لا ينبغي أن لا يتم تثبيت هذا السكريت مباشرة. هو مكتبة لسكبتات لتشمل مع التوجيه الفوقية // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/478828/1273926/appcf962357js.js
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return o
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params: t,
method: "get"
i = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
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params: t,
method: "get"
c = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
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params: t,
method: "get"
o = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
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params: t,
method: "get"
s = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/isFake/all",
params: t,
method: "get"
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return o
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return l
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return d
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return m
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return b
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return g
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return v
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return _
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return y
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return k
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return w
}), n.d(e, "d", function () {
return x
}), n.d(e, "z", function () {
return C
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return j
}), n.d(e, "n", function () {
return q
}), n.d(e, "H", function () {
return S
}), n.d(e, "q", function () {
return T
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return E
}), n.d(e, "r", function () {
return A
}), n.d(e, "N", function () {
return I
}), n.d(e, "j", function () {
return O
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return L
}), n.d(e, "s", function () {
return D
}), n.d(e, "O", function () {
return R
}), n.d(e, "i", function () {
return z
}), n.d(e, "E", function () {
return B
}), n.d(e, "c", function () {
return N
}), n.d(e, "t", function () {
return P
}), n.d(e, "y", function () {
return M
}), n.d(e, "a", function () {
return Z
}), n.d(e, "x", function () {
return Y
}), n.d(e, "o", function () {
return U
}), n.d(e, "J", function () {
return H
}), n.d(e, "I", function () {
return F
var a = n("27fe"),
r = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/list",
params: t,
method: "get"
i = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectDetail",
params: {
id: t
method: "get"
c = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectUnitEngineering",
params: t,
method: "get"
o = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/unitEngineeringDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
s = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectCorpInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
l = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectCorpInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
u = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectAptitudeSQInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
d = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectCostInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
p = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/tenderInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
f = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/tenderInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "post"
h = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/contractRecordManage",
params: t,
method: "get"
m = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/contractRecordManageDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
b = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectCensorInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
g = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectCensorInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
v = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectCensorRelation",
params: t,
method: "get"
_ = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectDesignEconUserInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
y = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectDesignEconUserInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
k = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectDesignErrInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
w = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectDesignErrInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
x = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/builderLicenceManage",
params: t,
method: "get"
C = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/builderLicenceManageDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
j = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/builderRelation",
params: t,
method: "get"
q = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectQualityCheck",
params: t,
method: "get"
S = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectQualityCheckDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
T = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectSafeCheck",
params: t,
method: "get"
E = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectSafeCheckDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
A = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjSafeUserInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
I = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjSafeUserInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
O = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjManageUserInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
L = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjManageUserInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
D = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjOperationWorkerInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
R = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjOperationWorkerInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
z = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjMechanicsinfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
B = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjMechanicsinfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
N = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjSpotCheckinfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
P = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjSuperViserInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
M = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/prjSpotCheckinfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
Z = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectFinishCheckInfo",
params: t,
method: "get"
Y = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectFinishCheckInfoDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
U = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectFinishManage",
params: t,
method: "get"
H = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/projectFinishManageDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
F = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/finishManageRelation",
params: t,
method: "get"
"27fe": function (t, e, n) {
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buttonElement.textContent = '恭喜!数据刷新成功!(点我导入最高资质)';
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function t() {
Object(a["a"])(this, t), this.baseUrl = "", this.queue = []
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key: "getInsideConfig",
value: function () {
var t = {
baseURL: this.baseUrl,
headers: {
timeout: 3e4,
v: h,
accessToken: o["a"].state.accessToken || ""
return t
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key: "addQueue",
value: function (t) {
}, {
key: "delQueue",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.queue.indexOf(t);
this.queue.splice(e, 1)
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key: "interceptors",
value: function (t) {
t.interceptors.request.use(function (t) {
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return l.a.stringify(t)
else if (t.params)
for (var e in t.params) void 0 !== t.params[e] && "" !== t.params[e] || delete t.params[e];
return t
}, function (t) {
return Promise.reject(t)
}), t.interceptors.response.use(function (t) {
var e = JSON.parse(b(t.data));
return 408 == e.code && o["a"].commit("SET_CaptchaDilaog", !0), e
}, function (t) {
var e = t.response.data;
e = JSON.parse(b(e)), 408 == e.code && o["a"].commit("SET_CaptchaDilaog", !0), 503 == e.code && Object(p["Message"])({
type: "warning",
message: "当前系统繁忙请稍后再试!"
