Wanikani Open Framework Turbo Events

Adds helpful methods for dealing with Turbo Events to WaniKani Open Framework

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Wanikani Open Framework Turbo Events

Library script for browser development

This is a library script that adds helpful methods to WaniKani Open Framework for dealing with Turbo Events.
Scripts developers can use this library to simplify their workflow.

All additions are added to a new turbo property of the wkof object, thus accessible via wkof.turbo.

The wkof.turbo object

The wkof.turbo object has the following properties and methods (methods are all non-writable; properties are all non-writable and extensible unless noted otherwise):

  • add_event_listener(eventName, listener, options): boolean

    • The most simple way of adding a listener.
    • Returns true when the listener was successfully added or false when the inputs were invalid or the provided listener and options already exists.
      • Note that in the "load" special case (explained below), a listener is not added, and this instead returns true or false according to whether the listener was called immediately.
  • add_event_listeners(eventList, listener, options): {name: string, added: boolean}[]

  • add_typical_page_listener(listener, urls, options): boolean

  • add_typical_frame_listener(listener, targetIds, options): boolean

  • remove_event_listener(eventName, listener, options): boolean

    • Returns true when the listener was successfully removed or false when the inputs were invalid or when no active listener matching the parameters was found.
  • remove_event_listeners(eventList, listener, options): {name: string, removed: boolean}[]

  • on: object

  • events: object

    • Each of the following keys is also accessible using the turbo: syntax that matches the name property (e.g. wkof.turbo.events['turbo:before-render']).
    • click: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:click"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_visit: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:before-visit"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • visit: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:visit"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_cache: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:before-cache"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_render: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:before-render"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • render: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:render"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • load: object

      • source: "document"
      • name: "turbo:load"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • morph: object

      • source: "pageRefresh"
      • name: "turbo:morph"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_morph_element: object

      • source: "pageRefresh"
      • name: "turbo:before-morph-element"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_morph_attribute: object

      • source: "pageRefresh"
      • name: "turbo:before-morph-attribute"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • morph_element: object

      • source: "pageRefresh"
      • name: "turbo:morph-element"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • submit_start: object

      • source: "forms"
      • name: "turbo:submit-start"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • submit_end: object

      • source: "forms"
      • name: "turbo:submit-end"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_frame_render: object

      • source: "frames"
      • name: "turbo:before-frame-render"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • frame_render: object

      • source: "frames"
      • name: "turbo:frame-render"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • frame_load: object

      • source: "frames"
      • name: "turbo:frame-load"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • frame_missing: object

      • source: "frames"
      • name: "turbo:frame-missing"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_stream_render: object

      • source: "streams"
      • name: "turbo:before-stream-render"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_fetch_request: object

      • source: "httpRequests"
      • name: "turbo:before-fetch-request"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_fetch_response: object

      • source: "httpRequests"
      • name: "turbo:before-fetch-response"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • before_prefetch: object

      • source: "httpRequests"
      • name: "turbo:before-prefetch"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
    • fetch_request_error: object

      • source: "httpRequests"
      • name: "turbo:fetch-request-error"
      • addListener(listener, options): boolean
      • removeListener(listener, options): boolean
  • common: object

    • locations: object

      • Contains non-writable RegExp objects to match against the URLs for typical pages.
      • dashboard: RegExp

        • /^https:\/\/www\.wanikani\.com(\/dashboard.*)?\/?$/
      • items_pages: RegExp

        • /^https:\/\/www\.wanikani\.com\/(radicals|kanji|vocabulary)\/.+\/?$/
      • lessons: RegExp

        • /^https:\/\/www\.wanikani\.com\/subject-lessons\/(start|[\d-]+\/\d+)\/?$/
      • lessons_picker: RegExp

        • /^https:\/\/www\.wanikani\.com\/subject-lessons\/picker\/?$/
      • lessons_quiz: RegExp

        • /^https:\/\/www\.wanikani\.com\/subject-lessons\/[\d-]+\/quiz.*\/?$/
      • reviews: RegExp

        • /^https:\/\/www\.wanikani\.com\/subjects\/review.*\/?$/

General notes

  • The listener (also known as the "callback function") is invoked with the parameters (event: CustomEvent, url: URL) for all events.
    • The event parameter is the CustomEvent object, passed directly from the triggered event.
      • The name of the event triggered can be verified using event.type.
        • For example, event.type === 'turbo:load'.
    • The url parameter is a URL, which has been parsed from the event, using predetermined logic to detect the URL most likely of use to the end user. This URL is associated with the details of the triggered event, usually referencing the result or target of whatever action has transpired or is preparing to transpire.
    • For the special case "load" event, event.type is "load" and url is the current page URL.
  • Always set the @match userscript directive to https://www.wanikani.com/* or equivalent.
    • Otherwise, the script may not end up running if the user refreshes the page somewhere unexpected.
  • Most of the convenience functions in wkof.turbo.on.common utilize the custom "load" event.
    • Specifically, the following functions match this behavior:
      • urls, dashboard, items_pages, lessons, lessons_picker, lessons_quiz, reviews

