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更佳 YouTube 剧场模式

改进 YouTube 剧场模式,参考 的设计,增强视频与聊天室布局,同时保持性能与兼容性。并修复近期 YouTube 更新中损坏的全屏界面。

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v1.8.1 2025-02-10

    Updated the outdated tampermonkey notification to only show once per updated insteasd of every load.
    Switch style management from GMAPI to custom Javascript as GM style management seems to be very inconsistent across different script handlers.

  • v1.8 2025-02-09

    Added localized menu items for certain major supported languages.
    Updated menu to be static for current and older Tampermonkey versions as it seems Tampermonkey only added dynamic menu items in verion 5.4.6224. Version 5.4.6224 is still in beta as of this update.

  • v1.7.2 2025-02-03

    Fix extra border in chat frame when chat is in replay mode.

  • v1.7.1 2025-01-31

    Fix settings not loading correctly if running in simple mode.

  • v1.7 2025-01-31

    Added a simple mode for those who are too busy to study the provided options and just want to use a recommended preset.

  • v1.6.2 2025-01-21

    Fixed a visual issue. The hidden "Skip Navigation" button could be sometimes be revealed when moving the masthead in cases where the vertical resolution of the screen is larger than 1000px due to how the YouTube is coded.

  • v1.6.1 2025-01-20

    Fix the headmast being able to be scrolled away when it shouldn't.

  • v1.6 2025-01-19

    Added the ability for users to move the YouTube headmast below the video player.
    Removed the temporary fullscreen fixes as youtube seems to have undid their mistake.
    Various minor bug fixes.

  • v1.5.9 2025-01-14

    Fix chat renderer styles being incorrectly applied to the chat iframe instead of the main document body.

  • v1.5.8 2025-01-14

    Minor refactor.

  • v1.5.7 2025-01-12

    Fix bug.

  • v1.5.6 2025-01-12

    [minor] Slightly refactor and improve code consistency.

  • v1.5.5 2025-01-12

    Make video player fixes always apply. YouTube seems to still have rounding issues when trying to hide their video player during the end screen during certain zoom levels (on certain browsers only?), the script now shifts the video container up by 1 pixel to hide the rounding error without being noticable during regular video playback.

  • v1.5.4 2025-01-11

    Changed the script to hide the chat in fullscreen mode until YouTube fixes their fullscreen issue. This mimics the old default behaviour of YouTube and is much easier than having to override YouTube's srubbing UI.

  • v1.5.3 2025-01-10
  • v1.5.3 2025-01-10
  • v1.5.3 2025-01-10

    [ACTUALLY] Fixed the script conflicting with the new YouTube UI and disabling the theater mode toggle button.
    Fixed the static style fixes being removed by the script.
    Fixed YouTube's new terrible fullscreen chat that would occasionally block the video element under certain zoom levels.
    Fixed some minor bugs and styling inconsistencies.

  • v1.5.2 2025-01-10

    Fixed a conflict between YouTube's new UI logic and how the script updates the video element.

  • v1.5.1 2025-01-09

    Fix script not correctly detecting if a video is a livestream/VOD or a normal video.

  • v1.5 2025-01-09

    Made the video player modifications and the chat modifications individually togglable.

  • v1.4.1 2025-01-08

    Minor bug fix.

  • v1.4 2025-01-08

    Added a menu to allow users to disable the script fully or partially without reloading. Fixed a bug that caused the video element to resize when the adjacent UI elements have moved.

  • v1.3.5 2025-01-07

    Moved video element up by 1 pixel to hide the occasional row of pixels caused by rounding issues during style calculations for end screens.

  • v1.3.4 2025-01-07

    Fixed an issue where going to the previous page would not trigger headmast width calculations if the previous page is the YouTube homepage.

  • v1.3.3 2025-01-06

    Fixed event listeners. It seems that the player-api-ready event does not fire if there is no chat box.

  • v1.3.2 2025-01-06

    Fixed a bug that caused the masthead width to not calculate when returning to the YouTube homepage.

  • v1.3.1 2025-01-04

    Fixed an issue that caused the chat renderer width to be calculated incorrectly if the element is read too early while and only while using the "Open panel" button to uncollapse the chat box.

  • v1.3 2025-01-02

    Script now makes the chat renderer extend fully to the top of the screen.
    Script now scales the width of the youtube masthead dynamically to avoid covering the larger chat renderer.
    Script now removes redundant borders from chat elements. YouTube stacks 2 extra borders on top of the pre-existing border created by the browser. This is particularly noticable when viewing in theater mode so that had to be fixed.

    Note: v1.1 and v1.2 were never released

  • v1.0 2025-01-01