}, {
key: "request",
value: function (t) {
t.url = g(t.url);
var e = c.a.create();
return t = Object.assign(this.getInsideConfig(), t), this.interceptors(e, t.url), e(t)
}]), t
h = 231012, f = d.a.enc.Utf8.parse("Dt8j9wGw%6HbxfFn");
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return r
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return i
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return c
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return o
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return s
}), n.d(e, "f", function () {
return l
}), n.d(e, "c", function () {
return u
}), n.d(e, "d", function () {
return d
}), n.d(e, "b", function () {
return p
}), n.d(e, "e", function () {
return f
var a = n("27fe"),
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url: "/asite/qualapt/apts2",
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apt_code: t
method: "get"
i = function (t) {
var e = t.apt_root,
n = t.apt_code;
return a["a"].request({
url: "/asite/qualapt/aptData",
params: {
apt_root: e,
apt_code: n
method: "get"
function c(t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/geetest/startCaptcha",
method: "get",
params: t
function o(t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/geetest/verifyLoginCode",
method: "get",
params: t
var s = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/invalidCert",
method: "get",
params: t
l = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/lossReissue",
method: "get",
params: t
u = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/ecLicence",
method: "get",
params: t
d = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/ecLicenceDetail",
method: "get",
params: t
p = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/ecLicenceDetail1",
method: "get",
params: t
f = function () {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/ecProvince",
method: "get"
"2bac": function (t, e, n) {},
"2c69": function (t, e, n) {},
"32b4": function (t, e, n) {},
"3e22": function (t, e, n) {
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"3e68": function (t, e, n) {
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r = n.n(a);
"44a1": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
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r = n.n(a);
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"56d7": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n("cadf"), n("551c"), n("f751"), n("097d");
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e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
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attrs: {
id: "app"
}, [n("router-view")], 1)
o = [],
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u = Object(s["a"])(l, c, o, !1, null, null, null),
d = u.exports,
p = n("8c4f"),
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e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "Layout"
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staticClass: "h-logo",
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to: "/home"
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active: n == t.search.tabIndex
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click: function (e) {
return t.clickSearchTab(n)
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t.$set(t.search, "complexname", e)
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click: t.queryHnadler
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index: "/supervise/index"
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slot: "title"
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index: "/data"
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index: "/data/company"
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attrs: {
to: "/data/company"
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attrs: {
index: "/data/person"
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attrs: {
to: "/data/person"
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attrs: {
index: "/data/project"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/data/project"
}, [t._v("项目数据")])], 1), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/data/elePermit"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/data/elePermit"
}, [t._v("施工许可证电子证照")])], 1)], 2), a("el-submenu", {
attrs: {
index: "/since"
}, [a("template", {
slot: "title"
}, [t._v("信用建设")]), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/since/index"
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attrs: {
to: "/since/index"
}, [t._v("诚信数据")])], 1), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/since/blacklist"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/since/blacklist"
}, [t._v("黑名单")])], 1), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/since/punish"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/since/punish"
}, [t._v("失信联合惩戒记录")])], 1)], 2), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "jzgr"
}, [a("a", {
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
href: "http://jzgr.mohurd.gov.cn/"
}, [t._v("建筑工人")])]), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/policies/list"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/policies"
