لا ينبغي أن لا يتم تثبيت هذا السكريت مباشرة. هو مكتبة لسكبتات لتشمل مع التوجيه الفوقية // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/3595/10865/jqModal.js
* jqModal - Minimalist Modaling with jQuery
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Brice Burgess @IceburgBrice
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* $Version: 1.1.0 (2014.07.03 +r21)
* Requires: jQuery 1.2.3+
(function($) {
* Initialize a set of elements as "modals". Modals typically are popup dialogs,
* notices, modal windows, &c.
* @name jqm
* @param options user defined options, augments defaults.
* @type jQuery
* @cat Plugins/jqModal
return this.each(function(){
var e = $(this),
jqm = e.data('jqm') || $.extend({ID: I++}, $.jqm.params),
o = $.extend(jqm,options);
// add/extend options to modal and mark as initialized
// ... Attach events to trigger showing of this modal
o.trigger && e.jqmAddTrigger(o.trigger);
* Matching modals will have their jqmShow() method fired by attaching a
* onClick event to elements matching `trigger`.
* @name jqmAddTrigger
* @param trigger a selector String, jQuery collection of elements, or a DOM element.
return this.each(function(){
if(!addTrigger($(this), 'jqmShow', trigger))
err("jqmAddTrigger must be called on initialized modals")
* Matching modals will have their jqmHide() method fired by attaching an
* onClick event to elements matching `trigger`.
* @name jqmAddClose
* @param trigger a selector String, jQuery collection of elements, or a DOM element.
return this.each(function(){
if(!addTrigger($(this), 'jqmHide', trigger))
err("jqmAddClose must be called on initialized modals")
* Open matching modals (if not shown)
return this.each(function(){ !this._jqmShown&&show($(this), trigger); });
* Close matching modals
return this.each(function(){ this._jqmShown&&hide($(this), trigger); });
// utility functions
err = function(msg){
if(window.console && window.console.error) window.console.error(msg);
}, show = function(e, t){
* e = modal element (as jQuery object)
* t = triggering element
* o = options
* z = z-index of modal
* v = overlay element (as jQuery object)
* h = hash (for jqModal <= r15 compatibility)
var o = e.data('jqm'),
t = t || window.event,
z = (parseInt(e.css('z-index'))),
z = (z > 0) ? z : 3000,
v = $('<div></div>').addClass(o.overlayClass).css({height:'100%',width:'100%',position:'fixed',left:0,top:0,'z-index':z-1,opacity:o.overlay/100}),
// maintain legacy "hash" construct
h = {w: e, c: o, o: v, t: t};
var target = o.target || e,
url = o.ajax;
target = (typeof target == 'string') ? $(target,e) : $(target);
if(url.substr(0,1) == '@') url = $(t).attr(url.substring(1));
// Load the Ajax Content (and once loaded);
// Fire the onLoad callback (if exists),
// Attach closing events to elements inside the modal that match the closingClass,
// and Execute the jqModal default Open Callback
o.onLoad && o.onLoad.call(this,h);
else { open(h); }
}, hide = function(e, t){
* e = modal element (as jQuery object)
* t = triggering element
* o = options
* h = hash (for jqModal <= r15 compatibility)
var o = e.data('jqm'),
t = t || window.event,
// maintain legacy "hash" construct
h = {w: e, c: o, o: e.data('jqmv'), t: t};
}, onShow = function(hash){
// onShow callback. Responsible for showing a modal and overlay.
// return false to stop opening modal.
// hash object;
// w: (jQuery object) The modal element
// c: (object) The modal's options object
// o: (jQuery object) The overlay element
// t: (DOM object) The triggering element
// display the overlay (prepend to body) if not disabled
if(hash.c.overlay > 0)
// make modal visible
// call focusFunc (attempts to focus on first input in modal)
return true;
}, onHide = function(hash){
// onHide callback. Responsible for hiding a modal and overlay.
// return false to stop closing modal.
// hash object;
// w: (jQuery object) The modal element
// c: (object) The modal's options object
// o: (jQuery object) The overlay element
// t: (DOM object) The triggering element
// hide modal and if overlay, remove overlay.
