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RottenTomatoes Utility Library (custom API)

Utility library for Rotten Tomatoes. Provides an API for grabbing info from

لا ينبغي أن لا يتم تثبيت هذا السكريت مباشرة. هو مكتبة لسكبتات لتشمل مع التوجيه الفوقية // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         RottenTomatoes Utility Library (custom API)
// @namespace
// @version      0.1.11
// @description  Utility library for Rotten Tomatoes. Provides an API for grabbing info from
// @author       driver8
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// ==/UserScript==

console.log('hi rt api lib');

const MAX_YEAR_DIFF = 2;
const MAX_RESULTS = 100;

function _parse(query, regex, doc) {
    doc = doc || document;
    try {
        let text = doc.querySelector(query).textContent.trim();
        if (regex) {
            text = text.match(regex)[1];
        return text.trim();
    } catch (e) {
        console.log('error', e);
        return '';

function jsonParse(j) {
    try {
        let result = JSON.parse(j);
        return result;
    } catch(e) {
        //console.log('RT error', e);
        return null;

function getRtIdFromTitle(title, tv, year) {
    tv = tv || false;
    year = parseInt(year) || 1800;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            method: 'GET',
            responseType: 'json',
            url: `${MAX_RESULTS}&q=${title}`,
            onload: (resp) => {
                let movies = tv ? resp.response.tvSeries : resp.response.movies;
                if (!Array.isArray(movies) || movies.length < 1) {
                    console.log('no search results');
                    reject('no results');

                let sorted = movies.concat();
                if (year && sorted) {
                    sorted.sort((a, b) => {
                        if (Math.abs(a.year - year) !== Math.abs(b.year - year)) {
                            // Prefer closest year to the given one
                            return Math.abs(a.year - year) - Math.abs(b.year - year);
                        } else {
                            return b.year - a.year; // In a tie, later year should come first
                //console.log('sorted', sorted);

                // Search for matches with exact title in order of proximity by year
                let bestMatch, closeMatch;
                for (let m of sorted) {
                    m.title = m.title ||;
                    if (m.title.toLowerCase() === title.toLowerCase()) {
                        bestMatch = bestMatch || m;
                        console.log('bestMatch', bestMatch);
                    // RT often includes original titles in parentheses for foreign films, so only check if they start the same
                    } else if (m.title.toLowerCase().startsWith(title.toLowerCase())) {
                        closeMatch = closeMatch || m;
                        console.log('closeMatch', closeMatch);
                    if (bestMatch && closeMatch) {
                //console.log('sorted', sorted, 'bestMatch', bestMatch, 'closeMatch', closeMatch, movies);

                // Fall back on closest year match if within 2 years, or whatever the first result was.
                // RT years are often one year later than imdb, or even two
                function yearComp(imdb, rt) {
                    return rt - imdb <= MAX_YEAR_DIFF && imdb - rt < MAX_YEAR_DIFF;
                if (year && (!bestMatch || !yearComp(year, bestMatch.year))) {
                    if (closeMatch && yearComp(year, closeMatch.year)) {
                        bestMatch = closeMatch;
                    } else if (yearComp(year, sorted[0].year)) {
                        bestMatch = sorted[0];
                bestMatch = bestMatch || closeMatch || movies[0];

                if (bestMatch) {
                    let id = bestMatch && bestMatch.url.replace(/\/s\d{2}\/?$/, ''); // remove season suffix from tv matches
                    console.log('found id', id);
                } else {
                    console.log('no match found on rt');
                    reject('no suitable match');

function getRtInfoFromId(id) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        if (!id || typeof id !== 'string' || id.length < 3) {
            console.log('invalid id');
            reject('invalid id');
        let url = '' + id + (id.startsWith('/tv/') ? '/s01' : ''); // Look up season 1 for TV shows
        //console.log('url', url);
            method: 'GET',
            //responseType: 'document',
            url: url,
            onload: (resp) => {
                //console.log('resp', resp);
                let text = resp.responseText;
                //console.log('text', text);

                // Create DOM from responseText
                const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement;
                doc.innerHTML = text;
                //console.log('doc', doc);
                let year = parseInt(_parse('.h3.year, .movie_title .h3.subtle, .meta-row .meta-value time', /(\d{4})/, doc));

                // Find the javascript snippet storing the tomatometer/score info.
                // Everything is named different for TV shows for some stupid reason.
                let m = text.match(/root\.RottenTomatoes\.context\.scoreInfo = ({.+});/);
                m = m || text.match(/root\.RottenTomatoes\.context\.scoreboardCriticInfo = ({.+});/);
                let dataString = m?.[1];
                let scoreInfo = dataString && jsonParse(dataString);
                let scorescript = doc.querySelector('#score-details-json');
                let sb = scorescript && JSON.parse(scorescript.innerHTML);
                let scoreboard = sb?.scoreboard;
                let all = scoreInfo?.tomatometerAllCritics ?? scoreInfo?.all ?? sb?.modal.tomatometerScoreAll ?? {},
                    top = scoreInfo?.tomatometerTopCritics ?? scoreInfo?.top ?? sb?.modal.tomatometerScoreTop ?? {};
                //console.log('scoreInfo', scoreInfo);
                //console.log('scoreboard', scoreboard);

                // TV consensus is stored in a totally different object :/
                m = text.match(/root\.RottenTomatoes\.context\.result =\s+({.+});\n/);
                //console.log('m[1]', m?.[1]);
                let fixedJson = m?.[1].replace(/:undefined/g, ':null');
                //console.log('fixedJson', fixedJson);
                let contextResult = m && jsonParse(fixedJson);
                //console.log('contextResult', contextResult);
                let sd = contextResult?.seasonData;

                if (all) {
                    // Try field names used for movie data, then TV show data.
                    const data = {
                        id: id,
                        score: parseInt(all?.score ?? all?.tomatometer ?? scoreboard?.tomatometerScore ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.score ?? -1),
                        rating: parseFloat(all?.avgScore ?? all?.averageRating ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.averageRating ?? -1),
                        votes: parseInt(all?.numberOfReviews ?? all?.totalCount ?? all?.ratingCount ?? all?.reviewCount ?? scoreboard?.tomatometerCount ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.reviewCount ?? 0),
                        consensus: all?.consensus ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.consensus ?? doc.querySelector('.what-to-know__section-body > span, .mop-ratings-wrap__text--concensus')?.innerHTML, // TV consensus is stored in a totally different object :/
                        state: all?.tomatometerState ?? all?.state ?? scoreboard?.tomatometerState ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.state,
                        topScore: parseInt(top?.score ?? top?.tomatometer ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreTop?.score ?? -1),
                        topRating: parseFloat(top?.avgScore ?? top?.averageRating ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.averageRating ?? -1),
                        topVotes: parseInt(top?.numberOfReviews ?? top?.totalCount ?? top?.ratingCount ?? top?.reviewCount ?? sd?.tomatometerScoreAll?.reviewCount ?? 0),
                        year: year,
                        fetched: new Date()

                    console.log('found data', data);
                } else {
                    reject('error getting rt info for id ' + id);

function getRtInfoFromTitle(title, tv, year) {
    return getRtIdFromTitle(title, tv, year).then((id) => {
        return getRtInfoFromId(id);