}, [t._v("政策法规")])], 1), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/elePermit"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/data/elePermit"
}, [t._v("电子证照")])], 1), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/exchange"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/exchange"
}, [t._v("问题解答")])], 1), a("el-menu-item", {
attrs: {
index: "/dynamic/list"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/dynamic/list"
}, [t._v("网站动态")])], 1)], 1)], 1), a("captchaDilaog")], 1)
b = [],
g = n("cebc"),
v = (n("386d"), function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
return n("el-dialog", {
attrs: {
"custom-class": "captchaDilaog",
visible: t.visible,
width: "640px"
on: {
close: function (e) {
return t.SET_CaptchaDilaog(!1)
}, [n("span", {
staticClass: "title",
attrs: {
slot: "title"
slot: "title"
}, [n("i", {
staticClass: "iconfont icon-shuoming"
}), t._v("提示")]), n("span", [t._v("验证已过期,是否重新重新进行验证或停留在当前页面?")]), n("div", {
staticClass: "dialog-footer",
attrs: {
slot: "footer"
slot: "footer"
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attrs: {
type: "red"
on: {
click: t.revalidation
}, [t._v("重新验证")]), n("el-button", {
attrs: {
type: "red-cricle"
on: {
click: function (e) {
return t.SET_CaptchaDilaog(!1)
}, [t._v("停留在当前页")])], 1)])
_ = [],
y = n("2f62"),
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data: function () {
return {}
computed: Object(g["a"])({}, Object(y["c"])({
visible: function (t) {
return t.captchaDilaogVisible
captcha: function (t) {
return t.captcha
methods: Object(g["a"])({}, Object(y["b"])(["SET_CaptchaDilaog"]), {
revalidation: function () {
this.SET_CaptchaDilaog(!1), this.captcha.callback = function () {
}, this.captcha.verify()
w = k,
x = (n("d11d"), Object(s["a"])(w, v, _, !1, null, "4ffe0066", null)),
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j = n("788d"),
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name: "Header",
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isSimple: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
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placeholder: "请输入关键词,例如企业名称、统一社会信用代码",
url: "/data/company"
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index: "1",
tabName: "从业人员",
placeholder: "请输入关键词,例如人员姓名、证件号码",
url: "/data/person"
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index: "2",
tabName: "建设项目",
placeholder: "请输入关键词,例如项目名称、全国统一建设项目编码",
url: "/data/project"
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index: "3",
tabName: "诚信记录",
placeholder: "请输入关键词,例如记录主体、实施部门",
url: "/since"
complexname: ""
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$route: {
handler: function (t) {
var e = t.path,
n = t.query.complexname;
this.activeIndex = e, this.value = n
deep: !0,
immediate: !0
mounted: function () {
methods: {
clickSearchTab: function (t) {
this.search.tabIndex = t
queryHnadler: function () {
var t = this.search,
e = t.tabIndex,
n = t.tabs,
a = t.complexname,
r = this.companyErrorComplexs,
i = this.projectErrorComplexs;
0 == e && a && -1 !== r.indexOf(a) ? this.$message({
type: "warning",
message: "请输入更详细的查询条件!"
}) : 1 != e || 1 != a.length ? 2 == e && a && -1 !== i.indexOf(a) ? this.$message({
type: "warning",
message: "请输入更详细的查询条件!"
}) : this.$router.push({
path: n[e].url,
query: {
complexname: a
}) : this.$message({
type: "warning",
message: "请输入完整人员名称或身份证号码!"
initGeetHandler: function () {
computed: Object(g["a"])({}, Object(y["c"])({
companyErrorComplexs: function (t) {
return t.errorComplexs.company
projectErrorComplexs: function (t) {
return t.errorComplexs.project
}), {
placeholder: function () {
var t = this.search,
e = t.tabIndex,
n = t.tabs,
a = n[e].placeholder;
return a
S = q,
T = (n("6c84"), Object(s["a"])(S, m, b, !1, null, "5e847e08", null)),
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A = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "footer"
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staticClass: "link-list"
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key: e.links
}, [n("a", {
attrs: {
href: e.link,
target: "_blank"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.name))])])
}), 0)]), n("div", {
staticClass: "province-list"
}, [n("h5", [t._v("各省级一体化平台")]), n("ul", [n("li", [n("el-dropdown", {
staticClass: "provinces-drop",
attrs: {
size: "small"
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cursor: "pointer"
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margin: "0 5px"
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attrs: {
href: "http://zjw.beijing.gov.cn/",
target: "_blank"
}, [t._v("北京市住房和城乡建设委员会")])]), n("el-dropdown-item", [n("a", {
attrs: {
href: "http://ghzrzyw.beijing.gov.cn/",
target: "_blank"
}, [t._v("北京市规划和自然资源管理委员会")])])], 1)], 1)], 1), t._l(t.provinces, function (e) {
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staticStyle: {
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}), n("br"), n("span", [t._v("联系我们")])])], 1), t._m(0)])], 2)]), t._m(1)])
I = [function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
