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Useful tools for The West!

目前為 2017-09-14 提交的版本,檢視 最新版本

Tom Robert
0 0 0

Description & Screenshots

This is an updated version of this script: TWLeoTools made by Leotas.
But I added many new features and made improvements to the code.

Supported languages:
German (Deutsch)
Polish (polski)
Spanish (español)
Dutch (Nederlands)
Hungarian (Magyar)

Menu: useful shortcuts
The ghost town, Indian village, market and town forum are linked on the right side.

It's now all legal. Only the published sets can be chosen, even on beta server.
The new sets are announced and marked in the script.

New hat for new possibilities:
Find all sets and items with specified bonus.

Here you can open some helpful web pages.
It's possible to make the window smaller and bigger.

One click to login all your worlds.
Pop-ups have to be allowed on https://www.the-west.xy!

Logout button (Disabled by default)
When clicking on the logout button you will be redirected to the main page of The West.

Remove taskbar (Disabled by default)
You can hide the taskbar completely.

Skill points in job windows (Disabled by default)
Show your actual skill points in the job window.
The twdb clothcalc has this feature, too.

Switch title and name (Disabled by default)
Switch the title and player name in the town hall like it was long time ago.

A new tab in the duel window adds a duelmap with many features.

Highlight daily login bonus day 5
To not miss the daily login bonus at day 5 it will be highlighted.

Town name in market window:
You can see now the town name in the market window.

Reminder at market
You get a message when you stand on a market where are items or money to pick up.

Hide completed achievements
For better overview you can hide your completed achievements.
All achievements are hidden except them in the 'Most recent' and 'Heroic deeds' sections.

Better recipe market
The recipes are sorted by their crafting level.
Recipes are listed by their craft item.
You can choose to only see recipes of a specific profession.

Show item on fansite
Hold the ALT key while clicking on an item (no matter where) and it will be displayed on
CTRL key will open the item at the TW-Calc website.
(Idea from the discontinued TWBS script.)

Move queued jobs
This is practical when you have many scripts installed and there are many buttons on the right side.

Stop button blinking (Disabled by default)
You can remove the blinking animation on all the buttons on the left side. This is useful when your Computer has a weak CPU or only few RAM.

Remove fort battle reminder (Disabled by default)
If you think the reminder for next fort battle on the left side is annoying, you can just hide it.

Hide "Friend online" pop-ups (Disabled by default)
You always get a little notification when a friend comes online. Now you can deactivate that.

Send event gifts & EventRewards (Only active at Events)
There's a link in the menu where you can see all you friends at once. But don't click to fast ;)
(Idea from Bluep)
In the same window, you can see the rewards of the event and how much hearts/flowers you need.

Accept and finish quest at once
If the requirements are already complete, you can finish the quest with one click.

Quest on wiki
Click on the wiki symbol to open the quest page.

In the blackboard window you can see now the travel time to every city.

You get a notification when items are ready to collect.

Adds a new tab to the sheriff window.

Shows the crafting professions of all players in the chat list.

Search for solved quests in the quest book by name or id.

You can see, if the market offer is public or only for your town/alliance members.

Equipments are now in alphabetical order, you can rename them and see how many you've already saved.
Attention: When you rename a set, you will wear it and undress it again. You may loose health points during the process!

Open a common bag with one click. The confirmation and result message will be skipped.

Move the set bonus and list to the right, so the popup is shorter.

You can disable and enable most features manually and choose your language.




Microsoft Edge



Smartphones & Tablets

  • Create a new bookmark in your mobile browser
  • Edit the bookmark and copy this to its address field:
  • Now open the game and click the bookmark to start the script