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Bigger Twitch

Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.

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16.2 KB
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Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.

  • Works on streams, highlights and past broadcasts
  • Tested with and without 'Better Twitch TV'
  • Continues to work after a window resize
  • Does not alter the appearance of anything besides the size of the twitch player and chat
  • Works with hosted channels

expand button

VanillaTTV unexpanded VanillaTTV expanded
BetterTTV unexpanded BetterTTV expanded

Customizable chat width

Right click the expand icon to set the chat's width. Set chat width 500px chat width 210px chat width

  • 1.09 - 15/12/2014 - Changed how new players are detected
  • 1.08 - 22/10/2014 - Added /directory to the exclude list, and made biggerttv make sure that a player is on the page before expanding
  • 1.07 - 22/10/2014 - Added extra excludes, stops hiding the sidebars in profiles and settings with autoenable on
  • 1.06 - 07/10/2014 - Fixed the left sidebar sometimes still being visible when enabled and moved the button during archive playback
  • 1.05 - 15/09/2014 - Added option to automatically enable bigttv when loading a page (could do strange things with hosting, unsure) NOTE: Settings changed to right click on both chrome and firefox.
  • 1.04 - 18/08/2014 - Fixed resizing player
  • 1.03 - 18/08/2014 - Added support for hosted channels
  • 1.02 - 18/07/2014 - Improved support for firefox
  • 1.01 - 15/07/2014 - Moved expand icon to the left (just right of the volume slider)

Icons from