return n("li", [n("a", {
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
href: "https://jzscglxt.mohurd.gov.cn/JGweb"
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staticClass: "iconfont icon-xitong"
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url: "/visits/count/query",
method: "get"
D = function (t) {
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url: "/visits/count/incrSitePv",
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name: "河北",
link: "http://zfcxjst.hebei.gov.cn/zhuantizhuanlan/zl/JZSCJGYTHGZPT/"
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name: "山西",
link: "https://zjt.shanxi.gov.cn/SXJGPublic/"
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name: "内蒙古",
link: ""
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name: "辽宁",
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name: "吉林",
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name: "黑龙江",
link: ""
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name: "上海",
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name: "江苏",
link: ""
}, {
name: "浙江",
link: "https://jzsc.jst.zj.gov.cn/PublicWeb/index.html"
}, {
name: "安徽",
link: "http://dohurd.ah.gov.cn/zwfw/xtbgpt/index.html"
}, {
name: "福建",
link: ""
}, {
name: "江西",
link: "http://zjy.jxjst.gov.cn/"
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name: "山东",
link: ""
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name: "河南",
link: "http://hngcjs.hnjs.henan.gov.cn/"
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name: "湖北",
link: "http://jg.hbcic.net.cn/web/"
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name: "湖南",
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name: "广东",
link: ""
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name: "广西",
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name: "海南",
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name: "重庆",
link: "http://www.cqjsxx.com/webcqjg/Index.aspx"
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name: "四川",
link: ""
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name: "贵州",
link: ""
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name: "云南",
link: "http://www.ynjzjgcx.com/"
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name: "西藏",
link: "http://zjt.xizang.gov.cn/"
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name: "陕西",
link: "http://jzscyth.shaanxi.gov.cn:7001/PDR/network/credit/home"
}, {
name: "甘肃",
link: "http://zjt.gansu.gov.cn/"
}, {
name: "青海",
link: ""
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name: "宁夏",
link: "http://www.nxjscx.com.cn/index.htm"
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name: "新疆",
link: "http://jsy.xjjs.gov.cn/asite/cloud/index"
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name: "中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部",
link: "http://www.mohurd.gov.cn/"
}, {
name: "国家工程建设标准化信息网",
link: "http://www.ccsn.gov.cn/"
}, {
name: "住房和城乡建设部执业资格注册中心",
link: "http://www.pqrc.org.cn/"
}, {
name: "全国建筑工人管理服务信息平台",
link: "http://jzgr.mohurd.gov.cn/"
accessNum: 0
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accessQuery: function () {
var t = this;
L().then(function (e) {
t.accessNum = String(e.data).split(""), D()
watch: {
$route: function (t, e) {
t.path !== e.path && this.accessQuery()
z = R,
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name: "Layout",
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Header: E,
Footer: N
data: function () {
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watch: {},
methods: {}
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pg: 0,
pgsz: 15,
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pg: 0,
pgsz: 15,
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a = e.success;
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click: function (n) {
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staticClass: "link"
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case "person":
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x = function (e, n, a, r) {
if (l(a.getLib)) return a._extend(a.getLib), void r(a);
if (a.offline) r(a._get_fallback_config());
else {
var i = "geetest_" + b();
t[i] = function (e) {
"success" == e.status ? r(e.data) : e.status ? r(a._get_fallback_config()) : r(e), t[i] = void 0;
try {
delete t[i]
} catch (n) {}
}, w(a, !0, a.protocol, e, n, {
gt: a.gt,
callback: i
}, function (t) {
t && r(a._get_fallback_config())
C = function (t, e) {
w(t, !1, t.protocol, ["monitor.geetest.com"], "/monitor/send", {
time: m(),
captcha_id: t.gt,
challenge: t.challenge,
pt: p,
exception_url: e,
error_code: t.error_code
}, function (t) {})
j = function (t, e) {
var n = {
networkError: "网络错误",
gtTypeError: "gt字段不是字符串类型"
if ("function" !== typeof e.onError) throw new Error(n[t]);
q = function () {
return t.Geetest || e.getElementById("gt_lib")
q() && (h.slide = "loaded"), t.initGeetest = function (e, n) {
var a = new i(e);
