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Barre d'outils RealityGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur le nouveau menu de RealityGaming
Barre d'outils AMC JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur le nouveau menu de AMCGaming
Barre d'outils RealityGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur le nouveau menu de RealityGaming
Barre d'outils RealityGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur le nouveau menu de RealityGaming
Barre d'outils RealityGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur le nouveau menu de RealityGaming
Barre d'outils RealityGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur le nouveau menu de RealityGaming
Blomaga Image Paste JS - ブロマガにクリップボードから画像アップロード
omgtu-auto-schedule JS - Автоматически загружает последнее открытое расписание на сайте www.omgtu.ru
ZR Extension JS - Es una edición de OGARio ZR
Popup List For Popular Hashtags JS - support hashtag autocomplete for popular on gab.ai
Improve YouTube Transcript for Language learning JS - Improved YouTube Transcript for Language learning, click transcript to hide the element below the video.
ipl2016 JS - extract playingXI
Twitch OfficialParagonBot filter JS - hides all chat except that of the OfficialParagonBot
Gab Autocomplete for Users JS - provides autocomplete for users from following and followers list
Spiegel.de Fotostrecke Auf Einer Seite Fork:neues Design 9/16 JS - Zeigt die Fotostrecke auf einer Seite an.
reddit image info JS - Shows and highlights media/author information from imgur, gfycat, giphy, sli.mg, and more, adds an improved image/video expando, and detects reposted imgur comments.
Remove Eurogamer Ads JS - Remove the annoying ads at Eurogamer.net that are loaded via javascript hackery if it detects an adblocker is installed!
NGA Auto Pager V2 JS - NGA自动翻页插件
HSLO LITE - Mozilla Firefox with Greasemonkey JS - Mozilla Firefox with greasemonkey
Reddit Autoexpander JS - Expands comments
opennewtab JS - open new links
Flower Password JS - 花密 Flower Password - 可记忆的密码管理方案
Ads Blocker by FaB JS - Ads blocker for Facebook
OGARio - Ray JS - Edited version
A7x Clan Extension JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
MAgarPlus | A7x Clan JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
YouTube Converter | convert2mp3.net JS - A download button will be added to YouTube videos that allow you to download the video in MP3-format
Gif Skin Agarlist JS - Add skin changing
Anti Anti Adblock LEQUIPE.fr JS - try to take over the world!
Trello Pirate Card JS - trello change normal aging transparency to pirate style
Wikipedia 2 Wikiwand (Global) JS - A fork/expansion of the user script "Wikipedia 2 Wikiwand" <https://greasyfork.org/zh-TW/scripts/13400-wikipedia-2-wikiwand> to make the script applicable to most languages of Wikipedia (hopefully). Trying to do the similar thing to official browser addon/extentions of Wikiwand, an elegant and nicer frontend of Wikipedia.
Fuck Autoplay JS - Epicmafia profile videos no longer autoplay
soulmate JS - Checks which towns you shared with the other soul
ClickButton JS - Click on every button (or disguised button) containing the text inserted
RW hunter JS - support RW
GotaPlus JS - try to take over the world!
Smug anime faces for vk.com JS - Заменяет [smug anime face] в сообщениях ВК на случайную smug anime face.
tt-Google-Translate JS - highlight keywords and double tap 't' key
Agar Cancer Mod JS - Add some cancer to Agar and make your eyes bleed
Rsload NoLoader JS - Отключает рекламный загрузчик Mediaget на RSLOAD.NET по-умолчанию
leetcode-hide-locked JS - hide locked problems in LeetCode
MC-Market - Imgur Fixer JS - Viewing images from Imgur on MC-Market made possible.
BOD Style JS - Jose Enrique Ayala Villegas
Modern HF JS - Revamp of hackforums flat theme
aliparser (http and https) JS - select producy on aliexpress then post it to vk.com album
Mount Olympus JS - Common features shared amongst all Olympian scripts.
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
reddit-stream youtube JS - Inline embed for youtube links in reddit-stream.com
Force Vertix to run in production mode JS - Disables devTest to enable production mode and allow connectivity to vertix.io
RobuxChanger by ModderOP JS - Script by ModderOP
VK posts filter JS - Скрывает рекламные и политические посты в полной и мобильной версии соц. сети VK.COM. Высокое быстродействие в сравнении с аналогичными скриптами.
