At least one reason - the use of 'await' - does this help? ::
At least one reason - the use of 'await' - does this help? ::
Well, another problem: NaN. Updated code.
// ==UserScript== // @name Unnamed Script 692044 // @version 1 // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @include * // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; (function() { const ListOfURLs = ` ` window.addEventListener('load', LoadURLAfterTimer) function LoadURLAfterTimer() { console.log("test") setTimeout(LoadAnotherPage, 5000) } function LoadAnotherPage() { let URL_index = GM.getValue("URLIndex", -1).then(); URL_index++ GM.setValue("URLIndex", URL_index).then(); location.href = ListOfURLs.match(/http(s)?\:\/\/(?!data:)[^\s\"\']+/g)[URL_index] //Code stops executing after this executes. } })();
for some reason, URL_index is supposed to be set to -1 by default if there is no value for it:
This code, for some reason causes firefox to not even reconize this script (does not execute it, nor will it show up on debugger sources), can anyone tell me why?
I'm trying to write a code that causes the browser to go from one URL to another URL after a delay, without opening any additional tabs.