e.https ? a.protocol = "https://" : e.protocol || (a.protocol = t.location.protocol + "//"), "050cffef4ae57b5d5e529fea9540b0d1" !== e.gt && "3bd38408ae4af923ed36e13819b14d42" !== e.gt || (a.apiserver = "yumchina.geetest.com/", a.api_server = "yumchina.geetest.com"), e.gt && (t.GeeGT = e.gt), e.challenge && (t.GeeChallenge = e.challenge), l(e.getType) && a._extend(e.getType), x([a.api_server || a.apiserver], a.typePath, a, function (e) {
var r = e.type,
i = function () {
a._extend(e), n(new t.Geetest(a))
f[r] = f[r] || [];
var c = h[r] || "init";
"init" === c ? (h[r] = "loading", f[r].push(i), w(a, !0, a.protocol, e.static_servers || e.domains, e[r] || e.path, null, function (t) {
if (t) h[r] = "fail", j("networkError", a);
else {
h[r] = "loaded";
for (var e = f[r], n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n += 1) {
var c = e[n];
u(c) && c()
f[r] = []
})) : "loaded" === c ? i() : "fail" === c ? j("networkError", a) : "loading" === c && f[r].push(i)
a["default"].use(i.a), a["default"].config.productionTip = !1, Nt.beforeEach(function (t, e, n) {
_hmt && t.path && _hmt.push(["_trackPageview", t.fullPath]), n()
}), new a["default"]({
router: Nt,
store: Pt["a"],
render: function (t) {
return t(d)
mounted: function () {
document.dispatchEvent(new Event("render-event"))
"5b9e": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "e", function () {
return r
}), n.d(e, "d", function () {
return i
}), n.d(e, "f", function () {
return c
}), n.d(e, "c", function () {
return o
}), n.d(e, "b", function () {
return s
}), n.d(e, "g", function () {
return l
}), n.d(e, "h", function () {
return u
}), n.d(e, "i", function () {
return d
}), n.d(e, "a", function () {
return p
var a = n("27fe"),
r = function (t) {
return t.complexname && (t.complexname = t.complexname.replace("(", "(").replace(")", ")")), t.ry_qymc && (t.ry_qymc = t.ry_qymc.replace("(", "(").replace(")", ")")), a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/list",
params: t,
method: "get"
i = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/staffDetail",
params: {
staffId: t
method: "get"
c = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/staffPerformanceListSys",
params: t,
method: "get"
o = function (t, e) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/staffCreditRecordList",
params: {
staffId: t,
mark: e
method: "get"
s = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/staffCreditBlackList",
params: {
staffId: t
method: "get"
l = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/staffWorkRecordList",
params: {
staffId: t
method: "get"
u = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/constructorRecordList",
params: {
staffId: t
method: "get"
d = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/zaoJiaToRecordList",
params: {
staffId: t
method: "get"
p = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/staff/jlToRecordList",
params: {
staffId: t
method: "get"
"5c48": function (t, e, n) {},
"60ba": function (t, e) {
t.exports = ""
"61f3": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("b403"),
r = n.n(a);
6349: function (t, e, n) {},
"6a0a": function (t, e, n) {
t.exports = n.p + "img/examBanner02.621e7d22.png"
"6a66": function (t, e, n) {
t.exports = n.p + "img/collect-icon03.eb9816d7.png"
"6c84": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("2bac"),
r = n.n(a);
"6d6f": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "d", function () {
return i
}), n.d(e, "a", function () {
return c
}), n.d(e, "e", function () {
return o
}), n.d(e, "b", function () {
return s
}), n.d(e, "c", function () {
return l
var a = n("cebc"),
r = n("27fe"),
i = function (t) {
return r["a"].request({
url: "/artcleApi/getPageList",
params: t,
method: "get"
c = function (t) {
return t = Object(a["a"])({
object_type: 1
}, t), r["a"].request({
url: "/asite/credit/record/query",
params: t,
method: "get"
o = function (t) {
return t = Object(a["a"])({
object_type: 2
}, t), r["a"].request({
url: "/asite/credit/record/query",
params: t,
method: "get"
s = function (t) {
return r["a"].request({
url: "/management/Article/getArticle",
params: t,
method: "get"
l = function (t) {
return r["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/project/isFake",
params: {
isFake: 1
method: "get"
"77fb": function (t, e, n) {},
"788d": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "d", function () {
return s
}), n.d(e, "c", function () {
return l
}), n.d(e, "e", function () {
return d
}), n.d(e, "f", function () {
return p
}), n.d(e, "b", function () {
return f
}), n.d(e, "g", function () {
return h
}), n.d(e, "h", function () {
return m
}), n.d(e, "i", function () {
return b
}), n.d(e, "a", function () {
return g
var a = n("cebc"),
r = (n("a481"), n("7618")),
i = (n("6b54"), n("2934")),
c = n("c0d6"),
o = Object.prototype.toString,
s = function (t) {
return "[object Object]" == o.call(t)
l = function (t) {
return "[object Array]" == o.call(t)
u = function (t) {
return "[object Null]" == o.call(t)
d = function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : -22090176e5,
e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "{y}-{m}-{d}";
if (u(t) || -22090176e5 === t) return "--";
var n, a = e || "{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}";
