WME URComments Swiss List

This script is for Swiss comments, to be used with the main script URComments.

// ==UserScript==

// @name           WME URComments Swiss List

// @description    This script is for Swiss comments, to be used with the main script URComments.

// @namespace

// @grant          none

// @grant          GM_info

// @version

// @match *editor*
// @match *editor*
// @match *editor*

// @author         Rick Zabel '2014

// @license        MIT/BSD/X11

// @icon			

// ==/UserScript==

var UrcommentsSwissVersion = GM_info.script.version; 

var UrcommentsSwissUpdateMessage = "yes"; // yes alert the user, no has a silent update.

var UrcommentsSwissVersionUpdateNotes = "URC Swiss List has been updated to " + UrcommentsSwissVersion;

UrcommentsSwissVersionUpdateNotes = UrcommentsSwissVersionUpdateNotes + "\n" + "-German added" + "\n" + "-missing italian for now" + "\n" + "-(helptext in English)";

if (UrcommentsSwissUpdateMessage === "yes") {

    if (localStorage.getItem('UrcommentsSwissVersion') !== UrcommentsSwissVersion) {


        localStorage.setItem('UrcommentsSwissVersion', UrcommentsSwissVersion);




 * 0.0.4 - added german (Thanks to BellHouse) 
 * 0.0.3 - more translations
 * 0.0.2 - small changes
 * 0.0.1 - initial version


//if you are using quotes in your titles or comments they must be properly escaped. example "This is \"quoted\" in your comment",

//if you wish to have text on the next line, use \r. example "Line1\rLine2",

//if you wish to have blank lines in your messages use \r\r. example "Paragraph1\r\rParagraph2",

//Custom Configuration: this allows your "reminder", and close as "not identified" messages to be named what ever you would like.

//the position in the list that the reminder message is at. (starting at 0 counting titles, comments, and ur status). in my list this is "Reminder"

window.UrcommentsSwissReminderPosistion = 39;

//this is the note that is added to the the reminder link (option disabled, not necessary at this moment)

window.UrcommentsSwissReplyInstructions = 'To reply, please either use the Waze app or go to '; //followed by the URL

//the position of the close as Not Identified message (starting at 0 counting titles, comments, and ur status). In this list this is "Close without response"

window.UrcommentsSwissCloseNotIdentifiedPosistion = 72;

//This is the list of Waze's default UR types. edit this list to match the titles used in your area! 

//You must have these titles in your list for the auto text insertion to work!

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names = [];

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[6] = "Incorrect turn"; //"Incorrect turn";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[7] = "Incorrect address"; //"Incorrect address";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[8] = "Incorrect route"; //"Incorrect route";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[9] = "Missing roundabout"; //"Missing roundabout";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[10] = "General error"; //"General error";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[11] = "Turn not allowed"; //"Turn not allowed";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[12] = "Incorrect junction"; //"Incorrect junction";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[13] = "Missing bridge overpass"; //"Missing bridge overpass";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[14] = "Wrong driving direction"; //"Wrong driving direction";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[15] = "Missing Exit"; //"Missing Exit";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[16] = "Missing Road"; //"Missing Road";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[18] = "Missing Landmark"; //"Missing Landmark";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[19] = "Blocked Road"; //"Blocked Road";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[21] = "Missing Street Name"; //"Missing Street Name";

window.UrcommentsSwissdef_names[22] = "Incorrect Street Prefix or Suffix"; //"Incorrect Street Prefix or Suffix";

//below is all of the text that is displayed to the user while using the script

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text = [];

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip = [];

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT = [];

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_URL = [];

//zoom out links

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[0] = "Zoom Out 0 & Close UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[0] = "Zooms all the way out and closes the UR window";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[1] = "Zoom Out 2 & Close UR";		

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[1] = "Zooms out to level 2 closes the UR window";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[2] = "Zoom Out 3 & Close UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[2] = "Zooms out to level 3 where I found most of the toolbox highlighting works and closes the UR window";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[3] = "Reload the map";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[4] = "Number of UR Shown";

