在您安裝前,Greasy Fork希望您了解本腳本包含“可能不受歡迎的功能”,可能幫助腳本的作者獲利,而不能給你帶來任何收益。
Greasy Fork is available in English.
Krunker's Mod Menu Aimbot targets nearest VISIBLE player. Adjust Smoothing for precision. Use Xray to see through walls, wireframe for players & world, and more
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Nuker (Original by DOGEWARE) - Krunker.io script / WORKING
- // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version 1.3
- // @description Krunker's Mod Menu Aimbot targets nearest VISIBLE player. Adjust Smoothing for precision. Use Xray to see through walls, wireframe for players & world, and more
- // @author GreasyNigga
- // @match *://krunker.io/*
- // @match *://browserfps.com/*
- // @exclude *://krunker.io/social*
- // @exclude *://krunker.io/editor*
- // @icon https://cdn.pixabay.com/animation/2022/10/03/09/01/09-01-52-110_512.gif
- // @grant none
- // @require https://unpkg.com/three@0.150.0/build/three.min.js
- // @antifeature ads
- // ==/UserScript==
- let WorldScene;
- let intersections;
- let DOGEWARE = {
- player: {
- wireframe: false,
- opacity: 1,
- charmsColor: "#Ff0000"
- },
- spin: {
- spinbot: false,
- speed: 0.1,
- spinAngle: 0
- },
- ESP: {
- BoxESP: true,
- Charms: true,
- wireframe: false,
- layer: 2,
- opacity: 0.3
- },
- Cam: {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- z: 0
- },
- aimbot: {
- krunkAimbot: false,
- smoothingFactor: 0.6,
- AimOffset: 0,
- far: 1,
- },
- }
- let norms = {
- allowTarget: true,
- console: console.log,
- injectTime: 3000
- }
- const origialArrayPush = Array.prototype.push
- const getMainScene = function(object) {
- if(object && object.parent && object.parent.type === "Scene" && object.parent.name === "Main") {
- WorldScene = object.parent;
- norms.console(WorldScene)
- Array.prototype.push = origialArrayPush;
- }
- return origialArrayPush.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- const ESPMatrix = new THREE.EdgesGeometry(new THREE.BoxGeometry( 5, 13, 0.02 ).translate(0,5,0));
- const ESPMaterial = new THREE.RawShaderMaterial({
- vertexShader: `
- attribute vec3 position;
- uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
- uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
- void main() {
- vec4 pos = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
- pos.z = 0.9999;
- gl_Position = pos;
- }
- `,
- fragmentShader: `
- void main() {
- gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- }
- `,
- depthTest: false,
- depthWrite: false,
- transparent: true
- });
- function HBO() {
- requestAnimationFrame.call(window, HBO);
- if(!WorldScene) {
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- Array.prototype.push = getMainScene;
- }, norms.injectTime)
- }
- const entities = []
- let myController
- let PlayerTarget
- let RangeFactor = Infinity
- WorldScene.children.forEach(child => {
- if(child.material)child.material.wireframe = DOGEWARE.ESP.wireframe
- if(child.type === 'Object3D') {
- try {
- const Camera = child.children[0]?.children[0]
- if(Camera && Camera.type === 'PerspectiveCamera') {
- myController = child
- } else {
- entities.push(child)
- }
- } catch {}
- }
- });
- if(!myController) {
- Array.prototype.push = getMainScene
- return
- }
- function DoSpin(){
- DOGEWARE.spin.spinAngle += DOGEWARE.spin.speed
- const targetRotationY = DOGEWARE.spin.spinAngle % (Math.PI * 2)
- myController.children[0].rotation.y += (targetRotationY - myController.children[0].rotation.y) * DOGEWARE.aimbot.smoothingFactor
