Reload on YouTube Error JS - Reload the page if a YouTube adblock error occurs
A Universal Dark Theme JS - Universal Dark Mode to fix flashbang sites like fitgirl repacks or wikipedia
Anti Right-Click Hijaak JS - Prevent websites from changing or preventing your right click menu
Extra Video Control JS - Manipulate and center video elements on web pages. (Zoom, Invert, save per site, Move, Volume boost, Reset changes)
Youtube redirect JS - Redirects to subscriptions on show more button click, since not all browsers have the "subscritpions" button
Ad skipper yt JS - Play Youtube ads at 5x speed, and skip after 6 seconds undetected.
Show current URL JS - Show the current URL in an alert
Keycode Alert JS - Shows Keycode of Any key clicked
Cookie/Localstorage Manager JS - Import or export localstorage and cookies of any site
kahootgpt JS - This works by you opening a tab of chatgpt.com in the background (works best if those are the only 2 in the window) and whenever you have an all text question, simply click ctrl+tab to switch to it, then wait about 1.25 seconds for the ai to answer, then tab again (assuming you didnt let go of ctrl) to switch back to kahoot (or just click the tab), click anywhere in the window before using again.