


您可能也會喜歡 Picviewer CE+

// ==UserScript==
// @name         SearchJumper
// @name:zh-CN   搜索酱
// @name:zh-TW   搜尋醬
// @name:ja      SearchJumper
// @name:ru      SearchJumper
// @namespace    hoothin
// @version      1.9.32
// @description  Instantly search selected text across multiple search engines. Highlight keywords and boost your research efficiency.
// @description:zh-CN  一键即时搜索选定文本或在多个搜索引擎之间快速切换,支持关键词高亮、拖拽搜索、以图搜图、页内查找与自定义引擎。
// @description:zh-TW  一鍵即時搜尋選定文字或在多個搜尋引擎之間快速切換,支援關鍵字高亮、拖曳搜尋、以圖搜圖、頁內尋找與自訂引擎。
// @description:ja  選択したテキストをワンクリックで即座に検索したり、キーワードの強調表示、ドラッグアンドドロップ検索、画像検索、ページ内検索、カスタムエンジンをサポートする複数の検索エンジン間で素早く切り替えたりできます。
// @description:ru  Легко проводите поиск по выбранному тексту/изображению/ссылке. Быстро переходите к любому поисковому движку. Выделяйте искомый текст.
// @author       hoothin
// @license      MPL-2.0
// @match        *://*/*
// @icon         
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM.addStyle
// @grant        GM.deleteValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM.notification
// @grant        GM_notification
// @grant        GM.setClipboard
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM.openInTab
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM.info
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @compatible   edge tested with tm
// @compatible   Chrome tested with tm
// @compatible   Firefox tested with tm
// @compatible   Opera untested
// @compatible   Safari untested
// @compatible   ios tested with userscript
// @compatible   android tested with kiwi
// @supportURL   https://github.com/hoothin/SearchJumper/issues
// @homepage     https://github.com/hoothin/SearchJumper
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/484118/searchJumperDefaultConfig.js
// @connect      global.bing.com
// @connect      suggestqueries.google.com
// @connect      api.bing.com
// @connect      suggestion.baidu.com
// @connect      webdav.hoothin.com
// @connect      search.hoothin.com
// @connect      *
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(async function() {
    'use strict';
    const ext = false;
    const _unsafeWindow = (typeof unsafeWindow == 'undefined') ? window : unsafeWindow;
    if (_unsafeWindow.searchJumperInited) return;
    _unsafeWindow.searchJumperInited = true;
    const clipboard = navigator && navigator.clipboard;
    const inIframe = window.top !== window.self;
    if (inIframe) {
        try {
            if (window.self.innerWidth === 0 && window.self.innerHeight === 0) {
                let ignore = await new Promise(resolve => {
                    window.addEventListener('load', e => {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            resolve(window.self.innerWidth < 300 || window.self.innerHeight < 300);
                        }, 500);
                if (ignore) return;
            } else if (window.self.innerWidth < 300 || window.self.innerHeight < 300) {
        } catch(e) {
    const importPageReg = /^https:\/\/github\.com\/hoothin\/SearchJumper(\/(issue|discussions)|\/?$|#|\?)|^https:\/\/greasyfork\.org\/.*\/scripts\/445274[\-\/].*\/discussions/i;
    const mobileUa = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1";
    const homePage = 'https://search.hoothin.com/';
    const githubPage = 'https://hoothin.github.io/SearchJumper';
    const firstRunPage = homePage + "firstRun";
    let configPage = homePage + 'config/';
    let isAllPage = false;

    let searchData = {};
    searchData.sitesConfig = sitesConfig;
    searchData.prefConfig = {
        position: {
            x: "left",
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        firstRun: true,
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        alwaysShow: false,
        customSize: 100,
        tilesZoom: 100,
        tipsZoom: 100,
        typeOpenTime: 250,
        longPressTime: 500,
        noIcons: false,
        showSiteLists: true,
        alwaysShowSiteLists: false,
        cacheSwitch: false,
        noAni: false,
        quickAddRule: true,
        multiline: 2,
        multilineGap: 1000,
        historyLength: 0,
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        hideDragHistory: false,
        sortType: false,
        sortSite: false,
        autoHide: false,
        autoHideAll: false,
        showCurrent: true,
        shortcutKey: 'Backquote',
        showInSearchEngine: false,
        showInSearchJumpPage: true,
        limitInPageLen: 1,
        limitPopupLen: 1,
        ignoreWords: ["a", "in", "into", "the", "to", "on", "among", "between", "and", "an", "of", "by", "with", "about", "under", "or", "at", "as"],
        inPageRule: {},
        firstFiveWordsColor: [],
        inPageWordsStyles: [],
        altToHighlight: true,
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        callBarAlt: false,
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        callBarMeta: false,
        defaultFindTab: false,
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        selectToShow: ext,
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        currentTypeFirst: true,
        switchSitesPreKey: 'ArrowLeft',
        switchSitesNextKey: 'ArrowRight',
        switchSitesCtrl: true,
        switchSitesAlt: false,
        switchSitesShift: true,
        switchSitesMeta: false
    function run() {
        let lang = navigator.appName === "Netscape" ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage;
        let config = {};
        function setLang() {
            switch (lang) {
                case "zh-CN":
                case "zh-SG":
                    config = {
                        import: '导入',
                        filter: '筛选',
                        selectAll: '全选',
                        importOrNot: '是否导入配置?',
                        settings: '配置脚本',
                        batchOpen: '批量打开',
                        batchOpenConfirm: '确定要批量打开吗?',
                        postOver: '发送成功:',
                        postError: '发送失败:',
                        copyOver: '复制成功',
                        keywords: '请输入搜索词',
                        targetUrl: '请输入搜索URL',
                        siteName: '站名',
                        siteDesc: '描述',
                        siteUrl: '地址',
                        siteIcon: '图标',
                        siteTest: '测试',
                        siteCancel: '取消',
                        siteAdd: '添加',
                        siteType: '分类',
                        siteExist: '已存在相同规则,是否添加为克隆项?',
                        siteAddOver: '站点添加成功',
                        multiline: '是否以换行符分隔多行搜索?',
                        multilineTooMuch: '行数超过10行,是否继续搜索?',
                        inputPlaceholder: '筛选引擎',
                        inputTitle: '筛选引擎,支持 * ? 通配符,$代表末尾,^代表开头,分组**站点 可筛选指定分组,例如 图片**baidu,tab 下一项',
                        inputKeywords: '输入搜索关键词',
                        inPageTips: '自定义分隔符:$c 加分隔符,例如 $c| search | jumper,默认空格作为分隔符\n原始文本不分隔:$o 加文本,例如$oopai liked by hero\n正则表达式:/re/,例如 $c, /google/i , /aPPle/\n添加提示文本:搜索文本$t{提示文本},例如 linux$t{linux is not unix}\n添加自定义样式:搜索文本$s{背景;其他},例如 google$s{#333333;color:red;}\n左键点击关键词跳转至下一个,右键点击关键词跳转至上一个',
                        inPagePlaceholder: '输入文字,按下回车进行页内查找',
                        pickerBtn: '抓取元素',
                        multiPickerBtn: '抓取元素,按住 Ctrl 或 Command 连续抓取',
                        editBtn: '编辑查找文字',
                        emptyBtn: '清空查找文字',
                        copyInPageBtn: '复制查找文字',
                        wordModeBtn: '单词模式',
                        copyEleBtn: '复制选中元素',
                        openLinkBtn: '打开选中链接',
                        maxEleBtn: '展开选中元素',
                        minEleBtn: '收起选中元素',
                        expandAll: '全部展开',
                        collapseAll: '全部合起',
                        rename: '重命名',
                        recoverBtn: '恢复查找文字',
                        pinBtn: '固定查找文字,在所有标签页中搜索',
                        locBtn: '定位侧边栏',
                        filterSites: '筛选搜索引擎',
                        searchInPage: '页内查找',
                        removeBtn: '移除搜索词',
                        saveRuleBtn: '保存当前站点的搜索词',
                        wordContent: '搜索词内容',
                        wordHide: '隐藏父级元素',
                        wordHideTips: '元素深度,0为当前父级',
                        wordStyle: '搜索词样式',
                        wordTitle: '搜索词注释',
                        re: '正则',
                        ignoreCase: '不区分大小写',
                        filterLink: '筛选链接',
                        modify: '修改',
                        cancel: '取消',
                        modifyWord: '修改页内搜索词',
                        addSearchEngine: '添加搜索引擎',
                        noValidItemAsk: '未找到有效元素,是否手动编辑规则并添加?',
                        expand: '展开剩余站点',
                        add: '添加',
                        addWord: '添加新词语',
                        wordRange: '生效范围',
                        customInputFrame: '自定义搜索参数',
                        customSubmit: '提交搜索',
                        finalSearch: '目标搜索字串',
                        search: '搜索此项',
                        siteKeywords: '关键词(多个关键词以|分隔)',
                        siteMatch: '站点 URL 匹配正则',
                        openSelect: '打开选项',
                        openInDefault: '默认',
                        openInNewTab: '新标签页打开',
                        openInCurrent: '当前页打开',
                        currentType: '当前分类',
                        maxAddSiteBtn: '最大化',
                        minAddSiteBtn: '还原',
                        addAction: '添加操作',
                        crawlInfo: '模拟输入搜索',
                        inputAction: '输入',
                        clickAction: '点击',
                        sleepAction: '等待',
                        copyAction: '📄复制元素',
                        submitCrawl: '☑️完成操作',
                        inputOutput: '在元素<span title="#t1#" class="element">#t1#</span>内输入<span title="#t2#">#t2#</span>',
                        clickOutput: '点击元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        dblclickOutput: '双击元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        rclickOutput: '右击元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        copyOutput: '复制元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        sleepOutput: '休眠<span title="#t#">#t#</span>毫秒',
                        inputNewValue: '请输入新值',
                        deleteConfirm: '确定要删除此项吗?',
                        sleepPrompt: '等待时间(毫秒)',
                        startCache: '开始缓存,请耐心等待缓存完毕,勿关闭配置页!',
                        cacheOver: '所有图标都已缓存完毕!',
                        cspDisabled: '脚本样式被当前站点的 CSP 阻止,因此无法显示,请尝试安装 Allow CSP: Content-Security-Policy 扩展获取权限',
                        Sunday: '星期日 (日)',
                        Monday: '星期一 (月)',
                        Tuesday: '星期二 (火)',
                        Wednesday: '星期三 (水)',
                        Thursday: '星期四 (木)',
                        Friday: '星期五 (金)',
                        Saturday: '星期六 (土)',
                        template: '请设置【#t#】的值',
                        recordAction: '⏺️录制操作',
                        startRecord: '开始录制操作,按回车键结束录制',
                        loopAction: '🔁开始循环',
                        loopActionEnd: '⏹️循环结束',
                        loopStart: '开始循环,循环次数为<span title="#t#">#t#</span>',
                        loopEnd: '结束循环',
                        loopTimes: '循环次数,将遍历所有匹配元素并顺序执行',
                        loadingCollection: '正在加载合集,请稍候……',
                        emuInputTips: '在指定页面元素(例如输入框)内输入搜索词',
                        emuClickTips: '单击指定页面元素(例如按钮)',
                        emuWaitTips: '等待一段时间后继续执行,当某个操作需要一段时间才能完成时很有用',
                        emuCopyTips: '复制指定元素的文本到剪贴板',
                        emuRecordTips: '录制接下来的点击和输入操作',
                        emuLoopTips: '开始循环,接下来的操作将遍历所有找到的元素并且重复指定次数',
                        emuStopTips: '结束操作并生成规则'
                case "zh":
                case "zh-TW":
                case "zh-HK":
                    config = {
                        import: '導入',
                        filter: '篩選',
                        selectAll: '全選',
                        importOrNot: '是否導入配置?',
                        settings: '配置脚本',
                        batchOpen: '批量打開',
                        batchOpenConfirm: '確定要批量打開嗎?',
                        postOver: '發送成功:',
                        postError: '發送失敗:',
                        copyOver: '複製成功',
                        keywords: '請輸入搜尋詞',
                        targetUrl: '請輸入搜尋URL',
                        siteName: '站名',
                        siteDesc: '描述',
                        siteUrl: '地址',
                        siteIcon: '圖標',
                        siteTest: '測試',
                        siteCancel: '取消',
                        siteAdd: '添加',
                        siteType: '分類',
                        siteExist: '已存在相同規則,是否添加為克隆項?',
                        siteAddOver: '站點添加成功',
                        multiline: '是否以換行符分隔多行搜尋?',
                        multilineTooMuch: '行數超過10行,是否繼續搜尋?',
                        inputPlaceholder: '篩選引擎',
                        inputTitle: '篩選引擎,支援 * ? 通配符,$代表末尾,^代表開頭,分組**站點 可篩選指定分組,例如 圖片**google,tab 下一項',
                        inputKeywords: '輸入搜尋關鍵詞',
                        inPageTips: '自定義分隔符:$c 加分隔符,例如 $c| search | jumper,默認空格作為分隔符\n原始文本不分隔:$o 加文本,例如$oopai liked by hero\n正則表達式:/re/,例如 $c, /google/i , /aPPle/\n添加提示文本:搜尋文本$t{提示文本},例如 linux$t{linux is not unix}\n添加自定義樣式:搜尋文本$s{背景;其他},例如 google$s{#333333;color:red;}\n左鍵點擊關鍵詞跳轉至下一個,右鍵點擊關鍵詞跳轉至上一個',
                        inPagePlaceholder: '輸入文字,按下回車進行頁內查找',
                        pickerBtn: '抓取元素',
                        multiPickerBtn: '抓取元素,按住 Ctrl 或 Command 連續抓取',
                        editBtn: '編輯查找文字',
                        emptyBtn: '清空查找文字',
                        copyInPageBtn: '複製查找文字',
                        wordModeBtn: '單詞模式',
                        copyEleBtn: '複製選中元素',
                        openLinkBtn: '打開選中連結',
                        maxEleBtn: '展開選中元素',
                        minEleBtn: '收起選中元素',
                        expandAll: '全部展開',
                        collapseAll: '全部合起',
                        rename: '重命名',
                        recoverBtn: '恢復查找文字',
                        pinBtn: '固定查找文字,在所有標籤頁中搜尋',
                        locBtn: '定位側邊欄',
                        filterSites: '篩選搜尋引擎',
                        searchInPage: '頁內查找',
                        removeBtn: '移除搜尋詞',
                        saveRuleBtn: '保存當前站點的搜尋詞',
                        wordContent: '搜尋詞內容',
                        wordHide: '隱藏父級元素',
                        wordHideTips: '元素深度,0為當前父級',
                        wordStyle: '搜尋詞樣式',
                        wordTitle: '搜尋詞注釋',
                        re: '正則',
                        ignoreCase: '不區分大小寫',
                        filterLink: '篩選鏈接',
                        modify: '修改',
                        cancel: '取消',
                        modifyWord: '修改頁內搜尋詞',
                        addSearchEngine: '添加搜尋引擎',
                        noValidItemAsk: '未找到有效元素,是否手動編輯規則並添加?',
                        expand: '展開剩餘站點',
                        add: '添加',
                        addWord: '添加新詞語',
                        wordRange: '生效範圍',
                        customInputFrame: '自定義搜尋參數',
                        customSubmit: '提交搜尋',
                        finalSearch: '目標搜尋字串',
                        search: '搜尋此項',
                        siteKeywords: '關鍵詞(多個關鍵詞以|分隔)',
                        siteMatch: '站點 URL 匹配正則',
                        openSelect: '打開選項',
                        openInDefault: '默認',
                        openInNewTab: '新標籤頁打開',
                        openInCurrent: '當前頁打開',
                        currentType: '當前分類',
                        maxAddSiteBtn: '最大化',
                        minAddSiteBtn: '還原',
                        addAction: '添加操作',
                        crawlInfo: '模擬輸入搜尋',
                        inputAction: '輸入',
                        clickAction: '點擊',
                        sleepAction: '等待',
                        copyAction: '📄複製元素',
                        submitCrawl: '☑️完成操作',
                        inputOutput: '在元素<span title="#t1#" class="element">#t1#</span>內輸入<span title="#t2#">#t2#</span>',
                        clickOutput: '點擊元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        dblclickOutput: '雙擊元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        rclickOutput: '右擊元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        copyOutput: '複製元素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        sleepOutput: '休眠<span title="#t#">#t#</span>毫秒',
                        inputNewValue: '請輸入新值',
                        deleteConfirm: '確定要刪除此項嗎? ',
                        sleepPrompt: '等待時間(毫秒)',
                        startCache: '開始緩存,請耐心等待緩存完畢,勿關閉配置頁!',
                        cacheOver: '所有圖標都已緩存完畢!',
                        cspDisabled: '腳本樣式被當前站點的 CSP 阻止,因此無法顯示,請嘗試安裝 Allow CSP: Content-Security-Policy 擴展獲取權限',
                        Sunday: '星期日 (日)',
                        Monday: '星期一 (月)',
                        Tuesday: '星期二 (火)',
                        Wednesday: '星期三 (水)',
                        Thursday: '星期四 (木)',
                        Friday: '星期五 (金)',
                        Saturday: '星期六 (土)',
                        template: '請設置【#t#】的值',
                        recordAction: '⏺️錄製動作',
                        startRecord: '開始錄製操作,按下回車鍵結束錄製',
                        loopAction: '🔁開始循環',
                        loopActionEnd: '⏹️循環結束',
                        loopStart: '開始循環,循環次數為<span title="#t#">#t#</span>',
                        loopEnd: '結束循環',
                        loopTimes: '循環次數,將遍歷所有匹配元素並順序執行',
                        loadingCollection: '正在載入合集,請稍候……',
                        emuInputTips: '在指定頁面元素(例如輸入框)內輸入搜尋字詞',
                        emuClickTips: '點擊指定頁面元素(例如按鈕)',
                        emuWaitTips: '等待一段時間後繼續執行,當某個操作需要一段時間才能完成時很有用',
                        emuCopyTips: '複製指定元素的文字到剪貼簿',
                        emuRecordTips: '錄製接下來的點擊和輸入操作',
                        emuLoopTips: '開始循環,接下來的操作將遍歷所有找到的元素並且重複指定次數',
                        emuStopTips: '結束操作並產生規則'
                case 'ja':
                    config = {
                        import: 'インポート',
                        filter: 'フィルター',
                        selectAll: 'すべて選択',
                        importOrNot: '設定をインポートしますか? ',
                        settings: '構成スクリプト',
                        batchOpen: 'バッチオープン',
                        batchOpenConfirm: 'バッチオープンしてもよろしいですか? ',
                        postOver: '正常に送信されました:',
                        postError: '送信に失敗しました:',
                        copyOver: 'コピーに成功しました',
                        keywords: '検索語を入力してください',
                        targetUrl: '検索 URL を入力してください',
                        siteName: 'サイト名',
                        siteDesc: '説明',
                        siteUrl: 'アドレス',
                        siteIcon: 'アイコン',
                        siteTest: 'テスト',
                        siteCancel: 'キャンセル',
                        siteAdd: '追加',
                        siteType: 'カテゴリ',
                        siteExist: '同じルールがすでに存在します。クローンとして追加しますか? ',
                        siteAddOver: 'サイトは正常に追加されました',
                        multiline: '複数行の検索は改行で区切るべきですか? ',
                        multilineTooMuch: '行数が 10 行を超えています。検索を続けますか? ',
                        inputPlaceholder: 'フィルタリング エンジン',
                        inputTitle: 'フィルタリング エンジン、*? ワイルドカードをサポート、$ は終わりを表し、^ は始まりを表します、グループ ** サイトは写真などの指定されたグループをフィルターできます ** Google、次の項目をタブします',
                        inputKeywords: '検索キーワードを入力してください',
                        inPageTips: 'カスタム区切り文字: $c と区切り文字 ($c| 検索 | ジャンパーなど)、デフォルトのスペースを区切り文字として使用\n元のテキストは分離されていません: $o と文字 (ヒーローが好んだ $oopai など)\n正規表現 :/re/ 、$c、/google/i、/aPPle/ など\nプロンプト テキストの追加: 検索テキスト $t{プロンプト テキスト}、たとえば linux$t{Linux は Unix ではありません}\nカスタム スタイルの追加: 検索テキスト $s{背景;other}、例: google$s{#333333;color:red;}\nキーワードを左クリックすると次のキーワードにジャンプし、キーワードを右クリックすると前のキーワードにジャンプします',
                        inPagePlaceholder: 'ページ内を検索するには、テキストを入力して Enter キーを押してください',
                        pickerBtn: '要素の取得',
                        multiPickerBtn: '要素を取得するには、Ctrl または Command を押したまま継続的に取得します',
                        editBtn: '検索テキストを編集',
                        emptyBtn: '空の検索テキスト',
                        copyInPageBtn: '検索テキストをコピー',
                        wordModeBtn: 'ワードモード',
                        copyEleBtn: '選択した要素をコピー',
                        openLinkBtn: '選択したリンクを開く',
                        maxEleBtn: '選択した要素を展開',
                        minEleBtn: '選択した要素を折りたたむ',
                        expandAll: 'すべて展開',
                        collapseAll: 'すべて折り',
                        rename: '名前を変更',
                        reverseBtn: '検索テキストを復元',
                        pinBtn: '検索テキストを修正、すべてのタブで検索',
                        locBtn: 'サイドバーを検索',
                        filterSites: '検索エンジンをフィルタリング',
                        searchInPage: 'ページ内を検索',
                        removeBtn: '検索語を削除',
                        saveRuleBtn: '現在のサイトの検索語を保存',
                        wordContent: '単語の内容を検索',
                        wordHide: '親要素を非表示',
                        wordHideTips: '要素の深さ、0 が現在の親',
                        wordStyle: '検索ワードスタイル',
                        wordTitle: '検索単語の注釈',
                        re: 'RegExp',
                        ignoreCase: '大文字と小文字は区別されません',
                        filterLink: 'フィルターリンク',
                        modify: '変更',
                        cancel: 'キャンセル',
                        modifyWord: 'ページ上の検索ワードを変更します',
                        addSearchEngine: '検索エンジンを追加',
                        noValidItemAsk: '有効な要素が見つかりません。ルールを手動で編集して追加しますか? ',
                        expand: '残りのサイトを展開します',
                        add: '追加',
                        addWord: '新しい単語を追加',
                        wordRange: '有効範囲',
                        customInputFrame: 'カスタム検索パラメータ',
                        customSubmit: '検索を送信',
                        finalSearch: '対象の検索文字列',
                        search: 'このアイテムを検索',
                        siteKeywords: 'キーワード (| で区切られた複数のキーワード)',
                        siteMatch: '通常のサイト URL と一致',
                        openSelect: 'オプションを開く',
                        openInDefault: 'デフォルト',
                        openInNewTab: '新しいタブが開きます',
                        openInCurrent: '現在のページが開いています',
                        currentType: '現在のカテゴリ',
                        maxAddSiteBtn: '最大化',
                        minAddSiteBtn: '復元',
                        addAction: 'アクションを追加',
                        rollInfo: '入力検索をシミュレート',
                        inputAction: '入力',
                        clickAction: 'クリック',
                        sleepAction: '待機',
                        copyAction: '📄要素のコピー',
                        submitCrawl: '☑️操作を完了',
                        inputOutput: '要素 <span title="#t1#" class="element">#t1#</span> 内に <span title="#t2#">#t2#</span> を入力します',
                        clickOutput: 'クリック<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        dblclickOutput: 'ダブルクリック<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        rclickOutput: '右クリック<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        copyOutput: 'コピー要素<span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        sleepOutput: 'スリープ<span title="#t#">#t#</span> ミリ秒',
                        inputNewValue: '新しい値を入力してください',
                        deleteconfirm: 'この項目を削除してもよろしいですか? ',
                        sleepPrompt: '待機時間 (ミリ秒)',
                        startCache: 'キャッシュを開始します。キャッシュが完了するまで辛抱強く待ってください。設定ページは閉じないでください。 ',
                        cacheOver: 'すべてのアイコンがキャッシュされました! ',
                        cspDisabled: 'スクリプト スタイルは現在のサイトの CSP によってブロックされているため、表示できません。許可を取得するには、Allow CSP: Content-Security-Policy 拡張機能をインストールしてみてください',
                        Sunday: '日曜日',
                        Monday: '月曜日',
                        Tuesday: '火曜日',
                        Wednesday: '水曜日',
                        Thursday: '木曜日',
                        Friday: '金曜日',
                        Saturday: '土曜日',
                        template: '[#t#]の値を設定してください',
                        recordAction: '⏺️記録操作',
                        startRecord: '記録操作を開始します。記録を終了するには Enter キーを押してください',
                        loopAction: '🔁ループの開始',
                        loopActionEnd: '⏹️ループの終了',
                        loopStart: 'ループを開始。ループ数は <span title="#t#">#t#</span> です',
                        loopEnd: 'ループの終了',
                        loopTimes: 'ループの数。一致するすべての要素が走査され、順番に実行されます',
                        loadingCollection: 'コレクションを読み込み中...',
                        emuInputTips: '指定されたページ要素 (入力ボックスなど) に検索語を入力します',
                        emuClickTips: '指定されたページ要素 (ボタンなど) をクリックします',
                        emuWaitTips: '続行する前にしばらく待ってください。操作が完了するまでに時間がかかる場合に便利です',
                        emuCopyTips: '指定された要素のテキストをクリップボードにコピーします',
                        emuRecordTips: '次のクリックと入力操作を記録します',
                        emuLoopTips: 'ループを開始します。次の操作は見つかったすべての要素を走査し、指定された回数だけ繰り返します',
                        emuStopTips: '操作を終了してルールを生成'
                case 'ru':
                    config = {
                        import: 'Импортировать', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        filter: 'Фильтровать', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        selectAll: 'Выбрать всё', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        importOrNot: 'Импортировать эту конфигурацию?',
                        settings: 'Настройки',
                        batchOpen: 'Групповой поиск',
                        batchOpenConfirm: 'Искать с помощью всех движков группы?',
                        postOver: 'Post over: ',
                        postError: 'Post fail: ',
                        copyOver: 'Скопировано успешно',
                        keywords: 'Input keywords',
                        targetUrl: 'Input URL',
                        siteName: 'Название',
                        siteDesc: 'Описание',
                        siteUrl: 'URL',
                        siteIcon: 'Иконка',
                        siteTest: 'Тест',
                        siteCancel: 'Отменить',
                        siteAdd: 'Добавить',
                        siteType: 'Группа',
                        siteExist: 'Движок уже существует. Добавить его как клон?',
                        siteAddOver: 'Движок успешно добавлен',
                        multiline: 'Использовать многострочный поиск?',
                        multilineTooMuch: 'Количество строк превышает 10. Продолжить поиск?', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        inputPlaceholder: 'Фильтры',
                        inputTitle: 'Filter engines, support * ? wildcards, $ means end, ^ means start, type name**site name to filter type like "image**google", tab to next. ',
                        inputKeywords: 'Ввести ключевые слова поиска',
                        inPageTips: 'Custom delimiter: $c + delimiter, such as $c| search | jumper, space as delimiter by default\nOriginal text without delimited: $o + text, such as $oopai liked by hero\nRegular expression: /re/, such as $c, /google/i , /aPPle/\nTips text: search text$t{tips text}, such as linux$t{linux is not unix}\nCustom style: Search text$s{background;other}, such as google$s{#333333;color:red;}\nLeft-click keyword to jump to the next, right-click keyword to jump to the previous',
                        inPagePlaceholder: 'Для поиска введите текст и нажмите Enter',
                        pickerBtn: 'Выбрать область',
                        multiPickerBtn: 'Выбрать элемент или выбрать несколько элементов с помощью Ctrl или Command',
                        editBtn: 'Редактировать текст поиска',
                        emptyBtn: 'Очистить поле ввода',
                        copyInPageBtn: 'Скопировать текст поика',
                        wordModeBtn: 'Режим поиска по словам. В поле ввода можно ввести целое предложение, после чего на странице будут искаться все слова по отдельности из которого состоит предложение',
                        copyEleBtn: 'Скопировать выбранные элементы',
                        openLinkBtn: 'Открыть выбранные ссылки',
                        maxEleBtn: 'Расширить выбранные элементы',
                        minEleBtn: 'Сжать выбранные элементы',
                        expandAll: 'Развернуть всё',
                        collapseAll: 'Свернуть всё',
                        rename: 'Rename',
                        recoverBtn: 'Recover find text',
                        pinBtn: 'Выделить цветом текущие ключевые слова поиска по странице во всех открытых вкладках',
                        locBtn: 'Отображать совпадения справа на панели',
                        filterSites: 'Фильтровать движки',
                        searchInPage: 'Искать на странице',
                        removeBtn: 'Удалить правило поиска',
                        saveRuleBtn: 'Сохранить правило поиска текущего сайта',
                        wordContent: 'Слово или фраза для поиска',
                        wordHide: 'Hide parent element',
                        wordHideTips: 'Глубина элемента, 0 - это текущее значение', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        wordStyle: 'Стиль выделения слова',
                        wordTitle: 'Аннотация к искомому слову',
                        re: 'RegExp',
                        ignoreCase: 'Игнорировать регистр',
                        filterLink: 'Фильтровать ссылку', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        modify: 'Готово',
                        cancel: 'Отменить',
                        modifyWord: 'Изменить параметры',
                        addSearchEngine: 'Добавить движок',
                        noValidItemAsk: 'Не найден подходящий элемент. Хотите вручную добавить сайт?',
                        expand: 'Развернуть другие сайты', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        add: 'Добавить',
                        addWord: 'Добавить новое слово',
                        wordRange: 'Выделить область поиска',
                        customInputFrame: 'Пользовательские параметры поиска',
                        customSubmit: 'Принять',
                        finalSearch: 'Целевая строка поиска',
                        search: 'Искать это', //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
                        siteKeywords: 'Ключевые слова (разделитель |)',
                        siteMatch: 'Regexp для соответствия URL сайта',
                        openSelect: 'Открыть в',
                        openInDefault: 'По умолчанию',
                        openInNewTab: 'Открыть в новой вкладке',
                        openInCurrent: 'Открыть в текущей вкладке',
                        currentType: 'Current',
                        maxAddSiteBtn: 'Развернуть',
                        minAddSiteBtn: 'Свернуть',
                        addAction: 'Добавить действия',
                        crawlInfo: 'Симуляция действий на сайте',
                        inputAction: 'Ввод',
                        clickAction: 'Клик мыши',
                        sleepAction: 'Ожидание',
                        copyAction: '📄Копировать элемент',
                        submitCrawl: '☑️Завешить действие',
                        inputOutput: 'Ввод <span title="#t2#">#t2#</span> в элемент <span title="#t1#" class="element">#t1#</span>',
                        clickOutput: 'Клик по элементу <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        dblclickOutput: 'Двойной клик <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        rclickOutput: 'щелкните ПКМ <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        copyOutput: 'Копировать элемент <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        sleepOutput: 'Ждать <span title="#t#">#t#</span> миллисекунд',
                        inputNewValue: 'Введите новое значение',
                        deleteConfirm: 'Хотите удалить этот элемент? ',
                        sleepPrompt: 'Время ожидания (в миллисекундах)',
                        startCache: 'Началось кширование закрывайте страницу!',
                        cacheOver: 'Все иконки кэшированы!',
                        cspDisabled: 'The style of SearchJumper is blocked by the CSP of current site, please try to install the Allow CSP: Content-Security-Policy extension to obtain permission',
                        template: 'Установите значение "#t#"',
                        recordAction: '⏺️Записать действие',
                        startRecord: 'Сейчас начнется запись действия. После завершения нажмите Enter, чтобы вернуться в окно редактирования.',
                        loopAction: '🔁Начать цикл',
                        loopActionEnd: '⏹️Остановить цикл',
                        loopStart: 'Начать цикл <span title="#t#">#t#</span> раз',
                        loopEnd: 'Остановить цикл',
                        loopTimes: 'Количество циклов, все совпадающие элементы будут пройдены и выполнены последовательно',
                        loadingCollection: 'Preparing collection for SearchJumper...',
                        emuInputTips: 'Ввести поисковые запросы в указанные элементы страницы (например, в поля ввода).',
                        emuClickTips: 'Кликнуть по указанному элементу страницы (например, по кнопке)',
                        emuWaitTips: 'Подождите некоторое время, прежде чем продолжить. Полезно, когда операция требует некоторого времени для завершения',
                        emuCopyTips: 'Копирование текста указанного элемента в буфер обмена',
                        emuRecordTips: 'Записать следующие нажатия и операции ввода',
                        emuLoopTips: 'Запустить цикл, следующая операция будет обходить все найденные элементы и повторяться указанное количество раз',
                        emuStopTips: 'Завершить операцию и создать правило'
                    config = {
                        import: 'Import',
                        filter: 'Filter',
                        selectAll: 'SelectAll',
                        importOrNot: 'Do you want to import this config?',
                        settings: 'Settings',
                        batchOpen: 'Batch open',
                        batchOpenConfirm: 'Batch open urls?',
                        postOver: 'Post over: ',
                        postError: 'Post fail: ',
                        copyOver: 'Copied successfully',
                        keywords: 'Input keywords',
                        targetUrl: 'Input URL',
                        siteName: 'Site Name',
                        siteDesc: 'Description',
                        siteUrl: 'Site Url',
                        siteIcon: 'Site Icon',
                        siteTest: 'Test',
                        siteCancel: 'Cancel',
                        siteAdd: 'Add',
                        siteType: 'Category',
                        siteExist: 'Site is already exist, add it as clone?',
                        siteAddOver: 'Site added successfully',
                        multiline: 'Search as multilines?',
                        multilineTooMuch: 'The number of lines exceeds 10, do you want to continue searching?',
                        inputPlaceholder: 'Filter engines',
                        inputTitle: 'Filter engines, support * ? wildcards, $ means end, ^ means start, type name**site name to filter type like "image**google", tab to next. ',
                        inputKeywords: 'Enter search keywords',
                        inPageTips: 'Custom delimiter: $c + delimiter, such as $c| search | jumper, space as delimiter by default\nOriginal text without delimited: $o + text, such as $oopai liked by hero\nRegular expression: /re/, such as $c, /google/i , /aPPle/\nTips text: search text$t{tips text}, such as linux$t{linux is not unix}\nCustom style: Search text$s{background;other}, such as google$s{#333333;color:red;}\nLeft-click keyword to jump to the next, right-click keyword to jump to the previous',
                        inPagePlaceholder: 'Input text, press Enter to find in the page',
                        pickerBtn: 'Pick a element',
                        multiPickerBtn: 'Pick a element, pick multi elements with Ctrl or Command',
                        editBtn: 'Edit search text',
                        emptyBtn: 'Empty search text',
                        copyInPageBtn: 'Copy search text',
                        wordModeBtn: 'Word mode',
                        copyEleBtn: 'Copy selected elements',
                        openLinkBtn: 'Open selected links',
                        maxEleBtn: 'Expand selected elements',
                        minEleBtn: 'Collapse selected elements',
                        expandAll: 'Expand All',
                        collapseAll: 'Collapse All',
                        rename: 'Rename',
                        recoverBtn: 'Recover find text',
                        pinBtn: 'Pin search text to search in all tabs',
                        locBtn: 'Sidebar to locate',
                        filterSites: 'Filter search engines',
                        searchInPage: 'Find in page',
                        removeBtn: 'Remove search term',
                        saveRuleBtn: 'Save the search term of the current site',
                        wordContent: 'Search word content',
                        wordHide: 'Hide parent element',
                        wordHideTips: 'Element depth, 0 means the current',
                        wordStyle: 'Search word style',
                        wordTitle: 'Search word annotation',
                        re: 'RegExp',
                        ignoreCase: 'Ignore case',
                        filterLink: 'Filter link',
                        modify: 'Modify',
                        cancel: 'Cancel',
                        modifyWord: 'Modify search word',
                        addSearchEngine: 'Add search engine',
                        noValidItemAsk: 'No valid element found, do you want to manually edit the rule and add it?',
                        expand: 'Expand other sites',
                        add: 'Add',
                        addWord: 'Add new word',
                        wordRange: 'Effective range',
                        customInputFrame: 'Custom search parameters',
                        customSubmit: 'Submit',
                        finalSearch: 'Target search string',
                        search: 'Search this',
                        siteKeywords: 'Keywords(split by |)',
                        siteMatch: 'Regexp to match site URL',
                        openSelect: 'Open option',
                        openInDefault: 'Default',
                        openInNewTab: 'Open a new tab',
                        openInCurrent: 'Open in current',
                        currentType: 'Current',
                        maxAddSiteBtn: 'Maximize',
                        minAddSiteBtn: 'Restore',
                        addAction: 'Add Actions',
                        crawlInfo: 'Analog input search',
                        inputAction: 'Input',
                        clickAction: 'Click',
                        sleepAction: 'Wait',
                        copyAction: '📄Copy element',
                        submitCrawl: '☑️Complete operation',
                        inputOutput: 'Input <span title="#t2#">#t2#</span> in the element <span title="#t1#" class="element">#t1#</span>',
                        clickOutput: 'Click on element <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        dblclickOutput: 'Double click <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        rclickOutput: 'Right click <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        copyOutput: 'Copy element <span title="#t#" class="element">#t#</span>',
                        sleepOutput: 'Sleep for <span title="#t#">#t#</span> milliseconds',
                        inputNewValue: 'Please enter a new value',
                        deleteConfirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this item? ',
                        sleepPrompt: 'Wait time (milliseconds)',
                        startCache: 'Start cache icons of engines, do not close this page!',
                        cacheOver: 'All icons cached!',
                        cspDisabled: 'The style of SearchJumper is blocked by the CSP of current site, please try to install the Allow CSP: Content-Security-Policy extension to obtain permission',
                        template: 'Please set the value of "#t#"',
                        recordAction: '⏺️Record operation',
                        startRecord: 'Start to record operation, press Enter to end',
                        loopAction: '🔁Start loop',
                        loopActionEnd: '⏹️Stop loop',
                        loopStart: 'Start loop <span title="#t#">#t#</span> times',
                        loopEnd: 'Stop loop',
                        loopTimes: 'Number of loops, all matching elements will be traversed and executed sequentially',
                        loadingCollection: 'Preparing collection for SearchJumper...',
                        emuInputTips: 'Enter search terms in specified page elements (such as input boxes)',
                        emuClickTips: 'Click on a specified page element (such as a button)',
                        emuWaitTips: 'Wait for a while before continuing, useful when an operation takes a while to complete',
                        emuCopyTips: 'Copy the text of the specified element to the clipboard',
                        emuRecordTips: 'Record the next clicks and input operations',
                        emuLoopTips: 'Start the loop, the next operation will traverse all found elements and repeat the specified number of times',
                        emuStopTips: 'End the operation and generate rules'
        function i18n(name, param) {
            return config[name] ? (param ? config[name].replace(/#t#/g, param).replace(/#t1#/g, param[0]).replace(/#t2#/g, param[1]) : config[name]) : name;
        const isMobile = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement);
        var enableDebug = true;
        var debug = (str, title) => {
            if(enableDebug) {
                    `%c【SearchJumper v.${_GM_info.script.version}】 ${title ? title : 'debug'}`,
                    'color: orange;font-size: large;font-weight: bold;',
        var disabled = false;
        var isInConfigPage = false;
        var lastRequestUrl;

