Greasy Fork is available in English.


A lot of enhancements for new design of like unwrapped feed buttons, bigger fonts, view images without redirect and many more...

< 脚本Reddit++的反馈

评价:一般 - 脚本能用,但还有一些问题


Great when it's working and a huge improvement to Reddit's default new layout, but the wide view is currently broken and forces the feed to be aligned to the left instead of filling out the center column


It's not expected behaviour. Can you attach a screenshot?


It's not expected behaviour. Can you attach a screenshot?

Working as intended in Firefox, in Chrome it does this. Haven't tested with other Chromium based browsers yet.
This is with no other extensions or scripts enabled. Changing the width doesn't fix it either.
It happens on most pages - the home feed, individual subreddit and post pages, user pages, etc. The one page it still seems to work properly is on your saved posts page.


Hi, I've also experienced this problem in recent days on Firefox, the image posted by DreamyPixels is exactly what I see with wide mode enabled too, it's all shoved over to the left side.


Is that native reddit button? I haven't the button so seems you became part of A/B testing of the new reddit's feature. Unfortunately, I can't fix it in general without access to DOM of new page. As temporary fix I added "content offset" option that should help at the moment. When (and if) reddit roll out the feature for all users I fix it in general.


It looks to be a new Reddit feature, yes. Perhaps that is messing with the Reddit++ script. It's fine, we will wait until it rolls out fully.


The offset feature doesn't really make a difference because at that point it looks the same as it does with the wide mode toggled off, albeit more finicky to align and slightly narrower than it is by default. I'll just wait until you're able to fix it properly and push an update.

It's my favorite feature of this script so hopefully it doesn't take too long.

