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GeoGuessr Background Replacer

Replaces the background of the geoguessr pages with your own images

Daily installs
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23.3 KB
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Replaces the background of the Geoguessr of any Geoguessr page with your own images. NOTE: You can use gifs too :) :)

There are two lists in this app, one is for the home page images, and one is for every other page. This is because the rest of the pages are better tuned for dark, less loud images, but on the home page you can basically put anything and it will look good. If you have more than one image in either list, a random image will be chosen, this is done on each refresh, but not when switching between pages on You can have multiple copies of an image in either of the lists, and this will just increase the likelihood that it will show up.

How to use this script:

When you have this script enabled you should see a small icon to the left of the search icon on any non-game page of geoguessr. Clicking this will open a small overlay allowing you to add and remove images to the two lists above. To add an image, next to "Add Home Page Image" or "Add Other Page Image" paste a URL that links directly to an image, hosted elsewhere. The script expects this to end in a common image format: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .webp, .avif, or .svg (let me know if you are using some image format not in this list and I can see about adding it). Next to each background image is a small x, which you can use to remove that image.

The default image links are below:

Home Page Images:

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""

Other Images:

  • "",
  • ""

Feel free to message me on Discord at Tyow#3742 with any issues, feature requests, or feedback. I'm unlikely to respond to a friend request unless we have servers in common, plonkit would be enough, and I'll look at message requests without a friend request.