League Forum Links JS - dfsdf
Show Boosted GLB Player Stats On Skill Points Page JS - sdfsdf
Highlight Attributes II, Mod A, Season 7 JS - sdfsdf
Sort Players On GLB Homepage JS - sdfsdf
GLB Decimal Attributes JS - sdf
OChat JS - Ochat - An Ogame Ally Chat which gets displayed ingame
League of Legends Shop Script JS - enter something useful - Ehm no pls, dont make me do this.
CS User Manuals Yes JS - Fills All Yes mturk
CS User Manuals Hot Key JS - Mturk Hit the ? key for key list
Snagajob Highlighter JS - Mturk Highlights key words and adds hotkey, click ? for key list
Reddit Reveal JS - Reveal hidden information on reddit
MetaCriticAll JS - Metacritic ratings everywhere. See the supported sites in the @include section of the script.
CABERGS_credenciados JS - Mostra o endereço do credenciado em um mapa no site da CABERGS, sem precisar ir no Google Maps :)
JQ_ForceAutoComplete JS - Forces the autocomplete attribute for all forms and input fields in the page
banrisul_servicos JS - Mostra um mapa na pagina de busca de estabelecimentos credenciados do refeisul. Chega de copiar e colar no google maps :)
ProxyLoadIMG JS - [PT] Carrega imagens atraves de um proxy aleatorio. [EN] Load images through a random proxy.
RandomProxy JS - [PT] Carrega paginas e links atraves de um proxy aleatorio. [EN] Load webpages and links through a random proxy.
EPTC :: Rotas dos Onibus / Bus Routes JS - [EN] Uses the Google Maps API to show the buses routes in Porto Alegre - Brazil. [PT] Usa a API do Google Maps para mostrar as rotas dos onibus de Porto Alegre no site da EPTC.
myDX_BR JS - [EN] DealExtreme script to check the tracking number on the brazilian post office. [PT] Script para o DealExtreme que mostra o rastreio da encomenda direto na pagina, sem precisar ir no site do correio.
TrocaHTTPporHTTPS JS - [PT] Troca o protocolo 'http' por 'https' (seguro) para TODOS os sites (se este nao tiver uma versao segura, causa erro)
Automatically Bypass Steam Age Verification JS - Sets your birthday to 1950 and submits the form.
Reddit New Comment Highlighting JS - A free Gold feature
Prospect Smarter JS - Adds Hot keys to Prospect Smarter Hits
MetaFilter Recent Activity border o' rainbows JS - Shows rainbows atop tiny clouds around your own comments in Recent Activity (for logged-in members)
MetaFilter inline video fishy icon JS - Replaces the inline video "play" icon with a picture of a triangular fish (for logged-in members)
MetaFilter hedgehog comment pointer JS - Replaces the linked comment triangle pointer with a hedgehog
Virtonomica:Labs Info JS - Дополнительная информация по лаборатории
Virtonomica: CityLink JS - Добавляет на главную страницу Мед.центров и Ресторанов возможность быстро посмотреть состояние розничного рынка по расходникам
Virtonomica:MarginStat JS - Статистика для MarginGame. Расчет размеров текущих активов игроков на странице "Игроки"
kvala_personal JS - Отображение максимального числа сотрудников, которое держит топ, а также максимальной технологии установленной в подразделении.
Virtonomica:Снабжение JS - Добавляет новые кнопки в "Розничный менеджер закупок"
Virtonomica: управление предприятиями JS - Добавление нового функционала к управлению предприятиями
Virtonomica:Lab Filter JS - Выделение тех лаборатоий, в которых надо нажать кнопки, что бы продолжить исследования
Virtonomica: BrokerYard History JS - Сохранение и показ информации о прошлом ходе
Virtonomica: Corporation JS - Списки участиников корпораций
Virtomomica: IC JS - Индикативные цены - парсинг и отображение
Virtonomica:Notes JS - Система добавления и показа оповещений
virtonomica:Продажа технологий JS - Выставление цены технологий под тендеры
Virtonomica: Кабинет мэра JS - Добавлем статистику по городу на страницу мэра
Virtonomica: Городской отдел статистики JS - Подсчет числа рабочих в городе
virtonomica:Зарплаты JS - Облегчение установки зарплат
Kvala_info JS - Расширенная информация об опыте в Квалификации
Virtonomica:DinamicSalary 2 JS - Позволяет помечать города из списка
SaveShopInfo JS - сохранить данные о ценах магазина в локальном хранилище
Virtonomica:Доходы от продаж JS - Показ доходов от продаж
Virtonimica:FactoryInfo JS - Оценка вклада в качество и цену комплектующих
Virtonomica:30People JS - 30 населений города
Virtomomica:Techn salary JS - Расчет цены продажи технологии
Market_analitics JS - считаем разные циры для рынка города
Vironomica:Science license JS - расчет налога на продажу лицензий
FullWall JS - Change la carte des batiments dans DC. D
AlertChat JS - Son lorsque quelque chose se passe dans le chat
Virtonomica:GosSnab JS - Добавляет кнопки автоматического выставления количества заказываемого товара
Virtonomica: Unit List v2.0 JS - Добавляет в список предприятий прямые ссылки на снабжение, торговые залы, расходники
Virtonomica: Shop Warehouse JS - дополняет информацию выводимую на странице сбыт склада, данными о ценах продажи товара в магазинах и "прибылью" (разницу между ценой продажи и закупочной ценой из торгового зала)
500px Download Images w/ various UX enhancements JS - Easy download of images from 500px w/ little UX enhancements
uitzendinggemist - oude/old player JS - Adds option to open episode in popup with the OLD player
Geenstijl: bare naked JS - Strip all unnecessary crap from geenstijl, make it bare naked.