        function createHTML(html = "") {
            return escapeHTMLPolicy ? escapeHTMLPolicy.createHTML(html) : html;

        var _GM_xmlhttpRequest, _GM_registerMenuCommand, _GM_notification, _GM_setClipboard, _GM_openInTab, _GM_addStyle, _GM_info, GM_fetch;
        if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != 'undefined') {
            _GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
            GM_fetch = true;
        } else if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.xmlHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
            _GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM.xmlHttpRequest;
            GM_fetch = true;
        } else {//will not cross csp, it's safe!
            let res;
            _GM_xmlhttpRequest = (f) => {fetch(f.url, {method: f.method || 'GET', body: f.data, headers: f.headers}).then(response => {
                res = response;
                if (f.responseType === "blob") {
                    return response.blob();
                return response.text();
            }).then(data => {
                let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
                doc.documentElement.innerHTML = createHTML(data);
                f.onload && f.onload({status: res.status, response: data, responseXML: doc})
            }).catch(e => f.onerror && f.onerror(e))};
        if (GM_fetch) {
            GM_fetch = async (url, option) => {
                if (!url) return null;
                lastRequestUrl = url;
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    let isPost = option && /^post$/i.test(option.method);
                    let requestOption = {
                        method: (option && option.method) || 'GET',
                        url: url,
                        headers: (option && option.headers) || {
                            referer: url,
                            origin: url,
                            "Content-Type": (isPost ? "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" : ""),
                            'X-Requested-With': (isPost ? 'XMLHttpRequest' : '')
                        onload: function(d) {
                            if (lastRequestUrl != url) return;
                            let response = d.response;
                            if (d.status >= 400 || !response) response = "";
                            let text = () => new Promise((r) => {
                            let json = () => new Promise((r) => {
                                try {
                                } catch (e) {
                            resolve({text: text, json: json, finalUrl: (d.finalUrl || url)});
                        onerror: function(e) {
                        ontimeout: function(e) {
                    if (option && option.body) {
                        requestOption.data = option.body;
                    if (option && option.responseType === "stream") {
                        requestOption.responseType = "stream";
                        delete requestOption.onload;
                        requestOption.onloadstart = d => {
                            if (!d || !d.response || !d.response.getReader) return;
                            let bytes = [], callBack, buffer;
                            const reader = d.response.getReader();
                            let json = () => {
                                let result = "";
                                try {
                                    if (buffer) {
                                        result = buffer.trim();
                                        if (/^data:/.test(result)) {
                                            result = "[" + result.replace(/^data:\s+\[DONE\]\s*/m, "").trim().replace(/\n+/g, "\n").split("\n").map(line => line.replace(/^data:/, "")).join(",") + "]";
                                        } else if (/^({.*} *\n)* *{.*}$/.test(result)) {
                                            result = result.split("\n").pop();
                                        } else if (/^\[[\s\S]+[^\]]$/.test(result)) {
                                            result = result + "]";
                                    return JSON.parse(result);
                                } catch (e) {
                                    return null;
                            reader.read().then(function readBytes({done, value}) {
                                if (lastRequestUrl != url) return;
                                if (done) {
                                    resolve({text: buffer, json: json, finalUrl: (d.finalUrl || url)});
                                bytes = option.streamMode === "standalone" ? Array.from(value) : bytes.concat(Array.from(value));
                                try {
                                    buffer = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(new Uint8Array(bytes));
                                    option.onstream({text: buffer, json: json, finalUrl: (d.finalUrl || url)});
                                } catch (e) {
                                return reader.read().then(readBytes);
        } else GM_fetch = fetch;
        if (inIframe) {
            _GM_registerMenuCommand = (s, f) => {};
        } else if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != 'undefined') {
            _GM_registerMenuCommand = GM_registerMenuCommand;
        } else if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.registerMenuCommand != 'undefined') {
            _GM_registerMenuCommand = GM.registerMenuCommand;
        } else {
            _GM_registerMenuCommand = (s, f) => {};
        if (ext) {
            _GM_openInTab = (s, t) => {
                chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "openInTab", detail: {url: s, incognito: t && t.incognito, active: t && t.active, close: t && t.close}});
        } else if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined') {
            _GM_openInTab = GM_openInTab;
        } else if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.openInTab != 'undefined') {
            _GM_openInTab = GM.openInTab;
        } else {
            _GM_openInTab = (s, t) => {window.open(s)};
        if (ext) {
            _GM_notification = s => {
                chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "notification", detail: {message: s}});
        } else if (typeof GM_notification != 'undefined') {
            _GM_notification = s => GM_notification({text: s, onclick: e => _GM_openInTab(configPage, {active: true})});
        } else if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.notification != 'undefined') {
            _GM_notification = s => GM.notification({text: s, onclick: e => _GM_openInTab(configPage, {active: true})});
        } else {
            _GM_notification = (s) => {};
        if (typeof GM_setClipboard != 'undefined') {
            _GM_setClipboard = GM_setClipboard;
        } else if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.setClipboard != 'undefined') {
            _GM_setClipboard = GM.setClipboard;
        } else {
            _GM_setClipboard = (s, i) => {
                try {
                        .then(() => {
                        console.log('Text copied to clipboard');
                        .catch((error) => {
                        console.error('Failed to copy text: ', error);
                } catch (e) {
        _GM_addStyle = cssStr => {
            cssStr = cssStr.replace(/\n\s*/g, "");
            if (typeof GM_addStyle != 'undefined') {
                return GM_addStyle(cssStr);
            } else {
                let styleEle = document.createElement("style");
                styleEle.innerHTML = createHTML(cssStr);
                return styleEle;
        if (typeof GM_info != 'undefined') {
            _GM_info = GM_info;
        } else if (typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.info != 'undefined') {
            _GM_info = GM.info;
        } else {
            _GM_info = { script: {name: 'SearchJumper', version: 0} };
        if (!_unsafeWindow.searchJumperAddons) _unsafeWindow.searchJumperAddons = [];
        const curRef = document.referrer;
        let href = location.href.slice(0, 500);

        var storage = {
            supportGM: typeof GM_getValue == 'function' && typeof GM_getValue('a', 'b') != 'undefined',
            supportGMPromise: typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.getValue == 'function' && typeof GM.getValue('a','b') != 'undefined',
            supportCrossSave: function() {
                return this.supportGM || this.supportGMPromise;
            listItemCache: [],
            mxAppStorage: (function() {
                try {
                    return window.external.mxGetRuntime().storage;
                } catch(e) {
            operaUJSStorage: (function() {
                try {
                    return window.opera.scriptStorage;
                } catch(e) {
            setItem: function (key, value) {
                if (ext) {
                    chrome.storage.local.set({ [key]: value }, () => {});
                } else if (this.supportGMPromise) {
                    GM.setValue(key, value);
                    if(value === "" && typeof GM != 'undefined' && typeof GM.deleteValue != 'undefined'){
                } else if (this.supportGM) {
                    GM_setValue(key, value);
                    if(value === "" && typeof GM_deleteValue != 'undefined'){
                } else if (this.operaUJSStorage) {
                    this.operaUJSStorage.setItem(key, value);
                } else if (this.mxAppStorage) {
                    this.mxAppStorage.setConfig(key, value);
                } else if (window.localStorage) {
                    window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
            getItem: async function (key, cb) {
                var value;
                if (ext) {
                    let result = await chrome.storage.local.get([key]);
                    value = result && result[key];
                } else if (this.supportGMPromise) {
                    value = await GM.getValue(key);
                } else if (this.supportGM) {
                    value = GM_getValue(key);
                } else if (this.operaUJSStorage) {
                    value = this.operaUJSStorage.getItem(key);
                } else if (this.mxAppStorage) {
                    value = this.mxAppStorage.getConfig(key);
                } else if (window.localStorage) {
                    value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
                if(cb) cb(value);
                return value;
            getListItem: async function(list, key) {
                var listData = this.listItemCache[list];
                if (typeof listData === 'undefined') {
                    listData = await this.getItem(list);
                    this.listItemCache[list] = listData || null;
                if (!listData) return null;
                for(var i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
                    let data = listData[i];
                    if (data.k == key) {
                        return data.v;
                return null;
            setListItem: async function(list, key, value) {
                var listData = this.listItemCache[list];
                if (typeof listData === 'undefined') {
                    listData = await this.getItem(list);
                if (!listData) listData = [];
                listData = listData.filter(data => data && data.k != key);
                if (value) {
                    listData.unshift({k: key, v: value});
                    if (listData.length > 50) listData.pop();
                this.setItem(list, listData);
                this.listItemCache[list] = listData;

        class WebDAV {
            constructor(webDAVUrl, username, password) {
                this.webDAVUrl = webDAVUrl;
                this.username = username;
                this.password = password;

            init() {
                if (this.inited) return;
                this.inited = true;
                this.auth = btoa(`${this.username}:${this.password}`);

            request(action, data, path, type, callback, headers) {
                if (ext) {
                    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "webDAV", detail: {method: action, body: data, path: path, type: type, headers: headers}}, function(r) {
                        callback && callback(r);
                } else {
                    let url = this.webDAVUrl + path;
                    let _headers = {
                        referer: url,
                        origin: url,
                        "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=UTF-8",
                        "Authorization": `Basic ${this.auth}`
                    for (let header in headers) {
                        _headers[header] = headers[header];
                        method: action,
                        url: url,
                        data: data,
                        headers: _headers,
                        onload: function(d) {
                            let response = d.response;
                            if (d.status >= 400 || !response) response = "";
                            if (type == 'xml') {
                                var xml = d.responseXML;
                                if(xml) {
                                    response = xml.firstChild.nextSibling ? xml.firstChild.nextSibling : xml.firstChild;
                            callback && callback(response);
                        onerror: function(e) {
                            callback && callback(e);
                        ontimeout: function(e) {
                            callback && callback(e);

            GET(path, callback) {
                return this.request('GET', null, path, 'text', callback, {});

            PROPFIND(path, callback) {
                return this.request('PROPFIND', null, path, 'xml', callback, {Depth: "1"});

            MKCOL(path, callback) {
                return this.request('MKCOL', null, path, 'text', callback, {});

            DELETE(path, callback) {
                return this.request('DELETE', null, path, 'text', callback, {});

            PUT(path, data, callback) {
                return this.request('PUT', data, path, 'text', callback, {});

            async read(path) {
                let self = this;
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    self.GET(path, resolve);

            async write(path, data) {
                let self = this;
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    self.PUT(path, data, resolve);

            async rm(path) {
                let self = this;
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    self.DELETE(path, resolve);
        var webDAV;
        async function dataChanged(callback, override) {
            if (shareEngines) return;
            let _searchData = await storage.getItem("searchData");
            if (_searchData) searchData = _searchData;
            if (!webDAV) return callback && callback();
            if (!override) {
                let _lastModified = await webDAV.read("lastModified");
                if (_lastModified) {
                    _lastModified = parseFloat(_lastModified);
                if (_lastModified && (!searchData.lastModified || _lastModified > searchData.lastModified)) {
                    searchData.lastModified = _lastModified;
                    lastModified = searchData.lastModified;
                    let sitesConfig = await webDAV.read("sitesConfig.json");
                    if (sitesConfig) {
                        try {
                            sitesConfig = JSON.parse(sitesConfig);
                            searchData.sitesConfig = sitesConfig;
                        } catch (e) {

                    let inPageRule = await webDAV.read("inPageRule.json");
                    if (inPageRule) {
                        try {
                            inPageRule = JSON.parse(inPageRule);
                            searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule = inPageRule;
                        } catch (e) {
            callback && callback();
            await webDAV.write("lastModified", "" + searchData.lastModified);
            await webDAV.write("sitesConfig.json", JSON.stringify(searchData.sitesConfig));
            await webDAV.write("inPageRule.json", JSON.stringify(searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule));

        var escapeHTMLPolicy;
        if (_unsafeWindow.trustedTypes && _unsafeWindow.trustedTypes.createPolicy) {
            escapeHTMLPolicy = _unsafeWindow.trustedTypes.createPolicy('searchjumper_default', {
                createHTML: (string, sink) => string
        const AsyncFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(async function(){}).constructor;

        if (typeof String.prototype.replaceAll != 'function') {
            String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
                var target = this;
                return target.split(search).join(replacement);
        if (typeof String.prototype.endsWith != 'function') {
            String.prototype.endsWith = function(search, this_len) {
                if (this_len === undefined || this_len > this.length) {
                    this_len = this.length;
                return this.substring(this_len - search.length, this_len) === search;
        if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith != 'function') {
            String.prototype.startsWith = function(search, pos){
                return this.slice(pos || 0, search.length) === search;

        function getBody(doc) {
            return doc.body || doc.querySelector('body');

        function clientX(e) {
            if (e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
                return e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].clientX : 0;
            } else {
                return e.clientX;

        function clientY(e) {
            if (e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
                return e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].clientY : 0;
            } else {
                return e.clientY;

        function pageX(e) {
            if (e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
                return e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : 0;
            } else {
                return e.pageX;

        function pageY(e) {
            if (e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
                return e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : 0;
            } else {
                return e.pageY;

        function getAllElementsByXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc) {
            doc = doc || document;
            contextNode = contextNode || doc;
            var result = [];
            try {
                var query = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
                for (var i = 0; i < query.snapshotLength; i++) {
                    var node = query.snapshotItem(i);
                    if (node.nodeType === 1) result.push(node);
            } catch (err) {
                debug(`Invalid xpath: ${xpath}`);
            return result;

        function getElementByXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc) {
            doc = doc || document;
            contextNode = contextNode || doc;
            try {
                let xpathNode = (s, d, n) => {
                    let result = d.evaluate(s, n, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
                    return result.singleNodeValue && result.singleNodeValue.nodeType === 1 && result.singleNodeValue;
                let selSplit = xpath.split(" =>> ");
                if (selSplit.length === 2) {
                    let ele = xpathNode(selSplit[0], doc, contextNode);
                    if (ele && ele.shadowRoot) {
                        return xpathNode(selSplit[1], ele.shadowRoot, ele.shadowRoot);
                } else {
                    return xpathNode(xpath, doc, contextNode);
            } catch (err) {
                debug(`Invalid xpath: ${xpath}`);
                return false;

        function isXPath(xpath) {
            if (!xpath) return false;
            return /^\(*(descendant::|\.\/|\/\/|id\()/.test(xpath);

        function getAllElements(sel, doc, contextNode) {
            if (!doc) doc = document;
            try {
                if (!isXPath(sel)) {
                    return doc.querySelectorAll(sel);
            } catch(e) {
                debug(e, 'Error selector');
            return getAllElementsByXpath(sel, contextNode, doc);

        function getElement(sel, doc) {
            if (!doc) doc = document;
            try {
                if (!isXPath(sel)) {
                    let selSplit = sel.split(" =>> ");
                    if (selSplit.length === 2) {
                        let ele = doc.querySelector(selSplit[0]);
                        return ele && ele.shadowRoot && ele.shadowRoot.querySelector(selSplit[1]);
                    } else return doc.querySelector(sel);
            } catch(e) {
            return getElementByXpath(sel, doc, doc);

        function getElementTop(ele, targetIframe) {
            var actualTop = ele.offsetTop;
            var current = ele.offsetParent;
            while (current) {
                actualTop += current.offsetTop;
                current = current.offsetParent;
            if (targetIframe) {
                current = targetIframe;
                while (current) {
                    actualTop += current.offsetTop;
                    current = current.offsetParent;
                try {
                    let currentWindow = targetIframe.contentWindow.parent;
                    targetIframe = currentWindow.frameElement;
                    while (targetIframe) {
                        current = targetIframe;
                        while (current) {
                            actualTop += current.offsetTop;
                            current = current.offsetParent;

                        currentWindow = currentWindow.parent;
                        targetIframe = currentWindow.frameElement;
                } catch(e) {}
            return actualTop;

        function getElementLeft(ele) {
            var actualLeft = ele.offsetLeft;
            var current = ele.offsetParent;
            while (current) {
                actualLeft += current.offsetLeft;
                current = current.offsetParent;
            if (!document.isSameNode(ele.ownerDocument)) {
                let iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
                for (let i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
                    let iframe = iframes[i];
                    let iframeDoc;
                    try {
                        iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
                    } catch(e) {
                    if (iframeDoc.isSameNode(ele.ownerDocument)) {
                        current = iframe;
                        while (current) {
                            actualLeft += current.offsetLeft;
                            current = current.offsetParent;
            return actualLeft;

        function getActiveElement(root) {
            const activeEl = root.activeElement;
            if (!activeEl) {
                return null;
            if (activeEl.shadowRoot) {
                return getActiveElement(activeEl.shadowRoot);
            } else {
                return activeEl;

        function isInput(ele) {
            if (ele &&
                ((/INPUT|TEXTAREA/i.test(ele.nodeName) &&
                  ele.getAttribute("aria-readonly") != "true"
                 ) ||
                 ele.contentEditable == 'true'
               ) {
                return true;
            } else {
                while (ele && ele.nodeName) {
                    if (ele.contentEditable == 'true') return true;
                    if (ele.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') {
                    ele = ele.parentNode;
            return false;

        function inputActive(doc) {
            let activeEl = getActiveElement(doc);
            return isInput(activeEl);

        async function waitForFontAwesome(callback) {
            while (document.hidden) {
                await sleep(500);
            var retries = 100;
            var text = '\uf0c8';
            var checkReady = function() {
                var canvas, context;
                retries -= 1;
                canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                canvas.width = 20;
                canvas.height = 20;
                context = canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
                context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)';
                context.fillRect( 0, 0, 20, 20 );
                context.font = '16pt FontAwesome';
                context.textAlign = 'center';
                context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)';
                context.fillText(text, 10, 18 );
                var data = context.getImageData( 2, 10, 1, 1 ).data;
                if ( data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 0 && data[2] == 0 ) {
                    context.font = '16pt "Font Awesome 6 Free"';
                    context.fillText(text, 10, 18 );
                    data = context.getImageData( 2, 10, 1, 1 ).data;
                    if ( data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 0 && data[2] == 0 ) {
                        if ( retries > 0 ) {
                            setTimeout( checkReady, 150 );
                    } else if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
                } else {
                    if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {

            setTimeout( checkReady, 100 );

        var logoBtn, searchBar, searchTypes = [], currentSite = false, disableState = false, cacheKeywords, cacheFilter, tipsStorage, localKeywords, lastSign, inPagePostParams, cacheIcon, historySites, historyType, sortTypeNames, sortSiteNames, cachePool = [], cacheFontPool = [], currentFormParams, globalInPageWords, navEnable, referrer, disableHighlight, lastHighlight, lastAddType, allPageNewMode = false, lastModified = 0, allPageBgUrl;
        const logoBtnSvg = `<svg class="search-jumper-logoBtnSvg" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>${_GM_info.script.name}</title><path d="M.736 510.464c0-281.942 228.335-510.5 510-510.5 135.26 0 264.981 53.784 360.625 149.522 95.643 95.737 149.375 225.585 149.375 360.978 0 281.94-228.335 510.5-510 510.5-281.665 0-510-228.56-510-510.5zm510-510.5v1021m-510-510.5h1020" fill="#fefefe"/><path d="M237.44 346.624a48.64 48.64 0 1 0 97.28 0 48.64 48.64 0 1 0-97.28 0zM699.904 346.624a48.64 48.64 0 1 0 97.28 0 48.64 48.64 0 1 0-97.28 0zM423.296 759.296c-64 0-115.712-52.224-115.712-115.712 0-26.624 9.216-52.224 25.6-72.704 9.216-11.776 26.112-13.312 37.888-4.096s13.312 26.112 4.096 37.888c-9.216 11.264-13.824 24.576-13.824 38.912 0 34.304 27.648 61.952 61.952 61.952s61.952-27.648 61.952-61.952c0-4.096-.512-8.192-1.024-11.776-2.56-14.848 6.656-28.672 21.504-31.744 14.848-2.56 28.672 6.656 31.744 21.504 1.536 7.168 2.048 14.336 2.048 22.016-.512 63.488-52.224 115.712-116.224 115.712z" fill="#333"/><path d="M602.08 760.296c-64 0-115.712-52.224-115.712-115.712 0-14.848 12.288-27.136 27.136-27.136s27.136 12.288 27.136 27.136c0 34.304 27.648 61.952 61.952 61.952s61.952-27.648 61.952-61.952c0-15.36-5.632-30.208-15.872-41.472-9.728-11.264-9.216-28.16 2.048-37.888 11.264-9.728 28.16-9.216 37.888 2.048 19.456 21.504 29.696 48.64 29.696 77.824 0 62.976-52.224 115.2-116.224 115.2z" fill="#333"/><ellipse ry="58" rx="125" cy="506.284" cx="201.183" fill="#faf"/><ellipse ry="58" rx="125" cy="506.284" cx="823.183" fill="#faf"/></svg>`;
        const closePath = '<path d="M512 64C264.6 64 64 264.6 64 512s200.6 448 448 448 448-200.6 448-448S759.4 64 512 64z m165.4 618.2l-66-0.3L512 563.4l-99.3 118.4-66.1 0.3c-4.4 0-8-3.5-8-8 0-1.9 0.7-3.7 1.9-5.2l130.1-155L340.5 359c-1.2-1.5-1.9-3.3-1.9-5.2 0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8l66.1 0.3L512 464.6l99.3-118.4 66-0.3c4.4 0 8 3.5 8 8 0 1.9-0.7 3.7-1.9 5.2L553.5 514l130 155c1.2 1.5 1.9 3.3 1.9 5.2 0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8z"></path>';
        const wordParam = "%s[lurest]?\\b";
        const wordParamReg = new RegExp(wordParam);
        var targetElement, hoverElement, cssText, mainStyleEle;
        var inMinMode = false;

        function sloarToLunar(sy, sm, sd) {
            if (!sy && !sm && !sd) {
                let now = new Date();
                let year = now.getFullYear(), month = now.getMonth(), date = now.getDate();
                sy = now.getFullYear();
                sm = now.getMonth() + 1;
                sd = now.getDate();
            let firstYear = 2000;
            let firsrMonth = 2;
            let firstDay = 5;
            let lunarYearArr = [
                0x0c960, 0x0d954, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x07552, 0x056a0, 0x0abb7, 0x025d0, 0x092d0, 0x0cab5, //2000-2009
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                0x07954, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x05b52, 0x04b60, 0x0a6e6, 0x0a4e0, 0x0d260, 0x0ea65, 0x0d530, //2020-2029
                0x05aa0, 0x076a3, 0x096d0, 0x04afb, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x1d0b6, 0x0d250, 0x0d520, 0x0dd45, //2030-2039
                0x0b5a0, 0x056d0, 0x055b2, 0x049b0, 0x0a577, 0x0a4b0, 0x0aa50, 0x1b255, 0x06d20, 0x0ada0, //2040-2049
                0x14b63, 0x09370, 0x049f8, 0x04970, 0x064b0, 0x168a6, 0x0ea50, 0x06b20, 0x1a6c4, 0x0aae0, //2050-2059
                0x0a2e0, 0x0d2e3, 0x0c960, 0x0d557, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x05d55, 0x056a0, 0x0a6d0, 0x055d4, //2060-2069
                0x052d0, 0x0a9b8, 0x0a950, 0x0b4a0, 0x0b6a6, 0x0ad50, 0x055a0, 0x0aba4, 0x0a5b0, 0x052b0, //2070-2079
                0x0b273, 0x06930, 0x07337, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x14b55, 0x04b60, 0x0a570, 0x054e4, 0x0d160, //2080-2089
                0x0e968, 0x0d520, 0x0daa0, 0x16aa6, 0x056d0, 0x04ae0, 0x0a9d4, 0x0a2d0, 0x0d150, 0x0f252, //2090-2099
                0x0d520 //2100
                lunarMonth = '正二三四五六七八九十冬臘',
                lunarDay = '一二三四五六七八九十初廿',
                tianGan = '甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸',
                diZhi = '子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥',
                shengxiao = '鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴雞狗豬';

            function sloarToLunar(sy, sm, sd) {
                sm -= 1;

                let daySpan = (Date.UTC(sy, sm, sd) - Date.UTC(firstYear, firsrMonth - 1, firstDay)) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1;
                let ly, lm, ld;
                let lunarData;
                for (let j = 0; j < lunarYearArr.length; j++) {
                    daySpan -= lunarYearDays(lunarYearArr[j]);
                    if (daySpan <= 0) {
                        ly = firstYear + j;
                        lunarData = lunarYearArr[j];
                        daySpan += lunarYearDays(lunarData);
                if (!lunarData) return null;

                for (let k = 0; k < lunarYearMonths(lunarData).length; k++) {
                    daySpan -= lunarYearMonths(lunarData)[k];
                    if (daySpan <= 0) {
                        if (hasLeapMonth(lunarData) && hasLeapMonth(lunarData) <= k) {
                            if (hasLeapMonth(lunarData) < k) {
                                lm = k;
                            } else if (hasLeapMonth(lunarData) === k) {
                                lm = '闰' + k;
                            } else {
                                lm = k + 1;
                        } else {
                            lm = k + 1;
                        daySpan += lunarYearMonths(lunarData)[k];

                ld = daySpan;

                if (hasLeapMonth(lunarData) && (typeof (lm) === 'string' && lm.indexOf('闰') > -1)) {
                    lm = `闰${lunarMonth[/\d/.exec(lm) - 1]}`
                } else {
                    lm = lunarMonth[lm - 1];

                ly = getTianGan(ly) + getDiZhi(ly);

                if (ld < 11) {
                    ld = `${lunarDay[10]}${lunarDay[ld-1]}`
                } else if (ld > 10 && ld < 20) {
                    ld = `${lunarDay[9]}${lunarDay[ld-11]}`
                } else if (ld === 20) {
                    ld = `${lunarDay[1]}${lunarDay[9]}`
                } else if (ld > 20 && ld < 30) {
                    ld = `${lunarDay[11]}${lunarDay[ld-21]}`
                } else if (ld === 30) {
                    ld = `${lunarDay[2]}${lunarDay[9]}`

                return {
                    lunarYear: ly,
                    lunarMonth: lm,
                    lunarDay: ld,

            function hasLeapMonth(ly) {
                if (ly & 0xf) {
                    return ly & 0xf
                } else {
                    return false

            function leapMonthDays(ly) {
                if (hasLeapMonth(ly)) {
                    return (ly & 0xf0000) ? 30 : 29
                } else {
                    return 0

            function lunarYearDays(ly) {
                let totalDays = 0;

                for (let i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) {
                    let monthDays = (ly & i) ? 30 : 29;
                    totalDays += monthDays;
                if (hasLeapMonth(ly)) {
                    totalDays += leapMonthDays(ly);

                return totalDays

            function lunarYearMonths(ly) {
                let monthArr = [];

                for (let i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) {
                    monthArr.push((ly & i) ? 30 : 29);
                if (hasLeapMonth(ly)) {
                    monthArr.splice(hasLeapMonth(ly), 0, leapMonthDays(ly));

                return monthArr

            function getTianGan(ly) {
                let tianGanKey = (ly - 3) % 10;
                if (tianGanKey === 0) tianGanKey = 10;
                return tianGan[tianGanKey - 1]

            function getDiZhi(ly) {
                let diZhiKey = (ly - 3) % 12;
                if (diZhiKey === 0) diZhiKey = 12;
                return diZhi[diZhiKey] + ` (${shengxiao[diZhiKey]}) `
            return sloarToLunar(sy, sm, sd)

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            showInPageSearch() {
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                this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = "";
                this.initShowSearchInput = true;

            showFilterSearch() {
                this.filterSitesTab.checked = true;

            initSetInPageWords() {
                if (this.searchInPageTab.checked && !this.searchJumperInPageInput.value) {
                    let words = getSelectStr() || this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value.replace(/^\*/, "") || getKeywords();
                    if (words) {
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                            words = decodeURIComponent(words);
                        } catch (e) {}
                    if (this.lockWords && this.lockWords.indexOf(words) !== -1) return;
                    this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = words || globalInPageWords;
                    if (!this.lockWords) {

            anylizeInPageWords(words, init) {
                if (!words) return [];
                let self = this;
                let result = [];
                if (!this.lockWords) {
                    if (words.indexOf("$c") === 0 && words.length > 2) {
                        words = words.substr(3).trim();
                    } else if (words.indexOf("$o") === 0) {
                        words = words.substr(2).trim();
                if (this.splitSep) {
                    let inWordMode = this.wordModeBtn.classList.contains("checked");
                    let splitSep = inWordMode ? new RegExp(`[\\${this.splitSep} ]`) : this.splitSep;

                    words.split(splitSep).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).forEach(word => {
                        let oriWord = word;
                        word = word.trim();
                        if (!word) return;
                        if (init) {
                            if (word.length < (searchData.prefConfig.limitInPageLen || 1)) return;
                            if ((searchData.prefConfig.ignoreWords || []).includes(word.toLowerCase())) return;
                        let title = "";
                        let style = "";
                        let popup = false;
                        let hideParent;
                        let link;
                        let inRange;
                        let isRe = false;
                        let reCase = "";
                        let titleReg = /\$t{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                        let titleMatch = word.match(titleReg);
                        let showTips = 0;
                        if (titleMatch) {
                            title = titleMatch[1];
                            word = word.replace(titleReg, "$2");
                            if (title == "\\$popup") title = "$popup";
                            else if (title == "\\@popup") title = "@popup";
                            else {
                                let popupMatch = title.match(/^[\$@]popup(\((.*)\))?$/);
                                if (popupMatch) {
                                    title = "";
                                    popup = true;
                                    if (popupMatch[1]) {
                                        showTips = popupMatch[2] || "1";
                        let hideParentReg = /\$p{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                        let hideParentMatch = word.match(hideParentReg);
                        if (hideParentMatch) {
                            hideParent = parseInt(hideParentMatch[1]) || 0;
                            word = word.replace(hideParentReg, "$2");
                        let inRangeReg = /\$in{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                        let inRangeMatch = word.match(inRangeReg);
                        if (inRangeMatch) {
                            inRange = inRangeMatch[1] || '';
                            word = word.replace(inRangeReg, "$2");
                        let styleReg = /\$s{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                        let styleMatch = word.match(styleReg);
                        if (styleMatch) {
                            let bg = styleMatch[1], otherCss = "";
                            styleMatch = styleMatch[1].match(/(.*?);(.*)/);
                            if (styleMatch) {
                                bg = styleMatch[1];
                                otherCss = styleMatch[2];
                            style = self.getHighlightStyle(self.curWordIndex, bg, otherCss);
                            word = word.replace(styleReg, "$2");
                        } else {
                            style = self.getHighlightStyle(self.curWordIndex, "", "");
                        let showWords = "";
                        if (word.indexOf("@") === 0) {
                            showWords = word;
                            let wordTemp = searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule && searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule[word];
                            if (wordTemp) word = wordTemp;
                            //else return;
                        } else {
                            word = word.replace(/^\\@/, "@");
                        let reMatch = word.match(/^\/(.*)\/([il]*)($|\$)/);
                        if (reMatch) {
                            isRe = true;
                            word = reMatch[1];
                            reCase = reMatch[2].indexOf("i") != -1 ? "i" : "";
                            link = reMatch[2].indexOf("l") != -1;
                        if (!showWords) showWords = word;
                        if (self.highlightSpans[showWords]) return;
                        result.push({content: word, showWords: showWords, isRe: isRe, link: link, reCase: reCase, title: title, style: style, oriWord: oriWord, hideParent: hideParent, inRange: inRange, popup: popup, showTips: showTips, init: init});
                } else {
                    this.curWordIndex = 0;
                    let word = (this.lockWords || "").replace(/^\$o/, "") + words;
                    result = [{content: word, showWords: word, isRe: false, reCase: "", title: "", style: self.getHighlightStyle(self.curWordIndex, "", ""), init: init}];
                return result;

            submitInPageWords(init) {
                let self = this;
                let words = this.searchJumperInPageInput.value;
                let wordSpans = [];
                if (!words) {
                    if (!this.lockWords) {
                    } else {
                        for (let i in this.highlightSpans) {
                            let span = this.highlightSpans[i];
                            let curList = this.marks[i];
                            this.setHighlightSpan(span, 0, curList);
                    return wordSpans;
                this.initHighlight = !!init;
                if (this.initHighlight) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        this.initHighlight = false;
                    }, 500);
                if (!this.lockWords) {
                    if (words.indexOf("$c") === 0 && words.length > 2) {
                        this.splitSep = words.substr(2, 1);
                    } else if (words.indexOf("$o") === 0) {
                        this.splitSep = null;
                    } else this.splitSep = "◎";
                    this.curWordIndex = 0;
                this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = "";
                let targetWords = this.anylizeInPageWords(words, this.initHighlight);
                if (!targetWords || targetWords.length == 0) return wordSpans;
                if (this.lockWords) {
                    this.lockWords += (this.lockWords.indexOf(this.splitSep) === this.lockWords.length - this.splitSep.length ? "" : this.splitSep) + words;
                } else this.lockWords = words;
                if (!this.splitSep) {
                    this.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();
                targetWords.forEach(word => {
                    if (!word) return;
                    let wordSpan = document.createElement("span");
                    wordSpan.innerHTML = createHTML(word.showWords);
                    wordSpan.title = word.title ? JSON.parse('"' + word.title + '"') : word.showWords;
                    let background = word.style.match(/background: *(#?\w+)/);
                    if (background && background[1].indexOf('unset') === -1) wordSpan.style.background = background[1];
                    let color = word.style.match(/color: *(#?\w+)/);
                    if (color) wordSpan.style.color = color[1];

                    wordSpan.addEventListener("click", e => {
                        return false;
                    wordSpan.oncontextmenu = e => {
                    wordSpan.addEventListener('dblclick', e => {
                        if (e.target.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'EM') return;
                        if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) return;
                        if (this.lockWords.indexOf(word.oriWord) === -1) {
                        this.showModifyWindow(word, wordSpan);
                    }, true);
                    wordSpan.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                        if (e.button === 0) {
                            this.focusHighlightByText(word.showWords, true, wordSpan);
                        } else if (e.button === 2){
                            this.focusHighlightByText(word.showWords, false, wordSpan);
                    let wheelScrolling = false;
                    wordSpan.addEventListener(getSupportWheelEventName(), e => {
                        if (wheelScrolling) return;
                        wheelScrolling = true;
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            wheelScrolling = false;
                        }, 100);
                        let deltaY;
                        if(e.type !== 'wheel'){
                            let y = 0;
                            if (typeof e.axis == 'number') {
                                if (e.axis == 2) {
                                    y = e.detail;
                            } else {
                                if (typeof e.wheelDeltaY == 'undefined' || e.wheelDeltaY != 0) {
                                    y = -e.wheelDelta / 40;
                            deltaY = y;