"object" === Object(r["a"])(t) ? n = t : ("string" === typeof t && /^[0-9]+$/.test(t) && (t = parseInt(t)), "number" === typeof t && 10 === t.toString().length && (t *= 1e3), n = new Date(t));
var i = {
y: n.getFullYear(),
m: n.getMonth() + 1,
d: n.getDate(),
h: n.getHours(),
i: n.getMinutes(),
s: n.getSeconds(),
a: n.getDay()
c = a.replace(/{(y|m|d|h|i|s|a)+}/g, function (t, e) {
var n = i[e];
return "a" === e ? ["日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"][n] : (t.length > 0 && n < 10 && (n = "0" + n), n || 0)
return c
p = function (t) {},
f = function () {
Object(i["i"])().then(function (t) {
var e = t.data,
n = e.randomId,
r = e.gt,
o = e.challenge,
s = e.success,
l = e.session_key;
gt: r,
challenge: o,
offline: !s,
new_captcha: !0,
product: "bind"
}, function (t) {
t.onReady(function () {
c["a"].state.captcha = t
}).onSuccess(function () {
var e = t.getValidate();
Object(i["j"])(Object(a["a"])({}, e, {
randomId: n,
session_key: l
})).then(function (t) {
var e = t.success,
n = t.data;
e && (c["a"].commit("SET_TOKEN", n.accessToken), void 0 !== c["a"].state.captcha.callback && c["a"].state.captcha.callback()), c["a"].state.captcha.reset()
}).onError(function () {})
h = function (t, e) {
var n = e ? "/data/company/detail?id=".concat(t, "&compType=").concat(e) : "/data/company/detail?id=".concat(t);
window.open(n, "_blank")
m = function (t) {
window.open("/data/person/detail?id=".concat(t), "_blank")
b = function (t) {
window.open("/data/project/detail?id=".concat(t), "_blank")
g = function (t) {
if (t) return t.split("$")[1]
"7a29": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "TopCarousel",
attrs: {
height: "374px",
autoplay: !0
}, t._l(t.data, function (e, a) {
return n("el-carousel-item", {
key: a
}, ["3" == e.type ? [n("a", {
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
href: e.reprintUrl
}, [n("img", {
attrs: {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
src: e.coverImgId,
alt: ""
}), n("h3", {
staticClass: "ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))])])] : [n("router-link", {
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
to: "/articleDetails?id=" + e.id
}, [n("img", {
attrs: {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
src: e.coverImgId,
alt: ""
}), n("h3", {
staticClass: "ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))])])]], 2)
}), 1)
r = [],
i = {
name: "TopCarousel",
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default: []
c = i,
o = (n("61f3"), n("2877")),
s = Object(o["a"])(c, a, r, !1, null, "469d4410", null);
e["a"] = s.exports
"7c55": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("5c48"),
r = n.n(a);
8554: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("32b4"),
r = n.n(a);
8936: function (t, e, n) {},
"97b6": function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("2c69"),
r = n.n(a);
a053: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("8936"),
r = n.n(a);
a596: function (t, e, n) {
t.exports = n.p + "img/qrcode.a3861174.png"
a65c: function (t, e, n) {},
b22e: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("d685"),
r = n.n(a);
b403: function (t, e, n) {},
bccf: function (t, e, n) {},
be28: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("ec6d"),
r = n.n(a);
c05f: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "l", function () {
return r
}), n.d(e, "k", function () {
return i
}), n.d(e, "p", function () {
return c
}), n.d(e, "n", function () {
return o
}), n.d(e, "o", function () {
return s
}), n.d(e, "q", function () {
return l
}), n.d(e, "c", function () {
return u
}), n.d(e, "r", function () {
return d
}), n.d(e, "a", function () {
return p
}), n.d(e, "m", function () {
return f
}), n.d(e, "j", function () {
return h
}), n.d(e, "b", function () {
return m
}), n.d(e, "i", function () {
return b
}), n.d(e, "f", function () {
return g
}), n.d(e, "h", function () {
return v
}), n.d(e, "g", function () {
return _
}), n.d(e, "e", function () {
return y
}), n.d(e, "d", function () {
return k
var a = n("27fe"),
r = function (t) {
return t.complexname && (t.complexname = t.complexname.replace("(", "(").replace(")", ")")), a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/list",
params: t,
method: "get"
i = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/compDetail",
params: {
compId: t
method: "get"
c = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/asite/region/index",
params: t,
method: "get"
o = function (t) {
if (t && t.pgsz < 50) {
t.pgsz = 50;
const cadetaillist = a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/caDetailList",
params: t,
method: "get"
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
// 创建一个按钮元素
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importButton.textContent = '恭喜!数据刷新成功!(点我导入最高资质)';
} else {
importButton.textContent = '和四库一平台合作成功留念!(点我刷新)';
importButton.id = 'getcadetaillist'; // 设置按钮的id
// 添加点击事件处理程序来弹出提示
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// 判断按钮名字是否包含"四库一平台"
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// 重载按钮所在的子页面
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// 不包含"四库一平台"的逻辑处理
// 直接发送json
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// 遍历每个iframe
