Google +1 Remover JS - A script which removes the google plus +1 sign
Taboola Ads Remover JS - A script which removes the annoying Taboola ads.
Slight Style Enhancer for Presse.com JS - Enhances the styling on diePresse.com slightly
Streamcloud Download Button JS - This script adds a download button to the streamcloud.eu page.
Powerwatch Download Button JS - This script adds a download button to the powerwatch.pw page.
Video Download Button JS - This script adds a download button on many video sites.
AddThis Plugin Remover JS - A script which removes the AddThis plugin.
GM_download Polyfill !Not Working! JS (Библиотека) - A polyfill to make your userscript supports GM_download
Remover JS (Библиотека) - Removes Nodes