                        } else {
                            deltaY = e.deltaY;
                        this.focusHighlightByText(word.showWords, deltaY > 0, wordSpan);
                    }, { passive: false, capture: false });
                    wordSpan.addEventListener("editword", e => {
                        this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = word.content;
                    let removeBtn = document.createElement("div");
                    removeBtn.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                        /*if (this.wordModeBtn.classList.contains("checked")) {
                            if (this.lockWords) {
                    removeBtn.className = "lockWordTool";
                    removeBtn.innerHTML = createHTML(`<span title="${i18n("removeBtn")}">×</span>`);

                    let modifyBtn = document.createElement("div");
                    modifyBtn.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                        if (this.lockWords.indexOf(word.oriWord) === -1) {
                        this.showModifyWindow(word, wordSpan);
                    modifyBtn.className = "lockWordTool modifyBtn";
                    modifyBtn.innerHTML = createHTML(`<span>+</span>`);

                    let curList = this.marks[word.showWords];
                    this.setHighlightSpan(wordSpan, -1, curList);
                    this.highlightSpans[word.showWords] = wordSpan;

                if (this.searchInPageLockWords.scrollTop <= 0) this.searchInPageLockWords.scrollTop = this.searchInPageLockWords.scrollHeight;
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                if (this.navMarks.innerHTML && this.con.style.display === "none") this.con.style.display = "";
                return wordSpans;

            async showCustomInputWindow(url, callback) {
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    this.customInputCallback = callback;
                    let geneFinalUrl = () => {
                        let finalValue = this.finalSearch.dataset.url;
                        [].forEach.call(this.customGroup.children, ele => {
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                                value = ele.children[0].value;
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                            } else {
                                titleSplit = titleSplit.replace(/\\\//g, "◎SJ").split("/").map(str => str.replace(/◎SJ/g, "/"));
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                                optionSplit = optionSplit.substr(1, optionSplit.length - 2).split("'/'");
                            } else {
                                optionSplit = optionSplit.replace(/\\\//g, "◎SJ").split("/").map(str => str.replace(/◎SJ/g, "/"));
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                            paramSelectInput.type = "text";
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                            let selectTips = document.createElement('p');
                            selectTips.innerText = 'Select option';

                            let options = document.createElement('div');
                            options.className = "options";

                            let option = document.createElement("p");
                            option.setAttribute("value", "");
                            option.innerHTML = createHTML('<b>Select option</b>');
                            option.addEventListener("click", e => {
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                                setTimeout(() => {
                                    options.style.visibility = "";
                                }, 0);
                                paramSelectInput.value = "";
                                selectTips.innerText = 'Select option';

                            for (let i = 0; i < optionSplit.length; i++) {
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                                let option = document.createElement("p");
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                                if (singleTitle) {
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                                    options.style.visibility = "hidden";
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                                        options.style.visibility = "";
                                    }, 0);
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                            paramSelectInput.addEventListener("change", e => {
                                selectTips.innerText = '';
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                                options.style.marginTop = - this.customGroup.scrollTop + 20 + "px";
                        tempUrl = tempUrl.replace(inputMatch[0], '◎');
                        inputMatch = tempUrl.match(/%input{(.*?[^\\])}/);
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                    this.finalSearch.value = tempUrl.replace(/◎/g, '');
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                    frameBody.style.marginTop = -frameBody.offsetHeight / 2 + "px";

            showModifyWindow(word, wordSpan) {
                let oriWord;
                this.modifyWord = {};
                this.addNew = !word && !wordSpan;
                if (!this.addNew) {
                    oriWord = word.oriWord;
                    if (!oriWord) return;
                    this.modifyWord = word;
                    this.modifySpan = wordSpan;
                if (!this.modifyFrame) {
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                    .searchJumperModify-buttons>button:hover {
                        color: #e3f2fd;
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                        float: right;
                        margin-top: -33px;
                        margin-right: 6px;
                        position: sticky;
                        display: block;
                        cursor: pointer;
                        background: rgb(255 255 255 / 80%);
                    .searchJumperModify-checkGroup {
                        margin: 5px;
                    #searchJumperModify-re + label ~ * {
                        display: none;
                    #searchJumperModify-re:checked + label ~ * {
                        display: inline;
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                        background: #245d8f!important;
                      #rangePickerBtn {
                        background: rgb(0 0 0 / 80%);
                        fill: white;
                    let modifyCssEle = _GM_addStyle(modifyCssText);
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                    this.modifyFrame = modifyFrame;
                    modifyFrame.id = "searchJumperModifyWord";
                    modifyFrame.innerHTML = createHTML(`
                     <div class="searchJumperModify-body">
                         <a href="${configPage}" class="searchJumperModify-title" target="_blank">
                             <img onerror="this.style.display='none'" width="32px" height="32px" src="${logoBase64}" />${i18n("modifyWord")}
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-input-title">${i18n("wordContent")}</div>
                         <input id="searchJumperHighlightWord" name="wordContent" placeholder="words" type="text"/>
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-checkGroup">
                             <input id="searchJumperModify-re" type="checkbox"/>
                             <label for="searchJumperModify-re">${i18n("re")}</label>
                             <input id="searchJumperModify-case" type="checkbox"/>
                             <label for="searchJumperModify-case">${i18n("ignoreCase")}</label>
                             <input id="searchJumperModify-link" type="checkbox"/>
                             <label for="searchJumperModify-link">${i18n("filterLink")}</label>
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-input-title">${i18n("wordHide")}</div>
                         <input name="wordHide" min="0" placeholder="${i18n("wordHideTips")}" type="number" />
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-input-title">${i18n("wordRange")}</div>
                         <input name="wordRange" placeholder="#main" type="text" />
                         <svg id="rangePickerBtn" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>${i18n("pickerBtn")}</title><path d="M874.048 533.333333C863.424 716.629333 716.629333 863.424 533.333333 874.048V917.333333a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1-42.666666 0v-43.285333C307.370667 863.424 160.576 716.629333 149.952 533.333333H106.666667a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1 0-42.666666h43.285333C160.576 307.370667 307.370667 160.576 490.666667 149.952V106.666667a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1 42.666666 0v43.285333c183.296 10.624 330.090667 157.418667 340.714667 340.714667h42.816a21.333333 21.333333 0 1 1 0 42.666666H874.026667z m-42.752 0h-127.786667a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1 0-42.666666h127.786667C820.778667 330.922667 693.056 203.221333 533.333333 192.704V320a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1-42.666666 0V192.704C330.922667 203.221333 203.221333 330.944 192.704 490.666667H320a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1 0 42.666666H192.704c10.517333 159.744 138.24 287.445333 297.962667 297.962667V704a21.333333 21.333333 0 0 1 42.666666 0v127.296c159.744-10.517333 287.445333-138.24 297.962667-297.962667zM512 554.666667a42.666667 42.666667 0 1 1 0-85.333334 42.666667 42.666667 0 0 1 0 85.333334z"></path></svg>
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-input-title">${i18n("wordStyle")}</div>
                         <input name="wordStyle" placeholder="orange or #333333;color:red;" type="text" />
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-input-title">${i18n("wordTitle")}</div>
                         <textarea name="wordTitle" type="text" placeholder="Text comment, or @popup to popup, @popup(1) to popup 1st showTips, @popup(name) to popup showTips of target engine"></textarea>
                         <div class="searchJumperModify-buttons">
                             <button id="cancel" type="button">${i18n("cancel")}</button>
                             <button id="modify" type="button">${i18n("modify")}</button>
                    if (!disabled) modifyFrame.appendChild(modifyCssEle);
                    let cancelBtn = modifyFrame.querySelector("#cancel");
                    cancelBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                        if (modifyFrame.parentNode) {
                    let rangePickerBtn = modifyFrame.querySelector("#rangePickerBtn");
                    rangePickerBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                        picker.getSelector(selector => {
                            wordRange.value = selector;
                            modifyFrame.style.display = '';
                        modifyFrame.style.display = 'none';
                    let modifyBtn = modifyFrame.querySelector("#modify");
                    this.modifyBtn = modifyBtn;
                    modifyBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                        let newWord = wordContent.value;
                        if (this.splitSep) newWord = newWord.replaceAll(this.splitSep, "");
                        if (!newWord) return;
                        let contentChange = newWord !== this.modifyWord.showWords || wordReCase.checked !== this.modifyWord.isRe || wordLink.checked !== this.modifyWord.link;
                        if (wordIsRe.checked && newWord.indexOf("@") !== 0) {
                            newWord = `/${newWord}/${wordReCase.checked ? "i" : ""}${wordLink.checked ? "l" : ""}`;
                        let hide = wordHide.value;
                        if (hide) {
                            if (this.splitSep) hide = hide.replaceAll(this.splitSep, "");
                            hide = hide >= 0 ? hide : 0;
                            newWord += `$p{${hide}}`;
                        let style = wordStyle.value;
                        if (style) {
                            if (this.splitSep) style = style.replaceAll(this.splitSep, "");
                            newWord += `$s{${style}}`;
                        let title = JSON.stringify(wordTitle.value).replace(/^"|"$/g, "");
                        if (title) {
                            if (this.splitSep) title = title.replaceAll(this.splitSep, "");
                            newWord += `$t{${title}}`;
                        let range = wordRange.value;
                        if (range) {
                            if (this.splitSep) range = range.replaceAll(this.splitSep, "");
                            if (range !== this.modifyWord.inRange) contentChange = true;
                            newWord += `$in{${range}}`;
                        if (this.addNew) {
                            if (this.wordModeBtn.classList.contains("checked")) {
                                if (this.lockWords) {
                            this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = newWord;
                        } else {
                            this.replaceWord(this.modifyWord, newWord, this.modifySpan, contentChange);
                        if (modifyFrame.parentNode) {
                let wordContent = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("[name='wordContent']"),
                    wordStyle = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("[name='wordStyle']"),
                    wordTitle = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("[name='wordTitle']"),
                    wordRange = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("[name='wordRange']"),
                    wordHide = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("[name='wordHide']"),
                    wordIsRe = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("#searchJumperModify-re"),
                    wordReCase = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("#searchJumperModify-case"),
                    wordLink = this.modifyFrame.querySelector("#searchJumperModify-link");

                if (this.addNew) {
                    wordContent.value = "";
                    wordStyle.value = "";
                    wordRange.value = "";
                    wordHide.value = "";
                    wordTitle.value = "";
                    wordIsRe.checked = false;
                    wordReCase.checked = false;
                    wordLink.checked = false;
                    this.modifyBtn.innerText = i18n('add');
                } else {
                    this.modifyBtn.innerText = i18n('modify');
                    let style = "";
                    let styleReg = /\$s{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                    let styleMatch = oriWord.match(styleReg);
                    if (styleMatch) {
                        style = styleMatch[1];

                    wordContent.value = word.showWords || "";
                    wordStyle.value = style || "";
                    wordRange.value = word.inRange || "";
                    wordIsRe.checked = !!word.isRe;
                    wordReCase.checked = !!word.reCase;
                    wordLink.checked = !!word.link;
                    if (typeof word.hideParent !== 'undefined') wordHide.value = word.hideParent;
                    try {
                        if (word.popup) {
                            wordTitle.value = "@popup";
                            if (word.showTips) {
                                wordTitle.value = `@popup(${word.showTips})`;
                        } else {
                            wordTitle.value = word.title !== word.showWords ? JSON.parse('"' + word.title + '"') : "";
                    } catch (e) {

            replaceWord(word, newWord, modifySpan, contentChange) {
                if (contentChange) {
                    if (modifySpan.parentNode) modifySpan.parentNode.removeChild(modifySpan);
                    this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = newWord;
                } else {
                    let title = "";
                    let style = "";
                    let hideParent = -1;
                    let titleReg = /\$t{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                    let titleMatch = newWord.match(titleReg);
                    if (titleMatch) {
                        title = titleMatch[1];
                        title = JSON.parse('"' + title + '"');
                    word.title = title;
                    modifySpan.title = title;
                    let styleReg = /\$s{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                    let styleMatch = newWord.match(styleReg);
                    if (styleMatch) {
                        let bg = styleMatch[1], otherCss = "";
                        styleMatch = styleMatch[1].match(/(.*?);(.*)/);
                        if (styleMatch) {
                            bg = styleMatch[1];
                            otherCss = styleMatch[2];
                        style = this.getHighlightStyle(this.curWordIndex, bg, otherCss);
                        word.style = style;
                        modifySpan.style = style;
                    let hideChange = false;
                    let hideParentReg = /\$p{(.*?)}($|\$)/;
                    let hideParentMatch = newWord.match(hideParentReg);
                    if (hideParentMatch) {
                        hideParent = parseInt(hideParentMatch[1]) || 0;
                        hideChange = hideParent != word.hideParent;
                    } else hideChange = typeof word.hideParent !== 'undefined';

                    if (hideChange) {
                        [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll(".searchJumper-hide"), hide => {
                            if (hide.dataset.content === word.showWords) {
                                hide.style.display = "";

                    this.marks[word.showWords].forEach(mark => {
                        if (mark) {
                            mark.title = title;
                            if (style) mark.style = style;

                            if (hideChange && hideParent != -1) {
                                let parentDepth = hideParent;
                                let parent = mark.parentElement;
                                while(parentDepth-- > 0 && parent) {
                                    parent = parent.parentElement;
                                if (parent) {
                                    parent.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                                    parent.innerHTML = createHTML("");
                    if (hideParent == -1) {
                        delete word.hideParent;
                    } else word.hideParent = hideParent;
                    this.lockWords = this.lockWords.replace(word.oriWord, newWord);
                    word.oriWord = newWord;

            removeHighlightWord(word) {
                if (!this.lockWords) return;
                if (!this.splitSep) this.emptyInPageWords();
                if (!word.oriWord) return;
                if (this.lockWords.indexOf(word.oriWord) === -1) return;
                let preStr = this.lockWords.match(/^\$(c.|o)/), findIndex, findNum = 0;
                preStr = preStr ? preStr[0] : "";
                let targetArr = this.lockWords.replace(preStr, "").split(this.splitSep);
                findIndex = targetArr.indexOf(word.oriWord);
                if (this.wordModeBtn.classList.contains("checked")) {
                    if (findIndex != -1) {
                        targetArr.splice(findIndex, 1);
                        findNum = 1;
                    for (let i = 0; i < targetArr.length; i++) {
                        let wordArr = targetArr[i].split(/[ ]/);
                        findIndex = wordArr.indexOf(word.oriWord);
                        if (findIndex != -1) {
                            if (findNum == 1) {
                                wordArr.splice(findIndex, 1);
                                targetArr[i] = wordArr.join(" ");
                            } else {
                    this.lockWords = preStr + targetArr.join(this.splitSep);
                } else {
                    if (findIndex < 0) return;
                    targetArr.splice(findIndex, 1);
                    findNum = targetArr.indexOf(word.oriWord) != -1 ? 2 : 1;
                    this.lockWords = preStr + targetArr.join(this.splitSep);
                delete this.highlightSpans[word.showWords];
                findIndex = this.curHighlightWords.indexOf(word);
                if (findIndex < 0) return;
                this.curHighlightWords.splice(findIndex, 1);

                this.searchJumperInPageInput.style.paddingLeft = this.searchInPageLockWords.clientWidth + 3 + "px";
                if (findNum > 1) return;
                this.marks[word.showWords].forEach(mark => {
                    if (mark.parentNode) {
                        if (mark.dataset.block) {
                            mark.parentNode && mark.parentNode.removeChild(mark);
                        } else if (!/^MARK$/i.test(mark.nodeName)) {
                            mark.style.cssText = mark.dataset.css || "";
                            delete mark.dataset.css;
                        } else {
                            let newNode = document.createTextNode(mark.firstChild.data);
                            mark.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, mark);
                delete this.marks[word.showWords];
                let children = [].slice.call(this.navMarks.children);
                [].forEach.call(children, nav => {
                    if (nav.dataset.content == word.showWords) {

            emptyInPageWords() {
                this.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();

            focusHighlightByText(text, fw, span) {
                let curList = this.marks[text];
                if (!curList || curList.length === 0) return;
                if (text != this.focusText) {
                    this.focusIndex = 0;
                    this.focusText = text;
                } else {
                    if (fw) {
                        if (this.focusIndex != curList.length - 1) {
                            this.focusIndex = this.focusIndex + 1;
                        } else this.focusIndex = 0;
                    } else {
                        if (this.focusIndex != 0) {
                            this.focusIndex = this.focusIndex - 1;
                        } else this.focusIndex = curList.length - 1;
                let newIndex = this.focusIndex;
                if (newIndex >= curList.length) newIndex = 0;
                if (fw) {
                    while (!curList[newIndex].offsetParent || curList[newIndex].dataset.type) {
                        if (newIndex != curList.length - 1) {
                            newIndex = newIndex + 1;
                        } else newIndex = 0;
                        if (newIndex == this.focusIndex) break;
                } else {
                    while (!curList[newIndex].offsetParent || curList[newIndex].dataset.type) {
                        if (newIndex != 0) {
                            newIndex = newIndex - 1;
                        } else newIndex = curList.length - 1;
                        if (newIndex == this.focusIndex) break;
                this.focusIndex = newIndex;
                this.setHighlightSpan(span, this.focusIndex, curList);

            getRect(ele) {
                let eleBCR = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
                let rect = {
                    left: eleBCR.left,
                    top: eleBCR.top,
                    width: eleBCR.width,
                    height: eleBCR.height

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                let currentFrame = currentWindow && currentWindow.frameElement;

                while (currentFrame) {
                    const frameRect = currentFrame.getBoundingClientRect();
                    rect.left += frameRect.left;
                    rect.top += frameRect.top;

                    currentWindow = currentWindow.parent;
                    currentFrame = currentWindow.frameElement;
                return rect;

            focusHighlight(ele) {
                if (!ele) return;
                if (this.focusMark) this.focusMark.removeAttribute('data-current');
                this.focusMark = ele;
                if (!this.wPosBar) {
                    this.wPosBar = document.createElement("div");
                    this.hPosBar = document.createElement("div");
                    this.wPosBar.className = "searchJumperPosBar searchJumperPosW";
                    this.hPosBar.className = "searchJumperPosBar searchJumperPosH";
                if (!this.wPosBar.parentNode) {

                let rect = this.getRect(ele);

                this.wPosBar.style.top = rect.top + document.documentElement.scrollTop + getBody(document).scrollTop + "px";
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                this.wPosBar.style.animationName = "";
                this.hPosBar.style.animationName = "";
                let self = this;
                setTimeout(async () => {
                    ele.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest"});
                    ele.dataset.current = true;
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                    self.fixTimes = 0;
                    let viewHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
                    function fixPosBar() {
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                        if (rect.top > viewHeight / 3 && rect.top < viewHeight / 3 * 2) return;
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                            ele.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest"});
                        } else if (self.fixTimes > 10) {
                            ele.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest"});
                            self.wPosBar.style.animationName = "";
                            self.hPosBar.style.animationName = "";
                        setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 200);
                }, 0);


            getHighlightSpanByText(text) {
                return this.highlightSpans[text];

            setHighlightSpan(span, index, list) {
                if (!span) return;
                let numEle = span.querySelector("em");
                if (!numEle) {
                    numEle = document.createElement("em");
                    span.insertBefore(numEle, span.firstChild);
                let len = 0;
                if (list && list.length) {
                    len = 0;
                    list.forEach(e => {
                        if (!e.dataset.type) len++;
                numEle.innerHTML = createHTML("[" + index + "/" + len + "]");

            getHighlightStyle(index, background, addCssText) {
                if (!background && !addCssText) {
                    let setCss = searchData.prefConfig.inPageWordsStyles[index];
                    if (setCss) return setCss;
                addCssText = addCssText || "";
                function geneRandomColor() {
                    let r, g, b;
                    r = Math.floor(256 * Math.random());
                    g = Math.floor(256 * Math.random());
                    b = Math.floor(256 * Math.random());
                    r = r.toString(16);
                    if (r.length === 1) r = "0" + r;
                    g = g.toString(16);
                    if (g.length === 1) g = "0" + g;
                    b = b.toString(16);
                    if (b.length === 1) b = "0" + b;
                    return "#" + r + g + b;

                function getWordColor(bg) {
                    if (bg.indexOf("#") !== 0) return "";
                    if (bg === "#ffff00") return "black";
                    bg = bg.substr(1);
                    let r, g, b;
                    r = parseInt(bg.substr(0, 2), 16);
                    g = parseInt(bg.substr(2, 2), 16);
                    b = parseInt(bg.substr(4, 2), 16);
                    let bgBrightness = r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114;
                    r = 255 - r;
                    g = 255 - g;
                    b = 255 - b;

                    let wordBrightness = r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114;
                    let diff = Math.abs(wordBrightness - bgBrightness);
                    if (diff <= 128) {
                        if (bgBrightness > 158) {
                            return "#000000";
                        } else {
                            return "#FFFFFF";
                    r = r.toString(16);
                    if (r.length === 1) r = "0" + r;
                    g = g.toString(16);
                    if (g.length === 1) g = "0" + g;
                    b = b.toString(16);
                    if (b.length === 1) b = "0" + b;
                    return "#" + r + g + b;
                if (!background) {
                    background = searchData.prefConfig.firstFiveWordsColor[index];
                if (!background) {
                    switch (index) {
                        case 0:
                            background = "#ffff00";
                        case 1:
                            background = "#e91e63";
                        case 2:
                            background = "#00bcd4";
                        case 3:
                            background = "#008000";
                        case 4:
                            background = "#800080";
                            background = geneRandomColor();
                if (background) {
                    let color = getWordColor(background);
                    if (color) color = "color:" + color + "!important;";
                    background = `background:${background}!important;${color}`;
                return `${background}${addCssText}`;

            createNavMark(node, word, index, curList, scrollHeight) {
                let self = this;
                let navMark = document.createElement("span");
                let top = getElementTop(node, self.targetIframe);
                navMark.title = word.title || word.showWords;
                navMark.dataset.top = top;
                navMark.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                navMark.style.top = top / scrollHeight * 100 + "%";
                navMark.style.background = node.style.background || "yellow";
                navMark.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    self.focusIndex = index;
                    self.setHighlightSpan(self.getHighlightSpanByText(word.showWords), index, curList);
                    self.navPointer.style.display = "";
                    self.navPointer.style.top = navMark.offsetTop + 33 + "px";
                    return false;
                }, true);

            anylizeDomWithTextPos(dom, result) {
                if (!result) result = {text: "", data:{}};
                if (!dom || !dom.childNodes || !dom.childNodes.length || (dom.nodeType == 1 && !dom.offsetParent && !dom.offsetHeight)) {
                    return result;
                dom.childNodes.forEach(ele => {
                    if ((ele.classList && ele.classList.contains("searchJumper")) || /^(img|svg|picture|br|hr|textarea)$/i.test(ele.nodeName)) {
                        const start = result.text.length;
                        result.text += "\n";
                        result.data[start] = {node: ele, text: "\n"};
                    } else if (ele.offsetParent || ele.offsetHeight) {
                        if (/^(div|h\d|p|form|ul|li|ol|dl|address|menu|table|fieldset|td)$/i.test(ele.nodeName)) {
                            let start = result.text.length;
                            result.text += "\n";
                            result.data[start] = {node: {}, text: "\n"};
                            result = this.anylizeDomWithTextPos(ele, result);
                            start = result.text.length;
                            result.text += "\n";
                            result.data[start] = {node: {}, text: "\n"};
                        } else {
                            result = this.anylizeDomWithTextPos(ele, result);
                    } else if (ele.nodeType === 3) {
                        let textData;
                        if (ele.parentNode.nodeType == 1 && ele.parentNode.childNodes.length == 1) {
                            textData = ele.parentNode.innerText || ele.data;
                        } else {
                            textData = ele.data;
                        if (!textData || !textData.trim()) return;
                        const start = result.text.length;
                        result.text += textData;
                        result.data[result.text.length - 1] = {node: ele, text: textData};
                return result;

            highlightPopup(spannode, word) {
                let self = this;
                let targetShowTipsSite;
                let mouseMoveHandler = e => {
                    if (targetShowTipsSite) {
                        self.clingPos(spannode, self.tips);
                spannode.addEventListener("mouseenter", e => {
                    spannode.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveHandler);
                    if (targetElement != spannode || !self.funcKeyCall) {
                        targetShowTipsSite = null;
                        targetElement = spannode;
                        if (word.showTips) {
                            if (/^\d+$/.test(word.showTips)) {
                                let firstType = self.autoGetFirstType();
                                let targetSites = firstType.querySelectorAll('a.search-jumper-btn[data-show-tips]:not(.notmatch)');
                                let index = parseInt(word.showTips) - 1;
                                targetShowTipsSite = targetSites[index];
                            } else {
                                targetShowTipsSite = self.getTargetSitesByName([word.showTips])[0];
                        if (targetShowTipsSite) {
                            self.bar.style.setProperty("display", "none", "important");
                            targetShowTipsSite.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('showTips'));
                        } else {
                            self.showInPage(true, e);
                spannode.addEventListener("mouseleave", e => {
                    spannode.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveHandler);

            createHighlightMark(word, index, curList) {
                let self = this;
                let spannode = document.createElement("mark");
                spannode.className = "searchJumper";
                if (word.title) spannode.title = JSON.parse('"' + word.title + '"');
                if (word.popup) {
                    this.highlightPopup(spannode, word);
                spannode.style.cssText = word.style;
                spannode.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    if (!e.altKey) return;
                    return false;
                spannode.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                spannode.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                    if (!e.altKey) return;
                    let target;
                    let newIndex = index;
                    while (!target || target.dataset.type) {
                        if (e.button === 0) {
                            if (newIndex != curList.length - 1) {
                                self.focusIndex = newIndex;
                            } else self.focusIndex = 0;
                        } else if (e.button === 2){
                            if (newIndex != 0) {
                                self.focusIndex = newIndex;
                            } else self.focusIndex = curList.length - 1;
                        target = curList[self.focusIndex];
                        if (newIndex == index) break;
                    self.setHighlightSpan(self.getHighlightSpanByText(word.showWords), self.focusIndex, curList);
                    self.focusText = word.showWords;
                return spannode;

            createAddonSpan(name, data) {
                let index = "addon_" + this.addonsList.children.length, self = this;
                let con = document.createElement("div");
                let checkbox = document.createElement("input");
                checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
                checkbox.id = index;
                checkbox.checked = !data.disable;
                checkbox.addEventListener("change", e => {
                    searchData.prefConfig.disableAddon[name] = !checkbox.checked;
                    data.disable = !checkbox.checked;
                    if (checkbox.checked) {
                        self.findInpageAddons.forEach(addon => {
                            if (addon != data && addon.sort == data.sort) {
                                addon.disable = true;
                                let _name = addon.name || ("addon" + index++);
                                self.addonCheckboxDict[_name].checked = false;
                                searchData.prefConfig.disableAddon[_name] = true;
                    storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);
                    if (self.lockWords) {
                con.title = data.title || "";
                let label = document.createElement("label");
                label.setAttribute("for", index);
                label.innerText = name;
                this.addonCheckboxDict[name] = checkbox;

            findAccentedWord(text, searchWord, normalizeArray) {
                const searchLength = searchWord.length;
                let normalizedIndex = 0;
                let startIndex = -1;

                for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
                    const normalized = normalizeArray[i];
                    if (normalized === "") {
                    if (normalized === searchWord[normalizedIndex]) {
                        if (normalizedIndex === 0) startIndex = i;
                        if (normalizedIndex === searchLength) {
                            return {
                                pos: startIndex,
                                len: i - startIndex + 1
                    } else {
                        normalizedIndex = 0;
                        startIndex = -1;
                        if (normalized === searchWord[0]) {
                            startIndex = i;
                            normalizedIndex = 1;

                startIndex = text.indexOf(searchWord);
                return {len: searchWord.length, pos: startIndex};

            findPosInStr(content, kw, contentUp, wordUp, normalizeArray) {
                if (!content) {
                    return {len: 0, pos: -1};
                let len = 0, pos = -1, hasAddon = false;
                if (this.findInpageAddons.length) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < this.findInpageAddons.length; i++) {
                        let curAddon = this.findInpageAddons[i];
                        if (!curAddon || !curAddon.run || curAddon.disable) continue;
                        hasAddon = true;
                        let curData = curAddon.run(content, kw);
                        if (curData && curData.matched) {
                            len = curData.len;
                            pos = curData.pos;
                if (pos == -1 && !hasAddon) {
                    return this.findAccentedWord(contentUp, wordUp, normalizeArray);
                return {len: len, pos: pos};

            highlight(words, ele, root, iframe) {
                if (!words && (!this.curHighlightWords || this.curHighlightWords.length === 0)) return;
                if (!ele) {
                    this.highlight(words, getBody(document), root);
                [].forEach.call(ele.getElementsByTagName("iframe"), iframe => {
                    if (!iframe.offsetParent) return;
                    if (iframe.offsetHeight < 100 || iframe.offsetWidth < 100) return;
                    let iframeDoc;
                    try {
                        iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
                    } catch(e) {
                    if (iframeDoc && getBody(iframeDoc)) {
                        this.highlight(words, getBody(iframeDoc), root, iframe);
                this.targetIframe = iframe || false;
                if (ele.id == "searchJumperModifyWord") return;
                ele = ele || getBody(document);
                let inWordMode = this.wordModeBtn.classList.contains("checked");
                let preEles = [];
                let searchingPre = false;
                let self = this;
                if (words === "") {
                    this.highlightSpans = {};
                    Object.values(this.marks).forEach(async markList => {
                        if (!markList) return;
                        let normalizeSet = new Set();
                        for (let mark of markList) {
                            if (!mark.parentNode) continue;
                            if (mark.dataset.block) {
                                mark.parentNode && mark.parentNode.removeChild(mark);
                            } else if (!/^MARK$/i.test(mark.nodeName)) {
                                mark.style.cssText = mark.dataset.css || "";
                                delete mark.dataset.css;
                            } else {
                                let newNode = document.createTextNode(mark.firstChild.data);
                                mark.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, mark);
                        normalizeSet.forEach(node => {node.normalize();});
                    [].forEach.call(ele.querySelectorAll(".searchJumper-hide"), hide => {
                        hide.style.display = "";
                    this.navMarks.innerHTML = createHTML();
                    this.marks = {};
                    this.curHighlightWords = [];
                if (!this.inPageStyle) {
                    this.inPageStyle = _GM_addStyle(this.inPageCss);
                if (!this.inPageStyle.parentNode) {
                let insert = (words === "insert");
                if (insert) {
                    words = this.curHighlightWords;
                } else {
                    this.curHighlightWords = (this.curHighlightWords || []).concat(words);
                this.fakeTextareas = new Map();
                let scrollHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, getBody(document).scrollHeight);
                this.navMarks.style.display = "none";
                let navMarkParams = [];
                function searchWithinNode(node, word, start) {
                    let len, pos = -1, skip, spannode, middlebit, middleclone;
                    skip = 0;
                    let pa = node.parentNode;
                    if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.className && node.className.indexOf && node.className.indexOf("searchJumper") != -1) return 0;
                    if (start && (node.nodeType == 1 || node.nodeType == 11)) {
                        let domTextResult = self.anylizeDomWithTextPos(node);
                        let textRes = domTextResult.text;
                        let textResUp = textRes.toUpperCase();

                        let normalizeArray = [];
                        for (let i = 0; i < textResUp.length; i++) {
                            const normalized = textResUp[i].normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "");