NY Times: load full article JS - Load full articles on New York Times (nytimes.com) without redirect & replaceState
Dumpert Download JS - Downloads dumpert videos
WME Validator JS - This script validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and solutions
The Pirate Bay Cleaner JS - Release 2024 Build 1
The Kickass Torrents Cleaner JS - Currently cleans up Kickass.to to make it more aesthetically usuable. If more features are required, you find a bug/fix then please comment!
AmeliorationTchat2.0 JS - Ameliore l'utilisation des balises /me combinée aux couleurs. Adaptation du script de Gideon pour la version de l'interface précédente.
DC - Date JS - Affichage de la date grégorienne et DCienne
DC - Loader JS - Modification du loader de Dreadcast avec une image personnalisable
DerniersSujetsSeparation JS - Separe le RP du HRP dans la section 'Derniers Sujets'.
HighlightChatLimit JS - Script for Dreadcast. Features : Light up text input chat when limit's reached and do some funky stuff around it.
PageMailList JS - Paging the mail list
Virtonomics: Product Quality Calculator JS - Adds calculator to factory supply page
Collins Non Quals JS - Mturk collins multiple copy/paste
No Embed Youtube JS - replace embed iframe, object with anchor link.
Runkeeper - Display Weather for Activity JS - On a runkeeper activity page, downloads GPX file to get LAT + LON, then uses weather underground to do geolookup and weather history. To live within constraints of dev accounts saves data to cookie to reuse later. Requires an API KEY from weather underground which you can get info on and for free from http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api
Hack Forums Auto-Tagger JS - This userscript allows you to automatically set the font, size, and color.
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
IMDb Top 250 & Bottom 100 JS - Keep track of the movies you've seen in the IMDb Top 250 and Bottom 100 !
Piratebay Search Filter JS - search current table
Restore Downvote Arrows JS - Restores all arrows for those annoying sub-reddits that insist on having them hidden.
Preview and Accept MTurk HITs JS - Automatically accept HITs. Please be careful while using this. I'm NOT responsible for drop in your returned or abandoned HITs.
Alpha autocomplete on JS - Enables browser form history for Wolfram Alpha
Survivor Sucks Block Users JS - Creates a "Block" button on Sucks posts and hides all posts for
CG Peers Search Filter JS - search current table
RuTor.org Search Filter JS - search current table
TMD posters JS - postere
Embiggen the Smallest Metafilter JS - Mouse over small text on Metafilter to embiggen it.
Jessamyn's Star JS - Bring Jessamyn's star back to Metafilter
Metafilter Comment Box Logout JS - Adds a "logout" link to the right of your username above the comment box.
Enhance Metafilter Titles JS - Uh, you don't want to install this.
Subdue Metafilter Titles JS - Makes titles on the Metafilter front page smaller, and moves them to the "posted by" line.
Hide That Thread JS - Hide a particular thread from Ask Metafilter's list.
Metalinks JS - A sidebar of links scraped from the current Metafilter page's comments.
Original Content JS - Automatically redirect content stealing websites to their original counterparts
Gaia Online Mule Tool V2 JS - Easy way to switch/manage accounts on Gaia Online.
GaiaOnline: Ultimate Navigation Fix JS - "Gaia Menu Fix" and "Un-facebook gaia" combined into one (NOT COMPATIBLE WITH GOOGLE CHROME)
Newegg cart to post converter for eggxpert.com JS - Converts the cart in to postable html that has been patched for the forums
Gaia Market Link Re-builder JS - Enable middle click when selling stuff on Gaia.
Gaia Image Patch JS - Lets Images load directly without using gaia's image cache server (The cache server exist to prevent password protected images from prompting for password)
Remove Junk In Gaia Signatures (Toggle Aquarium) JS - Remove Junk In Gaia Signatures allows you to toggle aquariums with one click. Aquariums are removed my default (less lag). Can predict glowing time and what fish will glow (if any)!!!
Gaia Menu Fix JS - Returns old menus back to gaia