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Torrentz : The Bobcat add-on

Add IMDB ratings, download links, movie plot/actors, and other goodies. Also features an awesome built-in serie tracker. Upgrade your experience of torrentz to a whole new level! Watch this video for a quick demo :

Fra og med 13.06.2014. Se den nyeste version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Torrentz : The Bobcat add-on
// @namespace     http://torrentzBobCat
// @homepage
// @description   Add IMDB ratings, download links, movie plot/actors, and other goodies. Also features an awesome built-in serie tracker. Upgrade your experience of torrentz to a whole new level! Watch this video for a quick demo :
// @author        coolMatt
// @version        1.3.5
// @grant none
// @include       *://torrentz.*
// @match         *://*
// @match         *://*

// ==/UserScript==
// @date    19 Jun 2013
// @license    GPL version 3 or any later version;

/*New in 1.2 : Movie Ratings are now hyperlinks to IMDB as suggested by NK3*/
var Torrentz = {}; Torrentz.GM = {}; Torrentz.GM.BobCatTorrentz = {}; Torrentz.GM.BobCatTorrentz = { PageCache_movieInfo: {}, PageCache_lk_id_info: {}, start: function () { initCss(); this.addPluginZone(); $("").hide(); var loginStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("moviesInfo"), loginData = loginStore.get(); var cacheSize, k, that = this; try { cacheSize = Object.keys(loginData).length } catch (err) { cacheSize = 0; for (k in loginData) { if (loginData.hasOwnProperty(k)) { cacheSize++ } } }"Cache size:" + Object.keys(loginData).length); if (cacheSize > 150) { that.clearCache() } $("body>iframe:first").hide();var results = $(".results"); results.find("h3:first").append("<span>|&nbsp</span><b title='IMDB Rating. Brought to you by the Torrentz Dominion Plugin'>Rating</b>"); results.children("dl").each(function (index) { that.processRow($(this), loginData, false) }); results.find("span.downloadLink").click(function () { $(this).replaceWith("<div class='fleft bobcatStamp' style='width:80px;height:25px;position:relative;top:-4px'></div>"); downloadTorrent($(this).attr("data-torrentid")) }); results.find("dt").click(function () { var dt = $(this), text, divDesc = dt.find(".movieDesc"), div, lk, aElement; if (divDesc.length == 0) { aElement = dt.children("a:first"); if (aElement.length == 0) { return } var id = aElement.attr("href").substr(1).toUpperCase(), info = null; if (!id) { return } if (that.PageCache_lk_id_info[id]) { info = that.PageCache_movieInfo[that.PageCache_lk_id_info[id]] } if (info) { text = "<div class='plot'><b>Plot</b>: " + info.Plot + "</div><div class='actorsInfo'> <b>Actors</b>: " + info.Actors + "</div>" } else { text = aElement.attr("title") } divDesc = $("<div class='movieDesc'>" + text + "</div>"); div = $("<div class='divQuality'></div>"); lk = $("<div class='hyperlink fleft'>See user comments</div>"); lk.hover(function (e) { if ($(this).data("processed")) { return } that.getQuality($(this.parentNode), aElement.attr("href")); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).hide(); $(this).data("processed", true) }); div.append(lk).append($("<img class='spinner fleft'></div><div class='qualityComments'><div/>").hide()); divDesc.append(div).hide(); dt.append(divDesc) } if (":hidden")) { divDesc.children().hide(); divDesc.slideDown(200, function () { divDesc.children().show() }); dt.children(".expand").addClass("collapse") } else { divDesc.slideUp(); dt.children(".expand").removeClass("collapse") } }); var serieTrakerLastCheckedStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("serieTrackerLastCheck"), serieTrakerLastChecked = serieTrakerLastCheckedStore.get(), today = encodeDate(new Date()); if (!serieTrakerLastChecked || serieTrakerLastChecked.LastChecked != today) { serieTrakerLastCheckedStore.set({ FoundNewEpisodes: false, LastChecked: today }); this.searchForNewEpisodes(this.episodeFoundCallback_2) } else { if (serieTrakerLastChecked.FoundNewEpisodes) { $("#btSerieTracker").css("color", "Blue").removeClass("bobcatStamp").addClass("bobcatStamp2") } } }, processRow: function (row, loginData, isIFrameDownload) { if (!row) { return } var tags = null, name; var lk = row.find("dt>a"); if (lk.length > 0) { var id = lk.attr("href").substr(1).toUpperCase(); var