                        let wordUp = word.content.toUpperCase();
                        let dataRes = domTextResult.data;
                        let index = 0;
                        let nodeAndPos = [];
                        let validWord = (word.init || inWordMode) && /^[a-z]+$/i.test(word.content);
                        function getNodePos(pos, len, matchedText) {
                            let keys = Object.keys(domTextResult.data);
                            let findNodes = [], leftLen = len;
                            let pre = "", after = "", after2 = "";
                            for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                                let end = parseInt(keys[i]);
                                let curnode = domTextResult.data[end];
                                if (pos > end) continue;
                                let curpos = pos - (end - curnode.text.length) - 1;
                                let type = "full";
                                if (curpos < 0) {
                                    if (curnode.text.length < leftLen) {
                                        type = "middle";
                                    } else {
                                        type = "end";
                                } else {
                                    if (curnode.text.length - curpos < leftLen) {
                                        type = "start";
                                if (type === "full") matchedText = "";

                                if (validWord) {
                                    if (type == "full") {
                                        pre = curpos == 0 ? "\n" : curnode.text[curpos - 1];
                                        after = (curpos + leftLen) == curnode.text.length ? "\n" : curnode.text[curpos + leftLen];
                                        if (after !== "\n") {
                                            after2 = (curpos + leftLen + 1) == curnode.text.length ? "\n" : curnode.text[curpos + leftLen + 1];
                                    } else if (type == "start" && !pre) {
                                        pre = curpos == 0 ? "\n" : curnode.text[curpos - 1];
                                    } else if ((type == "end" || type == "full") && !after) {
                                        after = (curpos + leftLen) == curnode.text.length ? "\n" : curnode.text[curpos + leftLen];
                                        if (after !== "\n") {
                                            after2 = (curpos + leftLen + 1) == curnode.text.length ? "\n" : curnode.text[curpos + leftLen + 1];
                                    if (pre && after) {
                                        if (/[a-z]/i.test(pre) || /[a-rt-z]/i.test(after) || (after.toLowerCase() == 's' && /[a-z]/i.test(after2))) {

                                if (curpos < 0) curpos = 0;
                                let curlen = Math.min(leftLen, curnode.text.length - curpos);
                                leftLen -= curlen;
                                if (!curnode.text.trim()) {
                                    if (type === "start") pos += curnode.text.length;
                                let nodeInfo;
                                for (let j = 0; j < nodeAndPos.length; j++) {
                                    if (nodeAndPos[j].node == curnode.node) {
                                        nodeInfo = nodeAndPos[j];
                                if (!nodeInfo) nodeAndPos.push({node: curnode.node, text: curnode.text, match:[{pos: curpos, len: curlen, type: type, matched: matchedText}]});
                                else nodeInfo.match.push({pos: curpos, len: curlen, type: type, matched: matchedText});
                                if (leftLen <= 0) break;
                        function getIndex() {
                            pos = -1;
                            if (word.isRe) {
                                let wordMatch = textRes.match(new RegExp(word.content, word.reCase));
                                if (wordMatch) {
                                    let content = wordMatch[0];
                                    len = content.length;
                                    pos = wordMatch.index;
                            } else {
                                let result = self.findPosInStr(textRes, word.content, textResUp, wordUp, normalizeArray);
                                len = result.len;
                                pos = result.pos;
                            if (pos > -1) {
                                let matchedText = textRes.slice(pos, pos + len);
                                textRes = textRes.slice(pos + len);
                                textResUp = textResUp.slice(pos + len);
                                normalizeArray = normalizeArray.slice(pos + len);
                                pos += index;
                                index = pos + len;
                                getNodePos(pos, len, matchedText);
                        if (nodeAndPos.length) {
                            nodeAndPos.forEach(data => {
                                if (typeof word.hideParent !== 'undefined') {
                                    let parentDepth = word.hideParent;
                                    let parent = data.node.parentElement;
                                    while(parentDepth-- > 0 && parent) {
                                        parent = parent.parentElement;
                                    if (parent && parent.classList && !parent.classList.contains("searchJumper-hide")) {
                                        parent.innerHTML = createHTML("");
                                        parent.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                                } else {
                                    let curList = self.marks[word.showWords];
                                    let index = curList.length;
                                    let spannode;
                                    let newTextNodeCon;
                                    let parentDisplay = "";
                                    if (data.node.parentNode.nodeType == 1) {
                                        let parentStyle = getComputedStyle(data.node.parentNode);
                                        parentDisplay = parentStyle.display;
                                    if (parentDisplay.indexOf("flex") != -1 || parentDisplay.indexOf("grid") != -1 || parentDisplay.indexOf("layer") != -1) {
                                        newTextNodeCon = document.createElement("span");
                                        newTextNodeCon.style.all = "unset";
                                    } else {
                                        newTextNodeCon = document.createDocumentFragment();
                                    let newTextNode = document.createTextNode(data.text);
                                    let matches = data.match.reverse();
                                    let spannodes = [];
                                    matches.forEach(d => {
                                        spannode = self.createHighlightMark(word, index, curList);
                                        switch (d.type) {
                                            case "start":
                                                spannode.style.borderTopRightRadius = 0;
                                                spannode.style.borderBottomRightRadius = 0;
                                            case "middle":
                                                spannode.style.borderRadius = 0;
                                            case "end":
                                                spannode.style.borderTopLeftRadius = 0;
                                                spannode.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = 0;
                                        middlebit = newTextNode.splitText(d.pos);
                                        if (d.type != 'start' && d.type != 'middle' && middlebit.data.length) {
                                        middleclone = middlebit.cloneNode(true);
                                        if (d.type != "full" && d.type != "start") {
                                            spannode.dataset.type = d.type;
                                        if (d.matched) {
                                            spannode.dataset.matched = d.matched;
                                        newTextNodeCon.replaceChild(spannode, middlebit);
                                    data.node.parentNode.replaceChild(newTextNodeCon, data.node);
                                    spannodes.forEach(n => {
                                        if (!n.dataset.type) {
                                            navMarkParams.push([n, word, index, curList, scrollHeight]);
                    let checkChildren = true;
                    if (word.link) {
                        if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.href && node.href.match) {
                            checkChildren = false;
                            let wordMatch = node.href.match(new RegExp(word.content, word.reCase));
                            if (wordMatch) {
                                if (typeof word.hideParent !== 'undefined') {
                                    let parentDepth = word.hideParent;
                                    let parent = node;
                                    while(parentDepth-- > 0 && parent) {
                                        parent = parent.parentElement;
                                    if (parent) {
                                        parent.innerHTML = createHTML("");
                                        parent.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                                        return 0;
                                } else {
                                    let curList = self.marks[word.showWords];
                                    let index = curList.length;
                                    if (word.title) node.title = JSON.parse('"' + word.title + '"');
                                    if (word.popup) {
                                        self.highlightPopup(node, word);
                                    if (!node.dataset.css) node.dataset.css = node.style.cssText;
                                    if (word.style) {
                                        node.style.cssText += word.style;
                                    node.addEventListener("click", e => {
                                        if (!e.altKey) return;
                                        return false;
                                    node.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                                    node.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                                        if (!e.altKey) return;
                                        let target;
                                        if (e.button === 0) {
                                            if (index != curList.length - 1) {
                                                self.focusIndex = index + 1;
                                            } else self.focusIndex = 0;
                                        } else if (e.button === 2){
                                            if (index != 0) {
                                                self.focusIndex = index - 1;
                                            } else self.focusIndex = curList.length - 1;
                                        target = curList[self.focusIndex];
                                        self.setHighlightSpan(self.getHighlightSpanByText(word.showWords), self.focusIndex, curList);
                                        self.focusText = word.showWords;

                                    navMarkParams.push([node, word, index, curList, scrollHeight]);
                    } else {
                        let blockValue = "";
                        if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.value && (node.offsetParent || node.offsetHeight) && !word.init && /^(button|select|input|textarea)$/i.test(node.nodeName) && !/^(hidden|file|password|radio|range|checkbox|image)$/i.test(node.type)) {
                            blockValue = node.value;
                        if (blockValue) {
                            checkChildren = false;
                            let wordMatch = false;
                            let lastIndex = 0;
                            let fakeTextarea = self.fakeTextareas.get(node);
                            if (insert && fakeTextarea) return 0;
                            let nodeStyle = getComputedStyle(node);
                            let baseLeft = node.offsetLeft;//textareaLoc.left - textareaParentLoc.left;
                            let baseTop = node.offsetTop//textareaLoc.top - textareaParentLoc.top;
                            let blockValueUp = blockValue.toUpperCase();

                            let normalizeArray = [];
                            for (let i = 0; i < blockValueUp.length; i++) {
                                const normalized = blockValueUp[i].normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "");

                            let wordUp = word.content.toUpperCase();
                            while (true) {
                                if (word.isRe) {
                                    wordMatch = blockValue.match(new RegExp(word.content, word.reCase));
                                    if (wordMatch) {
                                        pos = wordMatch.index;
                                        wordMatch = wordMatch[0];
                                } else {
                                    let result = self.findPosInStr(blockValue, word.content, blockValueUp, wordUp, normalizeArray);
                                    len = result.len;
                                    pos = result.pos;
                                    if ((word.init || inWordMode) && pos >= 0 && /^[a-z]+$/i.test(word.content)) {
                                        if (pos !== 0 && /[a-z]/i.test(blockValue[pos - 1])) {
                                            pos = -1;
                                        if (pos + word.content.length !== blockValue.length && /[a-z]/i.test(blockValue[pos + len])) {
                                            pos = -1;
                                    wordMatch = (pos >= 0 ? blockValue.slice(pos, pos + len) : false);
                                if (wordMatch) {
                                    findTextInBlock(wordMatch, lastIndex + pos);
                                    lastIndex += (pos + wordMatch.length);
                                    blockValue = blockValue.slice(pos + wordMatch.length);
                                    blockValueUp = blockValueUp.slice(pos + wordMatch.length);
                                    normalizeArray = normalizeArray.slice(pos + wordMatch.length);
                                } else break;
                            function findTextInBlock(curWord, pos) {
                                if (curWord) {
                                    if (!fakeTextarea) {
                                        fakeTextarea = document.createElement("pre");
                                        fakeTextarea.className = "searchJumper";
                                        let textNode = document.createTextNode(blockValue);

                                        let name, rstyle =/^(number|string)$/;
                                        let cssText = [], sStyle = node.style;

                                        for (name in sStyle) {
                                            if (!/^(content|outline|outlineWidth)$/.test(name)) {
                                                let val = nodeStyle[name];
                                                if (val !=='' && rstyle.test(typeof val)) {
                                                    name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase();
                                        cssText = cssText.join('');
                                        fakeTextarea.style.cssText = cssText;
                                        fakeTextarea.style.position = "fixed";
                                        fakeTextarea.style.left = "0px";
                                        fakeTextarea.style.top = "0px";
                                        fakeTextarea.style.margin = "0";
                                        if (node.nodeName && node.nodeName.toLowerCase && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea") {
                                            fakeTextarea.style.display = "inline-grid";
                                            fakeTextarea.style.lineHeight = fakeTextarea.style.height;
                                            if (fakeTextarea.style.boxSizing == "border-box") fakeTextarea.style.paddingTop = 0;
                                        self.fakeTextareas.set(node, fakeTextarea);

                                    let range = document.createRange();
                                    range.setStart(fakeTextarea.firstChild, Math.min(fakeTextarea.firstChild.length, pos));
                                    range.setEnd(fakeTextarea.firstChild, Math.min(fakeTextarea.firstChild.length, pos + 1));
                                    let rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();

                                    if (typeof word.hideParent !== 'undefined') {
                                        let parentDepth = word.hideParent;
                                        let parent = node.parentElement;
                                        while(parentDepth-- > 0 && parent) {
                                            parent = parent.parentElement;
                                        if (parent) {
                                            parent.innerHTML = createHTML("");
                                            parent.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                                            return 0;
                                    } else {
                                        let curList = self.marks[word.showWords];
                                        let index = curList.length;

                                        let spannode = document.createElement("mark");
                                        spannode.className = "searchJumper";
                                        spannode.dataset.block = true;
                                        if (word.title) spannode.title = JSON.parse('"' + word.title + '"');
                                        spannode.style.cssText = word.style;
                                        spannode.dataset.content = word.showWords;
                                        spannode.innerText = curWord;
                                        spannode.style.padding = "0";
                                        spannode.style.position = "absolute";
                                        spannode.style.fontSize = fakeTextarea.style.fontSize;
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                                        navMarkParams.push([spannode, word, index, curList, scrollHeight]);
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                                                if (!spannode.parentNode) {
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                    if (checkChildren &&
                        (!root ||
                         node === ele
                        ) &&
                        (node.nodeType == 1 ||
                         node.nodeType == 11
                        ) &&
                        node.childNodes &&
                        !/^(SCRIPT|STYLE|MARK|SVG|TEXTAREA)$/i.test(node.nodeName) &&
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                       ) {
                        if (!searchingPre && /^(PRE|CODE)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
                        } else {
                            for (var child = 0; child < node.childNodes.length; ++child) {
                                child = child + searchWithinNode(node.childNodes[child], word);
                            try {
                                if (node.shadowRoot) {
                                    child = child + searchWithinNode(node.shadowRoot, word, true);
                            } catch(e) {
                    return skip;
                words.forEach(w => {
                    if (!self.marks[w.showWords]) {
                        self.marks[w.showWords] = [];
                    if (w.inRange) {
                        let searchEle = ele;
                        if (ele.parentNode) searchEle = ele.parentNode;
                        [].forEach.call(searchEle.querySelectorAll(w.inRange), e => {
                            if (e == ele || ele.contains(e)) {
                                searchWithinNode(e, w, true);
                    } else searchWithinNode(ele, w, true);
                navMarkParams.forEach(param => {
                this.navMarks.style.display = "";
                setTimeout(() => {
                    self.navMarks.style.display = "none";
                    navMarkParams = [];
                    searchingPre = true;
                    words.forEach(w => {
                        if (!self.marks[w.showWords]) {
                            self.marks[w.showWords] = [];
                        preEles.forEach(e => {
                            searchWithinNode(e, w, true);
                    navMarkParams.forEach(param => {
                    self.navMarks.style.display = "";
                }, 1000);
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                    if (navEnable) {
                        this.con.style.display = "";
                        this.setNav(true, true);

            refreshPageWords(newWords) {
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                this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = "";
                this.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();
                this.searchJumperInPageInput.style.paddingLeft = "";
                let words = newWords || globalInPageWords;
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                    this.submitInPageWords(words == this.lastSearchEngineWords);

            refreshNav() {

            refreshNavMarks() {
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                }, 1000);

            checkCharacterData(target) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    this.highlight("insert", target, true);
                }, 0);

            removeMark(removedNode) {
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                if (!markList) return;
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                if (index === -1) return;
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            submitIgnoreSpace(value) {
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                    this.splitSep = "◎";
                this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = value;

            siteBtnReturnHome(btn) {
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                    let typeBtn = searchTypes[i];
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                        if (btn.dataset.id) {
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                                if (isNaN(targetIndex) || curIndex < targetIndex) {
                                    typeBtn.insertBefore(btn, typeBtn.children[j]);
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                        } else typeBtn.insertBefore(btn, typeBtn.children[1]);

            closeShowAll() {
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                this.historylist.innerHTML = createHTML();
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                this.touched = false;
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            toggleShowAll() {
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            showAllSites() {
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                const days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
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                    self.dayInAll.style.fontSize = "";
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                let setTimeLabel = () => {
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                    let hour = now.getHours(), minute = now.getMinutes(), seconds = now.getSeconds();
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                searchTypes.forEach(type => {
                    if (type.style.display != 'none') {
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                        if (sitelist) {
                this.historySiteBtns.slice(0, 20).forEach(btn => {
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                        siteImg.src = siteImg.dataset.src;
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                     (targetElement.parentNode && targetElement.parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'A'))) {
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                setTimeout(() => {
                    if (!self.showAllMouseHandler) {
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                    self.con.addEventListener("mousedown", self.showAllMouseHandler);

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                    document.addEventListener("keydown", self.showAllKeydownHandler, true);
                    if (this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value) {
                }, 0);

            switchSite(next) {
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            clearInputHide() {
                searchTypes.forEach(type => {
                this.allSiteBtns.forEach(btn => {
                this.allListBtns.forEach(listItem => {
                this.allLists.forEach(listCon => {

            showSearchInput() {
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                if (this.filterSitesTab.checked) {
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.defaultPicker) {
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                    setTimeout(() => {
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                            if (!this.navMarks.innerHTML) {
                            } else {
                                this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = selStr;
                        } else if (this.searchJumperInPageInput.value) {
                        } else if (!this.initShowSearchInput && cacheKeywords && this.lockWords !== cacheKeywords) {
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            togglePicker() {
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                    this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value = "";

            hideSearchInput() {
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                this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value = "";
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            removeBar() {
                if (this.shadowContainer && this.shadowContainer.parentNode) {
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            async testCSP() {
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            contains(ele) {
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            appendBar() {
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            async searchBySiteName(siteName, e, selfTab) {
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                        if (siteBtn.dataset.showTips) {
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                        typeEle.firstChild.onmousedown({button: 2});

            async searcAllhByTypeName(siteName) {
                for (let i = searchTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
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                        typeEle.firstChild.onmousedown({button: 2});

            autoGetFirstType() {
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                    case 'IMG':
                        firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-targetImg:not(.notmatch)');
                    case 'AUDIO':
                        firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-targetAudio:not(.notmatch)');
                    case 'VIDEO':
                        firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-targetVideo:not(.notmatch)');
                    case 'A':
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                            firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-needInPage:not(.notmatch)');
                        } else {
                            firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-targetLink:not(.notmatch)');
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                            firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-needInPage:not(.notmatch)');
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                            firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-targetLink:not(.notmatch)');
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                            firstType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-targetPage:not(.notmatch)');
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                        else {
                    if (firstType.children[0].onmousedown) firstType.children[0].onmousedown();
                    else {
                return firstType;

            searchAuto(index, e) {
                if (!index) index = 0;
                let firstType = this.autoGetFirstType();
                if (!firstType) return;
                let targetSites = firstType.querySelectorAll('a.search-jumper-btn:not(.notmatch)');
                if (index < targetSites.length) {
                    let targetSite = targetSites[index];
                    this.searchBySiteName(targetSite.dataset.name, e);

            setNav(enable, noSave) {
                if (!noSave && navEnable != enable) {
                    storage.setItem("navEnable", enable || "");
                    navEnable = enable;
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                    this.navPointer.style.display = "none";

            lockSearchInput(lockWords) {
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                this.searchInput.value = "";
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                this.searchInput.placeholder = i18n("inputKeywords");

            async initRun() {
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                this.siteIndex = 1;
                this.customInput = false;
                this.fontPool = [];
                this.allSiteBtns = [];
                this.allListBtns = [];
                this.allLists = [];
                this.dockerScaleBtns = [];
                this.bar.style.visibility = "hidden";
                let sitesNum = 0;
                let bookmarkTypes = [];
                this.checkSelHandler = e => {
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                    if (this.searchInPageTab.checked && window.getSelection().toString()) {

                //Search in page
                this.splitSep = "◎";
                this.lockWords = "";
                this.marks = {};
                this.initInPageWords = [];
                this.highlightSpans = {};
                this.curHighlightWords = [];
                this.curWordIndex = 0;
                let editFunc = () => {
                    let words = this.lockWords.trim();
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                    if (this.searchJumperInPageInput.value) words += this.splitSep + this.searchJumperInPageInput.value;
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                document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
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                        case 8://退格
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                        case 9://tab
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                        case 13://回车
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                this.wordModeBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
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                    if (inWordMode) {
                    } else {
                    if (this.lockWords) {
                this.saveRuleBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    if (!this.lockWords) return;
                    if (shareEngines) return;
                    dataChanged(() => {
                        let inPageRule = searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule || {};
                        inPageRule[this.inPageRuleKey || href.replace(/([&\?]_i=|#).*/, "")] = this.lockWords;
                        searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule = inPageRule;
                        searchData.lastModified = new Date().getTime();
                        lastModified = searchData.lastModified;
                        storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);
                        _GM_notification(i18n("save completed"));
                this.emptyBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    this.lockWords = "";
                    this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = "";
                    this.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();
                    this.searchJumperInPageInput.style.paddingLeft = "";
                this.copyInPageBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    if (!this.lockWords) return;
                    _GM_setClipboard(this.lockWords.replace(/◎/g, "\n"));
                    _GM_notification('Copied successfully!');
                this.locBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                this.closeNavBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    if (this.lockWords) {
                        this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = this.lockWords || "";
                        this.lockWords = "";
                        this.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();
                        this.searchJumperInPageInput.style.paddingLeft = "";
                        this.setNav(false, true);
                        storage.setItem("disableHighlight", location.hostname);
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                    } else {
                this.minNavBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                    if (this.searchJumperNavBar.classList.contains("minimize")) {
                        if (this.lockWords.trim()) return;
                    } else {
                        let words = this.lockWords.trim();
                        if (!words) return;
                        if (this.searchJumperInPageInput.value) words += this.splitSep + this.searchJumperInPageInput.value;
                        this.lockWords = "";
                        this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = words;
                        this.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();
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                this.maxNavBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
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                        b = parseFloat(b.style.top);
                        if (a > b) return 1;
                        if (a < b) return -1;
                        return 0;
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                        mark = sortedMarks[i];
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                        if (markTop > topPercent) {
                            if (i > 0) {
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                                    mark = preMark;
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                this.bar.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
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                this.con.addEventListener('dblclick', e=>{
                //Search in page

                let expandTypeHandler = e => {
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                this.searchJumperExpand.addEventListener('mouseenter', e => {
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.overOpen) {
                        showTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                        }, 500);
                    let sitelistEvent = new CustomEvent("sitelist", {
                        detail: {
                            bind: e.currentTarget,
                }, false);
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                    this.searchJumperExpand.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => {
                    }, false);
                this.pickerBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
                this.maxEleBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
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                this.openLinkBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
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                for (let siteConfig of searchData.sitesConfig) {
                    let isBookmark = siteConfig.bookmark || siteConfig.sites.length > 100 || (/^BM/.test(siteConfig.type) && siteConfig.icon === "bookmark");
                    if (isBookmark) {
                    await this.createType(siteConfig);
                    sitesNum += siteConfig.sites.length;
                    if (sitesNum > 100) {
                        await sleep(1);
                        sitesNum = 0;
                this.bar.style.visibility = "";
                this.bar.style.display = "none";
                if (currentSite && wordParamReg.test(currentSite.url)) {
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                    this.bar.style.display = "";

                if (lastSign) {
                    targetElement = lastSign.target;
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                lastSign = false;

                if (inPagePostParams) {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        storage.setListItem("inPagePostParams", location.hostname, "");
                    }, 10000);
                let searchWithCurrentFilter = e => {
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                        forceTarget = "_self";
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                        forceTarget = "_blank";
                    if (siteEle) {
                        self.openSiteBtn(siteEle, forceTarget, !e.ctrlKey);
                let inputTimer;
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                let saveCacheFilter = () => {
                    if (cacheFilter !== self.searchInput.value) {
                        cacheFilter = self.searchInput.value;
                        storage.setItem("cacheFilter", cacheFilter);
                this.searchInput.addEventListener("input", e => {
                    inputTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                    }, 500);
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                                this.searchInPageTab.checked = true;
                        case 13://回车
                            if (this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.disabled) {
                                let siteEle, forceTarget = "";
                                if (currentSite && !self.searchInput.value) {
                                    siteEle = self.con.querySelector(".search-jumper-btn.current");
                                    forceTarget = "_self";
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                                    siteEle = self.con.querySelector(".search-jumper-type.search-jumper-open>a.search-jumper-btn:not(.input-hide)") || self.con.querySelector(".search-jumper-needInPage>a.search-jumper-btn:not(.input-hide)") || self.con.querySelector("a.search-jumper-btn:not(.input-hide)");
                                    forceTarget = "_blank";
                                if (siteEle) {
                                    self.openSiteBtn(siteEle, forceTarget, !e.ctrlKey);
                            } else {
                                if (this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value) {
                                } else {
                        case 8://退格
                            /*if (self.lockSiteKeywords && !self.searchInput.value) {
                                self.searchInput.value = self.searchLockInput.innerText;
                                self.searchLockInput.innerText = "";
                                self.lockSiteKeywords = false;
                                self.searchInput.style.paddingLeft = "";
                                self.searchInput.placeholder = i18n("inputPlaceholder");
                this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.addEventListener("input", e => {
                    inputTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                    }, 200);
                this.searchJumperInputKeyWords.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
                    if (e.keyCode !== 27) e.stopPropagation();
                    switch(e.keyCode) {
                        case 9:
                            if (!this.inInput) {
                            } else if (!e.shiftKey) {
                                this.searchInPageTab.checked = true;
                        case 13://回车
                }, true);
                this.closeBtn.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.emptyAfterCloseInput) {
                        self.searchJumperInPageInput.value = self.lockWords || "";
                        self.lockWords = "";
                        self.searchInPageLockWords.innerHTML = createHTML();
                        self.setNav(false, true);

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                let grabMousemoveHandler = e => {
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                let dragSiteBtn;
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                    if (!this.contains(e.target)){
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                            dragSiteBtn.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
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                sitesNum = 0;
                let hasCurrent = currentSite !== false;
                for (let siteConfig of bookmarkTypes) {
                    await this.createType(siteConfig);
                    sitesNum += siteConfig.sites.length;
                    if (sitesNum > 200) {
                        await sleep(1);
                        sitesNum = 0;
                if (!this.findInpageAddons) {
                    this.findInpageAddons = _unsafeWindow.searchJumperAddons.filter(
                        data => data.type == "findInPage"
                    ).sort((a, b) => (a.sort || 0) - (b.sort || 0));
                    let self = this, index = 0, addonDict = {};
                    this.findInpageAddons.forEach(addon => {
                        let name = addon.name || ("addon" + index++);
                        if (addonDict[addon.sort]) addon.disable = true;
                        else if (searchData.prefConfig.disableAddon[name] === true) {
                            addon.disable = true;
                        } else if (searchData.prefConfig.disableAddon[name] === false) {
                            addon.disable = false;
                        } else {
                            addon.disable = ext ? true : false;
                        addonDict[addon.sort] = true;
                        self.createAddonSpan(name, addon);
                if (this.fontPool.length > 0 || isInConfigPage) {
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                    waitForFontAwesome(() => {
                        let hasFont = false;
                        this.fontPool.forEach(font => {
                            font.innerText = '';
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                        if (hasFont && (isInConfigPage || href === firstRunPage)) {
                            setTimeout(() => {cacheFontManager()}, 3000);
                } else {
                if (isAllPage) return;
                if (disableHighlight && disableHighlight != location.hostname && window.top == window.self) {
                    storage.setItem("disableHighlight", "");
                await this.testCSP();
                let foundKeyword = currentSite && wordParamReg.test(currentSite.url);
                if (!hasCurrent && foundKeyword) {
                } else if (!currentSite && window.top == window.self) {

                let hasHighlightWords = this.initInPageWords && this.initInPageWords.length;
                if (inMinMode || (this.bar.style.display === "none" && (!navEnable || !hasHighlightWords))) {

            buildAllPageGroupTab() {
                let self = this;
                this.groupTab.innerHTML = createHTML();
                searchTypes.forEach(type => {
                    if (type.classList.contains("notmatch")) return;
                    let typeName = type.dataset.type;
                    let icon = type.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true);
                    let groupSpan = document.createElement("span");
                    groupSpan.dataset.type = typeName;
                    groupSpan.addEventListener("click", e => {
                        let targetType = self.sitelistBox.querySelector(`[data-type="${typeName}"]`);
                        if (targetType) targetType.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "start", inline: "center"});

            async refreshEngines() {
                if (!searchData) return;
                if (this.refreshing) return;
                this.refreshing = true;
                setTimeout(() => {
                    this.refreshing = false;
                }, 500);
                lastModified = searchData.lastModified;
                if (searchTypes && searchTypes.length) {
                    searchTypes.forEach(type => {
                        type.parentNode && type.parentNode.removeChild(type);
                searchTypes = [];
                this.allSiteBtns = [];
                this.allListBtns = [];
                this.allLists = [];
                this.historyTypeEle = null;
                for (let siteConfig of searchData.sitesConfig) {
                    await this.createType(siteConfig);
                if (isAllPage) {

            waitForHide(delay) {
                let self = this;
                if (this.bar.classList.contains("grabbing")) return;
                this.touched = false;
                var hideHandler = () => {
                    self.tips.style.opacity = 0;
                    self.tips.style.display = "none";
                    self.tips.innerHTML = createHTML("");
                    if (self.funcKeyCall) {
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                                } else {
                                    let mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown");
                        } else {
                            self.bar.style.display = 'none';
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.autoClose) {
                    self.hideTimeout = null;
                if (this.hideTimeout) {
                let delayTime = typeof delay === 'undefined' ? (this.funcKeyCall ? 500 : (searchData.prefConfig.autoDelay || 1000)) : delay;

                if (delayTime) {
                    this.hideTimeout = setTimeout(hideHandler, delayTime);
                } else hideHandler();
                if (this.preList) {
                    this.preList.style.visibility = "hidden";
                    this.listArrow.style.cssText = "";

            searchEngineWords(words) {
                words = words.replace(/( |^)-\S+/g, "");
                if (/".+"/.test(words)) {
                    words = words.replace(/"(.+)"/g, (match, p, offset, string) => {
                        return `◎${p}◎`;
                    }).replace(/^◎|◎$/g, "");
                this.lastSearchEngineWords = words.replace(/['";]/g, ' ');
                return this.lastSearchEngineWords;

            setInPageWords(inPageWords, cb) {
                //this.searchInPageTab.checked = true;
                let beginHandler = () => {
                    setTimeout(async () => {
                        if (getBody(document).style.display === "none") getBody(document).style.display = "";
                        if (this.lockWords) {
                            this.initInPageWords = [];
                        } else {
                            while (document.hidden) {
                                await sleep(1000);
                            storage.setItem("lastHighlight", location.hostname);
                            let word = this.initInPageWords.shift();
                            while (word) {
                                this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = word;
                                word = this.initInPageWords.shift();
                        if (cb) cb();
                        await sleep(100);
                        storage.setItem("lastHighlight", "");
                    }, 300);
                if (document.readyState != "complete") {
                    let loadHandler = e => {
                        if (document.readyState == "complete") {
                            document.removeEventListener("readystatechange", loadHandler);
                            window.removeEventListener('load', loadHandler);
                    document.addEventListener("readystatechange", loadHandler);
                    window.addEventListener('load', loadHandler);
                } else {

            searchInPageRule() {
                if (searchData.prefConfig.disableAutoHighlight) {
                    let sites = searchData.prefConfig.disableAutoHighlight.trim().split("\n");
                    for (let i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
                        let key = sites[i], isMatch = false;
                        if (key.indexOf("/") === 0) {
                            let keyMatch = key.match(/^\/(.*)\/([igm]*)$/);
                            if (keyMatch) {
                                isMatch = new RegExp(keyMatch[1], keyMatch[2]).test(href);
                        } else {
                            isMatch = this.globMatch(key, href);
                        if (isMatch) {
                            this.disableAutoHighlight = true;
                if (lastHighlight === location.hostname) {
                    this.disableAutoHighlight = true;
                if (searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule) {
                    let keys = Object.keys(searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule);
                    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                        let key = keys[i];
                        if (!key) continue;
                        let isMatch = false;
                        if (key.indexOf("/") === 0) {
                            let keyMatch = key.match(/^\/(.*)\/([igm]*)$/);
                            if (keyMatch) {
                                isMatch = new RegExp(keyMatch[1], keyMatch[2]).test(href);
                        } else {
                            isMatch = this.globMatch(key, href);
                        if (isMatch) {
                            let rule = searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule[key];
                            if (!rule) continue;
                            this.inPageRuleKey = key;
                            this.disableAutoHighlight = true;

            checkSearchJump() {
                if (this.inPageRuleKey || this.disableAutoHighlight) return;
                let inPageWords;
                if (searchData.prefConfig.showInSearchJumpPage && referrer && !disableHighlight) {
                    if (curRef.indexOf(referrer) != -1) {
                        if (cacheKeywords) {
                        inPageWords = cacheKeywords;
                        try {
                            inPageWords = decodeURIComponent(inPageWords);
                            inPageWords = this.searchEngineWords(inPageWords);
                        } catch (e) {}
                        //storage.setItem("referrer", location.hostname);
                    } else {
                        //storage.setItem("referrer", "");
                inPageWords = inPageWords || globalInPageWords;
                if (inPageWords) {
                    let self = this;
                    this.setInPageWords(inPageWords, () => {
                        if (!self.navMarks.innerHTML && self.bar.style.display === "none") self.removeBar();
                } else if (!this.searchJumperInPageInput.value && curRef.indexOf(referrer) != -1 && cacheKeywords) {
                    inPageWords = cacheKeywords;
                    try {
                        inPageWords = decodeURIComponent(inPageWords);
                    } catch (e) {}
                    this.searchJumperInPageInput.value = inPageWords;

            inSearchEngine() {
                if (!this.currentType || !currentSite || inIframe || this.inPageRuleKey || this.disableAutoHighlight) return;
                if (!/sidesearch=(1|true)$/i.test(location.search)) {
                    if (!/#p{/.test(currentSite.url) || currentSite.keywords) {
                        if (this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-needInPage")) {
                        } else if (this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAll") ||
                                   this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetImg") ||
                                   this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAudio") ||
                                   this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetVideo") ||
                                   this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetLink") ||
                                   this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetPage")) {
                        if (!searchData.prefConfig.hideOnSearchEngine) {
                            this.bar.style.display = "";
                this.insertHistory(this.currentType, true);
                let inPageWords = searchData.prefConfig.showInSearchEngine ? this.searchEngineWords(localKeywords) : globalInPageWords;
                if (inPageWords) {

            getSuggest(searchWords) {
                let suggestDatalist = this.suggestDatalist;
                suggestDatalist.innerHTML = createHTML();
                if (!searchWords) return;
                let requestSuggest = (api, cb, charset) => {
                        method: 'GET',
                        url: api,
                        responseType: charset ? 'blob' : '',
                        headers: {
                            referer: api,
                            origin: api
                        onload: function(d) {
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                                let reader = new FileReader();
                                reader.onload = () => {
                                reader.readAsText(response, charset);
                            } else {
                        onerror: function(e){
                        ontimeout: function(e){
                if (ext) {
                    requestSuggest = (api, cb) => {
                        chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "getSuggest", detail: {suggestType: searchData.prefConfig.suggestType, searchWords: searchWords}}, function(r) {
                switch (searchData.prefConfig.suggestType) {
                    case "google":
                        requestSuggest("https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=youtube&q=%s&jsonp=window.google.ac.h".replace("%s", searchWords), res => {
                            res = res.match(/window.google.ac.h\((.*)\)$/, "$1");
                            if (res) {
                                res = JSON.parse(res[1])[1];
                                for (let i in res) {
                                    let option = document.createElement('option');
                                    option.value = res[i][0];
                    case "baidu":
                        requestSuggest("https://suggestion.baidu.com/su?wd=%s&cb=".replace("%s", searchWords), res => {
                            res = res.match(/.*,s:(.*)}\);$/, "$1");
                            if (res) {
                                res = JSON.parse(res[1]);
                                for (let i in res) {
                                    let option = document.createElement('option');
                                    option.value = res[i];
                        }, "GBK");
                    case "bing":
                        requestSuggest("https://api.bing.com/qsonhs.aspx?type=json&q=%s".replace("%s", searchWords), res => {
                            if (res) {
                                res = JSON.parse(res).AS.Results;
                                for (let i in res) {
                                    let result = res[i].Suggests;
                                    for (let j in result) {
                                        let option = document.createElement('option');
                                        option.value = result[j].Txt;

