Skip Link Filter Steam JS - Skips the link filter on steam
Skip Steam link filter JS - Only use this if you're not retarded.
BorjaScript JS - Spain-estudios script por Borja
Gifsound Auto-show-video JS - Hides youtube block frame automatically
GaiaOnline - Marketplace Password Focus JS - Makes the Password field have focus
Zing on Mturk JS - Hot keys and hidden Instructions for are these receipts the same
Vend buys JS - best
steam phishing prevention removal JS - steam wants to save me from phishing. Thanks but I got this.
Thanks Gabe JS - Gives you the option to disable link filter. Thanks Gabe.
Steam Decensor JS - Removes censors on Steam screenshot descriptions and reviews. A script for manly Steam users.
Steam Linkfilter Redirector (/linkredirector/) JS - Redirects links filtered by steam
bilibili bangumi JS - 在收藏夹左边增加当天已更新的新番提示,可显示隐藏新番
Mturk Expanded Header (Cached) JS - Gives you an expanded header on Mturk (Mechanical Turk) with transfer balance and Worker ID without polling on every page load. This will reduce maximum request rate errors for people that use expanded header scripts. This also works on the latest Firefox (the other scripts will break soon).
FMU REC (Tweaked TMU SI with REREC by Never Lose) JS - show SI and REREC in TMU Player page
Mturk Title Fixer JS - Change the titles on Mturk pages to be more descriptive
Endless Pixiv Pages JS - Loads more pixiv pages as you scroll down.
faceguydb Chat Box Notify JS - enter something useful
山东大学勤工助学系统表格显示兼容脚本 JS - 显示山东大学勤工助学系统表格(仅支持列表显示,暂不支持排序导出等功能)
山东大学部分老系统侧边栏(menu_m.asp)显示脚本 JS - 显示山东大学部分老系统侧边栏(menu_m.asp)
山东大学校园卡系统登录密码键盘显示脚本 JS - 山东大学校园卡系统登录密码键盘显示修正
WoTExtendedStat JS - Adds some usable fields for MMO game World of Tanks user's page
tb_borer JS - tba_style
DL w/ utube JS - DL from multiple sites using their youtube videos
zbiorkowy JS - Automat do zbiórek MON
Fix chess.com analysis board for tabs JS - Move the movelist back to the left on the analysis board, so that it is useable when forced into a tab
KAT - Sort Translators JS - Groups translators by language (only sorts by default)
osu! mp Exporter JS - Export Multiplay result as csv
osu! Activity Hover Details JS - Hover on Recent Activities / Best Performance to see score details
osu! pp for Scoreboard JS - pp for Top 50 Scoreboard
Sale-envd JS - Установка цены на производстве по ставке ЕНВД
xperteleven Förändringsrapporter 4.0 (FIREFOX) JS - holla!
Yaruo matome blog open in same tab JS - やる夫系まとめブログの次話へのリンクを別タブではなく同じタブで開くようにします。
FC2 Blog Convert URL JS - FC2ブログのリンク周りを置換して使いやすくします。
TOL Text Field Fix JS - This script increases the size of the text fields in Time Online, or TOL - Booz Allen Hamilton's web-based time reporting program
autofightererepublik JS - Automatycznie zbije hp
chmurkowyjebywacz JS - Wywala chmurki w lewym dolnym rogu i przycisk Open chat
Steam linkfilter redirect JS - Automaticly redirect to get rid of linkfilter
Highlight DLC in SteamDB JS - Highlight DLC owned in SteamDB
Bigger Twitch JS - Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.
Average Daily Usage for wispmon.com Usage Report JS - Adds an average daily usage calculation to a wispmon.com Usage Report
User Interface Script (Big Release World) JS - User Interface Script
ultimatefighter JS - Nakurwia hity i je batony
LinkedIn CC to PC JS - Mturk Crowdsource LinkedIn past worker count.
Mousehunt Football Player JS - The original work of GTDevsSuck is now tweaked for the last time for Mousehunt players with dozens of footballs left. This Mousehunt Fifa World Cup 2014 event script, plays the soccer game for you, works only on July 16 2014 (last day).
PLITT JS - allow visiting search result without the redirection overhead
Procore Development helper (Mturk) JS - Makes it easier to do Procore Development drawing number and title HITs on Mturk.
TheTechGame sideBar JS - Lets you hover over sidebar, quite simple really
It's all Blink's fault JS - Adds "It's all Blink's fault." to every sentence you write in the shoutbox.
[s4s] Enhancer JS - Highlights dubs - Never miss your chance to check em again!
Global S8 Auto Inviter JS - Invites a whole bunch of people to your clan
S8Invites JS - Invites a whole bunch of people to your clan
RaaW JS - Reddit as a Weapon script. Parts and idea by /u/noeatnosleep, enhanced by /u/enim, /u/creesch, /u/skeeto, and /u/djimbob. RaaW adds links for page-wide voting and reporting. It adds a 'report to /r/spam' link, an 'analyze user submission domains' link, and a 'report to /r/botwatchman' link to userpages. RaaW disables the np. domain. RaaW Adds a 'show source' button for comments. DISCLIAMER: Use this at your own risk. If the report button is misued, you could be shadowbanned.
