARTBEATRES": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.HeartbeatResp",
    "MSG_ACK_REQ": "/bilibili.broadcast.v1.MessageAckReq"
  var utils = {
    encodeAny: function(body, encoder2, url) {
      return url = "" + url, message.anyType.create({
        type_url: url,
        value: encoder2.encode(body).finish()
    toBuffer: function(body, encoder2) {
      if (encoder2.verify(body))
        return "";
      let t = encoder2.create(body);
      return encoder2.encode(t).finish();
    toMsg: function(body, decoder) {
      let t;
      try {
        t = decoder.toObject(decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(body)));
      } catch (i) {
      return t;
  var encoder = new TextEncoder();
  var liveChatOld;
  var liveChat;
  var wsHookRunOnce = true;
  var wssend = WebSocket.prototype.send;
  function initLiveChat() {
    liveChat = new WebSocket("wss://", "proto");
    liveChat.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
    liveChat.beatTimer = 0;
    liveChat.msgFlag = {};
    liveChat.socketKey = "video://" + API.aid + "/" + API.cid;
    API.pgc && (liveChat.socketKey += "?sid=" + API.__INITIAL_STATE__.ssId + "&epid=" + API.__INITIAL_STATE__.epId);
    liveChat.sendMsg = function(body, encoder2) {
      void 0 === encoder2 && (encoder2 = message.msgType);
      this.send(utils.toBuffer(body, encoder2));
    liveChat.auth = function() {
        options: {
          sequence: ++sequence
        targetPath: targetPath.AUTH,
        body: utils.encodeAny(message.anyType.create({}), message.anyType, targetPath.AUTHREQ)
    liveChat.onAuthed = function(t) {
      this.authed = true;
    liveChat.subscribeBase = function(t, e) {
      if (void 0 === e && (e = true), t && t.length) {
        var i = ++sequence;
        this.msgFlag[i] = t, this.sendMsg({
          options: {
            sequence: i
          targetPath: e ? targetPath.SUBSCRIBE : targetPath.UNSUBSCRIBE,
          body: utils.encodeAny(message.targetPathType.create({
            targetPaths: t
          }), message.targetPathType, targetPath.TARGETPATH)
    liveChat.roomBase = function(t) {
      let event = {
        id: t,
        join: message.roomEvents.join.create({})
      var i = ++sequence;
      this.msgFlag[i] = t, this.sendMsg({
        options: {
          sequence: i
        targetPath: targetPath.ENTER,
        body: utils.encodeAny(message.roomRequest.create(event), message.roomRequest, targetPath.ROOMREQ)
    liveChat.onRoomMsg = function(t) {
      var e, i;
      if (null === (e = t.body) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.value) {
        var o = utils.toMsg(t.body.value, message.roomResp);
        if (null === (i = o.msg) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.targetPath) {
          var r = utils.toMsg(o.msg.body.value, danmakuElem);
          r.elems.forEach(function(v) {
              data: liveChatOld.convertToArrayBuffer({
                cmd: "DM",
                info: [[v.progress / 1e3, v.mode, v.fontsize, v.color, v.ctime, "", v.pool, v.midHash, v.idStr].join(","), v.content]
              }, 5)
    liveChat.heartBeat = function() {
      var i = this;
      this.beatTimer && clearTimeout(this.beatTimer);
      this.beatTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
        if (i.readyState === 1) {
            options: {
              sequence: ++sequence
            targetPath: targetPath.HEARTBEAT,
            body: utils.encodeAny(message.beatReqType.create({}), message.beatReqType, targetPath.HEARTBEATRES)
      }, 1e3 * 20);
    liveChat.onopen = function() {
    liveChat.onclose = function() {
      if (liveChatOld.readyState === 1) {
      } else {
        this.beatTimer && clearTimeout(this.beatTimer);
    liveChat.onmessage = function(i) {
      var t, a = utils.toMsg(, message.msgType);
      if (this.heartBeat(), a) {
        if (null == a ? void 0 : a.targetPath)
          switch (a.targetPath) {
            case targetPath.AUTH:
            case targetPath.SUBSCRIBE:
            case targetPath.UNSUBSCRIBE:
            case targetPath.HEARTBEAT:
            case targetPath.ENTER:
        delete this.msgFlag[null === (t = a.options) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.sequence];
  function liveDanmaku() {
    WebSocket.prototype.send = function(...arg) {
      if (wsHookRunOnce && this.url == "wss://") {
        liveChatOld = this;
        liveChatOld.convertToArrayBuffer = function(body, option) {
          let header2 = [{ "name": "Header Length", "key": "headerLen", "qg": 2, "offset": 4, "value": 16 }, { "name": "Protocol Version", "key": "ver", "qg": 2, "offset": 6, "value": 1 }, { "name": "Operation", "key": "op", "qg": 4, "offset": 8, "value": option }, { "name": "Sequence Id", "key": "seq", "qg": 4, "offset": 12, "value": 1 }];
          let headerBuf = new ArrayBuffer(16);
          let viewer = new DataView(headerBuf, 0);
          let bodyBuf = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(body));
          viewer.setInt32(0, 16 + bodyBuf.byteLength);
          header2.forEach(function(b) {
            4 === b.qg ? viewer.setInt32(b.offset, b.value) : 2 === b.qg && viewer.setInt16(b.offset, b.value);
          function mergeArrayBuffer(headerBuf2, bodyBuf2) {
            headerBuf2 = new Uint8Array(headerBuf2);
            bodyBuf2 = new Uint8Array(bodyBuf2);
            var d = new Uint8Array(headerBuf2.byteLength + bodyBuf2.byteLength);
            d.set(headerBuf2, 0);
            d.set(bodyBuf2, headerBuf2.byteLength);
            return d.buffer;
          return mergeArrayBuffer(headerBuf, bodyBuf);
        let onclose = liveChatOld.onclose;
        liveChatOld.onclose = function() {
          wsHookRunOnce = true;
        wsHookRunOnce = false;
      }, ...arg);

  // src/runtime/danmaku/protobuf_danmaku.ts
  function loadDanmakuEngine() {
    if (setting.protobufDanmaku) {
      let workerPostMsg = Worker.prototype.postMessage;
      let list_so;
      Worker.prototype.postMessage = function(aMessage, transferList) {
        if (aMessage.url && aMessage.url.includes("")) {
          const obj = urlObj(aMessage.url);
          list_so = this;
          let triggerOnMsg = (danmaku2, loadTime, parseTime) => list_so.onmessage({
            data: {
              code: 0,
              danmakuArray: danmaku2,
              sendTip: "",
              state: 0,
              textSide: "",
              total: danmaku2.length.toString()
          let loadDanmaku = (loadTime) => danmaku.getSegDanmaku(void 0, obj.oid).then((Segments) => {
            loadTime = new Date() - loadTime;
            let parseTime = new Date();
            let Dm = danmaku.danmakuFormat(Segments);
            parseTime = new Date() - parseTime;
            triggerOnMsg(Dm, loadTime, parseTime);
            setting.downloadOther && pushDownload({
              group: "弹幕",
              data: Dm,
              up: "当前",
              down: \`N/A\`,
              callback: () => danmaku.saveDanmaku(Dm, \`\${API.title || API.cid}\`)
          loadDanmaku(new Date());
        } else {
, aMessage, transferList);

  // src/runtime/hook/keymap.ts
  var bindMap = {};
  var isTyping = () => {
    const { activeElement } = document;
    if (!activeElement) {
      return false;
    if (activeElement.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) {
      return true;
    return ["input", "textarea"].includes(activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase());
  doWhile(() => document.body, (d) => {
    d.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
      if (isTyping())
      const key = e.key.toLowerCase();
      e.key && bindMap[key] && bindMap[key].forEach((d2) => {
        let disable = d2.disable;
        Number(d2.altKey) ^ Number(e.altKey) && (disable = true);
        Number(d2.ctrlKey) ^ Number(e.ctrlKey) && (disable = true);
        Number(d2.metaKey) ^ Number(e.metaKey) && (disable = true);
        Number(d2.repeat) ^ Number(e.repeat) && (disable = true);
        Number(d2.shiftKey) ^ Number(e.shiftKey) && (disable = true);
        try {
          !disable && d2.callback();
        } catch (e2) {
          debug.error("keymap.js", e2);
  function bindKeyMap(key, callback, special = {}) {
    const keyl = key.toLowerCase();
    const map = Object.assign(special, { callback, disable: false });
    bindMap[keyl] ? bindMap[keyl].push(map) : bindMap[keyl] = [map];
    return function changeKeyMap(disable) {
      if (arguments.length) {
        map.disable = disable;
      } else {
        map.disable = !map.disable;

  // src/runtime/player/player_key_map.ts
  function playerKeyMap() {
    bindKeyMap("F", () => {
    bindKeyMap("D", () => {
    bindKeyMap("[", () => {
    bindKeyMap("]", () => {;
    bindKeyMap("enter", () => {
    bindKeyMap("V", () => {
      let video = document.querySelector("#bilibiliPlayer .bilibili-player-video video");
      if (video) {
        let filter =;
        if (filter.includes("contrast")) {
          filter = filter.replace("contrast(1)", "");
          setting.videoDisableAA = false;
        } else {
          filter += "contrast(1)";
          setting.videoDisableAA = true;
        } = filter;

  // src/runtime/player/media_meta.ts
  var temp;
  function mediaSession(data) {
    Promise.resolve().then(() => window.GrayManager.setActionHandler());
    const check2 = JSON.stringify(data);
    if (temp === check2)
    temp = check2;
    if (!navigator.mediaSession.metadata)
      navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ });
    else {
      navigator.mediaSession.metadata.title = data.title;
      navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artist = data.artist;
      navigator.mediaSession.metadata.album = data.album;
      navigator.mediaSession.metadata.artwork = data.artwork;
  function setMediaSession() {
    const epid = API.epid;
    const aid = API.aid;
      url: \`\${aid}\`,
      responseType: "json"
    }, true).then((d) => {
      if ([\`av\${aid}\`]) {
          album: epid ? \`ep\${epid}\` : \`av\${aid}\`,
          artwork: [
            { src:[\`av\${aid}\`].pic }
        API.cover =[\`av\${aid}\`].pic;
        API.title =[\`av\${aid}\`].title;
    }).catch((e) => {
      debug.error("MediaSession", e);

  // src/runtime/player/automate.ts
  function bofqiToView() {
    let str = [".bangumi_player", "#bofqi", "#bilibiliPlayer"];
    let node4 = str.reduce((s, d) => {
      s = s || document.querySelector(d);
      return s;
    }, document.querySelector("#__bofqi"));
    node4 && node4.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" });
  function automate() {
    switchVideo(() => {
      setting.automate.webFullScreen && doWhile(() => document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-iconfont.bilibili-player-iconfont-web-fullscreen.icon-24webfull.player-tooltips-trigger"), () => document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-video-web-fullscreen").click());
      setting.automate.noDanmaku && doWhile(() => document.querySelector(".bilibili-player-video-btn.bilibili-player-video-btn-danmaku"), (d) => {
        !document.querySelector("") &&;
      setting.videoDisableAA && doWhile(() => document.querySelector("#bilibiliPlayer .bilibili-player-video video"), (d) => += "contrast(1)");
      setTimeout(() => {
        setting.automate.showBofqi && bofqiToView();
      }, 500);
    setting.automate.danmakuFirst && sessionStorage2.setItem("player_last_filter_tab_info", 4);
    let bilibili_player_settings = localStorage.getItem("bilibili_player_settings");
    if (bilibili_player_settings) {
      if (bilibili_player_settings.video_status?.autopart !== "") {
        GM.setValue("bilibili_player_settings", bilibili_player_settings);
    } else {
      if (isUserScript) {
        const d = GM_getValue("bilibili_player_settings");
        d && localStorage.setItem("bilibili_player_settings", d);
      } else {
        GM.getValue("bilibili_player_settings").then((d) => {
          d && localStorage.setItem("bilibili_player_settings", d);
    if (setting.automate.videospeed) {
      if (isUserScript) {
        const videospeed = GM_getValue("videospeed");
        if (videospeed) {
          let setting2 = sessionStorage2.getItem("bilibili_player_settings");
          setting2 ? setting2.video_status ? setting2.video_status.videospeed = videospeed : setting2.video_status = { videospeed } : setting2 = { video_status: { videospeed } };
          sessionStorage2.setItem("bilibili_player_settings", setting2);
      } else {
        GM.getValue("videospeed").then((videospeed) => {
          if (videospeed) {
            let setting2 = sessionStorage2.getItem("bilibili_player_settings");
            setting2 ? setting2.video_status ? setting2.video_status.videospeed = videospeed : setting2.video_status = { videospeed } : setting2 = { video_status: { videospeed } };
            sessionStorage2.setItem("bilibili_player_settings", setting2);
      switchVideo(() => {
        doWhile(() => document.querySelector("#bofqi")?.querySelector("video"), (d) => {
          d.addEventListener("ratechange", (e) => {
            GM.setValue("videospeed", || 1);

  // src/runtime/player/bgray_btn.html
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  // src/runtime/format/cht_2_chs.ts
  var aTC2SC = {
    "以功覆過": "以功复过",
    "侔德覆載": "侔德复载",
    "傷亡枕藉": "伤亡枕借",
    "出醜狼藉": "出丑狼借",
    "反反覆覆": "反反复复",
    "名覆金甌": "名复金瓯",
    "情有獨鍾": "情有独锺",
    "文錦覆阱": "文锦复阱",
    "於呼哀哉": "於呼哀哉",
    "旋乾轉坤": "旋乾转坤",
    "朝乾夕惕": "朝乾夕惕",
    "狐藉虎威": "狐借虎威",
    "瞭若指掌": "了若指掌",
    "老態龍鍾": "老态龙锺",
    "藉箸代籌": "借箸代筹",
    "藉草枕塊": "借草枕块",
    "藉藉无名": "藉藉无名",
    "衹見樹木": "只见树木",
    "覆蕉尋鹿": "复蕉寻鹿",
    "覆鹿尋蕉": "复鹿寻蕉",
    "覆鹿遺蕉": "复鹿遗蕉",
    "買臣覆水": "买臣复水",
    "踅門瞭戶": "踅门了户",
    "雁杳魚沈": "雁杳鱼沉",
    "顛乾倒坤": "颠乾倒坤",
    "乾清宮": "乾清宫",
    "乾盛世": "乾盛世",
    "八濛山": "八濛山",
    "千鍾粟": "千锺粟",
    "尼乾陀": "尼乾陀",
    "張法乾": "张法乾",
    "於世成": "於世成",
    "於仲完": "於仲完",
    "於其一": "於其一",
    "於勇明": "於勇明",
    "於崇文": "於崇文",
    "於忠祥": "於忠祥",
    "於惟一": "於惟一",
    "於梨華": "於梨华",
    "於清言": "於清言",
    "於竹屋": "於竹屋",
    "於陵子": "於陵子",
    "李乾德": "李乾德",
    "李澤鉅": "李泽钜",
    "李鍊福": "李链福",
    "李鍾郁": "李锺郁",
    "樊於期": "樊於期",
    "藉寇兵": "借寇兵",
    "覆醬瓿": "复酱瓿",
    "角徵羽": "角徵羽",
    "貂覆額": "貂复额",
    "郭子乾": "郭子乾",
    "錢鍾書": "钱锺书",
    "鍾萬梅": "锺万梅",
    "鍾重發": "锺重发",
    "麼些族": "麽些族",
    "黄鍾公": "黄锺公",
    "上鍊": "上链",
    "么麼": "幺麽",
    "么麽": "幺麽",
    "乾元": "乾元",
    "乾卦": "乾卦",
    "乾嘉": "乾嘉",
    "乾圖": "乾图",
    "乾坤": "乾坤",
    "乾宅": "乾宅",
    "乾斷": "乾断",
    "乾旦": "乾旦",
    "乾曜": "乾曜",
    "乾紅": "乾红",
    "乾綱": "乾纲",
    "乾縣": "乾县",
    "乾象": "乾象",
    "乾造": "乾造",
    "乾道": "乾道",
    "乾陵": "乾陵",
    "乾隆": "乾隆",
    "家俱": "家具",
    "傢具": "家具",
    "傢俱": "家具",
    "凌藉": "凌借",
    "函覆": "函复",
    "反覆": "反复",
    "哪吒": "哪吒",
    "哪咤": "哪吒",
    "回覆": "回复",
    "射覆": "射复",
    "幺麼": "幺麽",
    "康乾": "康乾",
    "彷彿": "仿佛",
    "徵弦": "徵弦",
    "徵絃": "徵弦",
    "徵聲": "徵声",
    "徵調": "徵调",
    "徵音": "徵音",
    "憑藉": "凭借",
    "手鍊": "手链",
    "拉鍊": "拉链",
    "拜覆": "拜复",
    "於乎": "於乎",
    "於倫": "於伦",
    "於則": "於则",
    "於單": "於单",
    "於坦": "於坦",
    "於戲": "於戏",
    "於敖": "於敖",
    "於琳": "於琳",
    "於穆": "於穆",
    "於菟": "於菟",
    "於邑": "於邑",
    "明瞭": "明了",
    "明覆": "明复",
    "木吒": "木吒",
    "木咤": "木吒",
    "沈沒": "沉没",
    "沈積": "沉积",
    "沈船": "沉船",
    "沈默": "沉默",
    "流徵": "流徵",
    "滑藉": "滑借",
    "牴牾": "抵牾",
    "牴觸": "抵触",
    "甚鉅": "甚钜",
    "申覆": "申复",
    "畢昇": "毕昇",
    "發覆": "发复",
    "瞭如": "了如",
    "瞭然": "了然",
    "瞭解": "了解",
    "示覆": "示复",
    "禀覆": "禀复",
    "答覆": "答复",
    "篤麼": "笃麽",
    "籌畫": "筹划",
    "素藉": "素借",
    "茵藉": "茵借",
    "萬鍾": "万锺",
    "蒜薹": "蒜薹",
    "蕓薹": "芸薹",
    "蕩覆": "荡复",
    "蕭乾": "萧乾",
    "藉代": "借代",
    "藉以": "借以",
    "藉助": "借助",
    "藉卉": "借卉",
    "藉口": "借口",
    "藉喻": "借喻",
    "藉手": "借手",
    "藉據": "借据",
    "藉故": "借故",
    "藉方": "借方",
    "藉條": "借条",
    "藉槁": "借槁",
    "藉機": "借机",
    "藉此": "借此",
    "藉甚": "借甚",
    "藉由": "借由",
    "藉著": "借着",
    "藉端": "借端",
    "藉藉": "借借",
    "藉詞": "借词",
    "藉讀": "借读",
    "藉資": "借资",
    "衹得": "只得",
    "覆上": "复上",
    "覆住": "复住",
    "覆信": "复信",
    "覆冒": "复冒",
    "覆呈": "复呈",
    "覆命": "复命",
    "覆墓": "复墓",
    "覆宗": "复宗",
    "覆帳": "复帐",
    "覆幬": "复帱",
    "覆成": "复成",
    "覆按": "复按",
    "覆文": "复文",
    "覆杯": "复杯",
    "覆校": "复校",
    "覆瓿": "复瓿",
    "覆盂": "复盂",
    "覆育": "复育",
    "覆逆": "复逆",
    "覆醢": "复醢",
    "覆電": "复电",
    "覆露": "复露",
    "覆鼎": "复鼎",
    "見覆": "见复",
    "角徵": "角徵",
    "計畫": "计划",
    "變徵": "变徵",
    "躪藉": "躏借",
    "酝藉": "酝借",
    "重覆": "重复",
    "金吒": "金吒",
    "金咤": "金吒",
    "金鍊": "金链",
    "鈕釦": "纽扣",
    "鈞覆": "钧复",
    "鉅子": "钜子",
    "鉅萬": "钜万",
    "鉅防": "钜防",
    "鉸鍊": "铰链",
    "銀鍊": "银链",
    "鍊墜": "链坠",
    "鍊子": "链子",
    "鍊形": "链形",
    "鍊條": "链条",
    "鍊錘": "链锤",
    "鍊鎖": "链锁",
    "鍛鍾": "锻锺",
    "鍾鍛": "锺锻",
    "鍾馗": "锺馗",
    "鎖鍊": "锁链",
    "鐵鍊": "铁链",
    "電覆": "电复",
    "露覆": "露复",
    "項鍊": "项链",
    "頗覆": "颇复",
    "頸鍊": "颈链",
    "顧藉": "顾借",
    "煞車": "刹车",
    "著": "着",
    "乾": "干",
    "儘": "尽",
    "劃": "划",
    "徵": "征",
    "於": "于",
    "瀋": "沈",
    "瀰": "弥",
    "畫": "画",
    "睪": "睾",
    "綵": "彩",
    "線": "线",
    "薹": "苔",
    "蘋": "苹",
    "襬": "摆",
    "託": "托",
    "諮": "咨",
    "鈕": "钮",
    "鉅": "巨",
    "鍾": "钟",
    "钁": "镢",
    "靦": "腼",
    "餘": "余",
    "麪": "面",
    "麴": "曲",
    "麵": "面",
    "麼": "么",
    "麽": "么",
    "開": "开",
    "噹": "当",
    "崙": "仑",
    "擣": "捣",
    "牴": "抵",
    "衹": "只",
    "諫": "谏",
    "譾": "谫",
    "買": "买",
    "閒": "闲",
    "願": "愿",
    "餬": "糊",
    "餱": "糇",
    "餵": "喂",
    "驄": "骢",
    "鵰": "雕",
    "齧": "啮",
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    "㑳": "㑇",
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    "㓨": "刾",
    "㘚": "㘎",
    "㜄": "㚯",
    "㜏": "㛣",
    "㠏": "㟆",
    "㥮": "㤘",
    "㩜": "㨫",
    "㩳": "㧐",
    "䁻": "䀥",
    "䊷": "䌶",
    "䋙": "䌺",
    "䋚": "䌻",
    "䋹": "䌿",
    "䋻": "䌾",
    "䎱": "䎬",
    "䙡": "䙌",
    "䜀": "䜧",
    "䝼": "䞍",
    "䥇": "䦂",
    "䥱": "䥾",
    "䦛": "䦶",
    "䦟": "䦷",
    "䯀": "䯅",
    "䰾": "鲃",
    "䱷": "䲣",
    "䱽": "䲝",
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    "唚": "吣",
    "唸": "念",
    "問": "问",
    "啓": "启",
    "啞": "哑",
    "啟": "启",
    "啢": "唡",
    "喎": "㖞",
    "喚": "唤",
    "喪": "丧",
    "喫": "吃",
    "喬": "乔",
    "單": "单",
    "喲": "哟",
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    "嗇": "啬",
    "嗊": "唝",
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    "嘮": "唠",
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    "噠": "哒",
    "噥": "哝",
    "噦": "哕",
    "噯": "嗳",
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          down: d.lan_doc,
          fileName: \`\${sessionStorage.getItem("title") || \`av\${API.aid}\`}-\${d.lan_doc}.json\`
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[caption.lan] = JSON.parse(cht2chs(JSON.stringify([caption.lan])));
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 = ( - v.from) * ratio * 100 + "%";
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            let dura = - v.from;
            let div = document.createElement("div");
            div.className = "bilibili-player-chapter-info";
            div.innerHTML = \`<img width="112" height="63" src="\${v.imgUrl}"/>
                                        <p class="chapter-name">\${v.content}</p>
                                        <span style="margin-left: 138px">\${timeFormat2(Math.floor(v.from / 60))}:\${timeFormat2(v.from % 60)}</span>
                                        <span style="margin-right: 5px; float: right;">\${dura >= 60 ? \`\${Math.floor(dura / 60)}分\` : ""}\${dura > 0 ? \`\${dura % 60}秒\` : ""}</span>\`;
            div.onclick = ((jumpto) => () => {
              let active = document.querySelector("");
              active && active.classList.remove("active");
            chptInfo[i] = div;
        ; = "block";
      window.player.addEventListener("video_media_seeked", refreshState);
      chptPanel.onmouseenter = refreshState;
      class timer2 {
        static handle;
        static start() {
          if (!timer2.handle)
            timer2.handle = setInterval(refreshState, 3e3);
        static stop() {
          if (timer2.handle) {
            timer2.handle = null;
      window.player.addEventListener("video_media_playing", timer2.start);
      window.player.addEventListener("video_media_pause", timer2.stop);
      if (window.player.getState() == "PLAYING")
  var SegProgress = _SegProgress;
  __publicField(SegProgress, "cssInited", false);