            searchSiteBtns(inputWords) {
                let checkIndex = inputWords.indexOf('**'), checkType = "", accurate = false;
                if (checkIndex > 0) {
                    checkType = inputWords.slice(0, checkIndex);
                    inputWords = inputWords.slice(checkIndex + 2);
                if (inputWords.indexOf('^') === 0) {
                    accurate = true;
                } else {
                    checkType = checkType.toLowerCase();
                    inputWords = inputWords.toLowerCase();
                if (inputWords) {
                } else {
                let canCheckHost = !/[^\w\.\/\:\*\?\^\$]/.test(inputWords);
                this.allListBtns.forEach(listItem => {
                searchTypes.forEach(type => {
                let optionNum = 0;
                this.filterGlob.innerHTML = createHTML();
                this.allSiteBtns.forEach(arr => {
                    let btn = arr[0];
                    let data = arr[1];
                    let typeNode = btn.parentNode;
                    let targetType = btn.dataset.type;
                    let targetName = btn.dataset.name;
                    let targetTitle = btn.title;
                    if (!accurate) {
                        targetType = targetType.toLowerCase();
                        targetName = targetName.toLowerCase();
                        targetTitle = targetTitle.toLowerCase();
                    let globMatchName = "";
                    if (checkType) {
                        let typeMatch = this.globMatch(checkType, targetType);
                        if (!typeMatch) return;
                        globMatchName = btn.dataset.type + "**";
                    let canMatch = false;
                    if (!btn.dataset.clone) {
                        if (this.globMatch(inputWords, targetName)) {
                            canMatch = true;
                            globMatchName += '^' + btn.dataset.name + '$';
                        } else if (btn.title && this.globMatch(inputWords, targetTitle)) {
                            canMatch = true;
                            globMatchName += '^' + btn.title + '$';
                    if (!canMatch) {
                        if (canCheckHost) {
                            if (!btn.dataset.host) {
                                let hostReg = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]*)\/[\s\S]*$/;
                                let href = data.url;
                                btn.dataset.host = hostReg.test(href) ? href.replace(hostReg, "$1") : href;
                                if (btn.dataset.host) btn.dataset.host = btn.dataset.host.toLowerCase();
                            canMatch = this.globMatch(inputWords, btn.dataset.host);
                        if (!canMatch) {
                        } else {
                            globMatchName += '^' + btn.dataset.host + '$';
                    if (canMatch) {
                        if (typeNode) typeNode.classList.remove("input-hide");
                        let listItem;
                        for (let i = 0; i < this.allListBtns.length; i++) {
                            if (this.allListBtns[i].id == "list" + btn.dataset.id) {
                                listItem = this.allListBtns[i];
                        if (listItem) listItem.classList.remove("input-hide");
                        if (optionNum < 50 && inputWords && this.searchInput.value !== globMatchName) {
                            let option = document.createElement('option');
                            option.value = globMatchName;
                searchTypes.forEach(type => {
                    let targetList;
                    for (let i = 0; i < this.allLists.length; i++) {
                        if (this.allLists[i].dataset.type == type.dataset.type) {
                            targetList = this.allLists[i];
                    if (!targetList) return;
                    if (type.classList.contains("input-hide")) {
                    } else targetList.classList.remove("input-hide");
                let showType = this.bar.querySelector(".search-jumper-type:not(.input-hide)");
                if (showType) {
                    if (!showType.classList.contains("search-jumper-open")) {
                        let typeBtn = showType.querySelector("span.search-jumper-btn");
                        if (typeBtn.onmousedown) {
                        } else {
                            let mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown");
                    if (this.searchJumperExpand.parentNode == showType) {
                        let mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("click");

            globMatch(glob, target, inner) {
                if (target.length > 500) return false;
                try {
                    if (glob.length == 0 || glob === '*') {
                        return true;

                    if (glob.length === 1 && glob[0] === '$') {
                        return !target || target.length === 0;

                    if (glob.length > 1 && glob[0] === '*' &&
                        (!target || target.length === 0)) {
                        return false;

                    if (!inner) {
                        inner = true;
                        if (glob.length > 1 && glob[0] === '^' &&
                            target && target.length !== 0) {
                            glob = glob.substring(1);
                            if (glob[0] !== target[0]) {
                                return false;
                        } else if (glob[0] !== '*') {
                            glob = '*' + glob;

                    if ((glob.length > 1 && glob[0] === '?') ||
                        (glob.length != 0 && target && target.length !== 0 &&
                         glob[0] === target[0])) {
                        return this.globMatch(glob.substring(1),
                                              target.substring(1), !!inner);

                    if (glob.length > 0 && glob[0] === '*') {
                        return this.globMatch(glob.substring(1), target, !!inner) ||
                            this.globMatch(glob, target && target.substring(1), !!inner);
                } catch(e) {

                return false;

            setCurrentSite(data, siteEle) {
                currentSite = data;
                localKeywords = "";
                if (!/#p{|^(showTips|find)/.test(data.url) && wordParamReg.test(data.url)) {
                    storage.setItem("referrer", location.hostname);

            updateCacheKeywords() {
                let keywords = getKeywords();
                if (keywords && keywords != cacheKeywords) {
                    cacheKeywords = keywords;
                    storage.setItem("cacheKeywords", keywords);

            refresh() {
                if (this.refreshInPageTimer) {
                this.refreshInPageTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                    let oldWords = this.curHighlightWords;
                    if (this.bar.style.display == "none") {
                        currentSite = null;
                        let typeData;
                        for (let i in searchData.sitesConfig) {
                            if (currentSite) break;
                            typeData = searchData.sitesConfig[i];
                            if (!typeData) {
                            let sites = typeData.sites;
                            for (let j in sites) {
                                if (currentSite) break;
                                let data = sites[j];
                                if (!data || !data.url) {
                                let currentData;
                                if (data.match === '0') {
                                } else if (data.match) {
                                    if (new RegExp(data.match).test(href)) {
                                        currentData = data;
                                } else if (data.url.indexOf(location.hostname) != -1) {
                                    if (data.url.indexOf("site") != -1) {
                                        let siteMatch = data.url.match(/site(%3A|:)([\s\S]+?)[\s%]/);
                                        if (siteMatch && href.indexOf(siteMatch[2]) != -1 && data.url.replace(siteMatch[0], "").indexOf(location.hostname) != -1) {
                                            currentData = data;
                                    } else if (!currentSite && data.url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(location.host, "").replace(/\/?[\?#][\s\S]*/, "") == location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "")) {
                                        let urlReg = data.url.match(/[^\/\?&]+(?=%[stb])/g);
                                        if (urlReg) {
                                            urlReg = urlReg.join('.*');
                                            if (new RegExp(urlReg).test(href)) {
                                                currentData = data;
                                if (currentData) {
                                    let siteEle = this.getTargetSitesByName([currentData.name])[0];
                                    this.currentType = siteEle.parentNode;
                                    this.setCurrentSite(currentData, siteEle);
                        if (currentSite && wordParamReg.test(currentSite.url) && (!/#p{/.test(currentSite.url) || currentSite.keywords) && !searchData.prefConfig.hideOnSearchEngine) {
                            if (this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAll") ||
                                this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetImg") ||
                                this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAudio") ||
                                this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetVideo") ||
                                this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetLink") ||
                                this.currentType.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetPage")) {
                            this.bar.style.display = "";
                            let typeBtn = this.bar.querySelector(`.search-jumper-type[data-type="${typeData.type}"]>span`);
                            if (typeBtn && !typeBtn.classList.contains("search-jumper-open")) {
                                this.bar.insertBefore(typeBtn.parentNode, this.bar.children[0]);
                                if (!searchData.prefConfig.disableAutoOpen && !searchData.prefConfig.disableTypeOpen) {
                                    if (typeBtn.onmousedown) {
                                    } else {
                                        let mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown");
                }, 500);

            initSort() {
                if (searchData.prefConfig.shiftLastUsedType && this.historyTypeEle) {
                    if (currentSite) {
                        this.bar.insertBefore(this.historyTypeEle, this.bar.children[1]);
                    } else {
                        this.bar.insertBefore(this.historyTypeEle, this.bar.children[0]);
                if (searchData.prefConfig.sortType) {
                    let self = this;
                    searchTypes.sort((a, b) => {
                        let aTypeValue = sortTypeNames[a.dataset.type] || 0;
                        let bTypeValue = sortTypeNames[b.dataset.type] || 0;
                        return bTypeValue - aTypeValue;
                    let changed = false;
                    let allHide = !self.bar.children[0].classList.contains("search-jumper-open");
                    for (let i = searchTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        let typeEle = searchTypes[i];
                        let curValue = sortTypeNames[typeEle.dataset.type] || 0;
                        if (i == searchTypes.length - 1) {
                            if (curValue > 0) {
                                changed = true;
                                sortTypeNames[typeEle.dataset.type] = 0;
                        } else {
                            let preValue = sortTypeNames[searchTypes[i + 1].dataset.type] || 0;
                            if (curValue - preValue > 10) {
                                changed = true;
                                sortTypeNames[typeEle.dataset.type] = preValue + 10;
                        self.bar.insertBefore(typeEle, self.bar.children[allHide ? 0 : 1]);
                    if (changed) storage.setItem("sortTypeNames", sortTypeNames);

            initHistorySites() {
                this.historySiteBtns = [];
                this.txtHistorySiteBtns = [];
                this.imgHistorySiteBtns = [];
                this.linkHistorySiteBtns = [];
                this.videoHistorySiteBtns = [];
                this.audioHistorySiteBtns = [];
                let self = this;
                historySites.forEach(async n => {
                    for (let siteConfig of searchData.sitesConfig) {
                        let found = false;
                        let isBookmark = siteConfig.bookmark || siteConfig.sites.length > 100 || (/^BM/.test(siteConfig.type) && siteConfig.icon === "bookmark");
                        for (let i = 0; i < siteConfig.sites.length; i++) {
                            let site = siteConfig.sites[i];
                            if (site.name == n) {
                                let siteBtn = await self.createSiteBtn((searchData.prefConfig.noIcons ? "0" : site.icon), site, true, isBookmark, siteConfig, true);
                                if (!siteConfig.selectImg && !siteConfig.selectLink && !siteConfig.selectPage && !siteConfig.selectVideo && !siteConfig.selectAudio) {
                                if (siteConfig.selectImg) {
                                if (siteConfig.selectLink || siteConfig.selectPage) {
                                if (siteConfig.selectVideo) {
                                if (siteConfig.selectAudio) {
                                found = true;
                        if (found) break;

            insertHistory(typeEle, init) {
                if (!searchData.prefConfig.historyLength) {
                typeEle.style.width = "auto";
                typeEle.style.height = "auto";
                let self = this;
                this.historyInserted = true;
                let num = 0;
                let toFirst = !init && searchData.prefConfig.historyInsertFirst;
                let insertBefore = false, maxSiteNum = 0;
                if (!toFirst) {
                    insertBefore = this.searchJumperExpand.parentNode == typeEle && !searchData.prefConfig.expandType;
                    if (insertBefore) {
                        maxSiteNum = (searchData.prefConfig.numPerLine || 7) - 1;
                        maxSiteNum = searchData.prefConfig.historyLength < maxSiteNum ? (maxSiteNum + maxSiteNum - searchData.prefConfig.historyLength) : maxSiteNum;
                        if (searchData.prefConfig.hideTileType) {
                let historySiteBtns = this.historySiteBtns;
                if (typeEle.classList.contains("search-jumper-needInPage")) {
                    historySiteBtns = this.txtHistorySiteBtns;
                } else if (typeEle.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetImg")) {
                    historySiteBtns = this.imgHistorySiteBtns;
                } else if (typeEle.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAudio")) {
                    historySiteBtns = this.audioHistorySiteBtns;
                } else if (typeEle.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetVideo")) {
                    historySiteBtns = this.videoHistorySiteBtns;
                } else if (typeEle.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetLink") || typeEle.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetPage")) {
                    historySiteBtns = this.linkHistorySiteBtns;
                for (let i = 0; i < historySiteBtns.length; i++) {
                    let btn = historySiteBtns[i];
                    if (btn.style.display == "none") continue;
                    let siteImg = btn.querySelector('img');
                    if (siteImg && siteImg.dataset.src) {
                        siteImg.src = siteImg.dataset.src;
                        delete siteImg.dataset.src;
                    if (btn.parentNode != typeEle) {
                        let sites = typeEle.querySelectorAll("a.search-jumper-btn");
                        let findSame = false;
                        for (let j = 0; j < sites.length; j++) {
                            let site = sites[j];
                            if ((site.dataset.oriName || site.dataset.name) == (btn.dataset.oriName || btn.dataset.name)) {
                                findSame = true;
                        if (findSame) continue;
                        if (toFirst) {
                            if (typeEle.children.length > 1) {
                                typeEle.insertBefore(btn, typeEle.children[1]);
                            } else typeEle.appendChild(btn);
                        } else {
                            if (insertBefore) {
                                let siteBtns = typeEle.querySelectorAll("a.search-jumper-btn");
                                if (siteBtns.length > maxSiteNum) {
                                    typeEle.insertBefore(btn, siteBtns[maxSiteNum]);
                                } else typeEle.insertBefore(btn, self.searchJumperExpand);
                            } else typeEle.appendChild(btn);
                        if (++num >= searchData.prefConfig.historyLength) break;
                    } else if (toFirst) {
                        if (typeEle.children.length > 1) {
                            typeEle.insertBefore(btn, typeEle.children[1]);
                        } else typeEle.appendChild(btn);
                typeEle.style.width = typeEle.scrollWidth + "px";
                typeEle.style.height = typeEle.scrollHeight + "px";

            recoveHistory() {
                if (!searchData.prefConfig.historyLength) return;
                if (!this.historyInserted) return;
                this.historyInserted = false;
                let self = this;
                let curParent;
                for (let i = 0; i < this.historySiteBtns.length; i++) {
                    let btn = this.historySiteBtns[i];
                    if (!btn.classList.contains("historySite")) continue;
                    curParent = btn.parentNode;
                if (curParent && curParent.classList.contains("search-jumper-open")) {
                    curParent.style.width = "auto";
                    curParent.style.height = "auto";
                    curParent.style.width = curParent.scrollWidth + "px";
                    curParent.style.height = curParent.scrollHeight + "px";

            bindSite(a, siteEle) {
                if (a.getAttribute("bind")) return;
                a.setAttribute("bind", true);
                let self = this;
                if (siteEle.href) a.href = siteEle.href;
                a.style.display = siteEle.style.display;
                a.addEventListener('mousedown', async e => {
                    if (siteEle.dataset.showTips) {
                        if (self.con.classList.contains("search-jumper-showall")) {
                            targetElement = a.parentNode;
                        } else self.waitForHide(0);
                        siteEle.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('showTips'));
                    } else {
                        await self.siteSetUrl(siteEle, {button: e.button, altKey: e.altKey, ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, shiftKey: e.shiftKey, metaKey: e.metaKey});
                        if (siteEle.href) a.href = siteEle.href;
                        a.setAttribute("target", siteEle.target);
                    if (!a.onclick) {
                        a.onclick = e => {
                            if (!siteEle.dataset.showTips) siteEle.click();
                            return false;
                }, false);
                a.addEventListener("dragover", e => {
                }, true);
                a.addEventListener("dragenter", e => {
                    if (self.dragTarget) {
                    self.dragTarget = a;
                    self.dragTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                        a.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center"});
                    }, 1000);
                }, true);
                a.addEventListener("dragleave", e => {
                }, true);
                a.addEventListener("drop", e => {
                    if (self.dragTarget) {
                    self.searchBySiteName(siteEle.dataset.name, e);
                }, true);

            async createList(sites, type, batchSiteNames) {
                let self = this;
                let list = document.createElement("div");
                list.className = "sitelist";
                list.style.visibility = "hidden";
                let con = document.createElement("div");
                con.className = "sitelistCon";
                list.addEventListener('mouseenter', e => {
                    self.listArrow.style.cssText = "";
                let title = document.createElement("p");
                title.innerText = type.dataset.title;
                title.title = i18n('batchOpen');
                title.addEventListener('click', e => {
                    self.batchOpen(batchSiteNames, {ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, shiftKey: e.shiftKey, altKey: e.altKey, metaKey: e.metaKey, button: (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) ? 0 : 2});
                list.dataset.type = type.dataset.type;
                function createItem(siteEle, index) {
                    let li = document.createElement("div");
                    li.id = "list" + index;
                    let icon = siteEle.querySelector("img");
                    let a = document.createElement("a");
                    a.setAttribute("ref", "noopener noreferrer");
                    self.bindSite(a, siteEle);
                    if (icon && !searchData.prefConfig.noIcons) {
                        let iconSrc = icon.src || icon.dataset.src;
                        let img = document.createElement("img");
                        img.onload = e => {
                            img.style.width = "";
                            img.style.height = "";
                            img.style.display = "";
                        img.onerror = e => {
                            img.src = noImgBase64;
                        img.style.width = "1px";
                        img.style.height = "1px";
                        img.style.display = "none";
                        if (iconSrc) {
                            if (!/^data:/.test(iconSrc)) {
                                img.οnerrοr = e => {
                                    img.src = noImgBase64;
                                    img.onerror = null;
                                    img.style.width = "";
                                    img.style.height = "";
                                    img.style.display = "";
                                img.dataset.src = iconSrc;
                            } else {
                                img.dataset.src = iconSrc;
                        } else {
                            img.dataset.src = noImgBase64;
                    let p = document.createElement("p");
                    p.innerText = siteEle.dataset.name;
                    li.title = siteEle.title;
                    li.dataset.name = siteEle.dataset.name;
                try {
                    for (let [index, siteEle] of sites.entries()) {
                        createItem(siteEle, siteEle.dataset.id);
                        if (index%50 === 49) await sleep(1);
                } catch(e) {
                    for (let index = 0; index < sites.length; index++) {
                        let siteEle = sites[index];
                        createItem(siteEle, siteEle.dataset.id);
                return list;

            async initList(list) {
                if (!list.dataset.inited) {
                    list.style.display = "none";
                    list.dataset.inited = true;
                    [].forEach.call(list.querySelectorAll("div>a>img"), img => {
                        if (img.dataset.src) {
                            img.src = img.dataset.src;
                            delete img.dataset.src;
                    await sleep(0);

            async listPos(ele, list) {
                //if (this.preList) {
                //this.preList.style.visibility = "hidden";
                await this.initList(list);
                list.style = "";
                this.preList = list;
                let ew = ele.clientWidth;
                let eh = ele.clientHeight;
                let clientX = ele.offsetLeft + ew / 2 - this.con.scrollLeft;
                let clientY = ele.offsetTop + eh / 2 - this.con.scrollTop;
                let current = ele.offsetParent;

                while (current !== null){
                    clientX += current.offsetLeft;
                    clientY += current.offsetTop;
                    current = current.offsetParent;
                let viewWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
                let viewHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
                let arrowStyle = this.listArrow.style;
                arrowStyle.visibility = "visible";
                arrowStyle.opacity = 1;
                if (this.funcKeyCall) {
                    list.style.display = "block";
                    arrowStyle.opacity = 0;

                    const clientRect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
                    clientX = clientRect.x + ew / 2 - this.con.scrollLeft;
                    clientY = clientRect.y + eh / 2 - this.con.scrollTop;

                    clientX -= list.clientWidth / 2;
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                            list.style.height = actualTop - 20 + "px";
                        clientY -= (list.clientHeight + eh / 2 + 5);
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                        clientY += (eh / 2 + 5);
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                        clientX = maxLeft;
                    list.style.left = clientX + "px";
                    list.style.top = clientY + "px";
                    list.style.display = "";
                } else if (this.bar.clientWidth > this.bar.clientHeight) {
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                        arrowX = 30;
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                        arrowX = viewWidth - 40;
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                        list.style.top = this.bar.clientHeight + "px";
                        arrowStyle.top = this.bar.clientHeight - 10 + "px";
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                        list.style.left = this.bar.clientWidth + "px";
                        arrowStyle.left = this.bar.clientWidth - 9 + "px";
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                    if (clientY < 0) clientY = 0;
                    list.style.top = clientY + "px";
                    list.style.maxHeight = "100vh";

            clingPos(clingEle, target, close) {
                //if (this.preList) {
                //this.preList.style.visibility = "hidden";
                let ew = clingEle.clientWidth || clingEle.offsetWidth;
                let eh = clingEle.clientHeight || clingEle.offsetHeight;
                /*let clientX = clingEle.offsetLeft + ew / 2 - this.con.scrollLeft;
                let clientY = clingEle.offsetTop + eh / 2 - this.con.scrollTop - clingEle.parentNode.scrollTop;
                let current = clingEle.offsetParent;*/

                const clientRect = clingEle.getBoundingClientRect();

                let clientX, clientY;

                let showall = this.con && this.con.classList.contains("search-jumper-showall");

                /*while (current !== null){
                    clientX += current.offsetLeft;
                    clientY += current.offsetTop;
                    current = current.offsetParent;
                let viewWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
                let viewHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
                this.tips.style.position = "";
                target.style.height = "";
                if (!clingEle || /^(body|html)$/i.test(clingEle.nodeName)) {
                    this.tips.style.transition = "none";
                    this.tips.style.position = "fixed";
                    target.style.right = "";
                    target.style.bottom = "";
                    target.style.left = (viewWidth - target.clientWidth) / 2 + "px";
                    target.style.top = "min(11%,110px)";
                } else if (showall) {
                    clientX = clientRect.x + ew / 2;
                    clientY = clientRect.y + eh / 2;
                    clientX -= target.clientWidth / 2 - this.con.scrollLeft;
                    clientY += this.con.scrollTop;
                    if (clientY > viewHeight / 2) clientY -= (target.clientHeight + eh / 2 + 10);
                    else clientY += (eh / 2 + 10);
                    target.style.right = "";
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                        createItem(sites[i], i);
                    await sleep(1);

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            async openSiteBtn(siteEle, forceTarget, active = false) {
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            async batchOpen(siteNames, e, newTab) {
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                                onerror: function(e){
                                ontimeout: function(e){
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                            if (self.stopInput) return;
                            if (!siteEle.href) continue;
                    let viewWidth = window.screen.availWidth || window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
                    let viewHeight = window.screen.availHeight || window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
                    let numPerLine = parseInt(viewWidth / 800);
                    if (numPerLine > urls.length) numPerLine = urls.length;
                    let _width = parseInt(viewWidth / numPerLine);
                    let _height = viewHeight / (parseInt((urls.length - 1) / numPerLine) + 1) - 65;
                    for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
                        let left = (i % numPerLine) * _width;
                        let top = parseInt(i / numPerLine) * (_height + 70);
                        window.open(urls[i] + "#searchJumperMin", "_blank", `width=${_width-10}, height=${_height}, location=0, resizable=1, status=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=0, left=${left}, top=${top}`);
                } else if (e.shiftKey) {
                    let targetSites = self.getTargetSitesByName(siteNames);
                    for (let siteEle of targetSites) {
                        await self.siteSetUrl(siteEle);
                        if (self.stopInput) return;
                        if (siteEle.dataset.isPage && siteEle.href) {
                            let target = {};
                            if (targetElement) {
                                target = {src: targetElement.src || targetElement.href || '', title: targetElement.title || targetElement.alt};
                            siteNames = siteNames.filter(n => n !== siteEle.dataset.name);
                            storage.setItem("lastSign", {target: target, sites: siteNames});
                            window.open(siteEle.href, '_blank');
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                storage.setItem("lastSign", false);
                            }, 2000);
                } else if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
                    let targetSites = self.getTargetSitesByName(siteNames).reverse();
                    for (let siteEle of targetSites) {
                        await self.siteSetUrl(siteEle);
                        let isPage = siteEle.dataset.isPage;
                        if (isPage && siteEle.href) {
                            _GM_openInTab(siteEle.href, {active: false, insert: true});
                        if (self.stopInput) return;
                } else if (e.button === 2) {
                    let targetSites = self.getTargetSitesByName(siteNames);
                    targetSites.reverse().forEach(siteEle => {
                        if (siteEle.dataset.current) return;
                        self.openSiteBtn(siteEle, "_blank", !!newTab);
                self.batchOpening = false;

            async siteSetUrl(siteEle, e) {
                return new Promise((resolve) => {
                    let actionOverHandler = e => {
                        siteEle.removeEventListener('actionOver', actionOverHandler);
                    siteEle.addEventListener('actionOver', actionOverHandler);
                    let mouseDownEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown", e);

            getTargetSitesByName(siteNames, noPointer) {
                let self = this;
                let targetSites = [];
                siteNames.forEach(n => {
                    for (let i = 0; i < self.allSiteBtns.length; i++) {
                        let siteBtn = self.allSiteBtns[i][0];
                        if (siteBtn.dataset.name == n) {
                            if (!noPointer && siteBtn.dataset.pointer) {
                                if (siteBtn.dataset.oriName) {
                                    let oriBtn = self.getTargetSitesByName([siteBtn.dataset.oriName], true);
                                    if (oriBtn.length) {
                            } else {
                return targetSites;

            async submitAction(params) {
                params = params.slice();
                if (document.readyState !== 'complete' && document.readyState !== 'interactive') {
                    await sleep(300);
                let form, input, clicked = false, self = this, inLoop = false, loopTimes = 0, loopArr = [];
                let opened = false, copyList = [];
                let copyStore = await storage.getItem("copyStore");
                if (copyStore) {
                    copyList = JSON.parse(copyStore);

                let singleAction = async (param, eleIndex) => {
                    let result = true;
                    if (param[0] === "sleep" || param[0] === "@sleep") {
                        await sleep(param[1]);
                        debug(`sleep ${param[1]}`);
                    } else if (param[0] === "@click") {
                        clicked = true;
                        let _r = await emuClick(param[1], eleIndex);
                        if (!_r) result = false;
                    } else if (param[0] === "@dblclick") {
                        clicked = true;
                        let _r = await emuDblClick(param[1], eleIndex);
                        if (!_r) result = false;
                    } else if (param[0] === "@rclick") {
                        clicked = true;
                        let _r = await emuRClick(param[1], eleIndex);
                        if (!_r) result = false;
                    } else if (param[1] === 'click' && param[0].indexOf('@') === 0) {
                        clicked = true;
                        let _r = await emuClick(param[0].substr(1), eleIndex);
                        if (!_r) result = false;
                    } else if (param[0] === '@copy') {
                        let _r = await returnElement(param[1], eleIndex);
                        if (_r && _r !== true) {
                            if (!reachLast) {
                                result = false;
                    } else if (param[0] === '@call') {
                        let engine = self.getTargetSitesByName([param[1]])[0];
                        if (engine) {
                            extSelectionText = extSelectionText || getKeywords() || cacheKeywords;
                            await self.siteSetUrl(engine);
                        } else {
                            let func = window[param[1]] || new AsyncFunction('"use strict";' + param[1]);
                            if (func) await func();
                    } else if (param[0] === '@open') {
                        let btn = await waitForElement(param[1]);
                        if (opened) {
                        } else {
                            opened = true;
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                location.href = btn.href;
                            }, 50);
                    } else if (param[0] === '@reload') {
                    } else if (param[0] === '@wait') {
                        if (param[1].indexOf("!") === 0) {
                            await waitForElementHide(param[1].slice(1));
                        } else {
                            await waitForElement(param[1]);
                    } else {
                        let inputStr = param[1];
                        if (!localKeywords) localKeywords = inputStr;
                        if (inputStr.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                            let customInputStr = await self.showCustomInputWindow(inputStr);
                            if (customInputStr) {
                                inputStr = customInputStr;
                            } else {
                                storage.setListItem("inPagePostParams", location.hostname, "");
                                return true;
                        let _r = await emuInput(param[0], inputStr, eleIndex);
                        if (!_r) result = false;
                        if (param[0] !== "@") {
                            input = getElement(param[0]);
                    return result;

                for (let param of params) {
                    if (param[0] === "@loopStart") {
                        inLoop = true;
                        loopArr = [];
                        loopTimes = parseInt(param[1]) || 1;
                    } else if (param[0] === "@loopEnd") {
                        inLoop = false;
                        while (loopTimes-- > 0) {
                            let allReady = false, eleIndex = 0;
                            while (!allReady) {
                                allReady = true;
                                for (let param of loopArr) {
                                    let ready = await singleAction(param, eleIndex);
                                    if (!ready) allReady = false;
                    } else if (inLoop) {
                    } else {
                        await singleAction(param);
                    if (inPagePostParams) {
                        if (inPagePostParams && inPagePostParams.length) {
                            storage.setListItem("inPagePostParams", location.hostname, inPagePostParams);
                            storage.setItem("copyStore", JSON.stringify(copyList));
                        } else {
                            storage.setListItem("inPagePostParams", location.hostname, "");
                            storage.setItem("copyStore", "");
                        if (param[0] === '@reload') {
                if (inLoop) {
                    inLoop = false;
                    while (loopTimes-- > 0) {
                        let allReady = false, eleIndex = 0;
                        while (!allReady) {
                            allReady = true;
                            for (let param of loopArr) {
                                let ready = await singleAction(param, eleIndex);
                                if (!ready) allReady = false;

                if (!clicked && input) {
                    form = input.parentNode;
                    while (form.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'FORM') {
                        form = form.parentNode;
                        if (!form) break;
                    if (form) {
                        let submitBtn = form.querySelector("[type=submit]");
                        if (submitBtn) submitBtn.click();
                        else form.submit();
                    } else {

            getCloneData(siteName) {
                for (let i = 0; i < searchData.sitesConfig.length; i++) {
                    let typeConfig = searchData.sitesConfig[i];
                    for (let j = 0; j < typeConfig.sites.length; j++) {
                        let siteData = typeConfig.sites[j];
                        if (/^\[/.test(siteData.url)) continue;
                        if (siteData.name == siteName) {
                            return siteData;
                return null;

            async createSiteBtn(icon, data, openInNewTab, isBookmark, typeData, isHistoryBtn) {
                let self = this;
                let ele = document.createElement("a");
                ele.setAttribute("ref", "noopener noreferrer");
                ele.setAttribute("referrerPolicy", "no-referrer");
                let name = data.name;
                let urlMatch = data.match;
                let showTips = false;
                let tipsData;
                let pointer = !isBookmark && /^\[/.test(data.url);
                let description = data.description;
                let shortcut = data.shortcut;
                if (typeof data.openInNewTab !== 'undefined') {
                    openInNewTab = data.openInNewTab;
                if (pointer) {
                    ele.dataset.pointer = true;
                    let siteNames = JSON.parse(data.url);
                    if (siteNames.length === 1) {
                        ele.dataset.clone = true;
                        let cloneSite = this.getCloneData(siteNames[0]);
                        if (cloneSite) {
                            ele.dataset.oriName = cloneSite.name;
                            data = cloneSite;
                            if (data.icon && icon !== "0") icon = data.icon;
                            if (data.description) description = data.description;
                if (/^d:/.test(data.url)) {
                    ele.setAttribute('download', '');
                    data.url = data.url.replace(/^d:/, '');
                } else if (/^showTips:/.test(data.url)) {
                    showTips = true;
                    ele.dataset.showTips = true;
                if (/^paste:/.test(data.url)) {
                    ele.dataset.paste = true;
                let isPage = /^(https?|ftp):/.test(data.url);
                if (isPage) ele.dataset.isPage = isPage;
                ele.className = "search-jumper-btn";
                if (typeof description !== 'undefined') ele.title = description;
                ele.dataset.name = name;
                ele.dataset.inPagePost = (data.url.indexOf("#p{") != -1) ? 't' : 'f';
                let inPagePost = ele.dataset.inPagePost === 't';
                if (urlMatch === '0') {
                    ele.style.display = 'none';
                } else if (!isBookmark && (!currentSite || data.hideNotMatch) && window.top == window.self) {
                    if (urlMatch) {
                        let urlRe, fullMatch = urlMatch.match(/^\/(.*)\/(\w*)$/);
                        if (fullMatch) {
                            urlRe = new RegExp(fullMatch[1], fullMatch[2]);
                        } else {
                            urlRe = new RegExp(urlMatch, "i");
                        if (urlRe.test(href)) {
                            ele.dataset.current = true;
                    } else if (!pointer && location.hostname && data.url.indexOf(location.hostname) != -1) {
                        if (!this.inSiteMatch) this.inSiteMatch = /site(%3A|:)(.+?)[\s%]/;
                        let match = data.url.match(this.inSiteMatch);
                        if (match) {
                            if (href.indexOf(match[2]) != -1 && data.url.replace(match[0], "").indexOf(location.hostname) != -1) {
                                ele.dataset.current = true;
                        } else {
                            if (!this.pathMatch) this.pathMatch = new RegExp("^https?://" + location.host + location.pathname + "?([\\?#].*|[%:#]p{|$)");
                            if (this.pathMatch.test(data.url)) {
                                if (!this.postMatch) this.postMatch = /[#:%]p{/;
                                if (this.postMatch.test(data.url)) {
                                    ele.dataset.current = true;
                                } else {
                                    if (!this.paramMatch) this.paramMatch = /[^\/\?&]+(?=%[stb])/g;
                                    let urlReg = data.url.match(this.paramMatch);
                                    if (urlReg) {
                                        urlReg = urlReg.join('.*');
                                        if (new RegExp(urlReg).test(href)) {
                                            ele.dataset.current = true;
                                    } else {
                                        ele.dataset.current = true;
                            } else if (data.url.indexOf("http") === 0 && data.url.indexOf("?") === -1) {
                                if (!this.keywordMatch) this.keywordMatch = /%[stb][a-z]?\b/g;
                                if (new RegExp(data.url.replace(/^https?/, "").replace(/[#%]\w+{.*/, "").replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(this.keywordMatch, ".*")).test(href)) {
                                    ele.dataset.current = true;
                    if (ele.dataset.current) {
                    } else if (data.hideNotMatch) {
                        ele.style.display = 'none';

                let word = document.createElement("span");
                if (!isBookmark && name.length >= 3) {
                    word.innerText = name.substr(0, 4);
                    if (!/^[\w \-]+$/.test(word.innerText.substr(0, 3))) word.innerText = word.innerText.substr(0, 2);
                } else word.innerText = name;
                let img = document.createElement("img");
                img.style.display = "none";