//tab names

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[5] = "Comments";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[6] = "UR Filtering";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[7] = "Settings";

//UR Filtering Tab

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[8] = "Click here for Instructions";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[8] = "Instructions for UR filtering";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_URL[8] = "";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[9] = "Enable URComments UR filtering";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[9] = "Enable or disable URComments filtering";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[10] = "Enable UR pill counts";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[10] = "Enable or disable the pill with UR counts";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[12] = "Hide Waiting";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[12] = "Only show UR that need work (hide inbetween states)";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[13] = "Only show my UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[13] = "Hide UR where there are zero comments from the logged in editor";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[14] = "Show others UR past reminder + close";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[14] = "Show UR that have gone past the reminder and close day settings added together";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[15] = "Hide UR Reminders needed";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[15] = "Hide UR where reminders are needed";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[16] = "Hide user replies";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[16] = "Hide UR with user replies";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[17] = "Hide UR close needed";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[17] = "Hide UR that need closing";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[18] = "Hide UR no comments";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[18] = "Hide UR that have zero comments";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[19] = "hide 0 comments without descriptions";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[19] = "Hide UR that do not have descriptions or comments";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[20] = "hide 0 comments with descriptions";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[20] = "Hide UR that have descriptions and zero comments";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[21] = "Hide Closed UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[21] = "Hide closed UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[22] = "Hide Tagged UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[22] = "Hide UR that are tagged with URO style tags like [NOTE]";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[23] = "Reminder days: ";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[24] = "Close days: ";

//settings tab

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[25] = "Auto set new UR comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[25] = "Auto set the UR comment on new URs that do not already have comments";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[26] = "Auto set reminder UR comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[26] = "Auto set the UR reminder comment for URs that are older than reminder days setting and have only one comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[27] = "Auto zoom in on new UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[27] = "Auto zoom in when opening URs with no comments and when sending UR reminders";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[28] = "Auto center on UR";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[28] = "Auto Center the map at the current map zoom when UR has comments and the zoom is less than 3";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[29] = "Auto click open, solved, not identified";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[29] = "Suppress the message about recent pending questions to the reporter and then depending on the choice set for that comment Clicks Open, Solved, Not Identified";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[30] = "Auto save after a solved or not identified comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[30] = "If Auto Click Open, Solved, Not Identified is also checked, this option will click the save button after clicking on a UR-Comment and then the send button";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[31] = "Auto close comment window";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[31] = "For the user requests that do not require saving this will close the user request after clicking on a UR-Comment and then the send button";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[32] = "Auto reload map after comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[32] = "Reloads the map after clicking on a UR-Comment and then send button. This does not apply to any messages that needs to be saved, since saving automatically reloads the map. Currently this is not needed but I am leaving it in encase Waze makes changes";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[33] = "Auto zoom out after comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[33] = "After clicking on a UR-Comment in the list and clicking send on the UR the map zoom will be set back to your previous zoom";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[34] = "Auto switch to the UrComments tab";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[34] = "Auto switch to the URComments tab after page load and when opening a UR, when the UR window is closed you will be switched to your previous tab";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[35] = "Close message - double click link (auto send)";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[35] = "Add an extra link to the close comment when double clicked will auto send the comment to the UR windows and click send, and then will launch all of the other options that are enabled";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[36] = "All comments - double click link (auto send)";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[36] = "Add an extra link to each comment in the list that when double clicked will auto send the comment to the UR windows and click send, and then will launch all of the other options that are enabled";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[37] = "Comment List";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[37] = "This shows the selected comment list. There is support for a custom list. If you would like your comment list built into this script or have suggestions on the Comments team’s list, please contact me at rickzabel @waze or @gmail";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[38] = "Disable done / next buttons";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[38] = "Disable the done / next buttons at the bottom of the new UR window";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[39] = "Unfollow UR after send";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[39] = "Unfollow UR after sending comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[40] = "Auto send reminders";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[40] = "Auto send reminders to my UR as they are on screen";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[41] = "Replace tag name with editor names";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[41] = "When a UR has the logged in editors name in it replace the tag type with the editors name";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[42] = "(DblClick)";//double click to close links