FFnet remove hovering 'story content' JS - Removes hovering box displaying 'story content'
Beyond Business Tycoon Online JS - Adds additional functionality to improve the Business Tycoon Online gaming experience. This is the BBTO Loader portion of the script. When it runs, it will connect to http://www.beyondbto.com and pull the 20,000+ lines of code that changes the game. This approach lets us update users automatically when the game loads.
MTurk Status Page Chart JS - Adds some, hopefully slightly useful, eyecandy to your status page
C&C:TA Count Forgotten Bases in Range JS - Display the number of forgotten bases in range of selected world object and paste it to chat message
Avatars Plus! and More for Google+ JS - Google+ is now lively and fun! No more small, static and low resolution avatars, also restore In Your Circles section. Other cool features are waiting for you to discover!
Avatars Plus! and More for Google+ JS - Google+ is now lively and fun! No more small, static and low resolution avatars, also restore In Your Circles section. Other cool features are waiting for you to discover!
defBackgroundUp JS - Replace background colors #FFFFFF rgb(255, 255, 255) in #EDF2EB rgb(237, 242, 235) or #ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234), natural and ergonomic background colors to view; Reduce eye strain.
SteamEndlessPages JS - Keeps previous pages visible in the steam market.
SpeedCalling for Popmundo JS - Calls everyone in your contact list
youtubepItvl JS - personal stylesheets css configurations for youtube
AdSense refresh JS - Refresh the Google AdSense console when you click on it after a period of inactivity
Google calendar refresh JS - Refresh Google calendar when you click on it after it has been open since yesterday
StackExchange hide closed questions JS - Hide closed questions on the home page and in other lists of questions. Put a link showing the number of closed questions that have been hidden that shows the closed questions again.
StackExchange obvious followed link color JS - Change the color of followed links on all StackExchange sites so they they are easily distinguishable.
tracks.tra.in refresh JS - Refresh Tracks when you click on it after a period of inactivity
統一足球球員譯名 JS - 針對中港台對足球球員譯名的差異, 使用此script可將其統一, 方便閱讀
OTRKeyFinder @ Fernsehserien.de JS - Add OTR search links
Username History tab changer JS - replaces the "username history" with a shorter phrase so it actually shows on one line
Remove all stuff from Google+ except Hangouts JS - Remove all stuff from Google+ except Hangouts. Also hides contact list hover divs.
Hacker News Search JS - Adds a simple search box to the top bar of the Hacker News site.
FGD JS - Direct google links with click or hover to copy urls displayed below results
Allscripts Enhancements JS - Enahancements to Allscript ePrescribe website
What.cd Track Previews JS - Adds a tracklist to album pages. When a track name is clicked, a YouTube video of the song will play.
Gaia - Skip Flash Ads JS - Disable Flash ads or wait time if you have ABP
RedditRaffle JS - Choses a list of winners by certain criteria
Username History tab changer JS - replaces the "username history" with a shorter phrase so it actually shows on one line
footer link changer JS - easy links for lazy mods
IMDb+ JS - Add external search links most popular torrent sites to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.
IMDB+ JS - Add external links to IMDb. Every feature can be enabled/disabled in settings.
Show Python 3 documentation by default JS - Automatically redirects Python 2 docs to Python 3.
Anime Planet v4 Cleanup JS - Some tweaks for Anime Planet v4 site layout, including a new-episode alert.
adf.ly && lienscash.com && adfoc.us && bc.vc bypasser JS - Bypasses links from adf.ly, lienscash.com, adfoc.us and bc.vc.
Solr Admin Helper JS - Options
TW-Collections-ES Translation JS - Spanish Translation - TW-Collections - (pepe100)
TPB User Comment Search v2.2 JS - Adds a link to user pages to search for their comments via Google
UnfollowHater JS - Shows who unfollowed you on Tumblr
MathJax Kaskus JS - iseng
FA Extended JS - FA Extended tries to improve your FA experience!
Holy War JS - Skips (clicks "New Opponent") those with characteristics lower/higher than a set amount of haul, attack, victory/loss ratio, defense, level, etc. - works great for those without premium who still want to find players with desirable attributes. Also automatically plunders, works, and attacks (optional) to get gold while you sleep. Simply change the min/max values to your desired specifications and let it roll!
Notification Notifier attempt JS - 1st attempt, dear god what am I trying
Dailymotion: "Included By" Feature JS - Show all playlists that include the current video
Billy Mission Mover JS - Moves those pesky buttons to an easy to click, top center location
Billy Mission Attempt Mover JS - Moves the buttons on the attempt mission page to the top center
JvLastPage JS - Accès à la dernière page de chaque topic par son icône
[Japanese] Memrise Kana Detection JS - Warns whether to answer in Hiragana or Katakana on Japanese kana tests
Skip Steam Link Filter JS - Redirects users beyond the "Are you sure you want to leave Steam" page
Youtube Embed Tweak HTML5 (16 February 2018) JS - Forces all emdedded Youtube videos to the new player. With options for: Video size, https, hide annotations and hide related and hide controls