info = lk.parent().text(); var index = info.indexOf("»"); var rightCol = row.find("dd"); rightCol.css("width", "400px"); row.find("dt").css("width", "540px"); if (index > -1) { tags = info.substr(index + 1); name = info.substr(0, index) } lk.attr("title", tags ? "Tags: " + tags : info).parent().html(lk); var type = this.getType(name, tags); if (this.isTVSerie(name)) { type = "tv" } if (type == "movie") { if (!loginData) { return } lk.css("color", "#3F14FF"); var yearIndex =\s[0-9]{4}\s/); if (yearIndex != -1) { var year = name.substr(yearIndex + 1, 4); name = name.substr(0, yearIndex); info = loginData[(name + year).toLowerCase()]; if (info) { this.PageCache_movieInfo[(name + year).toLowerCase()] = info; this.PageCache_lk_id_info[id] = (name + year).toLowerCase(); lk.text(name + " " + year); rightCol.append($("<a class='rateBox' " + (info.ImdbID && info.ImdbID != "" ? "target='_blank' href='" + info.ImdbID + "'" : "") + " >" + info.imdbRating + "</a>")) } else { this.searchIMDBinfo(name, year, lk, rightCol) } } } else { if (type == "tv") { lk.css("color", "Black") } else { lk.css("color", "#555") } } rightCol.prepend("<span class='downloadLink hyperlink' data-torrentid='" + id + "'>Download</span>"); lk.parent().prepend("<div class='expand fleft'></div>") } }, getType: function (name, tags) { if (tags.indexOf("movies") > -1) { return "movie" } else { if (tags.indexOf("tv") > -1) { return "tv" } else { if (tags.indexOf("games") > -1) { return "game" } } } }, isTVSerie: function (fullName) { return (new RegExp(/[sS][0-9]+[eE][0-9]+/).test(fullName) || new RegExp(/[0-9]+[x][0-9]+/).test(fullName) || new RegExp(/season[\s]?[0-9]{1,2}[\s]/i).test(fullName)) }, searchIMDBinfo: function (name, year, link, rightCol, isRetry) { var url = encodeURI("" + name), that = this; $("<span></span>").css("display", "none").load(url, function (data) { var obj = $.parseJSON(data); if (obj) { if (obj.imdbRating) { var loginStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("moviesInfo"), loginData = loginStore.get(); if (loginData) { var refName = (name + year).toLowerCase(); that.PageCache_movieInfo[refName] = { imdbRating: obj.imdbRating, Plot: obj.Plot, Actors: obj.Actors, ImdbID: obj.imdbID }; that.PageCache_lk_id_info[link.attr("href").substr(1).toUpperCase()] = refName; loginData[refName] = { imdbRating: obj.imdbRating, Plot: obj.Plot, Actors: obj.Actors, ImdbID: obj.imdbID }; loginStore.set(loginData) } rightCol.append($("<a class='rateBox' " + (obj.imdbID && obj.imdbID != "" ? "target='_blank' href='" + obj.imdbID + "'" : "") + " >" + obj.imdbRating + "</a>")) } else { if (obj.Response == "False") { if (isRetry != true) { var name2 = name.replace(/thats/gi, "that's").replace(/it's/gi, "its").replace(/spiderman/i, "spider man").replace(/extended$/i, ""); if (name2 != name) { that.searchIMDBinfo(name2, year, link, rightCol, true); return } } + ": " + obj.Error) } } } }); return }, tempID: 0, getQuality: function ($qualityDiv, url) { url = "" + url; $qualityDiv.find(".spinner").show(); var id = "divComment" + (this.tempID++); $("<div style='display:none' id='" + id + "'></div>").load(url, function (data) { var comments = $(data).find("div.comment .com"); var qualityComments = []; for (var i = 0, comment; i < comments.length; i++) { comment = $(comments[i]).text(); if (comment.length > 400) { comment = comment.substr(0, 400) + " (...)" } qualityComments.push(comment) } $qualityDiv.find(".spinner").hide(); $qualityDiv.find(".qualityComments").show().html("<b>User comment:</b><br/>" + qualityComments.join("<br/>")); $(id).empty() }) }, clearCache: function () { var loginStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("moviesInfo"); loginStore.set({});"Movie cache cleared") }, addPluginZone: function () { $("").append("<div id='bobcatLogoContainer' class='bobcatLogo'><a href=''>with the Bobcat add-on</a></div>"); var btST = $("<button type='button' id='btSerieTracker' class='bcButton bobcatStamp'>Serie Tracker</button>"), that = this; () { that.onclick_btSerieTracker() }); $("div.results h2").append(btST) }, _ddSeasonHTML: "", _ddEpisodeHTML: "", onclick_btSerieTracker: function () { if (!this.SerieTrackerMode) { $("div.results h3").nextAll().hide(); $("div.recent").hide(); $("#serieContainer").show(); $("#btSerieTracker").text("Return