Mouseover Popup Image Viewer

Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.

< 脚本Mouseover Popup Image Viewer的反馈



Cannot access settings

When I click 'MPIV: configure', nothing happens. The configure button for other scripts works and brings up the options pop up.


Firefox 56 doesn't support modern features used by the script, in particular ShadowDOM was added only in FF 63. I've added a note about that in the description.


Userscript managers like Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey allow to edit the internal script storage. Open the script in the manager's dashboard, then switch to the storage/values editor.


Thank you for the quick response. After trying it on another (configurable) browser, the script nearly fits my needs by being able to automatically zoom to fit to screen on mouseover, but the one question I have is is there a way to automatically close the zoom fit to screen pop up when no longer hovering over the original image? I have tried various settings (stay if still hovering) but I can't seem to get it to do this. I know I can click off the image or hover to the tab bar to close, but not by only hovering off the original image. Thanks.


I guess there's no such option (and never was in the original MPIV as far as I know) because the popup doesn't close when it's zoomed intentionally to allow for panning the image. The closest thing is When fully zoomed out -> close popup.

P.S. you can also click the enlarged image to dismiss it.

