這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
Update the name of the script. See detail on the previous release log.
Hey everyone, just a quick heads-up: Due to some recent changes on www.wsj.com, the script has run into a few issues and isn't functioning as expected right now. I know it's an inconvenience, and I apologize for that. I've been swamped lately, but I'm planning to sort it out as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience!
add a font size issue and workaround note for iOS Safari users reading wsj.com
video size fixed
video style fixed
style fix
style update
Updates to this userscript in accordance with the latest HTML structure from wsj.com and cn.wsj.com.
The latest update enables the script to work on Safari with Userscript.