to List"); if (this.SerieTrackerMode == null) { var serieTrakerLastCheckedStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("serieTrackerLastCheck"), serieTrakerLastChecked = serieTrakerLastCheckedStore.get(); serieTrakerLastCheckedStore.set({ FoundNewEpisodes: false, LastChecked: encodeDate(new Date()) }); delete serieTrakerLastCheckedStore; var serieStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("trackedSeriesInfo"), serieInfo = serieStore.get(); if (!serieInfo.Ids) { serieStore.set({ Ids: [], CurrentId: 1 }) } $("div.results").after("<div class='results' id='serieContainer'><dl></dl><div id='addSerieContainer' style='float:left;position:relative;'> <h2>Track a new Serie</h2>" + "<div class='row'><div class='col1'><label>Name</label></div><div  class='col2'><input type='text' id='st_tbNameNew' class='bcTextbox'/></div> <div class='col3'><span id='st_lblSuggestion'></span></div></div>" + "<div class='row'><div class='col1'><label>Season</label></div><div  class='col2'><select id='st_ddSeasonNew' class='bcSelect'><option></option></select></div></div>" + "<div class='row'><div class='col1'><label>Episode</label></div><div  class='col2'><select id='st_ddEpisodeNew' class='bcSelect'><option></option></select></div></div>" + "<button type='button' id='btAddSerie' class='bcButton'>Add This Serie</button><span id='st_lblOutput' style='color:red'></span><br/>" + "<input type='checkbox' id='cbIsFinishedSeason'/><label for='cbIsFinishedSeason'>I know this season is finished and has </label><input type='input' id='tbSeasonNbEpisodes' style='width:20px' maxlength=2 value='20'/> episodes</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='clear:both;cursor:pointer' id='st_btDeleteAll' >Delete All Tracked Series<div/>" + "<div style='width:500px;border-radius:6px; border-size:1px;margin-top:25px'>The Bobcat addon will check once a day your tracked series for new episodes.<br/><img src=''/>: New episode(s)<br/><img src=''/>: No new episodes</div>"); var i, htmlddSeasons = "", htmlddEpisodes = ""; for (i = 1; i < 30; i++) { htmlddSeasons += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>" } for (i = 1; i < 40; i++) { htmlddEpisodes += "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>" } $("#st_ddSeasonNew").html(htmlddSeasons); $("#st_ddEpisodeNew").html(htmlddEpisodes); htmlddSeasons = ""; htmlddEpisodes = ""; this.displayTrackedSeries(); this.searchForNewEpisodes(this.episodeFoundCallback); var that = this; $("#btAddSerie").click(function () { var name = $("#st_tbNameNew").val(); if ($.trim(name) == "") { $("#st_lblOutput").text("Enter a Name") } else { var store = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("trackedSeriesInfo"), serieInfo = store.get(), id = serieInfo.CurrentId; serieInfo.CurrentId = id + 1; serieInfo.Ids.push(id); store.set(serieInfo); var store = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("ts_" + id), isFinished = $("#cbIsFinishedSeason").is(":checked"), serie = { Name: name, Season: parseInt($("#st_ddSeasonNew").val(), 10), Current: { e: parseInt($("#st_ddEpisodeNew").val(), 10) }, History: [], id: id }; if (isFinished) { serie.isFinished = true; serie.NbTotEpisodes = parseInt($("#tbSeasonNbEpisodes").val(), 10); if (isNaN(serie.NbTotEpisodes)) { alert("Enter a valid number of episodes"); return } } store.set(serie); that.displayTrackedSeries(); that.searchForNewEpisodes(that.episodeFoundCallback); $("#st_lblOutput").text("") } }); $("#st_lblSuggestion").click(function () { $("#st_tbNameNew").val($(this).text()) }); $("#st_tbNameNew").keypress(function (e) { if (e.keyCode >= 20 && e.keyCode <= 40 && e.keyCode != 32) { return true } var txt = $(this).val(); if (txt.length >= 3) { var url = encodeURI("" + $.trim(txt)); $("<span></span>").css("display", "none").load(url, function (data) { var res = $.parseJSON(data); if (res && res.length == 2 && res[1] != null && res[1].length > 0) { console.log(res[1][0]); $("#st_lblSuggestion").text(res[1][0]) } else { $("#st_lblSuggestion").val("-") } }) } }); $("#st_btDeleteAll").click(function () { if (confirm("Do you want to delete all the currently tracked series ?")) { Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("trackedSeriesInfo").set({ Ids: [], CurrentId: 1 }); that.displayTrackedSeries() } }) } this.SerieTrackerMode = true } else { this.SerieTrackerMode = false; $("div.results h3,div.recent").nextAll().show(); $("#serieContainer").hide(); $("#btSerieTracker").text("Serie Tracker") } }, displayTrackedSeries: function () { var serieIds = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("trackedSeriesInfo").get().Ids; var dl = $("#serieContainer dl"); dl.empty(); for (var i = 0, serie, id; i < serieIds.length; i++) { this.displaySerie(serieIds[i]) } }, displaySerie: function (serieId) { var serie = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("ts_" + serieId).get(), time, hasNew = false; if (!serie.History) { serie.History = [] } var html = "<div class='trackedSerieContainer'  data-id='" + + "'>" + "<div class='trackedSerieHeader'>" + "<div class='st_name st-col1'>" + "<div class='deleteIcon fleft' data-id='" + + "' title='delete' style='margin-right:2px'></div>" + serie.Name + "</div>" + "<div class='st-col2'><b>Season " + serie.Season + "</b></div>" + "<div class='episode st-col3'><b>" + (serie.History.length > 0 ? "Episode " + serie.History[0].e : " - ") + "</b></div>" + "<div class='st-col4'>" + (serie.isFinished ? "" : "Tracking: On") + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='trackerSerieBody' style='display:none'>"; if (serie.History.length == 0) { html += "<div style='margin-left:50px'>No results found</div>" } else { for (var j = 0, h, d, l = serie.History.length; j < l; j++) { h = serie.History[j]; d = (h.d ? new Date(new Date() - getDateFromDateString(h.d)) : null); if (d) { if (d.getMonth() > 0) { dif = d.getMonth() + " month" + (d.getMonth() == 1 ? "" : "s") + " ago" } else { time = d.getDate() - 1; if (time == 0) { time = "today"; hasNew = true } else { time += " days ago" } } } html += "<div class='st-row' data-serieData='" + ( + "_" + h.e) + "'><div class='st-col1'>&nbsp</div> <div class='st-col2'>Episode " + h.e + "</div><div class='st-col3'>" + (h.f ? "<span class='st-btShowLk hyperlink'>Show Links<span>" : "<span>Not found</span>") + "</div>" + "<div class='st-col4'>" + time + "</div>" + "</div> " } } html += "</div></div>"; var el = $("#serieContainer .trackedSerieContainer").filter(function () { return $(this).data("id") == serieId }), newEl = $(html); delete html; if (el.length > 0) { el.empty().replaceWith(newEl) } else { $("#serieContainer dl").append(newEl) } var that = this; newEl.find("div.deleteIcon").click(function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); that.onclick_deleteTrackedSerie(this) }); newEl.find("").click(function (e) { that.onclick_showLinks(this) }); newEl.find("div.trackedSerieHeader").addClass(hasNew ? "hasNew" : "").click(function (e) { that.onclick_serieHeader(this) }) }, searchForNewEpisodes: function (callback) { var serieInfo = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("trackedSeriesInfo").get(), that = this, today = encodeDate(new Date()); for (var i = 0, store, serie, search, ids = serieInfo.Ids; i < ids.length; i++) { store = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("ts_" + ids[i]); serie = store.get(); if (!serie.isFinished || serie.History.length == 0) { this.lookForEpisode(serie, serie.Current.e, callback, store) } } }, lookForEpisode: function (serie, episode, callback, store) { var search = serie.Name + " S" + (serie.Season < 10 ? "0" : "") + serie.Season + "E" + (episode < 10 ? "0" : "") + episode, url = encodeURI("" + search), that = this; search = search.toLowerCase(); $("<span></span>").css("display", "none").load(url, function (data) { var rows = $(this).find("div.results dl"), results = []; for (var i = 0, $row, txt; i < rows.length; i++) { $row = $(rows[i]); txt = $row.find("dt").text().toLowerCase(); if (txt.indexOf(search) > -1) { results.push($row) } } if (callback) { callback(serie, episode, results, store, that) } $(this).empty() }) }, episodeFoundCallback: function (s, e, results, store, context) { if (results.length < 1) { if (s.isFinished && e < s.NbTotEpisodes) { s.History.splice(0, 0, { e: e, f: false, d: encodeDate(new Date()) }); s.Current.e = parseInt(s.Current.e, 10) + 1; store.set(s); context.displaySerie(; context.lookForEpisode(s, e + 1, context.episodeFoundCallback, store) } } else { s.History.splice(0, 0, { e: e, f: true, d: encodeDate(new Date()) }); s.Current.e = parseInt(s.Current.e, 10) + 1; store.set(s); context.displaySerie(; var el = $("#serieContainer .trackedSerieContainer").filter(function () { return $(this).data("id") == }); el.find(".trackedSerieHeader").css("color", "Blue"); context.lookForEpisode(s, s.Current.e, context.episodeFoundCallback, store) } }, episodeFoundCallback_2: function (s, e, results) { if (results.length < 1) { return } $("#btSerieTracker").css("color", "Blue"); var serieTrakerLastCheckedStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("serieTrackerLastCheck"), serieTrakerLastChecked = serieTrakerLastCheckedStore.get(); serieTrakerLastCheckedStore.set({ FoundNewEpisodes: true, LastChecked: encodeDate(new Date()) }) }, onclick_serieHeader: function (headerEl) { headerEl = $(headerEl); var body = headerEl.parent().children(".trackerSerieBody"); if (":visible")) { body.slideUp(200, function () { }) } else { body.slideDown(200, function () { }) } }, onclick_showLinks: function (lk) { lk = $(lk); var row = lk.parent().parent(), that = this, data ="seriedata"), dataParts; var existingBox = row.parent().children(".st-link-container").filter(function () { return $(this).data("seriedata") == data }); if (existingBox.length != 0) { existingBox.remove() } else { if (data) { dataParts = data.split("_"); var serie = this.getSerieFromStore(dataParts[0]); this.lookForEpisode(serie, dataParts[1], function (s, e, results) { var html = "<div class='st-link-container' data-seriedata='" + data + "'>", max = (results.length < 3 ? results.length : 3); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { r = results[i]; that.processRow(r, null, true); html += "<div class='st-row'><div class='st-link-col1'>" + r.find("dt").html() + "</div>"; html += "<div class='st-link-col2'>" + r.find("dd").html() + "</div> "; html += "</div>" } var linkContainer = $(html); linkContainer.find("span.downloadLink").click(function () { downloadTorrent($(this).attr("data-torrentid")) }); row.after(linkContainer) }) } } }, onclick_deleteTrackedSerie: function (element) { var name = $(element).parent().text(), id = $(element).data("id"); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the entry for '" + name + "'")) { var store = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("trackedSeriesInfo"), serieInfo = store.get(); serieInfo.Ids = $.grep(serieInfo.Ids, function (value) { return value != id }); store.set(serieInfo); store = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("ts_" + id); store.set({}); this.displayTrackedSeries() } }, getSerieFromStore: function (id) { var serieStore = Enbalaba.GetLocalStore("ts_" + id), serie = serieStore.get(); return serie } }; Enbalaba = {}; function initCss() { var css = [" .rateBox{ margin-left:10px;position:relative;bottom:3px; cursor: pointer; padding:1px; background-color:#EEE; border:#AAA solid 1px; border-radius:4px}", ".bobcatLogo{background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0}", "#bobcatLogoContainer a{color:White}", "#bobcatLogoContainer a:hover{color:White}", ".bobcatStamp{background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0}", ".bobcatStamp2{background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0}", "#bobcatLogoContainer{color:White;height:30px;width:150px;float:left;padding-left:50px;padding-top:5px; margin-top:10px}", ".downloadLink{;margin-right:20px}", ".moreLk{padding-left:30px;cursor:pointer}", ".movieDesc{width:530px;margin:10px 0px 40px 0px;color:Black;white-space:normal}", ".fleft{ float:left}", "dt:hover{ background-color:#EEE}", ".qualityComments{float:clear}", ".spinner{ background:url( no-repeat left center;width: 16px;height: 16px}", ".actorsInfo,.qualityComments,.divQuality,.plot{ margin-top:11px;margin-bottom:5px; font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif}", "#pluginZoneContainer{ position:absolute; left: 210px; top:10px; width: 200px; height: 200px;background-color:Gray}", ".expand{  background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0; width:15px; height: 9px; position: relative; top:3px}", ".deleteIcon{  background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0; width:15px; height: 13px; position: relative; top:3px}", ".downloadIcon{  