  // src/runtime/player/playinfo.ts
  function dealwithPlayinfo() {
    xhrhook("/playurl?", (args) => {
      const param2 = urlObj(args[1]);
      args[1].includes("84956560bc028eb7") && (args[1] = urlsign(args[1], {}, 8));
      args[1].includes("pgc") && (API.pgc = true);
      param2.aid && (API.aid = Number(param2.aid)) && (API.aid = param2.aid);
      param2.avid && (API.aid = Number(param2.avid)) && (API.aid = param2.avid);
      param2.cid && (API.cid = Number(param2.cid)) && (API.cid = param2.cid);
      param2.seasonId && (API.ssid = param2.seasonId);
      param2.episodeId && (API.epid = param2.episodeId);
      param2.ep_id && (API.epid = param2.ep_id);
    }, (obj) => {
      try {
        const data = uposReplace(obj.responseType === "json" ? JSON.stringify(obj.response) : obj.response, setting.uposReplace.nor);
        obj.responseType === "json" ? obj.response = JSON.parse(data) : obj.response = obj.responseText = data;
        API.__playinfo__ = JSON.parse(data);
        Promise.resolve().then(() => {
          try {
            const d = JSON.parse(data);
            if (d.code === 87005)
              toast.warning(d.message, "请到新版页面付费后继续!");
          } catch (e) {
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);
    let timer2, tag = false;
    xhrhook("", () => {
      if (!tag && && API.__INITIAL_STATE__?.epInfo?.subtitles) {
        if (API.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo.subtitles[0]) {
          setting.closedCaption && closedCaption.getCaption(API.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo.subtitles.reduce((s, d) => {
              ai_type: 0,
              is_lock: false,
              lan: d.key,
              lan_doc: d.title,
              subtitle_url: d.url,
              type: 0
            return s;
          }, []));
          tag = true;
          timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
            tag = false;
          }, 1e3);
      return true;
    }, (res) => {
      try {
        if (statusCheck(res.status)) {
          let subtitle = "", view_points;
          res.response.replace(/<subtitle>.+?<\\/subtitle>/, (d) => {
            subtitle = d.replace("<subtitle>", "").replace("</subtitle>", "");
          res.response.replace(/<view_points>.+?<\\/view_points>/, (d) => {
            view_points = d.replace("<view_points>", "").replace("</view_points>", "");
          subtitle && setting.closedCaption && closedCaption.getCaption(JSON.parse(subtitle).subtitles);
          view_points && setting.segProgress && new SegProgress(JSON.parse(view_points));
        } else {
          !tag && xhr({
            url: objUrl("", { oid: API.cid, aid: API.aid, type: 1 }),
            responseType: "json",
            credentials: true
          }, true).then((data) => {
            setting.closedCaption && data?.data?.subtitle?.subtitles && closedCaption.getCaption(;
            setting.segProgress && &&[1] && new SegProgress(;
          tag = true;
          timer2 = setTimeout(() => {
            tag = false;
          }, 1e3);
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);
    xhrhookAsync("", void 0, async () => {
      let str = \`<msg><item bgcolor="#000000" catalog="news"><![CDATA[<a href="//" target="_blank"><font color="#ffffff">客户端下载</font></a>]]></item><item bgcolor="#000000" catalog="news"><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#ffffff">bug反馈传送门</font></a>]]></item></msg>'\`;
      try {
        const arr2 = await Promise.all([
          xhr.get("//", { responseType: "json" }).then((d) => {
            return d.result.reduce((s, d2, i) => {
              s += \`<item tooltip="" bgcolor="#000000" catalog="bangumi" resourceid="2319" srcid="\${2320 + i}" id="\${314825 + i}"><![CDATA[<a href="\${d2.blink}" target="_blank"><font color="#FFFFFF">\${d2.title}</font></a>]]></item>\`;
              return s;
            }, "");
          }).catch((e) => {
            debug.error("播放器消息", "bangumi", e);
            return "";
          xhr.get("", { responseType: "json" }).then((d) => {
            return, d2, i) => {
     && (s += \`<item tooltip="" bgcolor="#000000" catalog="system" resourceid="2319" srcid="\${2320 + i}" id="\${314825 + i}"><![CDATA[<a href="\${d2.url}" target="_blank"><font color="#FFFFFF">\${}</font></a>]]></item>\`);
              return s;
            }, "");
          }).catch((e) => {
            debug.error("播放器消息", "system", e);
            return "";
          xhr.get("", { responseType: "json" }).then((d) => {
            return, d2, i) => {
              s += \`<item tooltip="" bgcolor="#000000" catalog="news" resourceid="2319" srcid="\${2320 + i}" id="\${314825 + i}"><![CDATA[<a href="\${encodeURIComponent(d2.keyword)}" target="_blank"><font color="#FFFFFF">\${d2.keyword}</font></a>]]></item>\`;
              return s;
            }, "<msg>");
          }).catch((e) => {
            debug.error("播放器消息", "news", e);
            return "";
        str = arr2.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random()).reduce((s, d) => {
          s += d;
          return s;
        }, "<msg>") + "</msg>";
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("播放器消息", e);
      const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/xml");
      return {
        response: dom,
        responseXML: dom
    }, false);

  // src/runtime/player/bstar_playurl.ts
  var descriptionMap = {
    127: "超高清 8K",
    126: "杜比视界",
    125: "HDR",
    121: "超清 4K",
    120: "超清 4K",
    116: "高清 1080P60",
    112: "高清 1080P+",
    80: "高清 1080P",
    74: "高清 720P60",
    64: "高清 720P",
    48: "高清 720P",
    32: "清晰 480P",
    16: "流畅 360P",
    15: "流畅 360P",
    6: "流畅 240P",
    5: "流畅 144P"
  var formatMap = {
    127: "hdflv2",
    126: "hdflv2",
    125: "hdflv2",
    121: "hdflv2",
    120: "hdflv2",
    116: "flv_p60",
    112: "hdflv2",
    80: "flv",
    74: "flv720_p60",
    64: "flv720",
    48: "flv720",
    32: "flv480",
    16: "mp4",
    15: "mp4",
    6: "mp4",
    5: "mp4"
  var qualityMap = {
    127: "8K",
    126: "Dolby",
    125: "HDR",
    121: "4K",
    120: "4K",
    116: "1080P60",
    112: "1080P+",
    80: "1080P",
    74: "720P60",
    64: "720P",
    48: "720P",
    32: "480P",
    16: "360P",
    15: "360P",
    6: "240P",
    5: "144P"
  var Playurl = class {
    accept_description = [];
    accept_format = "";
    accept_quality = [];
    bp = 0;
    code = 0;
    dash = {
      audio: [],
      dolby: { audio: [], type: "NONE" },
      duration: 0,
      min_buffer_time: 1.5,
      minBufferTime: 1.5,
      video: []
    fnval = 0;
    fnver = 0;
    format = "flv480";
    from = "local";
    has_paid = false;
    is_preview = 0;
    message = "";
    no_rexcode = 1;
    quality = 32;
    result = "suee";
    seek_param = "start";
    seek_type = "offset";
    status = 2;
    support_formats = [];
    timelength = 0;
    type = "DASH";
    video_codecid = 7;
    video_project = true;
  var codecs = {
    default: {
      30121: "hev1.1.6.L156.90",
      121: "hev1.1.6.L156.90",
      30120: "avc1.64003C",
      120: "avc1.64003C",
      30112: "avc1.640028",
      112: "avc1.640028",
      30102: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      102: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      30080: "avc1.640028",
      80: "avc1.640028",
      30077: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      77: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      30064: "avc1.64001F",
      64: "avc1.64001F",
      30066: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      66: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      30032: "avc1.64001E",
      32: "avc1.64001E",
      30033: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      33: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      30011: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      11: "hev1.1.6.L120.90",
      30016: "avc1.64001E",
      16: "avc1.64001E",
      30006: "avc1.64001E",
      6: "avc1.64001E",
      30005: "avc1.64001E",
      5: "avc1.64001E",
      30280: "mp4a.40.2",
      30232: "mp4a.40.2",
      30216: "mp4a.40.2"
    app: {
      30016: "avc1.64001E",
      16: "avc1.64001E",
      30032: "avc1.64001F",
      32: "avc1.64001F",
      30064: "avc1.640028",
      64: "avc1.640028",
      30080: "avc1.640032",
      80: "avc1.640032",
      30216: "mp4a.40.2",
      30232: "mp4a.40.2",
      30280: "mp4a.40.2"
  var frameRate = {
    30121: "16000/672",
    121: "16000/672",
    30120: "16000/672",
    120: "16000/672",
    30112: "16000/672",
    112: "16000/672",
    30102: "16000/672",
    102: "16000/672",
    30080: "16000/672",
    80: "16000/672",
    30077: "16000/656",
    77: "16000/656",
    30064: "16000/672",
    64: "16000/672",
    30066: "16000/656",
    66: "16000/656",
    30032: "16000/672",
    32: "16000/672",
    30033: "16000/656",
    33: "16000/656",
    30011: "16000/656",
    11: "16000/656",
    30016: "16000/672",
    16: "16000/672",
    30006: "16000/672",
    6: "16000/672",
    30005: "16000/672",
    5: "16000/672"
  var resolution = {
    30121: [3840, 2160],
    121: [3840, 2160],
    30120: [3840, 2160],
    120: [3840, 2160],
    30112: [1920, 1080],
    112: [1920, 1080],
    30102: [1920, 1080],
    102: [1920, 1080],
    30080: [1920, 1080],
    80: [1920, 1080],
    30077: [1920, 1080],
    77: [1920, 1080],
    30064: [1280, 720],
    64: [1280, 720],
    30066: [1280, 720],
    66: [1280, 720],
    30032: [852, 480],
    32: [852, 480],
    30033: [852, 480],
    33: [852, 480],
    30011: [640, 360],
    11: [640, 360],
    30016: [640, 360],
    16: [640, 360],
    30006: [426, 240],
    6: [426, 240],
    30005: [256, 144],
    5: [256, 144]
  function getIdxs(url, duration) {
    let range = Math.round(duration * 3.5);
    range = range < 6e3 ? 6e3 : range;
    return xhr({
      url: url.replace("http:", "https:"),
      responseType: "arraybuffer",
      headers: { "Range": \`bytes=0-\${range}\` }
  var OBJ = {};
  async function bstarPlayurl(ogv) {
    const playurl = new Playurl();
    const set = [];
    playurl.quality =[0].stream_info.quality ||;
    playurl.format = formatMap[playurl.quality];
    playurl.timelength =;
    playurl.dash.duration = Math.ceil(playurl.timelength / 1e3);
    playurl.dash.minBufferTime = playurl.dash.min_buffer_time = 1.5;
    await Promise.all(, d, i) => {
      if (d.dash_video && d.dash_video.base_url) {
        s.push((async (d2) => {
          OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`] || (OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`] = {});
          const id = d2.stream_info.quality || d2.dash_video.base_url.match(/[0-9]+\\.m4s/)[0].split(".")[0];
            description: descriptionMap[id],
            display_desc: qualityMap[id],
            format: formatMap[id],
            new_description: descriptionMap[id],
            quality: id,
            superscript: ""
          if (!OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id]) {
            let data = new Uint8Array(await getIdxs(d2.dash_video.base_url, playurl.dash.duration));
            let hex_data =, (x) => ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
            let indexRangeStart = hex_data.indexOf("73696478") / 2 - 4;
            let indexRagneEnd = hex_data.indexOf("6d6f6f66") / 2 - 5;
            OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id] = ["0-" + String(indexRangeStart - 1), String(indexRangeStart) + "-" + String(indexRagneEnd)];
            debug("DASH-video:", id, OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id]);
            SegmentBase: {
              Initialization: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][0],
              indexRange: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][1]
            segment_base: {
              initialization: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][0],
              index_range: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][1]
            backupUrl: [],
            backup_url: [],
            bandwidth: d2.dash_video.bandwidth,
            baseUrl: d2.dash_video.base_url,
            base_url: d2.dash_video.base_url,
            codecid: d2.dash_video.codecid,
            codecs:[id] || codecs.default[id],
            frameRate: frameRate[id],
            frame_rate: frameRate[id],
            height: resolution[id] && resolution[id][1],
            id: d2.stream_info.quality,
            md5: d2.dash_video.md5,
            mimeType: "video/mp4",
            mime_type: "video/mp4",
            sar: "1:1",
            size: d2.dash_video.size,
            startWithSAP: 1,
            start_with_sap: 1,
            width: resolution[id] && resolution[id][0]
      !i && => {
        s.push((async (d3) => {
          OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`] || (OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`] = {});
          const id = || d3.base_url.match(/[0-9]+\\.m4s/)[0].split(".")[0];
          if (!OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id]) {
            let data = new Uint8Array(await getIdxs(d3.base_url, playurl.dash.duration));
            let hex_data =, (x) => ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
            let indexRangeStart = hex_data.indexOf("73696478") / 2 - 4;
            let indexRagneEnd = hex_data.indexOf("6d6f6f66") / 2 - 5;
            OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id] = ["0-" + String(indexRangeStart - 1), String(indexRangeStart) + "-" + String(indexRagneEnd)];
            debug("DASH-video:", id, OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id]);
            SegmentBase: {
              Initialization: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][0],
              indexRange: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][1]
            segment_base: {
              initialization: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][0],
              index_range: OBJ[\`sidx\${API.cid}\`][id][1]
            backupUrl: [],
            backup_url: [],
            bandwidth: d3.bandwidth,
            baseUrl: d3.base_url,
            base_url: d3.base_url,
            codecid: d3.codecid,
            codecs:[id] || codecs.default[id],
            frameRate: "",
            frame_rate: "",
            height: 0,
            md5: d3.md5,
            mimeType: "audio/mp4",
            mime_type: "audio/mp4",
            sar: "",
            size: d3.size,
            startWithSAP: 0,
            start_with_sap: 0,
            width: 0
      return s;
    }, []));
    const avc = [], hev = [], video = []; => {
      if (d.codecid == 7)
    let length = avc.length > hev.length ? avc.length : hev.length;
    for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (avc[i])
      if (hev[i])
    } = video;
    playurl.accept_format = set.join(",");
    playurl.quality > 80 && (playurl.quality = 80);
    return playurl;

  // src/tampermonkey/upos_gm.ts
  var isHooking = false;
  function defineRes(target, res, v) {
    Object.defineProperties(target, {
      status: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.status
      statusText: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.statusText
      response: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.response
      responseText: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.responseText
      responseXML: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.responseXML
      responseURL: {
        configurable: true,
        writable: true,
        value: res.finalUrl
  function uposWithGM(url = ".m4s", UserAgent = setting.userAgent) {
    if (isHooking)
    xhrhookUltra(url, function(target, args) {
      const obj = {
        method: args[0],
        url: args[1],
        headers: {
          "user-agent": UserAgent
        onloadstart: (res) => {
          defineRes(this, res, () => {
      args[2] || (obj.anonymous = true);
      Object.defineProperties(this, {
        responseType: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.responseType = v;
          get: () => obj.responseType
        onload: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.onload = (res) => {
              defineRes(this, res, v);
          get: () => obj.onload
        onerror: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.onerror = (res) => {
              defineRes(this, res, v);
          get: () => obj.onerror
        timeout: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.timeout = v;
          get: () => obj.timeout
        ontimeout: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.ontimeout = (res) => {
              defineRes(this, res, v);
          get: () => obj.ontimeout
        onprogress: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.onprogress = (res) => {
              defineRes(this, res, v.bind(this, new ProgressEvent("progress", {
                lengthComputable: res.lengthComputable,
                loaded: res.loaded,
          get: () => obj.onprogress
        onabort: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.onabort = (res) => {
              defineRes(this, res, v);
          get: () => obj.onabort
        onreadystatechange: {
          configurable: true,
          set: (v) => {
            obj.onreadystatechange = (res) => {
              defineRes(this, res, v);
          get: () => obj.onreadystatechange
        setRequestHeader: {
          configurable: true,
          value: (name, value) => {
            obj.headers && (obj.headers[name] = value);
        send: {
          configurable: true,
          value: (body) => {
            obj.method === "POST" && body && ( = body);
            const tar = GM_xmlhttpRequest(obj);
            this.abort = tar.abort.bind(tar);
            return true;
    isHooking = true;

