GaiaOnline: Is It Glowing? JS - Checks tanks for glowing (Tools->Greasemonkey->User Script Commands)
Tektek Emotes + Autoformat JS - Adds Tektek Emotes/gaiArch to gaia post (works in Chrome also) also adds Tektek Autoformat (Firefox only)
Newegg.com: Show the Hidden Prices JS - Never be annoyed with hidden prices on newegg.com again :)
GaiaOnline: Toggle Avi Dress-up Size JS - Adds a button to toggle large and small avitars on a dress-up page
Gaia Booty Grab Auto Re-Sizer JS - Re-sizes the aquarium to reduce lag thus allowing higher scores.
GaiaOnline: Mail Checker JS - Checks inboxes for mail (Tools->Greasemonkey->User Script Commands)
BB/HTML Code Inventory List Generator JS - Generates a bbcode of list your inventory excluding frozen, soulbound, equiped items. This make it easer to sell a ton of stuff in the Gaia Exchange. Also generates HTML code for http://www.tektek.org/gaia/worth.php (excludes frozen and soulbound items)
GaiaOnline: Link Trade Items (Double Click) JS - Links trade items to a market search (only items that were in the trade window when it the page loaded)
Remove Junk From Gaia Signatures NOT aquariums JS - Removes scion license, car, etc. It does NOT remove the standard signature which is controlled from your account settings. Excludes aquariums because there is a game associated with it.
Gaia AutoComplete JS - Auto Complete for gaia
see your passwords as you type them JS - Show passwords as you type them. Double click to hide it. (based on userscripts.org/scripts/show/34184 )
Gaia Watchlist Check All Expired JS - Fixes the check all box in the watch list and auto checks expired items.
More TinyPic Codes JS - Adds linked HTML and BBcode thumb-nail codes.
GaiaOnline Link Fixer V2 JS - Searches for links on GaiaOnline, then makes them open in the same window for on-site links and then alerts you based on the settings. This applies to user post.
Jlab Cheater JS - jlab cheat (fake results to print and give your teacher ;) )
Third Party Content Remover JS - Great for removing ads. (I still recomend using Adblock Plus) (There are tools under User Script Commands)
Add Link to a Tektek Search for Gaia Items JS - Adds a link for a tektek search for the gaia item you are viewing.
Link Gaia Item's While Selling JS - Links the item's name to the item in the sell item page.
Calculator JS - Adds a Calculator to every page.
Show or Hide Your Password on Mouse Events JS - Show password on double click, hides it when mouse leaves the password field (based on userscripts.org/scripts/show/34184 )
Remove Junk From Gaia Signatures JS - Removes scion license, car, aquarium, .etc. It does NOT remove the standard signature which is controlled from your account settings.
Make Gaiaonline favicon Coco JS - Makes Gaiaonline favicon Coco because cat's rule! :) --based on http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/27548
Make Gaiaonline favicon Kiki JS - Makes Gaiaonline favicon Kiki because cat's rule! :) --based on http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/27548
Nuke myspace login JS - Stop people from loging in to myspace by removing the entire login/sign-up box. Why? You either want to tick someone off or you are a parent who thinks myspace is evil.
Paidverts autofiller script JS - This Paidverts script will automatically fill the fields that you need to type in order to view ads on paidverts.com
wiki-reference JS - Позволяет генерировать ссылки в формате {{статья}} и {{книга}} для ру-вики
Grooveshark Resizeable Queue JS - Brings back the good old button for manual queue resizing
SET Master Keys JS - Adds Hot keys to Set Master Hits
TW-FriendsEvents JS - Add a button for filtering friends who wants event stuff
TW-Collections-DE Translation JS - German (Deutsch) Translation - TW-Collections (Hanya & Tom Robert)
TW-Collections-EN Translation JS - English Translation - TW-Collections - see below
TW-Collections-PL Translation JS - Polish Translation - TW-Collections - Dun from Darius II mod
TW-Collections-IT Translation JS - Italian Translation - TW-Collections - see below
Google site: Tool (Site results / Exclude sites) JS - Easily add site: or -site: to modify your current Google query. v1.5.2 2023-02-25
Orion Sucks JS - Use monospace for the body so text comes out right
Google Cache Highlight Search Query Terms for HTTPS JS - Restore highlighted search terms in Google cache for secure searches. For Firefox+Violentmonkey or Chrome+Tampermonkey. v0.6.6 2023-06-19
What.CD Dynamic Range DB Lookup JS - Looks up the current artist / album's Dynamic Range on dr.loudness-war.info
Add Phish.in + PhishTracks Links to Phantasy Tour show dates. JS - Adds links to Phish.in and PhishTracks into Phantasy Tour posts, etc.
Wikipedia / What.CD Search JS - Adds a what.cd search link to the Wikipedia pages of Albums or Artists.
What.CD Freeleech Browser JS - Inserts a freeleech link in main menu. Does not group torrents.