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[42] = "Double click here to auto send comment";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text[43] = "Don't show tag name on pill";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_Text_tooltip[43] = "Don't show tag name on pill where there is a URO tag";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[0] = "URComments - You either have a older version of the custom comments file or a syntax error either will keep the custom list from loading. Missing: ";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[1] = "URComments - You are missing the following items from your custom comment list: ";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[2] = "List can not be found you can find the list and instructions at";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[3] = "URComments you can not set close days to zero";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[4] = "URComments to use the double click links you must have the autoset UR status option enabled";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[5] = "Aborting FilterURs2 because both filtering, counts, and auto reminders are disabled";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[6] = "URComments: Loading UR data has timed out, retrying."; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[7] = "URComments: Adding reminder message to UR: "; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[8] = "URComment's UR Filtering has been disabled because URO\'s UR filters are active."; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[9] = "UrComments has detected that you have unsaved changes!\n\nWith the Auto Save option enabled and with unsaved changes you cannot send comments that would require the script to save. Please save your changes and then re-click the comment you wish to send.";

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[10] = "URComments: Can not find the comment box! In order for this script to work you need to have a user request open."; //this message is shown across the top of the map in a orange box, length must be kept short

window.UrcommentsSwissURC_USER_PROMPT[11] = "URComments This will send reminders at the reminder days setting. This only happens when they are in your visible area. NOTE: when using this feature you should not leave any UR open unless you had a question that needed an answer from the wazer as this script will send those reminders. "; //conformation message/ question

//The comment array should follow the following format,

// "Title",     * is what will show up in the URComment tab

// "comment",   * is the comment that will be sent to the user currently 

// "URStatus"   * this is action to take when the option "Auto Click Open, Solved, Not Identified" is on. after clicking send it will click one of those choices. usage is. "Open", or "Solved",or "NotIdentified",

// to have a blank line in between comments on the list add the following without the comment marks // there is an example below after "Clear Comments"

// "<br>",

// "",

// "",

//there is an example just after the "Clear comments" message

//if you are using quotes in your titles or comments, they must be properly escaped. Example "This is \"quoted\" in your comment",

//if you wish to have text in your comment starting on the next line, use \r (backslash r). For example: "Here is the first text\rThis text starts on a new line",

//if you wish to have blank lines in your message, use \r\r. For example: "This will be paragraph 1\r\rAnd here is paragraph 2",

//Swiss list

//First list with often used comments

window.UrcommentsSwissArray2 = [			    

"EN - Old UR",

"Sorry for the late response. We are currently working hard to update the map in your neighbourhood. In case you want to help improve the map, please visit the forum ( and message other editors. Thanks!",


"FR - Vieux UR",//Old URs FR

"Désolé pour la réponse tardive, nous sommes en train de travailler pour mettre à jour la carte dans votre secteur. Si jamais vous aimeriez aider à améliorer la carte, visitez le forum ( et contactez les autres éditeurs. Merci!",


"DE - Alter UR",//Old URs DE

"Sorry für die späte Reaktion. Wir aktualisieren die Karte auch in deiner Umgebung. Wenn du mitmachen möchtest, dann besuche das Waze-Forum ( und kontaktiere dort andere Editoren.",


"IT - traduzione per favore",//Old URs IT



"EN - Unclear UR",

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know what went wrong? Thanks!",


"FR - UR peu clair",//Unclear URs FR

"Merci pour votre signalement! Waze ne nous a pas transmis assez d’informations pour pouvoir corriger votre demande. Pourriez-vous nous dire ce qu’il s’est passé? Merci!",


"DE - unklarer UR",//Unclear URs DE

"Vielen Dank für deine Meldung! Uns fehlen noch nähere Angaben, um den Fall bearbeiten zu können. Welches Problem wolltest du hier genau melden?",