  // src/runtime/player/video_limit.ts
  var Backup = {};
  var HookTimeOut = class {
    constructor() {
      this.hook = setTimeout;
      window.setTimeout = (...args) => {
        if (args[1] && args[1] == 1500 && args[0] && args[0].toString() == "function(){}") {
          toast.warning("禁用播放器强制初始化!", ...args);
          return Number.MIN_VALUE;
        return, ...args);
    relese() {
      window.setTimeout = this.hook;
  async function customServer(obj, area) {
    if (area === "tw" && !
      return customServer(obj, "hk");
    if (area === "hk" && !
      return customServer(obj, "cn");
    if (area === "cn" && !
      throw "无有效代理服务器地址";
    try {
      Object.assign(obj, {
        build: 6720300,
        device: "android",
        force_host: 2,
        mobi_app: "android",
        platform: "android",
        ts: new Date().getTime()
      const result = jsonCheck(await xhr({
        url: urlsign(\`https://\${setting.videoLimit[area]}/pgc/player/api/playurl\`, obj, 2)
      if (result.code !== 0)
        throw result;
      return result;
    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("代理服务器", setting.videoLimit[area], e);
      if (area === "tw")
        return customServer(obj, "hk");
      if (area === "hk")
        return customServer(obj, "cn");
      toast.error("代理服务器", setting.videoLimit[area], e);
      throw "所有代理服务器都已失败!";
  function videoLimit() {
    xhrhookAsync("/playurl?", () => API.limit ||, async (args, type) => {
      let response;
      const obj = urlObj(args[1]);
      obj.seasonId && (API.ssid = obj.seasonId);
      obj.episodeId && (API.epid = obj.episodeId);
      obj.ep_id && (API.epid = obj.ep_id);
      obj.aid && (API.aid = Number(obj.aid)) && (API.aid = obj.aid);
      obj.avid && (API.aid = Number(obj.avid)) && (API.aid = obj.avid);
      obj.cid && (API.cid = Number(obj.cid)) && (API.cid = obj.cid);
      const hookTimeout = new HookTimeOut();
      const epid = obj.ep_id || obj.episodeId || API.epid;
      const accesskey = setting.accessKey.key || void 0;
      obj.access_key = accesskey;
      Backup[epid] && (response = Backup[epid]);
      if (!response) {
        if ( {
          isUserScript && uposWithGM();
          Object.assign(obj, {
            area: "th",
            build: 1001310,
            device: "android",
            force_host: 2,
            download: 1,
            mobi_app: "bstar_a",
            platform: "android",
            ts: new Date().getTime()
          try {
  "尝试解除区域限制... 访问代理服务器");
            response = jsonCheck(uposReplace(await xhr({
              url: urlsign(\`https://\${ || ""}/intl/gateway/v2/ogv/playurl\`, obj, 12)
            response = { "code": 0, "message": "success", "result": await bstarPlayurl(response) };
            toast.success(\`解除区域限制!aid=\${API.aid}, cid=\${API.cid}\`);
          } catch (e) {
            toast.error("解除限制失败 ಥ_ಥ");
            debug.error("解除限制失败 ಥ_ಥ", e);
            if (!accesskey) {
            response = { "code": -404, "message": e, "data": null };
        } else if (API.limit) {
          isUserScript && setting.uposReplace.gat !== "不替换" && uposWithGM();
          obj.module = window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.upInfo?.mid == 1988098633 || window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.upInfo?.mid == 2042149112 ? "movie" : "bangumi";
          obj.fnval && (obj.fnval = String(fnval));
          try {
  "尝试解除区域限制... 访问代理服务器");
            setting.uposReplace.gat !== "不替换" && window.postMessage({ \$type: "th" });
            response = setting.videoLimit.server === "内置" ? jsonCheck(await xhr({
              url: objUrl("", obj)
            })) : (delete obj.module, await customServer(obj, "tw"));
            response = JSON.parse(uposReplace(JSON.stringify(response), setting.uposReplace.gat));
            response = { "code": 0, "message": "success", "result": response };
            toast.success(\`解除区域限制!aid=\${API.aid}, cid=\${API.cid}\`);
          } catch (e) {
            toast.error("解除限制失败 ಥ_ಥ");
            debug.error("解除限制失败 ಥ_ಥ", e);
            if (setting.videoLimit.server === "自定义") {
            response = { "code": -404, "message": e, "data": null };
      if (response.code === -404)
        throw type === "json" ? { response } : {
          response: JSON.stringify(response),
          responseText: JSON.stringify(response)
      Backup[epid] = response;
      API.__playinfo__ = response;
      return type === "json" ? { response } : {
        response: JSON.stringify(response),
        responseText: JSON.stringify(response)
    }, false);

  // src/runtime/player/load_bilibili_player.ts
  async function loadBilibiliPlayer() {
    if (!window.jQuery)
      await loadScript("//");
    if (isUserScript) {
      const player2 = GM_getResourceText("bilibiliPlayer.js");
      if (player2)
        return new Function(GM_getResourceText("bilibiliPlayer.js"))();
      return loadScript("//").then(() => {
        toast.warning("bilibiliPlayer.min.js 已回滚~", "当前可能无法访问 jsdelivr !", "反查弹幕发送者等部分播放器增强功能暂时无法使用🤣");
    return await loadScript(\`chrome-extension://\${sessionStorage.getItem("bilibili-old")}/bilibili/bilibiliPlayer.js\`);

  // src/runtime/player/embed_player.ts
  var _EmbedPlayer = class {
    flashAddEvents = [];
    flashRemoveEvents = [];
    pageno = void 0;
    bofqi = document.querySelector("#bofqi");
    get gray_html5() {
      return !setting.flash;
    set gray_html5(v) {
      setting.flash = !v;
    constructor(player2, swf, playerParams, playerType, upgrade, callbackFn, bofqi) {
      this.playerParam = urlObj(\`?\${playerParams}\`);
      this.playerParam.dashSymbol = true;
      this.playerType = playerType;
      this.upgrade = upgrade;
      this.callbackFn = callbackFn;
      Object.entries(this.playerParam).forEach((d) => {
        Reflect.set(window, ...d);
      this.playerParam.seasonId && (API.ssid = this.playerParam.seasonId);
      this.playerParam.episodeId && (API.epid = this.playerParam.episodeId);
      (_EmbedPlayer.asWide || setting.automate.screenWide) && (this.playerParam.as_wide = 1);
      setting.automate.autoPlay && (this.playerParam.autoplay = 1);
      API.playerParam = this.playerParam;
    loadScript(src, onload) {
      const script = document.createElement("script");
      script.type = "text/javascript";
      script.src = src;
      script.addEventListener("load", () => {
        onload && onload();
      script.addEventListener("error", (e) => {
        toast.error("加载播放器脚本失败!", e.message);
    loadHtml5Player() {
      if (!window.bilibiliPlayer) {
        loadBilibiliPlayer().then(() => {
          this.bofqi.innerHTML = '<div class="player"><div id="bilibiliPlayer"></div></div><div id="player_placeholder"></div>';
          window.player = new window.bilibiliPlayer(this.playerParam);
      } else {
        this.bofqi.innerHTML = '<div class="player"><div id="bilibiliPlayer"></div></div><div id="player_placeholder"></div>';
        window.player = new window.bilibiliPlayer(this.playerParam);
    eventMaps = {
      "jwplayerMediaBuffer": "video_media_buffer",
      "jwplayerMediaBufferFull": "video_media_buffer_full",
      "jwplayerMediaComplete": "video_media_ended",
      "jwplayerMediaError": "video_media_error",
      "jwplayerMediaLoaded": "video_media_loaded",
      "jwplayerMediaMute": "video_media_mute",
      "jwplayerMediaSeek": "video_media_seek",
      "jwplayerMediaTime": "video_media_time",
      "jwplayerMediaVolume": "video_media_volume"
    apiMaps = {
      "mukio_reloadAccess": "reloadAccess",
      "jwPlay": "play",
      "jwPause": "pause",
      "jwStop": "stop",
      "jwSeek": "seek",
      "jwPlaylistPrev": "prev",
      "jwPlaylistNext": "next",
      "jwGetBuffer": "getBufferRate",
      "jwGetDuration": "getDuration",
      "jwGetFullscreen": "isFullScreen",
      "jwGetWidth": "getWidth",
      "jwGetHeight": "getHeight",
      "jwGetMute": "isMute",
      "jwSetMute": "setMute",
      "jwGetPlaylist": "getPlaylist",
      "jwGetPlaylistIndex": "getPlaylistIndex",
      "jwGetPosition": "getCurrentTime",
      "jwGetState": "getState",
      "jwGetVersion": "getVersion",
      "jwGetVolume": "volume",
      "jwSetVolume": "volume"
    cElement = void 0;
    gray_html5_compatible() {
      this.cElement = this.bofqi.querySelector("#player_placeholder");
      Object.entries(this.apiMaps).forEach((d) => {
        this.cElement[d[0]] = function() {
          if (window.player && "function" == typeof window.player[d[1]]) {
            for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
              t[n] = arguments[n];
            return window.player[d[1]].apply(window.player, t);
          return false;
      Reflect.set(this.cElement, "jwAddEventListener", (type, callback) => {
        var callbackString = "", _callback;
        try {
          "function" != typeof callback && (callbackString = new Function(callback));
        } catch (e) {
          callbackString = function() {
        this.eventMaps[type] && (_callback = callbackString || callback, window.player && window.player.addEventListener && window.player.addEventListener(this.eventMaps[type], _callback));
      Reflect.set(this.cElement, "jwRemoveEventListener", (e) => {
        this.eventMaps[e] && window.player && window.player.removeEventListener && window.player.removeEventListener(this.eventMaps[e]);
      "function" == typeof this.callbackFn && this.cElement.jwAddEventListener("jwplayerMediaLoaded", () => this.callbackFn());
      "function" == typeof window.PlayerMediaLoaded && window.PlayerMediaLoaded();
    setActionHandler() {
      navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("play", () =>;
      navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("pause", () => window.player.pause());
      navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("seekbackward", () => - 10));
      navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("seekforward", () => + 10));
      navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("previoustrack", () => window.player.prev());
      navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("nexttrack", () =>;
    flashChecker() {
      let e = false, t = 0;
      if (!!/msie [\\w.]+/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) && !/Edge/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /Trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
        try {
          var n = new window.ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
          if (n) {
            e = true;
            var r = n.GetVariable("\$version");
            t = parseInt(r.split(" ")[1].split(",")[0], 10);
        } catch (e2) {
      } else if (navigator.plugins && 0 < navigator.plugins.length) {
        var i = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
        if (i) {
          e = true;
          for (var a = i.description.split(" "), o = 0; o < a.length; ++o)
            isNaN(parseInt(a[o], 10)) || (t = parseInt(a[o], 10));
      return {
        hasFlash: e,
        flashVersion: t
    gray_loader_flash() {
      this.playerParam.aid && (window.aid = this.playerParam.aid);
      this.playerParam.cid && (window.cid = this.playerParam.cid);
      this.flashChecker().hasFlash ? window.swfobject && window.swfobject.embedSWF ? this.loadFlashPlayer() : this.loadScript("//", () => this.loadFlashPlayer()) : this.getNoFlashTips();
    getNoFlashTips() {
      window.NoFlashTips ? this.createNoFlashTipsInstance() : this.loadScript("//", () => this.createNoFlashTipsInstance());
    createNoFlashTipsInstance() {
      const msg = {
        backgroundColor: "white",
        msg: "主人,未安装Flash插件,暂时无法观看视频,您可以…",
        msgColor: "#000",
        msgSize: 14,
        btnList: [
            title: "下载Flash插件",
            width: 166,
            height: 40,
            type: "flash",
            theme: "white"
            title: "使用HTML5播放器",
            width: 166,
            height: 40,
            type: "html5",
            theme: "blue",
            onClick: (e) => {
              this.gray_html5 = true, this.loadHtml5Player(), "function" == typeof e && e();
        hasOrText: false
      new window.NoFlashTips(this.bofqi, msg);"position");
    loadFlashPlayer() {
      this.bofqi.innerHTML = '<div id="player_placeholder" class="player"></div>';
      window.swfobject.embedSWF(this.upgrade ? "//" : "//", "player_placeholder", "950", "482", "0", "", this.playerParam, {
        bgcolor: "#ffffff",
        allowfullscreeninteractive: "true",
        allowfullscreen: "true",
        quality: "high",
        allowscriptaccess: "always",
        wmode: /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "opaque" : "direct"
      }, {
        class: "player"
      }, () => {
        "function" == typeof this.callbackFn && this.callbackFn();
        "function" == typeof window.PlayerMediaLoaded && window.PlayerMediaLoaded();
    gray_flash_compatible() {
      this.cElement = this.bofqi.querySelector("#player_placeholder");
      window.player = {};
      Object.entries(this.apiMaps).forEach((d) => {
        this.cElement[d[0]] = function() {
          if (window.player && "function" == typeof window.player[d[1]]) {
            for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)
              t[n] = arguments[n];
            return window.player[d[1]].apply(window.player, t);
          return false;
        window.player[d[1]] = () => {
          if (typeof this.cElement[d[0]] === "function") {
            return this.cElement[d[0]].apply(this.cElement, arguments);
      Reflect.set(this.cElement, "jwAddEventListener", () => {
        this.cElement["jwAddEventListener"].apply(this, arguments);
      Reflect.set(this.cElement, "jwRemoveEventListener", () => {
        this.cElement["jwRemoveEventListener"].apply(this, arguments);
      const eventMaps = {
        "video_media_buffer": "jwplayerMediaBuffer",
        "video_media_buffer_full": "jwplayerMediaBufferFull",
        "video_media_ended": "jwplayerMediaComplete",
        "video_media_error": "jwplayerMediaError",
        "video_media_loaded": "jwplayerMediaLoaded",
        "video_media_mute": "jwplayerMediaMute",
        "video_media_seek": "jwplayerMediaSeek",
        "video_media_time": "jwplayerMediaTime",
        "video_media_volume": "jwplayerMediaVolume"
      window.player["addEventListener"] = (type, callback) => {
        try {
          if (typeof callback !== "function") {
            callback = new Function(callback);
        } catch (e) {
          callback = function() {
        if (eventMaps[type]) {
          this.flashAddEvents.push([type, callback]);
      window.player["removeEventListener"] = (type) => {
        if (eventMaps[type]) {
          for (var i = this.flashAddEvents.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            if (this.flashAddEvents[i][0] == type) {
              this.flashAddEvents.splice(i, 1);
      Object.entries(eventMaps).forEach((d) => {
        this.cElement["jwAddEventListener"](d[1], () => {
    callFunction(type) {
      const eventMaps = {
        "video_media_buffer": "jwplayerMediaBuffer",
        "video_media_buffer_full": "jwplayerMediaBufferFull",
        "video_media_ended": "jwplayerMediaComplete",
        "video_media_error": "jwplayerMediaError",
        "video_media_loaded": "jwplayerMediaLoaded",
        "video_media_mute": "jwplayerMediaMute",
        "video_media_seek": "jwplayerMediaSeek",
        "video_media_time": "jwplayerMediaTime",
        "video_media_volume": "jwplayerMediaVolume"
      if (eventMaps[type]) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.flashAddEvents.length; i++) {
          this.flashAddEvents[i] && this.flashAddEvents[i][0] == type && this.flashAddEvents[i][1]();
    loadExtraMenuConfig(type) {
      let v = "20161115", exconfig = [];
      if (type === "flash" || type === "flash_gray") {
        if (this.gray_html5) {
          exconfig.push({ label: "HTML5播放器", id: "change_h5" });
          exconfig.push({ label: "Flash播放器", id: "change_flash", active: true });
      } else {
        exconfig.push({ label: "HTML5播放器", id: "change_h5", active: true });
        exconfig.push({ label: "Flash播放器", id: "change_flash" });
      return { "ver": v, "menuItems": exconfig };
    clickMenu(id) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        if (id === "change_h5") {
          this.gray_html5 = true;
        } else if (id === "change_flash") {
          this.gray_html5 = false;
          window.player && window.player.destroy && window.player.destroy();
    gray_loader() {
      if (!this.bofqi)
        return debug.warn("播放器节点未初始化,请稍候~", this.playerParam);
      "html5" === this.playerType || this.gray_html5 ? this.loadHtml5Player() : this.gray_loader_flash();
    feedback = void 0;
    bgray_btn = [
        tagName: "div",
        props: { class: "bgray-btn show bgray-btn-feedback" },
        children: [
            tagName: "text",
            text: "播放"
            tagName: "br"
            tagName: "text",
            text: "问题"
            tagName: "br"
            tagName: "text",
            text: "反馈"
        event: {
          click: (e) => {
            const gray =;
   ? : window.FeedBackInstance ? ( = new window.FeedBackInstance(), : (gray.classList.add("player-feedback-disable"), this.loadScript("//", () => {
     = window.FeedBackInstance && new window.FeedBackInstance();
        tagName: "div",
        props: { class: "bgray-btn show bgray-btn-help" },
        children: [{ tagName: "text", text: "帮助" }],
        event: {
          click: () => {
    bgray_btn_title = [];
    append_bgray_btn(title, callback, className) {
      if (this.bgray_btn_title.includes(title))
      const vdom = {
        tagName: "div",
        props: { class: \`bgray-btn show bgray-btn-\${className || "any"}\` },
        children: [],
        event: {
          click: () => {
      const arr2 = title.split("");
      while (arr2.length) {
        let str = arr2.shift() || "";
        str += arr2.shift() || "";
        if (str) {
          vdom.children?.length && vdom.children?.push({ tagName: "br" });
            tagName: "text",
            text: str
    init_bgray_btn() {
      const prt = this.bofqi.parentElement;
        tagName: "div",
        props: { class: "bgray-btn-wrap" },
        children: this.bgray_btn
  var EmbedPlayer = _EmbedPlayer;
  __publicField(EmbedPlayer, "asWide", false);
  var GrayManager = class extends EmbedPlayer {
    constructor(player2, swf, playerParams, playerType, upgrade, callbackFn) {
      super(player2, swf, playerParams, playerType, upgrade, callbackFn);
      let codecId = {
        "AVC": 7,
        "HEVC": 12,
        "AV1": 13
      this.codec = {
        preference: codecId[setting.codecType],
        support: {}
      let mime = {
        "AVC": 'video/mp4;codecs="avc1.640028"',
        "HEVC": 'video/mp4;codecs="hev1.1.6.L120.90"',
        "AV1": 'video/mp4;codecs="av01.0.01M."'
      for (let i in mime) {[codecId[i]] = MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mime[i]);
      location.href.includes("t=") && (this.playerParam.p = this.GetUrlValue("t"));
      location.href.includes("d=") && (this.playerParam.d = this.GetUrlValue("d"));
      location.href.includes("lastplaytime=") && (this.playerParam.lastplaytime = this.GetUrlValue("lastplaytime"));
    reload(playerParams) {
      if (this.playerParam) {
        try {
          window.swfobject && window.swfobject.removeSWF("player_placeholder"), window.player && window.player.pause(), window.player && window.player.destroy && window.player.destroy(), (this.HashManage.get("page") || this.GetUrlValue("p")) && (window.pageno = this.HashManage.get("page") || this.GetUrlValue("p") || 1, this.pageno = window.pageno);
        } catch (e) {
        this.playerParam = urlObj(\`?\${playerParams}\`) || this.playerParam;
        this.playerParam.dashSymbol = true;
        this.playerParam && (Reflect.set(window, "aid", this.playerParam.aid), Reflect.set(window, "cid", this.playerParam.cid));
      } else
    HashManage = {
      p: function(e) {
        return (this.p = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e2) {
          return typeof e2;
        } : function(e2) {
          return e2 && "function" == typeof Symbol && e2.constructor === Symbol && e2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e2;
      prependHash: "!",
      _change: function(e, t) {
        var n, r = location.hash, i = [], a = "", o = 0, s = {};
        r && (r = r.substring(1), this.prependHash && (r = r.replace(new RegExp("^".concat(this.prependHash.replace(/[-[\\]{}()*+?.,\\\\^\$|#\\s]/g, "\\\\\$&"))), ""))), i = r.split("&");
        for (var u = 0; u < i.length; u++) {
          var l = i[u].split("=")[0], d = i[u].split("=")[1];
          l && (s[l] = decodeURIComponent(d));
        if ("object" === this.p(e)) {
          n = Object.keys(e).length;
          for (var f = 0; f < n; f++) {
            var c = e[n[f]];
            c ? s[n[f]] = encodeURIComponent(c) : false === c && delete s[n[f]];
        } else if (t)
          s[e] = encodeURIComponent(t);
        else {
          if (false !== t)
            return void 0 === e ? s : s[e] || null;
          delete s[e];
        n = Object.keys(s);
        for (var h = 0; h < n.length; h++)
          a += 0 !== o ? "&" : this.prependHash, a += "".concat(n[h], "=").concat(s[n[h]]), o += 1;
        return location.hash = a, s;
      get: function(e) {
        return this._change(e, null);
      set: function(e, t) {
        return this._change(e, t);
      clear: function() {
        location.hash = "";
    GetUrlValue(e) {
      var t = new RegExp("(^|&)".concat(e, "=([^&]*)(&|\$)"), "i"), n =;
      if (null != n)
        try {
          return decodeURIComponent(n[2]);
        } catch (e2) {
          return null;
      return null;
  function loadVideoScript(bofqi, asWide = false) {
    Reflect.defineProperty(window, "EmbedPlayer", {
      configurable: true,
      get: () => (player2, swf, playerParams, playerType, upgrade, callbackFn) => {
        try {
          Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "__playinfo__");
          asWide && (EmbedPlayer.asWide = true);
          bofqi && (document.querySelector(bofqi).id = "bofqi");
          window.GrayManager = new GrayManager(player2, swf, playerParams, playerType, upgrade, callbackFn);
          isUserScript && window.GrayManager.append_bgray_btn("下载", () => downloadDefault());
        } catch (e) {
          toast.error("EmbedPlayer 启动播放器出错~");
          debug.error("EmbedPlayer 启动播放器出错~", e);
      set: () => true
  setting.danmakuHashId && danmakuHashId();
  setting.heartbeat && xhrhook([""], function(args) {
    args[1] = args[1].replace("", "");
  }, void 0, false);
  setting.videoLimit.switch && videoLimit();