Agarlist.com AFTER UPDATE Agarplus PRIVATE SERVERS JS - Best Private Server Ext
福利吧屏蔽辣鸡帖子 JS - Filters out certain posts based on the filter list, for Discuz based bbs. Made for wndflb.com, may require modifications on other domains. This script is NOT original and is published under CC. (original version-https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5346-user.js) https://dolc.de/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1618226
SKin changer by Kaneki-agar JS - Skin Changer enjoy
YouTube Preview JS - A userscript to play youtube videos by hovering over their thumbnails.
RobuxChanger by stryer21 JS - Script by stryer21
这TM还叫贴吧? JS - 去除PC贴吧帖子列表会自动播放的视频
Singa Extension JS - Brings new features to Agar.io
Oh Yes! JS - Oh Yes! Oh Noes! The Error Buddy is now much less annoying on Khan Academy.
Varzesh3 No-Ads JS - No More ads, no more bugs, Varzesh3 is Cleaned
Torrentz2 (dot) eu magnet link JS - Adds direct download links to the pages on https://torrentz2.*. It uses the magnet URI scheme to provide a user friendly, faster way to access your favorite torrents.
Auto Login for ODTU CLASS JS - none
Happyfor.win - By - RDC-agario JS - hack ,Tricksplit , doblesplit , etc
Harpocrates JS - Helps the Olympian scripts when they need GreaseMonkey functions
cnBeta移动版跳转到电脑板 JS - 从cnbeta的移动版网页跳转到电脑版网页
FuckSpam JS - Remove comments on music163
aliparser with partner link (https) JS - select producy on aliexpress then post it to vk.com album with partner link
Virtonomica: Контроль запасов месторождения JS - Показывает количество пересчетов, оставшихся до исчерпания запасов месторождения
BugMeNot JS - Integrates BugMeNot into any login form (it retrieves all matching logins from bugmenot.com and autofills the login form)
Google digits JS - Press 1-9 on Google search page to open the corresponding link
MAgarPlus | A7x Clan JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Alert Total Youtube Playlist Time Amount JS - totalPlaylistTime
Kinopoisk Extender *Rutracker Only* JS - Расширение функционала kinopoisk.ru
Duolingo Known-to-New Practice JS - Strip all but known-to-new language exercises from the timed practice of Duolingo.
Feedly Colorful Listview Mod JS - Feedly Colorful Listview Mod working with Chrome
Tp-Link Autologin JS - Tp-Link Autologin Form Filler
QATAR AGAR.IO JS - oli k ase
Markdown Preview in txti JS - When EDITING a txti (txti.es/*/edit) in txti.es you should be able to preview your changes (a toggle preview button appears)
Sic 'Em 365 - Sticky Post Separator JS - Change color of bar separating the stickied threads from the normal ones for easier visibility.
Sic 'Em 365 - Signature Seperator JS - Add seperator line between post body and signature of post
Sic 'Em 365 - Forum Tab Dropdown JS - Allow Forum tab to mimic other header tabs and dropdown on hover
Sic 'Em 365 - Ignore JS - Hide posts by users on ignore list
知乎·隐藏你屏蔽的人补完 JS - 彻底屏蔽被你隐藏的人的任何踪迹
Freebie.io JS - Gota.io script
Youdao Dictionary Enhancer JS - Search words in Celerity
WME TTS test JS - Play TTS
RetailMeNot Enhancer JS - Auto shows coupons and stops pop-unders on RetailMeNot
WME UR Comments RichardPyne List JS - This script is for Custom comments to be used with my other script URComments
Youtube: Hide Recommended Videos JS - Hide the recommended videos section
KA Editor Tools JS - Modifications/fixes for the Ace Editor embedded in Khan Academys programming projects.
YouTube Extra by AxelSmasher - Gaming JS - Adds a button that lets you download YouTube videos as mp4 & mp3.
The Ultimate Popup Blocker JS - Configurable popup blocker that blocks ALL (even user-initiated) popup windows by default. But you can easily open the blocked popup or whitelist a domain, directly from the page.
Letterboxd Mouseover Film Info JS - Adds director, star rating, synopsis and cast list of a film to mouseover tooltip on film search results.
SaObY Trick Faster (beta) JS - Faster Feed & More
NodeCraft Dark Mode JS - Give NodeCraft CP a nice dark theme
BDDynamic JS - fuck baidu
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
Virtonomica:CityVotes JS - подсчет "влияния" городов в регионе
The Pirate Bay Torrent Age Color JS - Adds "age" column with colors on The Pirate Bay search results.