Greasy Fork is available in English.

BootCampSpot v2 Improvements

Streamlined login experience, autosaving of comments, and better attendance colors.

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About This Script

I wrote this because, as a TA, some things about BCSv2 are very frustrating. This script currently solves two problems of different importance.

LocalStorage-based Comment Preservation

The most important issue has to do with BCS automatically logging out users without regard for the beautifully-crafted homework feedback that they were about to submit. This userscript saves comments in localStorage (i.e. your browser) on every keystroke to minimize the amount of damage BCS can do. You'll still get kicked out of BCS, but after you login you'll see a big "Load comment from localStorage" button inside the text field.

Before and after BCS rudely logs you out

Note that only one comment is saved at a time, and it is not attached to any particular student or homework.

Note that this userscript never clears a saved comment unless you manually select everything and delete the text. As a side-effect, you may have the option to "reload" a comment on Student B's homework that you've written and submitted on Student A's homework. Whether this is a feature or a bug is up to you.

Better attendance colors

The attendance section tries to be helpful with colored dots for easy identification of student attendance status. But the colored dots are very small, and they're a bit harder to scan than if they were aligned vertically. This userscript helps by repositioning and resizing the dots:

Better attendance colors

Streamlined Login Experience

The lesser peeve is how the login page requires you to click a button before entering your credentials. I know my mouse works, let me log in already! This userscript clicks it for you. Additionally, if your browser has saved your login credentials, it makes the Login button huge, because hitting a large target is much easier than hitting a tiny target. On Firefox the script may even log you in immediately! I know for a fact that Chrome prevents this behavior for security reasons.

About The Author

I write scripts to make sites better (for me). My Github account. I posted this script as a Gist if you don't like Greasyfork.


Do whatever you want with this code. Give me credit if you feel like it.