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<div data-v-8cba55c6="" class="el-col el-col-14">
<div data-v-8cba55c6="" class="label" style="width: 140px;">四库钥匙</div>
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<div data-v-8cba55c6="" class="el-col el-col-10">
<div data-v-8cba55c6="" class="label" style="width: 140px;">操作</div>
<div data-v-8cba55c6="" class="value" style="text-align: left;"><button id="loadsyyptaccessToken">导入四库钥匙(点我导入)</button></div>
// 插入到父元素内
document.getElementById('loadsyyptaccessToken').addEventListener('click', function () {
.then(responseData => {
//document.getElementById('skyptkey').value = responseData;
localStorage.setItem("accessToken", responseData);
// 重载按钮所在的子页面
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getaccessToken = function () {
let apiUrl = "/dhbh/project/getskyptaccessToken";
// Define API URL
var options = {
method: "get",
// Use fetch to make the network request
return fetch(apiUrl, options) // Return the promise returned by fetch
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
return data; // Return the data if needed
s = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/caCertDetail",
params: t,
method: "get"
l = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/regStaffList",
params: t,
method: "get"
u = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/zbRegStaffList",
params: t,
method: "get"
d = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/zbTitleStaffList",
params: t,
method: "get"
p = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/zbCompPerformanceList",
params: t,
method: "get"
f = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/compPerformanceListSys",
params: t,
method: "get"
h = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/compCreditRecordList",
params: t,
method: "get"
m = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/zbCompCreditRecordList",
params: t,
method: "get"
b = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/compCreditBlackList",
params: t,
method: "get"
g = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/compPunishList",
params: t,
method: "get"
v = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/aptChange",
params: t,
method: "get"
_ = function (t) {
var e = t.qyId,
n = t.qyCode;
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/getTotal",
params: {
qyId: e,
qyCode: n
method: "get"
y = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/zbList",
params: t,
method: "get"
k = function (t) {
return a["a"].request({
url: "/dataservice/query/comp/zbCompDetail",
params: {
compId: t
method: "get"
c089: function (t, e, n) {},
c0d6: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("2b0e"),
r = n("2f62");
a["default"].use(r["a"]), e["a"] = new r["a"].Store({
state: {
captcha: null,
complexname: "",
accessToken: localStorage.getItem("accessToken") || "",
captchaDilaogVisible: !1,
companyDetail: "companyQuality",
personDetail: "regInfo",
errorComplexs: {
company: ["有限", "责任", "公司", "集团", "建筑", "工程", "设计", "劳务"],
person: [],
project: ["工程", "项目"]
personTypeConfig: [{
label: "注册建筑师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_011,RY_ZCLB_012",
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label: "一级注册建筑师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_011"
}, {
label: "二级注册建筑师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_012"
}, {
label: "勘察设计注册工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_021,RY_ZCLB_022,RY_ZCLB_031,RY_ZCLB_032,RY_ZCLB_033,RY_ZCLB_034,RY_ZCLB_035,RY_ZCLB_036,RY_ZCLB_037",
children: [{
label: "一级注册结构工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_021"
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label: "二级注册结构师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_022"
}, {
label: "注册土木工程师(岩土)",
value: "RY_ZCLB_031"
}, {
label: "注册公用设备工程师(暖通空调)",
value: "RY_ZCLB_032"
}, {
label: "注册公用设备工程师(给水排水)",
value: "RY_ZCLB_033"
}, {
label: "注册公用设备工程师(动力)",
value: "RY_ZCLB_034"
}, {
label: "注册电气工程师(发输变电)",
value: "RY_ZCLB_035"
}, {
label: "注册电气工程师(供配电)",
value: "RY_ZCLB_036"
}, {
label: "注册化工工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_037"
}, {
label: "注册监理工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_051",
children: null
}, {
label: "注册建造师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_071,RY_ZCLB_072,RY_ZCLB_073,RY_ZCLB_074",
children: [{
label: "一级注册建造师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_071"
}, {
label: "二级注册建造师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_072"
}, {
label: "注册造价工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_081,RY_ZCLB_082",
children: [{
label: "一级注册造价工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_081"
}, {
label: "二级注册造价工程师",
value: "RY_ZCLB_082"
qualityTypeConfig: [{
value: "",
name: "全部"
}, {
value: "QY_ZZ_ZZZD_003",
name: "勘察企业"
}, {
value: "QY_ZZ_ZZZD_004",
name: "设计企业"
}, {
value: "QY_ZZ_ZZZD_001",
name: "建筑业企业"
}, {
value: "QY_ZZ_ZZZD_002",
name: "监理企业"
}, {
value: "QY_ZZ_ZZZD_005",
name: "设计与施工一体化企业"
}, {
value: "QY_ZZ_ZZZD_007",
name: "造价咨询企业"
projectTypeConfig: [{
value: "",
name: "全部"
}, {
value: "01",
name: "房屋建筑工程"
}, {
value: "02",
