捲軸滾動scroll+翻頁 by Leadra
顯示 繁體中文 的結果。顯示所有語言的結果。
AutoScroll JS - AutoScroll - 双击切换自动滚屏
Jump to Top/Bottom of page with hotkeys JS - 为网页增加向页尾、页首的按钮及快捷键。
Scroll Up & Down Arrows JS - Scroll Up & Down arrows, if you leave mouse on arrow it will slowly scroll
Smoothscroll JS - Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript
Add Keyboard Shortcut for Generic Next/Previous Page JS - Add CTRL+ArrowLeft and CTRL+ArrowRight for generic next/previous page. It will click the last found link/button whose text starts/ends with e.g. "Next", "Prev", "Back", or "Previous".
Extended SPACE Key Page Scroller JS - By default the SPACE key scrolls the page down by full height of browser view. With this script, pressing SHIFT+SPACE will scroll half of the view height. Page scroll by a quarter view height can be done using either LEFTSHIFT+RIGHTSHIFT+SPACE or SHIFT+CAPSLOCK+SPACE (configurable via variable).
AutoScroll2 JS - AutoScroll - Automatically scroll down the page, supporting hotkey control switches and speed adjustment (自动向下滚动页面,支持热键控制开关和速度调节)
Scroll with Mouse Plus JS - Scroll a page by simply moving the cursor up and down, without even a click!
AutoScroll1234 JS - AutoScroll-自动滚屏
頁面捲動scroll快速鍵(L改) JS - 頁面滾動scroll;上下左右移動;pageup,pagedown代替;頁首頁尾按鈕
Open Source Shadow DOM JS - Ensure all Shadow DOM nodes are open. Intented for research use.
Pixel-Precision Wheel Scroll JS - Add pixel-precision wheel scrolling capability using CTRL+SHIFT+Wheel for vertical scroll, and CTRL+ALT+Wheel for horizontal scroll, for any scrollable element which can be scrolled at pixel level.
Website AutoScroll JS - Automatically scroll through any webpage!
返回顶部和底部-美化版 JS - 一个很漂亮的可返回顶部或底部的可拖拽的按钮
自动滚动 JS - 给网页添加自动向上、向下滚动的按钮,对于看文章,看小说,看漫画等场景下使用极为舒适
HotKey Next Page JS - 按左右键快速翻页,也可点击浮动按钮快速翻页
AutoScroll JS - 全平台自动滚动
Side Scroll Wheel Pagination JS - 鼠标侧滚轮翻页,支持键盘热键翻页
永页机伴侣 JS - 开启页面自动滚动,通过点击按钮改变自动滚动速度,可与永页机一起使用
📘極速翻頁丨無動畫全屏切換丨自定義懸浮窗丨黑色模式丨E-Ink優化 JS - 👍忽略滑動動畫,快速切換頁面,可以通過鍵盤或浮動窗口進行操作,並調整黑色模式、懸浮窗大小和滑動保留頁面比例。
按鍵與滑鼠滾輪翻頁器 JS - 使用滑鼠滾輪或按鍵快速切換上下頁。
上下滾動按鈕 JS - 在頁面右側產生兩個按鈕用於滾動頁面
頁面滾動助手 JS - 在螢幕上顯示一組浮動按鈕,幫助用戶快速滾動到頁面頂部或底部,並支援向上/向下滾動一頁的功能。