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AO3: Set Default to Allow Guest Comments

Defaults new works posted to Archive of Our Own to allow guest comments in addition to comments from registered users. Offers customization for other privacy settings.

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This script will automatically set new works posted to Archive of Our Own to allow guest comments in addition to comments from registered users.

AO3 has not made this change to the site yet, so this script should have no effect at the moment and work when the default option does switch to only allowing comments from registered users. If not, I'll fix it as soon as I can.

It should work for both posting new works and importing works. It works by selecting a different radio button when you open the page to post a new work, so if you select a different option manually, that one will be used instead.

There is code in the script for if you prefer to never allow any comments, default to moderating comments, or default to marking works as restricted. It is commented out and will do nothing unless you edit the script. If you would like to enable it, edit the script and follow the instructions there.