Greasy Fork is available in English.
Tired of Youtube pausing playback asking you to click 'yes' to continue playing? This script will make the popup never appear, music will never stop. Never pause, never inactive, never worry. The script will keep you active and keep playing music FOREVER. Enables playing in background on mobile.
THANK YOU!! and Security audit ?
First of all, thank you so much to the Developers for making this! Absolutely love it. <3 <3 :)
Right now it is the ONLY user script I run. I did a quick diagonal skim through the code... but just wondering
1] if any other user(s) have done a proper security audit of this script?
2] I imagine the only way to really do proper security audit is to read and try to understand all the cod ... But can anyone recommend a tool (that works like anti-malware) or a more generic process that I can use to do a general security audit of this script (and userscripts I wish to install in general) ?