name: "市政工程"
}, {
value: "99",
name: "其他"
mutations: {
SET_TOKEN: function (t, e) {
e ? (t.accessToken = e, localStorage.setItem("accessToken", e)) : (t.accessToken = "", localStorage.clear("accessToken"))
SET_CaptchaDilaog: function (t, e) {
t.captchaDilaogVisible = e
SET_companyDetail: function (t, e) {
t.companyDetail = e
SET_personDetail: function (t, e) {
t.personDetail = e
actions: {}
c393: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
n = t._self._c || e;
return n("div", {
staticClass: "TabPanel"
}, [t._t("panel-header", [n("div", {
staticClass: "panel-header",
class: t.size
}, ["multiple" == t.type ? n("div", {
staticClass: "panel-header__title panel-header__title--multiple"
}, t._l(t.data, function (e, a) {
return n("div", {
key: a,
staticClass: "panel-header__title--item",
class: {
active: t.tabIndex == a
on: {
click: function (e) {
t.tabIndex = a
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("filterTitle")(e.title, t.titleLength)))])
}), 0) : n("div", {
staticClass: "panel-header__title panel-header__title--single"
}, [n("div", {
staticClass: "panel-header__title--item active"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("filterTitle")(t.data.title, t.titleLength)))])]), t.more ? n("router-link", {
staticClass: "panel-header__more",
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
to: t.more
}, [n("span", {
on: {
click: function (e) {
return t.linkMores(t.data)
}, [t._v("更多>>")])]) : t._e()], 1)]), t._t("panel-content", ["multiple" == t.type ? t._l(t.data, function (e, a) {
return n("ul", {
key: a,
staticClass: "panel-content",
class: [t.size, {
active: t.tabIndex == a
}, t._l(e.list, function (e, a) {
return n("li", {
key: a,
staticClass: "panel-content__item"
}, [n("a", {
staticClass: "title",
class: {
ellipsis: t.ellipsis, "panel-feed": t.types
style: {
width: 0 == t.titleWidth ? "100%" : t.titleWidth + "px",
fontSize: 0 == t.listSize ? "" : t.listSize + "px",
lineHeight: 0 == t.listSize ? "" : 28 + 2 * (t.listSize - 18) + "px"
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
}, [t._v(t._s(e.ARTICLE_TITLE))]), e.AUDIT_TIME ? n("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(t._f("parseTime")(e.AUDIT_TIME, "{y}-{m}-{d}")) + "\n ")]) : n("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}), 0)
}) : [n("ul", {
staticClass: "panel-content active",
class: t.size,
staticStyle: {
width: "100%"
}, t._l(t.data.list, function (e, a) {
return n("li", {
directives: [{
name: "wordHeight",
rawName: "v-wordHeight",
value: {
num: "22"
expression: "{ num: '22' }"
key: a,
staticClass: "panel-content__item"
}, [n("a", {
staticClass: "title",
class: {
ellipsis: t.ellipsis, "panel-feed": t.types
style: {
width: 0 == t.titleWidth ? "100%" : t.titleWidth + "px",
fontSize: 0 == t.listSize ? "" : t.listSize + "px",
lineHeight: 0 == t.listSize ? "" : 28 + 2 * (t.listSize - 18) + "px"
attrs: {
target: "_blank",
}, [t._v(t._s(e.ARTICLE_TITLE))]), e.AUDIT_TIME ? n("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(t._f("parseTime")(e.AUDIT_TIME, "{y}-{m}-{d}")) + "\n ")]) : n("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}), 0)]])], 2)
r = [],
i = (n("7f7f"), n("c5f6"), n("788d")),
c = {
name: "TabPanel",
props: {
data: {
validator: function (t) {
return Object(i["c"])(t) || Object(i["d"])(t)
default: []
size: {
type: String,
default: "normal"
more: {
type: String,
default: ""
titleWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 0
ellipsis: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
titleLength: {
type: Number,
default: 0
listSize: {
type: Number,
default: 0
types: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
linkRightMore: {
type: String,
default: ""
linkTitle: {
type: String,
default: ""
data: function () {
return {
tabIndex: 0,
type: "multiple"
filters: {
filterTitle: function (t, e) {
return 0 == e ? t : t.length > e ? t.substring(0, e) + "..." : t
parseTime: i["e"]
watch: {
data: {
immediate: !0,
handler: function (t) {
Object(i["c"])(t) && (this.type = "multiple"), Object(i["d"])(t) && (this.type = "single")
deep: !0
directives: {
wordHeight: {
inserted: function (t, e) {
for (var n = t.children[0].innerHTML, a = 0, r = 0; a < n.length; a++) n.charCodeAt(a), r += 1;
t.children[0].offsetWidth + t.children[1].offsetWidth > t.offsetWidth && r % e.value.num > e.value.num - 5 && (t.style.height = Number(t.children[0].offsetHeight) + 24 + "px")
methods: {
linkMores: function (t) {
Object(i["c"])(t) ? window.sessionStorage.setItem("superviseName", t[this.tabIndex].name) : window.sessionStorage.setItem("superviseName", t.name), "policies" == this.linkTitle && window.sessionStorage.setItem("policiesName", t[0].name)
o = c,
s = (n("8554"), n("2877")),
l = Object(s["a"])(o, a, r, !1, null, null, null);
e["a"] = l.exports
c760: function (t, e, n) {
t.exports = n.p + "img/examBanner01.f7b5ff87.png"
d11d: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("d412"),
r = n.n(a);
d412: function (t, e, n) {},
d685: function (t, e, n) {},
d9e3: function (t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var a = n("77fb"),
r = n.n(a);
ec6d: function (t, e, n) {},
f17b: function (t, e, n) {}