  // src/content/comment.ts
  var Feedback;
  var loading = false;
  var load2 = false;
  function loadComment() {
    Reflect.defineProperty(window, "bbComment", {
      configurable: true,
      set: (v) => {
        if (!v.prototype._createNickNameDom) {
          return loadScript("//").then(() => {
            Array.from(document.styleSheets).forEach((d) => {
              d.href && d.href.includes("comment") && (d.disabled = true);
        Feedback = v;
        Reflect.defineProperty(window, "bbComment", { configurable: true, value: Feedback });
      get: () => {
        return Feedback ? Feedback : class {
          constructor() {
            if (!loading) {
              loadScript("//").then(() => {
                Array.from(document.styleSheets).forEach((d) => {
                  d.href && d.href.includes("comment") && (d.disabled = true);
              loading = true;
            setTimeout(() => new window.bbComment(...arguments));
          on() {
    Reflect.defineProperty(window, "initComment", {
      configurable: true,
      set: (v) => true,
      get: () => {
        if (load2) {
          let initComment2 = function(tar, init2) {
            new Feedback(tar, init2.oid, init2.pageType, init2.userStatus);
          var initComment = initComment2;
          Reflect.defineProperty(window, "initComment", { configurable: true, value: initComment2 });
          return initComment2;
        return function() {
          if (!loading) {
            loadScript(\`//\`).then(() => {
              load2 = true;
          loading = true;
          setTimeout(() => window.initComment(...arguments), 100);
    jsonphook(["", "sort=2"], void 0, (res) => {
      if (0 === res.code && {
        const page =;
        page && jsonphook("", void 0, (res2) => {
          if (0 === res2.code && {
            page.count && ( = page.count);
            page.acount && ( = page.acount);
          return res2;
        }, false);
      return res;
  function bbCommentModify() {
    Feedback.prototype.initAbtest = function() {
      this.abtest = {};
      this.abtest.optimize = false;
      if (this.jumpId || this.noPage) {
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      if (this.appMode === "comic") {
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    Feedback.prototype._renderBottomPagination = function(pageInfo) {
      if (this.noPage) {
        var isLastPage = pageInfo.count <= this.pageSize;
        var html = "";
        if (isLastPage) {
          html = "没有更多了~";
        } else {
          html = '<a class="more-link" href="javascript:">查看更多评论</a>';
      const count = Math.ceil(pageInfo.count / pageInfo.size);
      if (count > 1) {
          pageCount: count,
          current: pageInfo.num,
          backFn: (p) => {
            this.\$root.trigger("replyPageChange", {
              isBottom: true
            this.trigger("replyPageChange", {
              isBottom: true
            this.currentPage = p;
          pageCount: count,
          current: pageInfo.num,
          jump: true,
          smallSize: this.smallPager,
          backFn: (p) => {
            this.\$root.trigger("replyPageChange", {
              isBottom: true
            this.trigger("replyPageChange", {
              isBottom: true
            this.currentPage = p;
      } else {
    Feedback.prototype._createListCon = function(item, i, pos) {
      const blCon = this._parentBlacklistDom(item, i, pos);
      const con = [
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  // src/content/av/en_like.ts
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    svgLike = dislike_default;
    svgEnLike = like_default;
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        return this.coin && API.aid;
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    init() {;
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          url: \`\${API.aid}\`,
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          responseType: "json"
        }, true).then((d) => {
          this.number = jsonCheck(d);
        uid && xhr({
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          responseType: "json"
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          d = jsonCheck(d).data;
          d === 1 && (this.liked = true, this.changeLiked());
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("点赞失败!", e);
    style() {
      let style = \`.ulike {cursor: pointer;}.ulike svg{vertical-align: middle;margin-right: 10px;}\`;
      switch (this.type) {
        case "bangumi":
          style += \`.ulike {margin-left: 15px;position: relative;float: left;height: 100%;line-height: 18px;font-size: 12px;color: #222;}\`;
        case "watchlater":
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          style += \`.video-info-m .number .ulike {margin-left: 15px;margin-right: 5px;}\`;
    setLike() {
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          url: "",
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          data: \`aid=\${API.aid}&like=\${like}&csrf=\${getCookies().bili_jct}\`,
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        }).then((d) => {
          this.liked = !this.liked;
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      } else {
        toast.warning("请先登录 щ(ʘ╻ʘ)щ");
    changeLiked() {
      this.span.innerHTML = \`\${this.liked ? this.svgEnLike : this.svgLike}</i>点赞 \${unitFormat(this.number) || "--"}\`;
    switch() {
      if (this.aid != API.aid) {
        this.aid = API.aid;
          url: \`\${API.aid}\`,
          credentials: true,
          responseType: "json"
        }).then((d) => {
          this.number = jsonCheck(d);

  // src/content/av/collection.ts
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    return window.history.state?.aid;
  var CollectionElement = class {
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        this.items[i].click = attrs[i].click;
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      if (this.spread) { = + "px";
        attr.text && (this.spread.innerText = attr.text);
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      e && document.body.removeChild(e);
  var CollectionData = class {
    notify = null;
    _viewEpisodes = [];
    _ep = 0;
    _spread = false;
    _spreadBtnTop = 0;
    _colCount = 4;
    episodes = [];
    get viewEpisodes() {
      return this._viewEpisodes;
    get ep() {
      if (this.episodes[this._ep].aid != getAid())
        this._ep = this.episodes.findIndex((ep) => ep.aid == getAid());
      return this._ep;
    get spreadBtnTop() {
      return this._spreadBtnTop;
    set spreadBtnTop(n) {
      if (this._spreadBtnTop != n) {
        this._spreadBtnTop = n;
    get spread() {
      return this._spread;
    get colCount() {
      return this._colCount;
    get pageList() {
      return this.episodes.reduce((s, ep, i) => {
          aid: ep.aid,
          cid: ep.cid,
          page: i + 1,
          part: ep.title,
          vid: "",
          weblink: ""
        return s;
      }, []);
    constructor(season) {
      this._viewEpisodes = !this.needSpread() ? this.episodes : this.calcViewEpisodesOnCollapsed(this.ep);
    initEpisodes(season) {
      season.sections.forEach((section2) => {
        Array.prototype.push.apply(this.episodes, section2.episodes);
    calcColCount() {
      let w = calcDivWidth(this.episodes[this.ep].title);
      this._colCount = w >= 241 ? 3 : w >= 186 ? 4 : w >= 149 ? 5 : w >= 123 ? 6 : window.innerWidth > 1440 ? 7 : 6;
    calcViewEpisodesOnCollapsed(ep) {
      let begin = ep == 0 ? 0 : ep - 1 + this._colCount <= this.episodes.length ? ep - 1 : Math.max(this.episodes.length - this._colCount, 0);
      return this.episodes.slice(begin, begin + this._colCount);
    needSpread() {
      return this._colCount < this.episodes.length || this.spread;
    toggleSpread() {
      this._spread = !this._spread;
      this._viewEpisodes = this._spread ? this.episodes : this.calcViewEpisodesOnCollapsed(this.ep);
      this._spreadBtnTop = 0;
    updateEp() {
      let ep = this._ep;
      if (ep == this.ep)
      this._viewEpisodes = this._spread ? this.episodes : this.calcViewEpisodesOnCollapsed(this.ep);
  var CollectionComponent = class {
    constructor(season, player2) { = new CollectionData(season);
      this.elem = new CollectionElement( ? () => : null);
      window.callAppointPart = (_p, video) => {
        let state = { aid: video.aid, cid: video.cid };
        window.history.pushState(state, "", "/video/av" + video.aid);
      window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => {
      window.addEventListener("scroll", () => this.onWindowScroll());
      player2.parentNode.insertBefore(this.elem.container, player2); = {
        spread: (spread) => {
          !spread && window.scroll({ top: calcOffsetPos(document.getElementById("viewbox_report")).y });
        spreadBtnTop: (top) => {
          this.elem.setSpreadAttr({ top });
        ep: () => this.render()
      xhrhook("/x/player/pagelist", void 0, (r) => {
        r.response = JSON.stringify({
          code: 0,
          message: 0,
          ttl: 1,
        r.responseText = r.response;
      }, false);
    render() {
      this.elem.setContainerAttr({ class: "col-" + });
      this.elem.setItemAttrs( => {
        return {
          class: p.aid == getAid() ? "on" : "",
          href: "/video/av" + p.aid,
          text: p.title,
          click: (_e) => {
            let video = { aid: p.aid, cid: p.cid };
            window.callAppointPart(1, video);
      }, this));
        text: ? "收起" : "展开"
    reloadPlayer(v) {
    onWindowScroll() {
      if (!
      let div = this.elem.container;
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    onRouteChanged(state) {;
      let avComponent = window.biliUIcomponents;
      avComponent.\$store.state.aid = state.aid;
        url: objUrl("", { aid: state.aid }),
        responseType: "json",
        credentials: true
      }).then((d) => {
        url: objUrl("", { aid: state.aid }),
        responseType: "json",
        credentials: true
      }).then((d) => avComponent.related =;
  var Collection = class {
    component = void 0;
    constructor(videoData) {
      xhrhook("/x/", void 0, (r) => {
        r.response = r.response.replace(/<has_next>\\s*0/, "<has_next>1");
        r.responseText = r.response;
      }, false);
      doWhile(() => document.getElementById("__bofqi"), (player2) => {
        try {
          window.history.replaceState({ aid: videoData.aid, cid: videoData.cid }, "");
          this.component = new CollectionComponent(videoData.ugc_season, player2);
        } catch (e) {
          toast.error("collection.js", e);
      toast.warning("视频合集,现以分P样式呈现!", "如需关闭,请访问设置-重构-合集选项。");
    static needDisplay(videoData) {
      return videoData.videos <= 1 && videoData.ugc_season && videoData.is_season_display;
    static run(videoData) {
      this.needDisplay(videoData) && new Collection(videoData);
  function collection(v) {;

  // src/content/av/up_list.css
  var up_list_default = ".up-info-m .up-card-box {\\r\\n    white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n    overflow: auto;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .up-card {\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    margin-top: 10px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar img {\\r\\n    cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    width: 40px;\\r\\n    height: 40px;\\r\\n    border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar {\\r\\n    position: relative;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar .info-tag {\\r\\n    position: absolute;\\r\\n    background: #fff;\\r\\n    border: 1px solid #fb7299;\\r\\n    border-radius: 2px;\\r\\n    display: inline-block;\\r\\n    font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    color: #fb7299;\\r\\n    padding: 0 3px;\\r\\n    top: -10px;\\r\\n    right: -10px;\\r\\n    white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar {\\r\\n    width: 60px;\\r\\n    height: 30px;\\r\\n    display: -ms-flexbox;\\r\\n    display: flex;\\r\\n    -ms-flex-pack: center;\\r\\n    justify-content: center;\\r\\n    -ms-flex-align: start;\\r\\n    align-items: flex-start;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar .name-text {\\r\\n    font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, sans-serif;\\r\\n    line-height: 30px;\\r\\n    color: #222;\\r\\n    word-break: break-all;\\r\\n    overflow: hidden;\\r\\n    text-overflow: ellipsis;\\r\\n    display: -webkit-box;\\r\\n    -webkit-line-clamp: 2;\\r\\n    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\\r\\n    white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar,\\r\\n.up-info-m .avatar .name-text:hover {\\r\\n    color: #fb7299;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-info-m .title {\\r\\n    display: block;\\r\\n    font-size: 14px;\\r\\n    margin-right: 80px;\\r\\n    color: #525659;\\r\\n    overflow: hidden;\\r\\n    height: 24px;\\r\\n    font-weight: 400;\\r\\n    padding: 8px 0;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-card-box::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n    width: 7px;\\r\\n    height: 7px;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-card-box::-webkit-scrollbar-track {\\r\\n    border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n    background-color: #EEE;\\r\\n}\\r\\n\\r\\n.up-card-box::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\\r\\n    border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n    background-color: #999;\\r\\n}";

  // src/content/av/up_list.ts
  function upList(staff) {
    doWhile(() => document.querySelector("#v_upinfo"), (node4) => {
      let fl = '<span class="title">UP主列表</span><div class="up-card-box">';
      fl = staff.reduce((s, d) => {
        s = s + \`<div class="up-card">
                <a href="//\${d.mid}" data-usercard-mid="\${d.mid}" target="_blank" class="avatar">
                <img src="\${d.face}@48w_48h.webp" /><!---->
                <span class="info-tag">\${d.title}</span><!----></a>
                <div class="avatar">
                <a href="//\${d.mid}" data-usercard-mid="\${d.mid}" target="_blank" class="\${ && ? "name-text is-vip" : "name-text"}">\${}</a>
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      }, fl) + \`</div>\`;
      node4.innerHTML = fl;
      addCss(up_list_default, "up-list");

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  // src/content/bangumi/bangumi.html
  var bangumi_default = '<!-- <!DOCTYPE html> -->\\r\\n<html lang="zh-CN">\\r\\n\\r\\n<head>\\r\\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\\r\\n    <title>哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili</title>\\r\\n    <meta name="description" content="bilibili是国内知名的视频弹幕网站,这里有最及时的动漫新番,最棒的ACG氛围,最有创意的Up主。大家可以在这里找到许多欢乐。" />\\r\\n    <meta name="keywords"\\r\\n        content="Bilibili,哔哩哔哩,哔哩哔哩动画,哔哩哔哩弹幕网,弹幕视频,B站,弹幕,字幕,AMV,MAD,MTV,ANIME,动漫,动漫音乐,游戏,游戏解说,二次元,游戏视频,ACG,galgame,动画,番组,新番,初音,洛天依,vocaloid,日本动漫,国产动漫,手机游戏,网络游戏,电子竞技,ACG燃曲,ACG神曲,追新番,新番动漫,新番吐槽,巡音,镜音双子,千本樱,初音MIKU,舞蹈MMD,MIKUMIKUDANCE,洛天依原创曲,洛天依翻唱曲,洛天依投食歌,洛天依MMD,vocaloid家族,OST,BGM,动漫歌曲,日本动漫音乐,宫崎骏动漫音乐,动漫音乐推荐,燃系mad,治愈系mad,MAD MOVIE,MAD高燃" />\\r\\n    <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />\\r\\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />\\r\\n    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="//"\\r\\n        title="哔哩哔哩" />\\r\\n    <link rel="stylesheet"\\r\\n        href="//" />\\r\\n    <style type="text/css">\\r\\n        .new-entry {\\r\\n            display: none;\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    </style>\\r\\n</head>\\r\\n\\r\\n<body>\\r\\n    <div class="z-top-container has-menu"></div>\\r\\n    <div id="app" data-server-rendered="true" class="main-container"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="footer bili-footer report-wrap-module" id="home_footer"></div>\\r\\n</body>\\r\\n\\r\\n</html>';

  // src/content/bangumi/bangumi_initial_state.ts
  function setEpStat(status, pay, payPackPaid, loginInfo) {
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      status: s,
      isPay: 6 === status || 7 === status || 8 === status || 9 === status || 12 === status || 13 === status,
      isVip: a,
      vipNeedPay: o,
      payPack: r
  function V(t, e) {
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  function Q(t, e) {
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      2: "电影",
      3: "纪录片",
      4: "国创",
      5: "电视剧",
      7: "综艺",
      music: "音乐"
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      var r = window.document.createElement("div");
      r.innerHTML = o, o = r.innerText || r.textContent, r = null;
    return o;
  async function bangumiInitialState() {
    try {
      let ssid = API.ssid;
      let epid = API.epid;
      const obj = epid ? { ep_id: epid } : { season_id: ssid };
      const result = await Promise.allSettled([
          url: objUrl("", obj),
          responseType: "json",
          credentials: true
        }, true),
          url: objUrl("", obj),
          responseType: "json",
          credentials: true
        }, true)
      const data = {};
      await new Promise((r) => doWhile(() => window.__INITIAL_STATE__, r));
      const t = window.__INITIAL_STATE__;
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        let loopTitle2 = function() {
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            if (document.title != title)
        var loopTitle = loopTitle2;
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        t.ssId = data.bangumi.season_id || -1;
        t.mdId = data.bangumi.media_id;
        t.epInfo = epid && data.bangumi.episodes.find((d) => d.ep_id == epid) || data.bangumi.episodes[0] || {};
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        t.seasonList = data.bangumi.seasons || [];
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        if (t.epInfo.badge === "互动") {
          sessionStorage2.setItem("keepNew", "旧版页面不支持互动视频!已重定向回新版页面,番剧能互动🤣");
        if (t.upInfo.mid == 677043260 || t.upInfo.mid == 688418886) {
 = true;
        const title = setTitle(t.epInfo.index, t.mediaInfo.title, Q(t.mediaInfo.season_type), true);
      } else {
        return globalSession();
    } catch (e) {
      toast.error("获取视频数据出错 ಥ_ಥ");
      debug.error("视频数据", e);
  async function globalSession() {"Bangumi号可能无效~", "正在尝试泰区代理接口~");
    let ssid = API.ssid;
    let epid = API.epid;
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    try {
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        url: objUrl(\`https://\${ || ""}/intl/gateway/v2/ogv/view/app/season\`, obj),
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      }, true);
      if (result.code === 0) {
        let loopTitle2 = function() {
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            document.title = title;
            if (document.title != title)
        var loopTitle = loopTitle2;
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        await new Promise((r) => doWhile(() => window.__INITIAL_STATE__, r));
        const t = window.__INITIAL_STATE__;
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 => {
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              cover: d2.cover,
              episode_status: d2.status,
              from: d2.from,
              index: d2.title,
              index_title: d2.title_display,
              subtitles: d2.subtitles
          return s;
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          stat: i.stat,
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            return s;
          }, []),
          title: i.title,
        t.mediaInfo.bkg_cover && (t.special = true, API.bkg_cover = t.mediaInfo.bkg_cover);
        t.ssId = result.result.season_id || -1;
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        t.epList = episodes;
        t.seasonList = result.result.series?.seasons?.reduce((s, d) => {
            badge: "独家",
            badge_type: 1,
            cover: "",
            media_id: -1,
            new_ep: {},
            season_id: d.season_id,
            season_title: d.quarter_title,
            season_type: 1,
            stat: {},
            title: d.quarter_title
          return s;
        }, []) || [];
        t.upInfo = result.result.up_info || {};
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        result.result.publish.is_started = 1;
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          result.result.new_ep.index = result.result.new_ep.title;
        t.newestEp = result.result.new_ep || {};
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        t.epId = Number(epid || t.epInfo.ep_id);
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        API.epid = t.epId; = true;
        xhrhook("", void 0, (res) => {
          const t2 = \`{"code": 0,"message":"0","ttl":1,"result":\${JSON.stringify(result.result.stat)}}\`;
          res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = JSON.parse(t2) : res.response = res.responseText = t2;
        }, false);
        toast.warning("这大概是一个泰区专属Bangumi,可能没有弹幕和评论区,可以使用【在线弹幕】【播放本地文件】等功能载入弹幕~", "另外:播放泰区番剧还可能导致历史记录错乱,请多担待🤣");
        const title = setTitle(t.epInfo.index, t.mediaInfo.title, Q(t.mediaInfo.season_type), true);
      } else
        throw result;
    } catch (e) {
      toast.error("访问泰区B站出错,请检查泰区代理服务器设置~", "或许这就是个无效Bangumi?", e);
      debug.error("BilibiliGlobal", e);

