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Nitro Type - Auto Refresh Mobile Trick

Auto Refresh Race by using 2 browser tabs and spoofing as mobile. Doing this preloads the race page and websocket connections.

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Now publicly available!

Behold! Auto Refresh Trick #2! This userscript will attempt to restart races ASAP. "How?" by having another browser tab preload the race page using "mobile mode".


Instructions (Chrome)

  1. Login to Nitro Type
  2. Press F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+J) to open up Devtools
  3. Click on Responsive Mode (mobile icon on top left)
  4. Open up new tab or window, go to Nitro Type and repeat Step 2-3
  5. On both tab/windows, start Race (it shouldn't start because you are on mobile mode)
  6. Start a race on one of the windows and you are done

I recommend creating one new window with two separate Nitro Type racing tabs. To change tabs, simply press Ctrl+Tab to alternate tabs.

See demo video on me using it.

How does this work?

It relies on having another browser tab with race page opened in mobile mode. When loading a race page using a mobile device, the race doesn't get started, avoiding the "you are currently racing". However, what makes it a bit faster is that it has the race page fully loaded and connected to the race servers. Is it any better? you decide :P, see demo (imo, I think it's only a few seconds better per race).

Downsides? Racing Stats gets out of sync. Having two browser tabs opened on Nitro Type will cause funny problems... it's a known issue. I wrote my own racing stat script that gets around most problems, so it's not a big deal to me.