                if (!isHistoryBtn && searchData.prefConfig.shortcut && shortcut && !ele.dataset.clone && !ele.classList.contains("notmatch")) {
                    let shortcutCover = document.createElement("div");
                    let shortcurStr = shortcut.replace('Key', '').replace('Digit', '').toUpperCase();
                    if (shortcurStr.length == 1) {
                        shortcutCover.innerText = shortcurStr;
                    document.addEventListener('keydown', async e => {
                        if (e.target.id === "searchJumperInput") return;
                        if (!self.hideTimeout) {
                            if ((!data.ctrl == e.ctrlKey) ||
                                (!data.alt == e.altKey) ||
                                (!data.shift == e.shiftKey) ||
                                (!data.meta == e.metaKey)) {
                        if (!self.bar.contains(ele)) return;
                        if (!searchData.prefConfig.enableInInput && !data.ctrl && !data.alt && !data.shift && !data.meta) {
                            if (inputActive(document)) return;
                        var key = (e.key || String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)).toLowerCase();
                        if (shortcut == e.code || shortcut == key) {
                            if (hoverElement) {
                                targetElement = hoverElement;
                            if (showTips) {
                                ele.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('showTips'));
                            } else if (await action() !== false && !self.customInput) {
                let imgSrc;
                if (icon == "0") {
                } else if (icon) {
                    imgSrc = icon;
                } else if (!isBookmark && isPage) {
                    imgSrc = data.url.replace(/\?.*/, "").replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]*\/)[\s\S]*$/, "$1favicon.ico");
                } else if (/^showTips:https?:\/\//.test(data.url)) {
                    imgSrc = data.url.replace(/\?.*/, "").replace(/^showTips:(https?:\/\/[^\/]*\/)[\s\S]*$/, "$1favicon.ico");
                if (imgSrc) {
                    img.onload = e => {
                        if (word.parentNode && !searchData.prefConfig.showEngineWords) {
                        img.style.display = "";
                    let isBase64 = /^data:/.test(imgSrc);
                    if (isBase64) {
                        img.dataset.src = imgSrc;
                    } else {
                        let cache = searchData.prefConfig.cacheSwitch && cacheIcon[imgSrc];
                        if (cache === 'fail') {
                            if (ele.dataset.current && imgSrc.indexOf(location.host) != -1) {
                                img.dataset.src = imgSrc;
                                cacheIcon[imgSrc] = '';
                                if (!isBookmark) {
                                    setTimeout(() => {
                                    }, 0);
                        } else if (cache) {
                            img.dataset.src = cache;
                        } else {
                            img.dataset.src = imgSrc;
                            if (!isBookmark && !cacheIcon[imgSrc]) cachePool.push(img);
                if (isPage) {
                    if (openInNewTab) {
                        ele.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
                        ele.dataset.target = 1;
                    } else ele.setAttribute("target", "_self");
                let dataUrl = data.url;
                let hasWordParam = wordParamReg.test(dataUrl);
                if (hasWordParam) ele.dataset.txt = true;
                if (/%[tb]\b/i.test(dataUrl)) {
                    ele.dataset.link = true;
                let inputString;
                let getUrl = async (_keyWords) => {
                    self.customInput = false;
                    dataUrl = data.url;
                    inputString = "";
                    let keywords = _keyWords || self.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value || getSelectStr();
                    if (!keywords && !draging && !self.bar.classList.contains("search-jumper-isTargetLink")) {
                        keywords = getKeywords();
                    if (keywords && !_keyWords) {
                        if (keywords != cacheKeywords) {
                            self.keywordIndex = 0;
                            if (isPage) {
                                cacheKeywords = keywords;
                                storage.setItem("cacheKeywords", keywords);
                        inputString = keywords;
                    let postMatch;
                    if (inPagePost || /^c(opy)?:|^paste:/.test(dataUrl)) {
                        if (dataUrl.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                            dataUrl = await new Promise(resolve => {
                                self.showCustomInputWindow(dataUrl, _url => {
                            ele.dataset.url = "";
                        postMatch = dataUrl.match(/#p{([\s\S]*[^\\])}/);
                    let host = location.host;
                    let href = location.href;
                    let customReplaceSingle = (str, key, value, after) => {
                        if (str.indexOf(key + "[") !== -1) {
                            let multiMatch = str.match(keyToReg(key, "", "\\[(.*?)(\\|(.+))?\\]")), valueArr;
                            if (multiMatch) {
                                if (multiMatch[3]) {
                                    valueArr = value.split(multiMatch[3]);
                                } else {
                                    valueArr = value.split(/[\n\r]/);
                                    if (valueArr.length === 1) {
                                        valueArr = value.split(" ");
                                if (!self.keywordIndex) self.keywordIndex = 0;
                                switch(multiMatch[1]) {
                                    case "all":
                                        inputString = valueArr.join('\n');
                                    case ""://next
                                        value = valueArr[self.keywordIndex];
                                        if (++self.keywordIndex >= valueArr.length) {
                                            self.keywordIndex = 0;
                                    case "-1"://prev
                                        if (--self.keywordIndex < 0) {
                                            self.keywordIndex = valueArr.length - 1;
                                        value = valueArr[self.keywordIndex];
                                        value = valueArr[parseInt(multiMatch[1]) || 0];
                                str = str.replace(multiMatch[0], key);
                        return replaceSingle(str, key, value, after);
                    let needDecode = (!/^showTips:h/i.test(dataUrl) && /^c(opy)?:|[#:%]P{|^javascript:|^showTips:/i.test(dataUrl));
                    let keywordsU = "", keywordsL = "", keywordsR = "", keywordsSC = "", keywordsTC = "";
                    let customReplaceKeywords = str => {
                        let _str = str;
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%su", keywordsU);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%sl", keywordsL);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%sr", keywordsR);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%S", cacheKeywords || keywordsR);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%ss", keywordsSC);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%st", keywordsTC);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%se", escape ? escape(keywordsR) : keywordsR);
                        _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%s", keywordsR, v => {
                            return (needDecode ? v : encodeURIComponent(v));
                        if (/%bd\b/.test(_str)) {
                            try {
                                let debase64 = atob(keywordsR);
                                _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%bd", debase64);
                            } catch(e) {
                        if (/%be\b/.test(_str)) {
                            try {
                                let enbase64 = btoa(keywordsR);
                                _str = customReplaceSingle(_str, "%be", enbase64);
                            } catch(e) {
                        return _str;
                    let customVariable = str => {
                        let customMatch = str.match(/%element{(.*?)}(\.prop\((.*?)\))?/);
                        let runTimes = 0;
                        while (customMatch) {
                            if (runTimes++ > 100) break;
                            let selector = customMatch[1];
                            let prop = customMatch[3];
                            let value = "";
                            if (!selector) {
                                try {
                                    let selectEles = window.getSelection();
                                    let container = document.createElement('div');
                                    for (let i = 0, len = selectEles.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) {
                                    [].forEach.call(container.querySelectorAll("style,script,svg,canvas"), ele => {
                                        let textNode = document.createTextNode('');
                                        ele.parentNode.replaceChild(textNode, ele);
                                    if (prop) {
                                        for (let i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) {
                                            let childNode = container.childNodes[i];
                                            if (childNode.nodeType == 3) {
                                                value += childNode.nodeValue;
                                                value += "\n";
                                            } else if (childNode.nodeType == 1) {
                                                value += childNode.getAttribute(prop) || childNode[prop] || "";
                                                value += "\n";
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                                        [].forEach.call(container.querySelectorAll("img"), img => {
                                            if (!img.src) return;
                                            let textNode = document.createTextNode(` ![${(img.alt || "").replace(/[\n\r]/g, " ").trim()}](${img.src || ""}) `);
                                            img.parentNode.replaceChild(textNode, img);
                                        [].forEach.call(container.querySelectorAll("a"), a => {
                                            if (!a.href) return;
                                            let innerText = (a.innerText || "").replace(/[\n\r]+/g, "\n").trim();
                                            if (!innerText) return;
                                            innerText = ` [${innerText}](${a.href || ""}) `;
                                            let newNode;
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                                                newNode = document.createTextNode(innerText);
                                            } else {
                                                newNode = document.createElement("pre");
                                                newNode.innerHTML = createHTML(innerText);
                                            a.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, a);
                                        value = container.innerText;
                                    if (value) {
                                        value = value.replace(/[\n\r]\s*/g, "\n");
                                } catch(e) {
                            } else {
                                let ele = getElement(selector);
                                if (ele) {
                                    if (prop) {
                                        value = ele.getAttribute(prop) || ele[prop];
                                    } else {
                                        value = ele.innerText;
                            str = customReplaceSingle(str, customMatch[0], needDecode ? value : encodeURIComponent(value));
                            customMatch = str.match(/%element{(.*?)}(\.prop\((.*?)\))?/);
                        customMatch = str.match(/%date({(.*?)})?/);
                        runTimes = 0;
                        let curTime = new Date().getTime();
                        while (customMatch) {
                            if (runTimes++ > 100) break;
                            let timeEval = customMatch[2];
                            let value = curTime;
                            if (timeEval) {
                                timeEval = timeEval.replace(/\s/g, '');
                                let mathEval = timeEval.match(/(\D*)?(\d+)/);
                                while (mathEval) {
                                    switch (mathEval[1]) {
                                        case "-":
                                            value -= parseInt(mathEval[2]);
                                        case "*":
                                            value *= parseInt(mathEval[2]);
                                        case "/":
                                            if (mathEval[2] && mathEval[2] != '0') {
                                                value = parseInt(value / parseInt(mathEval[2]));
                                            value += parseInt(mathEval[2]);
                                    timeEval = timeEval.replace(mathEval[0], "");
                                    mathEval = timeEval.match(/(\D*)?(\d+)/);
                            } else {
                                value = curTime;
                            str = str.replace(customMatch[0], value);
                            customMatch = str.match(/%date({(.*?)})?/);
                        return str;
                    if (!ele.dataset.url) {
                        let tempUrl = dataUrl;
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                            tempUrl = tempUrl.replace(postMatch[0], "");
                        ele.dataset.url = tempUrl.replace(/%e\b/g, document.characterSet).replace(/%c\b/g, (isMobile?"mobile":"pc"));
                    let targetUrl = '', targetLink = '';
                    let targetName = inputString || document.title;
                    let imgBase64 = '', resultUrl = customVariable(ele.dataset.url);
                    if (targetElement && targetElement.nodeName) {
                        targetUrl = targetElement.href || (targetElement.parentNode && targetElement.parentNode.href) || '';
                        targetLink = targetUrl || (targetElement.parentNode && targetElement.parentNode.parentNode && targetElement.parentNode.parentNode.href) || '';
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                        targetName = targetElement.title || targetElement.alt || document.title;
                        if (targetElement.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG' && /%i\b/.test(dataUrl)) {
                            if (targetElement.src) {
                                if (/^data/.test(targetElement.src)) {
                                    imgBase64 = targetElement.src;
                                } else {
                                    self.tipsPos(ele, "<span class='loader'></span><font>Loading...</font>");
                                    imgBase64 = await image2Base64(targetElement);
                                resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%i\b/g, imgBase64);
                        } else if ((targetElement.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'A' || (targetElement.parentNode && targetElement.parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'A')) && hasWordParam && !keywords) {
                            if (targetElement.textContent.trim()) keywords = targetElement.textContent.trim();
                    while (resultUrl.indexOf('%template{') !== -1) {
                        let inputMatch = resultUrl.match(/%template{(.*?[^\\])}/);
                        if (!inputMatch) return false;
                        let templateName = inputMatch[1];
                        if (!searchData.prefConfig.templateData) searchData.prefConfig.templateData = {};
                        let templateResult = searchData.prefConfig.templateData[templateName];
                        if (!templateResult) {
                            if (self.stopInput) return false;
                            templateResult = window.prompt(i18n("template", templateName)) || "";
                            if (templateResult) {
                                searchData.prefConfig.templateData[templateName] = templateResult;
                                storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);
                            } else return false;
                        resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(inputMatch[0], templateResult);
                    while (resultUrl.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                        let inputMatch = resultUrl.match(/%input{(.*?[^\\])}/);
                        if (!inputMatch) return false;
                        self.customInput = true;
                        if (self.stopInput) return false;
                        if (self.batchOpening) {
                            let promptStr;
                            if (inputMatch[1].indexOf("\"") === 0 && inputMatch[1].indexOf("\",\"") !== -1) {
                                promptStr = inputMatch[1].substr(1, inputMatch[1].length - 2).split("\",\"");
                            } else {
                                promptStr = inputMatch[1].split(",");
                            if (promptStr.length === 2) {
                                promptStr = window.prompt(promptStr[0], promptStr[1]);
                            } else {
                                promptStr = window.prompt(inputMatch[1]);
                            if (promptStr === null) return false;
                            resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(inputMatch[0], promptStr);
                        } else break;
                    if (targetUrl) {
                        targetUrl = targetUrl.replace(/%(\w{2})/g, (match, letter) => `%${letter.toUpperCase()}`);
                    if (targetLink) {
                        targetLink = targetLink.replace(/%(\w{2})/g, (match, letter) => `%${letter.toUpperCase()}`);
                    let targetBaseUrl = targetUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, "");
                    if (!keywords) keywords = (currentSite && cacheKeywords);
                    try {
                        if (typeof navigator.clipboard.readText !== "undefined") {
                            if (!keywords && hasWordParam) {
                                keywords = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
                                if (keywords && !_keyWords) {
                                    inputString = keywords;
                            if (!imgBase64 && /%i\b/.test(dataUrl)) {
                                const permission = await navigator.permissions.query({
                                    name: "clipboard-read",
                                if (permission.state !== "denied") {
                                    const clipboardContents = await navigator.clipboard.read();
                                    for (const item of clipboardContents) {
                                        if (item.types.includes("image/png")) {
                                            const blob = await item.getType("image/png");
                                            imgBase64 = await new Promise(resolve => {
                                                const reader = new FileReader();
                                                reader.onload = function (e) {
                                                    resolve(e.target && e.target.result);
                                            if (imgBase64) resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%i\b/g, imgBase64);
                                if (!imgBase64) {
                                    self.customInput = true;
                                    let src = window.prompt(i18n("targetUrl"), "https://www.google.com/favicon.ico");
                                    if (src) {
                                        self.tipsPos(ele, "<span class='loader'></span><font>Loading...</font>");
                                        imgBase64 = await imageSrc2Base64(src);
                                    } else return false;
                    } catch(e) {
                    if (!keywords && hasWordParam) {
                        self.customInput = true;
                        if (self.con.classList.contains("search-jumper-showall")) return false;
                        if (self.inInput || showTips) return false;
                        if (self.stopInput) return false;
                        let promptStr = window.prompt(i18n("keywords"));
                        if (promptStr === null) return false;
                        localKeywords = promptStr;
                        setTimeout(() => {localKeywords = ''}, 1);
                        keywords = promptStr;
                        keywordsR = keywords;
                        keywordsU = keywordsR.toUpperCase();
                        keywordsL = keywordsR.toLowerCase();
                        keywordsSC = _unsafeWindow.tc2sc ? _unsafeWindow.tc2sc(keywordsR) : keywordsR;
                        keywordsTC = _unsafeWindow.sc2tc ? _unsafeWindow.sc2tc(keywordsR) : keywordsR;
                        if (!needDecode) keywords = encodeURIComponent(keywords);
                        resultUrl = customReplaceKeywords(resultUrl);
                    } else if (keywords && (!keywordsU && !keywordsL && !keywordsR)) {
                        keywordsR = keywords;
                        keywordsU = keywordsR.toUpperCase();
                        keywordsL = keywordsR.toLowerCase();
                        keywordsSC = _unsafeWindow.tc2sc ? _unsafeWindow.tc2sc(keywordsR) : keywordsR;
                        keywordsTC = _unsafeWindow.sc2tc ? _unsafeWindow.sc2tc(keywordsR) : keywordsR;
                        if (!needDecode) keywords = encodeURIComponent(keywords);
                    if (targetUrl === '') {
                        let canBeUrl = getSelectStr() || self.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value;
                        if (!hasWordParam && canBeUrl && /^(http|ftp)/i.test(canBeUrl)) {
                            targetUrl = canBeUrl;
                            targetUrl = targetUrl.replace(/%(\w{2})/g, (match, letter) => `%${letter.toUpperCase()}`);
                        } else {
                            let promptStr = false;
                            let getTargetUrl = () => {
                                if (self.stopInput || showTips) return false;
                                if (promptStr === false) {
                                    promptStr = window.prompt(i18n("targetUrl"), "https://www.google.com/favicon.ico");
                                    if (promptStr) {
                                        promptStr = promptStr.replace(/%(\w{2})/g, (match, letter) => `%${letter.toUpperCase()}`);
                                        targetElement = {src: promptStr};
                                if (promptStr === null) return false;
                                return true;
                            if (/%t\b/.test(resultUrl)) {
                                self.customInput = true;
                                if (getTargetUrl() === false) return false;
                                resultUrl = customReplaceSingle(resultUrl, "%t", promptStr);
                            if (/%T\b/.test(resultUrl)) {
                                self.customInput = true;
                                if (getTargetUrl() === false) return false;
                                resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%T\b/g, encodeURIComponent(promptStr));
                            if (/%τ\b/.test(resultUrl)) {
                                self.customInput = true;
                                if (getTargetUrl() === false) return false;
                                resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%τ\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(promptStr)));
                            if (/%b\b/.test(resultUrl)) {
                                self.customInput = true;
                                if (getTargetUrl() === false) return false;
                                resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%b\b/g, promptStr.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, ""));
                            if (/%B\b/.test(resultUrl)) {
                                self.customInput = true;
                                if (getTargetUrl() === false) return false;
                                resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%B\b/g, encodeURIComponent(promptStr.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, "")));
                            if (/%β\b/.test(resultUrl)) {
                                self.customInput = true;
                                if (getTargetUrl() === false) return false;
                                resultUrl = resultUrl.replace(/%β\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(promptStr.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, ""))));
                    let _host = host;
                    if ((targetLink || targetUrl) && !ele.dataset.link) {
                        href = targetLink || targetUrl;
                        _host = href.replace(/^\w+:\/\/([^\/]+).*/, "$1");
                    if (inPagePost) {
                        let postParams = [], hasCall = false;
                        postMatch[1].replace(/([^\\])&/g, "$1SJ^PARAM").split("SJ^PARAM").forEach(pair => {//ios不支持零宽断言,哭唧唧
                            pair = pair.trim();
                            if (/^loopStart\(\d+\)$/.test(pair)) {
                                let loopStart = pair.match(/loopStart\((.*)\)/);
                                postParams.push(['@loopStart', loopStart[1]]);
                            } else if (pair == "loopEnd") {
                                postParams.push(['@loopEnd', '']);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("click(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let click = pair.slice(6, pair.length - 1);
                                if (click) {
                                    postParams.push(['@click', click.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("dblclick(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let click = pair.slice(9, pair.length - 1);
                                if (click) {
                                    postParams.push(['@dblclick', click.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("rclick(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let click = pair.slice(7, pair.length - 1);
                                if (click) {
                                    postParams.push(['@rclick', click.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("copy(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let copy = pair.slice(5, pair.length - 1);
                                if (copy) {
                                    postParams.push(['@copy', copy.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("call(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let func = pair.slice(5, pair.length - 1);
                                if (func) {
                                    postParams.push(['@call', func.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                                    hasCall = true;
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("reload(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let func = pair.slice(7, pair.length - 1);
                                postParams.push(['@reload', func.trim()]);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("wait(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let wait = pair.slice(5, pair.length - 1);
                                postParams.push(['@wait', wait.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                            } else if (pair.startsWith("open(") && pair.endsWith(')')) {
                                let open = pair.slice(5, pair.length - 1);
                                if (open) {
                                    postParams.push(['@open', open.replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").trim()]);
                            } else if (/^sleep\(\d+\)$/.test(pair)) {
                                let sleep = pair.match(/sleep\((.*)\)/);
                                if (sleep) {
                                    postParams.push(['@sleep', sleep[1]]);
                            } else {
                                pair = pair.replace(/([^\\])\=/g, "$1SJ^PARAM").replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1");
                                let pairArr = pair.split("SJ^PARAM");
                                if (pairArr.length === 2) {
                                    let k = pairArr[0];
                                    let v = customReplaceKeywords(pairArr[1].replace(/\\([\=&])/g, "$1").replace(/%e\b/g, document.characterSet).replace(/%i\b/g, imgBase64).replace(/%c\b/g, (isMobile?"mobile":"pc")).replace(/%U\b/g, encodeURIComponent(href)).replace(/%υ\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(href))).replace(/%h\b/g, _host).replace(/%T\b/g, encodeURIComponent(targetUrl)).replace(/%τ\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(targetUrl))).replace(/%b\b/g, targetBaseUrl).replace(/%B\b/g, encodeURIComponent(targetBaseUrl)).replace(/%β\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(targetBaseUrl))).replace(/%n\b/g, targetName));
                                    v = customReplaceSingle(v, "%t", targetUrl);
                                    v = customReplaceSingle(v, "%u", href);
                                    postParams.push([k, v]);
                                } else if (pair.endsWith('.click()') || pair.endsWith('.click')) {
                                    postParams.push(['@' + pair.replace(/\.click(\(\))?$/, ''), 'click']);
                        if (hasCall) {
                        if (resultUrl === "" || resultUrl === location.href) {
                            inPagePostParams = postParams;
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            storage.setListItem("inPagePostParams", resultUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\/([^\/:]+).*/, "$1"), postParams);
                    resultUrl = customReplaceSingle(resultUrl, "%h", _host);
                    resultUrl = customReplaceSingle(resultUrl, "%t", targetUrl);
                    resultUrl = customReplaceSingle(resultUrl, "%u", href);
                    resultUrl = customReplaceKeywords(resultUrl.replace(/%U\b/g, encodeURIComponent(href)).replace(/%υ\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(href))).replace(/%T\b/g, encodeURIComponent(targetUrl)).replace(/%τ\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(targetUrl))).replace(/%b\b/g, targetBaseUrl).replace(/%B\b/g, encodeURIComponent(targetBaseUrl)).replace(/%β\b/g, encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(targetBaseUrl))).replace(/%n\b/g, targetName));
                    if (openInNewTab && /^(https?|ftp):/.test(resultUrl)) {
                        ele.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
                        ele.dataset.target = 1;
                    } else {
                        ele.dataset.target = 0;
                    return resultUrl;
                let targetUrlData;
                let clicked = false;
                let alt, ctrl, meta, shift;
                let action = async e => {
                    delete ele.href;
                    if (!e) e = {};
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                    ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
                    meta = e.metaKey;
                    shift = e.shiftKey;
                    if (!alt && !ctrl && !meta && !shift) {
                        if (e.button == 1 || e.button == 2) {
                            alt = false;
                            ctrl = true;
                            meta = false;
                            shift = false;
                        } else if (openInNewTab === 2) {//隱身窗口
                            alt = false;
                            ctrl = true;
                            meta = false;
                            shift = true;
                        } else if (openInNewTab === 3) {//小窗口
                            alt = true;
                            ctrl = false;
                            meta = false;
                            shift = false;
                        } else if (openInNewTab === 4) {//后台标签页
                            alt = false;
                            ctrl = true;
                            meta = false;
                            shift = false;
                    if (showTips) {
                        if (tipsData) {
                            if (/^(https?|ftp):/.test(tipsData)) {
                                targetUrlData = tipsData;
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                                if (openInNewTab) {
                                    ele.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
                                } else {
                                    ele.setAttribute("target", "_self");
                            } else {
                                if (/^copy:/.test(tipsData)) {
                                    tipsData = tipsData.replace(/^copy:/, "");
                        ele.dispatchEvent(new Event("actionOver"));
                    clicked = false;
                    targetUrlData = "";
                    targetUrlData = await getUrl();
                    if (/^(https?|ftp):/.test(targetUrlData)) {
                        e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
                    if (/^c(opy)?:|^paste:/.test(data.url) || /^javascript:/.test(data.url) || /^\[/.test(data.url) || /[:%]P{/.test(data.url) || (data.charset && data.charset != 'utf-8') || /[:%]p{/.test(data.url)) {
                        if (e.button == 1 || e.button == 2) {
                            clicked = true;
                    } else {
                        if (!targetUrlData) {
                            //wait for all input stoped
                            if (!self.stopInput) {
                                self.stopInput = true;
                                setTimeout(() => {
                                    self.stopInput = false;
                                }, 1);
                        ele.href = targetUrlData;
                    if (self.customInput && targetUrlData) {
                        clicked = true;
                    ele.dispatchEvent(new Event("actionOver"));
                    if (clicked) {
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                let addHistory = () => {
                    let historyLength = Math.max(searchData.prefConfig.historyLength, 20);
                    let isCurrent = ele.dataset.current;
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                        storage.getItem("historySites", data => {
                            historySites = (data || []);
                            historySites = historySites.filter(site => {return site && site != name});
                            if (historySites.length > historyLength) {
                                historySites = historySites.slice(0, historyLength);
                            storage.setItem("historySites", historySites);
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.shiftLastUsedType && !isCurrent) {
                        let parent = ele.parentNode;
                        let dismissHistory = parent && (parent.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAll") ||
                                                        parent.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetImg") ||
                                                        parent.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetAudio") ||
                                                        parent.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetVideo") ||
                                                        parent.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetLink") ||
                                                        parent.classList.contains("search-jumper-targetPage") ||
                        if (!dismissHistory && historyType != ele.dataset.type) {
                            historyType = ele.dataset.type;
                            storage.setItem("historyType", historyType);
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.sortType) {
                        storage.getItem("sortTypeNames", data => {
                            sortTypeNames = (data || {});
                            if (!sortTypeNames[ele.dataset.type]) {
                                sortTypeNames[ele.dataset.type] = 1;
                            } else {
                                sortTypeNames[ele.dataset.type] = sortTypeNames[ele.dataset.type] + 1;
                            storage.setItem("sortTypeNames", sortTypeNames);
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.sortSite) {
                        storage.getItem("sortSiteNames", data => {
                            sortSiteNames = (data || {});
                            if (!sortSiteNames[ele.dataset.name]) {
                                sortSiteNames[ele.dataset.name] = 1;
                            } else {
                                sortSiteNames[ele.dataset.name] = sortSiteNames[ele.dataset.name] + 1;
                            storage.setItem("sortSiteNames", sortSiteNames);
                let copyHandler = (inner, str) => {
                    let target = ele;
                    if (!inner) {
                        self.con.style.display = "";
                        if (window.getSelection().toString()) {
                            target = targetElement || ele;
                        } else target = getBody(document);
                    self.tipsPos(target, i18n('copyOver'));
                    self.hideTips = setTimeout(() => {
                        if (self.tips.style.opacity == "1") {
                            self.tips.style.opacity = 0;
                    }, 1500);
                let clickHandler = e => {
                    e && e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
                    if (targetElement) {
                        targetElement.focus && targetElement.focus();
                    if (self.waitForShowTips) {
                        showTipsHandler(ele, 0);
                        e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
                        return false;
                    clicked = true;
                    if (!targetUrlData) {
                        e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
                        return false;
                    if (!e) e = {};
                    let isPage = /^(https?|ftp):/.test(targetUrlData);
                    if (!self.batchOpening && !isBookmark) {
                    if (searchData.prefConfig.multiline == 1 || searchData.prefConfig.multiline == 2) {
                        if (inputString &&
                            wordParamReg.test(ele.dataset.url) &&
                            inputString.indexOf("\n") !== -1 &&
                            !/^(c|show)/.test(ele.dataset.url)) {
                            if (searchData.prefConfig.multiline == 1 ||
                                confirm(i18n("multiline"))) {
                                let selStrArr = inputString.split("\n");
                                if (selStrArr.length > 10 && !confirm(i18n("multilineTooMuch"))) return;
                                let searchIndex = 0;
                                let defaultTarget = ele.target;
                                ele.target = "_blank";
                                let searchByLine = async () => {
                                    targetUrlData = await getUrl(selStrArr[searchIndex++]);
                                    ele.href = targetUrlData;
                                    if (searchIndex < selStrArr.length) {
                                        setTimeout(() => {
                                        }, searchData.prefConfig.multilineGap || 1000);
                                    } else ele.target = defaultTarget;
                                ele.href = "";
                                if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                                if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                                return false;
                    if (targetUrlData.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                        self.showCustomInputWindow(targetUrlData, _url => {
                            targetUrlData = _url;
                            ele.href = _url;
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                    let findWordsMatch = targetUrlData.match(/^find(\.addto\((.*?)\))?:(.*)/);
                    if (findWordsMatch) {
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        let addToGroup = findWordsMatch[2];
                        let findWords = findWordsMatch[3];
                        if (!findWords) {
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            if (addToGroup && searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule) {
                                if (addToGroup.indexOf("@") !== 0) addToGroup = "@" + addToGroup;
                            if (findWords.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                                self.showCustomInputWindow(findWords, _url => {
                                    if (addToGroup) {
                                        self.addToHighlightGroup(_url, addToGroup);
                                    } else {
                                        self.searchJumperInPageInput.value = _url;
                            } else {
                                if (addToGroup) {
                                    self.addToHighlightGroup(findWords, addToGroup);
                                } else {
                                    self.searchJumperInPageInput.value = findWords;
                        return false;
                    } else if (/^javascript:/.test(data.url)) {
                        if (ext) {
                            _unsafeWindow.targetElement = targetElement;
                            _unsafeWindow.keywords = getKeywords();
                            let func = (/^javascript:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(targetUrlData) && _unsafeWindow[targetUrlData.replace("javascript:", "")]);
                            if (func) {
                                if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                                if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                                return false;
                            ele.href = targetUrlData;
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        _unsafeWindow.targetElement = targetElement;
                        _unsafeWindow.keywords = getKeywords();
                        targetUrlData = targetUrlData.replace(/^javascript:/, '');
                        try {
                            targetUrlData = decodeURIComponent(targetUrlData);
                        } catch(e) {}
                        let func = (/^[_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(targetUrlData) && _unsafeWindow[targetUrlData]) || new AsyncFunction(targetUrlData);
                        if (func) func();
                        return false;
                    } else if (/^c(opy)?:/.test(data.url)) {
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        if (!targetUrlData) {
                            return false;
                        } else if (targetUrlData.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                            self.showCustomInputWindow(targetUrlData, _url => {
                                copyHandler(true, _url.replace(/^c(opy)?:/, ""));
                        } else {
                            copyHandler(e.isTrusted, targetUrlData.replace(/^c(opy)?:/, ""));
                        return false;
                    } else if (/^paste:/.test(data.url)) {
                        let targetInput = false;
                        if (targetElement &&
                            (/INPUT|TEXTAREA/i.test(targetElement.nodeName) &&
                             targetElement.getAttribute("aria-readonly") != "true")
                           ) {
                            targetInput = true;
                        } else {
                            let parent = targetElement;
                            while (parent) {
                                targetInput = parent.contentEditable == 'true';
                                if (targetInput || parent.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') {
                                parent = parent.parentNode;
                        if (targetInput) {
                            if (!targetUrlData) {
                                return false;
                            targetUrlData = targetUrlData.replace(/^paste:/, "");
                            if (targetUrlData.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                                self.showCustomInputWindow(targetUrlData, _url => {
                                    triggerPaste(targetElement, _url);
                            } else if (targetUrlData) {
                                triggerPaste(targetElement, targetUrlData);
                            } else if (typeof navigator.clipboard.readText !== "undefined") {
                                navigator.clipboard.readText().then((clipboardValue) => {
                                    triggerPaste(targetElement, clipboardValue);
                    } else if (/^\[/.test(data.url)) {
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        let siteNames = JSON.parse(data.url);
                        self.batchOpen(siteNames, {button: 2, altKey: alt || e.altKey, ctrlKey: ctrl || e.ctrlKey, shiftKey: shift || e.shiftKey, metaKey: meta || e.metaKey}, openInNewTab === 1);
                        return false;
                    } else if (/[:%]P{/.test(data.url)) {
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        if (targetUrlData === false) return false;
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                            if (postBody) {
                                _url = _url.replace(postBody[0], '');
                                postBody = postBody[1];
                                if (postBody.charAt(0) === '"' && postBody.charAt(postBody.length - 1) === '"') {
                                    postParam = postBody.substring(1, postBody.length - 1);
                                } else {
                                    postBody = new URLSearchParams(postBody);
                                    let postDict = {};
                                    postBody.forEach((v, k) => {
                                        postDict[k] = v;
                                    postParam = JSON.stringify(postDict);
                                method: "POST", url: _url, data: postParam,
                                onload: (d) => {
                                    //_GM_notification(i18n("postOver") + d.statusText);
                                onerror: (e) => {
                                    _GM_notification(i18n("postError") + (e.statusText || e.error));
                                ontimeout: (e) => {
                                    _GM_notification(i18n("postError") + (e.statusText || e.error));
                        if (targetUrlData.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                            self.showCustomInputWindow(targetUrlData, _url => {
                        } else {
                        return false;
                    } else if ((data.charset && data.charset != 'utf-8') || /[:%]p{/.test(data.url)) {
                        if (targetUrlData === false) return false;
                        let jumpFrom = data.url.match(/#(j(umpFrom|f)?|from){(.*?)}/);
                        let processPostUrl = _url => {
                            if (jumpFrom) {
                                storage.setItem("postUrl", [_url, data.charset]);
                                jumpFrom = jumpFrom[3];
                                if (jumpFrom.indexOf("http") !== 0) {
                                    jumpFrom = _url.replace(/(:\/\/.*?\/)[\s\S]*/, "$1" + jumpFrom);
                                _url = jumpFrom;
                            } else {
                                if (ext) {
                                    storage.setItem("postUrl", [_url + "#from{" + jumpHtml + "}", data.charset]);
                                    _url = jumpHtml;
                                } else {
                                    storage.setItem("postUrl", [_url, data.charset]);
                                    _url = _url.replace(/(:\/\/.*?)\/[\s\S]*/, "$1").replace(/[:%]p{[\s\S]*/, '');
                            return _url;
                        if (targetUrlData.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                            self.showCustomInputWindow(targetUrlData, _url => {
                                _url = processPostUrl(_url);
                                if (!_url) return;
                                ele.href = _url;
                                if (ele.target === '_blank') {
                                    _GM_openInTab(ele.href, {active: true, insert: true});
                                } else {
                                    location.href = ele.href;
                            if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                            if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        } else {
                            targetUrlData = processPostUrl(targetUrlData);
                            if (!targetUrlData) return;
                            ele.href = targetUrlData;
                    if (shift && !ctrl && !meta && !alt && e.isTrusted) return;
                    if (/^(chrome|edge|about|extension|moz-extension)/.test(targetUrlData)) {
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        if (ctrl) {
                            _GM_openInTab(targetUrlData, {active: false, insert: true});
                        } else {
                            _GM_openInTab(targetUrlData, {active: true, insert: true, close: true});
                        return false;
                    } else if ((alt || ctrl || meta || shift) && isPage) {
                        if ((ctrl || meta) && shift) {
                            _GM_openInTab(targetUrlData, {incognito: true});
                        } else if (ctrl || meta) {
                            _GM_openInTab(targetUrlData, {active: false, insert: true});
                        } else if (alt) {
                            if (data.match) {
                                let match = data.match.replace(/\\/g, "");
                                let mobileMatch = match.match(/\((www)\|([^\)\|]+)/);
                                while (mobileMatch) {
                                    targetUrlData = targetUrlData.replace(mobileMatch[1], mobileMatch[2]);
                                    match = match.replace(mobileMatch[0], "");
                                    mobileMatch = match.match(/\(([^\)\|]+)\|([^\)\|]+)/);
                            let viewWidth = window.screen.availWidth || window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth;
                            let viewHeight = window.screen.availHeight || window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
                            let showWidth = searchData.prefConfig.popupWidth, showHeight = searchData.prefConfig.popupHeight, left = searchData.prefConfig.popupLeft, top = searchData.prefConfig.popupTop;
                            if (showHeight) {
                                showHeight = parseFloat(showHeight);
                                showHeight = viewHeight / 100 * showHeight;
                            } else {
                                showHeight = Math.max(viewHeight / 3 * 2, viewHeight - 250);
                            if (showWidth) {
                                showWidth = parseFloat(showWidth);
                                showWidth = viewWidth / 100 * showWidth;
                            } else {
                                showWidth = Math.min(viewWidth, 650);
                            if (left) {
                                left = parseFloat(left);
                                left = viewWidth / 100 * left - showWidth / 2;
                            } else {
                                left = viewWidth - showWidth - 30;
                            if (top) {
                                top = parseFloat(top);
                                top = viewHeight / 100 * top - showHeight / 2;
                            } else {
                                top = (viewHeight - showHeight) / 2;
                            self.popupWindow = window.open(targetUrlData + "#searchJumperMin" + (/#p{/.test(data.url) ? 'Post' : ''), "_blank", `width=${showWidth}, height=${showHeight}, location=0, resizable=1, status=0, toolbar=0, menubar=0, scrollbars=0, left=${left}, top=${top}`);
                        } else if (shift) {
                            _GM_openInTab(targetUrlData, {active: true, insert: true});
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        return false;
                    } else if (isPage && ele.getAttribute("target") === "_blank" && !(alt || ctrl || meta || shift) && e.button === 0) {
                        _GM_openInTab(targetUrlData, {active: true, insert: true});
                        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                        if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                        return false;
                //ele.href = data.url;
                ele.addEventListener('mousedown', action, true);
                ele.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
                    if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                }, true);
                ele.addEventListener('click', clickHandler, true);