  // src/content/av/load_by_dm_id.ts
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          doWhile(() => window.player?.seek, r);
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        progress && / 1e3 - 0.2);

  // src/runtime/lib/cubic_bezier.ts
  var NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE = 1e-3;
  var kSplineTableSize = 11;
  var kSampleStepSize = 1 / (kSplineTableSize - 1);
  var float32ArraySupported = typeof Float32Array === "function";
  function A(aA1, aA2) {
    return 1 - 3 * aA2 + 3 * aA1;
  function B(aA1, aA2) {
    return 3 * aA2 - 6 * aA1;
  function C(aA1) {
    return 3 * aA1;
  function calcBezier(aT, aA1, aA2) {
    return ((A(aA1, aA2) * aT + B(aA1, aA2)) * aT + C(aA1)) * aT;
  function getSlope(aT, aA1, aA2) {
    return 3 * A(aA1, aA2) * aT * aT + 2 * B(aA1, aA2) * aT + C(aA1);
  function binarySubdivide(aX, aA, aB, mX1, mX2) {
    let currentX, currentT, i = 0;
    do {
      currentT = aA + (aB - aA) / 2;
      currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - aX;
      if (currentX > 0) {
        aB = currentT;
      } else {
        aA = currentT;
    } while (Math.abs(currentX) > SUBDIVISION_PRECISION && ++i < SUBDIVISION_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    return currentT;
  function newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, aGuessT, mX1, mX2) {
    for (let i = 0; i < NEWTON_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
      const currentSlope = getSlope(aGuessT, mX1, mX2);
      if (currentSlope === 0) {
        return aGuessT;
      const currentX = calcBezier(aGuessT, mX1, mX2) - aX;
      aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope;
    return aGuessT;
  function LinearEasing(x) {
    return x;
  function bezier(mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
    if (!(0 <= mX1 && mX1 <= 1 && 0 <= mX2 && mX2 <= 1)) {
      throw new Error("bezier x values must be in [0, 1] range");
    if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2) {
      return LinearEasing;
    const sampleValues = float32ArraySupported ? new Float32Array(kSplineTableSize) : new Array(kSplineTableSize);
    for (let i = 0; i < kSplineTableSize; ++i) {
      sampleValues[i] = calcBezier(i * kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);
    function getTForX(aX) {
      let intervalStart = 0;
      let currentSample = 1;
      const lastSample = kSplineTableSize - 1;
      for (; currentSample !== lastSample && sampleValues[currentSample] <= aX; ++currentSample) {
        intervalStart += kSampleStepSize;
      const dist = (aX - sampleValues[currentSample]) / (sampleValues[currentSample + 1] - sampleValues[currentSample]);
      const guessForT = intervalStart + dist * kSampleStepSize;
      const initialSlope = getSlope(guessForT, mX1, mX2);
      if (initialSlope >= NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE) {
        return newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, guessForT, mX1, mX2);
      } else if (initialSlope === 0) {
        return guessForT;
      } else {
        return binarySubdivide(aX, intervalStart, intervalStart + kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);
    return function BezierEasing(x) {
      if (x === 0 || x === 1) {
        return x;
      return calcBezier(getTForX(x), mY1, mY2);

  // src/content/animated_banner.html
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    jsonphookasync("", () => true, async () => {
      return { "code": 0, "result": [{ "link": "", "end": 1640966407, "begin": 1456709887, "title": "bilibili 活动", "cover": "", "id": 9, "created_ts": 1491386053 }, { "link": "", "end": 1640966418, "begin": 1544258598, "title": "话题列表", "cover": "", "id": 17, "created_ts": 1491386030 }] };
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        code: 0,
        data: subArray(data.fix),
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          return 1600;
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        return 142;
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                time = parseInt(t);
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          await Promise.all( (v2, index) => {
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       = "cover";
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          debug.error("load animated banner images error", e);
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 = "100%";
 = "-42px";
 = "-42px";
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          try {
            if (lastDisplace === displace) {
            lastDisplace = displace;
  , i) => {
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                scale: v2._initState.scale,
                rotate: v2._initState.rotate,
                translate: v2._initState.translate
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                const x = v2.translate.offset || [0, 0];
                const itp = v2.translate.offsetCurve ? curveParameterToFunc(v2.translate.offsetCurve) : (x2) => x2;
                const offset2 = => itp(displace) * v3);
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     = \`scale(\${transform.scale})translate(\${transform.translate[0]}px, \${transform.translate[1]}px)rotate(\${transform.rotate}deg)\`;
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       = res < 1e-4 ? "" : \`blur(\${res}px)\`;
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                    y = 1 - y;
         = y;
          } catch (e) {
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              displace = 0;
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              this.entered = false;
 => v2.handleMouseMove?.({ e, displace }));
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          containerWidth = container.clientWidth;
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 => v2.handleResize?.(e));
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    jsonphookasync("", void 0, async (url) => {
      const obj = new URL(url);
      let loc = Animate.record[url];
      let header2 = Animate.record[Animate.rid];
      let rqs;
      if (!loc || !header2) {
        rqs = await Promise.all([
          fetch(obj.toJSON()).then((d) => d.json()),
          fetch(\`\${Animate.rid}\`).then((d) => d.json())
        loc = Animate.record[url] = rqs[0];
        header2 = Animate.record[Animate.rid] = rqs[1];
      } && Animate.locs.forEach((d) => {[d] && ([d][0].pic = header2 && || "//",[d][0].litpic = header2 &&,[d][0].url = header2 && || "",[d][0].title = header2 && || "");
        if (url.includes("loc?") && obj.searchParams.get("id") == String(d)) {
[0].pic = header2 && || "//";
[0].litpic = header2 && || "";
[0].url = header2 && || "";
[0].title = header2 && || "";
      setting.animatedBanner && !Animate.once && (Animate.once = true, setTimeout(() => new Animate(;
      return loc;
    }, false);

  // src/content/bangumi/episode_data.ts
  var first = 0;
  function episodeData() {
    switchVideo(async () => {
      try {
        let views = document.querySelector(".view-count").querySelector("span");
        let danmakus = document.querySelector(".danmu-count").querySelector("span");
        if (first === 1) {
          const [view2, danmaku3] = [
          views.setAttribute("title", "总播放数 " + view2);
          danmakus.setAttribute("title", "总弹幕数 " + danmaku3);
          debug.log("总播放数:", view2, "总弹幕数", danmaku3);
        let data = await xhr({
          url: objUrl("", { "aid": API.aid }),
          credentials: true
        data = jsonCheck(data).data;
        let view = data.view;
        let danmaku2 = data.danmaku;
        view = unitFormat(view);
        danmaku2 = unitFormat(danmaku2);
        views.innerText = view;
        danmakus.innerText = danmaku2;
        debug.debug("播放", view + " 弹幕", danmaku2);
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("episodeData.js", e);

  // src/runtime/variable/path.ts
  var path = location.href.split("/");

  // src/content/dynamic.ts
  function dynamicPage() {
    xhrhook("", void 0, (r) => {
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      } catch (e) {
    }, false);

  // src/content/history.ts
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  // src/content/index/timeline.ts
  var inline = [];
  function getDate(ctx) {
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    ctx.replace(/\\d{2}:\\d{2}/, (d) => result = d);
    return result;
  function decodeInline(title, item) {
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    switch (title) {
      case "周一":
        i = 1;
      case "周二":
        i = 2;
      case "周三":
        i = 3;
      case "周四":
        i = 4;
      case "周五":
        i = 5;
      case "周六":
        i = 6;
      case "周日":
        i = 7;
    inline[i] || (inline[i] = {});
    item.forEach((d) => {
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      if (time) {
        inline[i][time] || (inline[i][time] = []);
          cover: "",
          delay: 0,
          delay_id: 0,
          delay_index: "",
          delay_reason: "",
          ep_cover: "",
          episode_id: -1,
          follows: d.positions.position3,
          plays: d.positions.position2,
          pub_index: d.positions.position4,
          pub_time: time,
          pub_ts: -1,
          published: 1,
          season_id: d.item_id,
          square_cover: d.image,
          title: d.title
  var timeline = () => {
    doWhile(() => document.querySelector("#bili_bangumi > .bangumi-module")?.__vue__ || window?.__INITIAL_STATE__, async (d) => {
      try {
        const index = await urlPack.getJson("", { page_id: 167998 });
        const item =[0].item[0].item;
        await Promise.all(item.reduce((s, d2) => {
          s.push(urlPack.getJson("", { page_id: d2.item_id }).then((t) => {
            const item2 =[0].item;
            decodeInline(d2.title, item2);
          return s;
        }, []));
        const source = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(d.timeline || d.timingData));
        source.forEach((d2) => {
          const i = d2.day_of_week;
          Object.entries(inline[i]).forEach((t) => {
            if (d2.episodes) {
            } else {
              d2.seasonMap[t[0]] || (d2.seasonMap[t[0]] = []);
        d.timeline ? d.timeline = source : d.timingData = source;
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("获取港澳台番剧时间线出错 ಥ_ಥ");
        toast.error("港澳台番剧时间线", e);

  // src/content/live/sleep_check.ts
  function sleepCheck() {
    const fun = setInterval;
    let flag = 0;
    window.setInterval = (...args) => {
      if (args[1] && args[1] == 3e5 && args[0] && args[0].toString() == "function(){e.triggerSleepCallback()}") {
        if (!flag) {
        return Number.MIN_VALUE;
      return, ...args);

  // src/content/live/live.ts
  function livePage() {
    setting.sleepCheck && sleepCheck();
    doWhile(() => document.querySelector(".web-player-icon-roomStatus"), (d) => d.remove());

  // src/content/log_report.ts
  function blockReport() {
    Reflect.defineProperty(window, "reportObserver", {
      get: () => new Proxy(() => true, { get: (t, p, r) => r }),
      set: () => true,
      configurable: true
    Reflect.defineProperty(window, "rec_rp", {
      get: () => new Proxy(() => true, { get: (t, p, r) => r }),
      set: () => true,
      configurable: true
    Reflect.defineProperty(window, "reportMsgObj", {
      get: () => new Proxy(() => true, { get: (t, p, r) => r }),
      set: () => true,
      configurable: true

  // src/content/media.ts
  function mediaPage() {
    xhrhook("user/status", void 0, (res) => {
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        result.result.ban_area_show = 0;
        res.responseType === "json" ? res.response = result : res.response = res.responseText = JSON.stringify(result);
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);

  // src/content/message/message.css
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  // src/content/message/message.ts
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            setTimeout(() => window.EmbedPlayer(...arguments), 100);

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  // src/content/space/album.ts
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        return s;
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  // src/content/space/jointime.ts
  function jointime(mid) {
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          tagName: "div",
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                  text: "注册"
              tagName: "span",
              props: { class: "info-value", style: "color: #6d757a;font-family: Microsoft YaHei;font-size: 12px;line-height: 16px;padding-right: 15px;" },
              children: [
                  tagName: "text",
                  text: jointime2

  // src/content/space/lost_video.ts
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    } catch (e) {
      debug.error("lostVideo.js", e);
    if (!result[0] || !result[1]) {
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          data = data.match(/\\/api\\/view_all\\?.+?\\',cloudmoe/)[0].replace(/\\',cloudmoe/, "");
          data = await (isUserScript ? GM.xhr({ url: \`//\${aid}\` }) : GM.xmlHttpRequest(\`//\${data}\`));
          data = jsonCheck(data).data;
          result[0] = result[0] ||;
          result[1] = result[1] ||;
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("lostVideo.js", e);
    if (!result[0] || !result[1]) {
      try {
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        if (data.match("window._INIT")) {
          result[0] = result[0] || data.match(/\\<title\\>.+?\\-哔哩哔哩唧唧/)[0].replace(/<title>/, "").replace(/-哔哩哔哩唧唧/, "");
          result[1] = result[1] || data.match(/\\"img\\":\\ \\".+?\\",/)[0].match(/http.+?\\",/)[0].replace(/",/, "");
      } catch (e) {
        debug.error("lostVideo.js", e);
    result[0] = result[0] || \`av\${aid}\`;
    result[1] = result[1] ? result[1].replace("http:", "") : "//";
    return result;
  function lostVideo() {
    observerAddedNodes((node4) => {
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        getLostVideo(aid).then((data) => {
          node4.children[1].setAttribute("title", data[0]);
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      mid: 11783021,
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      name: "哔哩哔哩番剧出差",
      official: {
        type: 1,
        desc: "哔哩哔哩番剧出差 官方账号"
      pendant: {
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          text: "年度大会员",
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  // src/content/space/midInfo.ts
  function midInfo(mid) { = mid;
    switch (Number(mid)) {
      case 11783021: = "哔哩哔哩番剧出差"; = "哔哩哔哩番剧出差 官方帐号";
      case 1988098633: = "b站_戲劇咖"; = "b站_戲劇咖 官方帐号";
      case 2042149112: = "b站_綜藝咖"; = "b站_綜藝咖 官方帐号";
    xhrhook("", void 0, (obj) => {
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  // src/content/space/space.ts
  function spacePage() {
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    (mid == 11783021 || mid == 1988098633 || mid == 2042149112) && midInfo(mid);
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    setting.jointime && jointime(mid);
    setting.lostVideo && lostVideo();

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    /space\\.bilibili\\.com/.test(location.href) && spacePage();
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    setting.album && /\\/\\d+/.test(location.href) && album();
    window.addEventListener("message", (ev) => {
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                aid: API.aid,
                cid: API.cid,
                pgc: API.pgc,
                cover: API.cover,
                title: API.title,
                playerParam: API.playerParam

  // src/runtime/url_clean.ts
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    from: ["search"]
  function replaceUrl(url) {
    window.history.replaceState(window.history.state, "", url);
  function urlClean(str) {
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      return str;
  function anchorClean(list) {
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      d.href = urlClean(d.href);
  function AnchorClick(e) {
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  // src/content/av/keep_new.ts
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      throw new Error("禁用旧版页面重构!");
    if (redirect) {
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        get: () => new Proxy(() => true, { get: (t, p, r) => r }),
        set: () => true,
        configurable: true
      Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "__INITIAL_STATE__");
      Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "player");
      Reflect.deleteProperty(window, "__playinfo__");

  // src/content/av/load_event.ts
  function loadEvent() {
    doWhile(() => document.readyState === "complete", () => {
      document.querySelector("#jvs-cert") || window.dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent("load"));

  // src/content/bangumi/code.ts
  function bangumiPage() {
    const title = document.title;
    title && !title.includes("404") && (document.title = title);
    API.pgc = true;
    location.href.replace(/[sS][sS]\\d+/, (d) => API.ssid = Number(d.substring(2)));
    location.href.replace(/[eE][pP]\\d+/, (d) => API.epid = Number(d.substring(2)));
    xhrhook("", (args) => {
      args[1] = args[1].replace("web/recommend", "season/web");
    }, (r) => {
      try {
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        result.result =;
        r.responseType === "json" ? r.response = result : r.response = r.responseText = JSON.stringify(result);
      } catch (e) {
    xhrhook("", (args) => {
      args[1] = args[1].replace("", "");
    }, (r) => {
      try {
        const result = jsonCheck(r.response);
        result.result.favorites = result.result.follow;
        r.responseType === "json" ? r.response = result : r.response = r.responseText = JSON.stringify(result);
      } catch (e) {
    }, true);
    setting.videoLimit.switch && xhrhook("", void 0, (res) => {
      try {
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        data.result.area_limit = 0;
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        res.responseType === "json" || (res.response = res.responseText = JSON.stringify(data));
      } catch (e) {
    }, false);
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    xhrhookAsync("x/web-interface/archive/related", () => window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.mediaInfo?.title, async (u, t) => {
      let result = '{ code: 0, data: [], message: "0" }';
      if (related[window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.mediaInfo?.title]) {
        result = related[window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.title];
      } else {
        try {
          const info = await xhr({
            url: \`\${window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.title}\`,
            responseType: "json"
          }, true);
          related[window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.title] = result = await xhr({
            url: \`\${}\`
          }, true);
        } catch (e) {
          debug.error("相关视频推荐", e);
      return t === "json" ? { response: JSON.parse(result) } : { response: result, responseText: result };
    }, false);
    bangumiInitialState().then(() => {
      setting.enlike && new enLike("bangumi", window.__INITIAL_STATE__?.mediaInfo?.stat?.likes);
      if (window.__INITIAL_STATE__.special) {
        addCss("#bili-header-m > #banner_link,#bili-header-m > .bili-wrapper{ display: none; }");
    window.__Iris__ = true;

  // src/content/av/av_lost_check.ts
  var Detail = class {
    code = 0;
    data = {
      Card: { archive_count: -1, article_count: -1, card: {}, follower: -1, following: false, like_num: -1, space: {} },
      Related: [],
      Reply: { page: {}, replies: [] },
      Spec: null,
      Tags: [],
      View: {},
      elec: null,
      hot_share: {},
      recommend: null,
      view_addit: {}
    message = "0";
    ttl = 1;
  function view2Detail(data) {
    const result = new Detail();
    if (data.v2_app_api) {
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        title: "【2018 B萌 应援/魔卡少女樱】无论前方有多么大的阻碍,也一定可以越过(用小圆的方式打开小樱)",
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        title: "【OVERLORD】老骨:我请您吃饭..",
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        desc: "大家如果观后感觉不错,有劳点个推荐赞一下吧,小透明up主在B站生存艰难,没有推荐就没有播放量,拜托各位了,十分感谢!\\n新作指路 ——→ 鬼灯不同造型帅气瞬间,av30505048 :【踩点高燃】鬼灯:无所不能,瞬间切换!白泽:笑瘫!鬼灯百变造型帅气瞬间剪辑,求推荐哇!\\n在av28147879里,白泽被鬼灯一顿狂扁,弹幕和评论中不少老中医粉纷纷表达心疼。为了活命,up主做了新的剪辑。\\n这次,换白泽来折腾鬼灯!虐啊——!从头到尾,鬼灯被安排得明明白白。题目为《欲胜鬼灯,惟可用情》。“胜”改为“虐”后,情,就是",
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        desc: "高三那年看了游戏人生zero,过了很久才释然...\\n“我其实不想给任何人的...喜欢里克的心情,不想和他分开的心情,毕竟很害羞啊!从里克那得到的多到数不清的系统错误,这些都是只属于休比自己的东西,现在要把这些交给你们,这意味着什么?你们给我明白啊!笨蛋!别在那啰里啰唆!给我把这份思念继承下去啊!\\n给我把应援票投给休比啊!w\\n给我把关注和硬币投up主啊!(误)“\\n休比,祝你终有一天能与自己重要的人重逢.\\n\\n封面截自BD  0:55:56\\nbgm:befall(崩三女王降临印象曲)",
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        title: "【游戏人生/休比应援】当给休比配上崩三的bgm,悲剧是否能够改变",
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        desc: "第一次剪视频,完全用爱发电爆肝赶在凛凛本战的时候做完,做得不好的地方还请大家包容啦。\\n他们俩真好嘤嘤嘤,凛凛、哈鲁冲鸭!\\n事先声明,里面混有玻璃渣,但结局绝对是甜的!绝对!!",
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        title: "【一人全役】【钢琴&小提琴】孤独的巡礼 Fate/Stay Night插入曲【B萌日本场应援】",
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    async get() {
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 = timeFormat(new Date().getTime(), true);
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   = ["账户授权成功~"];
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   = timeFormat(new Date().getTime(), true);
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     = ["账户授权成功~", "3秒后自动刷新页面!"];
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  { setting: this.setting });
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     = ["账户授权出错 ಥ_ಥ", e];
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      } catch (e) {
        if (msg) {
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 = ["账户授权出错 ಥ_ಥ", e];
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        msg.type = "success"; = ["撤销授权成功~", "3秒后自动刷新页面!"];
        msg.delay = 3;
      isUserScript ||{ setting: this.setting });
      setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 3e3);

