Notion 移除所有滚动条 JS - Notion 移除表格、列表等滚动条;Removes the scroll bar for all elements on Notion
Notion The content of the floating table JS - Make Notion's The content of the floating table
Baidu EasyLearn Script JS - Clicks on elements after the page is fully loaded on Baidu EasyLearn.
清览题库|清览测验禁用复制和全屏(QINGLINE) JS - 为清览题库的清览测验提供复制题目和自动退出全屏功能
拼题A pintia 强制解除粘贴限制(PTA) JS - 用来解除PTA禁止复制粘贴的功能(拼题A、pintia、PTA、程序设计类实验辅助教学平台、PROGRAMMING TEACHING ASSISTANT)