- }
- entities.forEach(player => {
- try{
- if(player.children[0].children[4].children[0].name === "head"){
- const charmsColor = new THREE.Color(DOGEWARE.player.charmsColor);
- const material = player.children[0].children[0].material
- material.transparent = true
- material.fog = false;
- material.color.copy(charmsColor);
- material.emissive.copy(charmsColor);
- material.depthTest = DOGEWARE.ESP.Charms ? false : true;
- material.depthWrite = false
- material.wireframe = DOGEWARE.player.wireframe;
- material.opacity = DOGEWARE.player.opacity;
- const vertex = new THREE.LineSegments(ESPMatrix, ESPMaterial)
- if (!player.vertex) player.add(vertex)
- vertex.frustumCulled = false
- player.vertex = vertex;
- player.vertex.visible = DOGEWARE.ESP.BoxESP
- const { x: playerX, z: playerZ } = player.position;
- const { x: controllerX, z: controllerZ } = myController.position;
- if (playerX !== controllerX || playerZ !== controllerZ) {
- const dist = player.position.distanceTo(myController.position)
- if(dist < RangeFactor) {
- PlayerTarget = player
- RangeFactor = dist
- }
- }
- }
- }catch(e){}
- });
- if(DOGEWARE.spin.spinbot)DoSpin()
- const Vector = new THREE.Vector3()
- const HoldObject = new THREE.Object3D()
- HoldObject.rotation.order = 'YXZ'
- HoldObject.matrix.copy(myController.matrix).invert()
- myController.children[0].position.set(DOGEWARE.Cam.x,DOGEWARE.Cam.y,DOGEWARE.Cam.z)
- if( myController !== undefined && PlayerTarget !== undefined) {
- if(DOGEWARE.aimbot.krunkAimbot){
- try{
- const dist = PlayerTarget.position.distanceTo(myController.position)
- Vector.setScalar(0)
- PlayerTarget.children[0].children[4].children[0].localToWorld(Vector)
- HoldObject.position.copy(myController.position)
- HoldObject.lookAt(Vector.x, Vector.y, Vector.z)
- const targetRotationX = -HoldObject.rotation.x + DOGEWARE.aimbot.AimOffset / dist * 5
- const targetRotationY = HoldObject.rotation.y + Math.PI
- myController.children[0].rotation.x += (targetRotationX - myController.children[0].rotation.x) * DOGEWARE.aimbot.smoothingFactor
- myController.rotation.y += (targetRotationY - myController.rotation.y) * DOGEWARE.aimbot.smoothingFactor
- }catch{}
- }
- } else {}
- }
- function createMenuItem() {
- const styleTag = document.createElement('style')
- styleTag.textContent = `
- .menuItem1:hover img{
- transform: scale(1.1);
- }
- `;
- document.head.appendChild(styleTag)
- const menuItemDiv = document.createElement('div')
- menuItemDiv.classList.add('menuItem')
- menuItemDiv.classList.add('menuItem1')
- menuItemDiv.setAttribute('onmouseenter', 'playTick()');
- menuItemDiv.setAttribute('onclick', 'playSelect()');
- const iconSpan = document.createElement('span')
- iconSpan.innerHTML = `<img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/animation/2022/10/03/09/01/09-01-52-110_512.gif" width='60' height='60'>`
- iconSpan.style.color = '#ff6a0b';
- const titleDiv = document.createElement('div')
- titleDiv.classList.add('menuItemTitle1')
- titleDiv.classList.add('menuItemTitle')
- titleDiv.id = 'menuBtnProfile';
- titleDiv.style.fontSize = '18px';
- titleDiv.textContent = 'Nuker';
- menuItemDiv.addEventListener('click', openCheats)
- menuItemDiv.appendChild(iconSpan);
- menuItemDiv.appendChild(titleDiv);
- const menuItemContainer = document.getElementById('menuItemContainer')
- if(menuItemContainer) {
- menuItemContainer.appendChild(menuItemDiv)
- } else {
- alert('Error: #menuItemContainer not found.')
