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Malones Auto Hyper

This is an auto-hype script for . It will automatically click the hype button randomly between 15-30 seconds. It will hype any time you are in a room.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Malones Auto Hyper
// @namespace   MikeyMalone
// @include*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// @description This is an auto-hype script for . It will automatically click the hype button randomly between 15-30 seconds. It will hype any time you are in a room.
// ==/UserScript==

console.log("Mixify Auto-Hype Running at " + window.location.href);

function getRandomInt () {
    return Math.floor ((Math.random () * 15000 ) +15000);

function clickHype() {
    $('#hype') .click();
	setTimeout(clickHype, getRandomInt());

setTimeout(clickHype, getRandomInt());