Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube Annotation Ripper

Appends the each annotation text to a textbox box below the video for easy copying.

Riccardo Geraci
التثبيت اليومي
إجمالي التثبيت
0 0 0
تم إنشاؤه
تم تحديثه
لا يوجد
ينطبق على

How to use

When you install, you will get a new button located next to the 'add to' and 'share' buttons (Marked by the blue rectangle).

Annotation Ripping Toggle Button

When you click the new button, you will see that it will slid out a textbox like so.

Annotation Ripping Toggled On

You must actually watch the video to make the annotations appear in the textbox. Skipping to the end will not work as YouTube won't load the annotations into the HTML.

To get the text of a certain annotation, you can go to where it appears and go back a second or so (depends on 'interval') and then play the video for it to rip it.

The script has custom settings you can change by going to "..==CUSTOM SETTINGS==..." inside the code.

Please don't redistribute without credit to original author.