hash.w.hide() && hash.o && hash.o.remove();
return true;
}, addTrigger = function(e, key, trigger){
// addTrigger: Adds a jqmShow/jqmHide (key) event click on modal (e)
// to all elements that match trigger string (trigger)
var jqm = e.data('jqm');
// return false if e is not an initialized modal element
if(!e.data('jqm')) return false;
return $(trigger).each(function(){
this[key] = this[key] || [];
// register this modal with this trigger only once
if($.inArray(jqm.ID,this[key]) < 0) {
// register trigger click event for this modal
var trigger = this;
// stop trigger click event from bubbling
return false;
}, open = function(h){
// open: executes the onOpen callback + performs common tasks if successful
// transform legacy hash into new var shortcuts
var e = h.w,
v = h.o,
o = h.c;
// execute onShow callback
if(o.onShow(h) !== false){
// mark modal as shown
e[0]._jqmShown = true;
// if modal dialog
// Bind the Keep Focus Function [F] if no other Modals are open (!A[0]) +
// Add this modal to the opened modals stack (A) for nested modal support
// else, close dialog when overlay is clicked
if(o.modal){ !A[0]&&F('bind'); A.push(e); }
else e.jqmAddClose(v);
// Attach closing events to elements inside the modal that match the closingClass
o.closeClass&&e.jqmAddClose($('.' + o.closeClass,e));
// IF toTop is true and overlay exists;
// Add placeholder element <span id="jqmP#ID_of_modal"/> before modal to
// remember it's position in the DOM and move it to a child of the body tag (after overlay)
o.toTop&&v&&e.before('<span id="jqmP'+o.ID+'"></span>').insertAfter(v);
// remember overlay (for closing function)
}, close = function(h){
// close: executes the onHide callback + performs common tasks if successful
// transform legacy hash into new var shortcuts
var e = h.w,
v = h.o,
o = h.c;
// execute onShow callback
if(o.onHide(h) !== false){
// mark modal as !shown
e[0]._jqmShown = false;
// If modal, remove from modal stack.
// If no modals in modal stack, unbind the Keep Focus Function
// IF toTop was passed and an overlay exists;
// Move modal back to its "remembered" position.
}, F = function(t){
// F: The Keep Focus Function (for modal: true dialos)
// Binds or Unbinds (t) the Focus Examination Function (X) to keypresses and clicks
$(document)[t]("keypress keydown mousedown",X);
}, X = function(e){
// X: The Focus Examination Function (for modal: true dialogs)
var modal = $(e.target).data('jqm') || $(e.target).parents('.jqm-init:first').data('jqm'),
activeModal = A[A.length-1].data('jqm');
// allow bubbling if event target is within active modal dialog
if(modal && modal.ID == activeModal.ID) return true;
// else, trigger focusFunc (focus on first input element and halt bubbling)
return $.jqm.focusFunc(activeModal);
I = 0, // modal ID increment (for nested modals)
A = []; // array of active modals (used to lock interactivity to appropriate modal)
// $.jqm, overridable defaults
$.jqm = {
* default options
* (Integer) overlay - [0-100] Translucency percentage (opacity) of the body covering overlay. Set to 0 for NO overlay, and up to 100 for a 100% opaque overlay.
* (String) overlayClass - Applied to the body covering overlay. Useful for controlling overlay look (tint, background-image, &c) with CSS.
* (String) closeClass - Children of the modal element matching `closeClass` will fire the onHide event (to close the modal).
* (Mixed) trigger - Matching elements will fire the onShow event (to display the modal). Trigger can be a selector String, a jQuery collection of elements, a DOM element, or a False boolean.
* (String) ajax - URL to load content from via an AJAX request. False to disable ajax. If ajax begins with a "@", the URL is extracted from the attribute of the triggering element (e.g. use '@data-url' for; <a href="#" class="jqModal" data-url="modal.html">...)
* (Mixed) target - Children of the modal element to load the ajax response into. If false, modal content will be overwritten by ajax response. Useful for retaining modal design.
* Target may be a selector string, jQuery collection of elements, or a DOM element -- and MUST exist as a child of the modal element.
* (String) ajaxText - Text shown while waiting for ajax return. Replaces HTML content of `target` element.
* (Boolean) modal - If true, user interactivity will be locked to the modal window until closed.
* (Boolean) toTop - If true, modal will be posistioned as a first child of the BODY element when opened, and its DOM posistion restored when closed. Useful for overcoming z-Index container issues.
* (Function) onShow - User defined callback function fired when modal opened.
* (Function) onHide - User defined callback function fired when modal closed.
* (Function) onLoad - User defined callback function fired when ajax content loads.
params: {
overlay: 50,
overlayClass: 'jqmOverlay',
closeClass: 'jqmClose',
trigger: '.jqModal',
ajax: false,
target: false,
ajaxText: '',
modal: false,
toTop: false,
onShow: onShow,
onHide: onHide,
onLoad: false
// focusFunc is fired when a modal is shown, or when interaction occurs outside
// a modal enabled dialog. Passed the modal element.
focusFunc: function(e) { $(':input:visible:first',e).focus(); return false; }
})( jQuery );