                ele.addEventListener('auxclick', e => {
                    if (clicked && e.preventDefault) {
                        return false;
                }, true);

                ele.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
                    if (clicked && e.preventDefault) {
                        return false;
                }, true);

                let tipsStr = ele.dataset.name;
                if (shortcut) {
                    tipsStr += ` (${data.ctrl ? "Ctrl + " : ""}${data.shift ? "Shift + " : ""}${data.alt ? "Alt + " : ""}${data.meta ? "Meta + " : ""}${shortcut.replace("Key", "")})`;
                let anylizing = false, tipsShowing = false;
                let setTips = async (target, url, again) => {
                    self.tipsPos(target, '<span class="loader"></span><font>Loading...</font>');
                    tipsShowing = false;
                    if (url) {
                        try {
                            url = url.replace(/^showTips:/, '');
                            anylizing = true;
                            let tipsResult = await self.anylizeShowTips(url, ele.dataset.name, target);
                            anylizing = false;
                            if (self.tips.style.opacity == 0 || self.tips.innerHTML.indexOf('<span class="loader">') !== 0) {
                                tipsShowing = true;
                            if (Array && Array.isArray && Array.isArray(tipsResult)) {
                                tipsData = tipsResult[1];
                                tipsResult = tipsResult[0];
                            if (tipsResult) {
                                if (tipsResult != "null" && tipsResult != "No result") {
                                    tipsResult = `<div>${tipsResult}</div>`;
                                    tipsShowing = true;
                                //self.tips.style.transition = "none";
                                self.tipsPos(target, tipsResult);
                                setTimeout(() => {
                                    self.tips.style.pointerEvents = "all";
                                }, 100);
                        } catch(e) {debug(e)}
                let showTipsHandler = async (target, time = 1000) => {
                    if (!target || target.nodeType !== 1) return;
                    if (self.preList) {
                        self.preList.style.visibility = "hidden";
                        self.listArrow.style.cssText = "";
                    tipsData = null;
                    self.waitForShowTips = false;
                    self.tipsPos(target, tipsStr);
                    if (showTips) {
                        self.stopInput = true;
                        let url = await getUrl();
                        self.stopInput = false;
                        if (url && self.lastUrl === url) {
                            if (anylizing) {
                                self.tipsPos(target, "<span class='loader'></span><font>Loading...</font>");
                            } else {
                                setTips(target, url);
                        } else {
                            self.waitForShowTips = true;
                            self.requestShowTipsTimer = setTimeout(async () => {
                                url = url || await getUrl();
                                if (!url) return;
                                if (url.indexOf('%input{') !== -1) {
                                    self.showCustomInputWindow(url, _url => {
                                        url = _url;
                                        setTips(target, url);
                                self.lastUrl = url;
                                setTips(target, url);
                                self.waitForShowTips = false;
                            }, time);
                let touchend = false;
                ele.addEventListener('touchend', e => {
                    if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                    if (showTips) {
                        touchend = true;
                        self.waitForShowTips = true;
                }, false);
                let scaleMove = e => {
                    if (self.funcKeyCall || searchData.prefConfig.noAni) return;
                    let leftRight = self.con.classList.contains("search-jumper-left") ||
                    let newDockerScaleBtns = [];
                    let curRect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
                    let offset = leftRight ? Math.abs(e.clientY - curRect.top) / curRect.height : Math.abs(e.clientX - curRect.left) / curRect.width;
                    let scale1st = 0.1;
                    let scale2nd = 0.1;
                    ele.style.setProperty("--scale", 1 + scale1st + scale2nd);
                    let pre = ele.previousElementSibling;
                    if (pre && /^A$/i.test(pre.nodeName)) {
                        pre.style.setProperty("--scale", 1 + scale2nd + scale1st * (1 - offset));
                        let prepre = pre.previousElementSibling;
                        if (prepre && /^A$/i.test(prepre.nodeName)) {
                            prepre.style.setProperty("--scale", 1 + scale2nd * (1 - offset));
                    let next = ele.nextElementSibling;
                    if (next && /^A$/i.test(next.nodeName)) {
                        next.style.setProperty("--scale", 1 + scale2nd + scale1st * offset);
                        let nextnext = next.nextElementSibling;
                        if (nextnext && /^A$/i.test(nextnext.nodeName)) {
                            nextnext.style.setProperty("--scale", 1 + scale2nd * offset);
                    self.dockerScaleBtns.forEach(btn => {
                        if (newDockerScaleBtns.indexOf(btn) === -1) {
                            btn.style.setProperty("--scale", 1);
                    self.dockerScaleBtns = newDockerScaleBtns;
                ele.addEventListener('mouseenter', e => {
                    if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
                    if (tipsShowing && self.lastTips === ele && self.tips.style.opacity == 1) {
                    self.lastTips = ele;
                    if (showTips) {
                        if (touchend) {
                            touchend = false;
                        if (hasWordParam) {
                            let keywords = self.searchJumperInputKeyWords.value || getKeywords();
                            if (!keywords) {
                                self.waitForShowTips = true;
                                self.tipsPos(ele, tipsStr);
                }, true);
                ele.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
                    self.clingPos(ele, self.tips);
                }, false);
                ele.addEventListener('showTips', e => {
                    self.con.style.display = "";
                    showTipsHandler(targetElement, 0);
                }, false);
                ele.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => {
                    if (!tipsShowing) {
                        self.tips.style.opacity = 0;
                }, false);
                ele.addEventListener('drop', e => {
                    self.searchBySiteName(name, e);
                }, false);
                ele.addEventListener('dragover', e => {
                }, false);
                return ele;

            closePopupWindow() {
                if (!searchData.prefConfig.closePopupWhenClick) return;
                if (this.popupWindow) {
                    this.popupWindow = null;

            closeOpenType() {
                let openType = this.bar.querySelector('.search-jumper-type.search-jumper-open>span');
                if (openType) {
                    this.funcKeyCall = false;
                    if (openType.onmousedown) {
                    } else {
                        let mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown");

            addToHighlightGroup(findWords, addToGroup) {
                let group = searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule[addToGroup];
                if (group) {
                    let groupMatch = group.match(/^\/(.*)\/([il]*)$/);
                    if (groupMatch) {
                        group = `/${groupMatch[1]}|${findWords}/${groupMatch[2] || ''}`;
                    } else group = `/${group}|${findWords}/`;
                } else {
                    group = `/${findWords}/`;
                searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule[addToGroup] = group;
                storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);

            streamUpdate(data) {
                this.streamUpdateCallBack && this.streamUpdateCallBack(data);

            async anylizeShowTips(data, name, target) {
                let tipsResult, self = this;
                try {
                    const calcReg = /([^\\]|^)([\+\-*/])([\d\.]+)$/;
                    const cacheReg = /\|cache\=(\d+)$/;
                    const postReg = /%p(\{+)/;
                    const headersReg = /#headers({.*?})/;
                    const streamReg = /#stream({(.*?)})?/;
                    const thenReg = /.then{(.*?)}/;
                    data = data.replace(/^showTips:/, '').replace(/{name}/g, name).trim();
                    if (/^https?:/.test(data)) {
                        let url = data.split("\n");
                        if (url.length == 1) url = data.split(" ");
                        url = url[0];
                        data = data.replace(url, "").trim().replace(/\\{/g, "showTipsLeftBrace").replace(/\\}/g, "showTipsRightBrace").replace(/{url}/g, '【SEARCHJUMPERURL】');
                        let cache = url.match(cacheReg);
                        if (cache) {
                            cache = parseInt(cache[1]);
                            url = url.replace(cacheReg, "");
                        } else cache = 7200;
                        let now = Date.now() / 1000;
                        let newTipsStorage = tipsStorage.filter(t => {
                            if (now < t.time) {
                                if (!tipsResult && t.url == url) {
                                    tipsResult = t.data;
                                return true;
                            return false;
                        if (newTipsStorage.length != tipsStorage.length) {
                            tipsStorage = newTipsStorage;
                            storage.setItem("tipsStorage", tipsStorage);

                        let allValue = [];
                        let calcJson = (json, template) => {
                            let finalData = data, allFailed = true;
                            while (template) {
                                let templateArr = template[1].replace(/\\\|/g, "【searchJumperJsonSplit】").split("|");
                                let props = templateArr[0].replace(/【searchJumperJsonSplit】/g, "|").replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, ".$1").replace(/\[all\]/g, ".all").split("."), value = json, arrayValue = null;
                                props.forEach(prop => {
                                    if (arrayValue) {
                                        let tempArray = [];
                                        for (let i = 0; i < arrayValue.length; i++) {
                                            let curValue = arrayValue[i];
                                            if (curValue) {
                                                if (Array.isArray(curValue)) {
                                                    curValue = curValue.at ? curValue.at(prop) : curValue[prop];
                                                } else curValue = curValue[prop];
                                        arrayValue = tempArray;
                                    } else {
                                        if (value) {
                                            if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                                                if (prop === 'all') {
                                                    arrayValue = value;
                                                } else {
                                                    value = value.at ? value.at(prop) : value[prop];
                                            } else value = value[prop];
                                        if (!value) return null;
                                if (arrayValue) {
                                    value = arrayValue.join("");
                                if (templateArr.length != 1) {
                                    let calcStr = templateArr[1];
                                    let needCalc = calcStr.match(calcReg);
                                    if (needCalc) {
                                        let calcArr = [];
                                        while (needCalc) {
                                            calcStr = calcStr.replace(calcReg, "$1");
                                            calcArr.unshift([needCalc[2], needCalc[3]]);
                                            needCalc = calcStr.match(calcReg);
                                        calcArr.forEach(calc => {
                                            let param = parseFloat(calc[1]);
                                            switch (calc[0]) {
                                                case "+":
                                                    value += param;
                                                case "-":
                                                    value -= param;
                                                case "*":
                                                    value *= param;
                                                case "/":
                                                    value /= param;
                                        value = value.toFixed(2);
                                    } else {
                                        let fullReg = calcStr.match(/^\/(.*)\/(\w?)$/);
                                        let regGroup = fullReg ? new RegExp(fullReg[1], fullReg[2]) : new RegExp(calcStr);
                                        let valueMatch = value.match(regGroup);
                                        if (valueMatch) {
                                            value = valueMatch[1];
                                if (!value) value = "";
                                else allFailed = false;
                                finalData = finalData.replace(template[0], value);
                                template = finalData.match(/{(.*?)}/);
                            if (allFailed) {
                                console.log("Error:", json);
                            finalData = finalData.replace(/showTipsLeftBrace/g, "{").replace(/showTipsRightBrace/g, "}");
                            return finalData;

                        let template = data.match(/{(.*?)}/);
                        if (tipsResult) {
                            if (template && template[1].indexOf("json") === 0) {
                                data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, url);
                                tipsResult = calcJson(tipsResult, template);
                                tipsResult = [tipsResult, "\n" + allValue.join(",")];
                        } else {
                            let storeData;
                            let postMatch = url.match(postReg), fetchOption = {}, _url = url;
                            if (postMatch) {
                                let braceNum = postMatch[1].length;
                                postMatch = url.match(new RegExp(`%p\{+(.*?)\}{${braceNum}}`));
                                if (postMatch) {
                                    let body = postMatch[1];
                                    if (body.indexOf("%") === 0) {
                                        try {
                                            body = decodeURIComponent(body);
                                        } catch(e) {}
                                    fetchOption.body = body;
                                    fetchOption.method = "POST";
                                    _url = _url.replace(postMatch[0], "");
                            let headersMatch = url.match(headersReg);
                            if (headersMatch) {
                                let headers = headersMatch[1];
                                if (headers.indexOf("%") === 0 || headers.indexOf("%") === 1) {
                                    try {
                                        headers = decodeURIComponent(headers);
                                    } catch(e) {}
                                fetchOption.headers = JSON.parse(headers);
                                _url = _url.replace(headersMatch[0], "");

                            let failed = false, fetchData;
                            let isJson = (template && template[1].indexOf("json") === 0);
                            let streamMatch = url.match(streamReg);
                            if (streamMatch) {
                                fetchOption.responseType = "stream";
                                fetchOption.streamMode = streamMatch[2] || "concat";
                                _url = _url.replace(streamMatch[0], "");
                                tipsResult = await new Promise(resolve => {
                                    fetchOption.onstream = data => {
                                        let result;
                                        if (isJson) {
                                            result = data.json();
                                            if (!result) return;
                                            result = calcJson(result, template);
                                        } else result = data.text;
                                        self.tipsPos(target, result);
                                        self.tips.style.pointerEvents = "all";
                                        resolve && resolve(result);
                                    if (ext) {
                                        self.streamUpdateCallBack = data => {
                                            let result;
                                            if (isJson) {
                                                if (!data.json) return;
                                                result = calcJson(data.json, template);
                                            } else result = data.text;
                                            self.tipsPos(target, result);
                                            self.tips.style.pointerEvents = "all";
                                            resolve && resolve(result);
                                        fetchData = new Promise((resolve) => {
                                            chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "showTips", detail: {from: url + `\n{${template[1]}}`}}, function(r) {
                                                data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, (r && r.finalUrl) || "");
                                                resolve(isJson ? r.json : r.text);
                                    } else {
                                        fetchData = GM_fetch(_url, fetchOption).then(r => {
                                            data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, r.finalUrl);
                                            return isJson ? r.json() : r.text;
                                    fetchData.then(r => {
                                        let finalData = isJson ? (r && calcJson(r, template)) : r;
                                        if (!finalData) return;
                                        self.tipsPos(target, finalData);
                                        resolve && resolve(finalData);
                                if (!tipsResult) {
                                    tipsResult = "No result";
                                    failed = true;
                            } else if (isJson) {
                                let allValue = [];
                                if (ext) {
                                    fetchData = new Promise((resolve) => {
                                        chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "showTips", detail: {from: url + `\n{${template[1]}}`}}, function(r) {
                                            data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, (r && r.finalUrl) || "");
                                            resolve((r && r.data) || "");
                                } else {
                                    fetchData = GM_fetch(_url, fetchOption).then(r => {
                                        data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, r.finalUrl);
                                        return r.json();
                                tipsResult = await fetchData.then(r => {
                                    if (!r) return null;
                                    storeData = r;
                                    let finalData = calcJson(r, template);
                                    return finalData;
                                if (!tipsResult) {
                                    tipsResult = "No result";
                                    failed = true;
                                tipsResult = [tipsResult, "\n" + allValue.join(",")];
                            } else {
                                let hasData = false;
                                let thenMatch = _url.match(thenReg), thenEleSelArr = [];
                                while (thenMatch) {
                                    let thenEleSel = thenMatch[1];
                                    _url = _url.replace(thenMatch[0], "");
                                    thenMatch = _url.match(thenReg);
                                if (ext) {
                                    fetchData = new Promise((resolve) => {
                                        chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "showTips", detail: {from: url + `\n `}}, function(r) {
                                            if (data.indexOf('【SEARCHJUMPERURL】') != -1) {
                                                data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, (r && r.finalUrl) || "");
                                                hasData = true;
                                            resolve((r && r.data) || "");
                                    while (thenEleSelArr.length) {
                                        let thenEleSel = thenEleSelArr.shift();
                                        let thenUrl = await fetchData.then(r => {
                                            let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
                                            doc.documentElement.innerHTML = createHTML(r);
                                            let ele = getElement(thenEleSel, doc);
                                            if (!ele) return null;
                                            let basepath = doc.querySelector("base");
                                            return canonicalUri(ele.getAttribute("href"), (basepath ? basepath.href : _url));

                                        if (thenUrl) {
                                            fetchData = new Promise((resolve) => {
                                                chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "showTips", detail: {from: thenUrl + `\n `}}, function(r) {
                                                    resolve((r && r.data) || "");
                                        } else return "No result";
                                } else {
                                    fetchData = GM_fetch(_url, fetchOption).then(r => {
                                        if (data.indexOf('【SEARCHJUMPERURL】') != -1) {
                                            data = data.replace(/【SEARCHJUMPERURL】/g, r.finalUrl);
                                            hasData = true;
                                        return r.text();
                                    while (thenEleSelArr.length) {
                                        let thenEleSel = thenEleSelArr.shift();
                                        let thenUrl = await fetchData.then(r => {
                                            let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
                                            doc.documentElement.innerHTML = createHTML(r);
                                            let ele = getElement(thenEleSel, doc);
                                            if (!ele) return null;
                                            let basepath = doc.querySelector("base");
                                            return canonicalUri(ele.getAttribute("href"), (basepath ? basepath.href : _url));

                                        if (thenUrl) {
                                            fetchData = GM_fetch(thenUrl).then(r => {
                                                return r.text();
                                        } else return "No result";
                                let title;
                                tipsResult = await fetchData.then(r => {
                                    if (!data) {
                                        return r;
                                    let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
                                    doc.documentElement.innerHTML = createHTML(r);
                                    title = doc.title;
                                    let finalData = data;
                                    while (template) {
                                        let value = "";
                                        if (template[1] == "title") {
                                            value = doc.title;
                                        } else {
                                            let selArr = template[1].split("|");
                                            let eles = getAllElements(selArr[0], doc);
                                            if (eles && eles.length) {
                                                hasData = true;
                                                if (selArr.length == 1) {
                                                    value = eles[0].innerText;
                                                } else {
                                                    let key = selArr[1];
                                                    let forEachMatch = key.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
                                                    if (forEachMatch) {
                                                        [].forEach.call(eles, ele => {
                                                            let _v = selArr[1];
                                                            forEachMatch.forEach(p => {
                                                                if (p === "()") {
                                                                    _v = _v.replace(p, ele.innerText);
                                                                } else {
                                                                    key = p.match(/\((.*)\)/)[1];
                                                                    _v = _v.replace(p, ele.getAttribute(key) || ele[key]);
                                                            value += _v;
                                                    } else {
                                                        value = eles[0].getAttribute(key) || eles[0][key];
                                        finalData = finalData.replace(template[0], value);
                                        template = finalData.match(/{(.*?)}/);
                                    if (!hasData) return null;
                                    finalData = finalData.replace(/showTipsLeftBrace/g, "{").replace(/showTipsRightBrace/g, "}");
                                    return finalData;
                                if (!tipsResult) {
                                    tipsResult = "No result";
                                    failed = true;
                                } else {
                                    this.insertHistoryUrl(url, title);
                                tipsResult = [tipsResult, url];
                                storeData = tipsResult;
                            if (!failed) {
                                tipsResult = this.calcResult(tipsResult);
                                tipsStorage.push({url: url, data: storeData, time: Date.now() / 1000 + cache});
                                if (tipsStorage.length > 50) tipsStorage.shift();
                                storage.setItem("tipsStorage", tipsStorage);
                    } else {
                        tipsResult = /\breturn\b/.test(data) ? await new AsyncFunction('fetch', 'storage', 'name', '"use strict";' + data)(GM_fetch, storage, name) : data;
                        tipsResult = this.calcResult(tipsResult);
                        if (targetElement && targetElement.href) {
                            let newTitle = targetElement.title || targetElement.alt || targetElement.innerText;
                            this.insertHistoryUrl(targetElement.href, newTitle);
                } catch(e) {debug(e)}
                return tipsResult;

            calcResult(result) {
                let isString = typeof result === 'string';
                let str = isString ? result : result[0];
                const calcRegFull = /{([\d\.]+)(([\+\-*/][\d\.]+)+)}/;
                const calcRegOperate = /([\+\-*/])([\d\.]+)/;
                let needCalc = str.match(calcRegFull);
                if (needCalc) {
                    let calcArr = [];
                    let fullMatch = needCalc[0];
                    let value = parseFloat(needCalc[1]);
                    let calcStr = needCalc[2];
                    needCalc = calcStr.match(calcRegOperate);
                    while (needCalc) {
                        calcStr = calcStr.replace(needCalc[0], "");
                        calcArr.push([needCalc[1], needCalc[2]]);
                        needCalc = calcStr.match(calcRegOperate);
                    calcArr.forEach(calc => {
                        let param = parseFloat(calc[1]);
                        switch (calc[0]) {
                            case "+":
                                value += param;
                            case "-":
                                value -= param;
                            case "*":
                                value *= param;
                            case "/":
                                value /= param;
                    value = value.toFixed(2);
                    str = str.replace(fullMatch, value);
                if (isString) {
                    result = str;
                } else {
                    result[0] = str;
                return result;

            insertHistoryUrl(url, title) {
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            checkScroll(noIntoView, noSmooth) {
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            reopenType(type) {
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            showInPage(_funcKeyCall, e) {
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                        case 'AUDIO':
                            typeSel = "targetAudio";
                        case 'VIDEO':
                            typeSel = "targetVideo";
                        case 'A':
                            typeSel = "targetLink";
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            setFuncKeyCall(value) {
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                    } else {

            initPos(relX, relY, posX, posY) {
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                if (posX < 0) {
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                                setTimeout(() => {
                                    openType.style.transition = "";
                                }, 1);
                                self.checkScroll(false, true);
                            }, 0);
                    }, 251);

        class Picker {
            //static picker;
            constructor() {
                this.clickedIndex = 0;
                this.signList = [];//所有标记
                this.clickedEles = {};//点击的元素
                this.exact = true;
                this.accu = 0;
                this.wheelScrolling = false;

            /*static getInstance() {
                if (!Picker.picker) {
                    Picker.picker = new Picker();
                return Picker.picker;

            getSelector(callback, exact = true) {
                this.exact = exact;
                this.callback = callback;

            init() {
                if (this.inited) return;
                this.inited = true;
                let self = this;
                let cssText = `
                 body.searchJumper-picker *:hover,
                 body.searchJumper-picker a:hover {
                   cursor: crosshair !important;
                 .select-rect {
                   position: fixed;
                   z-index: 2147483647;
                   background: none;
                   border: 1px dashed rgba(120, 170, 210, 0.8);
                 .select-rect>.dot {
                   width: 10px;
                   height: 10px;
                   border: 2px solid #000;
                   border-radius: 50%;
                   background-color: white;
                   position: absolute;
                 .select-rect>.top-left {
                   top: -5px;
                   left: -5px;
                 .select-rect>.top-right {
                   top: -5px;
                   right: -5px;
                 .select-rect>.bottom-left {
                   bottom: -5px;
                   left: -5px;
                 .select-rect>.bottom-right {
                   bottom: -5px;
                   right: -5px;
                 .select-rect>.top {
                   top: -5px;
                   left: calc(50% - 5px);
                 .select-rect>.right {
                   top: calc(50% - 5px);
                   right: -5px;
                 .select-rect>.left {
                   top: calc(50% - 5px);
                   left: -5px;
                 .select-rect>.bottom {
                   bottom: -5px;
                   left: calc(50% - 5px);
                let clickTarget = target => {
                    if (!target) return;
                    if (self.callback) {
                        if (target) {
                            let sel = self.geneSelector(target, self.exact);
                    let sign = self.createSignDiv();
                    self.clickedEles[self.clickedIndex] = target;
                    self.appendSign(sign, target, self.clickedIndex);
                let cleanTimer;

                this.mainSignDiv = this.createSignDiv();
                this.setImportant(this.mainSignDiv, "pointer-events", "none");
                this.setImportant(this.mainSignDiv, "background", "rgba(120, 170, 210, 0.3)");
                this.moveHandler = e => {
                    if (e.target === document) return;
                    if (self.inPicker) {
                    if (self.rectSelecting) {
                        if (self.mainSignDiv.parentNode) self.mainSignDiv.parentNode.removeChild(self.mainSignDiv);
                        if (!self.selectRect.parentNode) getBody(document).appendChild(self.selectRect);
                        self.createSelectRect({x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY});
                    } else if (self.creatingRect) {
                    } else {
                        let target = self.getTarget(e.target);
                        if (self.mainSignDiv.parentNode !== target.parentNode) target.parentNode.appendChild(self.mainSignDiv);
                        self.adjustSignDiv(self.mainSignDiv, target);
                        if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
                            cleanTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                                let target = self.cleanTarget(e.target);
                            }, 5);
                this.leaveHandler = e => {
                    if (self.mainSignDiv.parentNode) self.mainSignDiv.parentNode.removeChild(self.mainSignDiv);
                this.clickHandler = e => {
                    if (self.inPicker) {
                    if (self.creatingRect) return;
                    if (self.rectSelecting) {
                        if (self.selectRect.parentNode) {
                        self.rectSelecting = false;
                    let target = self.getTarget(e.target);
                this.mouseDownHandler = e => {
                    self.rectSelecting = true;
                    self.rectInitPos = {x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY};
                this.mouseUpHandler = e => {
                    self.rectSelecting = false;
                    if (self.creatingRect) return;
                    if (self.selectRect.parentNode) {
                        e && e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
                        e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
                this.wheelHandler = e => {
                    if (self.wheelScrolling) return;
                    self.wheelScrolling = true;
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        self.wheelScrolling = false;
                    }, 100);
                    let deltaY;
                    if(e.type !== 'wheel'){
                        let y = 0;
                        if (typeof e.axis == 'number') {
                            if (e.axis == 2) {
                                y = e.detail;
                        } else {
                            if (typeof e.wheelDeltaY == 'undefined' || e.wheelDeltaY != 0) {
                                y = -e.wheelDelta / 40;
                        deltaY = y;

                    } else {
                        deltaY = e.deltaY;
                    if (deltaY > 0) self.accu--;
                    else self.accu++;
                    if (self.accu < 0) self.accu = 0;
                    else if (self.accu > 8) self.accu = 8;
                    let target = self.getTarget(e.target);
                    if (self.mainSignDiv.parentNode !== target.parentNode) target.parentNode.appendChild(self.mainSignDiv);
                    self.adjustSignDiv(self.mainSignDiv, target);

            initSelectRect() {
                this.waitToRemoveSigns = [];
                this.waitToAddSigns = [];
                let selectRect = document.createElement("div");
                selectRect.innerHTML = createHTML(`
                  <div class="dot top-left"></div>
                  <div class="dot top-right"></div>
                  <div class="dot bottom-left"></div>
                  <div class="dot bottom-right"></div>
                  <div class="dot top"></div>
                  <div class="dot right"></div>
                  <div class="dot left"></div>
                  <div class="dot bottom"></div>
                selectRect.className = "select-rect";
                this.selectRect = selectRect;

            createSelectRect(pos) {
                this.rectToPos = pos;
                if (this.creatingRect) return;
                this.creatingRect = true;
                setTimeout(() => {
                    this.creatingRect = false;
                    this.selectRect.style.left = Math.min(this.rectToPos.x, this.rectInitPos.x) + "px";
                    this.selectRect.style.top = Math.min(this.rectToPos.y, this.rectInitPos.y) + "px";
                    this.selectRect.style.width = Math.abs(this.rectToPos.x - this.rectInitPos.x) + "px";
                    this.selectRect.style.height = Math.abs(this.rectToPos.y - this.rectInitPos.y) + "px";
                    if (!this.rectSelecting) this.mouseUpHandler();
                }, 100);

            finishSelectRect() {
                let self = this;
                this.waitToRemoveSigns.forEach(sign => {
                this.waitToAddSigns.forEach(sign => {
                    delete sign.dataset.recttemp;
                this.waitToRemoveSigns = [];
                this.waitToAddSigns = [];
                if (this.signList.length) {
                } else {

            checkRectAndSign() {
                if (!this.domInfo) return;
                let self = this;
                this.waitToRemoveSigns.forEach(sign => {
                    sign.style.opacity = "";
                this.waitToRemoveSigns = [];
                this.signList.forEach(signArr => {
                    let sign = signArr[0];
                    if (sign.dataset.recttemp) return;
                    let signRect = sign.getBoundingClientRect();
                    let curRect = self.selectRect.getBoundingClientRect();
                    if (self.compareRect(signRect, curRect)) {
                        sign.style.opacity = "0";
                    } else {
                        sign.style.opacity = "";
                this.waitToAddSigns.forEach(sign => {
                this.waitToAddSigns = [];
                if (this.waitToRemoveSigns.length === 0) {
                    this.curRectInfo = {};
                    if (this.rectInitPos.x < this.rectToPos.x) {
                        this.curRectInfo.left = this.rectInitPos.x;
                        this.curRectInfo.right = this.rectToPos.x;
                    } else {
                        this.curRectInfo.left = this.rectToPos.x;
                        this.curRectInfo.right = this.rectInitPos.x;
                    if (this.rectInitPos.y < this.rectToPos.y) {
                        this.curRectInfo.top = this.rectInitPos.y;
                        this.curRectInfo.bottom = this.rectToPos.y;
                    } else {
                        this.curRectInfo.top = this.rectToPos.y;
                        this.curRectInfo.bottom = this.rectInitPos.y;

            compareDomWithRect(dom) {
                if (dom.children && dom.children.length > 0) {
                    let matched = 0;
                    for (let i = 0; i < dom.children.length; i++) {
                        let child = dom.children[i];
                        if (this.compareDomWithRect(child)) {
                    if (matched === dom.children.length) {
                        let rect = dom.target.getBoundingClientRect();
                        if (rect.width && rect.height) {
                            dom.sign = true;
                            return true;
                } else {
                    if (this.compareRect(this.curRectInfo, dom.target.getBoundingClientRect())) {
                        dom.sign = true;
                        return true;
                dom.sign = false;
                return false;

            signDomWithRect(dom) {
                if (dom.sign) {
                    let sign = this.createSignDiv();
                    sign.dataset.recttemp = 1;
                    this.adjustSignDiv(sign, dom.target);
                    this.signList.push([sign, dom.target]);
                } else if (dom.children && dom.children.length > 0) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < dom.children.length; i++) {
                        let child = dom.children[i];

            compareRect(rect1, rect2) {
                return (
                    rect2.width &&
                    rect2.height &&
                    rect1.left <= rect2.right &&
                    rect1.right >= rect2.left &&
                    rect1.top <= rect2.bottom &&
                    rect1.bottom >= rect2.top

            cleanTarget(target) {
                if (!target || target.className == "searchJumperSign") return null;
                target = this.getTarget(target);
                if (!target) return null;
                for (let i in this.clickedEles) {
                    let clickedEle = this.clickedEles[i];
                    try {
                        if (clickedEle == target || clickedEle.contains(target) || target.contains(clickedEle)) return null;
                    } catch (e) {
                        return null;
                return target;

            appendSign(sign, target, index) {
                if (target.dataset) {
                    target.dataset.signNum = parseInt(target.dataset.signNum || 0) + 1;
                sign.dataset.target = index;
                this.adjustSignDiv(sign, target);
                this.signList.push([sign, target]);

            removeSign(sign) {
                if (sign.parentNode) sign.parentNode.removeChild(sign);
                for (let i = 0; i < this.signList.length; i++) {
                    let signArr = this.signList[i];
                    if (signArr[0] === sign) {
                        this.signList.splice(i, 1);
                let targetIndex = sign.dataset.target;
                let target = this.clickedEles[targetIndex];
                if (!target) return;
                let signNum = parseInt(target.dataset.signNum || 0) - 1;
                target.dataset.signNum = signNum;
                if (signNum <= 0) {
                    delete this.clickedEles[targetIndex];

            getTarget(ele) {
                let accu = this.accu;
                while (ele && accu) {
                    let parentNode = ele.parentNode;
                    if (!parentNode) break;
                    ele = parentNode;
                while (ele.parentNode && (ele.offsetWidth === 0 || ele.offsetHeight === 0)) {
                    ele = ele.parentNode;
                return ele;

            close() {
                if (!this.mainSignDiv) return;
                if (this.rectSelecting) {
                    if (this.selectRect.parentNode) {
                    this.rectSelecting = false;
                this.callback = null;
                this.domInfo = null;
                this.clickedEles = {};
                if (this.mainSignDiv.parentNode) this.mainSignDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.mainSignDiv);
                searchBar.con.removeEventListener("mouseenter", this.leaveHandler, true);
                getBody(document).removeEventListener("mousemove", this.moveHandler, true);
                getBody(document).removeEventListener("click", this.clickHandler, true);
                getBody(document).removeEventListener("mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler, true);
                getBody(document).removeEventListener("mouseup", this.mouseUpHandler, true);
                getBody(document).removeEventListener(getSupportWheelEventName(), this.wheelHandler, { passive: false, capture: true });
                this.inPicker = false;

            setImportant(ele, prop, value) {
                ele.style.setProperty(prop, value, "important");

            createSignDiv() {
                let signDiv = document.createElement("div");
                this.setImportant(signDiv, "position", "absolute");
                this.setImportant(signDiv, "z-index", "2147483647");
                this.setImportant(signDiv, "background", "rgba(120, 170, 210, 0.6)");
                this.setImportant(signDiv, "transition", "all 0.15s ease-out");
                this.setImportant(signDiv, "box-shadow", "rgb(0 0 0) 0px 0px 3px 0px");
                this.setImportant(signDiv, "cursor", "pointer");
                signDiv.className = "searchJumperSign";
                signDiv.addEventListener("mouseenter", e => {
                    if (this.mainSignDiv.parentNode) this.mainSignDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.mainSignDiv);
                }, true);
                signDiv.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
                }, true);
                return signDiv;

            adjustSignDiv(div, target) {
                this.setImportant(div, "width", target.offsetWidth + "px");
                this.setImportant(div, "height", target.offsetHeight + "px");
                let left = target.offsetLeft;
                let top = target.offsetTop;
                if (target.offsetParent && div.offsetParent && target.offsetParent !== div.offsetParent) {
                    let rect1 = div.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
                    let rect2 = target.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
                    left += rect2.left - rect1.left;
                    top += rect2.top - rect1.top;
                this.setImportant(div, "left", left + "px");
                this.setImportant(div, "top", top + "px");

            geneSelector(ele, id) {
                let selector = ele.nodeName.toLowerCase();
                if (selector !== "html" && selector !== "body") {
                    if (id && ele.id && /^[a-z\-_][\w\-_]+$/i.test(ele.id)) selector = '#' + ele.id;
                    else {
                        if (ele.className) {
                            let classLen = ele.classList.length;
                            selector += [].map.call(ele.classList, d => /^[a-z][\w]+$/i.test(d) || (classLen < 3 && /^[a-z\-_][\w\-_]+$/i.test(d)) ? ('.' + d) : "").join('');
                        let parent = ele.parentElement;
                        if (parent) {
                            selector = this.geneSelector(parent, !!id) + ' > ' + selector;
                            if (id && parent.children.length > 1 && !/^HTML$/i.test(parent.nodeName)) {
                                let i, nth = 0, all = 0;
                                for (i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
                                    if (parent.children[i].nodeName == ele.nodeName) {
                                        if (parent.children[i] == ele) {
                                            nth = all;
                                        if (nth > 0 && all > 1) break;
                                selector += (all == 1 ? "" : `:nth-of-type(${nth})`);
                return selector;

            copy() {
                let self = this;
                let html = "", text = "";
                this.signList.forEach(sign => {
                    text += "\n" + sign[1].innerText;
                    html += sign[1].outerHTML;
                text = text.trim();
                const htmlData = new Blob([html], {type: 'text/html'})
                const textData = new Blob([text], {type: 'text/plain'})
                try {
                    const item = new ClipboardItem({'text/html': htmlData, 'text/plain': textData});
                        () => {
                            _GM_notification('Copied successfully!');
                        (e) => {
                } catch(e) {

            openLinks() {
                if (!window.confirm(i18n('batchOpenConfirm'))) return;
                let links = [];
                this.signList.forEach(sign => {
                    let ele = sign[1];
                    if (ele.href) {
                        if (/^(http|ftp)/i.test(ele.href) && links.indexOf(ele.href) === -1) {
                    } else if (ele.parentNode && ele.parentNode.href) {
                        if (/^(http|ftp)/i.test(ele.parentNode.href) && links.indexOf(ele.parentNode.href) === -1) {
                    } else if (ele.querySelectorAll) {
                        [].forEach.call(ele.querySelectorAll('a[href]'), a => {
                            if (/^(http|ftp)/i.test(a.href) && links.indexOf(a.href) === -1) {
                links.forEach(link => {
                    _GM_openInTab(link, {active: false, insert: true});

            getPickerStr() {
                if (!this.inPicker) return "";
                let resultStr = "";
                this.signList.forEach(sign => {
                    resultStr += "\n" + sign[1].innerText;
                return resultStr.trim();

            expand() {
                let self = this;
                Object.keys(this.clickedEles).forEach(index => {
                    let target = self.clickedEles[index];
                    let sel = self.geneSelector(target);
                    target.dataset.signNum = 0;
                    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll(sel), ele => {
                        let sign = self.createSignDiv();
                        self.appendSign(sign, ele, index);

            collapse() {
                let self = this;
                Object.keys(this.clickedEles).forEach(index => {
                    let target = self.clickedEles[index];
                    target.dataset.signNum = 0;
                    let sign = self.createSignDiv();
                    self.appendSign(sign, target, index);

            clearSigns() {
                this.signList.forEach(sign => {
                    sign = sign[0];
                    if (sign.parentNode) sign.parentNode.removeChild(sign);
                this.signList = [];

            processNode(node, parent) {
                const nodeInfo = {};
                nodeInfo.target = node;
                nodeInfo.children = [];

                if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    const style = window.getComputedStyle(node);
                    if (style.display === 'none' && style.visibility === 'hidden') return null;
                    if (node.innerHTML.trim() === "") return null;
                } else if (node.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE || node.textContent.trim() === "") {
                    return null;

                const childNodes = node.childNodes;
                if (childNodes.length > 0) {
                    nodeInfo.target = node;
                    for (const childNode of childNodes) {
                        if (childNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || childNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                            this.processNode(childNode, nodeInfo);
                } else {
                    if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                        const lines = node.textContent.split("\n");