  // src/runtime/chrome/settings.ts
  var upos = Object.keys(UPOS);
  function showSetting(str) {
      \$type: "showSetting",
      data: str
  var settingDefault = [
      key: "development",
      menu: "common",
      label: "开发者模式",
      svg: warn_default,
      sub: "暴露调试接口到控制台",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "logReport",
      menu: "common",
      label: "日志拦截",
      svg: linechart_default,
      sub: "拦截B站日志上报",
      float: "网页端日志采集太频繁,稍微动下鼠标都要发送数条日志请求,给调试工作带来额外的困扰,所以一股脑都屏蔽了干净。<br>ps:APP端其实日志更多,只能说眼不见为净吧~",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "toast",
      menu: "common",
      type: "list",
      name: "toastr",
      list: [
          key: "status",
          type: "switch",
          label: "开关",
          value: true,
          sub: '感谢 <a href="" target="_blank">toastr</a> 提供支持!'
          key: "rtl",
          type: "switch",
          label: "镜像",
          sub: "左右翻转",
          value: false
          key: "position",
          type: "select",
          label: "位置",
          value: "top-right",
          sub: "四角",
          candidate: ["top-right", "top-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-left"]
          key: "delay",
          type: "slider",
          label: "时长",
          sub: "单位:/秒",
          value: 4,
          min: 1,
          max: 60,
          precision: 59
          key: "type",
          type: "select",
          label: "类型",
          sub: "测试限定",
          value: "warning",
          candidate: ["info", "success", "warning", "error"],
          styles: {
            info: "color: #2F96B4",
            success: "color: #51A351",
            warning: "color: #F89406",
            error: "color: #BD362F"
          key: "test",
          type: "input",
          label: "测试",
          sub: "请输入一句话~",
          candidate: ["Hello World!"],
          change: (v) => {
            setting.toast && toast[setting.toast.type](v);
      key: "av",
      menu: "rewrite",
      label: "av/BV",
      type: "switch",
      value: true,
      sub: "旧版一般视频播放页面"
      key: "videoLimit",
      menu: "player",
      type: "list",
      name: "解除区域/APP限制",
      list: [
          key: "switch",
          type: "switch",
          label: "开关",
          value: false
          key: "server",
          type: "select",
          label: "服务器类型",
          sub: \`<a href="" target="_blank">公共反代服务器</a>\`,
          value: "内置",
          candidate: ["内置", "自定义"],
          float: \`如果选择自定义则需要填写下面的代理服务器,并且转到【账户授权】进行第三方服务器授权。内置服务器则支持以游客身份获取数据,但只能获取flv格式,且大会员画质还是需要授权。<br>※ 内置服务器不支持泰区。\`,
          callback: (v) => {
            if (v === "自定义") {
              if (!setting.accessKey.key) {
                showAlert("自定义服务器一般都要求您授权登录才能使用,是否前往【账户授权】设置?", void 0, [
                    name: "是",
                    callback: () => {
                    name: "否",
                    callback: () => {
          key: "cn",
          type: "input",
          label: "大陆",
          sub: "大陆反代",
          props: { type: "url", placeholder: "" },
          float: "海外用户用来观看大陆限定视频的代理服务器。<br>※ <strong>启用【账户授权】意味着该服务器能获取您的部分账户权限,请自行确认服务器可靠性!</strong>"
          key: "hk",
          type: "input",
          label: "香港",
          sub: "香港反代",
          props: { type: "url", placeholder: "" },
          float: "香港以外的用户用来观看香港澳门限定视频的代理服务器。<br>※ <strong>启用【账户授权】意味着该服务器能获取您的部分账户权限,请自行确认服务器可靠性!</strong>"
          key: "tw",
          type: "input",
          label: "台湾",
          sub: "台湾反代",
          props: { type: "url", placeholder: "" },
          float: "台湾以外的用户用来观看台湾限定视频的代理服务器。<br>※ <strong>启用【账户授权】意味着该服务器能获取您的部分账户权限,请自行确认服务器可靠性!</strong>"
          key: "th",
          type: "input",
          label: "泰国",
          sub: "泰国(东南亚)反代",
          props: { type: "url", placeholder: "" },
          float: "用来观看泰国(东南亚)限定视频的代理服务器。<br>※ <strong>启用【账户授权】意味着该服务器能获取您的部分账户权限,请自行确认服务器可靠性!</strong>"
      key: "uposReplace",
      menu: "player",
      type: "list",
      name: "替换UPOS服务器",
      list: [
          key: "nor",
          type: "select",
          label: "一般视频",
          sub: "不推荐",
          value: "不替换",
          float: \`对于一般视频应该充分相信B站分配给你的视频服务器就是最合适的,所以一般不推荐主动替换。\`,
          candidate: ["不替换"].concat(upos)
          key: "gat",
          type: "select",
          label: "代理:港澳台或大陆",
          sub: "看情况",
          value: "不替换",
          float: \`解除港澳台限制获取到的视频服务器必定是海外的Akamai,在一些大陆网络中可能体验并不好,可以看情况指定其他服务器。港澳台(及海外)网络访问大陆服务器同理。<br>※ 替换后若出问题请禁用替换或者前往Github反馈。\`,
          candidate: ["不替换"].concat(upos)
          key: "th",
          type: "select",
          label: "代理:泰区",
          sub: "必选",
          value: "ks3(金山)",
          float: \`泰区视频返回的服务器ban了大陆IP,所以必须进行替换!请根据自身网络情况选择。<br>※ 替换后若出问题前往Github反馈。\`,
          candidate: upos
          key: "dl",
          type: "select",
          label: "下载",
          sub: "不推荐",
          value: "不替换",
          float: \`替换下载功能获取到的视频服务器,对于播放器已获取到的视频源,已经在上面的选项中处理过了。剩下的跟一般视频同理,不推荐替换。<br>※ 注意有【referer】【UserAgent】限制视频源,请在下载面板将【referer】置空,【UserAgent】设为有效值(默认值肯定有效!)\`,
          candidate: ["不替换"].concat(upos)
      key: "protobufDanmaku",
      menu: "danmaku",
      label: "启用新版弹幕",
      sub: "protobuf",
      type: "switch",
      value: true,
      float: \`为旧版播放器添加proto弹幕支持。由于旧版xml弹幕已获取不到90分钟后的弹幕,本功能不建议禁用。\`
      key: "section",
      menu: "style",
      label: "统一换回旧版顶栏",
      sub: "针对未重构的页面",
      type: "switch",
      value: true,
      float: "非重构页面顶栏底栏也替换为旧版。"
      key: "danmakuHashId",
      menu: "danmaku",
      label: "反查弹幕发送者",
      sub: "结果仅供参考!",
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      float: "旧版播放器上右键弹幕将显示弹幕发送者。</br>※ 使用哈希逆向算法,存在碰撞可能性,所示信息仅供参考,或者干脆查不出来。"
      key: "flash",
      menu: "player",
      label: "flash播放器",
      sub: "可用于临时不加载视频进入视频页面",
      float: "临时启用flash播放器以拦截播放器载入,如需下载视频可切换到“下载”标签呼出下载面板,恢复播放器请点击HTML5按钮或在设置中关闭本功能。",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "enlike",
      menu: "player",
      label: "添加点赞功能",
      sub: "自制、简陋",
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      float: "旧版播放器的时代点赞功能还未存在,本扩展代为设计了个丑丑的点赞功能。注意对于bangumi,点赞数据计算的是单P的。"
      key: "upList",
      menu: "style",
      label: "UP主列表",
      sub: "展示合作者",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "commandDm",
      menu: "danmaku",
      label: "添加互动弹幕",
      sub: "投票弹窗等",
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      float: \`可以使用新版的一些弹窗互动组件。目前可用组件:评分弹窗、投屏弹窗、关联视频跳转按钮、带“UP主”标识弹幕。</br>※ <strong>需要同时开启新版proto弹幕。</strong>\`
      key: "bangumi",
      menu: "rewrite",
      label: "bangumi",
      sub: "旧版Bangumi页面",
      type: "switch",
      value: true
      type: "switch",
      key: "watchlater",
      label: "稍后再看",
      value: true,
      menu: "rewrite",
      sub: "旧版稍后再看页面"
      type: "switch",
      key: "player",
      label: "嵌入",
      value: true,
      menu: "rewrite",
      sub: "旧版嵌入式播放器"
      type: "switch",
      key: "index",
      label: "主页",
      value: true,
      menu: "rewrite",
      sub: "旧版主页"
      type: "switch",
      key: "ranking",
      label: "排行榜",
      value: true,
      menu: "rewrite",
      sub: "旧版全站排行榜"
      type: "switch",
      key: "read",
      label: "专栏",
      value: true,
      menu: "rewrite",
      sub: "旧版专栏页面"
      key: "playlist",
      menu: "rewrite",
      label: "medialist",
      sub: "旧版播单相关页面",
      type: "switch",
      value: true,
      float: "使用旧版播单页面重构medialist相关页面,初始状态视频数据为20,可以滚送到播单底部以动态加载更多。另外由于播单已被官方禁用,您无法对播单进行收藏等操作,也不能访问播单详情页面。"
      key: "automate",
      menu: "player",
      type: "list",
      name: "自动化操作",
      list: [
          key: "danmakuFirst",
          label: "自动展开弹幕列表",
          float: "自动从推荐视频切换到播放弹幕列表。",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "showBofqi",
          label: "自动滚动到播放器",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "screenWide",
          label: "自动宽屏",
          type: "switch",
          value: false,
          callback: (v) => {
            if (v) {
              setting.automate.webFullScreen = false;
    { setting });
          key: "noDanmaku",
          label: "自动关弹幕",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "autoPlay",
          label: "自动播放",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "webFullScreen",
          label: "自动网页全屏",
          type: "switch",
          value: false,
          callback: (v) => {
            if (v) {
              setting.automate.screenWide = false;
    { setting });
          key: "videospeed",
          label: "记忆播放速率",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "electric",
          label: "跳过充电鸣谢",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
      key: "heartbeat",
      menu: "restore",
      label: "修复视频心跳",
      sub: "出现不记录播放历史症状时的选择",
      float: "尝试修复可能被广告拦截扩展误伤的视频心跳。",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "bangumiEplist",
      menu: "player",
      label: "保留番剧回目列表",
      sub: "牺牲特殊背景图",
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      float: "部分带特殊背景图片的番剧会隐藏播放器下方的番剧回目列表,二者不可得兼,只能选一。"
      type: "switch",
      key: "history",
      label: "只显示视频历史",
      sub: "去除专栏、直播记录",
      value: false,
      menu: "style"
      type: "switch",
      key: "searchHistory",
      label: "去除历史记录页面搜索框",
      sub: "其实留着也没什么",
      value: false,
      menu: "style"
      type: "switch",
      key: "liveP2p",
      label: "禁止P2P上传",
      sub: "小水管禁不起别人白嫖!",
      value: true,
      menu: "live",
      float: "禁止直播间使用WebRTC进行P2P共享上传,以免暴露ip地址,并为小水管节约带宽。"
      type: "switch",
      key: "sleepCheck",
      label: "禁止挂机检测",
      sub: "就喜欢挂后台听个响不行吗!",
      value: true,
      menu: "live",
      float: "禁止直播间5分钟不操作判定挂机并切断直播,可以放心挂后台听个响。"
      type: "switch",
      key: "album",
      label: "还原个人空间相簿链接",
      sub: "相簿也是时泪啊",
      value: false,
      menu: "restore",
      float: "将个人空间的相簿链接从动态重定向回原来的相簿。"
      type: "switch",
      key: "jointime",
      label: "显示账号注册时间",
      sub: "历史不该被隐藏",
      value: false,
      menu: "restore",
      float: "在空间显示对应账号的注册时间。"
      key: "lostVideo",
      menu: "restore",
      label: "修复失效视频信息",
      sub: \`有些甚至评论还在!\`,
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      float: "使用第三方数据修复收藏、频道等处的失效视频信息。(以红色删除线标记)</br>访问失效视频链接时将尝试重建av页面。"
      type: "select",
      menu: "player",
      key: "codecType",
      label: "视频编码",
      sub: "AVC、HEVC或AV1",
      value: "AVC",
      candidate: ["AVC", "HEVC", "AV1"],
      float: "指定播放器优先加载的视频编码格式,可根据设备解码能力与实际需要调整这个设置项。<br>※ AVC:兼容性最好,文件体积较大<br>※ AV1:兼容性次之,文件体积较小<br>※ HEVC:兼容性最差,文件体积较小<br>压制效果要分视频讨论,在AVC大幅降低码率的今天,AV1或许可能是画质最好的选择,但一般都只能软解(考验硬件水平以及比硬解费电)。HEVC则除了Safari用户外不推荐考虑,令微软、谷歌都抛弃的版权流氓!",
      callback: (v) => {
        let mime = {
          "HEVC": 'video/mp4;codecs="hev1.1.6.L120.90"',
          "AV1": 'video/mp4;codecs="av01.0.01M."',
          "AVC": 'video/mp4;codecs="avc1.640028"'
        if (!MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mime[v])) {
          toast.warning(\`播放器不支持\${v}编码格式\`, "将继续使用AVC编码");
          setting.codecType = "AVC";
{ setting });
      key: "collection",
      menu: "rewrite",
      label: "合集",
      sub: "以分P形式呈现",
      type: "switch",
      value: true
      key: "search",
      menu: "rewrite",
      label: "搜索",
      sub: "旧版搜索页面",
      type: "switch",
      value: true
      key: "liveRecord",
      menu: "live",
      label: "直播回放",
      sub: "过滤动态中的直播回放",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "closedCaption",
      menu: "player",
      label: "CC字幕",
      sub: '移植自<a href="" target="_blank">Bilibili CC字幕工具</a>',
      type: "switch",
      value: true,
      float: "没有简体中文时将提供一个繁体到简体的硬翻译,不考虑使用习惯等情况的那种。"
      key: "segProgress",
      menu: "player",
      label: "分段进度条",
      sub: "视频看点",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "videoDisableAA",
      menu: "player",
      label: "禁用视频渲染抗锯齿",
      sub: '详见<a href="" target="_blank">#292</a>说明',
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      float: \`听说chrome渲染视频,在视频像素跟屏幕像素不是1:1对应的情况下,使用的抗锯齿算法会导致画面模糊,而且可能还会产生色差。屏幕分辨率与视频分辨率差别越大越明显。本选项用来提供一个【锯齿】【模糊】二选一的选项,请根据自身观感决定启用与否。\`
      key: "comment",
      menu: "style",
      label: "翻页评论区",
      sub: "非重写页面",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "commentLinkDetail",
      menu: "style",
      label: "还原评论中的超链接",
      sub: "av、ss或ep",
      type: "switch",
      value: false
      key: "configManage",
      menu: "common",
      type: "button",
      label: "设置数据",
      sub: "备份/还原",
      svg: blind_default,
      func: () => {
        showAlert("设置数据包含您个人对于设置的自定义调整,您可以选择恢复默认数据、导出为本地文件或者从本地文件中恢复。", "设置数据", [
          { name: "默认", callback: settingMG.restore },
          { name: "导出", callback: settingMG.output },
          { name: "导入", callback: settingMG.input }
      button: "管理"
      key: "downlaodType",
      menu: "download",
      type: "checkbox",
      label: "类型",
      sub: "请求的文件类型",
      float: "请求的文件类型,实际显示取决于服务器是否提供了该类型的文件。而播放器已载入的文件将直接推送到下载面板,无论这里是否勾选了对应类型。换言之:这里决定的是发送请求的类型而不是实际获取到的类型。各类型简介如下:<br>※ mp4:后缀名.mp4,无需任何后续操作的最适合的下载类型,但是画质选择极少,一般最高不超过1080P,如果画质类型为【预览】则说明是付费视频的预览片段,下载意义不大。<br>※ DASH:新型浏览体解决方案,可以看成是把一个mp4文件拆开成一个只有画面的文件和一个只有声音的文件,提供的后缀名都是.m4s,为了方便可以将画面文件修改为.m4v,声音文件修改为.m4a。这种类型下载一个画面文件+一个声音文件,然后用ffmmpeg等工具混流为一个完整视频文件,在下载面板中声音文件显示为【aac】,画面文件则可能有可能存在【avc】【hev】【av1】三种,代表了画面的编码算法,任选其一即可。一般而言在乎画质选【hev】(部分画质如【杜比视界】似乎只以这种格式提供),在乎兼容性【avc】(毕竟mp4默认编码),【av1】则是新型编码标准,12代CPU或30系显卡以外的PC硬件都不支持硬解(不过还可以软解,效果看CPU算力),属于“站未来”的类型。<br>※ flv:flash时代(已落幕)的流媒体遗存,后缀名.flv,本是媲美mp4的格式,如果一个文件没有分成多个片段的话,如果下载面板只有一个片段,那么祝贺本视频没有遭遇到“分尸”,下载后无需后续操作,直接当成mp4文件即可,如果有多个片段,则需全部下载后用ffmpeg等工具拼接起来(与DASH分别代表了两种切片类型,一个是音视频分流,一个是时间轴分段),段数大于2还不如改下载DASH,DASH只要下载2个文件而且还有专属画质。",
      value: ["mp4"],
      candidate: ["mp4", "flv", "DASH"]
      key: "TVresource",
      menu: "download",
      type: "switch",
      label: "获取TV源",
      sub: "可能无水印",
      float: \`B站TV端视频源一般都没有水印,因为会员和主站不互通,如非tv大会员将获取不到专属画质。<strong>获取到的下载源将不支持【默认】下载方式</strong>\`,
      value: false,
      callback: (v) => {
        if (v) {
          setting.referer = "";
          toast.warning("您选择获取TV源,已经referer设置置空~", "注意:TV源无法使用默认方式下载");
        } else {
          setting.referer = "";
        }{ setting });
      key: "downloadQn",
      menu: "download",
      type: "select",
      label: "画质参数",
      sub: "flv限定",
      float: \`以数字代表的画质参数,因为mp4不能选择画质而DASH默认提供所有画质,所以只对flv格式有效。一般无脑选最高即可,不存在或者权限不足时会主动向下降级,目前最高画质是127(8K)。\`,
      value: "127",
      candidate: ["0", "15", "16", "32", "48", "64", "74", "80", "112", "116", "120", "125", "126", "127"]
      key: "downloadOther",
      menu: "download",
      type: "switch",
      label: "其他下载",
      sub: "提供弹幕、字幕等的下载",
      value: false
      key: "danmakuSaveType",
      menu: "danmaku",
      type: "select",
      label: "弹幕格式",
      sub: "下载",
      value: "xml",
      candidate: ["xml", "json"]
      key: "danmakuContact",
      menu: "danmaku",
      type: "switch",
      label: "合并已有弹幕",
      sub: "载入本地文件或者在线弹幕时",
      value: false
      key: "allDanmaku",
      menu: "danmaku",
      type: "slider",
      label: "全弹幕装填冷却时间",
      sub: "单位:/s",
      value: 3,
      min: 1,
      max: 30,
      precision: 29
      key: "downloadMethod",
      menu: "download",
      type: "select",
      label: "下载方式",
      value: "默认",
      candidate: ["默认", "IDM+ef2", "aria2", "aria2+rpc"],
      callback: (v) => {
        switch (v) {
          case "IDM+ef2":
              'IDM(Internet Download Manager)是Windows端著名的的下载工具,通过作者的另一款名为<a href="" target="_blank">ef2</a>辅助工具,本扩展支持直接从浏览器拉起IDM下载文件。<br>是否确定使用本方式?',
                  name: "确定",
                  callback: () => {
                  name: "取消",
                  callback: () => {
                    setting.downloadMethod = "默认";
          { setting });
          case "aria2":
                  name: "确定",
                  callback: () => {
                  name: "取消",
                  callback: () => {
                    setting.downloadMethod = "默认";
          { setting });
          case "aria2+rpc":
                  name: "确定",
                  callback: () => {
                  name: "取消",
                  callback: () => {
                    setting.downloadMethod = "默认";
          { setting });
      float: "默认下载方式请不要直接左键点击,右键另存为是更正确合理的操作。"
      key: "userAgent",
      menu: "download",
      type: "input",
      label: "User-Agent",
      sub: "高级设置",
      float: "B站视频一般都需要有效User-Agent,否则会403。(默认下载方式以外才有意义。)<br>※ <strong>本项会同时影响替换UPOS服务器后能否播放,默认值才是经检验的最合适的值!</strong>",
      value: "Bilibili Freedoooooom/MarkII",
      candidate: ["Bilibili Freedoooooom/MarkII"]
      key: "referer",
      menu: "download",
      type: "input",
      label: "referer",
      sub: "高级设置",
      float: "B站视频一般填主站域名即可,其他会403。<strong>TV源/泰区视频必须置空!港澳台替换UPOS服务器后也可能需要置空。</strong>(默认下载方式以外才有意义。)",
      value: "",
      candidate: [""]
      key: "filepath",
      menu: "download",
      type: "input",
      label: "下载目录",
      sub: "Windows端注意反斜杠!",
      float: "(默认下载方式以外才有意义。)"
      key: "aria2",
      menu: "download",
      type: "list",
      name: "aria2",
      list: [
          key: "token",
          type: "input",
          label: "令牌",
          sub: "token",
          props: { type: "password" },
          float: "如果没有使用token可置空"
          key: "server",
          type: "input",
          label: "主机",
          sub: "url",
          props: { type: "url", placeholder: "http://localhost" },
          value: "http://localhost"
          key: "port",
          type: "input",
          label: "端口",
          props: { type: "number", placeholder: "6800" },
          value: "6800"
          key: "test",
          type: "button",
          label: "测试RPC连接",
          button: "测试",
          func: () => {
            const msg = toast.custom(0, "info", "正在测试RPC连接可用性~");
            aria2.getVersion().then((d) => {
              if (msg) {
                msg.type = "success";
       = [\`RPC设置正常!aria2版本:\${d.version}\`];
                msg.delay = 3;
              console.log(\`RPC设置正常!\`, d);
            }).catch((e) => {
              if (msg) {
                msg.type = "error";
       = ["RPC链接不正常 ಥ_ಥ", "请检查aria2设置等再试~"];
                msg.delay = 3;
              console.error("RPC链接异常!请检查aria2设置等再试~", e);
      key: "animatedBanner",
      menu: "style",
      type: "switch",
      label: "动态banner",
      sub: "移植自新版顶栏",
      value: false
      key: "accessKey",
      menu: "common",
      type: "list",
      name: "账户授权",
      list: [
          key: "key",
          type: "input",
          label: "Token",
          sub: "access_key",
          float: "网页端B站使用cookie来判断用户身份,但是移动端或者授权第三方登录,则使用一个名为access_key的参数。B站有一些只有APP/TV端才能获取的数据,启用本功能将赋予本扩展访问那些数据的能力。<strong>与【解除限制】功能一起使用时请自行确定代理服务器的安全性!</strong>",
          props: { type: "text", readonly: "readonly" }
          key: "date",
          type: "input",
          label: "授权日期",
          sub: "有效期不超过30天",
          float: "和cookie一样,access_key这个鉴权参数一般有有效期限,经验告诉我们一般是一个月,过期作废。因为授权是敏感操作,请自行判断是否过期并慎重考虑是否重新授权。",
          props: { type: "text", readonly: "readonly" }
          key: "action",
          type: "button",
          label: "账户授权",
          sub: "风险操作",
          svg: warn_default,
          func: () => {
            new AccessKey();
          button: "操作"
      key: "timeline",
      menu: "style",
      type: "switch",
      label: "港澳台新番时间表",
      sub: '<a href="" target="_blank">立即前往</a>',
      float: \`在主页番剧分区中,可能需主动从最新切换到响应的星期才会显示当天的数据。\`,
      value: false
      key: "privateRecommend",
      menu: "style",
      type: "switch",
      label: "主页个性化推荐",
      sub: "默认是全站统一推荐",
      value: false
      key: "episodeData",
      menu: "style",
      type: "switch",
      label: "分集数据",
      sub: "Bangumi",
      float: \`对于Bangumi,显示单集播放量和弹幕,原合计数据显示在鼠标焦点提示文本中。\`,
      value: false
      key: "IDM",
      menu: "download",
      type: "list",
      name: "ef2",
      list: [
          key: "wait",
          type: "switch",
          label: "稍后下载",
          sub: "添加到IDM下载列表",
          float: "需要手动到IDM中开始下载,注意B站下载链接有时效,请及时下载!",
          value: false
          key: "silence",
          type: "switch",
          label: "静默下载",
          sub: "无需二次确认",
          float: "取消IDM下载确认对话框,那里会询问是否开启下载以及文件名、保存目录等信息。",
          value: false

