Greasy Fork is available in English.

Collapse HackerNews Parent Comments

Adds vertical bars to the left of the comments, enabling you to easily collapse the parent comments. It also can leave only a specified number of comments expanded and auto-collapse the rest.

هذه إصدارات لهذا البرنامج النصي حيث تم تحديث الكود. عرض كل الإصدارات.

  • v1.2.6 06-02-2022 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.5 30-11-2021 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.5 23-11-2021 Imported from URL
  • v1.2.3 30-10-2021 Imported from URL
  • v1.2 01-04-2021 Imported from URL
  • v1.1 13-02-2021 Imported from URL
  • v1.0 21-08-2020 Imported from URL