Greasy Fork is available in English.

Sort MetaFilter Comments

Adds a Sort by Favorites button. Also keeps the anchor tags in the right place, and allows restoring the original sort order.

這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。

  • v18 2024-09-25

    Adding better logging of sorting vs restoring in JS console. Nothing end users will notice.

  • v17 2024-09-04

    Removing button height to fix sizing issue.

  • v16 2022-04-29

    Cleaned up code and comments, and switched back to an event-loop-blocking method of adding comments because waiting for animation frames or setTimeout were both an order of magnitude slower.

  • v15 2020-08-07 Now works even if there is no sidebar, which happens if the mods delete or archive a thread.
  • v14 2020-03-15 Removing @run-at as it's not guaranteed to work, and @locale because Greasemonkey's editor thinks it's erroneous.
  • v13 2020-02-07 Fixing an error in reGetAllDivsAndReSort().
  • v12 2020-02-06 Re-gathering the comment Divs and re-sorting the anchors every time the button is pushed so any changes are respected.
  • v11 2020-02-01 Switching to setTimeout( , 0) which keeps the page responsive but is faster than animation frame or setTimeout with a delay.
  • v10 2020-01-30 Switching from RequestAnimationFrame to recursive SetTimeout so the script runs a bit faster and doesn't stop if you navigate away from the tab.
  • v9 2020-01-30 Do fewer DOM manipulations per frame to maintain responsiveness, and set a static heights for the wrapper span during DOM work to prevent flickering.
  • v8 2020-01-29 Adding 5 divs per animation frame instead of 10 to reduce flickering on mobile devices.
  • v7 2020-01-29 Switching from "do all the DOM manipulations at once" to "add the Divs 10 at a time, then wait for the next animation frame" to keep the page responsive.
  • v6 2020-01-29 Replacing waitOneFrame() with waitUntilButtonDisabled(), which checks the button each AnimationFrame and only runs the sort once the button has been animated.
  • v5 2020-01-28 Adding requestAnimationFrame() to ensure the button says "Working..." before the sort operation starts and blocks painting.
  • v4 2020-01-28 Removed setTimeout(), which didn't keep the page responsive but added a 20% performance hit. It also tended to trigger script warnings on Android.
  • v3 2020-01-28 Added code to disable the button when clicked, and some comments and cleanup.
  • v2 2020-01-26 Speeding up the delete phase of each sort by wrapping the area to be modified in a span. String manipulation slightly slows down initial setup after page load.
  • v1 2020-01-17