  // src/runtime/element/button_switch/button_switch.html
  var button_switch_default = '<div class="switch">\\r\\n    <span class="bar"></span>\\r\\n    <span class="knob">\\r\\n        <i class="circle"></i>\\r\\n    </span>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .switch {\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        min-width: 34px;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        width: 34px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .bar {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(189, 193, 198);\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        height: 12px;\\r\\n        left: 3px;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        top: 2px;\\r\\n        transition: background-color linear 80ms;\\r\\n        width: 28px;\\r\\n        z-index: 0;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .bar[checked] {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232);\\r\\n        opacity: 0.5;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .bar:active {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(26, 115, 232, 80%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob {\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 40%);\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        height: 16px;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        transition: transform linear 80ms, background-color linear 80ms;\\r\\n        width: 16px;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob[checked] {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(26, 115, 232);\\r\\n        transform: translate3d(18px, 0, 0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob:active {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(26, 115, 232, 80%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob i {\\r\\n        color: rgba(128, 134, 139, 15%);\\r\\n        height: 40px;\\r\\n        left: -12px;\\r\\n        pointer-events: none;\\r\\n        top: -12px;\\r\\n        transition: color linear 80ms;\\r\\n        width: 40px;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        bottom: 0;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob i[checked] {\\r\\n        color: rgb(26, 115, 232);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .knob i:active {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(26, 115, 232, 80%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/button_switch/button_switch.ts
  var ButtonSwitch = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(obj = {}) {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      const [bar, knob, circle] = [
      const { value, callback } = obj;
      let initing = true;
      Reflect.defineProperty(obj, "value", {
        set: (v) => {
          if (this.value === v)
          if (v) {
            bar.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
            knob.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
            circle.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
          } else {
          this.value = v;
          !initing && callback && callback(v);
        get: () => this.value
      this.addEventListener("click", () => {
        obj.value = !this.value;
      this.value = obj.value = value || false;
      initing = false;
  customElements.get(\`button-switch\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`button-switch\${mutex}\`, ButtonSwitch);

  // src/runtime/element/checkbox/checkbox.html
  var checkbox_default = \`<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox">\\r
<label for="checkbox"></label>\\r
    input[type="checkbox"] {\\r
        display: none;\\r
    input~label {\\r
        cursor: pointer;\\r
    input:checked~label:before {\\r
        content: '\\\\2714';\\r
    input~label:before {\\r
        width: 12px;\\r
        height: 12px;\\r
        line-height: 14px;\\r
        vertical-align: text-bottom;\\r
        border-radius: 3px;\\r
        border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;\\r
        display: inline-block;\\r
        text-align: center;\\r
        content: ' ';\\r

  // src/runtime/element/checkbox/checkbox.ts
  var Checkbox = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(obj) {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      const { label, value } = obj;
      const [input, text] = [
      Object.defineProperties(obj, {
        value: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.value === v)
            this.value = v;
          get: () => this.value
        label: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.label === v)
            text.textContent = v;
            this.label = v;
          get: () => this.label
      text.addEventListener("click", () => {
        obj.value = !this.value;
      input.checked = this.value = obj.value = value || false;
      this.label = obj.label = label;
  customElements.get(\`check-box\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`check-box\${mutex}\`, Checkbox);

  // src/runtime/element/float_quote/float_quote.html
  var float_quote_default = '<div class="float">\\r\\n    <div class="arrow"></div>\\r\\n    <div class="message"></div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .float {\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        z-index: 11111;\\r\\n        min-width: 40px;\\r\\n        min-height: 30px;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        padding: 8px;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        background: #fff;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #e9eaec;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgb(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        user-select: text;\\r\\n        pointer-events: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .arrow {\\r\\n        left: 16%;\\r\\n        top: 100%;\\r\\n        width: 0;\\r\\n        height: 0;\\r\\n        border-left: 4px solid transparent;\\r\\n        border-right: 4px solid transparent;\\r\\n        border-top: 8px solid #fff;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        user-select: text;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .message {\\r\\n        margin-top: -4px;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        user-select: text;\\r\\n        word-wrap: break-word;\\r\\n        word-break: break-all;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n        line-height: 1.15;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/float_quote/float_quote.ts
  var FloatQuote = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(node4, data) {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      const real = root3.children[0];
      real.children[1].innerHTML = data;
      node4.onmouseover = (ev) => {
        let rect = real.getBoundingClientRect(); = \`\${node4.getBoundingClientRect().x + ev.offsetX}px\`; = \`\${node4.getBoundingClientRect().y + ev.offsetY - rect.height}px\`; = \`\${Math.sqrt(rect.width * rect.height) * 4 / 3}px\`;
      node4.onmouseout = () => {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
      real.onmouseout = () => {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
  customElements.get(\`float-quote\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`float-quote\${mutex}\`, FloatQuote);

  // src/runtime/element/input_area/input_area.html
  var input_area_default = '<div class="input"><input>\\r\\n    <ul class="input-list"></ul>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .input {\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        border: 0;\\r\\n        overflow: visible;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input input {\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n        display: inline;\\r\\n        user-select: auto;\\r\\n        text-decoration: none;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        width: calc(100% - 10px);\\r\\n        background: transparent;\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input input:focus {\\r\\n        border-color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        margin: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;\\r\\n        max-height: 120px;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0 #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        left: -1px;\\r\\n        right: auto;\\r\\n        z-index: 2;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden auto;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input:hover .input-list {\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list-row {\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        transition: background-color .3s;\\r\\n        line-height: 30px;\\r\\n        height: 30px;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        color: #222;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list-row:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: #f4f5f7;\\r\\n        color: #6d757a;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .cancel {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        right: 0;\\r\\n        top: 0px;\\r\\n        width: 38px;\\r\\n        height: 28px;\\r\\n        background: url(// -461px -530px no-repeat;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .input-list-row:hover .cancel {\\r\\n        background-position: -525px -530px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/scrollbar.html
  var scrollbar_default = '<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n        width: 7px;\\r\\n        height: 7px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #EEE;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #999;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/input_area/input_area.ts
  var InputArea = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(obj = {}) {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      const { value, candidate, props, change } = obj;
      let initing = true;
      root3.appendChild(createElements(htmlVnode(input_area_default + scrollbar_default)));
      const [input, ul] = [
      let file = false;
      input.addEventListener("change", () => {
        obj.value = file ? input.files : input.value;
      Object.defineProperties(obj, {
        value: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (file)
            if (this.value === v)
            input.value = v;
            this.value = v;
            !initing && change && change(file ? input.files : input.value);
          get: () => file ? input.files : this.value
        props: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.props === v)
            this.props = v;
          get: () => this.props && new Proxy(this.props, new ProxyHandler(flushProps))
        candidate: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.candidate === v)
            this.candidate = v;
          get: () => this.candidate && new Proxy(this.candidate, new ProxyHandler(flushList))
      const flushProps = () => Object.entries(obj.props).forEach((d) => {
        input.setAttribute(d[0], d[1]);
        if (d[0] === "type") {
          switch (d[1]) {
            case "file":
              if (file)
              file = true;
              ul.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
              if (file) {
                file = false;
      let mutex2 = 0;
      const flushList = () => {
        mutex2 = setTimeout(() => {
          ul.replaceChildren(createElements(obj.candidate.reduce((s, d, i, t) => {
              tagName: "li",
              props: { class: "input-list-row" },
              event: {
                click: () => {
                  obj.value = d;
              children: [{
                tagName: "span",
                text: d
              }, {
                tagName: "div",
                props: { class: "cancel" },
                event: {
                  click: (e) => {
                    t.splice(i, 1);
            return s;
          }, [])));
      this.value = obj.value = value || "";
      this.props = obj.props = props || {};
      this.candidate = obj.candidate = candidate || [];
      initing = file;
  customElements.get(\`input-area\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`input-area\${mutex}\`, InputArea);

  // src/runtime/element/select_list/select_menu.html
  var select_menu_default = '<div class="selectmenu">\\r\\n    <div class="selectmenu-txt"><span></span></div>\\r\\n    <div class="selectmenu-arrow arrow-down"></div>\\r\\n    <ul class="selectmenu-list"></ul>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .selectmenu {\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        overflow: visible;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-txt {\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        vertical-align: top;\\r\\n        text-overflow: ellipsis;\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        height: 24px;\\r\\n        line-height: 24px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-arrow {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        background-color: transparent;\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        right: 4px;\\r\\n        z-index: 0;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .arrow-down:before {\\r\\n        margin: 0 auto;\\r\\n        margin-top: 8px;\\r\\n        width: 0;\\r\\n        height: 0;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        border-width: 4px 4px 0;\\r\\n        border-style: solid;\\r\\n        border-color: #99a2aa transparent transparent;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        content: "";\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-list {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        margin: 0;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        max-height: 120px;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0 #ccd0d7;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        left: -1px;\\r\\n        right: auto;\\r\\n        z-index: 2;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden auto;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu:hover .selectmenu-list {\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-list-row {\\r\\n        padding: 0 5px;\\r\\n        transition: background-color .3s;\\r\\n        line-height: 30px;\\r\\n        height: 30px;\\r\\n        font-size: 12px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        color: #222;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selectmenu-list-row:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: #f4f5f7;\\r\\n        color: #6d757a;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/select_list/select_menu.ts
  var SelectMenu = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(obj = {}) {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      const { value, candidate, styles, callback } = obj;
      let initing = true;
      root3.appendChild(createElements(htmlVnode(select_menu_default + scrollbar_default)));
      const [txt, list] = [
      Object.defineProperties(obj, {
        value: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.value === v)
            txt.textContent = v;
            this.value = v;
            this.styles && this.styles[v] ? txt.setAttribute("style", this.styles[v]) : txt.removeAttribute("style");
            !initing && callback && callback(v);
          get: () => this.value
        candidate: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.candidate === v)
            this.candidate = v;
          get: () => this.candidate && new Proxy(this.candidate, new ProxyHandler(flushList))
        styles: {
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.styles === v)
            this.styles = v;
          get: () => this.styles && new Proxy(this.styles, new ProxyHandler(flushList))
      let mutex2 = 0;
      const flushList = () => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          list.replaceChildren(createElements(obj.candidate.reduce((s, d) => {
              tagName: "li",
              props: { class: "selectmenu-list-row" },
              children: [{
                tagName: "span",
                text: d,
                props: this.styles && this.styles[d] ? { style: this.styles[d] } : void 0
              event: {
                click: () => {
                  obj.value = d;
            return s;
          }, [])));
      this.styles = obj.styles = styles || {};
      this.candidate = obj.candidate = candidate || [];
      this.value = obj.value = value || "";
      initing = false;
  customElements.get(\`select-menu\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`select-menu\${mutex}\`, SelectMenu);

  // src/runtime/element/slider_block/slider_blcok.html
  var slider_blcok_default = '<div class="block">\\r\\n    <div class="slider">\\r\\n        <div class="slider-tracker-wrp">\\r\\n            <div class="slider-tracker">\\r\\n                <div class="slider-handle">\\r\\n                    <div class="slider-hint"></div>\\r\\n                </div>\\r\\n                <div class="slider-progress"></div>\\r\\n            </div>\\r\\n        </div>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .block {\\r\\n        vertical-align: top;\\r\\n        display: inline-block;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider {\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        height: 13px;\\r\\n        clear: both;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-tracker-wrp {\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-tracker {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        height: 6px;\\r\\n        left: 0;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        top: 50%;\\r\\n        margin-top: -3px;\\r\\n        background-color: #e5e9ef;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-handle {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        top: -4px;\\r\\n        height: 14px;\\r\\n        width: 14px;\\r\\n        border-radius: 7px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n        margin-left: -7px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 3px #017cc3;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        transition: box-shadow .3s;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-handle:hover {\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 5px #017cc3;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-hint {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        top: -21px;\\r\\n        white-space: nowrap;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .8);\\r\\n        padding: 0 3px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #fafafa;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-25%);\\r\\n        user-select: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .slider-progress {\\r\\n        width: 0;\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        background-color: #00a1d6;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/runtime/element/slider_block/slider_block.ts
  function offset(node4) {
    const result = {
      top: 0,
      left: 0
    const onwer = node4.ownerDocument;
    if (node4 === onwer.body) { = node4.offsetTop;
      result.left = node4.offsetLeft;
    } else {
      let rect = void 0;
      try {
        rect = node4.getBoundingClientRect();
      } catch {
      if (!rect || !onwer.documentElement.contains(node4)) {
        rect && ( =, result.left = rect.left);
        return result;
      } = + onwer.body.scrollTop - onwer.documentElement.clientTop;
      result.left = rect.left + onwer.body.scrollLeft - onwer.documentElement.clientLeft;
    return result;
  var SliderBlock = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor(obj = {}) {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      const { value, min, max, precision, hint, solid, vertical, callback } = obj;
      let initing = true;
      const [handle, progress, hinter, wrp] = [
      const mouseLinster = (e) => {
        const { pageX, pageY } = e;
        const offsetX = this.vertical ? pageY - offset(wrp).top - 7 : pageX - offset(wrp).left - 7;
        const allX = wrp.offsetWidth - 14;
        const pv = (0 > offsetX ? 0 : offsetX > allX ? allX : offsetX) / allX;
        obj.value = (this.max - this.min) * Math.round(pv * this.precision) / this.precision + this.min;
      this.addEventListener("click", mouseLinster);
      const mouseClear = () => {
        window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseLinster);
        window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseClear);
      handle.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
        window.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseLinster);
        window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseClear);
      handle.addEventListener("mouseover", () => this.showChange());
      let nHint = 0;
      this.showChange = () => {
        const pv = (this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * 100; = \`left: \${((wrp.offsetWidth - 14) * (this.value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) + 7) / wrp.offsetWidth * 100}%;\`; = \`width: \${pv}%;\`;
        if (this.hint) {
          hinter.textContent = this.value;
          if ( !== "block")
   = "block";
          if (this.solid)
          nHint = setTimeout(() => = "", 300);
      Object.defineProperties(obj, {
        value: {
          get: () => this.value,
          set: (v) => {
            if (this.vertical)
              v = this.max - v + this.min;
            v = (this.max - this.min) * Math.round((v - this.min) / (this.max - this.min) * this.precision) / this.precision + this.min;
            if (v === this.value)
            this.value = v;
            !initing && callback && callback(v);
        min: {
          get: () => this.min,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === this.min || v >= this.max)
            this.min = v;
            if (v > this.value)
              obj.value = v;
        max: {
          get: () => this.max,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === this.max || v <= this.min)
            this.max = v;
            if (v < this.value)
              obj.value = v;
        precision: {
          get: () => this.precision,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === this.precision)
            this.precision = v;
            obj.value = obj.value;
        hint: {
          get: () => this.hint,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === this.hint)
            this.hint = v;
        solid: {
          get: () => this.solid,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === this.solid)
            this.solid = v;
        vertical: {
          get: () => this.vertical,
          set: (v) => {
            if (v === this.vertical)
            this.vertical = v;
   = v ? "rotate(-90deg)" : "";
      this.value = obj.value = value || 0;
      this.min = obj.min = min || 0;
      this.max = obj.max = max || 100;
      this.precision = obj.precision = precision || 100;
      this.hint = obj.hint = hint || true;
      this.solid = obj.solid = solid || false;
      this.vertical = obj.solid = vertical || false;
      initing = false;
    connectedCallback() {
      setTimeout(() => this.showChange());
  customElements.get(\`slider-block\${mutex}\`) || customElements.define(\`slider-block\${mutex}\`, SliderBlock);

