MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED

Script automating MH horn sounding and raffle ticket + gift sending/receiving, fully functional as of 24/04/2020. Updating and revamping the outdated script by nobodyrandom, and original by Ooi and CnN. Latest input from kouyk.

اعتبارا من 23-04-2020. شاهد أحدث إصدار.

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MouseHunt Autobot UPDATED!

This is a script automating MH horn sounding and raffle ticket + gift sending/receiving (currently broken), fully functional as of 24/04/2020. Updating the outdated script by nobodyrandom, who adapted the original versions by Ooi and CnN.

Original version made and owned by Ooi Keng Siang (He no longer develops this code)

ENHANCED + REVAMP (B build) version adapted by nobodyrandom, from version made and owned by CnN

To install this, please use Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or Violentmonkey, depending on what browser you use.

PRECAUTION: Use this script at your own risk as this is against the rules of MouseHunt. You can get banned.

Additionally, all I have really done is lift nobodyrandom’s old script, added most of the new traps & bases, and reduced some of the text banner clutter. I am neither an experienced nor skilled coder, so I would definitely appreciate if any kind and helpful developers can give feedback on how to make this script more streamlined and efficient.

Please report all bugs via GreasyFork’s feedback, I will check in now and then to see if I can or need to make any updates, but so long as the script works fine and does not stop working, it is unlikely that many changes will be made. Apologies in advance as I am new to this whole thing in general and am merely trying to help out in my own free time.

EDIT: So after the update on 22 April, it seems the devs made changes that caused the script to not display properly, as well as for it to fail to locate the horn; even if you manually sound it, the script often fails to recognise the horn has been sounded like in the past and load the next journal entry (Horn sounded, synchronising data...), but instead gives the alert that it is too early to sound the horn, and refreshes the page. However, this is actually a failsafe mechanism I had previously added for the bot to refresh + attempt to sound when it fails to locate the horn, i.e. The Hunter horn is missing. Synchronizing data... error.

You may notice that the Next Hunter Horn Time is often off as well, resulting in horns later than usual and/or the script trying to sound earlier, which forces a refresh due to not being able to locate the horn. Nonetheless, it still works as far as I've tested, so do let me know in the feedback section if it's broken for any of you.

If this update breaks the bot for you, please revert to the second-latest version as it still functions albeit with display issues. Shoutout to kouyk for helping out with the latest update, cheers!


• Area clocks via "Toggle Timers"

• Auto King’s Reward solver

• Auto return raffle tickets

• Auto return presents to friends

• Removed nobodyrandom’s ads

• Automization in certain areas – most likely to be outdated or not fully functional as the script has not been updated since 2018. (please let me know if you know how to fix it and I will update the code accordingly)