- }
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- createMenuItem()
- }, 700)
- let Update;
- fetch('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SigmaMaleSnow/UpdateLogKrunker/main/Update.txt')
- .then(response => {
- if (response.ok) {
- return response.text();
- } else {
- throw new Error('Failed to fetch data');
- }
- })
- .then(data => {
- Update = data;
- console.log('Fetched data:', Update);
- })
- .catch(error => {
- console.error('Error:', error);
- });
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- .label-inline {
- float: left;
- display: inline-block;
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- }
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- position: fixed !important;
- top: 0;
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- backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
- z-index: 999 !important;
- display: none;
- }
- .overlay.show {
- display: block; /* Show overlay when menu is visible */
- }
- .bg1{
- background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(90, 100, 200), rgb(200, 90, 100));
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- .inlineNames{
- display: flex;
- justify-content: space-around;
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- notification.innerHTML = `
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- background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(90, 100, 200), rgb(100, 150, 200));
- }
- </style>
- <div id="notification">
- <div class="notification-text">
- <h2 style="text-align: center; font-weight: 600px;">Update 0.8:</h2>
- <p id="dogeupdate">${Update}</p>
- <h3 style="text-align: center; font-weight: 600px;">[O]HIDE MENU</h3>
- </div>
- <div class="slider-container">
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- document.body.appendChild(notification);
- setTimeout(() => {
- const notificationDiv = document.getElementById("notification")
- notificationDiv.style.top = "20px"
- setTimeout(() => {
- notificationDiv.style.top = "-1000px"
- }, 8000)
- }, 500)
- setInterval(function(){
- if(Update)document.getElementById('dogeupdate').innerHTML = Update
- })
- const menuContainer = document.createElement('div');
- menuContainer.id = 'menuContainer';
- document.body.appendChild(menuContainer);
- const header = document.createElement('div')
- header.innerHTML = `
- <div class="header">
- <section class="inlineNames">
- <img width="60" height="60" src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/animation/2022/10/03/09/01/09-01-52-110_512.gif">
- <p class='menuHeaderText1'>Nuker</p>
- </section>
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- </div>
- <div style="height: 18px;"></div>
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- tabButton.textContent = tabName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tabName.slice(1);
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- }
- function populateTab(tabName) {
- const tabContent = tabContents[tabName];
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- for (const option in tabOptions) {
- if (typeof tabOptions[option] !== 'object') {
- const label = document.createElement('label');
- label.textContent = option.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + option.slice(1);
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- dropdownButton.textContent = tabOptions[option] ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled';
- dropdownButton.addEventListener('click', event => {
- tabOptions[option] = !tabOptions[option];
- dropdownButton.textContent = tabOptions[option] ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled';
- DOGEWARE[tabName][option] = tabOptions[option];
- });
- dropdownContainer.appendChild(dropdownButton);
- tabContent.appendChild(dropdownContainer);
- } else {
- const inputField = document.createElement('input');
- inputField.type = 'text';
- inputField.value = tabOptions[option];
- inputField.classList.add('input-field');
- inputField.addEventListener('input', event => {
- tabOptions[option] = event.target.value;
- DOGEWARE[tabName][option] = tabOptions[option];
- });
- tabContent.appendChild(inputField);
- }
- tabContent.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
- }
- }
- }
- function openTab(tabName) {
- const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tabcontent');
- tabs.forEach(tab => tab.classList.remove('active'));
- const tabButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.tab button');
- tabButtons.forEach(tabButton => tabButton.classList.remove('active'));
- const tabContent = tabContents[tabName];
- tabContent.classList.add('active');
- const tabButton = [...tabLinks.querySelectorAll('button')].find(button => button.textContent === tabName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tabName.slice(1));
- tabButton.classList.add('active');
- }
- const tabLinks = document.createElement('div')
- tabLinks.classList.add('tab')
- menuContainer.appendChild(tabLinks)
- const tabContents = {}
- const tabNames = Object.keys(DOGEWARE)
- tabNames.forEach(tabName => {
- createTab(tabName)
- });
- openTab(tabNames[0]);
- let firstOpen = false
- overlay.classList.add('show')
- setInterval(function(){
- console.log(DOGEWARE)
- },2000)
- function openCheats() {
- const displayStyle = menuContainer.style.display;
- menuContainer.style.transition = 'opacity 0.3s ease';
- menuContainer.style.opacity = '0';
- if (displayStyle === 'none') {
- menuContainer.style.display = 'block';
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- menuContainer.style.opacity = '1';
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- menuContainer.style.display = 'none';
- overlay.classList.remove('show')
- }, 300);
- }
- }
- document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
- if(event.keyCode === 79) {
- openCheats()
- }
- });
- HBO()