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TM dat

Nested, type secure and auto saving data proxy on Tampermonkey.

اعتبارا من 14-07-2021. شاهد أحدث إصدار.

لا ينبغي أن لا يتم تثبيت هذا السكريت مباشرة. هو مكتبة لسكبتات لتشمل مع التوجيه الفوقية // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         TM dat
// @namespace    https://icelava.root
// @version      0.2
// @description  Nested, type secure and auto saving data proxy on Tampermonkey.
// @author       ForkKILLET
// @match        localhost:1633/*
// @noframes
// @icon         
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==

"use strict"

const err = (t, m) => { throw window[t](`[TM dat] ${m}`) }

const type_dat = v =>
    v === null          ? "null"   :
    v instanceof Array  ? "array"  :
    v instanceof RegExp ? "regexp" :
    typeof v

type_dat.convert = {
    string_number:  v => + v,
    string_regexp:  v => v,
    number_string:  v => "" + v,
    number_boolean: v => !! v

const proxy_dat = (dat, scm, oldRoot, old = oldRoot) => {
    const lvs = {}
    for (let k in scm.lvs) {
        const s = scm.lvs[k]
        s.path = (scm.path ?? "") + (s.root ? "!" : ".") + k
        s.pathRoot = s.root ? "!" + s.path : scm.pathRoot ?? k
        s.raw = (s.root ? null : scm.raw) ?? (() => dat[k])

        switch (s.ty) {
        case "object":
            lvs[k] = proxy_dat(dat[k] = {}, s, oldRoot, old[k])
		case "tuple":
			s.lvs = => Array.from({ length: i.repeat ?? 1 }, () => i)).flat()
			lvs[k] = proxy_dat(dat[k] = [], s, oldRoot, old[k])
            lvs[k] = dat[k] = (s.root ? oldRoot[s.pathRoot] : old[k]) ?? s.dft
    return new Proxy(lvs, {
        get: (_, k) => lvs[k],
        set: (_, k, v) => {
            const s = scm.lvs[k]
            const eF = `Field @ ${s.path}`, eS = "Failed strictly."
            if (s.locked) err("TypeError", eF + ` is locked, but was attempted to write.`)

			if (s.ty === "enum" && ! s.vals.includes(v)) {
				err("TypeError", eF + ` requires to be in the enum { ${ s.vals.join(", ") } }, but got ${v}.`)

            const ty = type_dat(v)
            if (! [ "any", "enum" ].includes(s.ty) && ty !== s.ty) {
                const eM = eF + ` requires type ${s.ty}, but got ${ty}: ${v}. `
                if (s.strict) err("TypeError", eM + eS)
                const f = type_dat.convert[`${ty}_${s.ty}`]
                if (f) v = f(v)
                else err("TypeError", eM + "Failed to convert.")

            if (s.ty === "number") {
                let eR = eF + ` requires to be in the range [ ${s.min ??= -Infinity}, ${s.max ??= +Infinity} ], but got ${v}. `
                if (v < s.min || v > s.max) err("RangeError", eR)

                if ( {
                    if (s.strict) err("RangeError", eF + ` requires to be an integer. ` + eS)
                    v = ~~ v

            lvs[k] = dat[k] = v
            if (s.quick || s.root) GM_setValue(s.pathRoot, JSON.stringify(s.raw()))

const load_dat = (lvs, autoSave) => {
    const dat = {}; load_dat.dat = dat
    if (autoSave) window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => save_dat())
    return proxy_dat(dat, { lvs },
        GM_listValues().reduce((o, k) => (
            o[k] = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(k) ?? "null"), o
        ), {})

const save_dat = (dat = load_dat.dat) => {
    Object.keys(dat).forEach(k => GM_setValue(k, JSON.stringify(dat[k])))

if ( === "localhost:1633") Object.assign(unsafeWindow, {
    TM_dat: { type_dat, proxy_dat, load_dat, save_dat }