Typical usage involves one of the following:

  1. Use one of the convenience functions in wkof.turbo.on.common if one meets requirements.
  2. Pass one or more URLs to the addListener(listener, options) method of the specific TurboEvent object in wkof.turbo.events that will be used.
    • URLs can be passed using a urls property in the object passed to the options parameter
      • For example, {urls: myUrl} or {urls: [myUrl1, myUrl2]}
    • Inputs for the urls property can be a string, a RegExp, or an Array or Set consisting of a mixture of those.
    • For example, wkof.turbo.events.before_render.addListener(listener, {urls: 'https://www.wanikani.com/level/*'}).

Special cases

  • "load" (not to be confused with "turbo:load") is a special use case event name.
    • Adding an event listener for that event via this library causes it to execute the passed listener immediately after it is added in the case that the options match and the page has already finished loading, according to the window.Turbo session.
    • The callback delivered to the listener:
      • Parameters: (event: CustomEvent, url: string) => void.
      • The event parameter is a CustomEvent constructed as follows:
        • new CustomEvent('load', {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, composed: false, target: document.documentElement}).
      • The url parameter is a URL string of the current location, according to the window.Turbo session.

The "options" parameter

All the events provided have an optional options parameter that functions as an extension of the AddEventListenerOptions|EventListenerOptions parameters given to EventTarget.addEventListener(). The following table is a full description of the options available.

Property Type (accepted input values) Description
urls string​|​RegExp​|​(string|RegExp)[]​|​Set<string|RegExp> The URLs to be verified against the URL parameter. Values provided will be coerced into RegExp objects.
If not specified, the listener runs on any URL.
targetIds string​|​string[]​|​Set<string>​|​Object.<string,*> The target IDs to be verified against the event target ID.
If not specified, the listener runs for any event target.
useDocumentIds boolean Indicates whether to check the IDs of the document element in addition to the event target for the targetIds.
If not specified, defaults to false.
timeout string
Added in 4.2.0 as a replacement for noTimeout (for now, specifying noTimeout: true will result in setting timeout: "none").
Indicates when the listener should be called based on the option provided.These are typically used to let the event settle before invoking the callback.
If not specified or not an exact match of one of the listed options, defaults to "setTimeout".
nocache boolean Indicates whether to ignore events involving Turbo's cached pages.
If not specified, defaults to false. See hotwired.dev discussion.
noWarn boolean Added in 4.2.0 as a replacement for wkof.turbo.silenceWarnings.
Indicates whether to prevent logging a console warning if adding a listener after the page has loaded.
If not specified, defaults to false.
once boolean Indicates that the listener should be invoked at most once after being added. If true, the listener would be automatically removed when invoked.
If not specified, defaults to false. See EventTarget.addEventListener#once.
capture boolean Indicates that events of this type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any EventTarget beneath it in the DOM tree.
If not specified, defaults to false. See EventTarget.addEventListener#capture.
passive boolean If true, indicates that the function specified by listener will never call preventDefault(). If a passive listener does call preventDefault(), the user agent will do nothing other than generate a console warning.
If not specified, defaults to false – except that in browsers other than Safari, it defaults to true for wheel, mousewheel, touchstart, and touchmove events. See EventTarget.addEventListener#passive.
signal AbortSignal The listener will be removed when the given AbortSignal object's abort() method is called.
If not specified, no AbortSignal is associated with the listener. See EventTarget.addEventListener#signal.

Example usage

Basic/minimal script configuration

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Wanikani Something Special
// @namespace    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  Does something special
// @author       You Know
// @match        https://www.wanikani.com/*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
if (!window.wkof) {
    if (confirm(`${script_name} requires Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions?`))
        window.location.href = 'https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549';

// This script needs to run whenever the user is on the dashboard.
wkof.ready('TurboEvents').then(() => wkof.turbo.on.common.dashboard(main));

function main() {
    // start of main script

Standard script inclusion using manual configuration

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Wanikani Something Special
// @namespace    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  Does something special
// @author       You Know
// @match        https://www.wanikani.com/*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
if (!window.wkof) {
    if (confirm(`${script_name} requires Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions?`))
        window.location.href = 'https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549';

function configureTurbo() {
    // This example needs to run whenever the user is in a reviews session or lessons quiz. So this
    // example will use RegEx objects conviently provided by this library.
    const options = {
        urls: [

    // These are the events most often of use for general purpose scripts
    // See the special case note about 'load' in the preceding section.
    const eventList = ['load', wkof.turbo.events.load];

    // Setup the listener
    wkof.turbo.add_event_listeners(eventList, main, options);

function main() {
    // start of main script

Various different methods of creating and removing listeners

// Make sure the events are fully loaded before starting any configuration of this library.

