Latexlive公式编辑器输出增强:转 Markdown 格式,适用于 Logseq 等 JS - 为中文文本中的公式添加 $$ 符号,以适应 Markdown 或 Latex 格式的需求。并修复常见的图片识别结果中的错误 Author Another-Ghost Daily installs 0 Total installs 36 Ratings 0 0 0 Created 2024-03-30 Updated 2024-04-09
ToLogseq Format Converter for ChatGPT JS - Convert markdown text to Logseq formatted Markdown text, which is available for ChatGPT and other similar tools using md format. Author Another-Ghost Daily installs 0 Total installs 39 Ratings 0 0 0 Created 2024-04-08 Updated 2024-06-02