  // src/tampermonkey/setting.html
  var setting_default2 = '<div class="box">\\r\\n    <div class="tool">\\r\\n        <div title="关闭" class="icon"></div>\\r\\n        <header>Bilbili Old</header>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n    <div class="content">\\r\\n        <div class="contain">\\r\\n            <div class="menu"></div>\\r\\n            <div class="item"></div>\\r\\n        </div>\\r\\n    </div>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .box {\\r\\n        left: 50%;\\r\\n        top: 50%;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);\\r\\n        min-width: 600px;\\r\\n        min-height: 400px;\\r\\n        padding: 0;\\r\\n        border: 0;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        z-index: 11110;\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        background: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 6px 12px 0 rgba(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        transition: transform 0.3s ease-in;\\r\\n        line-height: 14px;\\r\\n        font: 12px Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Microsoft Yahei, Hiragino Sans GB,\\r\\n            Heiti SC, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, sans-serif;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool {\\r\\n        border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        width: 100%;\\r\\n        display: inline-flex;\\r\\n        z-index: 1;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        justify-content: flex-end;\\r\\n        pointer-events: none;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool header {\\r\\n        position: absolute;\\r\\n        transform: translateX(-50%);\\r\\n        left: 50%;\\r\\n        font-size: 14px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool div {\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        padding: 10px;\\r\\n        transform: scale(0.8);\\r\\n        pointer-events: visible;\\r\\n        transition: opacity 0.3s ease;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .tool div:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 10%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .content {\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;\\r\\n        overflow: hidden;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain {\\r\\n        padding-bottom: 15px;\\r\\n        background-position: top center;\\r\\n        background-size: contain;\\r\\n        background-repeat: no-repeat;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        align-items: flex-start;\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        height: 360px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menu::-webkit-scrollbar,\\r\\n    .item::-webkit-scrollbar {\\r\\n        width: 0 !important;\\r\\n        height: 0 !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menu {\\r\\n        flex: 1 1 0;\\r\\n        flex-basis: calc(480px * 0.2);\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        position: sticky;\\r\\n        top: 0;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        min-width: fit-content;\\r\\n        overflow: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item {\\r\\n        flex: 4 4 0;\\r\\n        flex-basis: calc(480px * 0.8);\\r\\n        height: 100%;\\r\\n        box-sizing: border-box;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        margin: 0 auto;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        overflow: auto;\\r\\n        background-image: linear-gradient(to top, white, white),\\r\\n            linear-gradient(to top, white, white),\\r\\n            linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)),\\r\\n            linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0));\\r\\n        background-position: bottom center, top center, bottom center, top center;\\r\\n        background-color: white;\\r\\n        background-repeat: no-repeat;\\r\\n        background-size: 100% 20px, 100% 20px, 100% 10px, 100% 10px;\\r\\n        background-attachment: local, local, scroll, scroll;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .item>div {\\r\\n        display: none;\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 60px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menuitem {\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        font-weight: 500;\\r\\n        margin-inline-end: 2px;\\r\\n        margin-inline-start: 1px;\\r\\n        min-height: 20px;\\r\\n        padding-bottom: 10px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-start: 23px;\\r\\n        padding-top: 10px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menuitem:hover {\\r\\n        background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 6%);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .menuitem>div {\\r\\n        padding-inline-end: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selected {\\r\\n        color: rgb(51, 103, 214) !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .selected>.icon {\\r\\n        fill: rgb(51, 103, 214) !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain1 {\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 3px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-start: 20px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-end: 20px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-direction: column;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .header .title {\\r\\n        color: #000;\\r\\n        font-size: 108%;\\r\\n        font-weight: 400;\\r\\n        letter-spacing: 0.25px;\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 12px;\\r\\n        outline: none;\\r\\n        padding-bottom: 4px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .card {\\r\\n        border-radius: 4px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px rgb(60 64 67 / 30%);\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        color: #000;\\r\\n        line-height: 154%;\\r\\n        user-select: text;\\r\\n        margin-inline: 12px;\\r\\n        margin-bottom: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .contain2 {\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 6%);\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        min-height: 24px;\\r\\n        padding: 0 20px;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        justify-content: flex-end;\\r\\n        background-color: transparent !important;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .value {\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        flex-basis: 1e-9px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .value>* {\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        flex-basis: 1e-9px;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        flex-wrap: wrap;\\r\\n        justify-content: flex-end;\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        align-content: center;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .label {\\r\\n        flex: 1;\\r\\n        flex-basis: 1e-9px;\\r\\n        padding-block-end: 12px;\\r\\n        padding-block-start: 12px;\\r\\n        padding-inline-start: 12px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .switch>.label,\\r\\n    .button>.label,\\r\\n    .select>.label,\\r\\n    .input>.label,\\r\\n    .slider>.label {\\r\\n        flex: 2;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .select>.value,\\r\\n    .input>.value,\\r\\n    .slider>.value {\\r\\n        flex: 3;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .sub {\\r\\n        color: rgb(95, 99, 104);\\r\\n        font-weight: 400;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .icon {\\r\\n        align-items: center;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        display: flex;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        justify-content: center;\\r\\n        position: relative;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        box-sizing: content-box;\\r\\n        background: none;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/tampermonkey/setting.ts
  var MENU = [];
  var SETTING = [];
  function registerMenu(mus) {
    const arr2 = isArray(mus) ? mus : [mus];
    arr2.forEach((d) => MENU.push(d));
  var disableSettingCallback = false;
  function registerSetting(sets) {
    disableSettingCallback = true;
    const arr2 = isArray(sets) ? sets : [sets];
    arr2.forEach((d) => {
      let tag = false;
      if (d.type !== "list") {
        Reflect.has(setting, d.key) && (d.value = Reflect.get(setting, d.key));
        d = new Proxy(d, {
          set: (t, p, v, r) => {
            if (p === "value") {
              if (!tag) {
                setting[d.key] = v;
                return true;
              tag = false;
            return Reflect.set(t, p, v, r);
        setting[d.key] = d.value;
        Reflect.defineProperty(setting, d.key, {
          set: (v) => {
            tag = true;
            d.value = v;
          get: () => d.value
      } else {
        const obj = Reflect.has(setting, d.key) && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(setting[d.key]));
        const bak = {};
        setting[d.key] = new Proxy(bak, {});
        d.list.forEach((t, i, a) => {
          obj && obj[t.key] && (t.value = obj[t.key]);
          a[i] = new Proxy(t, {
            set: (t2, p, v, r) => {
              if (p === "value") {
                if (!tag) {
                  setting[d.key][t2.key] = v;
                  return true;
                tag = false;
              return Reflect.set(t2, p, v, r);
          bak[t.key] = a[i].value;
          Reflect.defineProperty(bak, t.key, {
            get: () => a[i].value,
            set: (v) => {
              tag = true;
              a[i].value = v;
          setting[d.key][t.key] = t.value;
    disableSettingCallback = false;
  var BilibiliOld = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      const root3 = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      this._box = root3.children[0];
      this._tool = root3.children[0].children[0];
      this._close = root3.children[0].children[0].children[0];
      this._menu = root3.children[0].children[1].children[0].children[0];
      this._item = root3.children[0].children[1].children[0].children[1];
      this._close.addEventListener("click", () => this._box.removeAttribute("style"));
      disableSettingCallback = true;
      disableSettingCallback = false;
    MENU = {};
    ITEM = {};
    initMenu() {
      MENU.forEach((d) => {
        const menuitem = this._menu.appendChild(createElement(htmlVnode(
          \`<div class="menuitem">\${(d.svg ? \`<div class="icon">\${d.svg}</div>\` : "") + d.value}</div>\`
        this.MENU[d.key] = menuitem;
        menuitem.addEventListener("click", () => {
        this.ITEM[d.key] = this._item.appendChild(createElement(htmlVnode(
          \`<div class="item\${d.key}">
                    <div class="contain1">
                        <div class="header">
                            <h2 class="title">\${d.value}</h2>
                    <div class="card"></div>
    menuSelect(key = "common") {
      this._menuNow = this.MENU[key];
      this._itemNow = this.ITEM[key];
      this.ITEM[key].setAttribute("style", \`display: block;\`);
    show(key) {
      this._box.setAttribute("style", "display: block;");
      key && this._itemNow?.querySelector(\`.\${key}\`)?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start" });
    SETTING = {};
    initItem() {
      SETTING.forEach((d) => {
        this.SETTING[d.key] =;
        if (d.type === "list") {
          const node4 = this.ITEM[];
            \`<div class="contain1 \${d.key}">
                        <div class="header">
                            <h2 class="title">\${}</h2>
                    <div class="card"></div>\`
          d.list.forEach((t) => {
            this.SETTING[\`\${d.key}-\${t.key}\`] =;
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        } else {
          this.appendItem(this.ITEM[].children[1], d);
    appendItem(node4, set, str) {
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              set: (tar, ppt, val, rcv) => {
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                  } else {
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  function showSetting2(key) {
    node2 || (node2 = new BilibiliOld());
    document.body.contains(node2) || document.body.appendChild(node2);;

  // src/tampermonkey/ui.html
  var ui_default = '<div class="setting">\\r\\n    <i></i><span>设置</span>\\r\\n</div>\\r\\n<div class="gear"></div>\\r\\n<style type="text/css">\\r\\n    .gear {\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        right: 40px;\\r\\n        bottom: 60px;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid #e9eaec;\\r\\n        border-radius: 50%;\\r\\n        box-shadow: 0 0 12px 4px rgb(106, 115, 133, 22%);\\r\\n        padding: 10px;\\r\\n        cursor: pointer;\\r\\n        animation: roll 1s ease-out;\\r\\n        transition: opacity 0.3s ease-out;\\r\\n        background: none;\\r\\n        z-index: 11110;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting {\\r\\n        box-sizing: content-box;\\r\\n        color: #fff;\\r\\n        background-color: #fff;\\r\\n        border-radius: 5px;\\r\\n        position: fixed;\\r\\n        bottom: 65px;\\r\\n        width: 56px;\\r\\n        height: 40px;\\r\\n        transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        -moz-transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        -webkit-transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        -o-transition: right 0.7s;\\r\\n        z-index: 11110;\\r\\n        padding: 4px;\\r\\n        right: -54px;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting:hover {\\r\\n        right: 0px;\\r\\n        box-shadow: rgba(0, 85, 255, 0.098) 0px 0px 20px 0px;\\r\\n        border: 1px solid rgb(233, 234, 236);\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting i {\\r\\n        background-position: -471px -982px;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        width: 20px;\\r\\n        height: 20px;\\r\\n        transition: 0.2s;\\r\\n        background-image: url(//;\\r\\n        margin: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    .setting span {\\r\\n        font-size: 14px;\\r\\n        display: block;\\r\\n        width: 50%;\\r\\n        transition: 0.2s;\\r\\n        color: #000;\\r\\n        margin: auto;\\r\\n    }\\r\\n\\r\\n    @keyframes roll {\\r\\n\\r\\n        30%,\\r\\n        60%,\\r\\n        90% {\\r\\n            transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        10%,\\r\\n        40%,\\r\\n        70% {\\r\\n            transform: scale(1.11) rotate(-180deg);\\r\\n        }\\r\\n\\r\\n        20%,\\r\\n        50%,\\r\\n        80% {\\r\\n            transform: scale(0.9) rotate(-360deg);\\r\\n        }\\r\\n    }\\r\\n</style>';

  // src/images/svg/gear.svg
  var gear_default = '<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.429 1.525a6.593 6.593 0 011.142 0c. 1.105c. 1.53.27l1.102-.303c.11-. 1.456a4.588 4.588 0 010 .582c-.032.499.119 1.05.53 1.456l.815.806c. 6.494 0 01-.573.99c-.02.029-.086.074-.195.045l-1.103-.303c-.559-.153-1.112-.008-1.529.27-.16.107-.327.204-.5.29-.449.222-.851.628-.998 1.189l-.289 1.105c-.029.11-.101.143-.137.146a6.613 6.613 0 01-1.142 0c-.036-.003-.108-.037-.137-.146l-.289-1.105c-.147-.56-.55-.967-.997-1.189a4.502 4.502 0 01-.501-.29c-.417-.278-.97-.423-1.53-.27l-1.102.303c-.11.03-.175-.016-.195-.046a6.492 6.492 0 01-.573-.989c-.014-.031-.022-.11.059-.19l.815-.806c.411-.406.562-.957.53-1.456a4.587 4.587 0 010-.582c.032-.499-.119-1.05-.53-1.456l-.815-.806c-.08-.08-.073-.159-.059-.19a6.44 6.44 0 01.573-.99c.02-.029.086-.075.195-.045l1.103.303c.559.153 1.112.008 1.529-.27.16-.107.327-.204.5-.29.449-.222.851-.628.998-1.189l.289-1.105c.029-.11.101-.143.137-.146zM8 0c-.236 0-.47.01-.701.03-.743.065-1.29.615-1.458 1.261l-.29 1.106c-.017.066-.078.158-.211.224a5.994 5.994 0 00-.668.386c-.123.082-.233.09-.3.071L3.27 2.776c-.644-.177-1.392.02-1.82.63a7.977 7.977 0 00-.704 1.217c-.315.675-.111 1.422.363 1.891l.815.806c. 6.084 0 000 .772c.01.147-.038.246-.088.294l-.815.806c-.474.469-.678 1.216-.363 1.891.2.428.436.835.704 1.218.428.609 1.176.806 1.82.63l1.103-.303c.066-.019.176-. 1.106c.169.646.715 1.196 1.458 1.26a8.094 8.094 0 001.402 0c.743-.064 1.29-.614 1.458-1.26l.29-1.106c.017-.066.078-.158.211-.224a5.98 5.98 0 00.668-.386c.123-.082.233-.09.3-.071l1.102.302c.644.177 1.392-.02 1.82-.63.268-.382.505-.789.704-1.217.315-.675.111-1.422-.364-1.891l-.814-.806c-.05-.048-.098-.147-.088-.294a6.1 6.1 0 000-.772c-.01-.147.039-.246.088-.294l.814-.806c.475-.469.679-1.216.364-1.891a7.992 7.992 0 00-.704-1.218c-.428-.609-1.176-.806-1.82-.63l-1.103.303c-.066.019-.176.011-.299-.071a5.991 5.991 0 00-.668-.386c-.133-.066-.194-.158-.212-.224L10.16 1.29C9.99.645 9.444.095 8.701.031A8.094 8.094 0 008 0zm1.5 8a1.5 1.5 0 11-3 0 1.5 1.5 0 013 0zM11 8a3 3 0 11-6 0 3 3 0 016 0z"></svg>';

  // src/tampermonkey/ui.ts
      key: "windowStop",
      menu: "common",
      label: "重构加固",
      svg: stethoscope_default,
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      sub: "中止DOM解析",
      float: \`重构旧版页面前使用 window.stop 方法停止原有页面解析渲染,减少重构后页面被破坏的可能性。<br>※ 此选项可能导致网站图标加载失败,其他扩展及脚本兼容不兼容等问题,<strong>请在不得不启用时才启用!</strong>\`
      key: "settingEntryType",
      menu: "common",
      label: "贴边隐藏设置入口",
      svg: gear_default,
      type: "switch",
      value: false,
      sub: "右下角贴边隐藏",
      float: "原滋原味保护旧版页面,不添加、修改或删除任何元素是本脚本的终极追求。<br>开启后将贴边隐藏设置入口,页面加载完成时也不会有任何提示,需要将鼠标移动到页面右下角以上一定感应区域才会显现。<br>※ <strong>Firefox用户切莫开启!</strong>",
      callback: () => {
      key: "downloadBtn",
      menu: "download",
      type: "switch",
      label: "下载按钮",
      sub: "播放器右上角",
      value: false
      key: "downloadNow",
      menu: "download",
      type: "button",
      label: "下载面板",
      sub: "下载当前视频",
      func: () => {
      button: "呼出"
      key: "onlineDanmaku",
      menu: "danmaku",
      name: "在线弹幕",
      type: "list",
      list: [
          key: "url",
          label: "视频链接或参数",
          type: "input",
          float: "请提供对应视频的完整url或者能提取有效信息的参数,比如:<br>av806828803<br>av806828803?p=1<br>BV1T34y1o72w<br>ss3398<br>ep84795<br>aid=806828803<br>aid=806828803&p=1<br>avid=806828803<br>bvid=1T34y1o72w<br>bvid=BV1T34y1o72w<br>ssid=3398<br>epid=84795<br>season_id=3398<br>ep_id=84795",
          props: { placeholder: "av806828803" }
          key: "concat",
          label: "合并已有弹幕",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "action",
          label: "(👉゚ヮ゚)👉",
          type: "button",
          func: async () => {
            if (!window.player)
              return toast.warning("请在播放页面使用本功能 →_→");
            if (!window.player.setDanmaku)
              return toast.warning("内部组件丢失!", "请检查【托管原生脚本】功能是否开启!");
            if (!setting.onlineDanmaku.url)
              return toast.warning("请输入视频链接或参数~");
            try {
              const d = await urlParam(setting.onlineDanmaku.url, false);
              if (d.aid && d.cid) {
      "参数解析成功,正在获取弹幕数据~", d);
                debug(setting.onlineDanmaku.url, d);
                let dm = await danmaku.getSegDanmaku(d.aid, d.cid);
                if (dm) {
                  const dat = danmaku.danmakuFormat(dm);
                  window.player?.setDanmaku(dat, setting.danmakuContact);
                  setting.downloadOther && pushDownload({
                    group: "弹幕",
                    data: dat,
                    up: "在线",
                    down: \`N/A\`,
                    callback: () => danmaku.saveDanmaku(dat, setting.onlineDanmaku.url)
                } else {
              } else {
            } catch (e) {
              toast.error("在线弹幕", e);
              debug.error("在线弹幕", e);
          button: "加载"
      key: "allAction",
      menu: "danmaku",
      label: "(👉゚ヮ゚)👉",
      type: "button",
      func: () => {
      button: "开始",
      float: "通过获取所有历史弹幕来实现,但每天的历史弹幕池其实有上限(远低于普通弹幕池),超出的部分是获取不到的,所以最后获取到的总数其实未必达得到【全弹幕】的要求(甚至可能不如普通弹幕池)。另外高级弹幕、代码弹幕等并不在历史弹幕池内,如果普通池内没有,想通过本功能来获取只是徒劳。"
      key: "localMedia",
      menu: "player",
      type: "list",
      name: "播放本地文件",
      list: [
          key: "concat",
          label: "与已有弹幕合并",
          type: "switch",
          value: false
          key: "file",
          label: "选择本地文件或者弹幕",
          type: "input",
          props: { type: "file", accept: "video/mp4,application/xml,application/json", multiple: "multiple" },
          change: (v) => {
            new LocalMedia(v);
  var BilibilEntry = class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      this.root = this.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" });
      this.root.appendChild(createElements(htmlVnode(ui_default.replace('<div class="gear"></div>', \`<div class="gear">\${gear_default}</div>\`))));
      this.stage = this.root.children[0];
      this.gear = this.root.children[1];
      this.gear.addEventListener("mouseover", () => = "0.8");
      this.gear.addEventListener("mouseout", () => = "0");
      this.gear.addEventListener("click", () => {
      this.stage.addEventListener("click", () => {
    change() {
      if (setting.settingEntryType) {
        this.root.contains(this.gear) && this.gear.remove();
        this.root.contains(this.stage) || this.root.appendChild(this.stage);
      } else {
        this.root.contains(this.stage) && this.stage.remove();
        if (!this.root.contains(this.gear)) {
          setTimeout(() => {
   = "0";
          }, 2e3);
  customElements.get("bilibili-entry") || customElements.define("bilibili-entry", BilibilEntry);
  var node3 = new BilibilEntry();
  function showSettingEntry() {
    document.body.contains(node3) || document.body.appendChild(node3);

  // src/tampermonkey/vector.ts
  if (setting.index && path[2] == "" && (!path[3] || (path[3].startsWith("?") || path[3].startsWith("#") || path[3].startsWith("index.")))) {
  if (setting.av && /(\\/s)?\\/video\\/[AaBb][Vv]/.test(location.href)) {
    path[3] === "s" && replaceUrl(location.href.replace("s/video", "video"));
  if (setting.bangumi && /\\/bangumi\\/play\\/(ss|ep)/.test(location.href)) {
  if (setting.watchlater && /\\/watchlater/.test(location.href)) {
  if (setting.player && /player\\./.test(location.href) && !location.href.includes("ancient")) {
  if (setting.playlist && /\\/medialist\\/play\\//.test(location.href) && !/watchlater/.test(location.href) || /\\/playlist\\/video\\/pl/.test(location.href)) {
  if (setting.ranking && /\\/v\\/popular\\//.test(location.href)) {
  if ( && /\\/read\\/[Cc][Vv]/.test(location.href)) {
  if ( && path[2] == "") {
  doWhile(() => document.readyState === "complete", () => { === window.self && showSettingEntry();
 * remove-invalid-xml-characters.js
 * @link
 * @license MIT
 * @see
// @license GFUL
// @license MIT

`;"use strict";
(() => {
  // src/tampermonkey/index.ts
  (function() {
    new Function(