Super Tumblr Reblog JS - Reblog like a boss
Gog no rep JS - Remove reputation
Hack Forums NSFW Forcer JS - Forces NSFW on Hack Forums. Similiar to the feature on HFES but this is a standalone userscript.
Wikipedia Auto Login JS - Logs you into Wikipedia if you use the password save feature of your browser.
BGG QuickBar Helper JS - Allows to rearrange the quickbar elements more easily.
Visual Password Hash JS - Displays a sequence of colored icons calculated from the entered password to help you detect if you've entered the password correctly.
BBG Hide Blocked GeekList Items JS - Collapses blocked geeklist items on BoardGameGeek.com and it's sister sites.
3DG+ JS - Making 3DG a better place
wikEd JS - A full-featured in-browser editor for Wikipedia and other MediaWikis
filelist filter active table JS - filelist current table filter
TV-Muse quicklinks JS - Adds links to coke&popcorn, fullseries and google video search to tv-muse.
Mousehunt Helper - XHRIntercept JS - XHR Intercept for MHH
Make GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages full width JS - Makes the GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages span the full width of the browser, rather than maxing out at the default ~900 pixels.
Reload GitHub Pull Request Diff page to ignore whitespace JS - Reloads the GitHub Pull Request Diff page, adjusting the URL to have the diffs ignore whitespace.
Hard Drop Forum Tweaks JS - Some tweaks on the Hard Drop Tetris forums.
seeSpoilerJol JS - Affichage en un clic de tous les spoilers de la page
CandyHaXs JS - A Script allowing you to cheat in Candybox 2.
A h4X0rs Room JS - A script allowing you to cheat at A Dark Room
Last.fm Pirate Search JS - Adds Pirate Bay search links to the buy buttons on Last.FM
skyscrapercity unread threads opener JS - open unread threads in separates tab
Hung-Ya Forum Tweaks JS - Some tweaks on the Hung-Ya forums.
Tetris Friends Tweaks JS - Some tweaks on TetrisFriends.com.
Bitbucket Disable Fancybox JS - Disable fancybox fade-out animation
Bitbucket Whitespaces JS - Show hidden symbols (spaces, tabs)
TwComic Autoload JS - Autoload all images on one page when reading manga on www.twcomic.com.
99mh Manga Autoload JS - Autoload all images on one page when reading manga on 99mh.com and similar sites.
Tor's Backloggery enhancements JS - Adds pie charts and other enhancements to backloggery.com
Paywal killer for Zero Hora JS - Blocks the paywal from Zero Hora
Paywal killer for HBR JS - Blocks the paywal from HBR blog
Folha de S. Paulo Paywall Killer JS - Kills the paywall at folha.uol.com.br
CF show colors JS - Show colored thread title on codingforums
OTRKeyfinder PG JS - Program Guide for OTRKeyfinder.com
JSBIN Render Button JS - Bring the render button back to jsbin
Detect jQuery JS - Detect jQuery on every page
Show localStorage entries JS - Show localStorage entries for every web page you visit
Pinkbike Image on Mouseover JS - Pinkbike shows bigger image on Mouseover
Userscripts show includes JS - Show includes for scripts on userscripts.org
Jobfilter JS - Filter Personalvermittlungen und Zeitarbeitsfirmen
FC 3D Image Tool beta JS - Fotocommunity Image Tool for 3D Images beta
Craiglist hide items JS - Hide items on craiglist.org
Alexa Traffic Rank for links JS - Show alexa traffic rank for all links
Wikipedia play ogg links JS - Directly play ogg links on wikipedia without changing location. Firefox 3.5 or higher needed
Freescreencast Extra Functionality JS - Freescreencast sort by date or time
MZScript© | por cCc vAdEr & Serbini Ini JS - Características y funcionalidades extras para el sitio de ManagerZone
LNK Go JS - Pažymi matytas LNK laidas.
Barefoot Essentials JS - Adds many enhancemnts to the GOG.com website
YouTube RSS Feed JS - Adds an RSS feed button to YouTube channels next to the subscribe button
Gaia - No Image Cache JS - Remove Gaia's image cache from the image source
ZouZhiZhangBM JS - bm
MeFi NOPE! JS - Sometimes people post things that you don't want to click on. Click "NOPE!" to hide a post. Click "unnope" to bring it back.
MeFi Hover Favorites JS - Show who favorited a comment by hovering over it
Google Music Power Hour JS - Make any Google Music playlist into a power hour!
XKCD enhancments JS - Displays the xkcd mouse-hover text when you click the comic (+date of comic submission), also adds a link to explaixkcd.com
XKCD What-if mouse-hover text JS - This script displays mouse-hover text of what-if images as simple image captions.
True Links for wenku8 JS - Decrypt all flashget links in wenku8.cn
HHcomic Autoload JS - Autoload all images on one page when reading manga on www.hhcomic.com
SO - Code line nums JS - Show line numbers next to code in question
Black Youtube by Panos modified by Sonic0170 JS - changes the theme of youtube into a Modified White to black gradient.
[.01 Vale]Click on the described object JS - 1-3 to select radio buttons,` to submit, hide instructions