Greasy Fork is available in English.

Classic Green

Do you think the green theme is too bright, or even feel nauseous even when using DeviantArt in green mode?

目前為 2020-05-29 提交的版本,檢視 最新版本

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Classic Green
@version      1.0.2
@description  Do you think the green theme is too bright, or even feel nauseous even when using DeviantArt in green mode?
This 'style might just help ya.

It changes the colors to those of Classic DeviantArt, and has helped ... well, only one person so far. ;P But that's because I'm just now releasing it.

I hope it helps you, too.

(Feel free to use, edit, whatever.)
@author       Daemon-Illusionum (
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
.light-green {
    --L1: #ccd9c8;
    --L1-RGB: 204,217,200;
    --L21: #ccd9c8;
    --L21-RGB: 204,217,200;
    --L23: #ccd9c8;
    --L23-RGB: 204,217,200;
    --L19: #ccd9c8;
    --L19-RGB: 204,217,200;
    --L2: #dae5d6;
    --L2-RGB: 218,229,214;