background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll 0 0; width:17px; height: 18px; position: relative; top:3px}", ".deleteIcon:hover{ background-color:#CCC}", ".collapse{  background-image:url(}", ".btSerieTrackerHighlight{color:Yellow !important}", "#btSerieTracker{ padding-left:40px;margin-left:20px; background-color:White;background-position:3px 3px}", "#addSerieContainer{ width:50%;   border: 1px solid #B5B8C8; margin: 30px 0px; padding:20px; border-radius: 15px}", "#st_tbNameNew{ width : 150px}", "#btAddSerie{ margin: 10px 0px}", "#cbIsFinishedSeason{margin-right:7px}", "#st_lblSuggestion{ color:Grey; 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padding: 2px; vertical-align: middle;border-radius: 5px; color:color:#6B3F2E}", ".bcSelect{ background-color:#FFFFFF;height:26px;line-height:26px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;color:Black;font-size:16px;    padding:4px;border-radius:5px}", " .col1{ float:left; width:100px; }", ".col2{ float:left; width:200px}", ".col3{ float:left; width:200px}", ".row{ clear:both; width : 500px; margin:10px 0px; padding-bottom:20px}"]; css = css.join("\n"); if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") { GM_addStyle(css) } else { if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") { PRO_addStyle(css) } else { if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") { addStyle(css) } else { var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (heads.length > 0) { var node = document.createElement("style"); node.type = "text/css"; node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); heads[0].appendChild(node) } } } } } function getDateFromDateString(dateString, isUTCDate) { try { var year = dateString.substring(0, 4), month = dateString.substring(4, 6), day = dateString.substring(6, 8), hours = dateString.substring(9, 11), minutes = dateString.substring(11, 13), seconds = dateString.substring(13, 15); var date = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hours, minutes, seconds, "00"); if (isUTCDate == true) { var n = date.getTimezoneOffset(); date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - n) } return date } catch (err) { return new Date(dateString) } } function encodeDate(d) { var twoDigit = function (val) { if (val < 10) { return "0" + val } else { return val } }; if (d && d.getMonth) { return d.getFullYear().toString() + twoDigit((d.getMonth() + 1)) + twoDigit(d.getDate()) } else { return null } } function downloadTorrent(id) { if (!id) { return } var hiddenIFrameID = "hiddenDownloader", url = "" + id; iframe = document.getElementById(hiddenIFrameID); if (iframe === null) { iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = hiddenIFrameID; = "none"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); console.log("SRC : " + url) } iframe.src = url } Enbalaba.GetLocalStore = (function () { var _stores = []; return function (name) { if (!_stores[name]) { var config = {}; switch (name) { case "moviesInfo": config = { MaxProperties: 100 }; break; case "trackedSeries": config = { IsArray: true }; break } _stores[name] = new Enbalaba.LocalStore(name, config) } return _stores[name] } })(); Enbalaba.LocalStore = function (name, config) { this.Name = name; var defaultConfig = { EmptyValue: {}, MaxTotalSize: 250000 }; if (!config) { config = {} } else { if (config.IsArray == true) { defaultConfig = { EmptyValue: [], MaxItems: 100, MaxTotalSize: 250000} } } this.Config = $.extend(defaultConfig, config) }; Enbalaba.LocalStore.prototype = { _isSupported: !(typeof localStorage == "undefined" || typeof JSON == "undefined"), set: function (val) { if (this._isSupported) { if ($.isArray(val) && val.length > this.Config.MaxItems) { for (var i = 0, dif = val.length - this.Config.MaxItems; i < dif; i++) { val.shift() } } var s = JSON.stringify(val); if (s.length > this.Config.MaxTotalSize) { return false } localStorage.setItem(this.Name, s); return true } }, get: function () { if (this._isSupported) { var s = localStorage.getItem(this.Name); if (s != null && s != "") { return JSON.parse(s) } else { if (this.Config.EmptyValue) { return this.Config.EmptyValue } } } if (this.Config.EmptyValue) { return this.Config.EmptyValue } return null } }; Torrentz.GM.BobCatTorrentz.start();