"IT - traduzione per favore",//Unclear URs IT



"EN - Include Users Description",

"You reported \"$URD\", but we don't understand the problem. What can we improve?",


"FR - Description incluse",//Include Users Description FR

"Vous avez signalé \"$URD\", mais nous ne comprenons pas le problème. Que pouvons-nous améliorer?",


"DE - Mit Beschreibung durch Melder",//Include Users Description DE

"Anhand deiner Beschreibung (\"$URD\") verstehen wir das Problem noch nicht. Was können wir konkret verbessern?",


"IT - traduzione per favore",//Include Users Description IT



"EN - User followed Waze's route",

"Thanks for your report! It appears that you followed the route Waze suggested. Would you please tell us what went wrong? Thanks!",


"FR - Le Wazer a suivi la route de Waze",//User followed Waze's route FR

"Merci pour votre signalement! Vous semblez avoir suivi la route que Waze vous avait suggérée. Pourriez-vous nous dire ce qu’il s’est passé? Merci!",


"DE - Wazer folgte Waze-Route",//User followed Waze's route DE

"Danke für deine Meldung! Du scheinst der vorgeschlagenen Route gefolgt zu sein. Worin lag dann das Problem?",


"IT - traduzione per favore",//User followed Waze's route IT



"EN - Reminder message", //Reminder message - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)

"Just a reminder: We have not received a response on your report. If we don't hear back from you soon, we will infer everything is okay and close the report. Thanks!",


"FR - Message de rappel", //Reminder message FR - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)

"Juste un rappel. Nous n’avons toujours pas de réponse de votre part pour votre signalement. Si nous n’avons pas de nouvelles après quelques jours, nous supposerons qu’il n’y avait pas de problème et fermerons le signalement. Merci!!",


"DE - Erinnerungs-Nachricht", //Reminder message DE - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)

"Freundliche Erinnerung: wir haben noch keine Antwort erhalten. Wenn wir in nächster Zeit nichts von dir hören, gehen wir davon aus, dass sich die Meldung erledigt hat und werden den Fall schließen.",


"IT - traduzione per favore", //Reminder message IT - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)



"EN - Solved",// //Solved

"Your report helped us solve a map problem. The changes should reach your device within a few days (check the updates at Thank you!",


"FR - Corrigé",//Solved FR insert for ROW

"Votre signalement nous a aidé à corriger un problème de carte. Les modifications devraient atteindre votre smartphone d’ici quelques jours (vérifiez les mises à jour sur Merci!",


"DE - Gelöst",//Solved DE insert for ROW

"Deine Meldung hat uns geholfen, die Karte zu verbessern. Die Änderung sollte innerhalb der nächsten Tage in der App aktiv werden (nachzuschlagen unter Vielen Dank!",


"IT - traduzione per favore",//Solved IT insert for ROW



"EN - Close without reply", //Close without reply - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)

"The problem was unclear and we didn't receive a response, so we are closing this report. As you travel, please feel welcome to report any map issues you encounter. Thanks!",


"FR - Fermer sans réponse", //Close without reply FR - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)

"Le problème n’était pas clair et nous n’avons pas reçu de réponse, nous fermons donc ce signalement. En voyageant, n’hésitez pas à signaler les problèmes de carte que vous rencontrez. Merci!",


"DE - Ohne Antwort schließen", //Close without reply DE - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)

"Das Problem ist weiterhin unklar und wir haben keine Antwort erhalten, daher schließen wir nun diese Meldung. Bitte zögere nicht, beim Fahren weiterhin Fehler zu melden, die dir auffallen.",


"IT - traduzione per favore", //Close without reply IT - do not change the text behind // (rz, mo)



"Reply multi-language",

"You may reply in English, Sie können auf Deutsch antworten, Vous pouvez répondre en français, Puoi rispondere in italiano.",


"Clear comments",






//Default URs 6 through 22 are the different types of UR that a user can submit from the app and the Live Map. Do not change them, thanks!