// The listener is passed an `event` and `url` argument for all events added via this library.
function myFunction(event, url) {
    console.log(`myFunction() has run for event "${event.type}" with url ${url}`);

function configurePageHandler() {
    // Run the callback on "turbo:click" on any page.

    const options1 = {
        // Run the listener on the dashboard and on individual radical, kanji, or vocab pages.
        urls: [wkof.turbo.common.locations.dashboard, wkof.turbo.common.locations.items_pages],
        // Do not show warnings about adding listeners after the page has loaded.
        noWarn: true
    // Run the listener on the "turbo:before-visit" event.
    wkof.turbo.add_event_listener(wkof.turbo.events.before_visit, myFunction, options1);
    // The above line is equivalent to either of the following two lines.
    // These will both return false because the listener has already been added with these options. 
    wkof.turbo.events.before_visit.addListener(myFunction, options1);
    wkof.turbo.events["turbo:before-visit"].addListener(myFunction, options1);

    // Add a listener with the same options to the "turbo:visit" event.
    wkof.turbo.events.visit.addListener(myFunction, options1);

    // Run the callback on initial page load, turbo:before-render, and turbo:frame_render.
    // See the special case note about "load" in the preceding section.
    let eventList = ['load', wkof.turbo.events.before_render, wkof.turbo.events.frame_render];
    const options2 = {
        // Run the callback on the lessons picker page.
        urls: wkof.turbo.common.locations.lessons_picker,
        // Automatically remove the event after firing once
        once: true,
        // Ignore events for Turbo's cached version of pages.
        nocache: true,
        // Do not show warnings about adding listeners after the page has loaded.
        noWarn: true,
        // Disable the built-in feature that delays the callback execution until the next macrotask.
        timeout: 'none'
    // The first parameter can be an array including either the Turbo event object that is provided
    // (wkof.turbo.events.before_render) or the string itself ("turbo:before-render").
    // Note that two new listeners are added in this example, one for each **Turbo** event.
    wkof.turbo.add_event_listeners(eventList, myFunction, options2);
    // returned array is [
    //     {name: "load", added: false},
    //     {name: "turbo:before-render", added: true},
    //     {name: "turbo:frame-render", added: true}
    // ]

    // Remove a single listener by using
    // `wkof.turbo.remove_event_listener(eventName, listener, options)`.
    // In this scenario, the result would be [false, true, true], since the "load" event does not
    // create a listener. However, if a "turbo:before-render" or "turbo:frame-render" event has
    // fired between creating the listener and making the following call, the respective loop
    // condition or conditions would also return false because the listener or listeners would
    // have already been removed due to using the `once: true` option during creation.
    eventList.map(eventName => {
        // The listener and options must both match the existing listener or the removal will fail. 
        // The listener must be reference equal, but the options can just have equivalent values.
        let equivalentOptions = {urls: wkof.turbo.common.locations.lessons_picker,
            once: true, nocache: true, noWarn: true, timeout: 'none'};
        return wkof.turbo.remove_event_listener(eventName, myFunction, equivalentOptions);
        // this could alternatively be done in the following way:
        return wkof.turbo.events[eventName].removeListener(myFunction, equivalentOptions);

    // Listeners still active: "turbo:click", "turbo:before-visit", and "turbo:visit" 
    // The `remove_event_listeners` can remove multiple at once, however the options must all match.
    eventList = ["turbo:click", "turbo:before-visit", "turbo:visit"];
    wkof.turbo.remove_event_listeners(eventList, myFunction, options1);
    // returned array is [
    //     {"name": "turbo:click", "removed": false},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-visit", "removed": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:visit", "removed": true}
    // ]
    // "turbo:click" was not removed because the options did not match. The following will work:

    // Add a listener for all turbo events on any URL.
    // `Object.entries(wkof.turbo.events)` or `Object.values(wkof.turbo.events)` function the same.
    eventList = wkof.turbo.events;
    wkof.turbo.add_event_listeners(eventList, myFunction);
    // returned array is [
    //     {"name": "turbo:click", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-visit", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:visit", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-cache", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-render", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:render", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:load", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:morph", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-morph-element", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-morph-attribute", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:morph-element", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:submit-start", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:submit-end", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-frame-render", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:frame-render", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:frame-load", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:frame-missing", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-stream-render", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-fetch-request", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-fetch-response", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:before-prefetch", "added": true},
    //     {"name": "turbo:fetch-request-error", "added": true}
    // ]