                        const range = document.createRange();

                        let offset = 0;
                        let parentNode = node.parentNode;
                        let paRect = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
                        for (const line of lines) {
                            if (line.trim() === '') {
                                offset += (line.length + 1);
                            range.setStart(node, offset);
                            offset += line.length;
                            range.setEnd(node, offset);

                            const lineRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
                            let offsetLeft = lineRect.left - paRect.left;
                            let offsetTop = lineRect.top - paRect.top;
                            let offsetWidth = lineRect.width;
                            let offsetHeight = lineRect.height;

                            let textNodeInfo = {
                                target: {innerText: line,
                                         outerHTML: line,
                                         parentNode: parentNode,
                                         offsetLeft: offsetLeft + parentNode.offsetLeft,
                                         offsetTop: offsetTop + parentNode.offsetTop,
                                         offsetWidth: offsetWidth,
                                         offsetHeight: offsetHeight,
                                         getBoundingClientRect: () => {
                                             let paRect = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
                                             return {
                                                 left: paRect.left + offsetLeft,
                                                 top: paRect.top + offsetTop,
                                                 right: paRect.left + offsetLeft + offsetWidth,
                                                 bottom: paRect.top + offsetTop + offsetHeight,
                                                 width: offsetWidth,
                                                 height: offsetHeight,
                    } else if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        nodeInfo.target = node;

                return nodeInfo;

            toggle(rectSel) {
                if (this.inPicker) {
                this.rectSel = !!rectSel;
                if (rectSel) {
                    this.domInfo = this.processNode(getBody(document), {children: []});
                    getBody(document).addEventListener("mousedown", this.mouseDownHandler, true);
                    getBody(document).addEventListener("mouseup", this.mouseUpHandler, true);
                } else {
                    getBody(document).addEventListener(getSupportWheelEventName(), this.wheelHandler, { passive: false, capture: true });
                this.accu = 0;
                this.inPicker = true;

                searchBar.con.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.leaveHandler, true);
                getBody(document).addEventListener("mousemove", this.moveHandler, true);
                getBody(document).addEventListener("click", this.clickHandler, true);
        const picker = new Picker();

        function emuPress(v) {
            if (!targetElement) return;
            let eventParam = v || { key: "Enter", keyCode: 13, bubbles: true };
            let event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', eventParam);
            event = new KeyboardEvent('keyup', eventParam);
            event = new KeyboardEvent('keypress', eventParam);
            debug(targetElement, `press ${v || 'Enter'}`);

        async function waitForElement(sel) {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                let checkInv = setInterval(() => {
                    let result = null;
                    if (!sel) {
                        result = document.readyState === "complete";
                    } else if (sel === "@") {
                        result = targetElement;
                    } else result = getElement(sel);
                    if (result === false) return null;
                    if (result) {
                }, 100);

        async function waitForElementHide(sel) {
            if (!sel) return null;
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                let checkInv = setInterval(() => {
                    let result = getElement(sel);
                    if (!result) {
                }, 100);

        let reachLast = false;
        async function startInput(input, v) {
            if (!input) return true;
            targetElement = input;
            let event = new FocusEvent('focusin', { bubbles: true });
            event = new Event('focus', { bubbles: true });
            const selection = window.getSelection();
            const range = selection.rangeCount ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : new Range();
            await sleep(1);
            input.type !== 'file' && input.click && input.click();
            let lastValue = input.value;
            if (input.type == 'file') {
                let file = v;
                if (file.indexOf('data:') == 0) {
                    file = dataURLtoFile(file);
                } else {
                    let blob = new Blob([file], {
                        type: 'text/plain'
                    file = new File([blob], 'noname.txt', { type: blob.type })
                let dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
                input.files = dataTransfer.files;
                v = "c:/fakepath/fakefile";
            } else if (/INPUT/i.test(input.nodeName)) {
                var nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value").set;
                nativeInputValueSetter.call(input, v);
            } else if (/SELECT/i.test(input.nodeName)) {
                var nativeSelectValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLSelectElement.prototype, "value").set;
                nativeSelectValueSetter.call(input, v);
            } else if (input.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") {
                var nativeTextareaValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, "value").set;
                nativeTextareaValueSetter.call(input, v);
            } else {
                let contentEditableParent = input;
                while (contentEditableParent && contentEditableParent.contentEditable !== 'true') {
                    contentEditableParent = contentEditableParent.parentNode;
                if (contentEditableParent) {
                    contentEditableParent.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', {inputType: "insertText", data: v}));
                    await sleep(1);
                    if (input.innerText !== v) {
                        input.innerHTML = createHTML(v);
                } else {
                    let file = v;
                    if (file.indexOf('data:') == 0) {
                        file = dataURLtoFile(file);
                    } else {
                        let blob = new Blob([file], {
                            type: 'text/plain'
                        file = new File([blob], 'noname.txt', { type: blob.type })
                    var pasteEvent = new ClipboardEvent('paste', {
                        target: document.body,
                        clipboardData: new DataTransfer()
            event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
            let tracker = input._valueTracker;
            if (tracker) {
            event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true });
            debug(input, `input`);

        async function returnElement(sel, eleIndex = -1) {
            reachLast = false;
            let ele;
            if (eleIndex >= 0) {
                if (eleIndex === 0) await waitForElement(sel);
                let eles = getAllElements(sel);
                if (eles.length === 0) {
                    return true;
                if (eles.length === 1) {
                    ele = eles[0];
                    reachLast = true;
                } else if (eles.length <= eleIndex) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    ele = eles[eleIndex];
                    if (eles.length === eleIndex + 1) {
                        reachLast = true;
            } else {
                ele = await waitForElement(sel);
                if (!ele) return true;
            return ele;

        async function emuInput(sel, v, eleIndex = -1) {
            let input = await returnElement(sel, eleIndex);
            if (input === true) return true;
            await startInput(input, v);
            return reachLast;

        async function emuClick(sel, eleIndex = -1) {
            let btn = await returnElement(sel, eleIndex);
            if (btn === true) return true;
            targetElement = btn;
            if(!PointerEvent) return btn.click();
            let eventParam = {
                isTrusted: true,
                altKey: false,
                azimuthAngle: 0,
                bubbles: true,
                button: 0,
                buttons: 0,
                clientX: 1,
                clientY: 1,
                cancelBubble: false,
                cancelable: true,
                composed: true,
                ctrlKey: false,
                defaultPrevented: false,
                detail: 1,
                eventPhase: 2,
                fromElement: null,
                height: 1,
                isPrimary: false,
                metaKey: false,
                pointerId: 1,
                pointerType: "mouse",
                pressure: 0,
                relatedTarget: null,
                returnValue: true,
                shiftKey: false,
                toElement: null,
                twist: 0,
                which: 1
            var mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mouseover",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerover",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerdown",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mouseup",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerup",eventParam);
            let dispatchTouchEvent = (ele, type) => {
                let touchEvent;
                try {
                    touchEvent = document.createEvent('TouchEvent')
                    touchEvent.initTouchEvent(type, true, true)
                } catch (err) {
                    try {
                        touchEvent = document.createEvent('UIEvent')
                        touchEvent.initUIEvent(type, true, true)
                    } catch (err) {
                        touchEvent = document.createEvent('Event')
                        touchEvent.initEvent(type, true, true)
                try {
                    touchEvent.targetTouches = [{
                        pageX: 1,
                        pageY: 1,
                        clientX: 1,
                        clientY: 1,
                        target: btn
                    touchEvent.touches = [{
                        pageX: 1,
                        pageY: 1,
                        clientX: 1,
                        clientY: 1,
                        target: btn
                    touchEvent.changedTouches = [{
                        pageX: 1,
                        pageY: 1,
                        clientX: 1,
                        clientY: 1,
                        target: btn
                } catch (err) {}
            dispatchTouchEvent(btn, "touchstart");
            dispatchTouchEvent(btn, "touchend");
            debug(btn, `click ${sel}`);
            return reachLast;

        async function emuDblClick(sel, eleIndex = -1) {
            let btn = await returnElement(sel, eleIndex);
            if (btn === true) return true;
            targetElement = btn;
            let eventParam = {
                isTrusted: true,
                altKey: false,
                azimuthAngle: 0,
                bubbles: true,
                button: 0,
                buttons: 0,
                clientX: 1,
                clientY: 1,
                cancelBubble: false,
                cancelable: true,
                composed: true,
                ctrlKey: false,
                defaultPrevented: false,
                detail: 2,
                eventPhase: 2,
                fromElement: null,
                height: 1,
                isPrimary: false,
                metaKey: false,
                pointerId: 1,
                pointerType: "mouse",
                pressure: 0,
                relatedTarget: null,
                returnValue: true,
                shiftKey: false,
                toElement: null,
                twist: 0,
                which: 1
            var mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mouseover",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerover",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerdown",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mouseup",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerup",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new MouseEvent("dblclick", {
                view: _unsafeWindow
            debug(btn, `dblclick ${sel}`);
            return reachLast;

        async function emuRClick(sel, eleIndex = -1) {
            let btn = await returnElement(sel, eleIndex);
            if (btn === true) return true;
            targetElement = btn;
            let eventParam = {
                isTrusted: true,
                altKey: false,
                azimuthAngle: 0,
                bubbles: true,
                button: 2,
                buttons: 0,
                clientX: 1,
                clientY: 1,
                cancelBubble: false,
                cancelable: true,
                composed: true,
                ctrlKey: false,
                defaultPrevented: false,
                detail: 0,
                eventPhase: 2,
                fromElement: null,
                height: 1,
                isPrimary: false,
                metaKey: false,
                pointerId: 1,
                pointerType: "mouse",
                pressure: 0,
                relatedTarget: null,
                returnValue: true,
                shiftKey: false,
                toElement: null,
                twist: 0,
                which: 3
            var mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mouseover",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerover",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mousedown",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerdown",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("mouseup",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("pointerup",eventParam);
            mouseEvent = new PointerEvent("contextmenu",eventParam);
            debug(btn, `rclick ${sel}`);
            return reachLast;

        async function triggerPaste(element, value) {
            if (!targetElement) return;
            if (typeof element.value !== "undefined") {
                const startPos = element.selectionStart;
                const endPos = element.selectionEnd;
                let newValue = element.value.substring(0, startPos) + value + element.value.substring(endPos, element.value.length);
                await startInput(element, newValue);
                element.selectionStart = startPos + value.length;
                element.selectionEnd = startPos + value.length;
            } else {
                const selection = window.getSelection();
                const range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
                if (!selection.toString()) {
                    range.selectNode(element.childNodes.length === 1 ? element.firstChild : element);

        function submitByForm(charset, url, target) {
            url = url.replace(/#(j(umpFrom|f)?|from){(.*?)}/, "");
            currentFormParams = {charset: charset, url: url, target: target};
            if (url.indexOf("#submitBySearchJumper") !== -1) {
                currentFormParams = {charset: charset, url: url.replace("#submitBySearchJumper", ""), target: target};
            const formId ="searchJumper_form";
            var form = document.getElementById(formId);
            if (!form) {
                form = document.createElement("form");
                form.id = formId;
                form.style.display = "none";
            var params;
            let postBody = url.match(/[:%]p{(.*?)}/);
            let targetUrl = url;
            if (postBody) {
                targetUrl = url.replace(postBody[0], '');
                postBody = postBody[1];
                form.method = 'post';
                params = new URLSearchParams(postBody);
            } else {
                form.method = 'get';
                params = new URLSearchParams(new URL(targetUrl).search);
            if (charset) {
                form.acceptCharset = charset;
            form.innerHTML = createHTML();
            form.target = target;
            form.action = targetUrl;
            params.forEach((v, k) => {
                let input = document.createElement("input");
                input.name = k;
                input.value = v;
            return form.submit();

        function dataURLtoFile(dataurl) {
            try {
                var arr = dataurl.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
                    bstr = atob(arr[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
                while(n--) {
                    u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
            } catch(e) { debug(e); }
            let ext = mime.split("/");
            ext = ext.length > 1 ? ext[1] : ext[0];
            return new File([u8arr], "image." + ext, {type: mime});

        async function image2Base64(img) {
            if (!img) return null;
            if (img.dataset.src) {
                img.src = img.dataset.src;
            if (!img.src) return null;
            let urlSplit = img.src.split("/");
            if (urlSplit[2] == document.domain) {
                let imgStyle = getComputedStyle(img);
                var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
                var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
                if (img.complete) {
                    canvas.width = img.naturalWidth || img.width || parseInt(imgStyle.width);
                    canvas.height = img.naturalHeight || img.height || parseInt(imgStyle.height);
                    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
                    try {
                        return (canvas.toDataURL("image/png"));
                    } catch (e) {
                        return await imageSrc2Base64(img.src);
                } else {
                    return await new Promise((resolve) => {
                        img.addEventListener("load", async e => {
                            canvas.width = img.naturalWidth || img.width || parseInt(imgStyle.width);
                            canvas.height = img.naturalHeight || img.height || parseInt(imgStyle.height);
                            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
                            try {
                            } catch (e) {
                                resolve(await imageSrc2Base64(img.src));
            } else {
                return await imageSrc2Base64(img.src);

        async function imageSrc2Base64(src) {
            let urlSplit = src.split("/");
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                if (ext) {
                    chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: "getImgBase64", detail: {img: src}}, function(r) {
                } else {
                        method: 'GET',
                        url: src,
                        headers: {
                            origin: urlSplit[0] + "//" + urlSplit[2],
                            referer: src,
                            accept: "*/*"
                        onload: function(d) {
                            try {
                                var blob = d.response;
                                var fr = new FileReader();
                                fr.onload = function (e) {
                            } catch(e) {
                        onerror: function(){
                        ontimeout: function(){

        function icon2Base64(icon) {
            let iconStyle = getComputedStyle(icon);
            let content = getComputedStyle(icon,':before').content.replace(/"/g, '');
            if (!content) return false;
            var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
            canvas.width = icon.clientWidth || parseInt(iconStyle.lineHeight);
            canvas.height = icon.clientHeight || parseInt(iconStyle.lineHeight);
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
            ctx.font = iconStyle.font;
            ctx.strokeStyle = iconStyle.color || "black";
            ctx.fillStyle = iconStyle.color || "black";
            ctx.textBaseline = "top";
            let metrics = ctx.measureText(content);
            ctx.fillText(content, (canvas.width - metrics.width) / 2, (canvas.height - parseInt(iconStyle.fontSize)) / 2);
            return canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

        function cacheFontIcon(icon) {
            let iconName = icon.className.trim().replace('fa fa-', '').replace(/ /g, '_');
            if (cacheIcon[iconName]) return;
            let cache = icon2Base64(icon);
            if (cache == 'data:,' || !cache) return;
            cacheIcon[iconName] = cache;
            storage.setItem("cacheIcon", cacheIcon);

        async function cacheAction(target) {
            if (target.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG') {
                let src = target.src || target.dataset.src;
                if (src) {
                    if (cacheIcon[src]) return;
                    let cache = await image2Base64(target);
                    if (cache == 'data:,' || !cache) cache = 'fail';
                    cacheIcon[src] = cache;
                    storage.setItem("cacheIcon", cacheIcon);
                    debug(src + " cached, left " + cachePool.length + " icons");
            } else {
            await new Promise((resolve) => {
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, 1);

        async function cachePoolAction() {
            while (cachePool.length > 0) {
                await cacheAction(cachePool.shift());

        async function cacheImgManager(noti) {
            if (searchData.prefConfig.cacheSwitch) {
                let needCache = cachePool.length > 0;
                await Promise.all([cachePoolAction(), cachePoolAction(), cachePoolAction(), cachePoolAction(), cachePoolAction()]);
                if (needCache) {
                    if (noti) _GM_notification(i18n("cacheOver"));

        async function cacheFontManager(noti) {
            if (!isAllPage) {
                searchBar.con.style.visibility = "hidden";
                searchBar.con.style.display = "";
                let needCache = cacheFontPool.length > 0;
                while (cacheFontPool.length > 0) {
                    await cacheAction(cacheFontPool.shift());
                if (needCache) {
                    let str = 'All font icons cached!';

        function getSelectStr() {
            let selStr = extSelectionText || picker.getPickerStr() || window.getSelection().toString();
            setTimeout(() => {
                extSelectionText = "";
            }, 1);
            if (!selStr) {
                let tar = getActiveElement(document);
                if (tar && /^(TEXTAREA|INPUT)$/i.test(tar.nodeName)) {
                    let start = tar.selectionStart;
                    let finish = tar.selectionEnd;
                    if (start || finish) selStr = tar.value.substring(start, finish);
            if (selStr) {
                selStr = selStr.trim();
                if (selStr) {
                    return selStr;
            } else {
                if (targetElement && targetElement.className === "searchJumper" && /^MARK$/i.test(targetElement.nodeName)) {
                    return targetElement.dataset.matched || targetElement.innerText;
            return "";

        function keyToReg(key, sign, more) {
            if (!more) {
                if (/\w$/.test(key)) {
                    more = '(\\b|$)';
                } else more = '';
            return new RegExp(key.replace(/([\*\.\?\+\$\^\[\]\(\)\{\}\|\\\/])/g, "\\$1") + more, sign);

        function replaceSingle(str, key, value, after) {
            if (str.indexOf(key + ".replace(/") !== -1) {
                let replaceMatch = str.match(keyToReg(key, "", "\\.replace\\(/(.*?[^\\\\])/([gimsuyx]*),\\s*[\"'](.*?[^\\\\])??[\"']\\)"));
                if (!replaceMatch) return str.replace(keyToReg(key, "g"), (after ? after(value) : value));
                value = value.replace(new RegExp(replaceMatch[1], replaceMatch[2]), replaceMatch[3] || '');
                str = str.replace(replaceMatch[0], key);
                return replaceSingle(str, key, value, after);
            } else {
                return str.replace(keyToReg(key, "g"), (after ? after(value.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$")) : value.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$")));

        function getKeywords() {
            let selStr = getSelectStr();
            if (selStr) {
                return selStr;
            if (!currentSite) return localKeywords || '';
            //if (localKeywords === '' && cacheKeywords) return cacheKeywords;

            let keywordsMatch, keywords = '', isUtf8 = !currentSite.charset || currentSite.charset == 'UTF-8';
            try {
                if (currentSite.keywords) {
                    let rules = currentSite.keywords.split("\n");
                    for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
                        let rule = rules[i];
                        if (!rule || !rule.trim()) continue;
                        let ruleMatch = rules[i].match(/^(.*?)\.replace\(\//);
                        if (ruleMatch) rule = ruleMatch[1];
                        if (isUtf8) {
                            if (/^\w[\w\|]*$/.test(rule)) {
                                let keywordsList = rule.split("|");
                                let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
                                for (let i = 0; i < keywordsList.length; i++) {
                                    keywords = urlParams.get(keywordsList[i]);
                                    if (keywords) break;
                            } else if (/\(.+\)/.test(rule) && rule.indexOf("@") !== 0) {
                                try {
                                    keywordsMatch = href.match(new RegExp(rule));
                                    if (keywordsMatch) {
                                        keywords = keywordsMatch[1];
                                    if (keywords) {
                                        keywords = decodeURIComponent(keywords);
                                } catch (e) {
                                    keywords = '';
                        if (!keywords && getBody(document)) {
                            try {
                                let targetEle = getElement(rule);
                                if (targetEle) {
                                    keywords = targetEle.value || targetEle.innerText;
                            } catch (e) {
                                keywords = '';
                        if (keywords && ruleMatch) {
                            keywords = replaceSingle(rules[i], rule, keywords);
                        if (keywords) break;
                } else if (isUtf8 && wordParamReg.test(currentSite.url) && !/[#:%]p{/.test(currentSite.url)) {
                    if (href.indexOf("?") != -1) {
                        keywordsMatch = currentSite.url.match(new RegExp(`[\\?&]([^&]*?)=${wordParam}.*`));
                        if (keywordsMatch) {
                            keywords = new URLSearchParams(location.search).get(keywordsMatch[1]);
                    if (!keywords) {
                        keywordsMatch = currentSite.url.match(new RegExp(`https?://[^/]*/(.*)${wordParam}`));
                        if (keywordsMatch) {
                            keywordsMatch = href.match(new RegExp((keywordsMatch[1].replace(/\?/g, "\\?") || (location.host.replace(/\./g, "\\.") + "/")) + "(.*?)(\/|$)"));
                            if (keywordsMatch) {
                                keywords = keywordsMatch[1];
                            if (keywords) {
                                try {
                                    keywords = decodeURIComponent(keywords);
                                } catch (e) {
                                    keywords = '';
                if (keywords == '' && getBody(document)) {
                    let firstInput = getBody(document).querySelector('input[type=text]:not([readonly]),input:not([type])');
                    if (firstInput) keywords = firstInput.value;
                if (keywords) localKeywords = keywords;
            } catch(e) {
            return localKeywords || "";//!localKeywords ? cacheKeywords : localKeywords;

        function eventSupported(eventName, elem) {
            elem = elem || document.createElement("div");
            eventName = "on" + eventName;
            var isSupported = (eventName in elem);
            if (!isSupported) {
                if (!elem.setAttribute) {
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                var setAttr;
                if (!elem.hasAttribute(eventName)) {
                    setAttr = true;
                    elem.setAttribute(eventName, "return;");
                isSupported = typeof elem[eventName] == "function";
                if (setAttr) elem.removeAttribute(eventName);
            return isSupported;

        function getSupportWheelEventName() {
            var ret = 'DOMMouseScroll';
            if (eventSupported('wheel')) {
                ret = 'wheel';
            } else if (eventSupported('mousewheel')) {
                ret = 'mousewheel';
            return ret;

        let draging = false;
        let extSelectionText = "";
        function initListener() {
            _GM_registerMenuCommand(i18n('settings'), () => {
                _GM_openInTab(configPage, {active: true, insert: true});
            _GM_registerMenuCommand(i18n('searchInPage'), () => {
            _GM_registerMenuCommand(i18n('search'), () => {
                searchBar.searchAuto(0, {});
            _GM_registerMenuCommand(i18n('addSearchEngine'), () => {
                let openSearch = document.head.querySelector('[rel="search"]');
                if (openSearch) {
                    showSiteAddFromOpenSearch(openSearch.href, (type, e) => {
                        if (type != 'load') {
                            if (e) debug(e.statusText || e.error || e.response || e);
                            let firstInput = getBody(document).querySelector('input[type=text]:not([readonly]),input[type=search]:not([readonly]),input:not([type])') ||
                } else {
                    let firstInput = getBody(document).querySelector('input[type=text]:not([readonly]),input[type=search]:not([readonly]),input:not([type])') ||
            if (ext) {
                chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
                    if (request.selectionText) extSelectionText = request.selectionText;
                    let validCommand = false;
                    switch (request.command) {
                        case "settings":
                            validCommand = true;
                            _GM_openInTab(configPage, {active: true, insert: true});
                        case "searchInPage":
                            validCommand = true;
                        case "filterSearch":
                            validCommand = true;
                        case "search":
                            validCommand = true;
                            if (request.name) {
                                searchBar.searchBySiteName(request.name, request.key || {});
                            } else {
                                searchBar.searchAuto(request.index || 0, request.key || {});
                        case "searchAll":
                            validCommand = true;
                            if (request.name) {
                        case "toggle":
                            validCommand = true;
                        case "streamUpdate":
                            validCommand = true;
                        case "showAll":
                            validCommand = true;
                        case "addSearchEngine":
                                validCommand = true;
                                if (shareEngines) return;
                                let openSearch = document.head.querySelector('[rel="search"]');
                                if (openSearch) {
                                    showSiteAddFromOpenSearch(openSearch.href, (type, e) => {
                                        if (type != 'load') {
                                            if (e) debug(e.statusText || e.error || e.response || e);
                                            let firstInput = getBody(document).querySelector('input[type=text]:not([readonly]),input[type=search]:not([readonly]),input:not([type])') ||
                                } else {
                                    let firstInput = getBody(document).querySelector('input[type=text]:not([readonly]),input[type=search]:not([readonly]),input:not([type])') ||
                    if (validCommand) {
                        sendResponse({ msg: "ok" });
            document.addEventListener('searchJumper', e => {
                switch (e.detail.action) {
                    case "search":
                        if (e.detail.name) {
                            searchBar.searchBySiteName(e.detail.name, e.detail.key || {});
                        } else {
                            searchBar.searchAuto(e.detail.index, e.detail.key || {});
                    case "show":
                        if (!searchData.prefConfig.disableInputOnWords || searchBar.inInput || !getSelectStr()) {
                    case "showAll":
            targetElement = getBody(document);
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                logoSvg.style.cursor = "";
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                storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);

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            logoBtn.oncontextmenu = function (event) {
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                            x = -e.wheelDelta / 40;
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                    deltaX = x;

                } else {
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                    deltaY = e.deltaY;

                searchBar.con.scrollLeft += deltaY;
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                    inputing = 0;
                    return true;
                document.addEventListener('mouseenter', e => {
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                        hoverElement = e.target;
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                function isTargetInput(target) {
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        var shareEngines;
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                        debug(`Start cache ${cachePool.length} icons!`);

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                    if (e.notification || (e.detail && e.detail.notification)) {
                        _GM_notification('Configuration imported successfully!');
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                    _GM_notification('Configuration copied successfully!');
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                        case 0:
                            if (window.confirm(i18n("importOrNot"))) {
                                if (btnsCon.parentNode) {
                                dataChanged(() => {
                                    searchData.sitesConfig = configData;
                                    searchData.lastModified = new Date().getTime();
                                    storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);
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                        case 1:
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                        case 2:
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                                    if (value.words.length === 1) {
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                                            sep = "";
                                            pre = "$o";
                                searchData.prefConfig.inPageRule[key] = pre + value.words.join(sep);
                            storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);

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                            configData = JSON.parse(configTxt);
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                let bindPre = target => {
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        class ImportFilter {
            //static importFilter;
            constructor() {
                this.inited = false;

            /*static getInstance() {
                if (!ImportFilter.importFilter) {
                    ImportFilter.importFilter = new ImportFilter();
                return ImportFilter.importFilter;

            init() {
                if (this.inited) return;
                this.inited = true;
                let self = this;
                this.openList = [];
                this.filterCss = `
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                                    } else {
                                        let typeIndex = self.searchType(otherType.value);
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                                let typeIndex = self.searchType(typeData.type);
                                if (typeIndex === false) {
                                } else {
                                    searchData.sitesConfig[typeIndex].sites = searchData.sitesConfig[typeIndex].sites.concat(typeData.sites);
                        if (canImport) {
                            searchData.lastModified = new Date().getTime();
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            searchType(type) {
                for (let i = 0; i < searchData.sitesConfig.length; i++) {
                    let typeData = searchData.sitesConfig[i];
                    if (typeData.type == type) return i;
                return false;

            searchUrl(url) {
                for (let i = 0; i < searchData.sitesConfig.length; i++) {
                    let sites = searchData.sitesConfig[i].sites;
                    for (let j = 0; j < sites.length; j++) {
                        if (sites[j].url.replace(/^https?/, "") == url.replace(/^https?/, "")) return true;
                return false;

            searchName(name) {
                for (let i = 0; i < searchData.sitesConfig.length; i++) {
                    let sites = searchData.sitesConfig[i].sites;
                    for (let j = 0; j < sites.length; j++) {
                        if (sites[j].name == name) {
                            let newName = name + "_1";
                            return this.searchName(newName);
                return name;

            anylizeType(typeData) {
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                let summary = document.createElement("summary");
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                typeName.innerText = typeData.type;
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                for (let i = 0; i < this.openList.length; i++) {
                    if (this.openList[i] == typeData.type) {
                        details.setAttribute("open", "open");
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                        siteName.innerText = siteData.name;
                        siteData.name = self.searchName(siteData.name);
                        siteCon.title = siteData.url;
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                                    if (!sites[i].checked) {
                                        allchecked = false;
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                        siteCon.addEventListener("click", e => {
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                            if (_type.type != typeData.type) {
                                let option = document.createElement("option");
                                option.value = _type.type;
                                option.innerText = _type.type;
                        self.siteDict[siteData.url] = siteData;
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                    sites.forEach(checkSite => {
                        checkSite.checked = checkType.checked;

            close() {
                this.openList = [];
                [].forEach.call(this.sitesCon.querySelectorAll("details"), details => {
                    if (details.hasAttribute("open")) {
                if (this.filterFrame.parentNode) {

            open(configData) {
                let self = this;
                this.siteDict = {};
                this.typeDict = {};
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                this.sitesCon.innerHTML = createHTML('');
                configData.forEach(type => {
                //storage.setItem("searchData", searchData);
        const importFilter = new ImportFilter();

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            let firstType = searchBar.autoGetFirstType();
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                        result = btn;
                        targetIndex = i + 1;
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            dragSiteCurSpans.forEach((span, i) => {
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            let findIndex = 0;

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                    return false;
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                    let btn = historySiteBtns[i];
                    if (btn.style.display !== 'none') {
                        result = btn;
                        findIndex = i + 1;
                return result;
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                span.parentNode.parentNode.style.opacity = 1;
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                ontimeout: (e) => {
                    callback('error', e);

        function initMycroft() {
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                        isLoading = true;
                        showSiteAddFromOpenSearch(`https://mycroftproject.com/installos.php/${urlMatch[1]}/${urlMatch[2]}.xml`, (type, e) => {
                            isLoading = false;
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                                _GM_notification(e.statusText || e.error);
            let checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
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                        case "engine":
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                        case "self":
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        async function initRun() {
            await searchBar.initRun();

        async function sleep(time) {
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                setTimeout(() => {
                }, time);

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                    resolve(data || '');
            cacheFilter = await new Promise((resolve) => {
                storage.getItem("cacheFilter", data => {
                    resolve(data || '');
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                storage.getItem("disableState", data => {
                    resolve(data || false);
            tipsStorage = await new Promise((resolve) => {
                storage.getItem("tipsStorage", data => {
                    resolve(data || []);
            lastSign = await new Promise((resolve) => {
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                    resolve(data || false);
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                    resolve(data || []);
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                    resolve(data || '');
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                storage.getItem("sortTypeNames", data => {
                    resolve(data || {});
            sortSiteNames = await new Promise((resolve) => {
                storage.getItem("sortSiteNames", data => {
                    resolve(data || {});
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                    resolve(data || '');
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                    resolve(typeof data === "undefined" ? true : data);
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                    resolve(data || "");
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                    resolve(data || "");
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                    resolve(data || "");
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                    resolve(data || false);
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                    resolve(data || "");
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                    storage.getItem("searchData", data => {
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            await initConfig();
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                    globalInPageWords = await storage.getItem("globalInPageWords");
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                    if (searchBar.navMarks.innerHTML) {
                        defaultTitle = document.title;
                        flashTitleIntv = setInterval(() => {
                            document.title = document.title == defaultTitle ? '🚩' : defaultTitle;
                        }, 500);
                }, parseInt(500 + Math.random() * 500));
            init(async () => {
                if (isInConfigPage || searchData.prefConfig.syncBuild) {
                    searchData = await storage.getItem("searchData");
                    if (searchBar && searchData.lastModified && lastModified != searchData.lastModified) {
                        document.dispatchEvent(new Event('dataChanged'));
                let oldGlobalInPageWords = globalInPageWords || '';
                storage.getItem("globalInPageWords", data => {
                    globalInPageWords = (data || '');
                    if (oldGlobalInPageWords != globalInPageWords) {
                        if (searchBar) searchBar.refreshPageWords();
                let oldNavEnable = navEnable || false;
                storage.getItem("navEnable", data => {
                    navEnable = (typeof data === "undefined" ? true : data);
                    if (oldNavEnable != navEnable) {
                        if (searchBar) searchBar.refreshNav();

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