"default UR responses",



"Incorrect turn", //6

"Thanks for your report! Would you please let us know what was wrong with the turn?  Is this a temporary situation (e.g., due to road works) or a permanent change? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Quel était le problème avec le tournant?  Est-ce une situation temporaire? (ex: travaux) ou permanente? Merci!\rItaliano",


"Incorrect address", //7

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you tell us your destination as you entered it into Waze? What is the problem you are having with this address? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Waze ne nous a pas envoyé assez d'informations pour pouvoir comprendre le problème. Pourriez-vous nous dire quelle était la destination que vous avez entré dans la recherche? Quel est le problème avec cette adresse? Merci!\rItaliano", //rickzabel 12/8/14


"Incorrect route", //8

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you tell us your destination as you entered it into Waze? What is the problem you are having with this address? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Waze ne nous a pas envoyé assez d'informations pour pouvoir comprendre le problème. Pourriez-vous nous dire quelle était la destination que vous avez entré dans la recherche? Quel est le problème avec cette adresse? Merci!\rItaliano", //rickzabel 12/9/14


"Missing roundabout", //9

"Thanks for your report! Would you tell us as much as possible about the roundabout you believe is missing? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Pouvez-vous nous en dire plus sur le rond-point manquant SVP? Merci!\rItaliano",


"General error", //10

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know what went wrong? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Waze ne nous a pas envoyé assez d'informations pour pouvoir comprendre le problème. Pourriez-vous fournir plus de détails SVP? Merci!\rItaliano",


"Turn not allowed (known junction)", //11

"Thanks for your report! Would you please let us know what was wrong with the turn?  Is this a temporary situation (e.g., due to road works) or a permanent change? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Quel était le problème avec le tournant?  Est-ce une situation temporaire? (ex: travaux) ou permanente? Merci!\rItaliano",


"Incorrect junction", //12

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know what was wrong with the junction? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Waze ne nous a pas envoyé assez d'informations pour pouvoir comprendre le problème. Pourriez-vous expliquer quel était le problème sur ce carrefour SVP? Merci!\rItaliano",


"Missing bridge overpass", //13

"Thanks for your report! Would you please let us know what overpass you believe is missing? When moving at high speed, Waze does not show all details to keep the display clear. Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rThanks for your report! Pourriez-vous nous dire quel est le pont manquant? Lorsque vous roulez à grande vitesse, Waze n'affiche pas tous les détails afin de garder l'affichage léger. Thanks!\rItaliano", //rickzabel 12/9/14


"Wrong driving direction", //14

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know what went wrong? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Waze ne nous a pas envoyé assez d'informations pour pouvoir comprendre le problème. Pourriez-vous fournir plus de détails SVP? Merci!\rItaliano", //rickzabel 12/9/14


"Missing Exit", //15

"Thanks for your report! Waze did not send us enough information to fix your request. Would you please let us know as much as possible about the missing exit? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Waze ne nous a pas envoyé assez d'informations pour pouvoir comprendre le problème. Pourriez-vous fournir plus de détails sur la sortie manquante SVP? Merci!\rItaliano", //rickzabel 12/9/14


"Missing Road", //16

"Thanks for your report! Would you tell us as much as possible about the road you believe is missing? Thanks!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement! Pourriez-vous fournir le plus possible d'informations sur la route manquante SVP? Merci!\rItaliano", //rickzabel 12/9/14


"Missing Landmark", //18

"Thanks for your report. Anytime you find a place that is missing, you can add it from the app by tapping Report (the pin icon) > Place. You may also tell us the name, address, and any other detail you know, and we will add it to the map. Thanks in advance!\rDE übersertzung bitte\rMerci pour le signalement. Lorsqu'un lieu manque, vous pouvez l'ajouter depuis l'application depuis le menu des signalements > Lieu. Vous pouvez aussi nous indiquer le nom, l'adresse et tout autres détails utiles et nous l'ajouterons à la carte. Merci d'avance!\rItaliano",


//End of Default URs  



//end of the Swiss list