Netflix愛用 by Leadra
擴充推薦: NflxMultiSubs 2021 雙字幕+改大小; 3waNetflix(雙字幕+字幕自定義)
顯示 繁體中文 的結果。顯示所有語言的結果。
Netflix keyboard shortcuts JS - Use similar controls as on YouTube when watching Netflix (f for full screen, k to play/pause, c for captions, j and l to go back and forward 10 seconds, a to change audio, p for picture-in-picture, and many more – all configurable)
Netflix Watch Credits JS - エンドクレジットの画面縮小を抑制します。
Netflix CC 字幕样式(描边) JS - 更改 Netflix CC 字幕样式
Netflix Enchantments JS - Enhancements for Netflix video player: skip intro, skip outro, and more.