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TS4 gallery downloader JS - Download households, lots and rooms from The Sims 4 Gallery website
【FSU 24年3月底临时版】EAFC FUT WEB 增强器 JS - FC网页版更新后无法使用FSU,所幸有大佬发现简单修改后就可以临时用用,分享给大家。我并非FSU原作者,也非这个修改方法的发现者,只是一位普通的fc爱好者,在他们工作的基础上给大家临时的提供了一个方法。后续仍然在等待FSU作者的官方更新。
C&C NOVAGAMA Ultimate Pack Continued JS - Ultimate Collection for Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliance Web Game.
[COMBO] Origin JS - This is for the classic <user>:<pass> combo
FUT 23 Transfer list to 100 JS - Increase size of Transfer list to 100 (instead of default 30)
Auto Fill Player Ratings with Custom Ranges and Auto-Click (Improved UI) JS - Automatically fill player rating input boxes with random numbers within specified ranges and click on each input box to validate them, with improved UI.
Filter Image TB JS - Filter TB head pictures